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The Brides and The Grooms

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Jamie & Doug.  Everything about Jamie and Doug is exactly the stages of an arranged marriage.  LIke everything.  This almost seemed like an experiment by the "experts" to see if they could get an attractive woman to stay married to unattractive guy who wasn't rich.  The key to the compatibility is that Jamie has so many personal problems and is therefore the most insecure person in the world, that at some point she became more worried that he wouldn't like her, and that's when she was locked in.  If not for her issues and for her express request for a guy with a big family this wouldn't have worked.


The blond girl and the fireman.  Sorry I can't remember their names.  That guy is clearly not ready for marriage.  He just isn't.  It's nothing against her, but he should not be married.  She is clearly OVER ready to be married and she used a lot of control techniques and guilt to get him to marry her in the end.  Unfortunately this is something that probably makes up 1/2 of the marriages in America.  One of the people simply not ready to be married to anyone, and the other manipulating or guilting them into doing it anyway.


Vaughn and Monet.  I commend them for having the guts to initiate divorce.  The show is rigged to make it very difficult to do this.  You look like a villain, you look like a failure, and you look insensitive to the other.  The honest truth is they were completely compatible, and this is where my biggest problem lies with this show.  the only thing they had compatible about them is their fathers had died and they were Black.  And that was literally it. It's an unfortunate reality because according to that first episode there were only 30 some people who signed up for this.  And unfortunately they were likely the only two African-Americans.  so the four "experts" matched them up.  I realize for demographic reasons they felt they should go with this couple, but for "humanity" reasons, they should've picked another couple.  These two were doomed from the start, it took all of a day or two for them to realize they were not compatible, and then they both end up looking bad because of it.

I have a feeling Jamie and Jason will end up together. On last weeks show when the four of them were out, she looked like she was saying to herself, wow she's lucky she got him. She was looking at him longingly. He's a parametic, she's a nurse. He grew up poor with a single mother too. He's driven and they would make an adorable couple. I think Courtney is too whiny, clingy and he wants a strong woman, that will clean the apartment. I can't believe she has piles of messes for that one room apartment to be filmed for television. She's a slob! What does she do, sit around and drink all day?

Edited by rednails

After an initial feeling of distaste solely because of his beard, so far I'm more drawn to Neil than I have been to any of previous or current men on the show. He has an intelligence about him that's very appealing. Nobody had to tell him where St. Croix was. He's also acting like an adult in his interactions with Sam, with no sulking, temper tantrums, or finger-pointing, Sean. I also like that he's friends with his ex since I am, too.


Of course I reserve the right to change my mind if some heretofore hidden and heinous traits begin to reveal themselves!

  • Love 6

It seems like each season I question the motives of the men more than I do the women, which is my own bias. Let's see if we can suss out everyone's real motivations, in hindsight:


Objective: to promote themselves:

Jamie (wants to be a TV host/actress)

Jessica (modeling career)

Cortney (make-up/stylist business)

Jaclyn (her company and brand)

Ryan R. (real estate business)


Objective: the money:



Ryan D. (plus wanting to marry his grandmother)

Jason (he and his mom were struggling financially)


Objective: finding someone to love






Davina (unrealistically)

Ashley (unrealistically)

Samantha (unrealistically)


Objective: who the fuck knows



Some of the people wanting to promote themselves likely weren't against falling in love, but it doesn't seem like that was their primary motivation.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 4

It seems like each season I question the motives of the men more than I do the women, which is my own bias. Let's see if we can suss out everyone's real motivations, in hindsight:


Objective: to promote themselves:

Jamie (wants to be a TV host/actress)

Jessica (modeling career)

Cortney (make-up/stylist business)

Jaclyn (her company and brand)

Ryan R. (real estate business)


Objective: the money:



Ryan D. (plus wanting to marry his grandmother)

Jason (he and his mom were struggling financially)


Objective: finding someone to love






Davina (unrealistically)

Ashley (unrealistically)

Samantha (unrealistically)


Objective: who the fuck knows



Some of the people wanting to promote themselves likely weren't against falling in love, but it doesn't seem like that was their primary motivation.

This is a good breakdown, but I do question the money piece a bit...is there a lot of money in agreeing to participate in MAFS??  Or is the fame that comes along with the show, that might lead to bigger money-making opportunities?

  • Love 1

We have never given proof of what they are paid, so everything I am writing is nothing more then speculation.


There have been rumors that each person get $100K to be on this show.  There have also been talk of money "incentives" for a couple to stay together.  People have also said that the successful couples get as much as $400K per season to be on  Married at First Sight:First Year show.

This has been a windfall for the season one couples, as all the season 2 couples imploded and so there was no one new to do the "First Year" show.  Also, Jaimie and Doug have gotten commercials and podcast hosting opportunities from the show.


So, for regular people standards, reality show people make a shit ton of money to sell their dignity.


Again, none of this information has been proven so take it with a grain of salt.

I'm pretty fed up with the women on this show. As far as I can recall, not a single man has ever complained about his new wife's appearance, either at the wedding or afterwards. We've speculated that Vaughn and Ryan D. weren't especially taken with their brides, but neither of them actually said so. Why is it that the women feel free to blurt all kinds of hurtful and demeaning shit? Even if it's only in their interviews, they know damned well their grooms will eventually see it.


And why do they feel so appalled in the first place? I don't think I'm that much of an outlier by being attracted to men based on their personalities. Yes, guys register as being conventionally handsome or not, but sex is 95% mental. I could not care less if someone is doughy or pasty or has moles or googly eyes.* Is the guy smart, playful, kind, and enthusiastic about life? That's sexy. 


I live in a retirement community and if any of these women need it spelled out for them, I can show them proof that, 100% of the time, LOOKS FADE. It seems like a new concept to them.




* Although poor hygiene or chronic halitosis would be a no-go. I guess my physical deal breakers for the experts would be "doesn't look grimy or stink."

  • Love 3
And why do they feel so appalled in the first place? I don't think I'm that much of an outlier by being attracted to men based on their personalities. Yes, guys register as being conventionally handsome or not, but sex is 95% mental. I could not care less if someone is doughy or pasty or has moles or googly eyes.* Is the guy smart, playful, kind, and enthusiastic about life? That's sexy.

I live in a retirement community and if any of these women need it spelled out for them, I can show them proof that, 100% of the time, LOOKS FADE. It seems like a new concept to them.



Yes, looks do fade, but this is "married at first sight."  What the eye sees in the beginning does affect how you feel, sorry but it's true.  Also these women aren't given a lot of time to get to know these men.  Sometimes men you thought unattractive, become attractive later, but the key word is later, and often that takes longer than just six weeks.

  • Love 2

I don't believe that the part you're referencing has been in the show yet (it's one of the few season preview moments that we haven't seen yet). She states she got a message that David had asked a woman out for drinks.


I think we'll learn that it is an old friend or a co-worker, or perhaps a potential sales lead....something innocent like that. I can't believe David would be so stupid as to try and cheat while he's still being filmed for the show...but time will tell. 

  • Love 1

My theory is that Ashley told the experts that she was traditional and wanted someone who'd be a good provider and who'd protect her and put her on a pedestal. That's the only way I can imagine the idiots I mean experts would pair her with Dave.

But I have no idea what she's supposed to be bringing to the table besides a massive buzzkill and boner-downer.

  • Love 6

Did you guys see this preview? She won't answer the fish bowl questions. #facepalm


I didn't expect any other outcome. She refused to be in the same room as the male strippers so of course she wouldn't want to answer sex questions. At this point, David should stop trying and only engage in staring contests with her. 

  • Love 3

Predictable, but it's only solidifying my opinion of her as a cold fish in general, with or without David.  I stand by my description of her as an "ice princess".  It hurt to see him trying his best shot at humor with her only to be met by crickets.  I would have been splitting my sides whether or not I was "into" him.  She is just so freaking immature it hurts.  Plus she's clueless as to how her behavior is making her look.  She probably thinks she's "protecting her image" but I have news for her, with most of the population, male AND female, she is making herself look really BAD.

  • Love 3

Thanks for the preview it looks like Logan has already discarded most of the questions for Sam & Neil and David & Ashley they are lucky to have 10 questions in a nearly empty bowl yet Tres & Vanessa have a pretty full bowl, guess she already knew that there is no hope for intimacy between most of the couples.


*Sigh* Ashley I feel sorry for her she was obviously born without a sense of humor, it must be hard to keep friends when you are such a killjoy all the time

  • Love 2

Did you guys see this preview? She won't answer the fish bowl questions. #facepalm


Honestly, I don't think I'd be answering those questions on camera either.   If it's something like where do you like to be kissed--then okay.  But did I see something that made me think a question was you're favorite sex position?  No way.    


I'm honestly wondering if Ashley has a 'thing' for one of the production staff.  She was a tiny bit more friendly and open to David in the beginning,  Now it's zero.   Someone said she does flirty stuff like flip her hair.  I wonder if this is why she's suddenly so super shy and closed off. ( Not that she was ever warm or open but it's markedly worse)

Figures on how Ashley is about the questions. I understand not wanting to answer certain things on camera but why not whisper it in his ear? I love that he has humor about it. I would have been laughing it up with him and making light of it all myself. She would hate to be around my husband and I when we watch tv. OMG we have comments left and right on the stupidest things but for us it ends up funny and we have some really good laughs over it all. I couldn't live without humor in my life or someone with no personality at all. She seriously is really a cold fish after all that has been shown now. If she was willing to give it a try there are ways she could have answered things without the world knowing. Heck she could have wrote it down. It really is making me wonder what was that 9 yr relationship like. Was there one at all? 

  • Love 3

I think Sam wants to be on TV. She seems to think a lot of herself and seems like she thinks an audience would just love her. The way she carried on at the wedding, I've wondered, if she'd planned something like that. I do think though too she thought maybe since she's all about "certain kind of men", and I'm not sorry to say she's not that attractive, maybe she thought the show would match her with a kind of guy that she wouldn't otherwise get that would love her amazing "personality."


I think Ashley is on for the money, school is expensive, but it's still an odd choice for her. Her lack of attraction to David can be a part in her lack of personality but she's so closed off I can't picture her being completely different/social. The fishbowl thing was done on the other seasons, talking about sex is an expected thing on this show, jeeze as cringeworthy as it was even Sean and Davina tried to do these things. She seems the most unwilling out of anyone on the seasons to do anything that the show wants which baffles me as to why she would go on something like this. If she continues to just refuse to exercises, if there isn't more to that fishbowl clip where she takes part and stuff, I would say she borders on the show having a case to not pay her in full for not following the "rules", if they wanted to do that. I'm sure they wouldn't do that, but that's just how bad I think Ashley's lack of participation is.   There have been other cast members who were in it for the money but they're at least smart enough to put on a smile for the cameras and fake it. Going back to Sean his lack of spending time with Davina was very bad and the show should have been on him for doing that but he didn't sit around and refuse to do the tasks when he showed up. Ashley doesn't have it in her to try to put on a show, so why go on TV? It may only be 6 weeks of filming but it's going to follow her around a lot longer than that, since, y'know, it's on TV! Money has to be the reason she'd put herself through this.

  • Love 3

I think Ashley is VERY aware of how she comes across on TV.  She's afraid that people will judge her harshly; look what happened with the strippers, she didn't want people to see her interacting with strippers.  Ashley's so fearful of her image I wonder why the hell she's on this show; so I agree that it's for the money all the way.

  • Love 3

It's ironic because Sam is the strangest one and yet the experts always blame the others' behavior (Ashley's reticence, Vanessa's insecurity) on parental absence.

Ha! You're right.

The so-called Experts are reeeeediculous in what they to choose to focus on and to blame. Grandma died, daddy fled, mommy had a favorite and I wasn't it! Of course I know we're all products of our backgrounds and upbringings, and it's very important to know where we once were in order to figure out where we ended up. But for godssakes! There's a lot to be said for personal responsibility and, you know, growing up! The Experts almost never touch on those virtues.

  • Love 1

Honestly, I don't think I'd be answering those questions on camera either.   If it's something like where do you like to be kissed--then okay.  But did I see something that made me think a question was you're favorite sex position?  No way.    


I'm honestly wondering if Ashley has a 'thing' for one of the production staff.  She was a tiny bit more friendly and open to David in the beginning,  Now it's zero.   Someone said she does flirty stuff like flip her hair.  I wonder if this is why she's suddenly so super shy and closed off. ( Not that she was ever warm or open but it's markedly worse)

Did I miss an episode?  She couldn't even say one word to him at their post-vows champagne session.

I think Ashley is VERY aware of how she comes across on TV. She's afraid that people will judge her harshly; look what happened with the strippers, she didn't want people to see her interacting with strippers. Ashley's so fearful of her image I wonder why the hell she's on this show; so I agree that it's for the money all the way.

This is how I see it too. i still have no idea why she chose to do the show (except maybe $) but I do think she decided right after the wedding not to even give it a shot. And with that in mind I think she is trying to reveal as little of herself as she can because she's worried about her image as it affects future suitors and possibly work.

Maybe she also feels like if she played along and looked like she was 'trying' then people would judge her more when she divorces David.

So basically she thinks she's protecting herself for the after-show future but she comes off as having the personality of a corpse or even just a cold hearted asshole. The poor editors - she gives them nothing to work with.

  • Love 1

I think they are either participants or contestants in this experiment/process, now who is who I wonder. Of course then there is Ashley who is one of those cardboard cutouts you see in store displays.

I just realized I would be just this hard on Ash even if she was my friend, I'd be like "what the hell are you doing?". SMH

  • Love 1

I am a long time lurker and first time poster, so I will break up my post into multiple posts.  This season is a shitshow and I blame the “experts”. I am a straight black male professional, so that is the perspective I am bringing to the conversation.  Here is my assessment: 


He seems like a nice guy who has no problems picking up women.  He might not have gone into it with the intention of finding a wife, but he is taking the experiment seriously.


Physical Rating: 8- He has a doughy body. He could be an 8.5 if he worked out.
Personality Rating:  9
Would I date? : If I was a woman, I would give him a chance. Smooth operator.
Would I marry? : If I was a woman, I might be suspicious that he is not ready for marriage.
Would I consummate? : If I was a woman, I would. He looks like he is good in the sack.
Would I be a friend?: Definitely. He is a cool guy. However if he had a habit of blacking out, I probably would not hang out with him. I would not go to strips clubs with him.


She is a real class act. She has abandonment issues and needs to work on that, but she looks like she would make a good wife.  I’ll defend her on the blacking out incident.  Guys out there, if your date blacked out in the first few weeks, wouldn’t you get nervous?  None of my girlfriends have ever done that.


Physical Rating: 7- she needs to wear makeup most of the time.
Personality Rating:  9. Fun and sincere
Would I date? : She was not my type, but I would give the experiment a chance.  I would try to hold hands with her and possibly kiss her to see if I could get a spark going.
Would I consummate? : For the sake of the experiment, yes. But only if the kiss arouses some passion.
Would I marry? : No she is not my type, but would have no problems if a good friend married her.
Would I be a friend?: Definitely. She is really sweet and has interesting friends.


He seems like a really ethical, sensitive, and intelligent guy.  His style might not work for most women, but it would in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.   He is taking the experiment very seriously and putting up with too much shit from Sam. He probably has checked out and is saying whatever causes the least amount of friction. Neil is a saint.


Physical Rating: 7.5.  He looks kind of strange at times because of his eyes, but his body is athletic.
Personality Rating:  9.5- he is interesting and would never bore you.
Would I date? : If I was a woman, I would give him a chance. Solid guy.
Would I marry? : If I was a woman, I would have to make sure that I could deal with his quirkyness, but yes. He would make the right woman a wonderful husband.  I don’t think he is necessary a pussy, but does not want to get down in the mud on TV.
Would I consummate? : If I was a woman, I would.  I think his looks are deceiving and that he would be good in bed.
Would I be a friend?: Definitely. He is really a cool guy.  I would hang out with him all the time.


This woman is a psycho abusive nutter. She is controlling and manipulative.  Had she called me a pussy, I would have checked out immediately.  It was low the stunt she pulled having Neil move into her place.  I would have never agreed to that.  After this show is over, good luck getting a date. She needs a fucking comb.


Physical Rating: 6.5- She looks sort of butch, and disheveled.  I wonder about her hygiene. If she put effort into her appearance, I think she could be a 8. She needs to work out and get a tan.
Personality Rating:  3. She is a horrible, selfish person.
Would I date? : She is not my type, but I would give the experiment a chance.  I would try to hold hands with her and possibly kiss her to see if I could get a spark going.  I would not put up with any of her shit whatsoever.  I’d put her in her place fast; I’ve heard she is into that sort of thing.
Would I marry? : No, she is a psycho and she would make my life not worth living
Would I consummate? : For the sake of the experiment, yes. But only if she combed her hair and got herself together.  Right now she is not attractive.  But if she put effort into her appearance I could find something attractive about her.  Even though she needs to work out, it would not be a deal breaker.
Would I be a friend?: Definitely Not. She is nasty person with psychological issues.  Run, Neil Run.


He seems like a good, stable guy.  He is taking the experiment very seriously and putting up with too much shit from Mustache. I strongly disagree with comments saying he has been pushy and needy.  He was tolerant during the honeymoon, and the first few weeks. It’s not unreasonable to want hugs, cheek kisses, and hands held after 3 weeks.  When I have dated, I usually hold hands and kiss (not make out) on the first date.  This is normal. When I was in college, I hung out with this hot girl but did not make the first move.  A few years later she told me we would have been dating had I had tried to kiss her. Society expects guys to make the first moves. Or else they are getting nowhere. 


David had to try, no matter how desperate it came across.  And the “experts” said he was paired so he could break through her barriers.  So it really is their fault that he keeps on trying.  Up until the last episode, they kept on egging him to keep trying. David thought that all guys could not break through her barriers, but really it was him that Mustache was preventing from breaking through her barriers. Why didn’t they hook him up with Jackie from last season?  That might have worked.


I think that at this point he should hook up with another woman.  Why should he waste 3 more weeks of his life, when he could be meeting his soul mate?  Had Mustache treated him with any respect whatsoever, I would say he should wait the 3 weeks.  But since she is a nasty bitch, I say go for it.


Physical Rating: 6.5.  He is not ugly. He is not hot. He has a doughy body.  He could probably be a 7.5 if he got a tan and worked out
Personality Rating:  8.5- He is not that interesting, but seems like a fun, outgoing guy.
Would I date? : If I was a woman, I would give him a chance.
Would I marry? : If I was a woman, I would think he is marriage material.  He needs to slow things down, but not with Mustache.
Would I consummate? : If I was a woman, I would.  But don’t think he would be good in the sack.  They could work on that over time.
Would I be a friend?: Definitely. He is really solid guy that would have my back.


Bitchbot 2000
This woman is a one of the meanest persons that I have ever seen.  I put all the blame on her.  I get that she does not find him hot or attractive, but he not a gross troll. She should have taken this experiment seriously.  She should have been upfront with David and tried things that might have increased her attraction to her.  She should have tried holding his hand, and god forbid, let him kiss her once just to see if there was something that she was missing.  If nothing happened, at least she tried. She should have treated him with respect and tried to become friends with him even if she determined that they were not going to work out.


I notice how she perked up, once she found out he made money.  I also noticed how she hugged David’s friend.  So what she was saying about physical intimacy was complete bullshit.  She would probably bone David’s friend in week one. Also how she would make a man wait 2 months before any hugs or kisses or hand holding. Total bullshit as well.  What man would tolerate that manipulative bullshit?  It would be one and done for me if after the first date, I could not hold her hand.  Why did she have an issue of David asking what her favorite color is?  This is not an intimate question.


The fishbowl exercise is a perfect example of why this is all her fault.  “What is your favorite place to be kissed?” Um….neck, ear, knee, elbow, hand, any place that is not covered? How fucking hard was that?  Couldn’t even give him that.  What a bitch.  Good luck getting another date.


Physical Rating: 6.5- She has got to wax that fucking mustache.  It’s not fair to David or the viewers.  Her body is ok.  Slightly chubby, but not a deal killer.  I’ll give her this, she has killer hair. Please shave that mustache.  Please.
Personality Rating:  .5- She is a selfish, superficial bitch.  I give her .5 because she is a vegetarian, otherwise she would get a 0.  How can someone be so kind to animals, but so cruel to humans?
Would I date? : Fuck no. 
Would I marry? : Hells to the No.
Would I consummate? : Normally I would try to give it a go for the sake of the experiment, but between her mustache and her nasty personality, I just can’t.
Would I be a friend?: No.  David lucked out, because she did not like him.  Imagine if she did like him.  He would be stuck with that selfish, boring, bitch.

Edited by Gator Stud
  • Love 18

Gator Stud.


Funny post but I'm gonna have to dissagree on some of your comments.


Neil: 7.5.looks. I know everyone has opinions, but this dude is a 4.5 on a good day. Realistically, he isn't in the same cateogry as David looks wise. And I find him kind of annoying. Sam actually has some valid reasons to be pissed off at him but she's an asshole who does not know how to communicate properly. I find him to be sarcastic and annoying. His personality gets a 5 from me.


Sam: IMO no amount of grooming could get her to an 8 looks wise (higher than Vanessa? lol  wow)


David: Perosnality 8.5. I would give him a 6. I can see how being around him for extended period of time could be exausting. Sometimes silence is comforting and I don't think he knows when and how to shut up. Seems like the sports and beer kind of guy, possibly boring and limited in this interests


Ashley: 6.5. I would give her a 5 for physical appearance. I strongly dislkie her so I might be biased but she's not a looker.  Also, you should rethink the 0.5  rating for her personality. She deserves a 0 IMO.


Vanessa: She's a 8 in looks IMO. 


Tres: he seems really boring. I give him a 5 for personality. 

  • Love 2

The reason why I said Sam could be an 8 while Vanessa is a 7 is because Sam wears little to no makeup and puts no effort in to her appearance. Unlike men, when women are rated it's with makeup on. So I think in the second episode they showed Vanessa without make up. And in that case Sam>Vanessa. Unfortunately Vanessa looks like a completely different person without makeup.

I see your point about Neil. His lips are a little weird too. I'll defer to the women when it comes to rating the guys looks. I am a straight guy so what do I know. Probably the show has skewed things a bit since none of the guys are hot. As far as their personalities are concerned, I think women look at guys diffferently than guys look at guys.

I forgot to talk about the "experts ". They are beyond shitty. I think the only one who cares at all in Dr Pepper. I used to think Dr C was OK, but now I think he sucks. I never liked the blonde one. What's her name. I don't know what her function is besides coming up with stupid questions for the fishbowl exercise. I don't get why they have an atheist giving spiritual advice.

Edited by Gator Stud
  • Love 4

The reason why I said Sam could be an 8 while Vanessa is a 7 is because Sam wears little to no makeup and puts no effort in to her appearance. Unlike men, when women are rated it's with makeup on. So I think in the second episode they showed Vanessa without make up. And in that case Sam>Vanessa. Unfortunately Vanessa looks like a completely different person without makeup.

I see your point about Neil. His lips are a little weird too. I'll defer to the women when it comes to rating the guys looks. I am a straight guy so what do I know. Probably the show has skewed things a bit since none of the guys are hot. As far as their personalities are concerned, I think women look at guys diffferently than guys look at guys.

I forgot to talk about the "experts ". They are beyond shitty. I think the only one who cares at all in Dr Pepper. I used to think Dr C was OK, but now I think he sucks. I never liked the blonde one. What's her name. I don't know what her function is besides coming up with stupid questions for the fishbowl exercise. I don't get why they have an atheist giving spiritual advice.

Vanessa looks good with and without makeup. Probably the best looking girl this show has seen. Saying Sam looks better w/o makeup is actually laughable.

but it is your opinion lol

  • Love 2

The reason why I said Sam could be an 8 while Vanessa is a 7 is because Sam wears little to no makeup and puts no effort in to her appearance. Unlike men, when women are rated it's with makeup on. So I think in the second episode they showed Vanessa without make up. And in that case Sam>Vanessa. Unfortunately Vanessa looks like a completely different person without makeup.


As a straight woman, I would say that we are way more critical of the appearance of our fellow women. Vanessa and Sam are not even remotely in the same category looks wise:


Dolled up










  • Love 2

Sam looks better than Vanessa, in what universe?  I've been wearing make up for a LONG time and my belief is, the darker your skin, the less make up you need.  Plus, at least Vanessa looks like she brushes her hair and showers; Sam looks like she doesn't do either of those things.



Would I consummate? : If I was a woman, I would.  But don’t think he would be good in the sack.  They could work on that over time.


This was about David and I laughed when I read it because I thought the same thing, like he'd just want to get to the end.  However, David seems like the type of man who would go out of his way to please a woman if he knew what to do

  • Love 4

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