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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Why the hell would Trump have a star on the Walk of Fame, anyway? Because of The Apprentice? Naw. Those things are bought and paid for, but his star still seems to violate their own rules:

" ... star candidates have to be famous for at least five years, and have, as Di Bona puts it, “unchallengeable” expertise in what the Chamber deems a core entertainment category—television, movies, radio, live theatre and music. Reality and Internet stars are notably excluded."

"All star applications carry a $30,000 sponsorship fee."

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22 minutes ago, lordonia said:

Why the hell would Trump have a star on the Walk of Fame, anyway? Because of The Apprentice? Naw. Those things are bought and paid for, but his star still seems to violate their own rules:

" ... star candidates have to be famous for at least five years, and have, as Di Bona puts it, “unchallengeable” expertise in what the Chamber deems a core entertainment category—television, movies, radio, live theatre and music. Reality and Internet stars are notably excluded."

"All star applications carry a $30,000 sponsorship fee."

Well, the star selection process is obviously rigged, so...

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2 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

This link also has footage of the guy ruining the star--yes, he apparently filmed himself wrecking it & posted it online

It looked like he was being filmed and interviewed by someone else.   In his case, the reason is the sexual assaults.   In the earlier vandalism, the ancient Hindu symbol for good luck , spray-painted in black, was more political.  I've seen that symbol in people's homes, usually in red. 

If drumpf paid for the star, then he can pay for the repairs, but they should wait a while, since the same things are likely to happen again.  I think people should restrict themselves to letting their dogs do their business there.  

It's pretty irritating that the media is still giving drumpf free publicity, and that we have to hear his words every day.

Olbermann's latest ,  to the women who support drumpf.  "Does the idea of a man like this as president appeal to you because it somehow makes a similar misogynist in your own life seem more okay?  If there's a President Jackass, does it make the Mister Jackass you know somehow more acceptable?"  He goes on to quote something Mother Jones found in a blog post about Kelly Preston in 2009 when her son Jed died, writing about when he was hitting on her.

Edited by atomationage
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13 minutes ago, atomationage said:

It looked like he was being filmed and interviewed by someone else.   In his case, the reason is the sexual assaults.   In the earlier vandalism, the ancient Hindu symbol for good luck , spray-painted in black, was more political.  I've seen that symbol in people's homes, usually in red. 

If drumpf paid for the star, then he can pay for the repairs, but they should wait a while, since the same things are likely to happen again.  I think people should restrict themselves to letting their dogs do their business there.  

It's pretty irritating that the media is still giving drumpf free publicity, and that we have to hear his words every day.

They said yesterday he got coverage from Deadline & TMZ. The story was also on The Talk, where the consensus was he was just looking for attention.

Trump originally got the star in 2007, in their TV category, presumably because of his gig hosting whichever version of The Apprentice was airing at the time. And I don't dispute he probably bought it for himself as a "vanity" thing. Although now they say "reality" stars aren't (supposed to be) allowed to get them (apparently because they're trying--rightfully, in my opinion--to keep the Kardashians from getting them).

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Trump, Melania, & his adult spawn were interviewed on GMA this morning, by George Stephanopolous. Trump said that the media poisons the mind of the voter (Melania said, as FLOTUS, she's going to do something having to do with teaching people how to use social media "correctly"... I think she thinks she means trying to cut down on bullying on those sites).


Trump & family were interviewed at the opening of his new hotel in DC. And at some point yesterday, Trump criticized Hillary for (apparently) going to Adele's concert in Miami the other night (where Adele apparently "endorsed" her although Adele can't vote here since she's from the UK). 

So it's OK for Trump to take time from campaigning to open his new hotel, but it's not OK for Hillary to take a couple of hours off to go to a concert, if she could get tickets to it? Hypocritical, much?

Edited by BW Manilowe
To add some stuff.
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4 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

(Melania said, as FLOTUS, she's going to do something having to do with teaching people how to use social media "correctly"... I think she thinks she means trying to cut down on bullying on those sites).

That's a rich statement coming from someone, who after having been the subject of a not-all-that-fawning GQ magazine profile, more or less endorsed the antisemitic hatred launched against the author, dismissing it with a, well, she "provoked" it

Seriously, fuck this whole family straight to back to hell. 

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I heard that in the latest round of wikileaks emails there is one that discussed the amount Bill Clinton is paid for giving speeches and how many of the companies that paid him to give a speech also gave money to the Clinton Foundation. Perhaps one of you can help me, because I don't understand how this is supposed to make Hillary look bad.  I get that you don't want to highlight how much money the Clintons get for giving a speech (because Hillary's opponent is a "man of the people,"  a "regular guy" who takes out time from campaigning for a ribbon cutting ceremony on his very expensive hotel).  

However, the reporter was implying that the problem was that the same people that paid Bill to give a speech also gave money to the Clinton Foundation and I don't see how that is a bad thing.  To me, the most likely scenario is, for example, someone came to Bill asking him to give a speech and offered him $500k, and he said, "Pay me $300k and give the rest to the Foundation."

Even if it was "If you want me to give a speech, pay me my regular fee and donate more to the Foundation," it doesn't seem bad.  "Donate to the Foundation and you will get a special meeting with the Sec. of State" would be bad - although, frankly, I don't think it is nearly s bad as other forms of "pay to play".  But "Donate to the Foundation and I will let you pay me to give a speech" is fine.  

What am I missing? What is the other option? That someone said, "Hey, I want to give $500k to the Foundation" and Bill said, "Instead of donating $500k, only donate $200k and pay me $300 to give a speech." That would be bad, but it is so ridiculous a notion that it isn't even a possibility

Edited by needschocolate
even though everyone seems pretty tolerant of my typos, I shouldn't have one in the first 5 words of my post.
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58 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

Trump, Melania, & his adult spawn were interviewed on GMA this morning, by George Stephanopolous. Trump said that the media poisons the mind of the voter (Melania said, as FLOTUS, she's going to do something having to do with teaching people how to use social media "correctly"... I think she thinks she means trying to cut down on bullying on those sites).


Trump & family were interviewed at the opening of his new hotel in DC. And at some point yesterday, Trump criticized Hillary for (apparently) going to Adele's concert in Miami the other night (where Adele apparently "endorsed" her although Adele can't vote here since she's from the UK). 

So it's OK for Trump to take time from campaigning to open his new hotel, but it's not OK for Hillary to take a couple of hours off to go to a concert, if she could get tickets to it? Hypocritical, much?

You know what slays me?  It's as if everyone is studiously ignoring the lawsuits/trials that the nectarine nightmare will be busy with after the election is over.  Poor Melania.  I would strongly suggest that your first mission should be teaching people how not to put up fake personal profiles and resumes on line, only to have them taken down when the fraud is discovered.  But, I'm not one to gossip so you didn't hear it from me.  You might also try raising your son so that he doesn't grow up to be an asshole like his father.  Or, is it too late for that?

That whole family is simply vile.  And, poor Tiffany.  I have no doubt that once this election season is over, she will have to slink off into the background where she always was.

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I don't think he cared one way or another about wind turbines until someone wanted to put a bunch up and ruin the view at the Scottish golf course he fought so hard to complete. 

It was such a fight a documentary titled You've Been Trumped was filmed and released much to Donald's consternation. Hopefully that documentary's maker will follow through on his You've Been Trumped Too.

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When Tiffany said she wanted to be a part of the Trump business and wanted to go to law school I watched the rest of them. Rat-faced Eric gave a look like "oh no". I don't think the older kids want to share with Marla's kid.

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19 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

My local PBS channel aired Judgment at Nuremberg this past weekend.  I think about people like that Black family in North Carolina and so many other voters who willfully choose to ignore the danger that Drumpf and his racist band of not-so-merry band of Klansmen.

Part of the postmortem for this election season has to include a thorough examination of how easily it was for so many people--people who should know better--to be seduced by a demagogue. 

I wish there is some way people could see the Holocaust museum in DC .  When you start at the beginning of the rise of power, Holy shit I spent over an hour on that portion.

That Keith Olbermann piece still sticks with me: "you know this man, you have always known this man"

People like him cause "he tells it like it is" No he doesn't ! He doesn't speak for me. I don't think or speak that way. and IT isn't like THAT.

They say Hillary is corrupt and things will be worse or the same with her. I'll take more of the same please. If that means what could happen would be utter chaos and setbacks . 

Edited by callmebetty
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1 hour ago, rcc said:

When Tiffany said she wanted to be a part of the Trump business and wanted to go to law school I watched the rest of them. Rat-faced Eric gave a look like "oh no". I don't think the older kids want to share with Marla's kid.

Doesn't surprise me as the whole Trump "movement" seems to be averse to sharing anything.

1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

You know what slays me?  It's as if everyone is studiously ignoring the lawsuits/trials that the nectarine nightmare will be busy with after the election is over.  Poor Melania.  I would strongly suggest that your first mission should be teaching people how not to put up fake personal profiles and resumes on line, only to have them taken down when the fraud is discovered.  But, I'm not one to gossip so you didn't hear it from me.  You might also try raising your son so that he doesn't grow up to be an asshole like his father.  Or, is it too late for that?

That whole family is simply vile.  And, poor Tiffany.  I have no doubt that once this election season is over, she will have to slink off into the background where she always was.

Maybe someone knows, I've heard him threaten to sue people after the election, but has he qualified it as to whether he wins or loses the election?

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2 hours ago, needschocolate said:

I heard that in the latest round of wikileaks emails there is one that discussed the amount Bill Clinton is paid for giving speeches and how many of the companies that paid him to give a speech also gave money to the Clinton Foundation. Perhaps one of you can help me, because I don't understand how this is supposed to make Hillary look bad.  I get that you don't want to highlight how much money the Clintons get for giving a speech (because Hillary's opponent is a "man of the people,"  a "regular guy" who takes out time from campaigning for a ribbon cutting ceremony on his very expensive hotel).  

However, the reporter was implying that the problem was that the same people that paid Bill to give a speech also gave money to the Clinton Foundation and I don't see how that is a bad thing.  To me, the most likely scenario is, for example, someone came to Bill asking him to give a speech and offered him $500k, and he said, "Pay me $300k and give the rest to the Foundation."

Even if it was "If you want me to give a speech, pay me my regular fee and donate more to the Foundation," it doesn't seem bad.  "Donate to the Foundation and you will get a special meeting with the Sec. of State" would be bad - although, frankly, I don't think it is nearly s bad as other forms of "pay to play".  But "Donate to the Foundation and I will let you pay me to give a speech" is fine.  

What am I missing? What is the other option? That someone said, "Hey, I want to give $500k to the Foundation" and Bill said, "Instead of donating $500k, only donate $200k and pay me $300 to give a speech." That would be bad, but it is so ridiculous a notion that it isn't even a possibility

I wish someone would do a non-partisan Explain It Like I'm Five rundown of the Wikileaks emails. There was a similar one about the Moroccan king that was framed as "pay to play", because Hillary was supposed to make an appearance at some event in return for the donation. She was a private citizen though at the time, no longer Sec of State. So... what's the big deal?
I'm also confused on the charge of the DNC directing the media on what/who to cover. I don't see how that actually happens.

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25 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

I wish someone would do a non-partisan Explain It Like I'm Five rundown of the Wikileaks emails. There was a similar one about the Moroccan king that was framed as "pay to play", because Hillary was supposed to make an appearance at some event in return for the donation. She was a private citizen though at the time, no longer Sec of State. So... what's the big deal?
I'm also confused on the charge of the DNC directing the media on what/who to cover. I don't see how that actually happens.

Since when is giving up your time in order to raise money for a charity that is rated very highly a bad thing?

1 hour ago, callmebetty said:

People like him cause "he tells it like it is" No he doesn't ! He doesn't speak for me. I don't think or speak that way. and IT isn't like THAT.

Plus, he doesn't tell it like it is -  he either tells it like he thinks it is, or he tells it like he wants everyone to think it is, or he tells it like he thinks someone else wants to hear it is.  Fact checking and all the claims of pandering prove it.  

2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

You know what slays me?  It's as if everyone is studiously ignoring the lawsuits/trials that the nectarine nightmare will be busy with after the election is over.  

Can we all stop disparaging pumpkins, nectarines, cheetos, etc.  It is not the fault of these items that Trump choses to fake tan himself so bigly.  What's next, calling him the "persimmon predator"? ...Although... one variety of persimmon is the Fuyu, which seems somewhat appropriate.

Just kidding - I wish I would have started a list of all the clever names 30 pages ago.

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18 minutes ago, roughing it said:

This is a thought I've been having for a long time - Donald can't/won't release his 2015 tax return because he's being audited.  Ok.  Then how about his 2014 or 2013 or 2012 or ......  ????? 

Good question. Plus, the IRS says he can release 'em all. 

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3 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

Trump, Melania, & his adult spawn were interviewed on GMA this morning, by George Stephanopolous. Trump said that the media poisons the mind of the voter (Melania said, as FLOTUS, she's going to do something having to do with teaching people how to use social media "correctly"... I think she thinks she means trying to cut down on bullying on those sites).


Trump & family were interviewed at the opening of his new hotel in DC. And at some point yesterday, Trump criticized Hillary for (apparently) going to Adele's concert in Miami the other night (where Adele apparently "endorsed" her although Adele can't vote here since she's from the UK). 

So it's OK for Trump to take time from campaigning to open his new hotel, but it's not OK for Hillary to take a couple of hours off to go to a concert, if she could get tickets to it? Hypocritical, much?

And I'm sure the concert was a birthday celebration for her.  It's not like she canceled some major appearance at the last minute to do it or dropped out of a debate.  She simply took an evening off and went to a concert for her birthday.  

2 hours ago, rcc said:

When Tiffany said she wanted to be a part of the Trump business and wanted to go to law school I watched the rest of them. Rat-faced Eric gave a look like "oh no". I don't think the older kids want to share with Marla's kid.

I definitely get the impression that the older kids see his business as their own little kingdom.  

53 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

I wish someone would do a non-partisan Explain It Like I'm Five rundown of the Wikileaks emails. There was a similar one about the Moroccan king that was framed as "pay to play", because Hillary was supposed to make an appearance at some event in return for the donation. She was a private citizen though at the time, no longer Sec of State. So... what's the big deal?
I'm also confused on the charge of the DNC directing the media on what/who to cover. I don't see how that actually happens.

This is another thing I blame the media for.  The whole "pay to play" discussion is framed by the Trump camp, Hannity, Breitbart, etc, and it just gets repeated over and over.  The media should be disclosing further, pertinent information, like that the donation came when she was a private citizen.  They should be thoroughly discussing how the people who tried to pay to play with the foundation to get access or favors generally got blown off by her people.  One of the other talking points that keeps being brought up is that "she accepted millions from countries who treat women and the LGBT community horribly."  The follow up is never discussed though - that the foundation accepts that money, and then it turns around and does good with that money - sometimes for the very communities that are mistreated in those countries.  The way the narrative is framed on that one, it's often made to sound like she accepts that money for her campaign for POTUS.  When, in reality, the only one trying to get their hands on foreign money for their campaign is Trump, with his repeated emails to members of government in various foreign countries (yet another crime he's committed without being called to the carpet for it).  The media needs to stop letting his camp set the tone for every single topic, because it's contributing to all the BS we keep hearing about Hillary.  

31 minutes ago, roughing it said:

This is a thought I've been having for a long time - Donald can't/won't release his 2015 tax return because he's being audited.  Ok.  Then how about his 2014 or 2013 or 2012 or ......  ????? 

The media should be relentless on this.  Say "OK, well, audits can go back 7 years.  So, we will happily take your 2008, 2007, and 2006 returns.  And a statement of audit for 2009 to the present."  Hold his tiny little orange feet to the fire and make it clear that he is refusing to release them not because of an audit, but because, despite his many claims of "transparency," he's not remotely willing to be transparent.  Even the most dogged of the media generally let him get away with deflecting and changing the subject.  They need to stop that.  Keep asking the question and correcting his inaccuracies.  


Just kidding - I wish I would have started a list of all the clever names 30 pages ago.

My personal favorite, discovered a few weeks ago, is Cheetos Mussolini.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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30 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

 One of the other talking points that keeps being brought up is that "she accepted millions from countries who treat women and the LGBT community horribly."  The follow up is never discussed though - that the foundation accepts that money, and then it turns around and does good with that money - sometimes for the very communities that are mistreated in those countries.  The way the narrative is framed on that one, it's often made to sound like she accepts that money for her campaign for POTUS.  When, in reality, the only one trying to get their hands on foreign money for their campaign is Trump, with his repeated emails to members of government in various foreign countries (yet another crime he's committed without being called to the carpet for it).  The media needs to stop letting his camp set the tone for every single topic, because it's contributing to all the BS we keep hearing about Hillary.  

RIGHT!  Countries who treat women and LGBT communities horribly?  You mean like the USA did not so very long ago?  Was the Clinton foundation supposed to NOT accept donations to charity without a thorough investigation of the policies of the country donating?   THese were not campaign donations - they were to a charity foundation that saved lives.  

It's like the thing a certain family member keeps posting on facebook that Hillary says she champions women's rights, but she once defended a rapist.  Yeah, public defenders defend people accused of crimes, and make sure they get a fair trial.   that's the job.

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2 hours ago, rcc said:

When Tiffany said she wanted to be a part of the Trump business and wanted to go to law school I watched the rest of them. Rat-faced Eric gave a look like "oh no". I don't think the older kids want to share with Marla's kid.

Sorry, Boo-Boo...that ain't happening!  Not only do Ivana's kids not want to share the wealth with you, but I have no doubt that your sperm donor is on the same page with them.  He's a narcissist, and you're only as useful to him as you're needed.  

2 hours ago, callmebetty said:

I wish there is some way people could see the Holocaust museum in DC .  When you start at the beginning of the rise of power, Holy shit I spent over an hour on that portion.

That Keith Olbermann piece still sticks with me: "you know this man, you have always known this man"

People like him cause "he tells it like it is" No he doesn't ! He doesn't speak for me. I don't think or speak that way. and IT isn't like THAT.

I went there a few years ago when I had a day off.  It was a beautiful fall day when I went inside.  By the time I came outside with the ID card of an actual Holocaust victim, I was numb.  I could barely breathe.  I remember leadenly walking to the subway and going home.  Once inside, I couldn't stop crying.  I must have carried that ID card around with me for weeks.

I was thinking about Keith Olbermann's epic rant when I saw this New York Times article this morning about Drumpf voters vowing an armed insurrection if they don't get what they want:  Some Trump Voters Warn of Revolution if Hillary Wins

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4 minutes ago, backformore said:

It's like the thing a certain family member keeps posting on facebook that Hillary says she champions women's rights, but she once defended a rapist.  Yeah, public defenders defend people accused of crimes, and make sure they get a fair trial.   that's the job.

They've pulled that with Kaine some, too.  The GOP's Twitter account, around a month ago, posted something about how "Tim Kaine started his career by defending some of the most despicable criminals of his time."  I re-tweeted it with the comment "there's the GOP, showing how much they love the Constitution again."  

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20 hours ago, abstractstuff said:


Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me if abortions are -still- being done or attempted with coat hangers, falls down stairs, poisonous drinks, etc.  Because of the Republican-run states that have done everything legally possible to restrict a woman's right to choose.  Here's a map of Texas and how the legislature put such harsh restrictions on clinics and doctors that many were forced to close.  Fortunately, in June, the current SC overturned the worst of the Texas bills (that would have left only 10 clinics in the whole state).  But it shows how vulnerable everyone would be if Trump's SC judge gets appointed to shift the balance. (plus the next president might appoint as many as four judges. Imagine. 

I wish men had to get abortions.  They' apparently have no idea how hard it is--especially for a teenage single poor woman to find a clinic, get examined in a timely way, travel back in time to still, hopefully, be aborting an embryo (mostly not the case, because of how they make the timetable so difficult) and--even to afford it, plus find the support to take her there, help her afterwards with recovery.  Making it seem like a criminal act makes it all the more difficult to tell people and get information and help. So disgraceful.  (And I wish Hillary had called Donald on his "9th month we RIP the baby from the womb!" b.s. Honestly, he doesn't know what he's talking about on so many subjects and its an abject failure of journalism that he's gotten this far without being exposed for it.)     


Edited by Padma
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28 minutes ago, backformore said:

It's like the thing a certain family member keeps posting on facebook that Hillary says she champions women's rights, but she once defended a rapist.  Yeah, public defenders defend people accused of crimes, and make sure they get a fair trial.   that's the job.

At least she isn't a rapist, unlike that orange piece of shit. That really makes his supporters hypocritical though (no surprise there, however) - they defend his actions, including his remarks and actions/sexual assaults against women, so aren't they, in effect, defending a rapist?

Edited by Rapunzel
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I've been answering the "defended a rapist" either with the Snopes link, if they use that meme full of lies (that she laughed, etc), but if they just say she defended a rapist, I say, "That was her job. Even Donald Trump deserves a defense attorney in his CURRENT ONGOING rape trial."

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As for the Clinton Foundation accepting money from countries that treat women and gays horribly, well, Trump does BUSINESS with a lot of those cuontries.  And his running mate has a lot of support for policies that oppress gays and women--as does their PARTY.  Trump's j"ideal judge" --Scalia-- would roll back women's rights and gay rights and probably various civil rights as well as libel laws and freedom of speech and press restrictions--while weakening gun laws--to bring us closer and closer to those countries Trump apparently is so criticial of.

And, frankly, when he talks about "My generals" and ends his rallies with "We will be one people, with one God, under one flag!" all I ever think about is "ein volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer"--and I'm sure if he would get away with it, he'd say exactly that!

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3 hours ago, rcc said:

When Tiffany said she wanted to be a part of the Trump business and wanted to go to law school I watched the rest of them. Rat-faced Eric gave a look like "oh no". I don't think the older kids want to share with Marla's kid.

Not only do they probably want not to share with Marla's kid, I'm guessing they don't want to share with Melania's spawn either. But he's only 10 so he's not an immediate "threat" to either getting a job at the Trump Organization or getting his share of dear ol' dad's money once he kicks the bucket. Let's face it, the more spawn Trump produces, the smaller the eldest 3's inheritances(?) get. Which I'm sure they're not happy about.

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6 minutes ago, Padma said:

Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me if abortions are -still- being done or attempted with coat hangers, falls down stairs, poisonous drinks, etc.  Because of the Republican-run states that have done everything legally possible to restrict a woman's right to choose.  Here's a map of Texas and how the legislature put such harsh restrictions on clinics and doctors that many were forced to close.  Fortunately, in June, the current SC overturned the worst of the Texas bills (that would have left only 10 clinics in the whole state).  But it shows how vulnerable everyone would be if Trump's SC judge gets appointed to shift the balance. (plus the next president might appoint as many as four judges. Imagine. 

I wish men had to get abortions.  They' apparently have no idea how hard it is--especially for a teenage single poor woman to find a clinic, get examined in a timely way, travel back in time to still, hopefully, be aborting an embryo (mostly not the case, because of how they make the timetable so difficult) and--even to afford it, plus find the support to take her there, help her afterwards with recovery.  Making it seem like a criminal act makes it all the more difficult to tell people and get information and help. So disgraceful.  (And I wish Hillary had called Donald on his "9th month we RIP the baby from the womb!" b.s. Honestly, he doesn't know what he's talking about on so many subjects and its an abject failure of journalism that he's gotten this far without being exposed for it.)     



Very true and good point. My grandmother's best friend died from a back room abortion back in the 30's. Absolutely no doubt they are still being done.  If men had to get abortions, they would get a car service to and from, a week in the hospital, and paid leave from work.

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Trump's supporters give him the presumption of innocence on everything (including not making him accountable for anything he actually SAYS).  Others are guilty as charged (if Democrats, or, of course, minorities).

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1 minute ago, Kitty Redstone said:

This is my new favorite name for Donald.


Mine is "Screaming Yam" or "Ferret-Wearing Shitgibbon." Neither of which is mine. 

Edited by Darian
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They've arrested the guy who destroyed Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star. He's been charged with suspicion of felony vandalism. He hasn't been named yet, at least not at the time the linked article was posted, but apparently will be once he's been booked.


Edited by BW Manilowe
Because it's a WALK of Fame, NOT a Wall...Duh!
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19 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Is anyone else still having problems when posting or getting error messages when liking posts?

I am. And though I've posted in the technical issues thread the Mods directed me to, none of the issues seem to be getting resolved anyway. I've had issues posting in general for at least 2 weeks (many posts just not going through and getting lost) and it hasn't been fixed and now it seems there are just more issues coming up, like the issue with "liking" a post.

Anyway, I like the "Cheetos Mussolini" thing as well. If that man ever gets elected, we will be the laughing stock of the entire world and it will be unfortunate. Even if his Presidency is short lived, assuming they find a way to oust him (and quickly), he can still manage to do a considerable amount of damage in a very short period of time. Given his hypersensitivity to criticism and his bizarre, manic Twitter rants, who wants him to decide at 2am that someone, somewhere in the world has slighted him or pissed him off in some way, go on Twitter and rant about how he's going to "punch them in the face," have them hauled off to jail and then ultimately deciding to launch a nuke at someone? This is who people think should be President?

Edited by Rapunzel
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I don't understand why people keep bringing up Cheetos Mussolini's "businessman" label as a reason to vote for him.  He's a terrible businessman, and anyone with a computer could find this out in minutes.

Earlier I saw a brief clip of the Trump family on GMA, and the kid with the weird head was yammering on about "their brand."  Papa Cheetos said he wasn't worried about their gaudy brand but rather was worried about the country.  Right.  I'm sure the whole exchange wasn't scripted AT ALL to make the head cheese look less maniacal ... all while throwing lightbulb head under the bus. 

Thank you, Rapunzel.

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I am enjoying  thinking about what might happen to the Trump "brand"  after this election.  It's deteriorating over time anyway, at least in some places.   In Chicago, there was outrage when he put up a building with 20-foot tall letters spelling out his name, because it ruined the skyline, looked out of place with all the other buildings.  Which was exactly what he wanted - for his name and building to stand out.   Now, I'm reading stories that Trump hotels are being called by another name to get bookings, people are boycotting Ivanka's fashion line at Macy's.  Trump's menswear line  was being panned and ridiculed a few years ago, because so much of it carries the "made in China"  label.   I want the "Trump" label  on goods to be seen as ostentatious fake crap that is always on the 70% off clearance rack. 

What I want?  is for him to be poor.  .  I want nobody but his family to tune in to "Trump TV", for NBC to give him the brush-off when he wants a new reality show, for all former business associates to stop returning  his calls, the GOP to say they never liked him.   His only friends will be Rudy G, Chris Christie, and newt Gingrich. 

I want the woman who's suing him for rape to win a huge settlement, and 42 more women come forward with accusations that he's a creepy pervert who rapes women.  I want more tapes to be released, of him saying creepy disgusting stuff.   I won't be satisfied until he is publicly humiliated. 

I want him to be  So poor he can't afford health care, or good shoes.   I want him to live in a broken down apartment in a building that he used to own, but was taken over by a landlord who won't fix the leaky plumbing or the cracked windows.  (Oh yeah, the landlord is African-American)

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27 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

go on Twitter and rant about how he's going to "punch them in the face," have them hauled off to jail and then ultimately deciding to launch a nuke at someone? This is who people think should be President?

Sounds a lot like the guy in The Philippines. 

11 minutes ago, backformore said:

  In Chicago, there was outrage when he put up a building with 20-foot tall letters spelling out his name, because it ruined the skyline, looked out of place with all the other buildings. 

And if you were standing on the "L" platform on Wabash, the letters really stuck out like a sore thumb. 

I hope several lawyers step forward to defend the Hollywood Blvd vandal.

On the nicknames, for me, it's a tossup between Scumbag Billionaire (Trevor Noah), and Berlusconi Knock-off (Samantha Bee)

Edited by atomationage
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Standing ovation, backformore!  What I most want is for him to be laughed at and dismissed as the clown that he is, because that is what he fears the most. 

He may be able to shape the narrative right now, in this moment, but history takes the long view.  The future will not be kind to Mr. Cheetos Mussolini and there isn't a single fucking thing he can do about it.

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5 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

Trump & family were interviewed at the opening of his new hotel in DC. And at some point yesterday, Trump criticized Hillary for (apparently) going to Adele's concert in Miami the other night (where Adele apparently "endorsed" her although Adele can't vote here since she's from the UK). 

So it's OK for Trump to take time from campaigning to open his new hotel, but it's not OK for Hillary to take a couple of hours off to go to a concert, if she could get tickets to it? Hypocritical, much?


He'll say he doesn't care about Adele's endorsement - she's no more than a 6 at best.

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On 10/26/2016 at 10:17 AM, Jaded said:

His two faces say different things at the same time. I've seen clips of him saying that line about his employees having trouble with Obamacare and others where he says he provides coverage or them.

I doubt he has ever spoken to any employee.

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It's scary how ill-equipped Trump's supporters are to lose. Since they don't trust any media that disagrees with Trump (i.e. most of it, even polls on Fox News), it's hard to know how they will be prepared, especially if Hillary gets a landslide (please, please, please!)

Washington Post's conservative blogger Jennifer Rubin doesn't like Trump. I appreciated her calling out some of the angry pals he surrounds himself with (she leaves out General Hayden and Steve Bannon though. Both fit the mold nicely): http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/commentary/ct-trump-newt-gingrich-megyn-kelly-sex-20161026-story.html   I hope more revelations come out next week--closer to the election, so people can remember them and the media will cover them (for another day or two).

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I don't understand why people keep bringing up Cheetos Mussolini's "businessman" label as a reason to vote for him.  He's a terrible businessman, and anyone with a computer could find this out in minutes.

Even if he was a successful businessman, it wouldn't be a reason to vote him in as president; governments are not supposed to be run like businesses, and in fact doing so is a pretty sure path to bad news. 

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6 hours ago, BW Manilowe said:

Trump, Melania, & his adult spawn were interviewed on GMA this morning, by George Stephanopolous. Trump said that the media poisons the mind of the voter (Melania said, as FLOTUS, she's going to do something having to do with teaching people how to use social media "correctly"... I think she thinks she means trying to cut down on bullying on those sites).


Trump & family were interviewed at the opening of his new hotel in DC. And at some point yesterday, Trump criticized Hillary for (apparently) going to Adele's concert in Miami the other night (where Adele apparently "endorsed" her although Adele can't vote here since she's from the UK). 

So it's OK for Trump to take time from campaigning to open his new hotel, but it's not OK for Hillary to take a couple of hours off to go to a concert, if she could get tickets to it? Hypocritical, much?

Hypocrisy is his middle name.

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45 minutes ago, backformore said:

I am enjoying  thinking about what might happen to the Trump "brand"  after this election.  It's deteriorating over time anyway, at least in some places.   In Chicago, there was outrage when he put up a building with 20-foot tall letters spelling out his name, because it ruined the skyline, looked out of place with all the other buildings.  Which was exactly what he wanted - for his name and building to stand out.   Now, I'm reading stories that Trump hotels are being called by another name to get bookings, people are boycotting Ivanka's fashion line at Macy's.  Trump's menswear line  was being panned and ridiculed a few years ago, because so much of it carries the "made in China"  label.   I want the "Trump" label  on goods to be seen as ostentatious fake crap that is always on the 70% off clearance rack. 

What I want?  is for him to be poor.  .  I want nobody but his family to tune in to "Trump TV", for NBC to give him the brush-off when he wants a new reality show, for all former business associates to stop returning  his calls, the GOP to say they never liked him.   His only friends will be Rudy G, Chris Christie, and newt Gingrich. 

I want the woman who's suing him for rape to win a huge settlement, and 42 more women come forward with accusations that he's a creepy pervert who rapes women.  I want more tapes to be released, of him saying creepy disgusting stuff.   I won't be satisfied until he is publicly humiliated. 

I want him to be  So poor he can't afford health care, or good shoes.   I want him to live in a broken down apartment in a building that he used to own, but was taken over by a landlord who won't fix the leaky plumbing or the cracked windows.  (Oh yeah, the landlord is African-American)

Excellent! Oh, if only!!!!  And I wish that (now that he actually has to pay for things and, for a change , TIP), everywhere he goes, people look at his hands and say, "OMG! Why are they so little? You know what they say about men with small hands!" And then they laugh.

Because he's a horrible person and deserves everything you describe and more.   Unfortunately, most people are so much better than him that his AA landlord (who Trump cheated out of $35k at Trump U) and the woman at the local Denny's whose ***** he once grabbed and whose breakfast he now can't afford, and the plumber who's there to fix his sink that Trump once cheated out of $100,000 after he fulfilled his contract at the Taj Mahal Atlantic City--are probably All. Too. Kind.!!!!!  Even if he lost everything and were completely down on his luck, he'd probably NEVER have it as bad as I wish because people are just too nice and forgiving!   Darn.  But it's nice to dream!

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15 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Even if he was a successful businessman, it wouldn't be a reason to vote him in as president; governments are not supposed to be run like businesses, and in fact doing so is a pretty sure path to bad news. 

I agree.  It's too bad people who give this response are never pressed on what it would actually mean and what it would do. 

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2 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

After hearing Michelle Obama speak in N. Carolina at Hillary Clinton's rally, I have only one thing to say to the Republican (Tea Party).............

tea party.jpg

Oh my god!  I love that so much!    please re-post it I the political humor thread!  

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I didn't watch the GMA interview, but based on the comments I've read here, what Melania said about social media, sounds verbatim what she said to Anderson Cooper(?) when she was defending Drumpf's ass after the Access Hollywood tape was released.

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