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LIVE CHAT: Election Night 2016 (11/8/2016)

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6 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Well, I didn't exactly doubt this, this really should NOT be a surprise to we thinking folk.

It was a surprise to me. I really did not believe this country was this racist.  Never in my life have I argued or cried over a political race until tonight 

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Nate Silver is really effed in the head if he's posting stuff like this (as of a few min. ago):



Clinton wins Nevada. Our model now gives her a 21 percent chance of winning the election.


Try 3% Nate. Maybe 0 by the time I hit Reply now. It's not theoretically impossible yet but looking at the end of the PA race (and knowing the rest is all rural), it will be soon.

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It's too late and I'm too upset and my brain isn't working, but . . . who the heck is Cheyenne?

It looks like the poster's auto-correct/auto-fill struck; that's surely Dick Cheney, who ran the George W. Bush presidency.

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Just take solace in his incompetence.  All of his hate filled plans will require actual, systemic hard work. 

Pixel beat me to it. Again, birth control and abortion is not a major issue for me personally but that doesn't mean it couldn't be and the fact that it's highly likely Pence is going to go after that and a lot of other social issues the government has no business in is so beyond worry... it provokes a level of anxiety I can't even properly verbalize. I haven't even paid attention to what's going on with the Senate but I assume the Republicans have held onto a lot of seats. He's going to get some stuff through if this goes the way it looks like it's going to go. 

Also, can someone do a quick review? Aside from Supreme Court nominees, can Trump actually appoint whoever the fuck he wants to his cabinet without anyone's approval? We barely heard from him and I'm already scared about what I know about Pence. God knows what else we need to fear from the rest of his cabinet.

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1 minute ago, j5cochran said:

It's too late and I'm too upset and my brain isn't working, but . . . who the heck is Cheyenne?

A weird way to say Cheney, I suppose. Ex-President Dick Cheney.

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2 minutes ago, j5cochran said:

It's too late and I'm too upset and my brain isn't working, but . . . who the heck is Cheyenne?

Damn autocorrect, I give you Mr. Dick Cheyney!

My favorite republican advocate for safe and responsible gun ownership which he demonstrated by drunkenly shooting his friend in the face with lead shot.  Ah, memories.

Edited by bosawks
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2 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

Pixel beat me to it. Again, birth control and abortion is not a major issue for me personally but that doesn't mean it couldn't be and the fact that it's highly likely Pence is going to go after that and a lot of other social issues the government has no business in is so beyond worry... it provokes a level of anxiety I can't even properly verbalize. I haven't even paid attention to what's going on with the Senate but I assume the Republicans have held onto a lot of seats. He's going to get some stuff through if this goes the way it looks like it's going to go. 

Also, can someone do a quick review? Aside from Supreme Court nominees, can Trump actually appoint whoever the fuck he wants to his cabinet without anyone's approval? We barely heard from him and I'm already scared about what I know about Pence. God knows what else we need to fear from the rest of his cabinet.

He needs the Senate approval.

The Dems will be in the same position the Reps have been in the past few years--having to block appointments. The Reps will have a majority, but it takes 2/3rds. 

They will basically SOUND like hypocrites, but they will HAVE to do it.

We may go down to 6 or 7 Supreme Court Justices as some die, but numerically there's really no formal number required. The important thing would be what order they die in. Ruth Bader Ginsburg dying for example, would unbalance the court. But almost as old is Anthony Kennedy, which would do so in the other direction.

Edited by Kromm
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Here's the thing that frustrates the fuck out of me.....she's apparently losing in many areas throughout the country where the unemployment has gone down the MOST in the last four to eight years.  And the media wants to talk to me about "economic anxiety/insecurity" of the white working class voter.  Screw that.  They got theirs back to stable, so that then they could revert to saying I got mine, I don't want the Muslims, I don't want the blacks, I don't like the gays, I don't want to take care of the poor (other than me), I don't want a woman in charge of either the country or what I deem appropriate for her body.

Well, good for them.  We will be okay, and the Democrats will have to clean up the mess again in four or eight years when the economy goes bad again (only growth since Reagan is in Democratic administrations) and the WWC will be back again with the coalition because "its the economy".  But guess what, by then, we aren't going to need them so much.  Sure, we'll take care of them, but their concerns go to the bottom of the list.

I'm hurt.  I'm disappointed.  I'm shocked.  I can't even believe I actually had confidence tonight.  I'm sorry to those whose hopes I got up. I pray for those that are going to have tough days ahead, I'll be okay, but dammit lots are going to be hurt in so many ways that go so far beyond economic pain that so many aren't willing to consider given this vote.

Rant over.

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1 minute ago, Apprentice79 said:

What did he say? I will never watch CNN again, for making him so relevant....Plus, I hate the Trump's surrogates...

He gave a very emotional, teary (I think his eyes were actually watering) explanation of how it's hard to be a parent in this country now, that our minority friends will be in fear tomorrow, etc., and this is a "whitelash" against the progress of America.

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I feel ill for a lot of people, but especially for the Gold Star parents who opened up a wound in order to try to get people to vote against bigotry and fear mongering. One of the most chilling lines of the whole campaign was "you have sacrificed nothing and no one." And not only is that still true, but now this spoiled 70 year old child has gotten his hands on his shiniest toy yet.

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2 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

He gave a very emotional, teary (I think his eyes were actually watering) explanation of how it's hard to be a parent in this country now, that our minority friends will be in fear tomorrow, etc., and this is a "whitelash" against the progress of America.

I understand...I am teary myself....I refuse to watch CNN..I blame them for pushing him and giving him so much free publicity....Shame on CNN...

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Trump is disgusting, stupid and a con man. But Pence will be in charge--along with other scary people like Gen Hayden as SOD, and Rudy as AG and Newt as SOS. And there's talk of Bannon as chief of staff. Surely a place for Bossie and Stone--the alt right in the WH.  

We will have no checks and balances with Repbs in charge of the WH, the Congress and the SC (the one that--other than climate change and war and civil liberties--scares me the most).  A Scalia-clone court with a solid majority for a generation...could do so much damage.  Just accept a few cases to undo Roe v. Wade...marriage equality...set back civil rights and womens rights....don't forget Trump's promise to deregulate industry and end the Kyoto Accords -- since climate change is a "Chinese hoax".

One of the most evil, manipulative and ignorant men in America will be our next president. (Electoral College? -= Never Trump??? Please???)   And bring others just like him into office.

Sinclair Lewis said "When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and waving the Bible". I'm sure Pence will get that part across along with all their alt-right friends.   Sad times.

I'd say to anyone who can, move to a solidly blue state. Here in California, at least we have a liberal state--governor, legislature all in syn. And they just legalized marijuana tonight--just in time for tuning out the Trump presidency.

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On my drive to the liquor store at 10:47 on a Tuesday evening, the local radio station said the most requested song of the evening is "It's The End of the World As We Know It" by REM.  And we're in Canada. I am so, so, sorry for those of you who were on the side of 'Stronger Together' this evening.

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I've never really followed politics, I've always voted and tried to stay informed but have never been emotionally involved. 

I'm sitting here all alone crying my eyes out. I'm really fucking scared. I'm in a position where I rely on a lot of the things that Trump is going to ruin. I have a young granddaughter and I'm terrified for her.  

I haven't had a drink in 20 years but I'm seriously contemplating cracking a bottle of wine. I'm sick to my stomach and can't stop crying. 

What the hell is going to happen to people like me? 

I'm sorry to sound so selfish but I'm not in a position to care for myself and I'm so damn scared right now. 

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 I'm so afraid not only for myself as a biracial woman, but for my black family members, every POC in this country and the LGBTQ community. The bigotry that won tonight has been validated and invigorated and I'm terrified of what that means for the next four years. But I have to believe for the sake of my sanity that we can all get through this. Please take care of yourselves, hug your friends, and push through.


There's a great quote I saw on Twitter from a black activist- "We've been fighting white supremacy since the first shackle was put on our ankles and will continue to fight moving forward".

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One possible optimistic thought:   Maybe in two years, if the country and world survive that long, Democrats will take control of Congress (is it 2020 or 2018 that the next gerrymandering happens?)

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I am in a solidly blue state and maybe all the Dems on the ballot this morning gave me false hope. Keepin' it 1600 helped bolster my confidence but ultimately it was my faith in the sense and rationality of the American people. I feel the most disappointed in that more than anything else. 

Took a break from Spotify for a while. Peanut gallery in the next rooming is crowing over a David vs. Goliath victory.

Also, I'm not one to yell "triggered" but Jesus Christ, when you posted that Trump picture Kromm... (the page automatically updated so it popped up). This is going to be my life for the next 4 years. I CANNOT.

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1 minute ago, Maharincess said:

I've never really followed politics, I've always voted and tried to stay informed but have never been emotionally involved. 

I'm sitting here all alone crying my eyes out. I'm really fucking scared. I'm in a position where I rely on a lot of the things that Trump is going to ruin. I have a young granddaughter and I'm terrified for her.  

I haven't had a drink in 20 years but I'm seriously contemplating cracking a bottle of wine. I'm sick to my stomach and can't stop crying. 

What the hell is going to happen to people like me? 

I'm sorry to sound so selfish but I'm not in a position to care for myself and I'm so damn scared right now. 

Maharincess, we frequent a lot of the same forums so I feel like we're old buddies lol. But I want to give you a great big cyber hug. We all share the same pain. And if you don't drink anymore, don't start now -- I'll take that one for you. 

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3 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I've never really followed politics, I've always voted and tried to stay informed but have never been emotionally involved. 

I'm sitting here all alone crying my eyes out. I'm really fucking scared. I'm in a position where I rely on a lot of the things that Trump is going to ruin. I have a young granddaughter and I'm terrified for her.  

I haven't had a drink in 20 years but I'm seriously contemplating cracking a bottle of wine. I'm sick to my stomach and can't stop crying. 

What the hell is going to happen to people like me? 

I'm sorry to sound so selfish but I'm not in a position to care for myself and I'm so damn scared right now. 

Hi!  I've been obsessed with this election, and excited for what I thought was going to happen.  Now I'm scared and sad, really sad.  We won't have a woman president, maybe not in  my lifetime now.   Instead of having the smart, experienced, kind, moral president we deserve, we get a narcissistic BIGOT.  

I'm devastated.  And not drunk enough yet.

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5 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

I understand...I am teary myself....I refuse to watch CNN..I blame them for pushing him and giving him so much free publicity....Shame on CNN...

Last year on the CNN thread I wrote that double digit mass murders and the papal visit were the only things that briefly paused the non-stop reporting about Trump.  The first extended interview of Rubio that I heard on CNN was after Rubio dropped out, not that I'm any fan of Marco Roboto.

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So dies "The party of Lincoln".  I can't help but think of that famous cartoon by Bill Mauldin of the Abe of the Lincoln Memorial with his head in his hands.


Edited by bosawks
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2 minutes ago, aradia22 said:

Gary Johnson was the difference in numbers between Trump and Clinton in:

North Caroliduh!

And his votes will also be the difference by the end count it appears, in both PA and MI.

But again, if it wasn't him then another Libertarian likely would have had most of those votes.

James Comey did this. Even with his partial reversal the other day.

2 minutes ago, WhitneyWhit said:

I just keep thinking of a time when someone who would say even 1/4 of what Trump has said would have basically been blacklisted, they would be over, those days are gone now, America is gone.

1%, not 1/4. 

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