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Shannon Beador: Magic Crystals and Nine Lemons

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He really is a scumbag. The comment on the girlfriends instagram is bad enough , but the #notdiscreetanymore or what ever he wrote is disgusting.  How about let the kids get used to the idea without putting it out there on sm. I'm not even saying he can't move on,go live a happy life, but damn , think of your teen daughter a bit dumbass. 

Her (girlfriend ) instagram is public, so clearly she was trying show Shannon and he commented so he was fine with it.  His is private,  if she only wanted to share with her friends she'd have made it private.  I feel bad for the daughters,  Shannon too, I just think teenagers have it hard enough, with out parents added drama.

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4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Is this the same woman he cheated on Shannon with? 

No. Or rather this is not the woman that Shannon knew about, who knows when they met.

Edited by biakbiak
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21 minutes ago, nexxie said:

David supposedly accusing Shannon of excessive drinking and keeping the kids away from him - if true, this story is getting uglier.


Doesn't he realize that cheating on their mom, handing 1 of them his wedding ring to give back to her a few years ago and then cheating on her yet again has had a huge impact on them?  On top of that, he has flaunted his gf/her kid(s) on his SM accounts, before the divorce is final, further hurting their mom, yet he thinks Shannon is the one alienating them from him. He needs to look no further than in the mirror to see who is pushing them away.

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Interesting response from David-not terribly coherent but interesting: 

 facts set forth hereunder are within my personal knowledge and if called as a witness, I could and would testify thereto. Child Custody and Parenting Time 1. I am requesting the Court enter an order providing for joint legal custody and award me 50% physical custody of the children. Such orders would serve the childrens best interests. While the children (Stella and Adeline) have resided with Shannon, since separation, the children, on several occasions have refused to talk or see me. This behavior has been tolerated in Shannon's home and is not in the best interests of the children. I have requested they spend nights with me however they have expressed concerns for their mother in this event. Shannon is not fostering or encouraging a healthy father child relationship. Moreover, Shannon's employment encourages excess drinking and extended travel to which Shannon has chosen not to inform me and make accommodations for the kids to stay with me while she is away. Child Support and Temporary Spousal Support 2. I am requesting the court enter guideline child support and Santa Clara guideline temporary spousal support. Shannon earns between $500,000 and $600,000 per year. In her attachment 10 declaration, she again perjured herself stating I earned "five times" the amount she earns. In fact, my salary is $5000 per week, $262,000 per year and I take distributions averaging approximately $175,000 per year. My "take-home" pay is thus less than what Shannon makes. While my company last year had positive results, the last 5 year average net income was a loss of approximately $307,000 plus per year, the 7 year average was an approximate loss of $111,000 plus per year. Using company net income as a part of my salary is not conducive to what the court should set forth as my salary as I don't pay that net income to myself. My salary or take home pay should include only


Wow David's attorney needs a new paralegal.

So David is saying that Shannon's employment encourages excess drinking.  Let's see Shannon works about four months a year approximately three days a week. Dhe leaves town-let's see that is two trips a year at the most for no more than four days.  

Poor broke David-why get the oldest daughter a BMW if he can't afford to support his family?  

Maybe the twins don't want to be around his new girlfriend and her kids.  The kids are of the age they can pretty much choose where they want to live.

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

How in the world did Shannon and David afford a multimillion $ home for so many years? I assumed he made millions every year from his business. 

Either he's full of spit (likely), or her family money was being used to front their lifestyle, that he was taking credit for providing.  Neither scenario paints him in a very good light.

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

How in the world did Shannon and David afford a multimillion $ home for so many years? I assumed he made millions every year from his business. 

Showing a net loss doesn't necessarily mean David didn't pull a healthy salary out of the business every year.

No wonder Shannon hired a forensic accountant.  

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On 3/12/2018 at 8:29 PM, WireWrap said:

Doesn't he realize that cheating on their mom, handing 1 of them his wedding ring to give back to her a few years ago and then cheating on her yet again has had a huge impact on them?  On top of that, he has flaunted his gf/her kid(s) on his SM accounts, before the divorce is final, further hurting their mom, yet he thinks Shannon is the one alienating them from him. He needs to look no further than in the mirror to see who is pushing them away.

PREACH, WireWrap!!!!

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Well, we know that Shannon has no problem talking about her family's personal matters, so we are sure to see how she is handling all of this with the kids. I personally doubt she will be able to stop herself from having inappropriate conversations about David with the girls on camera. So, we are definitely in for an interesting, if even more toxic, season. 

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The way that I look at it, you can't change the past. Without question, David made poor choices, not just the cheating but the whole wedding ring situation, then not being man enough to take himself (and his kids) off of reality tv so the family could heal. Shannon made mistakes, too. There is nothing you can do about any of that now -- your only choice is to move forward. Holding grudges and starting petty fights is not the solution, nor is encouraging the kids to become estranged from a parent. This will only end in tears. Shannon needs to take a long, hard look at Tamra's situation with her daughter Sidney, because that's the position that David is in now, with his kids refusing to have anything to do with him. That's what happens when one parent thinks that they've "won" something because their kid wants nothing to do with the other parent. The kid loses, and it's a mess. As hurt as Shannon is, she should be the bigger person and encourage the girls to spend time with their dad, or at the very least go to counseling with him. She can't force them to go but she can ask them to try. They should not be in the middle of the divorce.

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20 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

The way that I look at it, you can't change the past. Without question, David made poor choices, not just the cheating but the whole wedding ring situation, then not being man enough to take himself (and his kids) off of reality tv so the family could heal. Shannon made mistakes, too. There is nothing you can do about any of that now -- your only choice is to move forward. Holding grudges and starting petty fights is not the solution, nor is encouraging the kids to become estranged from a parent. This will only end in tears. Shannon needs to take a long, hard look at Tamra's situation with her daughter Sidney, because that's the position that David is in now, with his kids refusing to have anything to do with him. That's what happens when one parent thinks that they've "won" something because their kid wants nothing to do with the other parent. The kid loses, and it's a mess. As hurt as Shannon is, she should be the bigger person and encourage the girls to spend time with their dad, or at the very least go to counseling with him. She can't force them to go but she can ask them to try. They should not be in the middle of the divorce.

From what I read, Shannon did everything she could to keep David in the girls lives, including a weekly "family" dinner with him/her/all 3 girls. Things seemed to change when David and his gf started posting pictures of themselves plus her kids on their respective SM accounts. IMO, this was the girls decision, not Shannon's.

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8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

From what I read, Shannon did everything she could to keep David in the girls lives, including a weekly "family" dinner with him/her/all 3 girls. Things seemed to change when David and his gf started posting pictures of themselves plus her kids on their respective SM accounts. IMO, this was the girls decision, not Shannon's.

You missed my point. If the social media stuff is the reason that they are refusing to see him, they need to talk to him about it, not cut him out completely. That road goes nowhere good and a therapist may need to get involved. Ask Tamra about all of those years with her daughter that she missed out on that she will never get back. Saying "well, he did this and then they made that decision, oh well, I guess" is not a solution for a family that's already broken.

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1 hour ago, LilaFowler said:

You missed my point. If the social media stuff is the reason that they are refusing to see him, they need to talk to him about it, not cut him out completely. That road goes nowhere good and a therapist may need to get involved. Ask Tamra about all of those years with her daughter that she missed out on that she will never get back. Saying "well, he did this and then they made that decision, oh well, I guess" is not a solution for a family that's already broken.

I do agree that therapy would help them all navigate through this but no one can force the girls to participate in it and I think that is what is happening now. Also, to expand on what biakbiak is pointing out, the girls still see/visit him, they are refusing to spend the night with him and not wanting to see him as much as he wants. IMO, he is trying to blame this all on Shannon instead of admitting his own responsibility in why they don't want to be around him.

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I think we only know what we read on social media which as we all know is so accurate. Both Shannon and David need to stay off of it and communicate privately. This kind of discord will not help any of them especially their children. Geez, people. Grow up and put your kids first!

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4 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

The way that I look at it, you can't change the past. Without question, David made poor choices, not just the cheating but the whole wedding ring situation, then not being man enough to take himself (and his kids) off of reality tv so the family could heal. Shannon made mistakes, too. There is nothing you can do about any of that now -- your only choice is to move forward. Holding grudges and starting petty fights is not the solution, nor is encouraging the kids to become estranged from a parent. This will only end in tears. Shannon needs to take a long, hard look at Tamra's situation with her daughter Sidney, because that's the position that David is in now, with his kids refusing to have anything to do with him. That's what happens when one parent thinks that they've "won" something because their kid wants nothing to do with the other parent. The kid loses, and it's a mess. As hurt as Shannon is, she should be the bigger person and encourage the girls to spend time with their dad, or at the very least go to counseling with him. She can't force them to go but she can ask them to try. They should not be in the middle of the divorce.

The only proof we have that she's trying to keep the kids away is from David and forgive me if I don't take the word of a liar as the gospel truth. 

I'm the product of divorced parents and I can tell you at that age kids form their own opinions based on what is happening around them.  

It could be that she is trying to keep them away from their dad,  though as messed up as she is,  it seems the kids have always been her top priority and anyone with half a brain knows purposely alienating a child from a parent will have psychological repercussions and e ritually backfire. 

No,  I'm guessing the girls don't like his behavior and are harboring their own resentments. He has shown his children zero respect in regards to how he publicly introduced his girlfriend to the world.  With her needling their mom. They are at an age where they can choose to spend time with him or not.

It appears that David is grasping for any excuse rather than taking responsibility for his actions having consequences.

She comes across as a loon,  he comes across as an emotionally unavailable borderline emotionally abusive a hole. 

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2 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

She comes across as a loon,  he comes across as an emotionally unavailable borderline emotionally abusive a hole.

Sounds about right.

If the girls are mad at him, it could stem from the flaunting of the girlfriend on social media, among the other organic reasons that this family is broken.  Teenage girls are so not going to appreciate the young chickie, or the fact that their father, at least to them, is showing that level of disrespect to their mother, especially so soon or what seems like soon to them.

Divorce is a fascinating social construct, right up to the point that you live with it and through it.  The adults are very often the least mature in the room.

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The smartest thing I’ve ever heard about divorce was from a dad who was kept from his children. He said “We must love our children more than we hate each other”.  That’s not to support David or Shannon. Just to tell them and other parents going through a divorce to remember this. It’s about what’s best for the children. Always.

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I wonder if the girls worry about Shannon being alone because she's depressed and an emotional mess and thst is why they don't want to see their dad? Because they feel responsible for her and  don't feel comfortable leaving her alone? Also though I used to like David.. You can't trust anyone in a custody situation. My ex dragged me into court 5 days before Christmas ( I couldn't even find a lawyer available for the hearing because I'd only been served 3 days prior to the emergency hearing. He claimed I wouldn't let him see one of our kids.. That I withheld visitation

 The truth was our 3 year old never spent the night at his house because his girlfriend didn't want her around. He had no interest in seeing our 2nd child

 Said he was too young. I had hundreds of text messages asking him if he was going to see the kids on "his" weekends or  if he could watch them on his days off so I didnt have to pay for daycare and in every instance he was too busy or it was inconvenient for him. I bent over backwards to let him see his chidren whenever he wanted (which wasn't often and averaged out to be once a month

But yet in court he claimed I refused to let him see his child and kept her from him which couldn't be further from the truth. So David is probably lying to make himself look better. He's probably wrapped up in the new gf. I feel badly for his daughters. They would probably like to spend time with both parents but may feel very uncomfortable with the new gf around. 

Edited by kira28
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14 hours ago, kira28 said:

I wonder if the girls worry about Shannon being alone because she's depressed and an emotional mess and thst is why they don't want to see their dad? Because they feel responsible for her and  don't feel comfortable leaving her alone? Also though I used to like David.. You can't trust anyone in a custody situation. My ex dragged me into court 5 days before Christmas ( I couldn't even find a lawyer available for the hearing because I'd only been served 3 days prior to the emergency hearing. He claimed I wouldn't let him see one of our kids.. That I withheld visitation

 The truth was our 3 year old never spent the night at his house because his girlfriend didn't want her around. He had no interest in seeing our 2nd child

 Said he was too young. I had hundreds of text messages asking him if he was going to see the kids on "his" weekends or  if he could watch them on his days off so I didnt have to pay for daycare and in every instance he was too busy or it was inconvenient for him. I bent over backwards to let him see his chidren whenever he wanted (which wasn't often and averaged out to be once a month

But yet in court he claimed I refused to let him see his child and kept her from him which couldn't be further from the truth. So David is probably lying to make himself look better. He's probably wrapped up in the new gf. I feel badly for his daughters. They would probably like to spend time with both parents but may feel very uncomfortable with the new gf around. 

It's inevitable that all concerned will need therapy in this family! You had David with a whole separate life with another woman, Shannon spiraling out of control overeating and drinking, David's mom approving of "the other woman" and having nothing good to say about Shannon, and the kids caught in the middle! This whole family is a mess and will need a lot of psychological care after all's said and done! Those smiles have to be as fake as FK! ;-(

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On 3/15/2018 at 1:33 PM, LilaFowler said:

The way that I look at it, you can't change the past. Without question, David made poor choices, not just the cheating but the whole wedding ring situation, then not being man enough to take himself (and his kids) off of reality tv so the family could heal. Shannon made mistakes, too. There is nothing you can do about any of that now -- your only choice is to move forward. Holding grudges and starting petty fights is not the solution, nor is encouraging the kids to become estranged from a parent. This will only end in tears. Shannon needs to take a long, hard look at Tamra's situation with her daughter Sidney, because that's the position that David is in now, with his kids refusing to have anything to do with him. That's what happens when one parent thinks that they've "won" something because their kid wants nothing to do with the other parent. The kid loses, and it's a mess. As hurt as Shannon is, she should be the bigger person and encourage the girls to spend time with their dad, or at the very least go to counseling with him. She can't force them to go but she can ask them to try. They should not be in the middle of the divorce.

Tamra is toxic and I don't blame her daughter for choosing not to have a relationship with her. She doesn't want to be associated with reality TV. As much as I despise her e  husband I don't blame him for the rift. 

 David needs to take a long look at his choices and see how letting his new girlfriend talk about their relationship in public lid is coming across to his daughters. They are at an age where the court allows them to choose. 

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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5 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Oh for sure and it's petty,  but ultimately probably best for them. 

Agreed. I don't think the kids should be on tv while their parents are in the midst of an acrimonious divorce.

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Shannon won in court and David was not happy. He also represented himself.



David was ordered to pay Shannon $12,000 per month for child support of their three daughters, Sophie, 16, and 12-year-old twins Stella and Adeline, and $18,000 for spousal support.

The judge originally ruled that David would have to pay her $18,000 a month in spousal support but she told Radar after court that they had settled on a lesser amount.  An exasperated David was heard saying in the courtroom: “She spends like a freak!”

David said while his business made $1 million last year, he has been losing $3 to $4 million in prior years. David told the judge that if he approved that tentative ruling, he would not be able to pay his employees and would probably have to shut down his business in three months.

David also said Shannon has already signed her RHOC 2018 contract with the show, which was not reflected in her financial documents. The judge said he couldn’t consider future earnings, only past earnings to determine how much income the individual make on average.

The judge also ruled that David would pay $25,000 for Shannon’s attorney’s fees.

“I’m a little disappointed that I wasn’t able to present any evidence,” David said. “I need to be careful here, but it seems to me you gave more credibility to Mr.P hillips because he is an attorney and I am self-represented. Quite honestly, your honor, I was ready to have the bailiff put me in handcuffs and haul me off because $30,000 a month would potentially destroy my company.  I have to pay my ex to live a lavish lifestyle while I struggle to make payroll. I have no line of credit because in previous years I had some issues.”

The Bravolebrity and her husband were admonished by the judge for their extravagant spending habits, saying “they both individually make too much money not to have enough at the end of each month.”



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It will be interesting to see his strategy as it relates to his company, going forward.  He's already laid the groundwork; will he close it down citing inability to pay the bills, or will he just slow-pay or no-pay her back into court?

As a side note, I always get a twinge when I read these extravagant numbers that are laid out every month by women who claim they simply couldn't be expected to cut costs.  I thought she had family money and was raised high on the hog.  Where's all of that?

Anyway, I guess we'll all have a front row seat for this family's mess.

p.s.:  I'm in agreement that he should deny permission to film the kids.  Actually, it shouldn't take the father to demand it.  Shannon should have the wits to figure that out on her own.  Not with all of this nastiness going on.

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It's probably just because I'm selfish but as long as Shannon doesnt bring the drama in family scenes, having the kids around doesnt seem like it should be an issue. Seeing her interact with them for events like prom/driving/etc...should be good to go. 

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

It's probably just because I'm selfish but as long as Shannon doesnt bring the drama in family scenes, having the kids around doesnt seem like it should be an issue. Seeing her interact with them for events like prom/driving/etc...should be good to go. 

I would agree if I thought Shannon could conduct herself as if they weren't in a War Of The Roses remake.  I don't trust that she wouldn't drop a snide comment or six, while filming.

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2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Two snips from the link:


David said while his business made $1 million last year, he has been losing $3 to $4 million in prior years. David told the judge that if he approved that tentative ruling, he would not be able to pay his employees and would probably have to shut down his business in three months.


This is a fair point. I'm a bit unclear on David's total monthly spend. Is it $12K/monthly for the kids and a requested 18K/monthly for Shannon, which was later reduced to an undisclosed amount? In any event, if the monthly check torpedoes his business . . . 



The judge also ruled that David would pay $25,000 for Shannon’s attorney’s fees.


Ridiculous. I like Shannon and tend to cut her slack on these boards but, damn, pay your own legal fees out of your earnings  and savings.

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6 minutes ago, SCS said:

Ridiculous. I like Shannon and tend to cut her slack on these boards but, damn, pay your own legal fees out of your earnings  and savings.

Exactly.  It's the 21st century, and this poor, defenseless, can't fend for yourself BS is tired.

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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

David caused this so he is just reaping what he sewed. 


David is no local hero by any stretch but I doubt being married to Shannon has been an easy or happy or fulfilling experience (and, no, I am not excusing David's philandering). IMO, D&S come across like 2 people who should have never married, let alone built a life together. In the 4 (??) years they've been onscreen, there's never been any real affection, passion or comfort exchanged between the 2 of them, including the vow renewal. Maybe there was some off-camera but, since they're divorcing, hm.

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Of course but it'd be one thing if they were divorcing because they just arent happy but the cheating and the constant put downs...then he flaunts his new relationship on social media....David looked horrible these past two years and even his daughters arent interested in seeing him.

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10 minutes ago, SCS said:


David is no local hero by any stretch but I doubt being married to Shannon has been an easy or happy or fulfilling experience (and, no, I am not excusing David's philandering). IMO, D&S come across like 2 people who should have never married, let alone built a life together. In the 4 (??) years they've been onscreen, there's never been any real affection, passion or comfort exchanged between the 2 of them, including the vow renewal. Maybe there was some off-camera but, since they're divorcing, hm.

I agree for the most part, excepting only that I don't know what his demeanor is/was before the show started.  He strikes me as a man who lets everyone else do the talking and emoting.  That said, it really does take two to make and break a marriage.  I would never condone looking outside of the marriage for fulfillment, but Shannon was/is pretty self-involved in that marriage, at least by what she's shown on-camera.  

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I agree for the most part, excepting only that I don't know what his demeanor is/was before the show started.  He strikes me as a man who let's everyone else do the talking and emoting.  That said, it really does take two to make and break a marriage.  I would never condone looking outside of the marriage for fulfillment, but Shannon was/is pretty self-involved in that marriage, at least by what she's shown on-camera.  


I try to give the hubs/BFs a bit more leeway that the HWs because the guys are onscreen in secondary roles and didn't initially sign up for the camera time. To me, David is like Kelly's husband (name escapes me) or the Jims Edmonds and Bellino -- on camera because of filming needs but not especially comfortable or eager to be there. Then there are the guys, like Terry Dubrow and Slade-film-me-from-my-good-side-please, and (from BH) Paul Nassif -- loving the camera time, peeking to see if the camera is on them and mugging their ways through every scene.

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36 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I agree for the most part, excepting only that I don't know what his demeanor is/was before the show started.  He strikes me as a man who lets everyone else do the talking and emoting.  That said, it really does take two to make and break a marriage.  I would never condone looking outside of the marriage for fulfillment, but Shannon was/is pretty self-involved in that marriage, at least by what she's shown on-camera.  

I get what your saying but it can take only 1 to break a marriage...if one cheats it makes things a lot harder. 

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