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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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9 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Look, dickheads, the women who won't be able to 'go to another state' to have an abortion are the poor women who you already don't want having kids because you don't want the government to pay for them! Are you all completely stupid? You're making the problem worse for yourselves.... God, they are such fucking idiots.

You know what else would help with that? Continued access to birth control. Which Paul Ryan thinks is just some nitty-gritty detail and doesn't want to talk about when he talks about repealing Obamacare. But as long as they can keep taking the moral high ground and keep blaming women for making bad and irresponsible decisions, why should they care what the actual effects of their policies are?

1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

I've read an explanation of so many religious wars by people saying that basically one group thinks another group is going to try to force their religion on them, so they pre-emptively try to force theirs on them. They want special rights for Christians and their justification is that somehow it's them who's had their religious rights taken away. If they committed to the fair laws of religious freedom we'd all be protected but no, they see it the opposite way, that their group needs special rights.

Are you saying there isn't actually a War on Christmas? /s

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I wish I could go to the inauguration so I cold stand there stone-faced and not applauding. And if I were allowed to have a sign.. ... I'd have a well-worded one.  I wish there could be throngs of anti-rump folks in the crowd so there is no  cheering. I can dream.

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On 13/11/2016 at 0:40 PM, Rapunzel said:

If he stays in office long enough and doesn't get impeached and subsequently ousted (I still have hope that he will be impeached as some are predicting), I don't know that he'd have anything named after him if he were found guilty during his impeachment proceedings. I don't think Nixon ever got a library, did he? Just curious since Nixon was impeached and, in fact, resigned before he could actually be tried/found guilty  (though I don't think he really had a choice about resignation at that point - the writing was on the wall). Bill Clinton was impeached, but was found not guilty so stayed on as President. 

Andrew Johnson was the only other President to ever be impeached and he was found not guilty as well. Others (though not Presidents)  have been  impeached as well, mostly federal judges and a couple of senators, a cabinet member, etc., but it appears to be mostly judges that were actually found guilty. One judge from KS was impeached due to drunkenness back in 1873. He ended up resigning. Is drunkenness still even considered an impeachable offense? If so, I would think there would have been a lot more impeachments.

Top selling item at the Nixon library is apparently "Nixon meets Elvis" merchandise. 

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51 minutes ago, SmithW6079 said:


No, that's what it says on America's tombstone. Don the Con is an authoritarian, polarizing figure. All his BS about "unity" now is just that -- BS. He's a petulant child (I mean, what kind of man responds to criticism by whining on Twitter that it was "very unfair"?). He has appealed to the absolutely lowest in humanity. For all his bravado about being a Washington outsider, he's filling his transition team and his future cabinet with Washington insiders, lobbyists, and other people from the "swamp." He's appointed a white supremacist as one of his chief counsels. And I can't wait until the hoi polloi who voted for him realize he lied about almost anything.

Sometimes I wonder about people who take such delight in rooting for their fellow Americans to be second-class citizens. I guess just so long as their rights aren't trampled, they're good to go.

What's even scarier is that Drumpf has no shortage of apologists and sycophants who will justify anything he does, no matter how shitty.

I've lost track of the number of people, like Newt Gingrich, who are bending over backwards to explain away Drumpf's decision to hire a white supremacist to work in the White House.  More What-the-Fuckery from Newt

Even when trying to explain away the unthinkable, Gingrich relies on Jewish stereotypes.  Oh, and evidently, according to one person, calling Bannon out for what he is, is a divisive tactic.  Divisive to whom?  Divisive to those evidently who don't want to face the music for their shitty behavior.  I swear, you just can't make this shit up.

This is exactly how evil flourishes.

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41 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

This is just some of my own 'chewing the cud' or ruminations but thinking of the two appointments so far that Donald Trump has made I realized something. Reince Priebus is pretty much a cookie-cutter conservative Republican and good friends with Paul Ryan. Steve Bannon is.......well, we all know what he represents. These two men will be working very closely with Trump, both giving him their ideas, suggestions and guidance. They are pretty much opposed philosophically so I'm hoping that one will cancel out the other. But even more pertinent is the fact that every single one of Trump's campaign staff (lackies), Giuliani, Gingrich, Christi, Jeff Sessions, Lewandowski, Kellyanne Conway....ALL of them, they're ambitious, visceral, verbal, pompous, arrogant, stubborn, love the spotlight AND the control.

In the short term I can imagine a very bumpy start but as time goes on I predict these people will turn on each other and cut each others throats and take everyone they can with them.

Apparently that was exactly what was happening within his team--lots of in-fighting, jockeying for position and influence, etc. etc. Just what you would expect from that bunch.

Only the President can't have NDAs anymore, can he? At least not for civil servants (and you would THINK he couldn't for federal employees either. I kept waiting for someone to ask him in interviews--his NDAs are crazy! and he's paranoid about people talking about him--but of course they never did.  Now his doings are for the history books so NDAs should really not be allowed.

I just saw Michelle Obama to the press at the WH. Paraphrasing, "As my husband said the other day, we are all on the same team. There are not Democrats and Republicans.  We're all coming together as Americans."  The word "unity" might have been in there somewhere.

I know the whole "low/high" thing, but this infuriates me!!!!  Don't they care that for 8 years everything Democrats tried to do for this country has been blocked by Republicans every way they can--including LYING about the origin and character of the President to discredit him to as many Americans as they could. NOW, now that they control EVERYTHING and can do whatever they want to the country, we're supposed to be talking about "unity" and "one team"?

The Obamas are nice people, but I'm wondering if they really actually care about anything. Because, seriously.

Hell no!

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On 14/11/2016 at 1:36 AM, KerleyQ said:

It's just an impression I get, one of those things I can't quite put my finger on.  She seemed to not be fully into participating in the whole campaign, aside from the appearances that were "musts" for the candidate's spouse, and I just get this general sense of "done with him," from her.  Although that could just as easily be "done with this campaign crap."  Plus, if she was ever going to do it (and I fully believe she would at some point), that would have been the perfect set up for her to do so.  Most people would understand her taking her son and getting out after the Bush tape, and some of the more appalling things he's said during the campaign, not to mention the recent revelations of the amount of cheating he's done on her - especially during her pregnancy, when he was on the record "joking" about her weight gain making her less attractive.  And, like I said, if she was smart at all, she's negotiated 1 or 2 revisions to his notoriously stingy pre-nup over the course of this campaign.  So it is likely more financially feasible now for her to get out.  Now that he's won (which I think she, like most of us, including him, doubted would happen), she's in for 4 more years.  I predict that, once he's out of office, she waits a suitable time and then tries to, as quietly as possible, end things.  (Because my other prediction about any renegotiation to the pre-nup would be that she agrees to remain at his side for the duration of the campaign and any possible term(s) as POTUS.  There's no way he would have been careless enough to not make that a condition if he was going to renegotiate).  

I thought Melania's English competency in the post pussy grabbing interview was surprisingly poor. I think she was mostly silent due to that. 

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21 minutes ago, crayon78 said:

You know what else would help with that? Continued access to birth control. Which Paul Ryan thinks is just some nitty-gritty detail and doesn't want to talk about when he talks about repealing Obamacare. But as long as they can keep taking the moral high ground and keep blaming women for making bad and irresponsible decisions, why should they care what the actual effects of their policies are?

Are you saying there isn't actually a War on Christmas? /s

This is just a snapshot, a tiny microcosm of the United States that underwent major changes since closing their Planned Parenthood resources. They can thank Mike Pence for he was instrumental in getting the controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act passed. This particular county that closed Planned Parenthood is experiencing an extremely high number of new cases of HIV, 1.5 times the State's average number of new cases.


If the Republicans managed to overturn Roe v Wade, and they will if Trump appoints a conservative justice, the fallout from that will be absolutely horrendous on many levels and for many reasons. First, all abortion clinics would close immediately. Abortion will move from the clinics to the bedroom and woman will die. One common method, pre Roe v Wade, was for the woman to insert a wire coat hanger with the curved hook as far into the vagina as it will go. By piercing the fetal sac with the hook, you cause an abortion. Other methods included hitting themselves (or having someone hit them) repeatedly on the stomach with a hammer and douching with laundry bleach.

In 2013, the Texas State's health commission said that Texas would see nearly 24,000 unplanned births between 2014 and 2015 thanks to these cuts, raising state and federal taxpayer's Medicaid costs by up to $273 million. Three years later, in the even of Roe v Wade happening, those numbers across the country will be enormous and the costs of Medicaid unimaginable. Planned Parenthood does so much in the way of education, birth control. pap smears, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. The actual numbers of abortions performed through Planned Parenthood equals to just 3% of their services, the rest is care and education provided to millions of adults and teens.

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16 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

I thought Melania's English competency in the post pussy grabbing interview was surprisingly poor. I think she was mostly silent due to that. 

But, she understood and grasped English well enough to blame the Clinton campaign for those women daring to accuse Drumpf of groping them.  The woman is massively dense but she's not that dense.  

I have to admit though that English competency may be quite poor when the person in question has to struggle to stay on message and when she can't keep up with her lies and ensure that they reconcile with the lies her husband has told--and will tell.

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I don't know how to evaluate Melania's level of English. She has an accent, which doesn't show anything about her knowledge, and she speaks haltingly at times when addressing his behavior or a nuanced question and that might not mean her English isn't good. Or it might.

I'm sure if the issue is "English" or "intellect".  I've read that she's not dumb, but that she's not smart either, just rather average. She may know 7 languages as she says (or not), but her vocabulary in all of them may not be that good. Plus, look at her husband's vocabulary -- it's been pegged at a fourth grade level. It's not as if living with him would be that enriching for language development. Plus, as we know, neither of them reads.

I'll be interested to hear Barron speak. He seems so unexpressive in the clips we've seen of him--maybe overwhelmed, who knows, but it's kind of oddly expressionless, like his mother. Really, the whole bunch of the Trumps and extended family is just really weird to me, (especially weird as the First Family of the U.S. at least in anything but a sci-fi movie about an alien or robot takeover of the government.  For that, I think they'd all be very good.)

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The Obamas are nice people, but I'm wondering if they really actually care about anything. Because, seriously.

I think they do care. Obama being willing (per the Wall St. Journal article) to give DJT "extra help" is an indicator. I do not believe he'd want to spend time with someone who did nothing but trash him for years (who would????). The only reason I can think of is that he wants to at least try to impart some wisdom (not that it will be taken to heart) because he gives a shit about what we're being left with when he exits.  I would expect any President to ask people to come together.  I generally would expect the President Elect to articulate the same type of message but, well you know.

I haven't agreed with everything that Obama has done but even when I disagreed I always felt like he truly believed he was making the decision he thought was best for the country and gave every issue proper thought. I know I will not be feeling that for the next 4 years.

Edited by windsprints
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"The Obamas are nice people, but I'm wondering if they really actually care about anything. Because, seriously."

I believe that his record of accomplishments stand for themselves and proves that he cared very much about this country. Like ending the 2008 deep recession we were in after George Bush. Like reforming health care. Like regulating the big banks that Bush and Greenspan wouldn't do. Like an $838 billion dollar stimulus package in 2010. Like eliminating Osama Bin Laden. Like making a nuclear trade agreement with Iran. Like pushing forth the International Climate Change agreement. Like job growth and decreasing the national debt by $6.8 trillion. Like bringing the dead housing market alive again.

People say 'so, what did he do?' He did plenty, and left a footprint that will not be comparable anytime in the next four years. He leaves his Presidency without any personal scandal or blemish. He leaves with dignity.

Edited by HumblePi
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I believe that his record of accomplishments stand for themselves and proves that he cared very much about this country.

 I'd just like to clarify that I absolutely wasn't discounting his accomplishments. I was only speaking/speculating about why he'd be willing to spend any extra seconds with DJT. 

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Why is it that Trump is allowed to get away with things that no other candidate would even consider? He refused to participate in one of the Reublican debates, refused to release his tax returns, and made demands concerning debates. Now he'll probably get to practically live in his penthouse in New York, rather than in the White House; have his kids oversee his his holdings, rather than be put in a blind trust; and get his fraud cases postponed until after the election. Also, Pence is now trying to set it up so their emails can be kept secret!

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9 minutes ago, windsprints said:

 I'd just like to clarify that I absolutely wasn't discounting his accomplishments. I was only speaking/speculating about why he'd be willing to spend any extra seconds with DJT. 

sorry, I was referring to the quote you replied to, not to yours. I just couldn't copy their quote. It was this.....

"The Obamas are nice people, but I'm wondering if they really actually care about anything. Because, seriously."

I'll gladly edit it now....

Edited by HumblePi
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4 hours ago, HumblePi said:

The Bible has always emphasized the formative power of speech. In the Bible, book of James, he compares the tongue to a rudder on a ship, capable of defiling the whole body. (James 3:3-6). Even more than 2,000 years ago, wise men realized what power the spoken and written word holds.

Our speech is a principle function in defining who we are.  If you change how people talk, that changes how they think. Has Donald Trump taken seriously the way language can alter the way we view him? The power of speech can never be understated, it can be used to build or it can be used to destroy.  It's an extremely powerful weapon that takes no army, guns or tanks to eliminate enemies or to calm fears and promote real healing.

Donald Trump never had this power, never will. That he would dare to equate himself to Abraham Lincoln who was perhaps one of the most powerful orators in history, is absolutely abhorrent to me. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was written by him in 2 days prior to the dedication of Gettysburg as a cemetery for soldiers that died up to that point in the Civil War. It was 2 minutes long and 273 words and in that short time Lincoln was able to galvanize a country with the emphasis on freedom, equality and union.


By the same token, it boils me when jackasses like Paul Ryan like to say that the Republicans "are the Party of Lincoln".  Give me a fucking break.  Lincoln may not have been the staunch supporter of blacks the way history has made him out to be...but even HE would roll over in his grave with having his good name associated with this current incarnation of the Republican Party which is nothing put a cesspool of elitist white men and their racist backers.

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7 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Just now on the news it was announced that President-elect Donald Trump is asking that his children and his son in law be given top security clearance. I can't even find words for this.

And..... here we go.

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33 minutes ago, ari333 said:

And..... here we go.

If his children are going to be running his more than 500 different businesses plus have top security clearance in the White House, isn't that obvious that's a conflict of interest? This man wants to be ruler, not President. He has already spoken to Vladimir Putin today, they're getting their ducks in a row.

I'm editing to make it clear exactly what 'top security clearance' means. This isn't just a security clearance to walk past the guards in the hallway or go through without passing through a metal detector, this is TOP SECURITY CLEARANCE which means they will have all or any part of access to data that affects national security, counter terrorism, counter intelligence, and other highly sensitive data.

Edited by HumblePi
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30 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

This a serious question, who can stop this? 

I don't know if it can be stopped honestly. I've come to the resignation that whatever he's going to do we'll have to deal with the consequences and are absolutely powerless to control it. Yep, we're in it for the long haul now that he's officially the President-elect. President Obama wasn't kidding us, this man is totally unqualified and unfit to be President. This bullshit is happening now before he's even sworn in, can you even imagine what he's going to do once he actually has the power to do as he wants?

Edited by HumblePi
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15 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

If his children are going to be running his more than 500 different businesses plus have top security clearance in the White House, isn't that obvious that's a conflict of interest? This man wants to be ruler, not President. He has already spoken to Vladimir Putin today, they're getting their ducks in a row.


8 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

This a serious question, who can stop this? 

OMG to both of the above. We're only 6 days post election .

REALLY.  Who CAN stop this?

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5 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

I swear the more I learn about him, I wouldn't be surprised to learn he flogs himself each morning.

For all his "dirty" sins? It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he turned out to be the neighbour from American Beauty.

Edited by inkworks
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9 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

Sincere apologies for offending you. I wasn't judging you as a martyr, I don't want you to become one. I felt outrage that you were being abused with harsh words and don't think you need to do that. Sure we need to reach out, we don't have to be abused in the process. And I did forget one had died. I wish you no harm here and sorry if I caused you undue distress. If you want to continue caring for your racist friend I wish you well. 

eta In my defense, I was in JJ forum mode and reacting as if you were the plaintiff and I was going to defend your honor against the defendant. I had already packed my bags for my famous sucker punch road trips...

In all seriousness you are one of my favorite posters in the other threads (and here) and I wish you no harm with my words. That bothered me that you were bothered.

No offense taken ... was just pointing out a contradiction. And don't get any ideas ... I still won't be buying you a cell phone or spinners for your '72 Vega! ;) 

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He can bluster and ask for something outrageous, and, when it's not possible or denied, he'll Tweet and scream 'unfair' and that will be a shiny object for about ten minutes until one of his ghouls starts trying to rip the head off another ghoul or he gets a call from Putin asking him to do something else. He'll either go back to said shiny object if it's important enough to him or hurts his feefees a bit and then more circus and then another distraction. Rinse and repeat. Part of his outrageousness is to create chaos and confusion, with everyone in a panic asking "can he really do X?" 

Either he has a plan or he's gumping along trying to "make deals" and throw sops to his monsters as needed. I'm going to assume that he didn't intend to win, but now that he has, spurred on by his band of ghouls who think they can use him to get what they want and by Putin, he's going to bumble his way through the outrage until the next one. I was done being shocked at what he said and did when he was on the Apprentice. 

MSM needs to grow a pair and stop being afraid of being "unfair" or "boring" and simply give us the facts and a civics lesson or two while they're at it. No more, "DT said..." end of story. Should be, "DT said X which is not possible because of Y or Z, though if he invokes option Q and Tweets enough, he may get a compromise."

If he shuts down MSM or starts any censoring bullshit or starts up his propaganda about "terrorist sympathizing media" or "winning because I shut down anyone who criticizes me, even NBC!", that's when the MSM has to full on "FUCK this shit, you can keep your guns, but we're keeping our First Amendment. Shut us all down, you fuckhead. Dare you."

As the main character on "Pitch" said last night, when faced with some dire news, "What else ya got?" 

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8 hours ago, fishcakes said:

He said something like "all of my employees are having a terrible time with Obamacare. It's so bad they can't even use it." Then people asked, "oh, so you don't provide health insurance to your employees?" Finally, one of his surrogates said that of course he provided health insurance, but "some" employees have Obamacare and it's just terrible! It's a disaster! Sad!

Which still really doesn't make sense to anyone who thinks about it for more than a second.  The employees of his who would be on the ACA would be part timers.  How much time is he spending hanging out with the part timers to talk about their insurance coverage?  I wonder at what point each of his surrogates hit that point where they realized "ah, screw it.  I don't even need to make up particularly good covers for his lies.  Just babble whatever comes to mind first, and move on with some dig about emails."  

7 hours ago, Watermelon said:

Yeah, I heard about those safety pins.  The 2 critiques I've heard are 1) they require people to search them out and (more importantly) 2)your local neighborhood racists know about the safety pins and are suggesting to use them in order to trick people into thinking they've found a safe space.

I saw an article earlier today about how there is now a list in NY (I'm pretty sure it was NY) where people have signed up to be escorts for people worried about being harassed or assaulted on their commute to work/school.  People are signing up with their name, neighborhood, their normal commute, etc, and someone who feels unsafe can contact whoever on the list fits their commute, so they can go together.  My first thought was "and the more known this list becomes, the higher the odds that some racist pieces of shit will sign up to be "safe escorts" so they can mess with some poor Muslim woman or trans woman who's just trying to get to work without being verbally or physically assaulted."  I can just see some of the more ardent Trump/Breitbart people taking the existence of the safety pins or a list like this as some kind of affront to their dominance.  

6 hours ago, callmebetty said:

I imagine he would love to have a White House Staff reality show where he hires someone new on a weekly basis.

I remember reading something at some point along the line (I want to say it was during the primary, but, you know, the sheer volume of ridiculous Trump shit makes it hard to mentally timeline all of it) that he was legitimately interested in doing "The Apprentice: The White House" if he won.  

5 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

Sometimes I wonder about people who take such delight in rooting for their fellow Americans to be second-class citizens. I guess just so long as their rights aren't trampled, they're good to go.

I wonder even more about the people who are vocal about other groups' rights, but then vote against them.  Like an acquaintance of mine - she's very, very pro-LGBT rights.  And it has always seemed very genuine to me.  But, she turns around and votes for people like Trump, because she's just so damned worried that, with liberals in office, someone she deems "unworthy" might get an extra dollar of her tax money.  I just can't even comprehend how that is a mindset you can have when you are aware of the issues facing the LGBT community.  When you have friends and family among any group who will undoubtedly suffer under a Trump regime - "Well, sorry about the complete decimation of your rights, but, hey, did I tell you I got an extra $5 on my tax return this year?  Take that lazy food stamp mooches!"  

23 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Grindr alerts? 

I'll see myself out.

I've just assumed we're on the clock for the Mike Pence "gay scandal" for a while now.  It's happening at some point.  I hope that, in his case, it's extra messy - the kind of scandal that ends his political career in flames.   

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1 hour ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I wonder what juicy delights are hidden in Pence's emails? 

Boyfriend. Please let it be a boyfriend.


Orange's 'secret plan to fight ISIS' reminds me of President Bartlet's 'secret plan to fight inflation'.

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49 minutes ago, ari333 said:


OMG to both of the above. We're only 6 days post election .

REALLY.  Who CAN stop this?

Likely no one. All they have to do is fill out a questionnaire. If their answers past muster and they pass background checks, they get them. 

I don't know if there's any "conflict of interest" clause when it comes to dispersing top secret security clearances though. 

Man, those kids are really thirsty. 

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

Which still really doesn't make sense to anyone who thinks about it for more than a second.  The employees of his who would be on the ACA would be part timers.  How much time is he spending hanging out with the part timers to talk about their insurance coverage?  I wonder at what point each of his surrogates hit that point where they realized "ah, screw it.  I don't even need to make up particularly good covers for his lies.  Just babble whatever comes to mind first, and move on with some dig about emails."  

I saw an article earlier today about how there is now a list in NY (I'm pretty sure it was NY) where people have signed up to be escorts for people worried about being harassed or assaulted on their commute to work/school.  People are signing up with their name, neighborhood, their normal commute, etc, and someone who feels unsafe can contact whoever on the list fits their commute, so they can go together.  My first thought was "and the more known this list becomes, the higher the odds that some racist pieces of shit will sign up to be "safe escorts" so they can mess with some poor Muslim woman or trans woman who's just trying to get to work without being verbally or physically assaulted."  I can just see some of the more ardent Trump/Breitbart people taking the existence of the safety pins or a list like this as some kind of affront to their dominance.  

I remember reading something at some point along the line (I want to say it was during the primary, but, you know, the sheer volume of ridiculous Trump shit makes it hard to mentally timeline all of it) that he was legitimately interested in doing "The Apprentice: The White House" if he won.  

I wonder even more about the people who are vocal about other groups' rights, but then vote against them.  Like an acquaintance of mine - she's very, very pro-LGBT rights.  And it has always seemed very genuine to me.  But, she turns around and votes for people like Trump, because she's just so damned worried that, with liberals in office, someone she deems "unworthy" might get an extra dollar of her tax money.  I just can't even comprehend how that is a mindset you can have when you are aware of the issues facing the LGBT community.  When you have friends and family among any group who will undoubtedly suffer under a Trump regime - "Well, sorry about the complete decimation of your rights, but, hey, did I tell you I got an extra $5 on my tax return this year?  Take that lazy food stamp mooches!"  

I've just assumed we're on the clock for the Mike Pence "gay scandal" for a while now.  It's happening at some point.  I hope that, in his case, it's extra messy - the kind of scandal that ends his political career in flames.   

Oohh like a doomsday cock?

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1 hour ago, Giant Misfit said:

Likely no one. All they have to do is fill out a questionnaire. If their answers past muster and they pass background checks, they get them. 

I don't know if there's any "conflict of interest" clause when it comes to dispersing top secret security clearances though. 

Man, those kids are really thirsty. 

We just went through a messy campaign where the Clinton's were wildly and aggressively attacked by the Trump campaign by being guilty of pay to play with the Clinton Foundation. Michael Bloomberg was mayor of NYC for three consecutive terms and his business was run by people not in the Bloomberg family. Hillary Clinton never had this top security clearance during Bill's Presidency and none of the Bush children had this type of top security clearance.

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Just got this alert from CNN on my phone:

Donald Trump's transition is being marked by sharp internal disagreements over key cabinet appointments and direction, both for internal West Wing positions and key national security posts, sources involved in the transition team tell CNN.

One source with knowledge of the transition described it as a "knife fight."


Can it please be a cage match?  Maybe they could put it on PPV.  I wouldn't know who to root for though.  

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7 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

Just got this alert from CNN on my phone:

Donald Trump's transition is being marked by sharp internal disagreements over key cabinet appointments and direction, both for internal West Wing positions and key national security posts, sources involved in the transition team tell CNN.

One source with knowledge of the transition described it as a "knife fight."


Can it please be a cage match?  Maybe they could put it on PPV.  I wouldn't know who to root for though.  

Yep, it's a Priebus vs. Bannon matchup. Should be fun.

I noticed something, google photos of Steve Bannon and notice his hand gestures, Trump copied them.

Edited by HumblePi
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23 minutes ago, lyric said:

For what possible purpose do those kids need Top Security Clearance?  What in the hell is going on here?

I just heard on The Rachel Maddow Show that the plan is for the Trump children to be unpaid National Security Advisers. 



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I'll tell you what's going on here. Uday and Qusay will be given the coordinates to ISIS hotspots, airlifted to the action, and hunt the most dangerous game of all... 

Five minutes later, they'll quit after experiencing a sand flea infestation in their pants. They'll be lauded by their father for their victory against the Jockstrap Jihad.

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39 minutes ago, lyric said:

For what possible purpose do those kids need Top Security Clearance?  What in the hell is going on here?

One rationale floated among some talking heads is that Trump will naturally be communicating with his children, and should he pass on, or they be around, certain information, they curtail any classified issues by giving them the clearance to hear it in the first place. I say, keep your trap shut and don't leave top secret documents sitting around the coffee table and it won't be an issue, like any other presidential family before them.

The bigger problem, of course, is that these children who he wants to give security clearance within the freaking White House are the same people who will be running his businesses in a fake blind trust. That's not a conflict of interest -- it's a knock down, drag out brawl of interest.

For crap's sake, it hasn't even been a week...

Edited by Chicken Wing
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"Not only is it likely that Trump will not wholly divorce himself from running his business empire – he plans on staying in Trump Tower a few nights a week, and traveling to Mar-a-Lago on weekends, so he'll be at the nexus of his empire several days each week – his children, who will be running his businesses for him, will be privy to state secrets and national security information – information they could use to benefit The Trump Organization. And in turn, smart foreign agents could discern America's secrets by moves Trump businesses make."


I watched President Obama give his press conference today, and he mentioned the daily briefs, he made a hand measure as to how many there are each day and his hands were a foot apart, so he gets a brief from every executive branch of government every day and he takes hours to go over all of them. Trump barely has enough attention span and focus to get through the National Enquirer, how is he going to deal with that every day without an army of relatives to read it all for him and condense all the information down to one paragraph?


Edited by HumblePi
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