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S05.E08: One Hundred

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Lt. Casey and Dawson apply for permanent adoption of Louie, but quickly discover a hurdle. Firefighter-turned-medical student Jeff Clarke approaches Lt. Severide with an interesting proposition. With hopes of reinvigorating business at the bar, Otis convinces a skeptical Herrmann to throw a bash in celebration of the milestone 100th anniversary of Molly's, but not without complications.

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Wow, did anyone NOT see that plotline coming with Louie?  Oh my, complications will abound.

I loved the station personnel doubling down on Brett's fear of clowns.  Even if they were bad jokes.

I find it difficult to believe that the subject of the pub massacre never came up with any visitors/amateur historians.  In any case, Hermann should know that the fastest route to success is to get a mob guy killed in your establishment.  Happens every time, even if it was up to 100 years ago.

Damn, Severide is trying to tough it out with a 2nd degree burn on his neck?  Solarcaine isn't gonna get it this time.  I'm glad he went for the blood test for marrow transplant registry, though.  He sure got busted in romance, though.  Heh.

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How long before the newlyweds start having marital problems? Can't wait for more Dawson screen time (smh). I guess Casey's trip with Severide has been suspended. Can't the writers give us something more than Dawson bullshit. I just hate her.

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1 hour ago, preeya said:

Can't the writers give us something more than Dawson bullshit. I just hate her.

Actually, they have...almost all of the main characters on the show have had story arcs.  But, since they have written this child in for Dawson and Casey, it has to be played out, or it will appear to be a topic just hanging in the air.  What better way to stir it up than to bring in this guy who is claiming to be the child's father?  She does get a lot of screen time, though, but I'm interested in how this is going to be fixed....and THEN they can move on to someone else, like Severide.  

He's already been warned that the bone marrow donation can be painful...and we KNOW that he loves to pretend he can handle things (pain) without special treatment, so there's that.  Typical. 

Show request:  More Capp, please.  :-D  :-D  

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Exactly what was the reason Kelly needed to be tested as a possible match? I missed what Clark said Benny had mentioned. 

The anvil of Louie's father fell hard and fast in about the first 2 minutes of the show. They really need better writers if they are going to try that kind of story. And who was watching the packed bar while everyone went to the courthouse? Herman's wife? And let's not even discuss a toddler in a packed bar! Might want to actually sign adoption papers before taking the kid to a bar. 

How is only Gabby gets a story line that lasts more than 2 episodes? Or ever mentioned again? Matt and Kelly almost die all the time, no mention again, Bowden gets his son back for 2 weeks and bye, all the rest, same thing. Gabby and it's a full remembered oft mentioned arch. And was that a new guy on squad this week, shorter guy with dark hair? They called him by name and I literally had no clue who he was. 

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Honestly, it always seems like a bit of a double standard to me: Dawson gets a lot of screentime (and I agree, sometimes it's too much), but I really don't feel like it's any worse than Severide.  The Louie stuff really isn't any worse than Severide's ten episode long demotion arc last year.  

I do wish they'd finish some of the dropped plot threads though, or give some emotional follow up to anyone who isn't Dawson or Severide.   Casey doesn't lack for screentime, I admit, but I feel like they just push him along to the next crisis without any sort of aftermath.  And I end up sitting here going: Am I the only one who remembers how Casey straight up killed a dude last season?   And it was never mentioned again?

Meanwhile, the rest of the Truck crew get comic relief tangent plots, while most of the Squad members are basically like Severide's version of the Chanels from Scream Queens.  Have Capp and Tony EVER gotten a plot?  Do we even know their full names?

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Exactly what was the reason Kelly needed to be tested as a possible match? I missed what Clark said Benny had mentioned. 

To the best of my recollection, Clark said that Benny had mentioned the Severide family was from the same part of Norway as a woman in need of a transplant.


Casey doesn't lack for screen time, I admit, but I feel like they just push him along to the next crisis without any sort of aftermath.  And I end up sitting here going: Am I the only one who remembers how Casey straight up killed a dude last season?

I remember.  Now tell me that I am not the only one that remembers the Casey's mother killed his father, and mom is probably off violating parole as we speak. Has Gabby ever considered the emotional baggage Casey is bringing into this marriage, and the emotional support he will need.


Have Capp and Tony EVER gotten a plot?  Do we even know their full names?

Did they call Capp "Harold" this episode? Way to go Capp busting Severide on his neck injury.

It was a little creepy to me that Clark showed Severide what the patient in need of bone marrow looked like. Did Clark think that Severide would agree once Severide realized how hot she was? New way to pick up woman? The story would have had much more heart to me if the patient was a Louie look-a-like.

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And it's the return of Louis, the Saddest Little Boy in the Whole World. Anyone remember what happened to his mother? Did she die? Are there really people lined up around the block, just waiting to snatch the Sad Little Boy away from Gabby? Why was Casey so disappointed/surprised with Louis called him "Matt?" What did they tell the kid to call him? Why would they tell him to call either of them Mom or Dad at this point? And what caused Louis to change his mind and start calling him Dad?

Continuity was really asleep at the switch during this episode. One minute Severide's neck is bubbling up like he's got the bubonic plague and the next minute the bandage is gone and it's not even red (wedding scene). Then in the very next scene (at the hospital) you could see it was still sort of red, but not bubbly. 

Creepy Clown sort of cracked me up, so there's that.

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16 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Damn, Severide is trying to tough it out with a 2nd degree burn on his neck? 

But clearly he has super-special healing powers, because his neck was unbandaged and looked fine by the end of the episode!

This was the first episode I watched in a long time... it didn't entice me to watch another any time soon.

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17 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

And it's the return of Louis, the Saddest Little Boy in the Whole World.


Not sure why it's taken me so long to realize this, but he's obviously the Saddest Little Boy in the Whole World because he can see into the future and that future is Gabby.

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7 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

Exactly what was the reason Kelly needed to be tested as a possible match? I missed what Clark said Benny had mentioned. 

The anvil of Louie's father fell hard and fast in about the first 2 minutes of the show. They really need better writers if they are going to try that kind of story. And who was watching the packed bar while everyone went to the courthouse? Herman's wife? And let's not even discuss a toddler in a packed bar! Might want to actually sign adoption papers before taking the kid to a bar. 

How is only Gabby gets a story line that lasts more than 2 episodes? Or ever mentioned again? Matt and Kelly almost die all the time, no mention again, Bowden gets his son back for 2 weeks and bye, all the rest, same thing. Gabby and it's a full remembered oft mentioned arch. And was that a new guy on squad this week, shorter guy with dark hair? They called him by name and I literally had no clue who he was. 

The subtitles read as follows: "And I remember Benny saying something once about your family coming from the telemark region of Norway."

of which I have no idea what that means.


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Of course the option to adopt Louie was going to come up and of course it was going to be the catalyst to finally get Casey and Dawson hitched. I still cannot believe we have never seen Louie smile once. At least he said 3 words this episode: "okay Matt" and "Daddy." This whole thing about calling Casey Dad and his little conversation with Louie at bedtime about it was interesting since I've never heard him call Gabby "Mommy" or anything, for that matter. The kid never talks, never smiles, hardly ever looks at anyone or anything... It's just getting tiresome and it almost seems like he's on valium or something all the time. Yes, he was traumatized, but honestly, at this point he should be starting to adjust and Cindy claims that he has a good time playing with her and Hermann's kids, so it seems he is capable of smiling, though off-screen.

Of course Louie's bio dad pops back into the picture. I can see Gabby throwing a shit fit already and begging Casey to use his political influence and connections to make sure that they can adopt the boy and having Antonio investigate the guy and maybe going so far as to actually have Voight and company plant something to use against the guy, or maybe arrest him for something, to ensure that he is deemed unfit. We all know Gabby will get what she wants in the end because she always does, even though she doesn't really seem like supermom here. That little mention about Louie eating Cheerios 20 days in a row was a little odd - I know kids are picky eaters, but as a parent sometimes you have to vary things and make sure he has a balanced diet. Make the kid some scrambled eggs once in a while or something. I thought it was kind of an odd line to throw into the show.

I've said it before and I'll keep saying it - they should have killed off Gabby and kept Shay. I would rather have seen them follow through with the storyline where Shay and Severide were going to have a kid together than to have this Gabby/Louie/Casey shitshow. Casey didn't even want a kid and wasn't interested in fostering Louie with Gabby. Gabby left Casey to do it, was living on her own and caring for Louie "by herself," meaning she still had a lot of help from Casey, Hermann, Cindy and others. However, now Casey is willing to marry her and adopt Louie with her? It's like they left out an episode or two where Casey decides he does want to be a parent after all - and to the saddest boy in the whole world. He keeps enabling Gabby and doing everything she says so she can continue to get whatever she wants - it's getting old and they need to change the dynamic here.

So after the winter break we have a cross-over with Chicago PD to look forward to. So far this season they haven't been quite as heavy with the cross overs as they were last season, but they still have time to make up for that. At least this one doesn't appear to feature Gabby too heavily, though with the "shock" of bio-dad appearing at the end of this episode I'm sure she'll get her share of screen time.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

And it's the return of Louis, the Saddest Little Boy in the Whole World. Anyone remember what happened to his mother? Did she die? Are there really people lined up around the block, just waiting to snatch the Sad Little Boy away from Gabby? Why was Casey so disappointed/surprised with Louis called him "Matt?" What did they tell the kid to call him? Why would they tell him to call either of them Mom or Dad at this point? And what caused Louis to change his mind and start calling him Dad?

Continuity was really asleep at the switch during this episode. One minute Severide's neck is bubbling up like he's got the bubonic plague and the next minute the bandage is gone and it's not even red (wedding scene). Then in the very next scene (at the hospital) you could see it was still sort of red, but not bubbly. 

Creepy Clown sort of cracked me up, so there's that.

I kinda thought stalker papa was behind Casey and that's who Louis was responding to.

sad Louis didn't look so sad in all the frames. Methinks one twin is beginning to like the cast more than the other.

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That little mention about Louie eating Cheerios 20 days in a row was a little odd - I know kids are picky eaters, but as a parent sometimes you have to vary things and make sure he has a balanced diet. Make the kid some scrambled eggs once in a while or something. I thought it was kind of an odd line to throw into the show

I thought the same thing, vary that kid's diet a bit. But I think their point was to show how attentive Casey was to Louis needs and habits. Casey knows his eating habits for 20 days in a row (which if I think about it is not really possible since Casey does 24 hours shifts.)

Does Severide sleep in Casey's office? Do Casey and Severide have a double office with two desks and two beds? Severide sure seemed comfortable traipsing into Casey's office and stretching out on his bed.

Edited by MaryHedwig
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I just can't with this whole Louie saga. Of course that guy is the kid's father. I called it the second he showed up on screen. And as others have pointed out, Casey had no interest in fostering the child. Now suddenly he not only wants to be called 'dad' but he wants to marry Gabby? Five minutes ago he was telling the judge that marriage isn't an option. Not sure I get what changed in that time. Nor do I care.

as for the girl that Severide is going to save, I was actually surprised it was an adult. The way Clark was talking about her, I thought it was a small child. I think I would have preferred it to be a child. It would have had more emotional resonance that way.

so Otis comes across a document that shows the bar is 100 years old but doesn't do any research about it? Find out the history so  could play it up for this big bash they want to throw?

this show becomes more ridiculous every week.

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2 hours ago, preeya said:

The subtitles read as follows: "And I remember Benny saying something once about your family coming from the telemark region of Norway."

of which I have no idea what that means.


Telemark is an area of Norway, southwest of Oslo, east of Bergen, very mountainous and beautiful.  It's not heavily populated, so people from there would have a pretty good chance of being somewhat related.

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Severide appears to be looking for the meaning of his life.


If bio dad's parental rights haven't been terminated or he gave up his rights, then the saddest kit in the world belongs with him. He did say I want him back again. DCFS did a lousy job of vetting this child for adoption. In most cases bio parent trumps (I now hate using that word) foster parents of three months.

Edited by Lillybee
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23 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Wow, did anyone NOT see that plotline coming with Louie?  Oh my, complications will abound.

I loved the station personnel doubling down on Brett's fear of clowns.  Even if they were bad jokes.

I find it difficult to believe that the subject of the pub massacre never came up with any visitors/amateur historians.  In any case, Hermann should know that the fastest route to success is to get a mob guy killed in your establishment.  Happens every time, even if it was up to 100 years ago.

Damn, Severide is trying to tough it out with a 2nd degree burn on his neck?  Solarcaine isn't gonna get it this time.  I'm glad he went for the blood test for marrow transplant registry, though.  He sure got busted in romance, though.  Heh.

I really wish the gray haired young doc hadn't said how painful bone marrow donation is... I've known people who did it and while it hurts for a few days - not months - Sev is pretty tough if that burn didn't faze him. You really don't want to discourage people from donating, show.

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Didn't the city claim Molly's as an historical site a season or two ago?  Wouldn't they have found out the mob history back then or maybe when they actually bought the place?

Louise's bio dad storyline was seen coming long ago.  Either Dad is going to be clean and sober and win the "dad of the year" award so Gabby will feel that Louie is going back to stability.  Or Dad is going to be a complete scumbag and admit that he's no good and that Louie deserves the perfect mom...Gabby. 

Nice to see Clark.  That man is quite good looking.  I wish they would have brought him back to the fire station instead of med. 

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On 12/8/2016 at 1:51 AM, crowsworks said:

I really wish the gray haired young doc hadn't said how painful bone marrow donation is... I've known people who did it and while it hurts for a few days - not months - Sev is pretty tough if that burn didn't faze him. You really don't want to discourage people from donating, show.

Due to an autoimmune bone disease I have, I can no longer donate, but prior to that, I had done all the work to be a donor if needed. I felt that the show shouldn't have said "months" either. 

Well, I liked Casey and Severide's brief moment :)

Edited by autumnmountains
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14 hours ago, MaryHedwig said:

I thought the same thing, vary that kid's diet a bit. But I think there point was to show how attentive Casey was to Louis needs and habits. Casey knows his eating habits for 29 days in a row (which if I think about it is not really possible since Casey does 24 hours shifts.)

Does Severide sleep in Casey's office? Do Casey and Severide have a double office with two desks and two beds? Severide sure seemed comfortable traipsing into Casey's office and stretching out on his bed.

I think they've got back to back offices. with a mirrored set up.  But Severide is almost never actually in his office.  (I only remember seeing it when Patterson was in charge of Squad last year.)

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This was the first episode I watched in a long time... it didn't entice me to watch another any time soon.

Nor did the promise of the upcoming cross-over event. That's where the show is really in danger of losing me. I have no interest in following the story over to Chicago PD. I'm not going to watch that show no matter how much they want me to. I'm glad we haven't gotten a bunch of those this season.


Of course Louie's bio dad pops back into the picture.

And how, exactly, did he manage to track the kid back to Gabby and Matt's loft? Did CFS just gladly hand out the info on who was fostering his kid? Do they really do that? Because if they told him who was taking care of the kid, why did he spend several days lurking in the shadows casing the joint like he was going to rob them? Why not just walk up to the front door and knock like a normal person? 


Nice to see Clark.  That man is quite good looking.  I wish they would have brought him back to the fire station instead of med. 

What exactly happened to this character anyway? He was on Chicago Fire for a red hot minute, the actor got another job elsewhere and was promptly written off . . . is he a regular on Chicago Med now? As a doctor? When the hell did he become a doctor? He was a firefighter a year ago.

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16 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

And how, exactly, did he manage to track the kid back to Gabby and Matt's loft?

All he had to do was look for the overpowering aura of Gabbyness that emanated from the building.  He tracked it from the station house to Molly's to her apartment.

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Casey didn't even want a kid and wasn't interested in fostering Louie with Gabby.

In season one Casey wanted to start a family with Hallie right away.  He was sad to return Andy's kids to their mom after taking care of them.  So the show has let us know that he wants kids, just not with Gabby apparently.  

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I hate to admit it but I really really liked this episode. Yes to more Matt and Kelly storylines--I'd be happy with one-third for each and then one-third for the rest of the cast, being in love with both of them as I am. I'm soooo glad we are done with "will Matt marry Gabby?" and that it happened so quickly and so low key. If that is Louie's father and he's a standup guy, I certainly hope Show returns Louie to him. And then Gabby can just go away, maybe. There is a Chicago alderman (Edward Burke) who adopted a kid that Show likely is basing this plot line on (one old story: http://www.nytimes.com/1999/03/09/us/former-cocaine-user-regains-child-in-racial-custody-case.html, about the Burkes losing custody after raising the child since birth; the alderman and his wife Anne did end up adopting the child).

And loved the clown story. And the Molly's storyline was so predictable but fun. 

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1 hour ago, Crs97 said:

In season one Casey wanted to start a family with Hallie right away.  He was sad to return Andy's kids to their mom after taking care of them.  So the show has let us know that he wants kids, just not with Gabby apparently.  

I think there's a difference between wanting to have kids and suddenly having your girlfriend turn to you and say "I know we've never discussed this, and I just turned down your marriage proposal because I don't want things to change, and we're both in really high risk jobs, but let's have a foster kid.  I've already picked one out!"

Casey's hesitation wasn't so much a "never" as it was a "is this the best time?"  I always figured he'd end up getting on board, but I really didn't like the way the show set it up.  He was tentatively trying to reach out to Gabby and Louie by the next episode, and maybe ease into the idea, and she shut him down cold.    Then you had Antonio and company basically grilling the poor guy as to why "Gabby is doing this alone."  It never really felt like an organic decision.

Which is a shame, since with his own backstory, it seems like Casey might have had a good chance at warming to the idea of having a foster kid without all of the outside pressure, but instead, he seemed to get backed into a corner.

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There is a Chicago alderman (Edward Burke) who adopted a kid that Show likely is basing this plot line on (one old story: http://www.nytimes.com/1999/03/09/us/former-cocaine-user-regains-child-in-racial-custody-case.html, about the Burkes losing custody after raising the child since birth; the alderman and his wife Anne did end up adopting the child).

If the plot-line is to mirror this true story, then when Louie is given back to his bio parent, Matt will be without a child AND married to Gabby.

Edited by preeya
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15 minutes ago, preeya said:

If the plot-line is to mirror this true story, then when Louie is given back to his bio parent, Matt will be without a child AND married to Gabby.

Actually, if Show follows the real-life version, there will be lots of drama and twists, and then Matt and Gabby will end up with Louie (as happened in the Burke case--I think the birth mother kept failing her drug tests, a condition of her permanently regaining custody, and never did get him back). But I did turn to Mr MML when Louie's father was at their door right after the wedding and said, oops, Matt is now stuck with her and no Louie.

Forgot to mention that I was afraid Severide's pre-bone marrow donation blood tests were going to reveal some dread disease so big sigh of relief that they didn't. And in another ripped from the headlines plot, a kidney donor recently fell in love with and married the woman who received his kidney. Wedding bells coming for Severide too?

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22 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

 And the Molly's storyline was so predictable but fun. 

I didn't know this, as I fast forward through commercials and promos, but this was also the 100th episode of the show.  Nice tie-in, show.

Virtually anything is possible in an automobile accident, but I would think that the force needed to push a head through a couple of layers of laminated glass would do irreparable damage to the skull and spine.  Not to mention chest trauma from hitting the steering column.  But, I can't think of anyone who has died in a TA on this show yet.

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I think the only way the head through a windshield incident could happen would be if the windshield was already cracked, which would weaken it (it's technically illegal I believe to drive a car with a cracked windshield in Illinois), and the guy didn't have a seat belt on. It seems to me as someone living just west of Chicago that most of the emergencies on this show are based on real incidents that made the local news, but I don't remember reading about this one. I'll have to look it up. Keith in the back of the van didn't make sense to me and was sort of a mundane add-on to head through a windshield, imo.

I was surprised that the paramedics straightened the broken leg on site, no pain reliever, and didn't figure out how to load the vic into the truck as she was, to let the ortho in the ER deal with it. But maybe they are teained to do that and there was some medical reason the resetting couldn't wait ten minutes.

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3 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

it's technically illegal I believe to drive a car with a cracked windshield in Illinois

Surprisingly, it's only illegal if it significantly impacts the driver's view of the road. And we don't have inspections on private passenger vehicles here, so it's only ticketed if an officer happens to notice. I thought the whole thing looked silly, though. How did his head get through without cutting his face all up? 

As someone who had never seen an episode of this show before, I take it the couple with the foster (?) kid is Chicago Fire's Meredith and Derek? As in, I'm supposed to root for them as the main couple, even though he's kind of boring and she's kind of unlikable?

What's their issue with marriage? Just that she's gunshy because her parents are splitting, so she thinks it won't last? Whatever. Having/adopting a child together is about a thousand times more binding and permanent than getting married, in today's society. Get divorced with no kids, and you never have to see each other again. "Just" have a kid and split up, and you're seeing that person every other week for years, and at life's celebrations forever. It just seemed like drama for drama's sake.

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DH likes Gabby and I don't, but it's the character and the excessive makeup, not the actress, that makes me scream at my screen. I blame the writers and not the actress--I don't know her work other than Fire, but I sure hope she is having fun with how Gabby is striking many of us. 

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17 hours ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

DH likes Gabby and I don't, but it's the character and the excessive makeup, not the actress, that makes me scream at my screen. I blame the writers and not the actress--I don't know her work other than Fire, but I sure hope she is having fun with how Gabby is striking many of us. 

She (Monica Raymund) did a short stint on The Good Wife.

Edited by preeya
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On December 7, 2016 at 10:05 PM, wineaux said:

He's already been warned that the bone marrow donation can be painful...and we KNOW that he loves to pretend he can handle things (pain) without special treatment, so there's that.  Typical. 

I thought that Clarke either wasn't a good student at Med school or he just wanted to intimidate Severide for some reason. Because bone marrow donation is performed under local anasthaesia and a couple of ibuprofen scan easily handle any discomfort/pain that some donors might feel. But there's no way it will hurt for months. Couple of weeks tops!

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On December 10, 2016 at 4:28 AM, preeya said:

If the plot-line is to mirror this true story, then when Louie is given back to his bio parent, Matt will be without a child AND married to Gabby.

And since MR is refusing to wear a baby bump, I assume Casey will never have any biological children. This is the guy who always wanted kids, who broke up with Hallie because of that and who is the last male in his line...Dawson has a huge family will never understand him.

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On December 7, 2016 at 10:40 PM, squidprincess said:

Casey doesn't lack for screentime, I admit, but I feel like they just push him along to the next crisis without any sort of aftermath.  And I end up sitting here going: Am I the only one who remembers how Casey straight up killed a dude last season?   And it was never mentioned again?

Jesse is the show lead, just like TK. It's natural that they have more screen time than the show regulars. But practically all his SLs - except that Macgyver warehouse rescue - involve Gabby, which is extremely irritating! 

You're not the only one who remembers that Matt had to kill that evil guy to escape his captivity. And I'm also disappointed that this potentially PTSD story line lead nowhere. Then again, I'm still waiting for one more blow to his head, hehe. Didn't his doctor tell him that it might be fatal after his head trauma?

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On 12/7/2016 at 10:39 AM, preeya said:

How long before the newlyweds start having marital problems? Can't wait for more Dawson screen time (smh). I guess Casey's trip with Severide has been suspended. Can't the writers give us something more than Dawson bullshit. I just hate her.

Youre not on your own-millions of others hate Dawson as well but the showrunners obv think they know best! Cant think there has ever been such a hated TV character. And yes, l know its just a tv show but Dawson is awful!

Edited by WendyCR72
Edited out potentially misconstrued term
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On ‎12‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 10:59 AM, Pallada said:

I thought that Clarke either wasn't a good student at Med school or he just wanted to intimidate Severide for some reason. Because bone marrow donation is performed under local anasthaesia and a couple of ibuprofen scan easily handle any discomfort/pain that some donors might feel. But there's no way it will hurt for months. Couple of weeks tops!

I've had to have my bone marrow taken and one of my Uncles donated for my Father. In both cases, we were put out for the procedure. A couple of ibuprofen did not handle the pain immediately after (they didn't switch either of us to ibuprofen until a bit more than a week after - my Uncle went a little over that) and the site was fairly sore for a few weeks, especially if you  moved a certain way or stayed in the same position for too long. The worst part is the procedure itself, and if they put you out for it, or at least give you "conscious sedation," you really won't be in any discomfort during it. Immediately after, as I mentioned, you will have pain, but it can be managed and it does heal completely. Everyone's healing process is a bit different, of course, so it's hard to really put a specific timeline on it, but this was just my experience as well as that of my Uncle.

The Clarke storyline is interesting in that, when he was on Chicago Fire, they never mentioned that he had been in med school previously. Then he gets written out of Chicago Fire, and now is back as a med student on Chicago Med. I generally like the actor (he was in the show "Boss" along with the actors that play Cruz and Mouch), but I think his transition from firefighter to med student could have been a bit better explained earlier rather than just randomly mentioning to Severide in this episode that he had med text books on the shelf above his bed at the firehouse.

Edited by Rapunzel
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20 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

The Clarke storyline is interesting in that, when he was on Chicago Fire, they never mentioned that he had been in med school previously. Then he gets written out of Chicago Fire, and now is back as a med student on Chicago Med. I generally like the actor (he was in the show "Boss" along with the actors that play Cruz and Mouch), but I think his transition from firefighter to med student could have been a bit better explained earlier rather than just randomly mentioning to Severide in this episode that he had med text books on the shelf above his bed at the firehouse.

The best "WTF???" character transition in this franchise (and surely in the top ten of all character transitions outside daytime soap operas) is Voight who is the lead on Chicago PD--his character was evil personified in the early seasons of Fire as he threatened Casey for pushing for prosecution of Voight's son's drunk driving, and Gabby's brother Antonio helped take him down; some magic Dick Wolf pixie dust sprinkled over the characters and presto! Voight becomes the rough and tumble head of detectives with a heart of gold and Antonio now works for him (until next season when Antonio goes to Chicago Justice, of course)! Explained much more clearly here under the Chicago Fire head: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hank_Voight Voight's transformation makes Clarke's seem most plausible. I remember Clarke on Fire but he really got buried in that big cast so am glad he's on Med now as I reall liked him--he is similar persona-wise and even in looks a little to PD's Jay Halstead, who makes me swoon. And yes I watch way too much tv.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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Voight is the reason I absolutely, positively refuse to watch Chicago PD, MakeMeLaugh. The idea of him being a viable character after everything he did in Season 1 of Chicago Fire is absolutely ludicrous. I honestly don't know how the writers ever thought the audience would just forget about all of that and accept him unless they banked on a large share of the audience not having watched Fire.

They also did a crap job explaining the transition of Jeff Clark to Chicago Med. Once again, this show relies far too heavily on viewers watching all three shows, and it's to their detriment. 


What's their issue with marriage?

Aside from their personal hangups, their issue should be that they shouldn't be working together anymore. I don't know how this works legally but I'd be really surprised if the Chicago Fire Department allowed married men and women to work together. And even if they did, they have a child to take care of now. They shouldn't be working the same shift. That's the real problem with this whole Louie storyline. The show wants them on the same shift because that's where the stories are but why on earth, realistically, would they work the same shift when they both have to work 24 hours at a dangerous job? One of them should be home with the kid. It's just dumb.

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It works marginally better with Gabby as a paramedic, because, as we'd seen in season 1 and 2, they don't always work the same shifts as truck and squad.  It's still contrived as all heck, and completely impractical, especially with a kid that has special needs like Louie, though.

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On December 11, 2016 at 9:43 AM, preeya said:

She (Monica Raymund) did a short stint on The Good Wife.

She was also a regular on Lie to Me that starred Tim Roth and Kelli Williams.  She did very well there...had a plum part.  And, was a likable character.  :-)  

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Of course, with Tim Roth playing an absolutely insufferable greased weasel in the lead, Raymund's character stood a significantly improved chance of seeming likable in comparison (though I did like her in that role).

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Mileage varies because I found Tim Roth to be somewhat sympathetic while I hated Monica's character.  I had thought it was a combination of the writing and her being a new actress, but then I saw her in this and realized I just don't like her one-note acting ability.

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