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S11.E23: Live Top 8 Performances

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I enjoyed Sundance's solo performance. He really can sing. I thought that he was the only singer who was vocally on point throughout his performance and really felt the song. I also loved Ali and Brendan's duet.  Sexy and dynamic.  The singers obviously enjoyed working together and their voices sounded great in harmony.  Everyone else, bleh.  Flat, or  pitchy, or off-key.  None more so than the much-hyped Billy  who just sang.  Badly, in my opinion.  My prediction:  Winner Sundance, Brendan second, Ali third.  I think that Sundance actually has a chance of scoring on country radio.

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All the performances before Josh were crap or problematic.  I was seriously thinking of turning off my TV during Aaron's performance and just giving up for the night.  Fortunately, things picked up after that.  

Josh was good.  My favorite performance of his in the lives.  

Brendan and Ali's duet was great.  So much better than their solo performances earlier.  

Sundance and Billy were really good technically and probably the best of the night.  But their songs are not really to my taste. 

Not sure who I'm voting for tonight.  Maybe these five that I just mentioned.  I have no favorites this season.  


I was so annoyed about Angel that I forgot my larger point. So much CanCon. Bryan Adams, Sarah MacLachln, Celine Dion, Alessia Cara. It was like the CRTC got at this show. It made me smile as long as I ignored how bad a few of those covers were. 

Evil Canadian sabotage!  If Canada wanted sabotage, why didn't they sabotage our election?

  • Love 4

Adam was in full sales mode tonight. He did well by 2 of his contestants. I think the production carried Billy through. He was hit or miss on the notes but with the arrangement and the choir he didn't have to do much. The Bruce Springstein wannabe wasn't so lucky. Adam's country guy had a good night but I still have no idea who he is and I constantly forget he's there.

Why is Aaron still here. WHY?!

My hopeful top four would be Sundance, We, Ali, and Billy. I think Adam might sneak in another guy though.

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26 minutes ago, Dots And Stripes said:


Why is Aaron still here. WHY?!

My hopeful top four would be Sundance, We, Ali, and Billy. I think Adam might sneak in another guy though.

Why..the question of the past few weeks. He should be gone tomorrow..Sorry Miley, his time is up, I'm surprised he's lasted this long. Actually, it was a good song choice for him, probably the only one I liked, but still..wasn't all that great. And I agree with the above four, those would be mine guesses too.
Oh and I didn't like having that black backdrop for Billy. It blended too much with his black clothes, so it felt drab.

Edited by Valny

So far on iTunes, Sundance (No. 3), Billy (5), and Christian (10) are top 10. Josh is 14, Brendan 18, We 20, and Ali 21. Aaron is 55 (below Sundance's song from last week).

I have not been paying attention to the rules for tomorrow. I assume some will make it through and some will have to do the Twitter save. It's not looking like we'll get two women in the finals, which is a shame. I've been saying it for weeks but so many of the guys this season are mediocre and blend together.

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Just once I would like to see Josh perform without the black cap.  If he insists on a cap maybe change it up.  But it is annoying me.

Billy really got the pimp spots tonight.  We and Aaron sang twice before Billy sang at all.  Was the show worried Billy wasn't going to get the votes if he wasn't showcased tonight?  I still think Billy sings without any emotion.  He is like robot singer.

Sundance will definitely make the final 4.  The other 3 spots are up for grabs.

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1 hour ago, Dots And Stripes said:

I have not been paying attention to the rules for tomorrow. I assume some will make it through and some will have to do the Twitter save. It's not looking like we'll get two women in the finals, which is a shame. I've been saying it for weeks but so many of the guys this season are mediocre and blend together.

The rules for tomorrow night are as follows.  The top three vote-getters will be called safe and in the finale.  Then, the top three vote-getters of the bottom five will be called to sing for the Twitter save.  The bottom two singers of that group are instantly eliminated.  One of which will definitely be Aaron.  I'm betting on Josh or, on an off chance, Ali for the other.

15 hours ago, jjjmoss said:

So Blake should yet again keep up his record of having 50% of the series's T2 contestants. 

Season five came down to Adam and Christina.  It was the first time Blake didn't have someone in the top two.  In fact, he didn't even have an artist at all in that finale.

Edited by Michel
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Okay.  The performances:

Christian: I really don't have much to say here.  Once again, he was gorgeous.  His vocals were so strong, and I could really feel the emotion.  And I don't like much gospel music at all.  I was so entranced by him, I didn't even catch the passage he sang in Spanish!  That's how mesmerized I was!  Very good work.  I hope he either gets through or wins the Twitter save.

Aaron & Wé: As the two most distinct voices, it seemed like a wise choice to pair them up.  And actually, they sounded pretty good together!  Each provided a good counterpoint to the other, which was much appreciated.  Also, I hope Aaron's imitation of Wé confirms that, yes, that is her speaking voice.  I mean, if one of the other artists is pretty much confirming it . . .

Ali: Fantastic!  Wow!  That was just a stunning performance, and probably her best of the season!  She sang like she really wants to make that finale!  And having heard both versions of the song, I heard Whitney elements, and I heard the Dolly ones.  And of course, several of her own!  I hope Dolly enjoyed it, and I think Whitney would be proud if she could've heard it.  I think she's outclassed, voice-wise, by most of the others.  But given how crazy the audience was going, it'll be criminal if she doesn't at least get to sing for the Twitter save tomorrow!  Now, that said, I'm confused as to who really did the song first.  I'd heard that Whitney had done it first.  But tonight, Miley said Dolly did it first.  So which is it?

Brendan: Damn it, Adam!  Stop spouting bullshit about this guy!  Nothing about that performance was overly impressive.  About the only part I liked was the first minute.  After that, it went to shit for me.  I really hope he doesn't get to the finale.

Josh & Sundance: Of course it would be a natural fit to put the only two country guys together to sing a country blues song.  Country doesn't overly interest me, but I paid attention to this one.  Sundance indisputably spanked Josh in this performance, even though I actually did think that Josh was good, too.  If this had been a Battle round, Sundace would've moved on.  As it wasn't, he was just one I noticed more.

Wé: Funny.  I never heard anything "operatic" at all in her performance.  I heard some nice vocal mordants, but nothing operatic.  Her voice was, per usual, exceptionally strong.  And I, for one, didn't think she went over the top at all.  I think she was just the right mix of power and control, and I hope she gets the vote to get through.

Aaron: Color me shocked that he didn't use his guitar this week!  This was good, not great.  Definitely a good song choice for his voice.  But . . . I heard his voice shake quite a few times, which wasn't good.  I definitely think his time is up tomorrow, which is a shame.

Billy & Christian: I'll say this for Billy.  I still think he's a good voice and nothing else.  But he had great stage chemistry with Christian.  Their voices did seem to go well together, but I have to say that Christian was on pitch the entire time.  But Billy?  I heard him go off-pitch multiple times.

Josh: Adam?  Please stop trying to win with a country singer!  This may have been Josh's best performance thus far, but given the quality of all of his others up to now, that doesn't say much.  Kind of a low bar, in other words.  His position on iTunes might have him safe tomorrow, or at least singing for the Twitter save, but I really hope someone else stuck in the Twitter save can beat him if he does get there.

Ali & Brendan: I've gotta agree with the consensus that this was awesome!  That was the most engaged I'd ever seen Brendan, and I think that's in part due to the energy he drew from Ali!  Their voices went together so well, and it was shocking that Ali actually did well on a rock song the way she did!  Best duet of the night, most definitely.

Sundance: Again, I don't get into country music much.  But man, oh, man, if Sundance doesn't get through tomorrow, I will call some serious bullshit.  That.  Was.  EXCELLENT.  Then again, Sundance almost always is.  He had great strength, his vocals were smooth and solid, and he hit the higher parts with the greatest of ease. 

Billy: I don't get Adam's tongue baths for Billy.  Yes, that sounded like a challenging song, but it's not like he's the only one left who could sing it.  I could see Ali, Christian, Wé, and even Sundance doing well on it, too.  That said, he has all the fangirls drooling over him, so he'll make the vote.  I just hope he doesn't win.  At this point, I only see Sundance and possibly Christian felling him in the end.  Wanted to add Wé to that, but her iTunes numbers have me worried about her even making it to the finale all of a sudden.

Everyone really did go for broke, though.  I'll be interested in seeing what goes down tomorrow.  Aaron is gone, for sure.  But who's instantly going with him?  I still think Josh, but based on iTunes numbers, it could be Ali, which would suck for Miley to lose the entire rest of her team like that.  I think Sundance and Billy are going through on votes, for sure, and will probably be the top two of the season.  I just hope it's Christian or Wé who takes the third spot to guarantee Alicia a spot in the finale, too, because I don't think either could beat Brendan and his fangirl vote in the Twitter save, or Ali and Miley's army of Twitter voters.

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1 hour ago, Michel said:

Now, that said, I'm confused as to who really did the song first.  I'd heard that Whitney had done it first.  But tonight, Miley said Dolly did it first.  So which is it?

Dolly, in 1974.  She wrote it as well.  Whitney didn't cover it until 18 years later.

Edited by apollonia666
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Dolly  Parton wrote I Will Always Love You back when she was on Porter Wagner's show, before she was even a huge solo artist. She wrote and recorded and sang it for him, Porter Wagner, as a good bye and thank you, as she was leaving his show to pursue her career. Apparently when Kevin Costner picked it to use in The Bodyguard (for Whitney to sing) he mentioned to Dolly that she (Whitney) was going to cover the , I believe, Linda Ronstadt version. Dolly told him to listen to the original recording (hers) which contained verses that the covers didn't, that's the version Whitney ended up covering. So it's Dolly's song that Whitney had an iconic cover with, and many  people don't even realize it's one of the most iconic country songs of all time as well.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, susannot said:

Angel was awful but I think that is Brendan's coach's fault more than Brendan's.

I love blaming Adam for things but I don't see how Brendan forgetting the words and covering badly is anyone fault but Brendan's. halfway through the first verse, he lost the words, slurred sounds and then picked up the lyrics of the second verse and sang those to cover, including the flourish on the word "madness" which undercut it when he did it again in the right place. I know that these things do happen but for someone who talked about a personal connection to the song it was not good. 

I do blame Adam for acting like it was the best performance ever considering the mess Brendan made of it. I get when you're a coach you don't want to give voters a reason not to vote for your contestant but ignoring huge flaws in the performance totally cuts Adam's credibility (assuming you thought he had some before) and really makes it seem like he thinks the audience is dumb enough to miss huge errors in a performance. It's the worst thing about this show. I'm not saying be "Simon Cowell" mean, but there's nothing wrong with talking about errors and problems with the performance. If we were to believe these judges, everyone is the best thing ever, no one should ever go home and performances don't actually matter.

The song choices this week were generally abysmal... very pandering and not well suited to the majority of the singers. While I appreciated Christian's voice, his song choice felt too much like church to me and not enough like something that could play on the radio. Brendan's cover of Angel was truly horrific. That song has been played out to the death and needs to be put to rest. Billy is so bland. I don't remember what Aaron sang but it was not suited to that gravelly tone. The coaches chose songs with zero edge or interest and it really showed. Compare the solo songs to Ali and Brendan's super fun and skillful duet. That was awesome! I also loved how they seemed to be crushing on each other hard in their duet intro package. 

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11 hours ago, vibeology said:

What the hell was Brendan singing during the first verse of Angel? That was a hot, slurry mess and of course the coaches say nothing. I like him but what is even the point of having comments after the performances if the performance doesn't matter?

This. Brendan is my favorite this year, but that? That was not great. At first I thought maybe he and Adam had taken creative liberties, and changes up the lyrics, but no. Brendan just buggered it up. Bad. That was just not a great song choice for him. Yes, he was amazing with "True Colors" last week, but I wish they would've gone the other way tonight, and done something more upbeat and rock-ish, and maybe a bit more recognizable. Maybe something like "Summer of '69" or "Hurts So Good". Seems like Adam wanted so badly to replicate the success of last week with a very similar song, but it did not work.

That being said, I think Brendan and Ali definitely had the duet of the night. They both sounded amazing, and it was a fun performance.

8 hours ago, LakeGal said:

Billy really got the pimp spots tonight.  We and Aaron sang twice before Billy sang at all.  Was the show worried Billy wasn't going to get the votes if he wasn't showcased tonight?  I still think Billy sings without any emotion.  He is like robot singer.

Sundance will definitely make the final 4.  The other 3 spots are up for grabs.

Both of his songs were in the last half of the show. I actually yelled "of course Billy gets the pimp spot!" at my TV screen. Like he needed it. I toally agree that he sings with no emotion. Technically, he is an incredible singer, but watching him leaves me cold. However, I think he's a lock for the final 4 alongside Sundance. No idea about the last 2 spots...

1 hour ago, nextian said:

Dolly  Parton wrote I Will Always Love You back when she was on Porter Wagner's show, before she was even a huge solo artist. She wrote and recorded and sang it for him, Porter Wagner, as a good bye and thank you, as she was leaving his show to pursue her career. Apparently when Kevin Costner picked it to use in The Bodyguard (for Whitney to sing) he mentioned to Dolly that she (Whitney) was going to cover the , I believe, Linda Ronstadt version. Dolly told him to listen to the original recording (hers) which contained verses that the covers didn't, that's the version Whitney ended up covering. So it's Dolly's song that Whitney had an iconic cover with, and many  people don't even realize it's one of the most iconic country songs of all time as well.

Fun fact I learned while doing the RCA Studio B tour in Nashville this year: Elvis Presley wanted to cover this song, but he wanted Dolly to sign over half of the publishing rights. She refused, then Whitney recorded it later, and the rest is history (and why Dolly has made millions on the song). Confirmed here...

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I do not see the Josh appeal at all. How is he #4 on Itunes? 

Also, Brendan was awful. Yet people are downloading his song.

I need Aaron, Josh, and Brendan to leave. 

Billy, We, Sundance, and Christian are my guess. I'd prefer Ali over Billy or We. 

Then again, based only on Itunes, Adam could have two in the final 4.

Edited by Court
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I can't believe how much I ff'ed this episode.  Like someone who commented above, maybe I need a break from this show. 

All Billy Gilman did is want me to look up Celine's version of the song - I liked it but have never really explored Celine's music so have never heard it before. 

I am not a country fan at all, but throughout the years of The Voice, every time Blake sings to demonstrate something to his contestant, and even in group sings with his team, I think "Yeah.  That's how it's supposed to sound."  There always seems to be such a difference between the singers that we're told are the most amazing evah and could be on the radio and doing tours RIGHT NOW! and a true professional. And for some reason I notice it with Blake more than any of the others.

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No comment on the performances, but it looks like for the second year in a row, a contestant who has had previous success could end up winning The Voice, which would be a shame. I may not have been a fan of Jordan Smith or Sawyer Fredericks, but I had no idea who they were before The Voice. Burnett and Co. may have to find contestants who weren't Grammy nominated singers or washed up child stars. 

Perhaps they should call the show The Rejuvenation instead of The Voice?

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4 minutes ago, Nedsdag said:

No comment on the performances, but it looks like for the second year in a row, a contestant who has had previous success could end up winning The Voice, which would be a shame. I may not have been a fan of Jordan Smith or Sawyer Fredericks, but I had no idea who they were before The Voice. Burnett and Co. may have to find contestants who weren't Grammy nominated singers or washed up child stars. 

Perhaps they should call the show The Rejuvenation instead of The Voice?

Who has had previous success?  I have not been paying close attention.  Grammy nominated on this season?

12 hours ago, LakeGal said:

Billy really got the pimp spots tonight.  We and Aaron sang twice before Billy sang at all.  Was the show worried Billy wasn't going to get the votes if he wasn't showcased tonight?  I still think Billy sings without any emotion.  He is like robot singer.

I think because We and Aaron both sucked.  I find that the performance order on this show usually corresponds well with quality.  And to me, Billy also had the better performances of the night.  

4 hours ago, petalfrog said:

The song choices this week were generally abysmal... very pandering and not well suited to the majority of the singers. While I appreciated Christian's voice, his song choice felt too much like church to me and not enough like something that could play on the radio. Brendan's cover of Angel was truly horrific. That song has been played out to the death and needs to be put to rest. Billy is so bland. I don't remember what Aaron sang but it was not suited to that gravelly tone. The coaches chose songs with zero edge or interest and it really showed. Compare the solo songs to Ali and Brendan's super fun and skillful duet. That was awesome! I also loved how they seemed to be crushing on each other hard in their duet intro package. 

Agreed on much of this.  The song choices early on in the episode were atrocious.  And most were poorly executed.  I think Ali might have delivered a vocally strong performance but with such a well-known song, I just couldn't help but compare to Whitney Houston's version.  Ali just didn't measure up.  In fact, the only enjoyable Whitney Houston cover that I remember from the show is Tessanne Chin's finale performance in season 5.  

For Brendan, I could understand Adam's strategy there since it worked out so well last week.  Unfortunately it didn't work this week.  Actually I'm bummed about the lost potential for both Brendan and Ali based on their duet.  It was so entertaining that I wish these two were given similar songs for their solo performances.  

I hated Christian's performance and that is mainly based on song choice.  I haven't minded religious songs in the past on this show but his song was exactly the type I can't stand.  

Boo!! if Josh makes it to the finals.  He's o.k. but not outstanding.  The Swon Brothers did the song better.

I did like Brendan last week but his solo was a mess tonight.  So I also don't get why he's getting so many sales. 

Also, that would be a bummer if Miley lost both Ali and Aaron instantly.  I knew Aaron would be in the bottom but I think Ali was great.  Last night, she showed that she can do lots of different styles.  She also has the best pitch especially on high notes.  Even Billy and We are sometimes off.

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I was impressed the most by Ali.  I have a feeling she may not be safe tonight.  It's a real shame to have that kind of voice, plus, stage presence and not be in the finals.  Especially if some others who don't have nearly her range stay.  It's rather insulting.

I haven't really had a favorite this season, but, I think I picked Ali last night.  She carried off I Will Always Love You  with perfection.  That is very difficult to do.  I think the next best vocals was Billy.  I think they both should be in the finale.  

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10 hours ago, Michel said:

Billy: I don't get Adam's tongue baths for Billy.  Yes, that sounded like a challenging song, but it's not like he's the only one left who could sing it.  I could see Ali, Christian, Wé, and even Sundance doing well on it, too.  That said, he has all the fangirls drooling over him, so he'll make the vote.  I just hope he doesn't win.  At this point, I only see Sundance and possibly Christian felling him in the end.  Wanted to add Wé to that, but her iTunes numbers have me worried about her even making it to the finale all of a sudden.

Does he?? lol I personally thought he and Christian were portraying lovers in their duet. Also, as a Billy fan, I'll say I don't find him attractive at all (and I'm a gay man), so....

I personally didn't like any of the performances last night. Christian's song choice left me with nothing and the fake crying two weeks in a row didn't affect me. I thought Billy sounded okay on "I Surrender," but I wondered if his voice is almost shot after Adam keeps forcing him to blow the roof off every week. (I haven't heard any version that matches Celine, although he, Angela Miller, and Kelly Clarkson all gave decent versions.) I remember something similar with Sawyer Fredericks the year he won; the last two weeks, his voice sounded like it was in shreds.

6 hours ago, AdorkableSars said:

Fun fact I learned while doing the RCA Studio B tour in Nashville this year: Elvis Presley wanted to cover this song, but he wanted Dolly to sign over half of the publishing rights. She refused, then Whitney recorded it later, and the rest is history (and why Dolly has made millions on the song). Confirmed here...

Just a small detail, but by "Elvis wanted her to sign over half the rights", it was really Colonel Parker, his manager, who insisted on it. (Just saying, as I despise that guy.)

On topic, I missed much of last night's performances but enjoyed the ones I saw. I know many don't want "Blake" to win again, or dislike country, but for those who like the genre and don't think about the coaches, it's hard to see how Sundance wouldn't be the frontrunner. Billy is proving himself on iTunes so may be stronger with voting than I would have thought. I don't think, unless he aims at Broadway (not the star), that this show will revive his career as a pop singer if he wins, though.

Sundance and Billy are obvious locks.  Personally, I would like to see Christian and Ali stay, based on talent, but I think both women will be eliminated in favor of one of Adam's team (probably, imo, Brendan).  An upset win by Christian or Ali would be enjoyable and perfectly deserved, but I think it will be Sundance.

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I thought this episode was a big comedown from last week.  No one was really great.  As others pointed out, some of this has to do with really lazy and lame song selection. 

The only contestant who did anything out of the box was We.  Unfortunately, I'm lukewarm on her version of that song.  I guess what makes the original work is Alessia Cara's raspy voice and the plaintive straight forward way in which she delivers the song.  We souped it up a bit too much to try to add dynamics and make it less shouty (it's a great song, but not necessarily for a singing competition).  Compare:

My favorite performance of the night turned out to be Ali & Brendon's duet.  My favorite individual performance was also Ali's.  She managed to combine the Dolly and Whitney versions of the song and make it work.  I really hope she makes the final.  Unfortunately I agree with Padma on this:

1 hour ago, Padma said:

Sundance and Billy are obvious locks.  Personally, I would like to see Christian and Ali stay, based on talent, but I think both women will be eliminated in favor of one of Adam's team (probably, imo, Brendan).  An upset win by Christian or Ali would be enjoyable and perfectly deserved, but I think it will be Sundance.

I really think Sundance has to be considered the favorite going into the final.

Aaron and Brendon tied for worst individual performances.  I was particularly disappointed in Brendan, who had been one of my favorites.  What may save him is that he will likely go last in tonight's sing-off. 

Everyone else was okay, but not as good as they've been in previous weeks. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, MaryPatShelby said:

I am not a country fan at all, but throughout the years of The Voice, every time Blake sings to demonstrate something to his contestant, and even in group sings with his team, I think "Yeah.  That's how it's supposed to sound."  

You made me laugh because I was thinking exactly the same thing last night when Blake sang for Sundance's study tape. 

Billy and Aaron are frustrating opposites for me--it's like Billy does all songs well but none of them keepers, whereas Aaron does most songs badly but has a few real gems (YMMV). Frustrating. I tend to think Billy needs to stop singing to The Audience and sing to someone. Aaron needs to stop being on the show, but more because I think it is just not the right venue for what he does best. 

I liked Wé's song, but I always feel like she's having to outsing all the production, which detracts from the overall thing. 

This is probably just me, but it drives me batty when performers with guitars abruptly stop playing the guitar mid-song and more so when they do this for long periods of time, Josh.

Lastly, what are those little earpiece thingies they wear? I noticed Billy took one of his out in the middle of his duet with Christian. Does it affect how they perceive pitch? Because aside from the nerves and the lives aspect, a lot of these guys sound horridly pitchy on stage to the point where it's just weird. They don't sound like that on the iTunes snippets or in rehearsal.

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While Aaron was singing the Bryan Adams song I couldn't stop thinking how wrong it was for him. Then while Brendan was singing Angel I really thought that was wrong. Then my absolute favorite performance of the night, Ali and Brendan Doing the Tina turner/Bryan Adams song, it hit me how perfect "everything I do..." would have been for Brendan. I really dig that guy. Big time.

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