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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Can you even imagine him and Melania laughing and interacting with the kids at those events?  It's impossible to picture it.  

Ha! That would we require Melania to leave Trump Tower and physically be there. No, it will be Ivanka who will do that stuff . 

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Wonder if Ladbroke's has odds for a total Trump meltdown. Last night's twitter stream is freaky.

I say keep poking the bear. 

This NYTimes article offers more examples of Trump's horrible behavior during the building of that golf course in Scotland. Scum.

NBC Nightly News just did a piece on his "complicated" relationship with Turkey. Complete with video of Turks-on-the-'vator. Stupid elevator. Big effing deal.

Wish I could remember which late night comedian joked that the last time he saw an elevator like that he was at the mall waiting for his friend who was getting an Orange Julius. Though the comic told it much better.

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53 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

You guys, I think Trump is right. I think millions of people did vote illegally. New information has just come to light.


You're kidding, right?  Fake news on InfoWars is not a source--although definitely a possibility of where Trump got it (or planted it in the first place).

Here's a genuine fact-check of Tubby's bogus claim:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/11/27/trumps-bogus-claim-that-millions-of-people-voted-illegally-for-hillary-clinton/?hpid=hp_hp-top-table-main_factchecker-trump-658pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory

Edited by Padma
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Poppy Harlowe is on CNN and was droning on but brightened and perked up announcing, Oh! Look what's coming in! Trump landing from Florida! Cue live-cam of Tubby's vast entourage.

I think Melania is staying in NYC as a way to force taxpayer paid US Security forces to secure three rather than the usually allotted two residences. Grifter and Con.

Edited by NewDigs
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I think Melania is staying in NYC as a way to force taxpayer paid US Security forces to secure three rather than the usually allotted two residences. Grifter and Con

Yep, they'll make 3 mil a year.

He's back at it. 


Edited by windsprints
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12 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Yep, they'll make 3 mil a year.

He's back at it. 


Where is he getting this from? I live in CA and haven't heard a bloody word about voter fraud - at least not done by the Dems. There was some of the usual suppression bullshit attempted by Trumpsters. Thankfully, in CA you can be a permanent mail voter, which most people I know are, so less people have to worry about being intimidated at the polls.

Edited by Rapunzel
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3 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

@Duke Silver I agree. Obama is a chess player and he's already looked 3 moves ahead for multiple scenarios.

I said it before and I'll say it again: just because we don't see what the current administration is doing doesn't mean they aren't doing anything. 

And that's how I sleep at night.


Ladies and Gentlemen, our President Elect: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jamieross/donald-trumps-fabulous-world-of-golf?utm_term=.ft5JYbZAW#.ltaWZ3lbw

I knew President Obama is the person who I would want as my Bridge or spades partner when he gave the order to take out bin Laden on the same night he publicly dragged Drumpf's ass.

Yes, he can be frustrating at times but I don't need my president to go all Samuel L. Jackson on a motherfucker either.

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3 hours ago, fishcakes said:

You guys, I think Trump is right. I think millions of people did vote illegally. New information has just come to light.


 I clicked on the link and Alex Jones, a infamous right-wing conspiracy generator, is one of the sources.  The Republicans scream illegal voter fraud to hide the fact that they are actually suppressing voter turn out in a number of states where their party rules.  My sister went to live in North Carolina a few years ago to teach.  When she went to register as a Democrat - she was told she couldn't register for some bs reason.  She hated NC at left at the end of the school year.

Edited - Fishcakes was only kidding about the post I quoted of his.  Sorry about that.

Edited by Macbeth
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Where is he getting this from?

His ass?  The more he tweets the more he gives more ammunition to the idea that the election results had integrity and needing to be audited.  Or, something is about to hit the fan and he's trying to steer the conversation again.

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Jesus, that clown can't even be a gracious winner! He should just be happy that Putin, Wikileaks, Comey, and the voter suppression plan came through for him. This is the most god-awful election and result ever ("in the history of the world", to quote Trump). I'm having a hard time imagining the next four years with this buffoon being in the White House with his sleazy sons, his "nice piece of ass" daughter, and his bought and paid for wife.

I'm concerned about a dinner I have with friends next week because one of the ladies is a big Trump fan. I've decided that, if she brings it up, I'm going to ask that she hold off until I get a server to box up my dinner and leave because she doesn't want to hear what I have to say. I'm sure that will shut her up.

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Sorry Kurt, hate to say it, but you're screaming into a void.  My girlfriend just showed me a Facebook post w/ at least 5 dozen responses about this.  To a person, each Trump supporter is believing Trump's claims of massive fraud.  What fucking world are we living in???  I just can't fathom this.  How in the world can so many people be so deluded???



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1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

Wish I could remember which late night comedian joked that the last time he saw an elevator like that he was at the mall waiting for his friend who was getting an Orange Julius. Though the comic told it much better.

I believe you're remembering Jon Stewart describing Trump's original announcement he was running for president. He came down an escalator at a mall and JS compared to the entrance to being at the mall waiting for your friend at Orange Julius.

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40 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

Sorry Kurt, hate to say it, but you're screaming into a void.  My girlfriend just showed me a Facebook post w/ at least 5 dozen responses about this.  To a person, each Trump supporter is believing Trump's claims of massive fraud.  What fucking world are we living in???  I just can't fathom this.  How in the world can so many people be so deluded???



Because we live in a country that has made opinions carry the same weight as facts. Actual facts no longer matter. All that matters is how you feel about the situation and how many other people also feel that way. It's all the Republican's part of the dumbing down of America. Cutting the sciences has created a generation of unintentionally ignorant, uneducated adults. People have not developed critical thinking skills, they haven't been given basics in science.

Edited by theredhead77
removing a random letter.
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^^^ I'd buy that maybe if Trump's supporters didn't skew older than millenials.  I don't think lack of sciences education explains this.

EDIT:  wow, this was horribly worded by me (I was trying to type that out while also talking on the phone; guess I fail at multi-tasking tonight)

Edited by Duke Silver
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8 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

I'm concerned about a dinner I have with friends next week because one of the ladies is a big Trump fan. I've decided that, if she brings it up, I'm going to ask that she hold off until I get a server to box up my dinner and leave because she doesn't want to hear what I have to say. I'm sure that will shut her up.

Or you could go with the truth:

  • If Trump is so concerned about Anerican manufacturing, why are his products and his daughter's products made in China and Africa? Why doesn't he move those things back to the US to jump start American manufacturing jobs?
  • If family values mean anything to her, how does she justify her support of a thrice-married adulterer? 
  • If support of veterans is important to her, how does she justify supporting a man who avoided serving his country during Vietnam, who insulted a Gold Star family, who belittled a prisoner of war?

That's what I plan to do if forced into a political discussion, but I won't institute one. I'm not going to hold back my contempt for Trump and the people who inflicted him on our country. 

I had a disagreement with a friend of mine the other day, first because he didn't even bother to vote, but then because he expressed the thought that with Trump as president, at least the world won't take advantage of the US anymore, to which I had to say Trump's election has made us a laughingstock. But the kicker is that he's gay and now he's afraid of how bad it's going to get for gay people, which got me even more annoyed. 

I'm no longer willing to suffer fools gladly.

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29 minutes ago, SmithW6079 said:

I had a disagreement with a friend of mine the other day, first because he didn't even bother to vote, but then because he expressed the thought that with Trump as president, at least the world won't take advantage of the US anymore, to which I had to say Trump's election has made us a laughingstock.

And yet the exact opposite is true. Trump's made it clear just how easy it is to take advantage of the US now. He's defending the honor of a foreign power against US intelligence, literally throwing our intelligence agencies under the bus because it's better for him personally to side with the other country's dictator's manipulations. He knows and cares so little about anything he'd believe anything somebody told him.

I grew up during the Cold War and I have to say...there was at least a certain dignity to the whole spy vs spy aspect then. There's no dignity in having a patsy for a leader and a whole pack of more American patsies easily manipulated by their own ignorance and bigotry. Philip and Elizabeth Jennings would feel demeaned by Trump!

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40 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

He's going to try to delegitimize everything that challenges him. Everything. The media, the popular vote loss. I can't believe people can't see where this is going. 

And at the bottom of that vast pit of disgusting tricks there is a tiny kernel of truth. Butbutbut ...

Very Rovein.

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10 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

***Sincere question:  Has anyone encountered any Trump supporter who is openly displaying regret for supporting him?  any Trump supporter who is calling him out for his b.s. since election day?

Not that I've seen, but I've pretty much refused to discuss politics in real life unless it's with like-minded people.  

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23 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

***Sincere question:  Has anyone encountered any Trump supporter who is openly displaying regret for supporting him?  any Trump supporter who is calling him out for his b.s. since election day?

I have an online friend who was a 'hold her nose and vote for Trump voter". She came to regret it pretty quick.

Edited by theredhead77
Sentence structure
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18 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

***Sincere question:  Has anyone encountered any Trump supporter who is openly displaying regret for supporting him?  any Trump supporter who is calling him out for his b.s. since election day?

No. I expect they are making the same excuses they did during the campaign whenever he changed his mind. They also probably say the news reports are all lies. Waiting to hear any responses to the reports that he wants to eliminate personal and head of household exemptions from tax returns. What effect do you think that will have on his supporters tax returns.

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2 hours ago, Padma said:

You're kidding, right?


1 hour ago, Macbeth said:

 No Fishcakes - I clicked on the link and Alex Jones, a infamous right-wing conspiracy generator, is one of the sources. 


Yes, I am kidding. I thought that was obvious since that tweet I linked to talks about what dead people heard Obama say.

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Putin is licking his lips, watching American democracy implode at the hands of conspiracy theories & fake news.  The U.S. won't have the will to stand up to Russian expansionism.  Merkel is on her own.  Meanwhile, we're at the mercy of a madman, counseled by sniveling enablers.  Will anyone (national politician or a media outlet, for example) make a stand?

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3 hours ago, NewDigs said:

I think Melania is staying in NYC as a way to force taxpayer paid US Security forces to secure three rather than the usually allotted two residences. Grifter and Con.

Yes, and keep in mind that Trump stands to benefit financially.  the Secret Service will stay in Trump hotels, which means the expense to taxpayers will go into Trump's pocket eventually.

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1 hour ago, SmithW6079 said:

Or you could go with the truth:

  • If Trump is so concerned about Anerican manufacturing, why are his products and his daughter's products made in China and Africa? Why doesn't he move those things back to the US to jump start American manufacturing jobs?
  • If family values mean anything to her, how does she justify her support of a thrice-married adulterer? 
  • If support of veterans is important to her, how does she justify supporting a man who avoided serving his country during Vietnam, who insulted a Gold Star family, who belittled a prisoner of war?

Just to add to the above:
He makes products in 22 countries, including China, Mexico and Panama as well as in Europe.

Not to mention his public affair, at 50, with 24 year old beauty queen Marla Maples.  (Also, of course, the dignity of Pussygate.)

Re: Veterans -- 5 draft deferments. 4 in college (where he played lacrosse) and one for bone spurs after graduation. (The story of his post-college ability to get out of Vietnam comes in various versions--which wouldn't surprise any of us here).

He insulted ALL POWS as far as I'm concerned when he said, "I like people who aren't captured (as heroes)." Also, he has claimed he gave millions to veterans charities. WashpOst 's David Fahrenthold found that, other than the telethon where Fahrenthold finally shamed Tubby into giving the money he had promised, he had given...nothing.

Also, I continue to be offended for the intelligence professionals who work so hard to prepare succinct, important intelligence briefings every day and deliver them personally to Trump--only to be turned away because he just isn't interested.

In answer to the question about seeing any "regret among Tubby's supporters?" Personally, I haven't seen any.  On the contrary, they seem willing to believe ANYTHING, and blame ANYONE, rather than admit their leader is a liar with serious and dangerous signs of mental illness.

I surprise myself by still being shocked by the silence of Republican officials about him. Anyone who isn't standing up, should share the blame for the disasters he will bring.


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2 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Sorry Kurt, hate to say it, but you're screaming into a void.  My girlfriend just showed me a Facebook post w/ at least 5 dozen responses about this.  To a person, each Trump supporter is believing Trump's claims of massive fraud.  What fucking world are we living in???  I just can't fathom this.  How in the world can so many people be so deluded???

Keep in mind that some of the thundering applause he gets on twitter and facebook is paid for.  they're not all real people. 

There are businesses who make a living selling followers.  Contestants on Reality tv were the first I heard of using a service to buy a social media presence.  A singing competition, for example.  if one singer has more followers, they look like they are popular, they're the "next big thing", and the perceived popularity  increases their actual popularity.  Social media played a part on the Celeb Apprentice shows.  Trump comes from the world of Reality TV - a world where you pay to create the reality that suits you. 

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3 hours ago, Rapunzel said:

Where is he getting this from? I live in CA and haven't heard a bloody word about voter fraud - at least not done by the Dems. There was some of the usual suppression bullshit attempted by Trumpsters. Thankfully, in CA you can be a permanent mail voter, which most people I know are, so less people have to worry about being intimidated at the polls.

His imagination. Or Putin.

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1 minute ago, backformore said:

Keep in mind that some of the thundering applause he gets on twitter and facebook is paid for.  they're not all real people. 

There are businesses who make a living selling followers.  Contestants on Reality tv were the first I heard of using a service to buy a social media presence.  A singing competition, for example.  if one singer has more followers, they look like they are popular, they're the "next big thing", and the perceived popularity  increases their actual popularity.  Social media played a part on the Celeb Apprentice shows.  Trump comes from the world of Reality TV - a world where you pay to create the reality that suits you. 

Right and if the democrats don't understand this yet and STILL aren't ready to play this game, then they are dumber than I thought and worse, they are more insane than I thought.  They are more the definition of insanity than Trump is if they don't get how this game is being played by now.  Because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That motherfucker does the same thing over and over again, but  he won the presidency doing so. Meanwhile, the dems. have what? Lost the presidential election twice now even though they've won the popular vote. And they have been slaughtered on the local/state level.

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6 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I had also read the NYT article about those Scottish residents unfortunate enough to live next to his golf resort. Nice to know that he has no qualms about creating berms and other obstacles blocking the views of his neighbors, all so that the golf players don't have to see those houses that were there well before his tacky golf course. I was amused that one of the neighbors is now flying a Mexican flag as a "fuck you" to Trump. But I think it should go further: Why doesn't someone start a GoFundMe or whatever to raise enough money for all his neighbors there to erect huge signs on their property, all proclaiming "Donald Trump has a micropenis", tall enough that every single person playing golf there would have to see at least one of the signs? I'd definitely throw in a few bucks for that. Hell, I'd throw in money for any group that would put up billboards like that all over the U.S., and in general I hate billboards.

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There are 2 good docs on the Scottish golf course - the first one is You've Been Trumped.  I watched these on Amazon about 1.5 year ago.  They are infuriating to watch - and little Don Jr. is revealed to be a sleazebag just like pops (we all know this of course, but I hadn't realized this fully until I watched these docs. These should've been standard viewing for all the 'working-class' whites before the election - they would've seen how he treats the 'little guy' in full technicolor.  He's a monster.

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12 minutes ago, lyric said:

There are 2 good docs on the Scottish golf course - the first one is You've Been Trumped.  I watched these on Amazon about 1.5 year ago.  They are infuriating to watch - and little Don Jr. is revealed to be a sleazebag just like pops (we all know this of course, but I hadn't realized this fully until I watched these docs. These should've been standard viewing for all the 'working-class' whites before the election - they would've seen how he treats the 'little guy' in full technicolor.  He's a monster.

 The followup to You've been Trumped is a short documentary called The Trouble With Trump.

Both are an excellent look into just how much of a liar and monster he is.  And, yes, his son is definitely a chip off the old block.  I told a friend that you think you hate him as much as you ever could and then watch these documentaries and realize you haven't even begun to plumb the depth of hate and revulsion this vile and disgusting piece of shit can elicit.  What he did to those people is beyond belief.  And beyond anything anyone with a scintilla of humanity would even consider.

Both are on youtube.

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I wondered this during the election, and Trump's recent Twitter behavior makes me wonder again -- is he suffering from the onset of dementia? I know he's always been a lying sack of shit, but his actions are so over the top that they can't be normal. Can the American public demand that the president-elect undergo a mental evaluation? 

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On January 20th shit for brains will takeover the presidential twitter account.  I'm guessing that's the only twitter account he will be allowed to use?

Does this imbecile realize he won't be able to stay up all night tweeting crazy, immature rantings?

And, maybe if he spent his nights readings the daily briefings and other important documents presidents have to read everyday, he'd learn something instead of shooting off his big fat mouth over trite crap.

Edited by stormy
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Does this imbecile realize he won't be able to stay up all night tweeting crazy, immature rantings?

Probably not.  I wonder if he will insist on keeping his phone regardless of the risk. He ignores every other rule.

Donald Trump's personal phone could be a major security risk, experts warn


"President Obama was given a phone modified for his personal use, limited to making phone calls - I think this will be the same for the President-elect, with his tweeting done through a dedicated aide," says Martin Alderson, co-founder of mobile security company Codified Security.

Edited by windsprints
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