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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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41 minutes ago, maraleia said:

Can you share the link because I just early voted and the election judges there said what they're doing in the suburbs is illegal. They can ask for ID but only if your address doesn't match up with what they have on file.

Sorry, it was just a screen shot. Not a link. 

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[url=http://www.medialaw.org/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=3470]The American Bar Association has published this article[/url] on Trump, calling him a "libel bully." He has filed 4,000 lawsuits in the past 30 years. In all but one case, which was a summary judgment, he's lost.

I lugged around a box of Spy issues for many years.

I still have all my old ones! Almost every issue. RIP, Spy. Never will "short-fingered vulgarian" ever be topped.

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7 hours ago, Pixel said:

Fun fact about Beecher. We are a sundown town. Sundown Towns

Beecher is not too far away from my own home town, so I looked it up and was not at all surprised to find out that it's surrounded by Sundown Towns. Oddly though, it isn't one itself. Probably because nobody wanted to stick around past sundown, or even noon if they could help it.

6 hours ago, Pixel said:

And, may I just say, if you are that ashamed of who you are voting for, maybe you should reconsider voting for them.

I know! That is the weirdest spin of the entire election!  "My people don't want to admit that they'd vote for scum like me."

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4 minutes ago, magdalene said:

The Trumpster is saying that today's e-mail crap is Hilary's "Watergate".   Pardon me while I go and throw up.

Even Nixon AT HIS WORST was better than Trump. He at least didn't keep interrupting his opponents during debates.

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4 hours ago, Padma said:

Comey's announcement is so wrong, so morally wrong (since all he is doing is spreading more innuendo), that I feel physically ill over it: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fbi-hillary-clinton-email-investigation_us_58138552e4b0990edc30cb36

The gleeful posts from Trump and Priebus and Conway only make it worse--while voting is happening.

Meanwhile, is ANYONE in government investigating the likely ties between Trump (Manafort still there, too, in the background) and Russian intelligence agents hacking private U.S. citizens' email to undermine our democracy?  Anyone? Anyone?

There isn't even an active investigation into Trump bribing Pam Bondi to stop Florida's investigation of Trump University.

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Hey, there's an upside to Email-gate Wave II!

We get a whole new chance to make "Weiner is a Dick!" jokes. Really we've been robbed of that for many months now (since he'd gone out of all of the news cycles). 

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1 minute ago, Kromm said:

Hey, there's an upside to Email-gate Wave II!

We get a whole new chance to make "Weiner is a Dick!" jokes. Really we've been robbed of that for many months now (since he'd gone out of all of the news cycles). 


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2 hours ago, Kromm said:

Hey, there's an upside to Email-gate Wave II!

We get a whole new chance to make "Weiner is a Dick!" jokes. Really we've been robbed of that for many months now (since he'd gone out of all of the news cycles). 

I just want John Oliver to do his Carlos Danger dance.  

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Now I'm beginning to get as angry as a Trump crusader. This whole business is so obviously interference with a democratic election by the Republican Congress and of course bolstered up by Trump. They want to drag out this stupid email bullshit for the next 4 years, but they want to do enough damage that people will split their ticket on election day and get their sorry old Republican asses elected back into Congress. Well, I have a feeling this will all blow up right in their faces. And it may start with this....."A complaint has been filed against FBI Director James Comey with Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility that accuses him of interfering in a presidential election."


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So apparently Comey was under no legal obligation (per Pete Wms) to come forward with anything at this stage. And, per another fed. prosecutor, the general rule of thumb is to be quiet 60 days from an election rather than risk unfairly influencing the outcome (unless, of course, the FBI was ready to indict one of the candidates).

Comey or someone "close to him" said that he acted from an "excess of caution". Caution for whom? If it was caution not to risk possibly throwing the election to the Republican by giving him a weapon to use against the Democrat he failed badly to be "cautious". 

If it was caution not to have confusion over what he was doing behind the scenes cause the Democratic candidate to be unfairly smeared by innuendo, again, he failed.

If it was caution to cover his ass, so that no one in his own party would later say he could have used information against Clinton and didn't...maybe in making HIMSELF look better politically to Republican supporters, he succeeded (and "justice"--the bigger "justice" of not interfering with a presidential election when you have NO incriminating information at all--be damned).

He's gone over backwards before, too, in giving transcripts of FBI interviews to Republicans/Congress. I thought THAT was outrageous but this is so much worse.

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40 minutes ago, Padma said:

So apparently Comey was under no legal obligation (per Pete Wms) to come forward with anything at this stage. And, per another fed. prosecutor, the general rule of thumb is to be quiet 60 days from an election rather than risk unfairly influencing the outcome (unless, of course, the FBI was ready to indict one of the candidates).

Comey or someone "close to him" said that he acted from an "excess of caution". Caution for whom? If it was caution not to risk possibly throwing the election to the Republican by giving him a weapon to use against the Democrat he failed badly to be "cautious". 

If it was caution not to have confusion over what he was doing behind the scenes cause the Democratic candidate to be unfairly smeared by innuendo, again, he failed.

If it was caution to cover his ass, so that no one in his own party would later say he could have used information against Clinton and didn't...maybe in making HIMSELF look better politically to Republican supporters, he succeeded (and "justice"--the bigger "justice" of not interfering with a presidential election when you have NO incriminating information at all--be damned).

He's gone over backwards before, too, in giving transcripts of FBI interviews to Republicans/Congress. I thought THAT was outrageous but this is so much worse.

Congress is also not in the FBI reporting chain normally. Remember, the FBI is under the aegis of the Executive Branch, not the Legislative Branch. 

Also, the telling thing was sending an all-hands type email to the whole agency. That's not done for 99.9% of investigations.

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11 hours ago, Padma said:

So apparently Comey was under no legal obligation (per Pete Wms) to come forward with anything at this stage. And, per another fed. prosecutor, the general rule of thumb is to be quiet 60 days from an election rather than risk unfairly influencing the outcome (unless, of course, the FBI was ready to indict one of the candidates).

Comey or someone "close to him" said that he acted from an "excess of caution". Caution for whom? If it was caution not to risk possibly throwing the election to the Republican by giving him a weapon to use against the Democrat he failed badly to be "cautious". 

If it was caution not to have confusion over what he was doing behind the scenes cause the Democratic candidate to be unfairly smeared by innuendo, again, he failed.

If it was caution to cover his ass, so that no one in his own party would later say he could have used information against Clinton and didn't...maybe in making HIMSELF look better politically to Republican supporters, he succeeded (and "justice"--the bigger "justice" of not interfering with a presidential election when you have NO incriminating information at all--be damned).

He's gone over backwards before, too, in giving transcripts of FBI interviews to Republicans/Congress. I thought THAT was outrageous but this is so much worse.

And the emails in question aren't even Hillary's, they belong to Huma Abedin. Now they'll pull Anthony Weiner into it and make it really shitty for everyone. I'd like to know why, if the FBI is investigating Donald Trump's campaign and the implications that the Russians are involved with Wikileaks, why this has not been made public? I want to see the connections I want to see the proof and the connections to the Trump campaign. I think the public has a right to see it. This is a crappy, desperate move by the Republican Congressmen and Donald Trump. They're all in cahoots to sink her and to save their own asses in the process.

Edited by HumblePi
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2 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Now I'm beginning to get as angry as a Trump crusader. This whole business is so obviously interference with a democratic election by the Republican Congress and of course bolstered up by Trump. They want to drag out this stupid email bullshit for the next 4 years, but they want to do enough damage that people will split their ticket on election day and get their sorry old Republican asses elected back into Congress. Well, I have a feeling this will all blow up right in their faces. And it may start with this....."A complaint has been filed against FBI Director James Comey with Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility that accuses him of interfering in a presidential election."


Among all of Trump's surrogates, apologists and enablers, I have yet to see even ONE who exhibits genuine love of country.   What I see is a collection of very bad people in this for no one but themselves and for no other reason than furthering their own careers.    It is disgusting.

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5 hours ago, backformore said:

Well, Trump was right about voter fraud. But he caused it.

an arrest was made for voter fraud

Yep, a woman in Iowa went to vote early at one location.  Then, because she had heard (from Trump)  that the election  was rigged, she became concerned that her vote for Trump was going to be changed at the polling place to a vote for Clinton.  So she went to another early voting place, and tried to vote again.   She's charged with a felony.

And I hope her defense attorney can find a way to implicate the RWNJ media/hate radio echo chamber in the commission of the crime.  That poor stupid person was ill-educated and poorly served by part of the Fourth Estate and they need to pay.  

Edited by 33kaitykaity
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I didn't learn about all this new information from FBI Director James Comey until very late last night and today I'm really trying to sort through what's fact and what's fiction. Yesterday, the reactions on CNN were of emotional shock and dismay and 'the sky is falling'. I thought, holy crap what is it that's so apocalyptic? What is it that might be so egregious that it will snatch the victory right out of the hands of the Democrats just 12 days before the election?

This is what I've learned today so far and I hope others will help me understand all of this with your input.

On October 4, Julian Assange promised an October surprise so he knew well in advance exactly what releasing this news would do to the election. Keeping in mind that Wikileaks is a criminal enterprise run by Julian Assange and information he releases is through illegally obtained means but we have been told that everything that's released is honest and true. That's what I didn't really understand from the start. If emails are hacked then they could also be manipulated and should never be legally accepted as factual in a court of law. Why was anyone even given the chance to take even one hacked email from Julian Assange and Wikileaks and present it as accurate? Every piece of information obtained through felonious means should have been dismissed. We all heard Donald Trump's own voice in the bus with Billy Bush and Republicans and Trump expected us to deny the severity and validity of that and chalk it up to 'locker room talk'?

Hillary Clinton's critics hoped that it would damage her chances at the presidency. There was even a hashtag on Twitter #octobersurprise. And again, Huma Abedin will go through all the trauma about her husband Anthony Weiner and the Republicans will drag this woman, and Hillary along with her, through the mud to cause her to lose the election. Director of the FBI, James Comey has mishandled this investigation from the start and is still mishandling it. The Justice Department has rules about prohibiting them from saying anything about an investigation to the public.  There's a law on the books that no information be released in close proximity to an election that can influence that election, usually that's 60 days.

From what I've learned so far, James Comey and the Republican Party are trying to prove that Hillary Clinton was careless with her emails to Huma Abedin because these emails were sent to Huma and her then husband Anthony Weiner 'may' have had access to what 'might' have been sensitive information in Huma's laptop. Comey states in his letter to the Dept of Justice by saying "Although the FBI cannot yet access whether or not this material may be significant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony."

We don't have information about these emails and there's even reports that many of them might be duplicates so he has done is that he's introduced the opportunity for Republicans and others to speculate, to offer innuendo, to make reckless charges and voters don't have any more information yesterday than we do today. The Director of the FBI is supposed to follow the rules, follow the law and follow the Dept of Justice's practices. Comey has intentionally put his thumb on the scales by coming out with this only 12 days before the election. It's all very rotten smelling.

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Well, it seems that even a stopped clock is right twice a day.  Drumpf was right!  Someone was actually trying to commit voter fraud in Iowa by voting more than once.  Except, this story has an interesting twist to it:  She's one of Drumpf's supporters.  Simply deplorable!

It's bad enough that the FBI, a foreign dictator, and a fellow rapist are trying to influence the outcome of this election on Drumpf's behalf.  Not to mention the deplorable militia members and others who want to intimidate folks exercising their civil duty.  Now, we have people like this half-witted fool here:  Dumb Heffa Tries to Vote More Than Once

Edited by MulletorHater
How are you going to call somebody else half-witted when words are misspelled in your own post?
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19 hours ago, candall said:

But what if some of those ridiculous statements are not him engaging in basic hyperbole? 

I watch the 3a.m. Rachel Maddow, so now I've seen the "found footage" mentioned above where Trump says he was the best baseball player in New York.  I ran it back and watched it multiple times.  I swear, there was no indication the man was being the slightest bit facetious.  He was 100% sincere that there were no baseball players, professional or otherwise, superior to Donald J. Trump at the time.  Maddow named some of the players from that era and even to non-sporting me, they were recognizably famous.

(I imagine showing him stats proving that some of those hall-of-famers threw faster, hit harder, fielded better than he:  "Rigged.")

I've always thought he was motivated by avarice and systematically applying his own theory that "if you repeat something enough times, people will believe it."  (Which obviously has a great deal of merit as a campaign technique.)  But now I think the man may be mentally unbalanced, literally; that he's been manifesting some kind of clinical grandiosity syndrome for a long, long time.  Maybe he truly believes if the media and bureaucracy would just stop lying and step out of the way so the people could be heard, we'd all gratefully agree en masse to skip the electoral process and acclaim him the smartest man in the world and our rightful leader.


I've read the narcissistic personality descriptions; does that disorder extend to certifiable let's-discuss-commitment-proceedings levels of "protect himself and others" delusional dysfunction?


Does anyone else think this could be true?  Are we so close to making a madman our president? 

Although I guess that's not entirely unheard of, in the history of the world. . .

I've thought that from the first day that Donald Trump got on a debate stage with other Republicans in 2008 that he has NPD. Yes, people have been manipulated by a master of manipulation. ALL people with this clinically diagnosed mental disorder are masters of the art of manipulation and nearly every one of them that actually do seek psychological help manage to manipulate their psychologist. He's a crazy person and I can't live in this country if he's elected. I know people say that but I'm dead serious. I have a son that lives in Colombia for six months a year and if I don't go to Canada, it will be Colombia.

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7 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

I've thought that from the first day that Donald Trump got on a debate stage with other Republicans in 2008 that he has NPD. Yes, people have been manipulated by a master of manipulation. ALL people with this clinically diagnosed mental disorder are masters of the art of manipulation and nearly every one of them that actually do seek psychological help manage to manipulate their psychologist. He's a crazy person and I can't live in this country if he's elected. I know people say that but I'm dead serious. I have a son that lives in Colombia for six months a year and if I don't go to Canada, it will be Colombia.

I wish I could move. I love Canada. I wouldn't even need an excuse. 

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This is a copy of the letter sent to the Dept. of Justice by James Comey. The last paragraph is especially pertinent because it essentially translates to; 'the FBI knows that there's nothing significant but we're going to keep everyone wondering about it for a long time, well after the elections. We're going to take all the time we want and keep everyone in suspense and release nothing until past the election. We'll make certain that it appears that Hillary Clinton is a crook and lose this election.'

The Republicans intend to cast accusations without substance or proof simply to put a thumb on the scales of this election in favor of that insane dictator, Donald Trump. Look, the only thing anyone has at this point to stop Hillary Clinton is stolen emails from Hillary Clinton to her Huma Abedin. It's only conjecture at this point but Republicans hope it's enough to prevent people of both parties from voting for her.

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These emails were not dropped by Wikileaks.  The FBI was investigating Anthony Weiner for sexting a minor (across state lines, a Federal offense) and discovered that his wife, Huma, used the same laptop he did.

What I don't understand (among other things) is why the FBI didn't already know Huma used this computer.  It seems to me that if one is searching the email accounts of people who work closely with  Hillary, the first question asked should be "where are all the devices you used for email purposes?"

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7 minutes ago, clb1016 said:

the first question asked should be "where are all the devices you used for email purposes?"

Say What?  Aren't the emails available through the email account no matter what device was used?  That's why this is probably stuff they've already seen before.  I have two laptops.  There are no emails on my laptops, they're in the email account, which I can access from either one or from any other computer by entering in my id and password. 

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31 minutes ago, needschocolate said:

I never used to be a Hillary fan, but I am now.  The way she came out and told them to release the "new" emails was golden.  I couldn't help but think about how Trump would have handled the situation -

"The emails are phoney, I don't even know Human Abidale, never met her, and I don't think she owns a laptop. When I had dinner at her house, there was no laptop. This shows the election is rigged.  And the media. All rigged. After the election, I'm gonna sue the FBI and Congress and NBC and the Children's Television Network and Hube Abadabi - sounds like a Muslim name doesn't it, am I right? She is probably a muslim. This terrorist puts fake emails on her laptop so the FBI can use them against me.  That is why we need to  have extremely ultra extreme vetting of people from those terrorist ghetto countries.  Why doesn't the FBI talk about all the many, many, bad, bad crimes they are investigating Hillary for - and investigating Bill for, I think even Chelsea has been corrupt.  The FBI is looking into all the corruption in the Clinton Foundation - Hillary should have put an end to Bill's corruption - she has been in charge of congress for 47 years, but she hasn't done anything except murder soldiers and rip babies from wombs.  And she supported the Iraq war - if I had been in charge, the Middle East would be full of beautiful, I mean really gorgeous, best you have ever seen, hotels, like my new Trump property in Washington DC, did you see that on the news, did you see the ribbon cutting ceremony? Isn't that a beautiful hotel?  And weren't Melania and Ivanka beautiful too? Not like that Humpty Abidinni - she is only a five, I wouldn't give her a second look, not my type.  No wonder her husband, Anthony Weiner - no, really, that is his name - Weeeeenerrrr, I bet he has a little one too - no surprise he is cheating on her, have you seen her face, not my type. I would cheat too if I were married to Humma Abadaro - I think that is a Mexican name, she is probably here illegally, her father is probably a murderer, many, so many, of them are.  That is why I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Look at the beautify little black girl over there, she's beautiful, so beautiful I just want to kiss her, some up on stage honey, you are beautiful, come on up..."

Wow, that's perfect!  Now fess up. Are you a trump speech writer?

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Unless she had an email fetcher.  I used to have one that would automatically log in to my email account server and download the messages to my computer.  But, if that were the case, then the FBI should've already had her computer.  I bet it's messages they've already seen. 

This morning on MSNBC (before I had enough and turned it off), Cheetos' surrogates were crowing about how this would energize people to go vote for Trump.  Huh?  There are still people who read in this country.  They will be to figure out quite quickly that regardless of what Cheetos and spineless, opportunistic Republicans like Paul Ryan say, it has nothing to do with HRC.  And no matter what, it doesn't change the fact that Donald is a fascist and a sexual predator.  I really don't think it's going to have much impact. 

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36 minutes ago, atomationage said:

Say What?  Aren't the emails available through the email account no matter what device was used?  That's why this is probably stuff they've already seen before.  I have two laptops.  There are no emails on my laptops, they're in the email account, which I can access from either one or from any other computer by entering in my id and password. 

I made this point on the HRC thread.  But if they had reviewed all the devices at once, we wouldn't have had this "aha!" moment yesterday.  The way Comey stated it, it looks like the FBI found a cache of new emails which, I agree with you, is almost certainly untrue.

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41 minutes ago, atomationage said:

Say What?  Aren't the emails available through the email account no matter what device was used?  That's why this is probably stuff they've already seen before.  I have two laptops.  There are no emails on my laptops, they're in the email account, which I can access from either one or from any other computer by entering in my id and password. 

I was under the impression that all encrypted emails are saved in 'the cloud'. This is how Julian Assange hacked into them. If Julian Assange can hack into private servers in the cloud then why can't James Comey do the same thing. He's the head of the FBI, don't we have the same capabilities as Julian Assange has?

This is highly irresponsible of Director Comey to come out with this before actually doing the investigation. It just leaves his motives suspect. Comey sent a public letter with absolutely no facts to the members of Congress and now the people that support Trump get on the rage-wave of yelling 'lock her up'.  Back in July, Donald Trump severely criticized Comey for finding no evidence of illegal misconduct on the part of Hillary Clinton in his July report. But yesterday he PRAISED the FBI and James Comey for sending a letter with no facts, doesn't know if it's significant and hasn't even read a single email. Donald Trump claims 'this is bigger than Watergate!'. Watergate was a criminally proven obstruction of justice. Donald Trump recklessly charges without any fact. Not one voter will be influenced by this in my opinion.  

*Lanny Davis, Former White House Special Council. "We should have learned our lesson from the McCarthy era, innuendo is not the same as fact and there are no facts and indeed he said he doesn't even know if there's anything significant. I would challenge Director Comey to get as many agents from the FBI together to go through and release every one of these emails and then we'll have our answer in 24 hours." That's the way this should go and Hillary WANTS them all out there, she's not trying to cover up anything. But, the Republicans certainly do not want them disclosed because then it would prove that this is a distraction and distortion of the truth in order to sideline Hillary Clinton's campaign and election.

Edited by HumblePi
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5 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

I pray you are right Kitty. I'm a Canadian and there are times that I turn the TV off in angry frustration. I would go out of my mind if I lived and voted over there. 

It is very frustrating!  Media, particularly conservative media, think people do nothing but react.  It's insulting, and one of the reasons I routinely tap out when it comes to politics. 

I've often wished we could live in Canada.  You're lucky!

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54 minutes ago, needschocolate said:

I never used to be a Hillary fan, but I am now.  The way she came out and told them to release the "new" emails was golden.  I couldn't help but think about how Trump would have handled the situation -

"The emails are phoney, I don't even know Human Abidale, never met her, and I don't think she owns a laptop. When I had dinner at her house, there was no laptop. This shows the election is rigged.  And the media. All rigged. After the election, I'm gonna sue the FBI and Congress and NBC and the Children's Television Network and Hube Abadabi - sounds like a Muslim name doesn't it, am I right? She is probably a muslim. This terrorist puts fake emails on her laptop so the FBI can use them against me.  That is why we need to  have extremely ultra extreme vetting of people from those terrorist ghetto countries.  Why doesn't the FBI talk about all the many, many, bad, bad crimes they are investigating Hillary for - and investigating Bill for, I think even Chelsea has been corrupt.  The FBI is looking into all the corruption in the Clinton Foundation - Hillary should have put an end to Bill's corruption - she has been in charge of congress for 47 years, but she hasn't done anything except murder soldiers and rip babies from wombs.  And she supported the Iraq war - if I had been in charge, the Middle East would be full of beautiful, I mean really gorgeous, best you have ever seen, hotels, like my new Trump property in Washington DC, did you see that on the news, did you see the ribbon cutting ceremony? Isn't that a beautiful hotel?  And weren't Melania and Ivanka beautiful too? Not like that Humpty Abidinni - she is only a five, I wouldn't give her a second look, not my type.  No wonder her husband, Anthony Weiner - no, really, that is his name - Weeeeenerrrr, I bet he has a little one too - no surprise he is cheating on her, have you seen her face, not my type. I would cheat too if I were married to Humma Abadaro - I think that is a Mexican name, she is probably here illegally, her father is probably a murderer, many, so many, of them are.  That is why I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Look at the beautify little black girl over there, she's beautiful, so beautiful I just want to kiss her, some up on stage honey, you are beautiful, come on up..."

The other thing that is always beautiful is the spouse of any man he talks positively about. "He's a good person, he has a beautiful wife"

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45 minutes ago, ebk57 said:

I think Comey needs to resign right now

Comey looks so generic in the picture in that article you linked, that he could be almost anyone.   There are probably ten other GOP people that look exactly like him.   How is that even possible?  Loretta Lynch should Saturday Night Massacre his ass for attempting to interfere in the election.  It's Saturday today, I'm just saying, Loretta.

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13 hours ago, millennium said:

Among all of Trump's surrogates, apologists and enablers, I have yet to see even ONE who exhibits genuine love of country.   What I see is a collection of very bad people in this for no one but themselves and for no other reason than furthering their own careers.    It is disgusting.

It's a bit more complicated IMO. The surrogates? No shame, and consequently no forgiveness there. 

The apologists? And by that I'm more talking about the rank and file supporters? I DO think there are people who honestly blind themselves so much they literally believe that doing the Bible-sanctioned thing makes them good people and everything else is some kind of obstacle, a test, they have to overcome. This doesn't magically make it okay--I'm just saying many of them THINK they are on the right side of things and willingly blind themselves to what a piece of garbage Trump is (and they argue, and sometimes actually believe, that the other side is blinding themselves to what a horrible person Clinton is).

The fact that Trump's tresspasses are more overt simply makes people insist Hillary is hiding more. To a degree that's even true. Most civilized people hide their uglier thoughts behind manners and Trump doesn't. And Trump lies overtly while when Hillary Clinton lies (of course she does, on occasion) it's not overt.

Not that I blame you for pessimism where his supporters are concerned. That same religious fervor which insists that the Supreme Court has to be "won" and lots of progress reversed is a fervor that quite literally is going to label you as some kind of abomination. I don't blame you even a hair for wishing them all to hell--I'm 95% of there with you myself, but have seen up close some acquaintances who process things through their minds like they think if they're "saving people's souls" and who have some kind of consciousness break/inability to understand that causing people suffering in life to "save their soul" still makes them the bad guy. I kind of feel both sorry and yet ALSO angry at those people at the same time.

There's also denial of a different kind. The people who somehow justify the worst things Trump could do as "unlikely" (the logic goes "it would never get that far"/"nobody would let him") and for some reason believe that he'd bring some huge mythical economic boom before he'd start tossing people in secret gulags, get into pissing matches with China using nukes, or send troops into Mexico to "make them pay for their wall". Is that kind of self-delusion a side effect of selfishness? Maybe. 

Edited by Kromm
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I had a light bulb moment and I think I figured this out. There's just two things. #1 Donald Trump wants to rule this country, maybe the world. He and his Republican cronies are behind this 'McCarthyism'. #2 Huma Abedin is a practicing Muslim.

Need I say more?

Edited by HumblePi
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1 hour ago, ebk57 said:

Wow. That is a great article, "Director Comey understood our position. He heard it from Justice leadership,” the official said. “It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert the Hill. He is operating independently of the Justice Department. And he knows it.”

It sounds like that quote came directly from Lynch, that the Attorney General herself said, "Don't do it."  Despite his defenders and the gleeful Trumpkins, Comey has disgraced himself. This really does seem inexcusable--not only mailing that terribly written, innuendo-filled letter to 8 Republican committee chairs (when he AT LEAST should have had a press conference instead). It makes him look completely like a partisan political hack, someone in charge of the "rigged system" (TM, Donald Trump). 

I don't care how much they talk about his sterling reputation. He's still a person, and I believe he cracked under incredible behind-the-scenes pressure from Republicans who want to hurt Hillary.

Really, as far as I'm concerned, his reputation is ruined. What he has done is indefensible.

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2 hours ago, needschocolate said:

I never used to be a Hillary fan, but I am now.  The way she came out and told them to release the "new" emails was golden.  I couldn't help but think about how Trump would have handled the situation -

"The emails are phoney, I don't even know Human Abidale, never met her, and I don't think she owns a laptop. When I had dinner at her house, there was no laptop. This shows the election is rigged.  And the media. All rigged. After the election, I'm gonna sue the FBI and Congress and NBC and the Children's Television Network and Hube Abadabi - sounds like a Muslim name doesn't it, am I right? She is probably a muslim. This terrorist puts fake emails on her laptop so the FBI can use them against me.  That is why we need to  have extremely ultra extreme vetting of people from those terrorist ghetto countries.  Why doesn't the FBI talk about all the many, many, bad, bad crimes they are investigating Hillary for - and investigating Bill for, I think even Chelsea has been corrupt.  The FBI is looking into all the corruption in the Clinton Foundation - Hillary should have put an end to Bill's corruption - she has been in charge of congress for 47 years, but she hasn't done anything except murder soldiers and rip babies from wombs.  And she supported the Iraq war - if I had been in charge, the Middle East would be full of beautiful, I mean really gorgeous, best you have ever seen, hotels, like my new Trump property in Washington DC, did you see that on the news, did you see the ribbon cutting ceremony? Isn't that a beautiful hotel?  And weren't Melania and Ivanka beautiful too? Not like that Humpty Abidinni - she is only a five, I wouldn't give her a second look, not my type.  No wonder her husband, Anthony Weiner - no, really, that is his name - Weeeeenerrrr, I bet he has a little one too - no surprise he is cheating on her, have you seen her face, not my type. I would cheat too if I were married to Humma Abadaro - I think that is a Mexican name, she is probably here illegally, her father is probably a murderer, many, so many, of them are.  That is why I am going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. Look at the beautify little black girl over there, she's beautiful, so beautiful I just want to kiss her, some up on stage honey, you are beautiful, come on up..."

 Loved this! If I could give you a high five, I would. 

  This latest so-called email "scandal" is just another tempest in a teapot IMO but Trump and his minions are happier than pigs in shit, which they shouldn't be because as bad as they think this is, the next Trump-based bombshell-and knowing his track record, the odds of it are way above average-will be much worse. As for taking the high road with Trump, apparently that only works for so long.  It looks like the only way to stop Trump now is to sink to his level because that's the only language he understands anyway. From now on, I say that Hillary not only keeps using Trump's own words against him, any credible dirt that she can find on him she had better use it ASAP because when it comes to Trump, playing nice isn't an option anymore. 

    As for FBI Director Comey, if he wants to save what little credibility he has left, then I think he should have his agents spend every waking moment for the next week going over those emails with a fine-tooth comb. If not, then he should resign. As far as I'm concerned, Comey is arguably the worst FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover.

Edited by DollEyes
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4 minutes ago, Padma said:

Wow. That is a great article, "Director Comey understood our position. He heard it from Justice leadership,” the official said. “It was conveyed to the FBI, and Comey made an independent decision to alert the Hill. He is operating independently of the Justice Department. And he knows it.”

It sounds like that quote came directly from Lynch, that the Attorney General herself said, "Don't do it."  Despite his defenders and the gleeful Trumpkins, Comey has disgraced himself. This really does seem inexcusable--not only mailing that terribly written, innuendo-filled letter to 8 Republican committee chairs (when he AT LEAST should have had a press conference instead). It makes him look completely like a partisan political hack, someone in charge of the "rigged system" (TM, Donald Trump). 

I don't care how much they talk about his sterling reputation. He's still a person, and I believe he cracked under incredible behind-the-scenes pressure from Republicans who want to hurt Hillary.

Really, as far as I'm concerned, his reputation is ruined. What he has done is indefensible.

My cold cynical heart grew two sizes today when I saw how Comey's ass is being dragged in print, on television and online.  At the very least, he countermanded a direct order from the Attorney General.  I mean, wouldn't we all like to do whatever the hell we wanted despite our bosses ordering us otherwise?  But guess what?  Most of us do a cost-benefit analysis and understand that there are consequences for insubordination.  And, then we govern ourselves accordingly.

At worst, this was an act of the rankest partisanship and Comey needs to resign ASAP.  If not, he should be promptly fired on November 9.  I thought this kind of behavior died along with J. Edgar Hoover.  If Secretary Clinton was inclined to keep him on, that shit is out the window now.  She would be a fool because that relationship will have been poisoned (think Hoover and the Kennedys).  If Comey is going to inappropriately flap his gums about ongoing investigations, why not talk about the letter Rep. Elijah Cummings and others sent requesting an investigation into the possible hacking of servers by Russia to influence this election?  Hopefully, this will backfire on Chaffetz and the rest of the GOP hacks on the committee who are itching to impeach Hillary.  

I just have to ask what is it about Donald J. Drumpf that brings out the stupid in people?  I've lost count of the number of people whose reputations have been tarnished because of their direct or indirect association with him or the people who want to put him in power.  Or, their reputations were ruined because they are too chickenshit to call a spade a spade and stand up when it really mattered.

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5 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

I just have to ask what is it about Donald J. Drumpf that brings out the stupid in people?  I've lost count of the number of people whose reputations have been tarnished because of their direct or indirect association with him or the people who want to put him in power.  Or, their reputations were ruined because they are too chickenshit to call a spade a spade and stand up when it really mattered.

That is the big question for me too. He insults someone for weeks with all kinds of slimy insinuations and terrible names and then all of a sudden they're supporting him. He's accused of several things no Christian should want to be associated with and suddenly some Christian bigwig is defending him - and with a defense that for some reason is never pulled out for gays or other "sinners," such as "judge not" and "let he who throws the first stone" and "he repented so it's cool." What is his hold on people? It can't be that they admire his ethics and he has no charm or wit, and his only accomplishments seem to be getting other people to give him money and then not paying taxes on it. Does he blackmail them? Are they afraid of him because they heard some story of what he did to someone who crossed him? Is it hypnosis? Drugs in their water? It's the biggest mystery of this godawful endless torture of an election year, for me. Why is anyone on earth taking him even remotely seriously, let alone defending him and propping him up?

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Comey was an idiot no matter HOW you look at it. He's screwed his job either way.

Think about it. It's clear what's going to happen to his employment if the Dem candidate wins, but even if the Republican wins, he was STILL always going to lose that nice job of his from the moment he opened his mouth and did this. Why? To keep him out of sight so the questions and public scrutiny stops.

Either he's just stupid and didn't realize this, or he was promised a HELL of a "Yooooge" Golden Parachute. Something like a Consulting Job or other job with a big but mostly invisible paycheck which mysteriously pops up for him not long after he leaves the FBI. 

Edited by Kromm
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4 minutes ago, random chance said:

That is the big question for me too. He insults someone for weeks with all kinds of slimy insinuations and terrible names and then all of a sudden they're supporting him. 



He's accused of several things no Christian should want to be associated with and suddenly some Christian bigwig is defending him - and with a defense that for some reason is never pulled out for gays or other "sinners," such as "judge not" and "let he who throws the first stone" and "he repented so it's cool." 



What is his hold on people? It can't be that they admire his ethics and he has no charm or wit, and his only accomplishments seem to be getting other people to give him money and then not paying taxes on it. 



Does he blackmail them? Are they afraid of him because they heard some story of what he did to someone who crossed him? Is it hypnosis? Drugs in their water? It's the biggest mystery of this godawful endless torture of an election year, for me. Why is anyone on earth taking him even remotely seriously, let alone defending him and propping him up?

Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. Bible. (etc.)

It's not that he believes in it. Or represents it very well. It's that all he has to do is promise to appoint Right-Wing Christian Conservative Supreme Court Justices, and God is supposed to smooth things over so that the rest of what he does doesn't matter. 

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I enjoyed this from the upcoming New York magazine (this part comes -after- Comey's announcement yesterday): "When I asked one senior Trump adviser to describe the scene inside, he responded: “Think of the bunker right before Hitler killed himself. Donald’s in denial. They’re all in denial.” (As Times columnist Ross Douthat put it, in a tweet, “In Trumpworld as Hitler’s Bunker terms,” the FBI investigation is “like when Goebbels thought FDR’s death would save the Nazi regime.”)

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4 minutes ago, backformore said:

Chicago tribune Eric Zorn has a perspective on it:

Trump's answers about the Bible

It doesn't matter if he knows the Bible. 

It doesn't matter if he lies about knowing the Bible.

It doesn't matter if every fiber of his being contradicts the values of the Bible.

All that matters is that people in that corner know that the next President will appoint the next few Supreme Court judges, and the Supreme Court judges will "be able to save the unborn babies" and "be able to undo that horrible gay marriage" and "be able to do more to protect our guns!" and "be able to get prayer in our schools, where it belongs!" and other similar "things" they believe will tip the balance between them going to heaven when the Rapture occurs and burning here along with the rest of us sinners.

It's doublethink of the highest order. 

We've seen some prominent religious people come out against him, it's true. Some people do mean what they say and try to follow the Bible in a more organic way which fits in with the world we live in. But the core who aren't budging from Trump? See themselves as in the midst of a Holy War. And as history teaches us, Holy Wars excuse almost any excess (rapes, murders, torture, invasions, historically, but the modern version is more directly about ignoring hypocrisy). 

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