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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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2 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Here's a question I've been sitting on: a long time ago, I bought The Apprentice Season 1 on DVD. I still have it. I want to destroy it. How does one best destroy DVDs? I want it to be both beautiful and satisfying :-P

I would think they work really well as skeet. Make sure you film it and post!!

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1 minute ago, KIMBERLYANN11 said:

I would think they work really well as skeet. Make sure you film it and post!!

Oh man, that is genius! If only I had a shotgun. My redneck brother does. I'm sure, even though he probably voted Trump, he wouldn't turn down free skeet, LOL

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9 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Here's a question I've been sitting on: a long time ago, I bought The Apprentice Season 1 on DVD. I still have it. I want to destroy it. How does one best destroy DVDs? I want it to be both beautiful and satisfying :-P

suckah!! :P


I thought it might be an appropriate time to mention that it's Thanksgiving Day this week for those in the US. The four paintings done by artist Norman Rockwell was inspired by Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous “Four Freedoms” speech delivered to Congress on the eve of World War II. Norman Rockwell created four paintings depicting simple family scenes, illustrating freedoms Americans often take for granted. Throughout his political career Roosevelt championed the cause of human rights. Freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. Norman Rockwell himself was perceived as apolitical, but advocated in his own words "tolerance for differences, courtesy, kindness, and the freedoms that FDR articulated".

That being said, the four paintings seem to be more pertinent today or at least as pertinent it was to those people in the 1941 World War II era. Looking ahead to Thursday, many of us will be dreading some of the interactions that may be inevitable between family members and they are not in keeping with the theme of what Thanksgiving represents. Personally, I will make it a point not to bring up politics on that day and know that's going to be extremely difficult because there's so much passion about this election. I hope everyone can put aside their differences on that one day that's a day dedicated to families coming together,  not only to give thanks but to work towards a common goal.

Edited by HumblePi
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Kellyanne Conway told CNN, "Obviously if his day job is in Washington, he'll be there, that's where he will be most focused.". The secret service and local police agencies will be forced to cover his whereabouts in multiple places every week. But she said something else that concerned me even more. "Obviously it's a very unique situation when somebody who has been incredibly successful in an entirely non-political industry in a city away from Washington, D.C." and this "He knows what the job entails. He's going to have the support of his family as he always has." The Presidency will be Donald Trump's 'day job' and it sounds like his children will be taking care of the real business of steering him, advising him and making decisions for him.

 I do not understand why the media isn't all over this.  Once he is sworn in as President that should be his only job. His work in any other industry should be placed aside for the duration of his term as his focus needs to be 100% on the job of being President. Trump blasted Obama for taking a vacation (more than once) yet he's planning to continue with other business ventures while serving as President? Unacceptable. FFS Jimmy Carter gave up his peanut farm when he became President yet Trump will continue his with all the conflicts.  The fact that there are no laws preventing this is unacceptable.

"The White House Office includes the people who directly advise and assist the president in his official duties. Think "The West Wing." There are about 450 of those." (from an article) -  Will the 450 travel to NY with him? Will he hologram himself into the Oval Office from his golden tower? Does he think he can just Skype in while running his businesses from NY?


People are tired of the John McCain's, the Jeff Sessions, Newt Gingrich's and those old elites that don't really understand or connect with today's society.

 "Old Washington" was one of the reasons people who voted for Trump list as a factor but clearly that isn't an issue for him. Instead of Weekend at Bernie's it will be Weekend at Donnie's and he can drag them all to NY with him.

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11 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

You have a good point about the President-elect and his Tweeting habit. I doubt that's something he'll change once he's sworn in as leader of the free world. It's just hard to comprehend that the President of one of the most powerful democracies in the world chooses to tweet unfiltered. It can be extremely dangerous as it can instantly anger people and divide those who agree with him with those that are angered by his tweets. But, as you said, we will be able to instantly know where he's going, what direction he's taking as far as policy and where his 'vendetta's du jour' are.

Notice body language and eyes when you watch President Trump welcome someone like Mitt Romney. He quickly glances to cameras in order for them to capture the warm, fuzzy moments. He places his hand briefly on their back as a sign of 'welcome'. I noticed in the infamous bus scene with Billy Bush that when he met Arianne Zucker he ever-so-quickly glanced at her breasts. Because ya know....."a woman can't be a 10 if she's flat chested". 

Maybe this smacks of anarchy, but I don't think it would necessarily be a bad thing to continue differentiating between those who agree and those who are angry.  Staying angry is our best last hope; we don't want to lose the outrage.

I also have some confidence that other world leaders have the cool heads and common sense not to gasp and throw down a declaration of war when our fearless leader insults them during one of his ridiculous 3 a.m. pee tweets.  (Maybe they'll be happy for an excuse to book the Hyatt.)


Since I've seen the clip twenty more times on the Sunday morning news shows, I notice DT's "hand on the back" move ensures Romney stays in subordinate position on the lower step while Pence steps in for his photo-op handshake, too.  Romney finally makes an end run left and gains parity when DT turns right to enter the house.

You knew this ignominy was coming, Mitt.  Please, sir, may I have another?


3 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Here's a question I've been sitting on: a long time ago, I bought The Apprentice Season 1 on DVD. I still have it. I want to destroy it. How does one best destroy DVDs? I want it to be both beautiful and satisfying :-P

I think you could write "I don't want this anymore" across the front and mail it to (Season One Contestant) Omarosa c/o the TT address on Fifth Avenue.  Her mail probably isn't scrutinized as thoroughly as DT's so she might actually get it, and maybe she'll be all bummed out and mention it to him.  (Smear a little superglue on the surface so they can't sit around watching it and admiring themselves.)

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24 minutes ago, windsprints said:

 I do not understand why the media isn't all over this.  Once he is sworn in as President that should be his only job. His work in any other industry should be placed aside for the duration of his term as his focus needs to be 100% on the job of being President. Trump blasted Obama for taking a vacation (more than once) yet he's planning to continue with other business ventures while serving as President? Unacceptable. FFS Jimmy Carter gave up his peanut farm when he became President yet Trump will continue his with all the conflicts.  The fact that there are no laws preventing this is unacceptable.

"The White House Office includes the people who directly advise and assist the president in his official duties. Think "The West Wing." There are about 450 of those." (from an article) -  Will the 450 travel to NY with him? Will he hologram himself into the Oval Office from his golden tower? Does he think he can just Skype in while running his businesses from NY?

 "Old Washington" was one of the reasons people who voted for Trump list as a factor but clearly that isn't an issue for him. Instead of Weekend at Bernie's it will be Weekend at Donnie's and he can drag them all to NY with him.

Or, Night of the Nearly Dead


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Herr Drumph's circus freak act is such a distraction, and I know I sometimes fall for it.  Let's try to see his tweet storms & other b.s. for what they are:  diversionary tactics:



Foreground: booing at Hamiton.
Background: Trump organization muscling foreign diplomats into staying at a hotel owned by the president

***Drumph, Bannon & Kelly Ann Conway are masters of sleight of hand.  There's a preternatural talent each of them have at deflection, in particular.  Let's be vigilant about not falling for it.  I know I'll be posting less about the clown car stuff; I'll focus on his Cabinet of Deplorables, among other things.  Fuck Drumph & his twitter rants.

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44 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

And now, apparently, Barron and Melania are going to remain in New York.  She definitely never wanted any part of this whole mess.

Whether Melania wanted it or not, Ivanka was always going to be the de facto First Lady.

It's interesting.  My first impulse was that the Kushners would effectively take up residence in the WH while DT moved among his more lavish residences--Ivanka to keep the First Lady seat warm, and Jared because he's going to be really busy reading all those "eyes-only" Report To The President updates and making all those hundreds of decisions every day about details DT doesn't want to bother with.

But so far, it seems the great man doesn't want to take two steps without them, so IDK. 

Edited by candall
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5 minutes ago, candall said:

Whether Melania wanted it or not, Ivanka was always going to be the de facto First Lady.

It's interesting.  My first impulse was that the Kushners would effectively take up residence in the WH--Ivanka to keep the First Lady seat warm, and Jared because he's going to be really busy reading all those "eyes-only" Report To The President updates and making all those hundreds of decisions every day about details DT doesn't want to bother with.

But so far, it seems the great man doesn't want to take two steps without them, so IDK. 

I will not be remotely surprised if they move in there with him.  

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16 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

Right. I think prior to the Gore v. Bush election in 2000, there were only two other instances in which the candidate that won the popular vote didn't end up President because they lost the EC - both were back in the 1800s, I believe. Back in the 1800s, I don't think it was considered as big of an issue as it is now given that not all Americans could vote then anyway. When things happened in 2000, that was a real eye opener and started to point out the huge flaws in the EC system. Again, if we truly want every vote to count and to be like the majority of other countries in the world, that system has to go away. It serves no purpose other than to cause resentment because our voice was not truly heard - we didn't get the person we wanted in office and that is just wrong. People stand in line for hours and are so proud to have this right that every American Citizen over 18 who hasn't been convicted of a felony is entitled to. People died so people could have the right to vote. To have the EC basically tell them that none of that matters and their vote doesn't count is just a huge slap in the face and it dishonors our Country and everyone who fought to ensure people had the right to vote.

Going back to the previous page, but here is the list of all 5 elections in which the winning President lost the popular vote.  Ironically related to your thoughts here, the controversial election of 1876 had one far-reaching, if indirect consequence for voting rights: the Compromise of 1877, which ended Reconstruction in the South and eventually allowed Jim Crow to take over, in exchange for Republican Rutherford Hayes's being declared the President even though he lost the popular vote. 

I'm not drawing any direct parallels here on the issue of voter suppression - just further noting that the fallout from previous and similar elections should be kept in mind.

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5 hours ago, HumblePi said:

*I'm editing because I just read my post and something struck me about Kellyanne Conway's words. I quoted her word-for-word and noticed that when asked a question such as 'where will President Trump will be residing?' she started her answer with the word "obviously". That wouldn't immediately strike me as odd but it did reading it a second time because she began her very next remark with the same word, "obviously".

I agree -   But also important is that she says :


"Obviously if his day job is in Washington, he'll be there, that's where he will be most focused

"IF"  stands out - like there's a possibility, not a done deal, and the idea that the presidency will be his "day job", which he will give the MOST focus.   No, the presidency is a 24/7 job, which takes ALL, not MOST focus.    It needs to be his only job - to keep him focused on it, but also to get rid of conflict of interest with other businesses.

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1 hour ago, candall said:

I think you could write "I don't want this anymore" across the front and mail it to (Season One Contestant) Omarosa c/o the TT address on Fifth Avenue.  Her mail probably isn't scrutinized as thoroughly as DT's so she might actually get it, and maybe she'll be all bummed out and mention it to him.  (Smear a little superglue on the surface so they can't sit around watching it and admiring themselves.)

Uh, don't lick the stamp, or do anything to leave your DNA anywhere.


1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

It's going to be so freaking bizarre to see a married POTUS essentially living in the White House as a bachelor, while his wife and young child live elsewhere.

I rhink Jackie spent a lot of time down in her Virginia house, or Cape Cod, and LBJ commuted to his Texas ranch a lot, so that doesn't bother me, one of the few, (or maybe the only) thing about Trump that doesn't.

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1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

Herr Drumph's circus freak act is such a distraction, and I know I sometimes fall for it.  Let's try to see his tweet storms & other b.s. for what they are:  diversionary tactics:


***Drumph, Bannon & Kelly Ann Conway are masters of sleight of hand.  There's a preternatural talent each of them have at deflection, in particular.  Let's be vigilant about not falling for it.  I know I'll be posting less about the clown car stuff; I'll focus on his Cabinet of Deplorables, among other things.  Fuck Drumph & his twitter rants.

And it makes ME wonder who is behind all of this, who is pulling the strings.   Trump seems easily influenced by whomever is around him.  I think his team is behind deflecting attention by encouraging trump to tweet about Hamilton and SNL, and then have the bots all "like" his tweets, leaving Trump in front of the computer basking in the fake approval, while the others meet and make decisions. 

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I rhink Jackie spent a lot of time down in her Virginia house, or Cape Cod, and LBJ commuted to his Texas ranch a lot

None of those places are even remotely as densely populated as 5th Avenue in NYC.

How much security will be provided in NY for Barron and Melania?  What will it cost? Will the Secret Service be present at Barron's school? How much additional security will be there and how will that impact other children, teachers & parents bringing/picking up their kids at school? Will the street the school is on remain fully opened?  It not just a matter of they  will stay home while Daddy is off at work in DC.  Everything they do now is far more  complicated than it was a week ago.

Edited by windsprints
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People of all beliefs and opinions are free to post here. Your responsibility as a poster is to respect their right to do that. Do not ask for or demand explanations of why they believe what they do. Those posts will be removed, and there may be further sanctions taken.


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4 minutes ago, backformore said:

I agree -   But also important is that she says :

"IF"  stands out - like there's a possibility, not a done deal, and the idea that the presidency will be his "day job", which he will give the MOST focus.   No, the presidency is a 24/7 job, which takes ALL, not MOST focus.    It needs to be his only job - to keep him focused on it, but also to get rid of conflict of interest with other businesses.

Speaking of conflict of interests, his chosen few have a conflict of interest not just President-elect Trump. All those men in his top pick for cabinet members have in the past or are currently a lobbyist. Didn't he say that he will get rid of ALL lobbyists?

Mike Flynn, is lobbying for an obscure company with ties to the Turkish Government
Rudy Giuliani, made millions advocating for foreign clients sometime at odds with American foreign policy
Paul Manaforte, he worked for pro-Russian leaders in the Ukraine, involving allegations of millions of dollars in cash payments and secret lobbying efforts in the U.S.
Corey Lewandowski, spent a decade as a registered lobbyist in DC
If he's serious about draining the swamp he'll have to put rules in place about people's past and not only their future and make certain that people don't skirt the rules by calling themselves lawyers or consultants.

What he said while campaigning is in direct opposition to exactly what he's doing. He's not draining the swamp, he's jumping right into it.


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2 hours ago, windsprints said:

Well there were people in this thread that called it a week ago - Melania & Barron will mostly be in NY.

No surprise to me. I would guess that the gropee-in-chief elect will be ecstatic at any distance between her and the groper-in-chief elect.

She certainly kept her distance during the campaign, ostensibly because of ten-year-old Barone, to take care of heem. (spellings are intentional) Or maybe to have DT out of her sight? Meanwhile, Ivanka with an actual infant was (and still is) front and center. These people repulse me.

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He's gonna want to go on talk shows like Obama did. Can these shows refuse to have him on? If they don't, will they all fall into the Jimmy Fallon trap of being nice just because he's the president? I shudder to think about all the normalizing that will happen.

I wish they would refuse to have him on.

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55 minutes ago, windsprints said:

None of those places are even remotely as densely populated as 5th Avenue in NYC.

How much security will be provided in NY for Barron and Melania?  What will it cost? Will the Secret Service be present at Barron's school? How much additional security will be there and how will that impact other children, teachers & parents bringing/picking up their kids at school? Will the street the school is on remain fully opened?  It not just a matter of they  will stay home while Daddy is off at work in DC.  Everything they do now is far more  complicated than it was a week ago.

Just getting him to school and back each day in NYC will be a logistical nightmare for the Secret Service.  I don't know how it works in Washington, but I'm sure it's much easier logistically, especially since they've had eight years of practice with the Obama kids.

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His day job?  WTH?

Romney v. Giuliani (or similar rightwing loon):  A Test for Trump and His Critics

Basically, does anyone think Mitt will be SOS?  I think its just showmanship and another distraction--probably KAC telling him to show the "optics of inclusiveness" after getting too much criticism for his first four rightwing picks.

Choosing Romney would make me more optimisitic about Trump. First, it would show he isn't threatened by a man with his own power base and strong admirers (many who were critics of Trump). Second, he would be willing to have a moderate Republican in the most important Cabinet position. Third, he would not be threatened by Romney's morality, or the personal wealth that gives him independence from Trump.

If he chooses Romney, it's a kind of "character test" and Trump would--surprisingly--pass it.

However, my assessment of his "character" means "no way in hell" would he choose Romney as SOS.   Will he prove the naysayers right (again) or wrong? SOS will tell us whether we have underestimated our next president or if that's not possible.

*Note It might be necessary for a Giuliani-clone as SOS, given his financial conflicts.

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1 minute ago, Padma said:

His day job?  WTH?

Romney v. Giuliani (or similar rightwing loon):  A Test for Trump and His Critics

Basically, does anyone think Mitt will be SOS?  I think its just showmanship and another distraction--probably KAC telling him to show the "optics of inclusiveness" after getting too much criticism for his first four rightwing picks.

Choosing Romney would make me more optimisitic about Trump. First, it would show he isn't threatened by a man with his own power base and strong admirers (many who were critics of Trump). Second, he would be willing to have a moderate Republican in the most important Cabinet position. Third, he would not be threatened by Romney's morality, or the personal wealth that gives him independence from Trump.

If he chooses Romney, it's a kind of "character test" and Trump would--surprisingly--pass it.

However, my assessment of his "character" means "no way in hell" would he choose Romney as SOS.   Will he prove the naysayers right (again) or wrong? SOS will tell us whether we have underestimated our next president or if that's not possible.

*Note It might be necessary for a Giuliani-clone as SOS, given his financial conflicts.

I don't see it happening (Romney for SOS). I can't help but remember the whole 'drop to his knees' spiel from Trump. Maybe he is just proving it (figuratively). And, sad to say, Romney is helping him.

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I can't wait for the fallout between Trump and Pence to go public.  Because you know that Trump won't appreciate a "good cop/bad cop" scenario" In which Pence, not Trump, is the "good cop".   

While Trump was using his power to destroy "Hamilton", tweeting "I've heard its very overrated", Pence was on Fox and Friends saying that he wasn't offended, that he heard cheers and boos and told his daughter "that's what freedom sounds like".

Pence is probably a big phony  and I know he has some terrible ideas, but he's kind of normal, psychologically, in a way that Trump isn't.  I don'dt think Trump will like it if Pence begins getting a lot of good press while Trump's is getting worse and worse.

Oh, and I feel bad for all the people in Trump Tower and the businesses around it, people  in the area, whose lives will be so negatively affected by Melania and Barron living there--in some cases, I'm sure the financial impact will cause businesses to fail.

Melania and Barron staying there is, imo, most of all a way for Trump to excuse/rationalize going back "home" eve ry weekend and having Ivanka and Jerrod (and their three kids?) living in the WH with him.  How much more than the Obamas is this narcissistic greedy family going to cost us?

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42 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

He's gonna want to go on talk shows like Obama did. Can these shows refuse to have him on? If they don't, will they all fall into the Jimmy Fallon trap of being nice just because he's the president? I shudder to think about all the normalizing that will happen.

I wish they would refuse to have him on.

I wish they wouldn't invite him on either, however, Bill Maher, on his last show until the inauguration, extended an invitation for Trump to be on. I really wish he hadn't done that. I think he went soft on him on his last show over a week ago after he won the election. He backed away from a lot that he is usually quite vocal about and the panel tried to point out some of the facts and a lot of it was talked over by Bill or just not expanded on much. He was not his usual self and it was almost like he was afraid of possible repercussions if he came down too hard, but he really took quite a turn from a lot of the comments he's made throughout this entire election.

I sincerely hope that Trump does not accept Bill's invite. Bill asks people not to boo Ann Coulter when she appears on his show, so the audience is basically silent. I can imagine him asking them not to boo Trump either, though Trump deserves it.

John Oliver did a much better job on his post-election show, I thought, and I don't think John will invite Trump on.

For others that may have him on, I just hope they don't lob him a bunch a softballs and cowtow to this POS. Ask him hard questions, make sure he does not get them in advance so that Ivanka and others can tell him how to respond (or better yet, if they demand a set of advance questions, give them fake ones). Push him on the actual issues. Make him explain his actions. Force him to show who he truly is - a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted, piece of shit liar. All you have to do is push certain buttons and the man will self destruct all on his own. We've seen a lot of this with his Twitter rants. Just catch him off guard, make sure he can't prepare and ask the questions that really matter. Ask why he's filling his cabinet with Swamp Slime when he promised to "drain the swamp." Ask why he wants to work out of Trump Tower and/or Mar-a-Lago and if he cares how much that will cost the taxpayers. Ask why he is in bed with Putin. Ask why his kids should have security clearance. Ask why he is pimping his hotels though congress could decide that that goes against the Constitution. Ask how he plans to return jobs to America and why he is buying Chinese steel and indebted to a number of foreign banks, etc. If you are going to have this asshat on your show, then do not back away from these questions. He will flounder around for answers, not be able to really come up with anything substantial and try to change the subject. Only now, if he tries to change it to Hillary and her e-mails, they can respond with something like "what about you and giving your kids security clearance while continuing to run your business? How is that not a conflict of interest?" The best possible thing that could happen if anyone does have him on and presses him on key issues that he is clearly too incompetent to address is that he just walks off. He did it on one, local show during the election when asked about racism, so let him do it on national television and see how people respond to him then.

Basically, if the media doesn't plan on interviewing him as they should and ask questions like these that affect so many Americans, then why bother? No one wants to see a puff piece on Trump - we've had enough of those. The American people deserve answers to these questions. Ignoring them is a complete failure and utter disrespect to all US Citizens and, actually the world as whole as much of the world will be impacted in some way by this man and the selfish, uninformed, ridiculous decisions he will make that serve, first and foremost, to line his pockets.

Edited by Rapunzel
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@Padma Yeah, Pence would have us living in a Christian theocracy if he had his way, but in the very least, he doesn't appear to be the puppet of a foreign government.  Hahahaha, I still laugh at the irony:  Drumph started the Obama birther b.s. that drove ridiculous Facebook fears that Obama was ushering in a Muslim cabal (that the feeble-minded falls for such crap would make me giggle if it didn't lead to real-life problems, such as, well, the existence of Drumph), but it's Drumph who is Putin's bitch.

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2 minutes ago, Padma said:

I can't wait for the fallout between Trump and Pence to go public.  Because you know that Trump won't appreciate a "good cop/bad cop" scenario" In which Pence, not Trump, is the "good cop".   

While Trump was using his power to destroy "Hamilton", tweeting "I've heard its very overrated", Pence was on Fox and Friends saying that he wasn't offended, that he heard cheers and boos and told his daughter "that's what freedom sounds like".

Pence is probably a big phony  and I know he has some terrible ideas, but he's kind of normal, psychologically, in a way that Trump isn't.  I don'dt think Trump will like it if Pence begins getting a lot of good press while Trump's is getting worse and worse.

Oh, and I feel bad for all the people in Trump Tower and the businesses around it, people  in the area, whose lives will be so negatively affected by Melania and Barron living there--in some cases, I'm sure the financial impact will cause businesses to fail.

Melania and Barron staying there is, imo, most of all a way for Trump to excuse/rationalize going back "home" eve ry weekend and having Ivanka and Jerrod (and their three kids?) living in the WH with him.  How much more than the Obamas is this narcissistic greedy family going to cost us?

Don't be fooled by outward appearances. One thing that I can credit Donald Trump with is being himself. Mike Pence on the other hand is the guy to watch. I'm not a religious person, but I am a person of faith if that makes sense. But years ago I was a member of a woman's bible study group. It was just a handful of housewives that really wanted to discuss things in the Bible that we didn't understand. There was one verse that I remembered about Satan.  Corinthians 11:14, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” The verses refer to Satan’s human servants disguising themselves as “apostles of Christ” and “servants of righteousness.” I'm not saying that's who Pence is, but if this truly was our 'test' then he would definitely fit the description. Satan would certainly seek to deceive us by appearing as something other than an evil creature with horns. Why does it matter? Because there is a good possibility that Pence could become president of the United States. Trump would be the oldest person ever elected to the job. He hides it well behind the constant rage and Agent Orange hair dye, but the guy is 70. At 6’3” and 236 pounds, he is overweight. He lives on Big Macs and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

And then there's Steve Bannon's quote; "Darkness is good....Dick Cheney, Darth Vader, Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they (liberals) get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing."

Excuse me, I think there's a Mass somewhere that I need to get to.


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6 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

For others that may have him on, I just hope they don't lob him a bunch a softballs and cowtow to this POS. Ask him hard questions, make sure he does not get them in advance so that Ivanka and others can tell him how to respond (or better yet, if they demand a set of advance questions, give them fake ones). Push him on the actual issues. Make him explain his actions. Force him to show who he truly is - a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted, piece of shit liar. All you have to do is push certain buttons and the man will self destruct all on his own. We've seen a lot of this with his Twitter rants. Just catch him off guard, make sure he can't prepare and ask the questions that really matter. Ask why he's filling his cabinet with Swamp Slime when he promised to "drain the swamp." Ask why he wants to work out of Trump Tower and/or Mar-a-Lago and if he cares how much that will cost the taxpayers. Ask why he is in bed with Putin. Ask why his kids should have security clearance. Ask why he is pimping his hotels though congress could decide that that goes against the Constitution. Ask how he plans to return jobs to America and why he is buying Chinese steel and indebted to a number of foreign banks, etc. If you are going to have this asshat on your show, then do not back away from these questions. He will flounder around for answers, not be able to really come up with anything substantial and try to change the subject. Only now, if he tries to change it to Hillary and her e-mails, they can respond with what about you and giving your kids security clearance while continuing to run your business? How is that not a conflict of interest?

Basically if the media doesn't plan on interviewing him as they should and ask questions like these that affect so many Americans, then why bother? No one wants to see a puff piece on Trump - we've had enough of those. The American people deserve answers to these questions. Ignoring them is a complete failure and utter disrespect to all US Citizens and, actually the world as whole as much of the world will be impacted in some way by this man.

For a few minutes, reading this, I started looking forward to his first WH press conference. Because he -wouldn't- be given the questions in advance and would have to talk with the print reporters, and foreign journalists, who are not the lackeys that the tv people often are.

Then I remembered "It's Trump".  He will probably greatly reduce the number of press credentials issued, ban some of his critics, and only call on reporters from FOX, Breitbart (now given access) and InfoWars (the same). Maybe the Crusader, too.  Who knows? Maybe he'll stop having press conferences completely, saying that "My appearances on the talk shows give people a better, more in depth idea of what I think."

Hannity and O'Reilly are going to be so busy.

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9 minutes ago, Padma said:

For a few minutes, reading this, I started looking forward to his first WH press conference. Because he -wouldn't- be given the questions in advance and would have to talk with the print reporters, and foreign journalists, who are not the lackeys that the tv people often are.

Then I remembered "It's Trump".  He will probably greatly reduce the number of press credentials issued, ban some of his critics, and only call on reporters from FOX, Breitbart (now given access) and InfoWars (the same). Maybe the Crusader, too.  Who knows? Maybe he'll stop having press conferences completely, saying that "My appearances on the talk shows give people a better, more in depth idea of what I think."

Hannity and O'Reilly are going to be so busy.

Well I had another fear strike my brain earlier when I heard that Trump has not picked his press corps. In addition to breaking with decades of historical precedent and First Amendment principles, this decision could leave Americans blind about his whereabouts and well-being in the event of a national crisis. The thought did occur to me that President Trump may be seeking to ignore the Freedom of the Press First Amendment.

"A pool of reporters is in place and ready to cover President-elect Trump," he continued. "The WHCA urges President-elect Trump to allow it to do its job, including being present for motorcade movements, meetings, and other interactions. Not allowing a pool of journalists to travel with and cover the next president of the United States is unacceptable."

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I was amazed that a CNN? host early yesterday morning talking with Alan Dershowtiz and another guest about how surprised he was that Trump's first appointments were all white men - it sends a wrong message he thought.  Really has he not been paying any attention. 

Trump started off his campaign by accusing the Mexicans of being rapists and wanting to build a wall.  Look who's on his staff and who he's appointing  He's choosing people to ensure that no group (other than white, male, heterosexuals) will escape discrimination.  VP Mike Pence is against LBGT  people.  Sessions has a history of discrimination against African Americans and will suppress their vote.  Kris Kobach is an advisor who is advocating for a Muslim registry.  Bannon is the KKK representative....

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31 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Don't be fooled by outward appearances. One thing that I can credit Donald Trump with is being himself. Mike Pence on the other hand is the guy to watch. I'm not a religious person, but I am a person of faith if that makes sense. But years ago I was a member of a woman's bible study group. It was just a handful of housewives that really wanted to discuss things in the Bible that we didn't understand. There was one verse that I remembered about Satan.  Corinthians 11:14, “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” The verses refer to Satan’s human servants disguising themselves as “apostles of Christ” and “servants of righteousness.” I'm not saying that's who Pence is, but if this truly was our 'test' then he would definitely fit the description. Satan would certainly seek to deceive us by appearing as something other than an evil creature with horns. Why does it matter? Because there is a good possibility that Pence could become president of the United States. Trump would be the oldest person ever elected to the job. He hides it well behind the constant rage and Agent Orange hair dye, but the guy is 70. At 6’3” and 236 pounds, he is overweight. He lives on Big Macs and Kentucky Fried Chicken.

I'll say it for you...Pence is the Antichrist and the Evangelical Christian Right will follow him straight into the gates of Hell, chanting Bible verses along the way because he speaks their language and is a nice-looking, well-groomed white Christian man, who could be their pastor.



I was amazed that a CNN? host early yesterday morning talking with Alan Dershowtiz and another guest about how surprised he was that Trump's first appointments were all white men - it sends a wrong message he thought.  Really has he not been paying any attention. 

One of my Trump supporter friends, who was positive that Trump would cover his lack of experience by appointing the best of the best, has been extremely disappointed by his choices, especially Bannon. She thought Trump was only associating with him to get the alt-right/racist vote, which was wrong, but still better than Hillary in the White House. She is now concerned that he is surrounding himself by racists and people who have no idea what they're doing.

Edited by Nysha
Added another quote.
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Yikes...all this fire & brimstone stuff is making me glad I'm an atheist.

Pence is awful..  My post in response to padma was not meant as some sort of support for him.


I see so many news outlets reporting that Romney is in the running for SoS....do people really believe that that?  I can't see it.  The shock of victory has worn off, and Drumph is just using his power to summon people to kiss the ring.

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3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I will not be remotely surprised if they move in there with him.  

But Ivanka has three kids, the oldest one is five, I think.  So it would be ok for her to transfer her kid mid-year but not Barron? And the Obama daughters moved mid-year, as well as Chelsea Clinton and I am sure others.

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9 minutes ago, debbie311 said:

But Ivanka has three kids, the oldest one is five, I think.  So it would be ok for her to transfer her kid mid-year but not Barron? And the Obama daughters moved mid-year, as well as Chelsea Clinton and I am sure others.

The Bush twins, the Gore children, and Amy Carter...apparently Barron is a special snowflake like his father.

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I'm ok with not transferring Barron till summer. I'm ok with Melania staying on New York if Barron is there.  However I thought Barron was at a boarding school, and Washington is only 90 minutes from New York....?  I will not be ok if this is used as an excuse for Ivanka to take on the First Lady role.... Especially since she also lives in New York and has 3 children to Melanias' 1.  I adon't see how Ivanka is going to run her New York businesses, raise 3 children,  have a relationship with her husband and be 24/7 by Daddy's side. 

Edited by mythoughtis
Because autocorrect doesn't recognize Barron
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28 minutes ago, Nysha said:

One of my Trump supporter friends, who was positive that Trump would cover his lack of experience by appointing the best of the best, has been extremely disappointed by his choices, especially Bannon. She thought Trump was only associating with him to get the alt-right/racist vote, which was wrong, but still better than Hillary in the White House. She is now concerned that he is surrounding himself by racists and people who have no idea what they're doing.

Last night, when I had one of my "wake up in the middle of the night, remember that Trump is POTUS-elect, and then wonder what alt-universe I have landed in" moments, it suddenly occurred to me that this situation is remarkably similar to other situations that I think most of us have seen. It's a replay of every time  you've had a friend who got involved with someone who was a total asshat, despite knowing that this person had a long history of asshattery. You try and point out, "Asshat," only for your friend to respond, "New BF/GF may have been an asshat to all those other people (who probably deserved it anyway), but won't be an asshat to me."  And then time passes, asshat reveals true self, and the friend is bitching, "Why didn't anybody warn me what an asshat he/she was?" So I think there is some serious disillusionment down the road, but I also agree that many people will not have buyer's remorse until Trump does something that directly affects them or is so obviously incompetent that it's undeniable (like GWB and the Katrina debacle).

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6 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I'm ok with not transferring Barton till summer. I'm ok with Melania staying on New York if Barron is there.  However I thought Barron was at a boarding school, and Washington is only 90 minutes from New York....?  I will not be ok if this is used as an excuse for Ivanka to take on the First Lady role.... Especially since she also lives in New York and has 3 children to Melanias' 1.  I adon't see how Ivanka is going to run her New York businesses, raise 3 children,  have a relationship with her husband and be 24/7 by Daddy's side. 

Wouldn't be surprised if she's just saying "until the end of the school year" for now and hopes to make it permanent. I'm sure it would be better for Barron personally to be away from his father. That said, Ivanka needs to be kicked the hell out of the White House immediately given that she's running that damn business. I still can't get over him getting away with this. It's not even like it's just the threat of a conflict of interests. He's already openly using the presidency to help his business (sorry, using his "day job" to help his real concerns) and Ivanka (who, as he's said, he would be dating, but she's his daughter) is already the biggest symbol of how this is all just an opportunity to promote the brand using the White House. He was allowed to brush off the "blind trust--is that what you call it?' during the campaign so it's no surprise he feels he and Ivanka and her husband figure they can just openly run the country as a division of the business openly together. Apparently Mike Pence's response when asked about this incredibly serious, imo criminal, situation was just "Who cares?" He just assured everybody that it wasn't a problem.

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Maybe--however this all plays out--Barron can move to the same floor as his mother.  Or maybe they'll shuffle Melania off to Barron's part of the gilded cage.

Look, I don't like kids and I don't have kids, but I was shocked and disturbed when they were bragging about Barron having "his own floor" in T-Tower.  FFS, even *I* know little kids don't want to live on their own hotel floor, away from mommy and daddy.

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