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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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In the photo above with Floyd Mayweather, Trump looks like he's put on 10 to 15 lbs already.  Lots of stress-eating and/or boredom-eating going on. Wow.

This business of securing Trump Tower by shutting down Fifth has GOT to stop. I'm willing to give him until January 20 but that's it. Figure out how to make Mar-A-Lago  his weekend getaway. Or learn to slum it at Camp David.  For gods sake, inconveniencing the City of New York and the U.S. Secret Service and tens of thousands of citizens, tenants, shop owners and tourists might be a fun hobby for a bored guy, but how does it translate to this "populist," "blue-collar billionaire"  BS  he's pretending?

Like many, I'm worried about a Trump admin's plans for human rights and deportations and immigration and entitlements and climate change and tax changes for those not in the top 2%.  But I'm more worried about literal survival on planet Earth. I'm serious.

According to this July 28 th article, the Trumps' SS code names are Mogul and Muse.


@gohawks, I feel for you, your son and family.  I've been doing a lot of attempted comforting since election day among my colleagues, friends and clients. I'm not being successful because I have no faith in what I'm saying. The fears are palpable. Lots of people can't sleep through the night anymore, including me.

PS Just saw a commercial for a new 6-part series on AHC on Hitler's rise to power. The voiceover said "his voice, his poses...they were ALL an act!"  Yeah, no kidding. 

Edited by sleekandchic
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16 minutes ago, sleekandchic said:


PS Just saw a commercial for a new 6-part series on AHC on Hitler's rise to power. The voiceover said "his voice, his poses...they were ALL an act!"  Yeah, no kidding. 

I can't find the original tweet that provided the link to the NYT review (I recall thinking how terrifically the tweet was worded) from a few weeks ago, but read the linked book review.  It's chilling, and no contemporary names are used:


Also, screw you goose-stepping Trump people....I can't sleep tonight thanks to you morons.

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22 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Also, screw you goose-stepping Trump people....I can't sleep tonight thanks to you morons.

The best thing I can say, is thankfully Republicans like Lindsey Graham are questioning some stuff.  Graham wants Congress to investigate Russia's involvement in the DNC hacking, and the election.  So it seems like he's seeing something bubbling up that he doesn't like, and he wants to stop Trump and any influence Putin may have on him.  Hopefully Graham can get other Republicans to back him up, and question just what exactly is going on.  Trump and his team shutting out the GOP may cause some of them to question what's happening.  Trump wanting his children to have top secret security clearance has to cause some to wonder "What the hell", neither Bush asked for their children to have it, Bill didn't ask for Chelsea to have that, and Obama didn't ask for his girls to have that.

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Do you know what really gets me?

If a democrat said and done a quarter of the things Trump has, the republicans would be up in arms. We would honestly never hear the end of it.

Yet here they are turning a blind eye and making excuse after excuse for Trump.


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12 hours ago, callmebetty said:

School?  That kid isn't stepping foot in a school with other little humans, not happening. He'll be home schooled where ever home actually ends up being. 

As if Sasha and Malia are enrolled in the DC public school system.  I don't know what school Barron attends when the family is in NY, but I don't doubt he'll go to a private school.  However if he were to be home schooled, that would be  fine too.  Many of our early presidents were home schooled.  Although if he were already home schooled, I would think Melania would have chosen homeschooling as her personal First Lady advocacy rather than anti - bullying.


Re:  Trump & security clearances:


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20 minutes ago, magicdog said:

As if Sasha and Malia are enrolled in the DC public school system.  I don't know what school Barron attends when the family is in NY, but I don't doubt he'll go to a private school.  However if he were to be home schooled, that would be  fine too.  Many of our early presidents were home schooled.  Although if he were already home schooled, I would think Melania would have chosen homeschooling as her personal First Lady advocacy rather than anti - bullying.


Re:  Trump & security clearances:


Who said anything about public school.?I said going to school with other little humans, otherwise known as his peers. Public school isn't the only type of school where one can interact with their peers. My point was, I don't see him attending one especially in DC or the surrounding areas. Yeah, I don't see it. Sasha and Malia go to school with their peers, they socialize. That kid and his family are a bunch of weirdos was my point. And I don't need any proof, that's my personal perception of that klan.

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5 hours ago, gohawks said:

I just don't think these semantics about race vs racism are important. Trumped appealed to racists in a calculated manner. When my son is stopped and frisked by the cops, what will it matter if Trump was a true racist or not.   I believe he is deeply racist.

All I know is I truly fear for my 18 yo son and all Black men.  Trump unleashed the racists on our country and I am afraid minorities will pay a horrible price because of his actions.

I love this country but If I could afford to leave , I would.

I just have no other way to describe the differences yet similarities between the two. The Stephen Bannon/Brietbart type of racism is something far different than Donald Trump's.  I've seen Trump supporters that may harbor resentment towards someone of color or ethnicity for a specific reason but they don't want to kill them. But there's people that not only harbor resentment and want to do them harm for no real reason other than they're different than themselves. Their hate was bred into them through generations and they merely carried that hatred forward. Those are the dangerous people. They are illogical and unbending. Those are the alt-right, the KKK, the ones that want ethnic cleansing.

But you're absolutely right, it doesn't matter for your son if he's stopped and frisked. But it does matter if he happens to be stopped where the KKK dwell or a radical that hates so deeply that they seek to absolutely destroy and obliterate any race, color or creed that is not their own.  For this small group it's not enough to deny blacks, Hispanics and Muslims of a job, or to live next door to them, or the right to work. They want them dead, period. There's nothing else that will satisfy the alt-right white supremacists other than either chasing Mexicans and Muslims out of the country, or simply have a total ethnic cleansing. That's their goal, that's the new world order for them. Short of comparing Steve Bannon and the Brietbart ideology to Hitler as it has been done many times, I know no other way to illustrate the vast differences.

Edited by HumblePi
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31 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Who said anything about public school.?I said going to school with other little humans, otherwise known as his peers. Public school isn't the only type of school where one can interact with their peers. My point was, I don't see him attending one especially in DC or the surrounding areas. Yeah, I don't see it. Sasha and Malia go to school with their peers, they socialize. That kid and his family are a bunch of weirdos was my point. And I don't need any proof, that's my personal perception of that klan.

Malia and Sasha attend the private Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., the same school that Chelsea Clinton, Tricia Nixon Cox, and Archibald Roosevelt attended and that the grandchildren of Vice President Joe Biden attend. The Obama girls began classes there on January 5, 2009.

Sidwell Friends School is a highly selective Quaker school located in Bethesda, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Described as "the Harvard of Washington's private schools", the school has educated children of notable politicians, including those of several presidents. Both of United States President Barack Obama's daughters, Sasha and Malia, and Vice President Joe Biden's grandchildren attend the school. President Theodore Roosevelt's son Archibald, Richard Nixon's daughter Tricia, Bill Clinton's daughter Chelsea Clinton, and Vice President Al Gore's son, Albert Gore III, graduated from Sidwell Friends.

If Barron Trump is sent to this school, he will be with peers. I had mentioned in a previous thread that Barron appears to be withdrawn and almost appears to have some sort of social dysfunction and maybe even something in the autism spectrum. But, he's 10 years old and in that awkward stage. He's a tall boy for his age so it appears that he's going to tower over his father in a few years.

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I don't get why people who work for news organizations who purposely spread false information aren't immediately fired. There's been so much fake information spread for the past year its just unreal. 

That being said, even without security clearance a massive conflict of interest still exists with Trump's children running his businesses while he is in office. I won't cross post the article but please look in the media thread. There is an article from Forbes that outlines why its a conflict, why its not illegal and how the congress can pass a law now prior to Rump taking office.

As for the kid - I honestly couldn't give any less of shit where he goes to school.  His schooling isn't going to have any impact on American lives.

Edited by windsprints
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The thought that the POTUS would see absolutely nothing wrong with posting random tweets with whatever fleeting thought crosses his mind at any given moment just completely scares the crap out of me.

someone pointed that out yesterday- regarding his criticism of the NYTimes and calling it 'failing.' As president -- his words have an impact. And he can't go around claiming publicly traded companies are 'failing' just because they say not-so-nice things about him. 

Imagine if Obama took aim at a company owned by conservative leaning CEO, like Anhauser-Busch-- people would be apoplectic. 

More than anything, its the fact that Trump is held to a lower standard- for honesty, for competency, for decency-- than any other politician before him. It's just mind-boggling.

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1 hour ago, sacrebleu said:

someone pointed that out yesterday- regarding his criticism of the NYTimes and calling it 'failing.' As president -- his words have an impact. And he can't go around claiming publicly traded companies are 'failing' just because they say not-so-nice things about him. 

Imagine if Obama took aim at a company owned by conservative leaning CEO, like Anhauser-Busch-- people would be apoplectic. 

More than anything, its the fact that Trump is held to a lower standard- for honesty, for competency, for decency-- than any other politician before him. It's just mind-boggling.

It's mostly because his supporters are intellectually deficient.  They don't care about facts/truth, so they will believe what the Tyrant tells them, or alternatively, see nothing wrong w/ whatever the Tyrant does because whatever he does is necessarily right & good. 

1 hour ago, inkworks said:

I just hope there are things going on behind the scenes that we aren't aware of. Please tell me someone is trying to stop this madness? 

We have to hope there are conscientious Republicans willing to be more than partisans.  Conscientious Republicans exist.  I just question whether when push comes to shove they'll have the will to oppose Trump.  We'll see.

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2 hours ago, magicdog said:

As if Sasha and Malia are enrolled in the DC public school system.  I don't know what school Barron attends when the family is in NY, but I don't doubt he'll go to a private school.  However if he were to be home schooled, that would be  fine too.  Many of our early presidents were home schooled.  Although if he were already home schooled, I would think Melania would have chosen homeschooling as her personal First Lady advocacy rather than anti - bullying.


Re:  Trump & security clearances:


And the quote you posted wasn't mine.  All I said about Barron is the poor kid looks so awkward and wondered how much interaction in his 10 years he's had with other kids or adults that aren't related to him.  I have yet to see a smile cross his face in the few times he's been presented in public and I truly feel for him.

1 hour ago, Duke Silver said:

We have to hope there are conscientious Republicans willing to be more than partisans.  Conscientious Republicans exist.  I just question whether when push comes to shove they'll have the will to oppose Trump.  We'll see.

I hope they are taking a page out of Things playbook and not saying anything because that would give the other brownshirts a heads up.  Take the damn hat that was left on their seat, wear it and pretend you go along with the status quo.  And when it matters strike.  Why oh why can't I give up this pesky hope.

I could be ok with Thing being president if their reasonable people who would truly uphold the laws and make sure that nothing heinous could be passed into law or be reversed.  But since the swamp keeps filling up, with creatures that are only going to serve their best interests, the public they were elected to serve can go to hell.  Because they are going to tell us what to do, what to wear, how we should worship and think, and how to behave. 

It's damn scary.  People keep trying to assure me that there is a thing called the Constitution that will make sure nothing gets crazy.  I don't feel reassured, I don't trust anything anymore not like I used to, because it's all up in the air and everything has shifted.  People can say any crazy shit and even if it's wrong it doesn't matter. 

I'll never get over the fact that Thing insulted John McCain (and other POW's for that matter) that being captured doesn't make you a hero.  And that McCain gave the equivalent of a wrist slap and then rolled over.  That there was not an uproar from active military or Veteran's groups.  What the fuck is wrong with this scenario and that was only the beginning. 

I need to go look at cute animal pictures.

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2 hours ago, magicdog said:

Re:  Trump & security clearances:


It's not a hoax. Kellyanne Conway stated that "informal" inquiries were made and Jason Miller mealymouthed about how, "no paperwork was submitted," which should hardly be a surprise, given that Trump's team is so abjectly incompetent and clueless that they didn't even submit the signed paperwork to the White House needed to begin the transition until yesterday and still have not named exactly who on the Trump team will receive the briefing materials related to the transition. Until they do that, the transition cannot begin. And subsequent to Conway's and Miller's denials/non-denials that Trump is seeking security clearance for family members, we learned that a formal request has been made for son-in-law Jared Kushner to receive top-secret clearance, as Trump has named him to receive Presidential Daily Briefings, which require that clearance.

Edited by fishcakes
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The problem with reporting on the security clearances is that, AS USUAL, conflicting reports were issued by Trump's camp.

Yesterday, Trump tweeted* that it's not true. Why didn't he say that before? Also, please. His tweets are the least accurate source of information around. My guess is either that Trump's team (not him) saw the alarmed writing on the wall and made him back off, or they're going to try to do it without the public finding out.


* Because he doesn't have the patience, temperament, or intellect to hold press conferences or face the non-Fox media directly.

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25 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

I hope they are taking a page out of Things playbook and not saying anything because that would give the other brownshirts a heads up.  Take the damn hat that was left on their seat, wear it and pretend you go along with the status quo.  And when it matters strike.  Why oh why can't I give up this pesky hope.

I could be ok with Thing being president if their reasonable people who would truly uphold the laws and make sure that nothing heinous could be passed into law or be reversed.  But since the swamp keeps filling up, with creatures that are only going to serve their best interests, the public they were elected to serve can go to hell.  Because they are going to tell us what to do, what to wear, how we should worship and think, and how to behave. 

It's damn scary.  People keep trying to assure me that there is a thing called the Constitution that will make sure nothing gets crazy.  I don't feel reassured, I don't trust anything anymore not like I used to, because it's all up in the air and everything has shifted.  People can say any crazy shit and even if it's wrong it doesn't matter. 

I'll never get over the fact that Thing insulted John McCain (and other POW's for that matter) that being captured doesn't make you a hero.  And that McCain gave the equivalent of a wrist slap and then rolled over.  That there was not an uproar from active military or Veteran's groups.  What the fuck is wrong with this scenario and that was only the beginning. 

I need to go look at cute animal pictures.



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Kelly: You can't be citing Japanese internment camps as precedent for anything the president-elect is going to do.

Higbie: Look, the president needs to protect America first. If that means having people not protected under our constitution have some sort of registry to understand, until we can identify the true threat and where they are coming from, I support it.

I see the Orange administration will be operating under the "We've always been at war with Eastasia" doctrine. Anything and everything can and will be justified by the vague, neverending threat to the homeland. Gosh darn it, if those nasty liberals, conservatives of conscience and other assorted independent thinkers would stop sabotaging our noble protectors with their anti-American dissent, then the true threat could truly be dealt with! Yep, seen this before. It all ends in sorrow.

PS: Higbie, the threat will be coming from inside the White House!

PPS: Dumbass.

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1 hour ago, windsprints said:

I don't get why people who work for news organizations who purposely spread false information aren't immediately fired. There's been so much fake information spread for the past year its just unreal. 


Because the news organizations and their owners are complicit in spreading lies.  Fox won a law suit allowing them to lie.

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2 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

As a (now grown up) shy kid, I think the kid is just shy.  For someone who is really, genuinely shy, the cameras, the people, the chanting, etc, is a living hell.  Add in that this particular kid is probably under some pressure to "not let Dad down," and it's unimaginable.  Of course, add in that he probably, honestly, doesn't even really know his father.  I get the impression that Melania has a somewhat normal relationship with the kid, but Donald has a track record of not having any interest in his kids until they are old enough to be of some benefit to him.  This isn't a kid whose father got down on the floor and played trucks with him on Saturday morning, or who read him books at bedtime.  I'd be surprised if he isn't expected to call his father "Sir," and if their relationship wasn't very stiff and formal.  Now, the poor kid is being dragged out in front of the cameras, in front of the crowds, he's already heard someone yell "Kill Obama" as his father spoke.  I think this kid of the POTUS gig is tough enough for kids who have warm, genuine relationships with their fathers (like the Obamas, Chelsea, or the Bushes), but for a kid who has grown up like Barron has?  It has to be a nightmare.  

Shy kids represent!!  I totally get that and agree with your post.

Add to the fact, no one talks to him when they are out there.  I've been trying to find decent pictures or video of when Pres. Obama won in 2008 and when they walked out on the stage on that beautiful Chicago night, Barack and Michelle each holding one of their girls hands and them waving. If I remember correctly I think Michelle was even talking to Sasha and pointing out in the crowd and engaging her. 

Couldn't someone even if it was Melania put her arm around his shoulder, whisper something in is ear, this was supposed to be an exciting time in their lives, shouldn't it have looked like it.  Doe these people know how to act like natural human beings?

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Regarding Barron -- remember a young Andrew Giuliana acting like a brat at his father's inauguration and no one trying to stop him? He grew up to sue Duke Univ for dismissing him from the golf team.

11 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I saw a post from a Facebook friend today who said something to the effect of "you have to remember that most of us who voted for Trump didn't do it because we like him, we were just voting against the corrupt system."


Who is more corrupt than Trump?  Who???  

I try to remember that there are two groups of Trump voters --those who know he's incompetent and appalling but voted for him anyway and those who believe/cheer for every lie and demeaning comment out of his mouth. I'm hopeful about the former but there's no convincing the latter. And there are so many of them. So many.

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3 hours ago, magicdog said:

Re:  Trump & security clearances:


That site doesn't count as a fact-checking outlet. It's as legit as Breitbart and World News Daily. 

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The Orange One's one and only guiding principle his entire life is what will benefit him.  And once his sperm are of age, what's going to benefit them.  He doesn't care about you.  He doesn't care about me.  He doesn't care about the women he gropes or has affairs with.  He doesn't care about Mike Pence or Newt Lizard or Corpulent Christie.  As long as he's able to eat, drink and be merry, and skim boatloads of money from "the little people", he's happy.  And as such, he has no objection to how the country is run by his hand picked swamp dwellers.  So if Pence wants to round up gays and beat the gay out of them?  Not a problem.  If Pence wants to throw women in jail for having a miscarriage?  Go for it.  If Bannon wants to round up the Muslims?  Fine and dandy.  Bannon wants to round up the Jews after that?  Okey Dokey, as long as he leaves Jared and his close kin alone.  Coral Caligula will ride around in Air Force One, expecting cheers and banners.  And when he's told that the masses are starving as they have no bread to eat, he'll reply, "Let them eat cake then".  Because it will only become a problem when there are too few people left to take care of him and his brood.

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All over the country, kids go to school with empty stomachs. Orange's son has an entire floor to himself and interior design preferences. La dee da.

Actually, I do feel bad for Little Orange, especially if he's shy or a born introvert. It's hard enough being a regular schmoe introvert in a world full of extroverts; I can't even imagine being one as a president's child. 

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13 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

I hate the UKDailyMail (and their constant typos and run-on sentence headlines) but I sure do love the pictures, too!

And oh lord, do they really want us to believe Melania goes to the grocery store? Come on, now, people. (And she looks much better without a face full of make up.)

3 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Of course he's not prepped or briefed, he'd have to have spoken with the State Department and other agencies for that.  Pathetic that he has no concern for security at all.

But let's remember, it's Hillary we must lock up.

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7 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

All over the country, kids go to school with empty stomachs. Orange's son has an entire floor to himself and interior design preferences. La dee da.

Actually, I do feel bad for Little Orange, especially if he's shy or a born introvert. It's hard enough being a regular schmoe introvert in a world full of extroverts; I can't even imagine being one as a president's child. 

As a shy introvert myself, I don't feel too sorry for him.  I think he probably has it easier than the average shy child, people will accommodate him.

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9 hours ago, cynic said:

If Trump wants people to give him a chance, he needs to stop the crap like this that swirls around him. 

Per reuters article from yesterday:

"Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who helped write tough immigration laws in Arizona and elsewhere, said in an interview that Trump's policy advisers had also discussed drafting a proposal for his consideration to reinstate a registry for immigrants from Muslim countries."

And then Trump surrogate today with Megan Kelly

Higbie: Yeah, and to be perfectly honest, it is legal. They say it will hold constitutional muster. I know the ACLU is going to challenge it. But I think it will pass. We’ve done it with Iran back a while ago. We did it in World War II with Japanese. Call it what you will… maybe wrong, but…

Kelly: Come on, you're not proposing we go back to the days of internment camps, I hope.

Higbie: No, I'm not proposing that at all.

Kelly: You know better than to suggest that. That's the kind of stuff that gets people scared, Carl.

Higbie: Right, I’m just saying there is precedent for it. And I'm not saying I agree with that.


Kelly: You can't be citing Japanese internment camps as precedent for anything the president-elect is going to do.

Higbie: Look, the president needs to protect America first. If that means having people not protected under our constitution have some sort of registry to understand, until we can identify the true threat and where they are coming from, I support it.

This shit right here?  Scary.  I can actually imagine this Admininstration doing this.  Perhaps the people who voted for Trump (you know, the non-racists) would finally see the error or their ways if this starts happening.

7 hours ago, gohawks said:

I just don't think these semantics about race vs racism are important. Trumped appealed to racists in a calculated manner. When my son is stopped and frisked by the cops, what will it matter if Trump was a true racist or not.   I believe he is deeply racist.

All I know is I truly fear for my 18 yo son and all Black men.  Trump unleashed the racists on our country and I am afraid minorities will pay a horrible price because of his actions.

I love this country but If I could afford to leave , I would.

Prejudiced, racist...to-may-to, to-mah-to.  The issue here is that Trump, Bannon and the like have real power now to institute some really destructive policies against blacks and other minorities in addition to their very presense in the WH giving racist the green light to do and say whatever they want now.  I'm actually waiting for the first report of a black person being lynched. 

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1 minute ago, NinjaPenguins said:

All over the country, kids go to school with empty stomachs. Orange's son has an entire floor to himself and interior design preferences. La dee da.

Actually, I do feel bad for Little Orange, especially if he's shy or a born introvert. It's hard enough being a regular schmoe introvert in a world full of extroverts; I can't even imagine being one as a president's child. 

Since we seem to have Barron (von) Trump discussed this morning, I thought I'd add a few things I read about Barron besides him having his own entire floor in the Tower. There have been quite a few articles questioning whether he has Asperger's Syndrome or not, most conclude that he does not. But most will concur that more than the other sons, Barron is shaping up to be most like his father. (Geezus, another Trump on the horizon for future generations to deal with).

Barron likes to play alone for hours. He has a lot of play dates with other kids, but enjoys playing solo with Magna Tiles and Legos. He’s detailed in his artwork and likes to build tall structures.

Barron doesn’t like sweatpants, but loves to wear suits, Melania told ABC News. He likes to put on a suit, but not everyday. He enjoys putting on a tie “sometimes like daddy.”

Of all the Trump kids, Barron might be the most like his father. According to Donald’s longtime butler, Anthony Senecal, he believes young Barron is more like Donald than any of his grown children. Inside Edition reports that Senecal recalled a time he was serving the tot his breakfast. “When Barron was two-and-a-half years old I took his breakfast into him,” Senecal said. “He was sitting in his highchair and he looks at me and he said: ‘Tony! Sit down! We need to talk!’ “

Barron isn’t raised by nannies. In a People magazine interview in October, 2015, Donald said he doesn’t rely on outside help to raise his child as other wealthy families lean towards doing. “We keep it down to a minimum,” Donald said. “If you have too much help, you don’t get to know your children.” Melania echoes the sentiment. She puts her focus on their son while dad is away on the campaign trail. “I like to be hands-on. I think it’s very important,” Melania said of being a mother to her 9-year-old son.

Barron loves math and science. Melania shared that she helps her son with his homework — with his favorite topics being math and science. In addition to that, he’s bilingual. Barron speaks his mother’s native language, Slovenian, and English.

Barron enjoys having one-on-one dinners with his father and playing golf when they have a chance to spend quality time together. Donald calls his youngest boy “a natural athlete.” Barron also plays after-school sports, such as baseball. He also takes golf and tennis lessons.

According to his mother, Barron Trump is “strong-minded,” “independent,” “opinionated,” and knows “what he wants.” Thus, Melania calls her treasured son “Little Donald.

A new fact about Barron Trump is that he’ll be first son the White House has had since 1963 John F. Kennedy, Jr. resided there during JFK’s presidency.

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9 minutes ago, lordonia said:

I try to remember that there are two groups of Trump voters --those who know he's incompetent and appalling but voted for him anyway and those who believe/cheer for every lie and demeaning comment out of his mouth. I'm hopeful about the former but there's no convincing the latter. And there are so many of them. So many.

I don't know, both groups are kind of scary to me.  I don't know how explaining they don't like Trump but voted against what they believe is a corrupt system is supposed to comfort anyone.  I don't know how, if you think someone is incompetent and appalling, you can justify putting him in the position of leading the USA.  What is the public supposed to say?  "Thanks for relieving us of those corrupt politicians by giving me someone who might blow this world to kingdom come and at the very least will unravel much of the progress that has been made in the past several decades?  Take that corrupt politicians.  WhooHoo really dodged a bullet there didn't we?"

Here is a thought.  If they felt the system was letting them down take a look inside and wonder if some of the problem it lay at their feet.  They voted the obstructionists into office.  They help halt much of what was hoped to be accomplished.  Throw out those that wanted to obstruct just because someone had the wrong letter in front of their name.  Find politicians who want to work together for the betterment of the country.  (Are there any left?)  Don't vote a madman into office who has no idea what he's doing and no business making decisions where the repercussions can be profound and devastating to not only the USA but the world.  The lack of thought and common sense boggles the mind and terrifies at the same time.

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Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly

Let me say that I'm not a fan of Megyn Kelly but she appeared on CNN last night with Anderson Cooper. She's out and about publicizing her book that was just released. Everyone is aware of the exchange between she and Donald during the Republican debates. She claims that following that ugly business with his subsequent statement about 'blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of.....wherever", she claims there was a vindictive campaign against her on the part of the Trump team. She was fearful enough of her life being in danger that she hired private security.

Two threats she mentioned was one by one of Trump's mouthpieces, Michael Cohen, Trump’s top lawyer, he retweeted a Twitter user’s message, “Let’s gut her,” in reference to Kelly. Then there's Corey Lewandowski “In a call on Saturday with a Fox News executive, [Corey Lewandowski] stated that Megyn had a ‘rough couple of days after that last debate’ and he ‘would hate to have her go through that again,’ ” the Fox News statement said.

I don't doubt Megyn Kelly, I believe it all happened. But I believe that she's using it, not only to promote her book, but to make it more dramatic in order to sell her book. I also know that Megyn Kelly was one of the only ones, if not THE only one on Fox that was critical of Donald Trump, which didn't make her popular among Fox viewers. I believe that Megyn Kelly appeared at CNN to soften us viewers up in preparation for her to be given a job at CNN.

Oh, I forgot to add the link. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/megyn-kelly-trump-threats-cnn_us_582d245de4b058ce7aa93e7f

Edited by HumblePi
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Here's a story about the resignation of one Obama official.  Read what he says about the state of the world and tell me it doesn't scare you.

I cannot imagine that Donald Trump is capable of processing the monumental job of the Presidency.  And knowing that he's relying on people like Flynn, Bolton, Guiliani for natl security guidance makes it 1000x worse to me.


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Criticizing the Trump protesters, Ted Cruz continues to be the chief candidate for Secretary of Assholery:


This is hypocrisy on rank display. All of the folks who jumped on their high horse and were lecturing to President-elect Trump, ‘You’ve got to accept the results of the election’ — look, these are now the idiots protesting in the street, laying their bodies down in front of cars and disrupting traffic.

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Ted Cruz doesn't seem to grasp that no one is saying they don't accept that Donald Trump won the electoral college votes and is the President elect.  The "idiots" are protesting what Trump stands for and voice their disagreement. 

And as far as hypocrisy, this sums it up:

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Anyway, I just wanted to add two cents in that it hurt my heart to see the title of this thread changed. I just *sigh*when I see "president-elect."

I understand the need for the name change. It just makes me sad.

Edited by Lisin
Fixed floating quote box for you :)
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54 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

@NinjaPenguins From my insights as a former lunch lady for 10 years I can share that many of those hungry kids throw their free or reduced breakfasts and lunches in the trash on the regular and laugh about it. There are bad apples in every walk of life. I look forward to seeing how Barron grows up, just like I enjoyed watching Malia and Sasha. I don't suffer from class envy (not saying anyone here does) so it doesn't bother me when I read about extravagances or lush ways of life. 

That never happened in my school. Huh.

I get such a kick out of the whole class warfare canard (not saying anyone here is doing that, of course). Orange and his soulless, gilded existence is hardly the envy of anyone who opposes him. I applaud people based on their actions, values, and words, not the amount of cabbage in their bank account. Many wealthy Americans have done good in the world. Orange never will. 

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16 hours ago, mustbekarma said:

So if Trump continues to live in the penthouse, the businesses will go out of business. Forty-60 percent of your business being lost-those places won't make it.  Talk about ruining property values.  It sounds like Trump is going to have to put on his big boy pants and move.

He's going to make getting around within a mile of his penthouse a nightmare. It's just so obnoxious. Property values are going to drop.

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11 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

He's going to make getting around within a mile of his penthouse a nightmare. It's just so obnoxious. Property values are going to drop.

Its possible that buses may need to modify their routes and what about nearby subways stations? Would the stations just a few blocks away remain opened?

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54 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Ted Cruz doesn't seem to grasp that no one is saying they don't accept that Donald Trump won the electoral college votes and is the President elect.

I agree that Cruz understands nothing, but there are people agitating to undermine the electoral college

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I'm resigned to having a fatalistic view in that events are going to happen and we're pretty powerless to do anything about them. So, 'que sera sera', what will be will be. I'm also committed to doggedly pursing anything connected to policy proposals or changes that will be detrimental to the greater population. I'll be the first to raise my voice and shout when he does something that is biased against any race or religion. I know that there's at least 62 million of us besides myself, and the number is still growing, that are going to stay resolute that this man will not take down this democracy without a hard fought battle. These 62 million plus will be as critical, judgmental, and vocal as Trump and his campaign was against Hillary Clinton.

On the other hand, he might just do something great for the American people, something that all people will accept with open arms. We have to approach Jan. 20th with hope that we'll emerge better as a country in 4 years.


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9 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Its possible that buses may need to modify their routes and what about nearby subways stations? Would the stations just a few blocks away remain opened?

Fifth Avenue is a major tourist attraction and big moneymaker for the big stores like Saks Fifth Ave, Tiffany, and Van Cleef and Arpel. The Saks Fifth Avenue holiday light show draws thousands of people from all over the world. It faces the entrance leading to Rockefeller Center. There's just no way to re-route buses  or filter foot traffic in another direction. Most people walk up to Central Park which is only a block or so before Trump Tower. One long block between the avenues equals three short blocks, but the distance varies, with some avenues as far apart as 920 feet. That's a long walk already but to expect tourists, many of which are older and can't walk that distance, it will be unrealistic to do.

I've put two photos, one of the front of Saks during their light show, and the other the crowd facing Saks. The decorated mall leading to the skating rink and center of Rockefeller Center is to their back. I'm just trying to give some perspective as to what the NYPD and traffic is dealing with now that the President will be there a lot of the time.



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On 11/15/2016 at 11:48 PM, HumblePi said:

Donald Trump and possibly his children will now have access to high security intelligence briefs that prove without any doubt that the Russians were behind the hacking of Hillary Clinton's emails. Maybe Donald didn't know, although that's highly doubtful, Nevertheless, he will see with his own eyes that the President knew exactly where those leaks came from and Donald will also understand that a lot of people knew with certainty that it was Russia with cooperation by the Trump campaign either directly or indirectly.

He won't care.  After all, the hacking benefited him.  Drumpf received security briefings of some sort where the intelligence community made it clear that the Russians were behind the hacking.  There is also reason to believe that some of the documents allegedly hacked were faked.  Drumpf either didn't believe what he was told and/or attempted to minimize what he learned.  There's a reason he could never bring himself to criticize his man-crush, Vlad the Impaler.  Uday once boasted that his father's companies were getting financing from the Russians; no banks in the U.S. would lend Drumpf anymore money.  The only people who attempted to connect those dots months ago when it really mattered were Rachel Maddow and Kurt Eichenwald.  Then one day, the The New York Times finally woke the hell up which was too little, too late. 

I suspect that Drumpf pretends to be ignorant about Russia's role in our rigged election because he is owes "big league" money to its oligarchs.  He got away with not providing his tax returns, which would have given us a fuller picture of how much of a conflict he and his brats with Ivana have, which ultimately becomes a national security issue.  But, according to Uday, the tax returns are way too complex for us mere mortals to understand.  This, coming from one of the most woefully ignorant and dim-witted people I've ever seen.  This is another unfortunate consequence of this election season.  Because Drumpf was held to a different standard, he suffered no real fallout from the decision not to release his tax returns.

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37 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Its possible that buses may need to modify their routes and what about nearby subways stations? Would the stations just a few blocks away remain opened?

He doesn't live anywhere near the subway.  Buses maybe.  

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2 hours ago, onthebrink03 said:

I don't know, both groups are kind of scary to me.  I don't know how explaining they don't like Trump but voted against what they believe is a corrupt system is supposed to comfort anyone.  I don't know how, if you think someone is incompetent and appalling, you can justify putting him in the position of leading the USA.  What is the public supposed to say?  "Thanks for relieving us of those corrupt politicians by giving me someone who might blow this world to kingdom come and at the very least will unravel much of the progress that has been made in the past several decades?  Take that corrupt politicians.  WhooHoo really dodged a bullet there didn't we?"

And since it can't be expressed enough...he's also corrupt. He's surrounding himself with longterm Washington insiders, has a history of fraud and stiffing honest people who work for him, his wife worked illegally as an immigrant, he's refused to release his taxes to reveal his economic entanglements and is now blatantly wanting his kids to run his business (with him) and also work with him as president. Voting for Trump is literally voting in favor of corruption.

1 hour ago, stewedsquash said:

If you are hesitant to read it, it doesn't have commentary, just gives the interview, in video and written.

Why would anyone click on a link with brietbart in it? Even if it is just the interview? Not demanding integrity from the press is a big part of the problem.

11 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

He won't care.  After all, the hacking benefited him.  Drumpf received security briefings of some sort where the intelligence community made it clear that the Russians were behind the hacking.

It's amazing to think about. Actual intelligence agencies put in the work to investigate and gave him the serious information that a foreign power was absolutely interfering in the election. His response was to cover it up, claim "nobody knows" it was the Russians and basically imply his opponent was making it up to get votes. That's how much he cares about the values of the country vs. his own advancement. If it benefits him it's true. If it doesn't it's a lie. I'm sure the world is thrilled at having that in the White House.

But that goes along with the attitude that was described elsewhere: a respect for rich people coupled with a contempt for anyone who's studied and trained for something long enough to be considered an expert. Of course the CIA doesn't know as much as whatever thing he imagines. Just as he knows more than all the generals.

3 minutes ago, partofme said:

He doesn't live anywhere near the subway.  Buses maybe.  

How much of a safety radius is needed? He's not that far away from subway stations.

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4 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

How much of a safety radius is needed? He's not that far away from subway stations.

He really is though, the East Side subways at 51st and 59th are both on Lexington.  Park and Madison are in between Lexington and Fifth, so that is 3 very long avenues that you have to walk.

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Just now, partofme said:

He really is though, the East Side subways at 51st and 59th are both on Lexington.  Park and Madison are in between Lexington and Fifth, so that is 3 very long avenues that you have to walk.

I was thinking of the F train on 57th and 6th. (Unless I'm misremembering there being one there.) I also wasn't sure how much was considered enough space. Though of course I don't know if a subway station would present any particular security concern beyond whatever pedestrians came out of it onto the street.

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11 minutes ago, partofme said:

He doesn't live anywhere near the subway.  Buses maybe.  

I consider 3.5 blocks away as being near the subway. I worked in the area for several year (in the building where FAO Schwartz was). Trump Tower is on 5th Ave. between 56 & 57th St. There is a subway at 59th St between 5th & 6th, one at 53rd/5th and one a bit further at 59/Lex.  The articles are stating they would need to secure a 1 mile radius around Trump Tower. All of these stations fall in that area.  

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13 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

Why would anyone click on a link with brietbart in it? Even if it is just the interview? Not demanding integrity from the press is a big part of the problem.

This.  I won't click any links that go to Breitbart, EndingTheFed, Tomi Lahren, etc.  I refuse to contribute a single click to their ad revenue.  

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