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S13.E07: Why Try to Change Me Now?

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Catherine Avery plays a wrong game. I think she will not be able to fire Meredith so easily since she's half of the hospital and she's the daughter of Ellis Gray and Webber will not allow Meredith to be fired. And because Meredith is mother of 3 children. And April, Catherine will not fire as she is the mother of her granddaughter and especially because then Jackson will not allow it and will not speak a word with his mother !! So Meredith and April are times out in my opinion!

1 hour ago, Maukie99 said:

Catherine Avery plays a wrong game. I think she will not be able to fire Meredith so easily since she's half of the hospital and she's the daughter of Ellis Gray and Webber will not allow Meredith to be fired. And because Meredith is mother of 3 children. And April, Catherine will not fire as she is the mother of her granddaughter and especially because then Jackson will not allow it and will not speak a word with his mother !! So Meredith and April are times out in my opinion!

Response taken over the Spoilers and Speculation thread.

Ok, so Bailey and Catherine couldn't figure out that the residents need more hands on experience by themselves? They couldn't actually speak to Richard and have them start doing that?

Also, the way Bailey and Catherine handled it was incredibly shitty. You offer a job to someone under the guise of observing and don't even have the decency to tell Richard? 

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Merrick was an interesting choice, but she ain't taking Richard's place.  Unless they create a new position for him somehow.

Speaking of which, is there a reason Richard didn't confront Catherine directly about all these new choices?  Bailey may be Chief, but Miranda is a main shareholder, not to mention his wife.  Does Richard think Bailey came up with all these changes by herself, and deliberately left him out of it?  Of course they could have just discussed all this before introducing Merrick, like adults.  Catherine was inconspicuously absent during the episode.

Wish we could just ffd through April and Jackson's awkward dates to their reconciliation.  

No dead patients and no drama with Riggs this week.  Totally fine with Meredith in the background for now.  Good episode.

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The exchange at the end between Alex and Mere about Amelia cracked me up. 

Alex: She talks to me now

Mere: Thank you


I still think Amelia needs to talk to Owen more beyond why she doesn't want a baby. I think it's more about her fear of being pregnant and another baby having the same condition. Especially when she's told him at least twice she wanted multiple kids. Also, we already did this storyline!

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4 minutes ago, Court said:

I still think Amelia needs to talk to Owen more beyond why she doesn't want a baby. I think it's more about her fear of being pregnant and another baby having the same condition. Especially when she's told him at least twice she wanted multiple kids. Also, we already did this storyline!

ITA.  I bet she still wants kids, but she's afraid to have them.  And her reasoning is totally justified, she just needs to tell Owen already.

And definitely agree on this plot being reused.  It's almost comical.  I practically heard the 'sad trombone' sound effect after Amelia's outburst.  

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15 minutes ago, Court said:

Ok, so Bailey and Catherine couldn't figure out that the residents need more hands on experience by themselves? They couldn't actually speak to Richard and have them start doing that?

I think it is more complex than that.  It is a case where they become hidebound in their own teaching methods that they don't even know that what they are doing isn't working as well any longer.

The consultant kept mentioning their methodology being outdated.  She was giving them new ways of thinking

Having gone through something similar, albeit not in medicine, I can attest that it is very uncomfortable to have a light shined on your business practices and to see how what you do has gone stale and not kept pace with industry innovations.  And often times it is because a boss or director has been there a very long time and has grown complacent. 

And consultants can get away with saying stuff that people who work there could never say because the consultants are outside the political structure of the institution and don't have to worry about retaliation.  When she said to the residents "this room is a vault" I kinda smiled to myself because that is the green light to spill.  When the consultants came to my office I was just like Stephanie because they said stuff to the upper and high level folks that some of us middle managers have been wanting to say to them for years.  I actually had a mad girl crush on one of the consultants who -- after one of the VP's laboriously explained some process -- she paused and looked around the room and said "That is some of the stupidest bullshit Ive ever heard."  I wanted to weep with joy.

I do cry foul, though, on her deliberately knicking that artery. Or whatever.  There is opening their eyes to what they are doing wrong (I love that Maggie seemed to try to work with this) and then there is just wrongness.  Doing that deliberately was a road too far.

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Tonight had me laughing the whole way through.

Stephanie's completely nonplussed reaction to Owen & Amelia's 'Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf' psychodrama? Cracked me up.

Arizona's righteous indignation "I am like a rare exotic bird!" at being left off Minnick's list? Cracked me up.

Alex's weary "she talks to me now" & Meredith's withering side eye when Amelia showed up? Cracked me up.

Richard's temper tantrum about Minnick? Cracked me up.

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What bugged me about this episode (and it was a relatively good one) is that I hate the stupid "I learned how to swim because my mama pushed me in troop." Because someone did that to me and I nearly died because i was so freaked out by the water (and to this day I literally, can not be in large bodies of water, I have panic attacks. I can't even, to use Avery, dip my toe, because I am so scared someone will come behind me and push me in and I'll have no way to being safe).  

To bring me to the point - Leah was all "I don't feel comfortable doing this." but what if she didn't feel strong enough to say that? or that DeLuca wasn't capable of clipping the artery? What drives me insane is that as someone who taught - not everyone learns the same way. So maybe teach one, do one is outdated - but maybe for some of the interns/residents that's how they need to learn. And maybe some people can do with the whole just do what you ned to do and we'll figure out what you don't know later. Nicking that artery was dangerous, especially because it's easy to say there were four doctors who could have saved her but this is Seattle Grace Mercy Death. Things happen. 

I can deal with the whole Amelia doesn't want a baby but it pisses me off that she didn't go into why. because Owen would understand. and then they could do invitro and have a surrogate. There. boom. baby drama over with, see how fast it was.


Bailey should have had the guts to tell Richard she wants to revamp the programme. Because even if Merrick? (Mennick?) doesn't come they obviously want to hire someone new. own your shit, Bailey. 

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This particular author (Guzman) has a touch that's identifiable without knowing the credit: tonally puerile -- every character voice identical -- episodic drama rendered substantially contrived. Tonight's excursion was narrative-propelling, but less enjoyable than the better, stronger outings that, in perhaps a rare stroke, opened the season. 

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1 hour ago, Starscream said:

It's just comical at this point that the great resident revolution seems to bring great things to every resident but Jo.

Maybe at some point the consultant will review the surgeries each resident has been given and figure out that Jo gets none at all.  If she is reviewing she should pick up on the fact that there are some residents not being taught at all.  I don't think she was even in the gallery when everyone was watching the surgery.  I find it annoying that Leah and Scott Foley's wife had more screen time in this one episode than Jo (and others) has had all year.


At least Richard had some scenes (and hopefully some ongoing story). I also liked that most of the doctors realized that there are different methods of teaching and came around to at least being willing to try. Maggie even realized that she needs to improve on her teaching methods. Of course Meredith just screeched to throw her out and refused to listen to anything she had to say because she thinks she's better than everyone but her behavior will be ignored.  I agree with everyone else - Bailey should have told Richard what was going on.  

I'm not looking forward another round of Owen wanting a baby and his wife not.  Amelia needs to speak and tell Owen why she feels this way but I guess they wanted the sisters all in the house again - Alex and his gal pals live on.

Overall I found it pretty dull. I won't be watching live next week so I can have FF available.

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This Minnick lady isn't actually a doctor, is she, just a consultant?

Even if she is a doctor, couldn't she theoretically been fired/had her license suspended/talked to sternly for deliberately nicking the artery in that surgery to - prove a point to Richard? What if - despite her great proclamations that there were four (five, now!) capable surgeons right there and the patient wasn't in any danger, what if something had gone wrong and that patient had died? What would Minnick have to say about that?!

Edited by LexieLily
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58 minutes ago, Daisy said:

What bugged me about this episode (and it was a relatively good one) is that I hate the stupid "I learned how to swim because my mama pushed me in troop." Because someone did that to me and I nearly died because i was so freaked out by the water (and to this day I literally, can not be in large bodies of water, I have panic attacks. I can't even, to use Avery, dip my toe, because I am so scared someone will come behind me and push me in and I'll have no way to being safe).  

To bring me to the point - Leah was all "I don't feel comfortable doing this." but what if she didn't feel strong enough to say that? or that DeLuca wasn't capable of clipping the artery? What drives me insane is that as someone who taught - not everyone learns the same way. So maybe teach one, do one is outdated - but maybe for some of the interns/residents that's how they need to learn. And maybe some people can do with the whole just do what you ned to do and we'll figure out what you don't know later. Nicking that artery was dangerous, especially because it's easy to say there were four doctors who could have saved her but this is Seattle Grace Mercy Death. Things happen. 


Yes!!!! Perhaps some attendings would have been more receptive to her methods if she had met with them and explained it. Or if Bailey had acted like a boss and told them what was going on. Instead people are anxious and defensive because she sent out a vague e-mail.

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1 hour ago, windsprints said:

Maybe at some point the consultant will review the surgeries each resident has been given and figure out that Jo gets none at all.  If she is reviewing she should pick up on the fact that there are some residents not being taught at all.  I don't think she was even in the gallery when everyone was watching the surgery.

Maybe Jo is off practicing surgeries on herself, like that loony friend of Meredith's that started a surgery club among the new interns.

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42 minutes ago, bybrandy said:

I think they said she was an orthopedic surgeon.....   Convenient since SG's orthopedic surgeon moved to New York last season.   /eyeroll.

she's double board (notice how everyone in Grey's land is double board?) in sports medicine. i didn't remember hearing orthopedic, but it wouldn't surprise me. and she hinted attraction with the whole"oh yah that name and that face, never would forget that." to Arizona. 

42 minutes ago, Court said:

Yes!!!! Perhaps some attendings would have been more receptive to her methods if she had met with them and explained it. Or if Bailey had acted like a boss and told them what was going on. Instead people are anxious and defensive because she sent out a vague e-mail.

that's the whole thing. Bailey is all being shady secret agent... like why? And why is Catherine all being secret about this too. Basically what they did was create all of this. Flat out say - "we want to emphasis on being a teaching hospital again, we've noticed that our teaching methods could be enhanced, we're bringing in someone to see how we do things, and give us new techniques, etc" Be a frigging adult and use your words. 

Bailey is all like omg am I doing the right thing. NO. 

Then she's all like "please come I like you!" then doesn't have the guts to tell Richard that he's basically being replaced. 

This is why the incest in this place ticks me off. Bailey can't do her job properly because she's all married and close to all of them. Richard couldn't do his job ultimately because of the same thing. Ditto Hunt. they obviously need someone NOT involved to be able to be an adult and responsible w/these people. 

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2 hours ago, Court said:

The exchange at the end between Alex and Mere about Amelia cracked me up. 

Alex: She talks to me now

Mere: Thank you


I still think Amelia needs to talk to Owen more beyond why she doesn't want a baby. I think it's more about her fear of being pregnant and another baby having the same condition. Especially when she's told him at least twice she wanted multiple kids. Also, we already did this storyline!

How does Owen keep finding these women t that don't want kids? The odds of that are crazy. 

Yes I'm sure more about the fear of being pregnant and what could come with that but come on. It's actually funny. Owen is like the woman in a rote/shitty romantic comedy with his biological clock ticking and going through all these misadventures.

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11 minutes ago, Daisy said:

she's double board (notice how everyone in Grey's land is double board?) in sports medicine. i didn't remember hearing orthopedic, but it wouldn't surprise me. and she hinted attraction with the whole"oh yah that name and that face, never would forget that." to Arizona. 

Sports medicine is ortho, as far as I can tell.


Can't really blame Owen for being angry when his wife avoids him for two weeks and then just blurts at him "I don't want a baby" after she had previously been all "I want all the babies!"  But what would Grey's be without shitty communication?

Edited by Starscream
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The actress playing Minnick was sort of awful, which really threw me off. That's pretty rare with Grey's because generally I think the main cast + most of the supporting players are great. I just found her really wooden and unconvincing, especially in her first scene with the residents and in all of the surgery scenes. I can't say I'm overjoyed about her obvious flirtation with Arizona. I don't mind the idea of them trying to reinvigorate the program, but hiring someone who comes in and within a day or two is cutting arteries and undermining and disrupting attendings during surgery seems rash (even for this hospital). I don't believe that any one teaching method will work for everyone, so her coming in with this 'do one, teach one on steroids' without getting to really know the residents or attendings is a bit ridiculous. I like that Bailey and Richard are getting some story out of it, though. Poor Richard. 

Another thing that took me out of the episode a few times was the director blatantly showing Caterina's pregnant belly. Amelia isn't supposed to be pregnant! It's even a freaking plot point, so you'd think they'd try to do a better job with this. I can let a few quick glimpses slide, but this all seemed blatant and lazy. The bickering with Owen and him saying that she hasn't slept at home for 2 weeks also seemed lazy (and strange, considering we saw Owen & Amelia coming in together at the start of the episode). Also, how utterly ridiculous that we're supposed to believe that Amelia said "I don't want a baby!" and then the conversation just ended there. He was supposed to drive her home, so what did he do - just leave her in the parking lot? These people are supposed to be adults, and newlyweds no less. This makes me think back to Amelia crying on the phone with her family unable to understand why they didn't want to come to her wedding - hmmmm, maybe because they've never heard of the guy and you clearly don't know him well enough, and maybe you're a bit insane? Now, two months later, they're a perfect example of dysfunctional; avoiding each other, ignoring important issues, and bickering whenever they're together. Fun, fun, fun.

Big 'meh' to Jackson and April. I do love that it's only episode 7 and their child is already forgotten along with Zola, Bailey, Ellis and Sophia. Bye, bye, Harriet! Have fun on your dates, April! Enjoy those nachos, Jackson! 

It was a bit funny (or sad?) that Minnick was fighting to get DeLuca, an intern, in on a surgery, while Jo was presumably eating a bag of chips next to the dumpster where Shonda threw all of her potential storylines. 

Not much Meredith this week, but I loved her 'Thank you' to Alex for taking on Amelia duty. 

Edited by BaseOps
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1 hour ago, BaseOps said:

Another thing that took me out of the episode a few times was the director blatantly showing Caterina's pregnant belly. Amelia isn't supposed to be pregnant! It's even a freaking plot point, so you'd think they'd try to do a better job with this. I can let a few quick glimpses slide, but this all seemed blatant and lazy. 

Yeah, no bag could conceal that.  I also wonder if Camilla's pregnancy is why Jo has so little to do these days.

1 hour ago, BaseOps said:

The bickering with Owen and him saying that she hasn't slept at home for 2 weeks also seemed lazy (and strange, considering we saw Owen & Amelia coming in together at the start of the episode). Also, how utterly ridiculous that we're supposed to believe that Amelia said "I don't want a baby!" and then the conversation just ended there. He was supposed to drive her home, so what did he do - just leave her in the parking lot? These people are supposed to be adults, and newlyweds no less.

IKR?  It was so dumb to end the scene on that.  Amelia told Alex that "the sword fell."  Which means what, exactly?  She finally told Owen everything, or just ran off after telling him she didn't want kids?  Considering the amazing scene between Alex and Amelia last week, it was sad to go back to the sophomoric crap like this.

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Yeah, no bag could conceal that.  I also wonder if Camilla's pregnancy is why Jo has so little to do these days.

Caterina is due before her and gets endless screentime. I'm starting to think they're planning to write her off or something. The lack of interest in her compared to every regular character and guest stars is glaring at this point.

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I don't want anything bad to happen to Richard. This storyline is giving me the sads.

Overall I liked the episode and there was thankfully no triangle crap. I think the show is stronger when there are these bigger overarching stories that affect all the doctors, rather than having them all off in separate storyline cocoons. But they were overselling the new consultant HARD. After hearing all about how fascinating and legendary she was, I just wanted to punch her.

Edited by flickers
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6 hours ago, Starscream said:

Sports medicine is ortho, as far as I can tell.


Can't really blame Owen for being angry when his wife avoids him for two weeks and then just blurts at him "I don't want a baby" after she had previously been all "I want all the babies!"  But what would Grey's be without shitty communication?

In real life, the Sports Medicine Specialist would recommend the patient to Ortho if surgery was required, so I'm not sure how/why she was in surgery.


Man, that new chick was somehow simultaneously annoying and boring. I'm all for the students getting more hands on experience but I don't think there's any harm in letting them observe procedures before they dive into actual people. As a patient, I would definitely prefer that whoever is messing around inside my body isn't some newbie fresh out of med school. If you tell me that I'm getting these world famous specialist surgeons (since everyone at Grey Sloan is such an amazing expert like Arizona), then I want that person doing the surgery, not their intern.

I just can't with Owen and Amelia. Please, both of you STFU, especially at work.

I had mixed feelings about April's storyline this week. On the one hand, I am so over the "let's make fun of people who aren't actually old for being too old to understand modern technology" plots that are so common these days (Younger and The Great Indoors are both based on that premise). Like I'm supposed to believe that April can't figure out how to turn off the sound on her tinder alerts and has to ask someone who's all of five years younger how to do it? Jackson and Arizona are both older than April and they obviously know how to use tinder without getting all flustered and having to ask the interns how to work this newfangled technology. But part of me wanted to like this development because it meant that she was going to start dating other people instead of getting back together with Jackson. So of course then we had to have that scene at the end with the nacho toe dipping where it was clear that both of them would rather April stay home and snuggle with Jackson. Barf.

I loved Alex telling Amelia she couldn't stay at Meredith's because she had to go home and deal with her shit with Owen. Finally, someone who is willing to tell her to quit acting like a nitwit!

I just rolled my eyes when Edwards said that it was probably Ben's fault that the auditor lady was coming. Girl, you think an intern doing a C section in the hallway is bad? Let me tell you about all the things that happened before you arrived that had little to no consequences and were promptly forgotten!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Does anyone else think the new doctor or whatever she is will be Arizona's new love interest?

Yes, I do, unfortunately. I'm all for Arizona having a new relationship, but based on what I saw of this new person - ugh, no thanks. Guess she's going to be around for a while, though, so I'm hoping the character improves. And yes, the actress was not exactly fabulous.


The bickering with Owen and him saying that she hasn't slept at home for 2 weeks also seemed lazy (and strange, considering we saw Owen & Amelia coming in together at the start of the episode).

Agree - very, very sloppy on the writers' part.


Can't really blame Owen for being angry when his wife avoids him for two weeks and then just blurts at him "I don't want a baby" after she had previously been all "I want all the babies!"  But what would Grey's be without shitty communication?

Seriously. Enough is enough already. Look your husband straight in the eyes and tell him exactly what you told Alex about your past pregnancy and what happened. Knowing Owen, his heart would break for her, and he'd comfort and support her. I understand that miscommunication and/or complete lack of communication are at the heart of most soap opera story lines, but it is tiresome and almost insulting to the viewers at home who are sitting there screaming at the TV for Character A and Character B to just TALK TO EACH OTHER, in full and complete sentences.

At least we didn't have any Meredith/Riggs/Maggie triangle nonsense in this episode, thank you very much!

With two of the actresses pregnant, I do wonder how the writers will accommodate their absence from filming.

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Bailey is a terrible chief.  I didn't watch most of last season so I have no idea how she ended up with the job, but she's not up to it. Her leadership skills are abysmal from what I've seen this season. Not to mention the conflict of interest of being married to a resident.  Of course sending around a vague e-mail is just going to stir things up around the hospital. 

So new consultant/doctor is going to be Arizona's new love interest, yes?  They really made that one hard to decipher. (eye roll)

Can Amelia and Owen just..... leave? Seriously. There is nothing interesting or compelling about either of them any longer.  Actually, I don't think there ever was with Amelia. 

Not feeling this season.


First I hate Owen and Amelia, together and apart.  I wasn't invested in their getting married and it sucks that now we have to watch their marital problems...DON"T CARE

Bailey bringing in consultant, understandable...her lying to Richard about why she was here etc...is CRAPPY.  If someone is not doing a good job, as their boss, you level with them. 

April getting a ton of tinder dates...hard to believe since she sucks. 

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In real life, these specialty surgeons would be making a lot of money and would not put up with being ordered around by a consultant. Hospitals do whatever they can to make these doctors happy, even in teaching hospitals. Also, the patients would need to be informed that an intern is doing the entire surgery and not just observing. 

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- I never wanted Owen and Amelia to get married and I'm still hoping they get divorced. They are so wrong for each other and it's glaring.

- I liked the new doctor/consultant lady until she nicked the artery. There was no need for that. As for her personality...I'll wait for a few more episodes before judging.

- Bailey, stop being chicken and tell Richard the truth!

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43 minutes ago, dmc said:

Not feeling this season.


First I hate Owen and Amelia, together and apart.  I wasn't invested in their getting married and it sucks that now we have to watch their marital problems...DON"T CARE

Bailey bringing in consultant, understandable...her lying to Richard about why she was here etc...is CRAPPY.  If someone is not doing a good job, as their boss, you level with them. 

April getting a ton of tinder dates...hard to believe since she sucks. 

I can believe April gets a lot of dates, she's a very attractive woman. Once they hear about the ex-husband and newborn infant at home, though...you'd have to be even dumber than Matthew the block of wood paramedic was to get involved with that mess of issues.

Edited by flickers
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It continues to boggle my mind that this show insists on telling the same stories over and over and over, when they have actually come up with original and interesting stories that just get dropped or stalled.  We have seen Owen deal with the kids issue before, we have seen a story where the interns/residents don't get taught, we have seen the pitfalls of trying to co-parent with someone who you are not married to anymore,  we have seen triangles galore and we have seen forced sister bonding.  But we haven't seen a widow with three kids really trying to be a single mother or try to realistically manage a new romantic relationship, we have never seen the real affects of Alex's violence or him trying to come to grips with his past and his anger, we have never seen domestic violence addressed in any real way, we have never seen Richard really try to connect with Maggie and finally put his past with Ellis to rest.  These are things that I want to see, not more hand wringing about the lack of teaching that will never go anywhere,  not outside consultants coming in to challenge our doctors, not 50 more stupid triangles, not contrived breakups/arguments that could be solved with a 10 minute conversation.  We have seen all of this a million times.  WHY won't they even try to tell the stories that haven't been recycled many times over?

I will never understand how this show chooses what stories it deems important to tell and, especially, those it deems not important to tell.

Edited by Deanie87
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Once again, to service a new character, it's at the sacrifice of other (more beloved) characters. With the addition of Minnick, this season's victims are Bailey and Richard respectively.  Bailey because when has she ever not been able to be honest with Richard? So she's bumbling around behind his back being very un-Bailey and un-Chiefly like. And Richard because this is not all his fault, and yet this has now become a Richard vs. Minnick situation. I will side with Richard every time.  Yes, change is good and necessary. And in the end Richard got it and understands, that's what makes him such a good leader (not perfect, mind you. but who on this show is?). But in order to service story and highlight Minnick to be this great new face of change, it's coming at the expense, the characterization, and the intelligence of Bailey and Richard.  

Also, two episodes on and Leah's already had more scenes than Jo has nearly all season. Another reason why I find it a problem that GA feels the need to add new characters every season/after one departs, because they already don't utilize the ones they have to their potential, and then these new characters end up overshadowing and taking up a good chunk of time.

I don't like it. 

Edited by funnygirl
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54 minutes ago, flickers said:

I can believe April gets a lot of dates, she's a very attractive woman. Once they hear about the ex-husband and newborn infant at home, though...you'd have to be even dumber than Matthew the block of wood paramedic was to get involved with that mess of issues.

I find her cutesy....that is the category I would put her in but not enough to be getting dings off the hook from Tinder.  Now Jackson on the hand...:) LOL

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20 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

It continues to boggle my mind that this show insists on telling the same stories over and over and over, when they have actually come up with original and interesting stories that just get dropped or stalled.  We have seen Owen deal with the kids issue before, we have seen a story where the interns/residents don't get taught, we have seen the pitfalls of trying to co-parent with someone who you are not married to anymore,  we have seen triangles galore and we have seen forced sister bonding.  But we haven't seen a widow with three kids really trying to be a single mother or try to realistically manage a new romantic relationship, we have never seen the real affects of Alex's violence or him trying to come to grips with his past and his anger, we have never seen domestic violence addressed in any real way, we have never seen Richard really try to connect with Maggie and finally put his past with Ellis to rest.  These are things that I want to see, not more hand wringing about the lack of teaching that will never go anywhere,  not outside consultants coming in to challenge our doctors, not 50 more stupid triangles, not contrived breakups/arguments that could be solved with a 10 minute conversation.  We have seen all of this a million times.  WHY won't they even try to tell the stories that haven't been recycled many times over?

I will never understand how this show chooses what stories it deems important to tell and, especially, those it deems not important to tell.

This x100! 

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They might as well put Alex and Meredith together. They already act like a married couple.  If not Meredith, then put him with Amelia. Everything is on the table and they're interesting together (and she talks to him LOL). 

I didn't mind the consultant. It was amusing that the list was just a misunderstanding. I'm guessing that she's going to be Arizona's new love interest. 

I really wish that Bailey had told Richard that Kathryn was the one who wanted to overhaul the resident program. It would have saved everyone a lot of unnecessary drama. 

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8 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

They might as well put Alex and Meredith together. They already act like a married couple.  If not Meredith, then put him with Amelia. Everything is on the table and they're interesting together (and she talks to him LOL). 

I didn't mind the consultant. It was amusing that the list was just a misunderstanding. I'm guessing that she's going to be Arizona's new love interest. 

I really wish that Bailey had told Richard that Kathryn was the one who wanted to overhaul the resident program. It would have saved everyone a lot of unnecessary drama. 

They should have put Meredith with Owen and Amelia with Riggs. Then the repetitive Owen baby drama wouldn't be necessary since Owen would become a stepfather. Amelia/Riggs had more chemistry in a short scene (IMO) than either Owen/Amelia or Meredith/Riggs. Meredith felt close enough to Owen to hate Riggs because he did (another dropped storyline) so they could have built on that.  It would have been new material for Owen, Meredith, Amelia and Riggs.

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1 minute ago, windsprints said:

They should have put Meredith with Owen and Amelia with Riggs. Then the repetitive Owen baby drama wouldn't be necessary since Owen would become a stepfather. Amelia/Riggs had more chemistry in a short scene (IMO) than either Owen/Amelia or Meredith/Riggs. Meredith felt close enough to Owen to hate Riggs because he did (another dropped storyline) so they could have built on that.  It would have been new material for Owen, Meredith, Amelia and Riggs.

That's brilliant. I cannot stand Owen, and based on her dating history he doesn't seem to be Meredith's type at all, but if they framed it as Meredith getting together with Cristina's ex? I would watch the hell out of that.

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