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Season 7 Discussion

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1 hour ago, spunky said:

Henry and Gomerly need to shut up. Yes he took an oath to serve and protect, but he is also a father. He chose to protect his child. For once Danny made sense, the sergeant made the right decision by protecting his child, instead of risking both their lives. I loved the little girl telling Frank off, not many people can shut him up.

Would either of those two reacted in the same way if it were their children? I'm glad Frank told Sid to family comes first. The whole thing was an issue because the press omitted the line that his daughter was there too. They (and the Attorney General) are out to smear the NYPD. 

Let's say he does get the bad guys and saves the shopkeeper, but his daughter gets killed. Sure, he's a hero, but he has to live with that for the rest of his life. If he were alone and chose not to intervene, that's a big problem. 

Vigilante cases are always problematic. As far as I'm concerned, I'm glad that sicko is dead. She probably did commit premeditated murder, but waiting for the bad guy to strike again seems unfair to the would-be victim constantly living in fear.  

1 hour ago, spunky said:

I agree. He may have liked her in the beginning, but not as not as much now. Like you said he had more chemistry with the guest star. The fact that he chose his career over her, should be a sign that he is not interested anymore.

She might have been a little young for him though. Will Estes is 38 and Ariane Rinehart is 22. Vanessa Ray, for comparison, is 35. As for his career, what exactly is his plan? They probably won't make him a detective because that would be a sign of nepotism with all three of the Commissioner's sons becoming detectives. 

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A priest can help police with missing-child case, but he refuses to break the seal of confession. Meanwhile, Danny and Baez investigate the hidden side a deceased socialite's life; and Jamie and Eddie are guests at a wedding.


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So apparently the kiss was deserving of an interview: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/11/blue-bloods-vanessa-ray-eddie-jamie-kiss?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter


Meanwhile I'm like "Am I supposed to woooooo!!!! like Saved By The Bell?  Because I won't."  

And Frank was right: yes he is an officer but it comes over my kid and my job, I'm pretty sure I know what to pick.  He already has to deal with someone die when he could have died.  If his kid was shot in the process, I don't think he could go on living, period. 

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The writers again were doing what they always do best on this show: pose an interesting ethical question, start a discussion and make their case for people to contemplate. We had two of those here, and I must say, everyone did marvelous work at selling various viewpoints. I thought the story about the off-duty sergeant was really great way to look at the duty vs. family and how those could intervene with each other. I think the question is also relevant to non-duty-bound people: who would we save if we end up in this situation (even though the answer seems obvious). Frank being called on his hard-ass attitude was a nice touch, and I enjoyed how this plot ended.

I also liked how this was a continuation of the previous storyline, and how Erin and Danny clashed about this again, but in in a different way than before.  The show again looked at Erin and Danny being really similar in their desire to do the right thing and them feeling guilty in the same way. That scene with Frank and Erin played nicely into that, pretty much spelling out Danny/Erin usual issues. BTW, another good dinner scene about the episode's theme of difference between serving of law and serving of justice. Danny's scene with the rape victim in the park was top notch job as well. And Erin being sneaky and going against the Man was a classic Erin.

The entire jealousy storyline/Devil Wears Prada knock-off with Jamie being the savior of some random stupid Damsel in Distress BS showed yet again how Eddie is the worst (and how the writers are sometimes inept at writing romance and young women), passive-aggressive, hostile and always lashing out at Jamie for no reason. The actress did the "love" confession convincingly with the body language and the eyes, but the writing wasn't there at all. Plus Jamie saying it back was like he was discussing breakfast items. There's no chemistry there, and the kiss was just embarrassing.

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Is this the new formula for the show? A great Erin plot, a meh Frank plot, Danny by the numbers, and a frustrating Jamie-Eddie romantic tension disaster? If they are going to to write Erin so much better than the rest of the show, I wish they would spin her off, since she disappears for entire shows anyway and just have her at Sunday dinner. If they need to fill her time they can give Len Cariou some lines. Or keep her and spin off Eddie since they obviously love her and believe viewers do too. As far as Frank is concerned this was another supposed moral/PR dilemma with no tension as there weren't two equal sides.

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I liked this show better than most.

The snooty boss was OTT, but I liked the resolution. Liked seeing Tamara Tunie again. I always liked the characters of the two MEs on L&O SVU and L&O (played by Leslie Hendrix). But I digress.

I like Eddie just fine. Always have. I thought everything she did and said in this episode was just right. Of course she doesn't want a stranger in her home. And yes, Jamie was taking a big chance. Maybe her motives to speak against Jamie taking the girl in were a little selfish, but her reasoning was correct. I liked that they came clean about their feelings. I was hoping she'd just walk out of the apartment and groaned when she came back for the kiss. But the coach-like slap in the butt and the "Nice talk" will hopefully put them back in balance as work partners. One can hope.

Liked Frank's decision, and how he came about it. I even liked the cheesy end when he walks the girl to school.

Liked Erin's story. It was kind of clear from the very beginning once it was established that the girl's lawyer was green that Erin was going to find him good counsel. 

Apparently, I like the word "like".

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On 11/12/2016 at 1:41 AM, DrScottie said:

Would either of those two reacted in the same way if it were their children? I'm glad Frank told Sid to family comes first. The whole thing was an issue because the press omitted the line that his daughter was there too. They (and the Attorney General) are out to smear the NYPD. 

Let's say he does get the bad guys and saves the shopkeeper, but his daughter gets killed. Sure, he's a hero, but he has to live with that for the rest of his life. If he were alone and chose not to intervene, that's a big problem. 

Vigilante cases are always problematic. As far as I'm concerned, I'm glad that sicko is dead. She probably did commit premeditated murder, but waiting for the bad guy to strike again seems unfair to the would-be victim constantly living in fear.  

She might have been a little young for him though. Will Estes is 38 and Ariane Rinehart is 22. Vanessa Ray, for comparison, is 35. As for his career, what exactly is his plan? They probably won't make him a detective because that would be a sign of nepotism with all three of the Commissioner's sons becoming detectives. 

Exactly! They stood there running their mouths about a situation they knew nothing about. I didn't realize there was that much of an age difference between Will and the guest star. They need to do something with him besides forcing a romance. He is a Harvard educated lawyer, they can build on that. 

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On 11/12/2016 at 9:29 AM, mtlchick said:

So apparently the kiss was deserving of an interview: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/11/11/blue-bloods-vanessa-ray-eddie-jamie-kiss?xid=entertainment-weekly_socialflow_twitter


Meanwhile I'm like "Am I supposed to woooooo!!!! like Saved By The Bell?  Because I won't."  

And Frank was right: yes he is an officer but it comes over my kid and my job, I'm pretty sure I know what to pick.  He already has to deal with someone die when he could have died.  If his kid was shot in the process, I don't think he could go on living, period. 

That kiss was so boring. They have no chemistry with each other, so move on writers.

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13 hours ago, Kitla said:

Ugh. Eddie. No. Just no. Stop trying to make this romance happen.

I was yelling "He's just not that into you!" And he pretty much said that when he again chose his career over her. 

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Pet peeve about this show...they go out of their way to show street signs (w. 84th st) and the name of a business (Amsterdam deli), then try to say the location is Brooklyn! I know, I know, to the majority viewing audience it doesn't matter because they have no way of knowing real. Location. But I live here and 84th & Amsterdam Is the Upper West Side of Manhattan, which is about as far away from Brooklyn as you get!

now, back to the story: I liked the little girl and really liked that she told Frank off about her father lol! The rest of the show? Not so much. I knew they were going there with Eddie and Jamie. I just wish they didn't. There's no 'there' there and I'm tired of the whole thing. Plus, this isn't NYPD Blue and they're not Bobby and Diane. If they insist on pursuing a relationship let them find new partners. In fact, let them find new partners regardless. Because there's no way this doesn't get awkward.  

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14 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

Pet peeve about this show...they go out of their way to show street signs (w. 84th st) and the name of a business (Amsterdam deli), then try to say the location is Brooklyn! I know, I know, to the majority viewing audience it doesn't matter because they have no way of knowing real. Location. But I live here and 84th & Amsterdam Is the Upper West Side of Manhattan, which is about as far away from Brooklyn as you get!

Why make it such a big deal? I thought all NYers knew Brooklyn is the new Manhattan!

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Ha! Yeah it is, but these things always bug me. It's like when they had a scene a 25 broadway a few years ago and said it was 25 w. 57th st even though they showed the cross streets. Of course I worked in the building so was probably more aware than some. 

Really i cant explain why it bugs but it does.      

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Again with a priest and breaking the seal of confession?!?  Let me be clear, show runners. A priest will not break the seal of the confession, no matter how self righteous Frank gets about it.  It is never going to happen.  And if you show it happening, you are completely divorced from all reality.  The Catholic Church is clear on this, and no priest would even consider it.

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Apart from the Jaimie/Eddie train-wreck that was a solid episode. If just for Linda throwing the 'family always comes first'-line back at Frank. That was a really powerful moment for me and had more impact than the cute little girl defending her Daddy. Frank has violated the 'family always comes first'-principle before (when he forced the young cop to wear a wire so they could finally get his father) and I was glad he got finally called out for trying to have it both ways. And I was even gladder (?) it was Linda of all people who did it.

Gormley chose the wrong episode to come out Samwise-mode and Granddad who's also done plenty of questionable things should also shut up.

Frank's advice to Erin was sound. The resolution was maybe a tad too smooth (all it took was to bully the witness a bit to help her remember) but given how much time they already dedicated to that plot it was an effective way to bring it to a satisfying conclusion.

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When the son of Frank’s most outspoken critic in the African-American community, Reverend Darnell Potter, is killed, Potter must put aside his contentious relationship with the Reagan family in order to get justice for his son. Also, Erin and Anthony investigate when a convicted felon’s cause of death is inconsistent with injuries he sustained during a prisoner transport van accident, and Jamie learns that a mugger he shot in self-defense is the son of an NYPD officer.

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I must say I skipped all Jamie/Eddie scenes, and nothing of value was lost. We've seen Frank and priest refusing to break the oath plot too many times already. Pass. Even though Tom Selleck's and Stacy Keach's scenes were really good.

Yeah, they probably wanted to use 21st century is a age of surveillance thing in all the cases, but the "agriculture" satellite stuff was slightly out of place, as it was obvious the husband was the killer. Because it's always the husband and because they hired Tim Guinee who is 100% recognizable guest-star and is always in pretty much everything on CBS and other channels. I liked Danny's and Maria's banter, they have great dynamic going.

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Re Jamie: 

Sad to say, I fully expect them to squander what could be a potentially fascinating story: Youngest son abandons the law not too long after graduating from Harvard (for fuck's sake) to join the family business where he now stagnating. He say's he's happy being a beat cop; clearly he's not. But, he's won't even take the sargent's exam, because even if he aces it, there's little likelihood that he'd be promoted because his father's the police commish, and the optics would look bad. No wonder the guy's frustrated and throwing punches (the Eddie thing's just a smokescreen). 

There's so much emotional material to mine here, but this show doesn't do deep dives into character, so it's likely to be another exercise in frustration and futility. 

Edited by wonderwoman
spelling and grammar
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I had no sympathy for the priest being pressured by Frank. It's like...dude, you made an appointment with the police commissioner specifically to say, "I have a secret, it's one you definitely will do just about anything to get out of me, and I'm not going to tell you."

If you are committed to keeping your mouth shut, keep it all the damn way shut! Otherwise, you get what you get.

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That's why the whole story was stupid.  No priest would have done that.  No priest would have thought to do that, and I am tired of Hollywood using its misunderstandings of the Cdtholic Church to gin up drama.

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3 hours ago, Crs97 said:

No priest would have thought to do that, and I am tired of Hollywood using its misunderstandings of the Cdtholic Church to gin up drama.

Recently on the show Goliath


there was a whole storyline about the main character manipulating and practically blackmailing a priest into admitting something from the confessional he had, and the priest later on being excommunicated because of that. One would think that Catholic priests that suffered torture and were murdered for refusing to reveal contents of confessional are stronger than that.

Edited by yeswedo
added spoiler tags
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Wow this show is a chore these days when Erin doesn't have a plot. The Danny plot was paint by numbers, but was at least tolerably executed. Everyone has already covered the Frank plot so all I will add is that it has to be a strong contender for biggest waste of acting talent by the show this year as Stacy Keach, Len Cariou, and the actor playing the priest were all great and all I could think about was how great it would have been if they actually had something to work with. And WTF is up with Jamie? Did Will Estes run over Selleck's dog or something? Because they seem to be going out of their way to make him look like the biggest idiot jackass ever this season. As much as I hate the idea of him and Eddie becoming a couple I could at least tolerate it if it was done well. Overall I think the dialogue about dancing summed it up pretty well - you don't have to be good, you just need to be fun. That's all I've ever expected from this show (and it's often been good since the acting and all the technical aspects are so good that when the writing is decent it's good and when it's actually good the show is very good) and it hasn't been delivering lately except for Danny and Erin.

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7 hours ago, wonderwoman said:

Re Jamie: 

Sad to say, I fully expect them to squander what could be a potentially fascinating story: Youngest son abandons the law not too long after graduating from Harvard (for fuck's sake) to join the family business where he now stagnating. He say's he's happy being a beat cop; clearly he's not. But, he's won't even take the sargent's exam, because even if he aces it, there's little likelihood that he'd be promoted because his father's the police commish, and the optics would look bad. No wonder the guy's frustrated and throwing punches (the Eddie thing's just a smokescreen). 

There's so much emotional material to mine here, but this show doesn't do deep dives into character, so it's likely to be another exercise in frustration and futility. 

The thing is that I don't think that they've really thought this all the way through like you have. They have story reasons for keeping Jamie on the street, but can't get past the idea that being a detective is the aspiration for all police officers. Which is unfortunate as it would be an opportunity for new types of stories, which this show desperately needs as well as giving us good believable reasons for him to interact with Danny or Erin more often on the job. And while the theory about career frustrations being the reason he's acting like a tool is an interesting suggestion unfortunately sometimes a clumsy romantic tension plot is just a clumsy romantic tension subplot.

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I truly thought I was watching an old episode of Law & Order.  People doing innocuous things find a body at the start of the episode, check, husband ends up being the wifes murderer, check.  I fully expected Lenny to pop out and drop a Lennyism.  I too am so tired of the will they or won't they situation.  Just pick one and be done with it!

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On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 4:40 PM, Sake614 said:

Ha! Yeah it is, but these things always bug me. It's like when they had a scene a 25 broadway a few years ago and said it was 25 w. 57th st even though they showed the cross streets. Of course I worked in the building so was probably more aware than some. 

Really i cant explain why it bugs but it does.      

They used to do the same thing with the old Streets of San Francisco show. It drove me crazy, too. They'd show the detectives driving in a certain part of town and they'd turn a corner and immediately be in a completely different part of town half an hour away.  Nooooo! When I'd watch it with my mom when visiting her on the East Coast and would start complaining about it, she'd tell me to shut up and just watch the show.  LOL!   

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Hate the Jamie/Eddie "romance." Hate. It. Eddie's junior high persona bugs the living daylights out of me and the writers are making Jamie look like a complete idiot. Wrecking the wedding over jealousy about something stupid and trivial was just beyond the pale.

It took me a while to warm to Baeza because I really liked Danny's original partner, but she's won me over especially since she's started acting more like his equal instead of his subordinate.

And it's gotten to the point where my favorite story lines are the ones with Erin and Anthony so I missed that this week. So glad Steve Schirripa has become a regular. 

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12 hours ago, darockwilder said:

I truly thought I was watching an old episode of Law & Order.  People doing innocuous things find a body at the start of the episode, check, husband ends up being the wifes murderer, check.  I fully expected Lenny to pop out and drop a Lennyism.  I too am so tired of the will they or won't they situation.  Just pick one and be done with it!

I think I can help you with your confusion in case this happens again. If the attractive female ADA who is the best part of the show is hidden instead of given more screen time even if that means tweaking the formula it's Blue Bloods. If the break in the investigation involves EPA soil erosion tests using NSA surveillance satellite photography being given to the cops without anyone batting an eye over civil rights it's Blue Bloods. If the writing is terrible and the moral question has been done better by a thousand other shows it's probably Blue Bloods, but it could be a later seasons L&O so wait and see if there's a Sunday dinner scene  just to be sure.

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I think all tv shows are directionally challenged.  I'm not that familiar with New York, but I do know a bit about how the streets run, so I understand the frustration.  However, I know New Orleans main streets, back streets and side streets.  NCIS New Orleans has them going to Baton Rouge in the wrong direction -- across the CCC.  Kind of like the wrong direction of the Jamie/Eddie romance.  I can't stand that overgrown twit of an excuse for a cop.  Eddie probably has a notebook with hearts drawn around Jamie's name and Mrs. Eddie Reagan written with flowers around it, like a 7th grader.

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Did that fight seem out of character for Jamie? He seems like the most level headed, not quick tempered. Also, another love interest for Eddit might have taken some of the heat off of him and bought him some time. He doesn't seem that smitten with Eddie that he would start a fight.

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The final scene around the dinner table is always a winner for me, but I really laughed at that one last night.  Loved knowing that they've all each had a brush with the law...

That was the best part of the show. All the adult Reagans are jailbirds!

Actually, the dinner table is almost always the best part of the show.

@darockwilder, it seemed like a L&O opening scene to me, too. It was just which L&O. Kid finds the body, L&O. Young kid disappears while his father is playing hide and seek in a NYC park (what responsible parent would do that?), L&O SVU. 

I thought Jamie was way out of character. The guy makes a lame pass at Eddie and then tells a dumb cop joke, why would that get Jamie so riled up, even if he's involved with Eddie? While I can see that Eddie was just his stand-in date for the wedding, why were they meeting again in datin' attire and still talking about "us"? That's just plain dumb. 

The priest's coming to Frank was ridiculous and so was Frank's trying to shake him down for answers. That was probably a little offensive to anyone who had ever been a Catholic, even if they're atheists now. 

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I liked the actor who played Officer James Reed. He is number Six on Dark Matter also. I would have stayed with my Daughter also if like him I couldn't hide her. But I felt bad for the shop clerk, and I know Officer Reed with have to live with it for the rest of his life. I did like him at the wake.

 I liked that Jamie and Eddie finally admitted their Love for each other actually. But they do need to move on now. They are past the good opportunity for becoming a couple.

It was nice to see Danny being so caring for Emily after she killed that rapist Brandon. Do feel bad she had to handle it like that.

Edited by webruce
added thought
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On ‎11‎/‎18‎/‎2016 at 11:27 PM, rhys said:

Jamie was an idiot. 

seriously!  I am so so sick of the whole Jamie and Eddie wannabe love drama.  I don't think they have chemistry and it's not that torturous!  Either get together and separate as partners or move on!  As of now, Jaime has done enough stupid jealous things that make me think regardless of whether they're planning on acting on their feelings, they should probably get new partners.

And how long has Jaime been an office anyways?  It's been like 7 years and he still hasn't made detective??

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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 0:13 PM, CooperTV said:

I must say I skipped all Jamie/Eddie scenes, and nothing of value was lost. We've seen Frank and priest refusing to break the oath plot too many times already. Pass. Even though Tom Selleck's and Stacy Keach's scenes were really good.

Yeah, they probably wanted to use 21st century is a age of surveillance thing in all the cases, but the "agriculture" satellite stuff was slightly out of place, as it was obvious the husband was the killer. Because it's always the husband and because they hired Tim Guinee who is 100% recognizable guest-star and is always in pretty much everything on CBS and other channels. I liked Danny's and Maria's banter, they have great dynamic going.

I know right?  It really is always the husband!  And the agriculture satellite is kinda dumb ... if this were true and it existed, then why wouldn't they solve every murder using those satellite pictures?  Why was it able to capture this one and only this one?

Maria looks like she's had a tad too much botox this season ... I liked the first partner Jackie way better.  I do think it's weird how they always call one another "partner". 

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On ‎11‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 9:02 PM, Lillybee said:

I wonder if the show will address the NYPD's having to deal with the new president spending some time at Trump Tower.

Probably not ... although I wish Frank could solve that drama.  It sounds like a hot mess for traffic and expensive to boot!

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Usually not a fan of Erin (I find her a tad pompous and holier than though ... "I have the LAW on my side"...please gurl) but this was a good plotline where she was forced in an ethical situation.  I liked her solution of finding a shark to help Emily out.  Nice....

YAWN ... so done with Jamie and Eddie.  WHO CARES!!!!!!! 

And Jaime ... what's up with being extra stupid by letting the homeless girl stay with him??  Makes no sense and it wasn't professional at all!  Plus, he lives in freakin' BK Heights and I thought she HAD TO be in Manhattan?

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Maybe..I was just thinking of Nick Turturro who played Jamie's sergeant. I thought there were different categories of Sergeant, but maybe not. I googled it and found this:

Of the active-duty cops in the NYPD, the lowest ranking are the police officers, who account for more than 23,000 NYPD cops as of 2013, or roughly two-thirds of the force. Detective is the next rank in the command structure, and sergeant lies just above detective. In ascending order, the other ranks include lieutenant, captain, deputy inspector, inspector, deputy chief, chiefs, chief of department, deputy commissioner, first deputy commissioner and commissioner.

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19 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Maybe..I was just thinking of Nick Turturro who played Jamie's sergeant. I thought there were different categories of Sergeant, but maybe not. I googled it and found this:

Of the active-duty cops in the NYPD, the lowest ranking are the police officers, who account for more than 23,000 NYPD cops as of 2013, or roughly two-thirds of the force. Detective is the next rank in the command structure, and sergeant lies just above detective. In ascending order, the other ranks include lieutenant, captain, deputy inspector, inspector, deputy chief, chiefs, chief of department, deputy commissioner, first deputy commissioner and commissioner.

There are not different grades of sergeant like in the military (Staff Sergeant, Master Sergeant, etc.) but there are different assignments with different levels of pay and prestige, There is a separate "category" for certain Sergeants in investigative assignments, but it's not a higher or seperate rank per se. Per Wikipedia: "There is a small percentage of Lieutenants and Sergeants who work as Investigative Supervisors (approximately equal to 10% of their respective ranks) and are granted the prestigious pay grade designations of "Sergeant—Supervisor Detective Squad" (SDS), or Lieutenant—Commander Detective Squad (CDS) therefore assuming full Investigative command responsibility as opposed to operational supervision. Their pay grade rises to an approximate midpoint between their normal rank and the next highest rank's pay grade, and similar to a Detective's "grade", is also a discretionary promotion. This pay grade designation is achieved by assignment to Investigative units, i.e. Detective Bureau, Internal Affairs Bureau, Counter-Terrorism Bureau, Intelligence Bureau, and Organized Crime Control Bureau. Lieutenants and Sergeants in non-investigatory assignments can be designated Lieutenant-Special Assignment or Sergeant-Special Assignment, pay equivalent to their investigative counterparts." And of course in Blue Bloods world there is a seperate rank of detective above everyone else in the NYPD except Commissioner - Detective Danny Reagan. Although in real life as a Detective First Grade he would get paid more than Jaime would as a Patrol Sergeant.

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Not a fan of Potter... and how is he not in jail? 

Not a fan of how CBS depicts Potter and minorities who go up against the Reagans. It's as though the station wants to affirm the white over-60 crowd that racial tensions between NYC cops and non-whites are usually overblown and then exploited by a few unreasonable (non-white) loudmouths.

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I thought this episode was very fair in Frank being respectful to Potter (although I think the show depicts whomever goes against the Reagans loses for the most part - all I heard was Frank and Danny asking him, understandably to support their efforts..).

And it was cool, Jaimie being surprised by the father's thanks.  Show's always an actions have consequences kind of lesson plan but that was a sad lesson for the child who got killed. Sad.  Although I kind of freaked when I thought Jaimie was going to get majorly hurt as a season finale.  I guess I care about the actual characters I'm watching - whether or not I agree with their world view.

The smarmy guy looking Erin up and down - wow, that was some smarm.  Good actor and creepy/compelling story line.  It had lots of potential but had to take a back seat.

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It was better that I'd expect it to be, even though the Erin part of the story felt like something from other episode. But they did played on the father/son bond there, so that was obviously not the case.

Regardless, I thought they did a nice job of fleshing-out Rev. Potter, his family and his grief, and still have him be entirely, obnoxiously himself. The same thing with Frank and Danny who were their hardass exasperated selves with him but still emoting the hell out of each scene. I'm glad that the show Frank still processing his own grief over Joe, and how he tried to reach out to Potter about that. The dinner scene was also significant in that development. Otherwise the case was almost painted-by-the-numbers stuff, if you remove all the emotional payoff.

The Jamie vs. PD Captain with the drug addict son was excellent, I thought. The parallels were spot-on, and Jamie talking to Pops was a nice touch. And Jamie also had a storyline that's not about him being ~~in love~~ with Janko. Always a plus.

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