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"The View": Week of 10/31/2016

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This belongs in "The View in the Media," but really...there's little traffic there.  Rarely do posters read or comment.  So...this week's TVGuide features a nice article with a pretty photo of Jedidiah.  In it they describe her, "this card-carrying Libertarian is one of the freshest, funniest and most illuminating people talking politics today."   GEEZ!   I completely disagree, of course.   The entire article is on this View forum in the "Media" section.

After reading this article, my annoyance with Jediblahblah has increased. I didn't know that was possible. 

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So glad that Jed was strongly corrected by Whoopi when J tried to separate/exonerate Trump from neonazis!  High damn time Trump's guilt in mainstreaming this type of hatred was made clear on The View.  The parallels between Hitler's rise in 1930's Germany & Trump's ascension in the USA/GOP are truly horrifying.  In 20 yrs we'll be asking," Where were the good Americans?"

Edited by telemachus2
Can't type lately - damn Trumpster plot!
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2 hours ago, telemachus2 said:

Solo glad that Jed was strongly corrected by Whoopi when J tried to separate/exonerate Trump from neonazis!  High damn time Trump's guilt in mainstreaming this type of hatred was made clear on The View.  The parallels between Hitler's rise in 1930's Germany & Trump's ascension in the USA/GOP are truly horrifying.  In 20 yrs we'll be asking," Where were the good Americans?"

I loved Whoopi's smackdown of Jedidiah, too. Unlike that article above tried to suggest, Jedi always comes to the table ready to bash Hillary, but always the first to defend Trump whatever the issue (from racial profiling, to his rape case--"character issues"--to the FBI director's violation of the law, etc.). I'm sorry, but she's disgusting at this point with how she undermines the racism and misogyny that Trump's verbalized and ignited in this country. I mean, he's personally quoted Neo-Nazi statistics on Twitter to paint black people as causing the majority of white deaths. How can you then try to spin that he has no culpability in Neo-Nazi aggression towards black voters in this country?

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Poor Sara. She is so out of her league when the conversation turns serious.

Airhead Sara was pulled from the Kellyanne interview for that reason. She adds nothing so they finally kept her out. I hopes this continues!

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I forgot to mention how silly I found Whoopi's comments about the Neo-Nazis who are planning to hand out liquor and marijuana in ghetto neighborhoods on November 9th... I just LOLOLd at her saying that "this is why people don't take you seriously.  Because you are going in for a stereotype and it shows you are dumb."

Really, Whoopi?  Goofy plans to hand out beer and joints on election day are why Neo-Nazis aren't taken seriously???? I thought they weren't taken seriously because they are racist hate-mongering lunatics.  I admit the idea of trying to get entire Black neighborhoods too drunk and stoned to vote is pretty stupid (even for Neo-Nazis), but I think the plan is as not nearly as harmful to their overall credibility as the racist vitriol they spew in support of their "cause" everyday.  I guess maybe for Whoopi, handing out six packs on election day is just the last straw.  You can advocate separation of the races and taking control of America by force, but when you start talking about giving away Budweiser in an attempt to effect the turnout of Black voters, you've just gone too far. 

As far as the Neo-Nazis showing they are "dumb" because they are falling for a stereotype  ... I thought that was their whole "thing" was stereotypes.  I mean, it's not a new thing for them.  It's like THE founding principle of their entire cause, isn't it?  I don't think it's news to anyone.  People have already know all about it and have thought they were "dumb" because of it for many, many years.  Is this the first Whoopi has heard of it or something?  

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When Mr. Mook stated that the president has to respect women, I do agree with that.  

What fascinates me is observing in my day to day life that the biggest group of people that disrespect women are women themselves.  Always has fascinated me...tbh.

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30 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I'm sorry, but she's disgusting at this point with how she undermines the racism and misogyny that Trump's verbalized and ignited in this country.

She must have a good PR agent...not only to get a Jedidiah-specific article in TVGuide, but to have it be so gushy-positive.  It was written by a woman.  Or...maybe the producers are trying to offset all the negative comments from viewers.

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8 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

When Mr. Mook stated that the president has to respect women, I do agree with that.  

What fascinates me is observing in my day to day life that the biggest group of people that disrespect women are women themselves.  Always has fascinated me...tbh.


For  me, some people earn/deserve respect and some simply don't whether they're male or female.

I cant get that hidden spoiler thingoff of here dangit

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19 hours ago, Bmarsh said:


6 minutes ago, Bmarsh said:

What a horrible election for sexual assault victims, either way they are voting to let a sexual predator into the White House. 

When was Hillary accused of being a sexual predator?

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2 minutes ago, ariel said:


When was Hillary accused of being a sexual predator?

I said letting one into the Whitehouse who will be running the economy. You know who that is. I will see myself out. 


and I wish I saw that "Politics forum" notice every time people go on rants about trump not directly related to the show..

Edited by Bmarsh
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I would feel sorry for Kellyanne if she wasn't willingly working for satan. I don't think she is a stupid woman, and she knows what is coming out of her mouth is complete bullshit. Yeah, Mook is a bullshitter as well. It's what they do. But he doesn't have nearly the crap to spin that Conway does. E-mails and Benghazi, all old hat. Conway, bless her heart, has to shovel away pounds of shit on an hourly basis to keep from drowning. 

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21 hours ago, Bmarsh said:

Whoopi is a bad moderator and idc how much you hate Kellyanne or Trump, was downright disrespectful. She could've easily argued her with composure and substance instead of being so rude. (and yes I know you are all going to reply, but KAC and Trump are awful etc.) when they low we go high. Kill em with kindness. Joy would've handled it better. and I am sorry but Robby Mook will be constantly pivoting to Trump, Russia and why Trump is worse so don't act like pivoting is a Trumper thing. Both these campaigns are awful (Trump is worse)

I did not see/hear that ar all.

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On a lighter note, these women can be so square.   British Vogue reported that cleavage was out.  Clearly they were referring to the deep, plunging necklines we see on every red carpet.  They were NOT saying that women with large breasts who naturally show cleavage when a neckline drops a bit are out!  This magazine is about clothing.  Oh ma god.  

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Either someone in make-up isn't a fan of Chipmunk's or she asked make-up person to do this, or she saw it, liked it and didn't say to fix it. What am I talking about? I'm talking about that glaring, shiny, plop of gold eye shadow that was above the corner of her right eye, that I couldn't look away from while she blathered and stuttered when the right side of her face was facing the camera.  I just smirked at her ""I'm so scattered" because she wasn't able to do a 'GOTCHA!' to Mook and looked like she was searching for a question on her blue cards that would stump him. Instead, she looked like the unintelligent person she is.

And sorry, Chipmunk, what that Orange Blowhard of an Orangutan has actually said, inciting violence among his own supporters cult-like sycophants is NOT the same thing as whatever Hillary supporters who are violent. And I've only heard about or seen that one video that a friend of mine posted on FaceBook. If her supporters are racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and/or violent, there's NO WAY the fucking media wouldn't be airing that non-stop. And too bad the show wanted to move along with Mook's interview instead of having Whoopi challenge the Chipmunk.

And I counted, counted, y'all! Jedifembot got to ask four questions of Mook, and got to begin the show after commercial when it returned to his interview. Why? I howled at the last one, because the show went to air before she got the go ahead in her earpiece because her face had that frozen smile on her face before it moved.

I don't how many times Mook had to tell her that the campaign wasn't concerned about this new "scandal."  

And I loved and appreciated how he answered all of the questions, and even admitted he didn't know about that Brazile leaked questions. At least Jedifembot got it right--that it was for a debate with Bernie and not the Orangutan. But he said something that should make this a non-issue (because the question was so stupid-what kind of President will you be. It wasn't anything related to any policy issues where they would need to prep on. It wasn't a trick question), and that was that Hillary is tough. She's smart. She's a fighter and gets shit things done.

And this narrative that it will take up until Election day to figure out what's in the emails, who it's from; who it's to, is a whole bunch of horseshit. All the FBI needs to do (and I know they have the program to do this, as I've conducted document production where DOJ was the opposing party) is plug in a query with key words they're looking for into Summation, Relativity, or Concordance, and they can narrow the number down and get what they need in less than a week. I highly doubt they're printing them out and sifting through them manually.

I loved how Joy kept touching Mook's shoulder--I wanted to do that through my teevee! He's just so cuuuuute! What? I can be shallow! He's all kinds of adorable, smart, intelligent, coherent. I want to just put him in my pocket and take him out to hug him every 10 seconds.


36 minutes ago, wings707 said:

On a lighter note, these women can be so square.   British Vogue reported that cleavage was out.  Clearly they were referring to the deep, plunging necklines we see on every red carpet.  They were NOT saying that women with large breasts who naturally show cleavage when a neckline drops a bit are out!  This magazine is about clothing.  Oh ma god.  

THIS! And Jedibembot was just so full of herself because she was "trending."

I never at Kool Aide as a kid. I drank it. But I did suck on them pixie stix and that finger dip thingie Chipmunk mentioned. You know, the "spoon" was pure hard sugar, and it came with two or three flavored powdered sugar. But when Poprock candy came around, I dropped those and just ate as much of that cracklin' poppin' candy on my tongue!!!

I think I'll make sure to watch tomorrow's show at night, so I can be drinking when that asshole Chris Wallace is on. His father is a gazillion million trillion times the man and journalist this hack is.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
moving gotch sentence to attribute to Chipmunk.
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What fascinates me is observing in my day to day life that the biggest group of people that disrespect women are women themselves.  Always has fascinated me...tbh.

The reason that women do this is because it is a coping mechanism to deal with sexism. When you are a member of an oppressed group, this is often the path of least resistance is to just participate in the sexism. This way you can try to elevate yourself above others in your group and show that you are somehow "different" than the others. ( Think Phyllis Schlafly).This is not specific to women. This is the same shit that somebody like Ben Carson does or Thomas Sowell with black people.

I am a much smarter and older woman now, but in my younger years in order to try to succeed, I often participated in my own objectification and the objectification of other women. Like they say, when you know better, you do better.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

But when Poprock candy came around, I dropped those and just ate as much of that cracklin' poppin' candy on my tongue!!!

I guess this might count as a commercial.  I bought these great little things online:  "32 Effervescent Breath Treatment comes in single-serving packets of sugar-free crystals that act just like Pop Rocks when they hit your tongue. It's weird, and it's audible, but it's also kind of awesome."

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I had to change the channel during the commercial break because I can't sit through Candace and Jedithinksheknowstomuch BS today. Candace made it perfectly clear that she don't care who Trump had insulted throughout his campaign but will only vote for him because he will keep the evil liberals from being in the Supreme Court. 

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What an awful panel today. Poor Sunny has been exiled thanks to Whoopi. Let's hope at least 2 of these Foxbots are gone at the end of this season. Jedi continues to deny Comey did anything wrong (funny when Williams did not roll with her spin), Candace continues to lie about Trump's bullying behavior (he counter-attacks rather than starting anything himself--what a load of BS), and both tried to pretend Melania giving an empty speech about cyber-bullying at all counters Trump's "character issues" (as Jedistupid would say). These people are repulsive and Sara is almost as bad because she says nothing at all.

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I cant get the spoiler thing off of here. Sorry. Dangit. IDK what I'm doing

Anyway, Joy was hilarious and on fire.

CCB and Paula, you're going to teach your kids about other religions and then let them choose? Whose head will explode first if the kid does not choose your religion?

Melania and her platform... *Snort* She's married to the biggest bully I've ever known.

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Thankfully I make sure to have lots of time that I can fast forward on this show for two reasons: excessive commercials and content. You can bet that I hit the FF button today when Candace, in a truly revolting display of shameless self-promotion, felt compelled to air the trailer of the upcoming season of her nauseating show, Fuller House. Yeah....thanks for that! 

I think that Sara tries to say as little as possible, and not risk looking foolish. Where is Sunny these days? Are they phasing her out? I hope not!

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2 hours ago, dinkysquid said:

I think that Sara tries to say as little as possible, and not risk looking foolish.

I'd say she's looking forward to Tuesday more than any of these ladies. It's funny seeing how anxious and bumbling she is trying her best not to step in it with anyone on any side on any topic. In other words--what is her purpose on The View if she has no opinion about anything?

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      1 hour ago, dinkysquid said:



I think that Sara tries to say as little as possible, and not risk looking foolish.

I'd say she's looking forward to Tuesday more than any of these ladies. It's funny seeing how anxious and bumbling she is trying her best not to step in it with anyone on any side on any topic. In other words--what is her purpose on The View if she has no opinion about anything?

Airhead Sara is almost like a little kid in school trying to decide if she should raise her hand or not to speak. Except, she is listening in her earpiece and thinking "do I get to talk now" but has zero idea what to say.

All she has accomplished on this show is looking foolish! She has no purpose on this show.

CCB can go away and take all  that Fuller House promo with her.

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Lordy, 3 1/2 vs 1 is not a fair game, especially on the second to last broadcast before the election. What happened to "diversity" today? Five Caucasians - perfect for the upcoming regime (well, one is a senior, give 'em credit, I guess.)  No doubt TPTB have also limited Sunny's appearances because of her ability to cogently support true democracy (outside her marriage) and deflect the Trumpster fire.  

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Joy moderating and everybody giving their view without the evil eye or eye roll to the audience is a good thing. Though Joy disagrees with Chris Wallace she gave him time to answer and was a professional. As it should be. Paula moderated the After Show and did well. A good The View day for me.

2 minutes ago, telemachus2 said:

Lordy, 3 1/2 vs 1 is not a fair game, especially on the second to last broadcast before the election. What happened to "diversity" today? Five Caucasians - perfect for the upcoming regime (well, one is a senior, give 'em credit, I guess.)  No doubt TPTB have also limited Sunny's appearances because of her ability to cogently support true democracy (outside her marriage) and deflect the Trumpster fire.  

I don't care about the ethnicity of the show as long as bullying and eye rolls to the audience is not there. If Sunny were there it would have been just as good. It isn't always about race. It is about professionalism.

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Holy Shit. I couldn't wait until tonight.

And see? See???? Jedilyingliarwholies again talked out of her second mouth: spouting how "they" (meaning, including her) tried to tell the BBBCK to rein in her candidate, take away his device so he wouldn't cyber bully. Which was a lie. Because she did not say that. AT ALL. What she said was he resonated with his supporters cult. And how good he was at it. And shaddup, Jedifembot. As Bill Maher said, "not all Republicans are racists. But all racists are Republicans." There have been a number of them who have said racist and sexist and misogynistic shit over the past eight years. Those that said that we wimmins had magical vaginas to prevent pregnancies if we were actually raped; and a whole slew of other shit, which I'm not going to list here, because they can be heard and found if you watch The Daily Show with Jon or with Trevor, Larry Wilmore's show, The Colbert Report. Or just Google what Romney said at a fundraiser in 2012 about the "47%."

I appreciated Joy actually asking Chipmunk to her FACE what would be lifechanging. And if they didn't have to go to commercial, I doubt she'd be able to answer. I saw the way she looked down at her blue card, when Joy said that the Second Amendment was an amendment and nothing was going to happen to it. And she, Chipmunk can just STFU about "Religious Liberty." No one, and I mean NO ONE is taking away her religious freedom. Does she have to pray in sekrit? Has she been put in jail/prison for saying she's a Christian and what her faith means to her?

And I wish Joy had said, Orangutan actually does ATTACK first. And counter attacks. And cross-counter attacks.  And Paula and Sara can also just shut it, about how what Orangutan does should be separate from what Melania says. She's his wife, not another candidate. And I nearly barfed at Paula's "her man" comment. And someone needs to tell Chipmunk what Pence is all about. Oh, wait.  He's EXACTLY the kind of person that thinks and believes like her.

And this was only the first 10 minutes. Jeebus Cripes. Oh look, it's almost 5, so I can start drinking now.

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Oh! I forgot to say in my original comment: did Jedifembot get her upper lip waxed before the show? Because I found it very distracting, that reddish "burn" look throughout the show. First it was the eyeshadow plop in Chipmunk's eye; today the irritated reddish skin on Jedifembot. Either that, or make-up person didn't know where here her lips were and hurriedly wiped it off before realizing where her lips were.

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Well, that whole "interview" with Wallace was a waste. 

And someone who has sexually harassed women can ALSO be a mentor at the same time??!!! WTF? Does Sara even hear herself?

Make up your mind, Chipmunk. You are lauding Gretchen Carlson for what she did, yet willfully and blindly ignoring that the criminal you're voting for has done the same things!

The tone-deafness/unselfawareness...the STOOPIDITY...it BURNS!!!!

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4 hours ago, telemachus2 said:

Lordy, 3 1/2 vs 1 is not a fair game, especially on the second to last broadcast before the election. What happened to "diversity" today? Five Caucasians - perfect for the upcoming regime (well, one is a senior, give 'em credit, I guess.)  No doubt TPTB have also limited Sunny's appearances because of her ability to cogently support true democracy (outside her marriage) and deflect the Trumpster fire.  

Somehow I'm guessing those people always whining that The View should be "fair and balanced" were perfectly okay with today's show when there were 3 white Christian self-professed conservatives ganged up together and Joy was the moderator so she could barely speak either....

Thanks for the warning, ginger90. I'm already at the point that we should just expect Jedistupid to be there even though Sunny has the same title as her and is invisible on this show. At least we get one day next week without that repulsive, two-faced troll.

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The reason why hypnosis works for some people is you have to believe in it. Or rather, if you are a skeptic or don't believe in it, it won't fucking work!

Eh. I never felt alienated a kid back in the Olden DAYZ. I'm Hindu. So back then only the Christian and Pagan holidays were celebrated in school.  

I remember that even though we were Hindus, my parents let me and my sister celebrate Christmas, by putting up lights and presents and putting up a tree.

But today? I'm not surprised that those that are atheists, not Christians, not Jewish, probably do feel alienated. I think between the time I was a young adult and today, that Christmas had become so commercialized, it wasn't a big deal. But listening to Paula and Chipmunk talk, it just reminds me too eerily, of those that weren't Christian, forced to convert, because only their religion is the "right" religion.

I would howl with laughter if all of Chipmunk's children turned and became Wiccan, Atheist, Buddhist..

7 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Somehow I'm guessing those people always whining that The View should be "fair and balanced" were perfectly okay with today's show when there were 3 white Christian self-professed conservatives ganged up together and Joy was the moderator so she could barely speak either....

Thanks for the warning, ginger90. I'm already at the point that we should just expect Jedistupid to be there even though Sunny has the same title as her and is invisible on this show. At least we get one day next week without that repulsive, two-faced troll.

For realzies. 

Not sure why Jedifembot felt the need to tweet this, since she's been ON every FUCKING Mon-Thursday this season. Her tweet makes it sound like it's a new thang.

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34 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Somehow I'm guessing those people always whining that The View should be "fair and balanced" were perfectly okay with today's show when there were 3 white Christian self-professed conservatives ganged up together and Joy was the moderator so she could barely speak either....

Thanks for the warning, ginger90. I'm already at the point that we should just expect Jedistupid to be there even though Sunny has the same title as her and is invisible on this show. At least we get one day next week without that repulsive, two-faced troll.

Well I was perfectly okay with today's show because there was respect and professionalism. 

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36 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Eh. I never felt alienated a kid back in the Olden DAYZ. I'm Hindu. So back then only the Christian and Pagan holidays were celebrated in school.  

I remember that even though we were Hindus, my parents let me and my sister celebrate Christmas, by putting up lights and presents and putting up a tree.

But today? I'm not surprised that those that are atheists, not Christians, not Jewish, probably do feel alienated. I think between the time I was a young adult and today, that Christmas had become so commercialized, it wasn't a big deal. But listening to Paula and Chipmunk talk, it just reminds me too eerily, of those that weren't Christian, forced to convert, because only their religion is the "right" religion.

A dear friend of mine was brought up JW and has terrible memories of sitting in the principal's office during Christmas activities since his religion forbids celebrating.  (He also stood in the hallway during the pledge.). The thing though?  JWs are Christians.  (Of course BAB would deny this.)

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Sunny Hostin's title with ABC is Senior Legal Correspondent and Analyst for ABC News. Much more than just a co-host on The View. She fills in on other shows and I actually heard her on the radio in my car the other day with a news story (non-political, iirc) and my station is an ABC affiliate.

I wish she was on this show more but like she has the most important title on this show with ABC.

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6 minutes ago, maggiemae said:

Sunny Hostin's title with ABC is Senior Legal Correspondent and Analyst for ABC News. Much more than just a co-host on The View. She fills in on other shows and I actually heard her on the radio in my car the other day with a news story (non-political, iirc) and my station is an ABC affiliate.

I wish she was on this show more but like she has the most important title on this show with ABC.

Both Sunny and Jedifoxbot are contributors, not co-hosts.  But one would think Jedifoxbot is  co-host because she's been on practically every fucking day.

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