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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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6 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Hillary's lead just passed 1 million. We can never let this guy forget it.

This is a total malfunction of democracy, by the way.

So much word.R24.

Even if it does not come to fruition for HRC, we can let the numbers stick in rump's (lower case "r" intentional for disrespect) craw (spelling?) and never let him forget.

"rump" does not deserve a capital "R" for rump.. I am petty. I take what I can get.

I refuse to speak or write his name.

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Did you guys notice how rump vowed to protect LGBT "citizens" from "FOREIGN" ideology and oppression?

But no vow of protection from anyone here at home -  himself, his minions, his transition team or his supporters... out doing his bidding via hate crimes in his name .  


Edited by ari333
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Donald Trump's Tax Plan Would Hit Single Parents Hard

Look at all that caring and respect he has for families! 

Here's the text ari333. There's an audio interview too but I didn't listen to it.



Donald Trump admitted last year that he had a conflict of interest in dealing with Turkey, a country instrumental in the United States' fight against ISIS, because he has property there. The December 2015 comment foreshadowed the many questions now surrounding how the president-elect will separate himself from his far-reaching business interests.

"I have a little conflict of interest 'cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul," Trump said. "It's a tremendously successful job. It's called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it's two."

Trump made those comments to Stephen Bannon, who was then the chairman ofBreitbart News, during an interview on Bannon's radio show Breitbart News Daily. Bannon became the CEO of Trump's campaign in August, after he secured the nomination. Trump announced shortly after the election that Bannon would serve as his chief strategist in the White House—an appointment widelydenounced by Trump's critics because of Bannon's history as an enabler of white nationalism as head of Breitbart, not to mention the misogynist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Muslim content the website published.

Trump's comments about his conflict of interest applied specifically to Turkey. But by the logic Trump used, the conflict would also pertain to US relations with countries around the world where Trump has properties and financial entanglements, from Scotland to Azerbaijan. It would even involve the US government itself. In Washington, DC, Trump operates the Trump International Hotel out of a historic building owned by the federal government.

Trump has said he would eliminate this conflict-of-interest problem by turning his business over to his children, in what he is calling a blind trust. But thatquestionable solution is even more dubious given that Trump has named his three children to his transition team and likely intends for them to serve as informal advisers on domestic and foreign policy matters. Reports Monday indicated Trump is seeking top-secret security clearances for his kids. That means his children are likely to have access to information they could use to steer their father's decision-making in a direction friendly to the family business.


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5 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Here's some good news, Ben Carson has come out publicly and stated that he is NOT interested in a cabinet post. (whew)

The best part is that he says it's because he lacks the experience to perform a role in the government.  Um, Ben?  Didn't you like just run for President?  

3 hours ago, backformore said:

How about Ivanka using political appearances to sell her brand of clothing and jewelry?  

let's sell stuff!

Yeah, this isn't "real Housewives"  or "The bachelorette"  where women are given clothing and jewelry and then a "style alert"  comes out about where to purchase the goods.   She can't use the PRESIDENCY to sell fashion.

In the United States of Trump, she absolutely can.  

2 hours ago, lordonia said:

I can only assume that the term "elite establishment" refers to well-educated, wealthy, privileged men like Trump, Giuliani, the Bushes, and the Koch Brothers.

Except that they've somehow masterfully managed to convince a portion of the country that they aren't exactly that.  And people are, without any sense of irony, rallying for Cheetos & Company to fight the "elite establishment."  I've run out of face palms on that one.  

2 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I know, right? 

One of my friends watched the 60 Minutes interview Sunday and mentioned Coral Caligula being perched in a gold-gilded chair.  Is this true?  If so, all I can say is, Lawdddddd...What's next?  Changing their name to "Caesar" and conferring upon themselves all the perks that entails?

I will be shocked if he doesn't bring in a throne for the Oval Office.  We'll all be expected to pretend it's just his shiny gold desk chair, but he's going to sit on a fucking throne in the White House.  

1 hour ago, Chicken Wing said:

Been reading up about the potential/inevitable conflicts of interest with the Trump spawn being put in charge of the Trump business, the preposterousness of him separating himself from his business with his children being the trustees, the many many properties and investments Trumpelstiltskin owns here and around the world ... how the hell can this guy be the President with all that built-in corruption-waiting-to-happen?

None of that corruption involves emails, so he'll be fine.  That's the standard now.  

Just saw on Twitter that, after an exec at New Balance praised Drumpf's win, complaining about how President Obama "left us behind," the neo-Nazis have declared New Balance "the official shoes of white people."  So, is this like going to be part of our required uniform come 1/20?  New Balance shoes, gaudy Ivanka Trump bracelets.  What part of our new uniforms will be announced next?  Does Eric have a sideline business where he makes shitty socks?  

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49 minutes ago, ari333 said:

Did you guys notice how rump vowed to protect LGBT "citizens" from "FOREIGN" ideology and oppression?

But no vow of protection from anyone here at home -  himself, his minions, his transition team or his supporters... out doing his bidding via hate crimes in his name .  



Also add this to his list of lies. He's on record stating that he respects Putin, the leader of a foreign country with a horrific record on its treatment of its LGBT citizens. 

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40 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Donald Trump's Tax Plan Would Hit Single Parents Hard

Look at all that caring and respect he has for families! 

Here's the text ari333. There's an audio interview too but I didn't listen to it.

Silly you, thinking that a single parent with kids makes a family.  Dontcha know you have to have TWO parents (one male, one female) to qualify as a family in Mike Pence's Amerika? A single parent with kids is known as a "Welfare Queen".

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1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

I will be shocked if he doesn't bring in a throne for the Oval Office.  We'll all be expected to pretend it's just his shiny gold desk chair, but he's going to sit on a fucking throne in the White House. 

Oh but he WILL bring his throne! It's already crated up ready to ship.winter is here.jpg

Edited by HumblePi
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4 minutes ago, onthebrink03 said:


Where are the damn White Walkers when ya need them?

OMG, this just made me smile, a new season of Game of Thrones, something to look forward to, if Trump doesn't shut down HBO. Wait for it, just wait...

Edited by Keepitmoving
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2 hours ago, fireice13 said:

And then, when he doesn’t deliver on his promises, when he doesn’t build the wall or create jobs or make people rich, when it becomes clear how incompetent and buffoonish he is, the country and all his supporters will turn on him.

I wish I could believe that. Instead, I'm pretty sure his supporters will continue to blame Obama, Hillary and Bill together and apart, obstructionist Democratic politicians, the liberal media, Jews in Hollywood, the Department of Education, minorities, Mexico, professional protestors, immigrants, atheists, NAFTA, Muslims, the NY Times and Washington Post, ISIS, the East Coast elite, etc.

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4 minutes ago, lordonia said:

I wish I could believe that. Instead, I'm pretty sure his supporters will continue to blame Obama, Hillary and Bill together and apart, obstructionist Democratic politicians, the liberal media, Jews in Hollywood, the Department of Education, minorities, Mexico, professional protestors, immigrants, atheists, NAFTA, Muslims, the NY Times and Washington Post, ISIS, the East Coast elite, etc.

Exactly, because a lot this was about getting that "foreign" black man out of office and keeping that woman and all women in their place. It's fine if the grand dragon fails in keeping his promises, he's white, a man and speaking that nationalist language, so all is good. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Cross posting. At this point I'm just hoping for enough to get a response from the White House.

Here's a legit petition to sign: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/provide-electoral-college-vote-mr-trumps-tax-returns-do-due-diligence-potential-conflicts-interest


We request that the Vice President, as President of the Senate and presiding officer during the Joint Session of Congress, January 6, 2017, require or refer to appropriate governmental entities and direct that they require, on behalf of State Electors, that Mr. Trump provide to Electors his federal income tax returns and supporting documents for 2006-2015 by December 12, 2016, to enable Electors, before they vote, to 1) assess his qualifications to serve as President without impeachable conflicts of interest or the appearance of impropriety given his adult children’s continuing association with his companies and Transition and his failure to release tax returns; or 2) switch their vote unless he places his assets in a true blind trust or otherwise properly divests them by December 19, 2016

I'm also calling the White House (phone number available on their website), Paul Ryan (even though he doesn't care) and all my representatives.
Paul Ryan can be reached at 202-225-3031 option 6. I'm not reading a script. I'm speaking calmly from the heart about how scared I am that a white supremacist is in the White House and calling on Paul Ryan to remember his responsibility to protect the civil rights, liberties and pursuit of happiness for ALL Americans, not just those that are CIS male, white and Christian (I used those words).

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Professor Allan Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University has correctly predicted the presidential outcomes for the past 30 years, and he predicted Donald Trump would win this one despite all the polls indicating a Clinton win. He has made another prediction, that Donald Trump will be impeached and Mike Pence will step in as President. I believe Mike Pence accepted this job having a pretty good idea that this would happen. The article is interesting and gives us some hope that we won't have to put up with the shenanigans of the Trump Empire for four years.


Edited by HumblePi
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7 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Professor Allan Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University has correctly predicted the presidential outcomes for the past 30 years, and he predicted Donald Trump would win this one despite all the polls indicating a Clinton win. He has made another prediction, that Donald Trump will be impeached and Mike Pence will step in as President. I believe Mike Pence accepted this job having a pretty good idea that this would happen. The article is interesting and gives us some hope that we won't have to put up with the shenanigans of the Trump Empire for four years.


Out of the frying pan, into the fire?

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Agree with @stewedsquash on the Lichtman thing. He had some basis for the election one, but I don't know whether his gut feelings on anything else have been any good, so I'm hesitant to have too much faith in it.

His son-in-law seems to still have a lot of influence over him.

The "unstructured chain of command" thing though ... WTH is going to be going on in the White House? It's almost like they're going to set it up for an internal power struggle.

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From Scientific American: Trump's Plans to Shake Up the Tech World

"After he appoints a new Federal Communications Commission [FCC] chairman, the first thing on the docket will be to repeal FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s Open Internet Order, also known as Net neutrality. The second will be to repeal Wheeler’s Internet Service Provider privacy rules, which limit how ISPs can use and sell customer data."

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During the 2 seconds between turning my TV on and changing from a news station I heard our CBS affiliate recapping that Trump said the system is rigged and how no candidate before Secretary Clinton has won the popular vote by such a large margin. 


CALL! CALL! CALL! Don't just complain about things online or on Facebook (or via email or USPS). Light up the phone lines! Fill the voice-mailboxes! We must have our voices heard!


Edited by theredhead77
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His son-in-law seems to still have a lot of influence over him.

Yeah, I've guessed that the best chance anyone has to get through to Captain Orange about anything is to get to Jared and Ivanka, as it seems they're the only ones he'll really listen to and they seem like they're probably slightly reasonable about things, certainly moreso than Tweedledickhead and Tweedledouchebag. At least, they don't give off the feeling that they leave a trail of slime when they walk.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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3 hours ago, ari333 said:

Did you guys notice how rump vowed to protect LGBT "citizens" from "FOREIGN" ideology and oppression?

But no vow of protection from anyone here at home -  himself, his minions, his transition team or his supporters... out doing his bidding via hate crimes in his name .  


yes, because as far as he's concerned, the nightclub attack in Orlando was due to radical Islam.  So, if he defeats ISIS, no more LGBT people will be hurt, right?   He has said more than once that he will protect LGBT citizens from terrorist attack.      But not from anything else, like violence committed by other citizens, or discrimination, harassment, etc.

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48 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

Professor Allan Lichtman, distinguished professor of history at American University has correctly predicted the presidential outcomes for the past 30 years, and he predicted Donald Trump would win this one despite all the polls indicating a Clinton win. He has made another prediction, that Donald Trump will be impeached and Mike Pence will step in as President. I believe Mike Pence accepted this job having a pretty good idea that this would happen. The article is interesting and gives us some hope that we won't have to put up with the shenanigans of the Trump Empire for four years.


Lichtman and Michael Moore are the two people who predicted a trump win.  And both have said the same thing - he won't last.  Impeachment, quitting, something will happen. 

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Just when I thought this couldn't get deeper or more sinister, it does.

                                           'Rudy Giuliani he's not just that guy with bad teeth'

Rudy Giuliani was an especially rabid critic of Hillary Clinton. He beat the 'pay for play' and 'Clinton Foundation fraud' drum so many times and so passionately that I couldn't help but wonder why was his vindictiveness so volatile and intense for the Clinton's?

Here's some background on Rudy Giuliani uncovered by the CNN investigative correspondent Drew Griffin.  We can draw our own conclusions. And I have mine which I'll add on at another time, it's too depressing right now to talk about.

Giuliani was U.S. Attorney until January 1989, resigning as the Reagan Administration ended. He garnered criticism until he left office for his handling of cases, and was accused of prosecuting cases to further his political ambitions. Giuliani of course was Mayor of New York from 1994 to 2001. Once out of the mayors office, Rudy Giuliani became very rich giving speeches worldwide, setting up a law practice and consulting firm and doing business around the globe, some of that business involved questionable actors in foreign countries that could now come back to haunt him if he's chosen as the nominee for Secretary of State. The list of contracts tied to Giuliani are extensive. One matter that already haunted him back in 2007 when he ran for President, what his critics call a link between the state run Venezuelan oil company and Giuliani's law firm. That client was Citgo Oil in Texas, it's a subsidiary of the oil company owned by Venezuela. It has come up before and it will come up again. He'll also likely be criticized because of his work for the government of Qatar which hired Giuliani's company to help with intelligence security. His law firm also had offices in United Arab Emarites. They worked on financial deals for nations such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman. Giuliani's law firms were massive, employing hundreds of attorneys employed across the U.S. and the world. Among the contracts they had, he was hired to combat crime in Mexico City, El Salvador, Colombia, Chile. He signed on to help political campaign candidates in the Ukraine and Dominican Republic. It adds up to a lot of relationships, some countries who aren't always on the best terms with the United States. It also added up to tens of millions of dollars in fees for Rudy Giuliani.

The question is, can someone come into office as Secretary of State with all those former business deals around the world?

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7 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Yeah, I've guessed that the best chance anyone has to get through to Captain Orange about anything is to get to Jared and Ivanka, as it seems they're the only ones he'll really listen to and they seem like they're probably slightly reasonable about things, certainly moreso than Tweedledickhead and Tweedledouchebag. At least, they don't give off the feeling that they leave a trail of slime when they walk.

**I speak from zero personal knowledge about them** but I'm not counting on that.  Not all virulent racists/horrible people are screaming, foaming at the mouth rednecks.  Yeah, I know...he's Jewish, and that might make me feel better if I had never learned of anti-semitic Jews in Nazi Germany.  ***NO, to any nitwits w/ reading comp issues who might be seeing this, I am NOT saying the couple is anti-semitic.  I'm merely saying I'm not counting on anything positive out of Drumph's inner circle.***  I have a great uncle, very into the white nationalist movement.  he wears cardigans, belongs to every church group, is very civic-minded, donates time & $$ to support law enforcement, doesn't scream at kids to get off his lawn.

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8 minutes ago, backformore said:

yes, because as far as he's concerned, the nightclub attack in Orlando was due to radical Islam.  So, if he defeats ISIS, no more LGBT people will be hurt, right?   He has said more than once that he will protect LGBT citizens from terrorist attack.      But not from anything else, like violence committed by other citizens, or discrimination, harassment, etc.

The attitude here's always been pretty consistent about gay LGBT and women. Hatred of Islam is their version of women's rights and gay rights. Those of us in the US should just be grateful that we're not being murdered as part of religious law. We should be ashamed for demanding equal rights in the face of such restraint.

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2 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

**I speak from zero personal knowledge about them** but I'm not counting on that.  Not all virulent racists/horrible people are screaming, foaming at the mouth rednecks.  Yeah, I know...he's Jewish, and that might make me feel better if I had never learned of anti-semitic Jews in Nazi Germany.  ***NO, to any nitwits w/ reading comp issues who might be seeing this, I am NOT saying the couple is anti-semitic.  I'm merely saying I'm not counting on anything positive out of Drumph's inner circle.***  I have a great uncle, very into the white nationalist movement.  he wears cardigans, belongs to every church group, is very civic-minded, donates time & $$ to support law enforcement, doesn't scream at kids to get off his lawn.

Both Jared and Ivanka may be as racist as all get out, but what I mean is that they seem like they might be more level-headed on some of the issues that Trump has taken the Psycho Man's stance on (at the very least they don't come across as being entirely stupid), and he listens to them above anyone, apparently, so if anyone has a chance at getting him to change his tune about some of his policy "positions" it might be them.

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2 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Both Jared and Ivanka may be as racist as all get out, but what I mean is that they seem like they might be more level-headed on some of the issues that Trump has taken the Psycho Man's stance on (at the very least they don't come across as being entirely stupid), and he listens to them above anyone, apparently, so if anyone has a chance at getting him to change his tune about some of his policy "positions" it might be them.

I know....that's why I said "virulent racists/horrible people."  I still get what you're saying, but whatever level of influence the son-in-law may or may not have, I'm not just going to assume he's a virtuous, or even reasonable, person.

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2 minutes ago, Duke Silver said:

I know....that's why I said "virulent racists/horrible people."  I still get what you're saying, but whatever level of influence the son-in-law may or may not have, I'm not just going to assume he's a virtuous, or even reasonable, person.

Anyone actively working to help this man become president is disqualified from the labels "virtuous" and "reasonable" by virtue of actively helping this man become president.

I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that there's someone, anyone, that Trumpelina listens to and trusts implicitly who actually has a sound mind and can make him second-guess things. The climate thing. Someone please, for the love of God, get through to him about the climate thing.

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I think they should get through to him about the quitting thing. He obviously wants his kids to run things because he doesn't want to do it. He doesn't want to read the briefings, he doesn't want to pay attention, he doesn't understand anything and doesn't want to understand. That's why he wants his son-in-law to get security clearance to sit in on the briefings.

I wish they could all just pressure him to give it up. Say you won, declare victory and then go back home to Trump Tower.

This whole thing is disaster already. No one has any qualification to do ANYTHING.

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33 minutes ago, windsprints said:

That's awesome, I'm glad they did it. I had heard they were going to try. I passed by that apartment building so many times and every time I did I thought 'oh that's obnoxious'.  The guy is twisted up beyond comprehension.


So, some thoughts occurred to me. Days ago, I saw a list of 'possibles' for his appointments for his cabinet. Here's the short list. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/us/politics/donald-trump-administration.html?_r=0

I did some research on a few of these guys and the more I read, the more afraid I got. So here's my thoughts about this whole thing. First of all these men, for the most part, are multimillionaires and business owners. They certainly don't need the salaries of the job. What's their motive for wanting it so very badly that they'll fight each other tooth and nail maneuvering to the most powerful position under a President? Is it merely that they want more money or fame or that they're blindly ambitious. They already have everything any ambitious man could want, except absolute power. My thoughts are that all this racism stuff, Mexican border bullshit with the wall, and the Islamophobia are too obvious and are only covering up something more sinister and more evil than we know. I think it's all a very cleverly constructed distraction for something even more sinister. And, I also believe Mike Pence has been in with this from the very start. The only one oblivious to all of it is Donald Trump, he's just about the only man narcissistic and egocentric enough that would fall for it.

I think Donald Trump was an easy target for certain Republicans in high power to use as a pawn for something else. They're smart guys, smart enough to know that sooner or later, he would shoot himself in the foot and get impeached. Whether it was because of the children and the obvious nepotism or conflict of interest with their businesses, doesn't matter, they know that he's going to fuck up big time eventually and be impeached. That leaves Mike Pence left to take his place. And this is what they wanted all along, for Mike Pence with his stringent anti-gay, anti-abortion platform as a front while they do their dirty businesses all over the world while we focus on demonstrating, protesting and fighting Mike Pence's platform. I believe that Mike Pence has the same attitude about gays with HIV that Ronald Reagan had. 'They're expendable because they're an abomination and deserve to die for sinning.' If a scenario like this ever really happened, it would cement in place an actual 'new world order', the emergence of a totalitarian world government, and those few men whose ruthless ambition will stop at nothing will actually control the entire world, not only this country.

Anyway, that's my thoughts for today and I'm sticking with it, at least until tomorrow when my mind thinks up a new conspiracy theory.

Edited by HumblePi
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Is anyone else making phone calls to your Senators and Representatives or signing the Whitehouse.gov petition to implore the Electoral College to do something?

Yes. Didn't call the White House though.

I honestly don't believe anything will change with the Electoral College vote. As divided as the country is this isn't the first time the candidate who lost won the popular vote. 

My hope (and I don't think it will happen) is that journalists who sat on their ass thinking that Clinton would win are now working 24/7 to dig up every fact they can find on Rump. I believe in my heart that he is corrupt and I am hoping that someone uncovers a smoking gun. I have no idea what that would even have to be or how it would all work. I just know it has to be something really bad. They have 60+ days, get to it.

Question - if something like that did happen (yes, I know keep dreaming) prior to him being sworn are we sure it would go to Pence? I know the VP takes over if the President is out but if the President Elect goes does the same policy hold true? Anyone know?

I'll go sit in the corner. I now feel like the people who look for aliens.

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2 minutes ago, BW Manilowe said:

The Dallas Mavericks, Milwaukee Bucks & Memphis Grizzlies will no longer stay at Trump hotels during NBA road trips.


This is great. I hope it spreads throughout sports and Hollywood. Hurt his business brand.

Trump breaks protocol by going out for dinner without press in tow

Use that free time to dig into his dealings!

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3 minutes ago, windsprints said:

Yes. Didn't call the White House though.

I honestly don't believe anything will change with the Electoral College vote. As divided as the country is this isn't the first time the candidate who lost won the popular vote. 

My hope (and I don't think it will happen) is that journalists who sat on their ass thinking that Clinton would win are now working 24/7 to dig up every fact they can find on Rump. I believe in my heart that he is corrupt and I am hoping that someone uncovers a smoking gun. I have no idea what that would even have to be or how it would all work. I just know it has to be something really bad. They have 60+ days, get to it.

Question - if something like that did happen (yes, I know keep dreaming) prior to him being sworn are we sure it would go to Pence? I know the VP takes over if the President is out but if the President Elect goes does the same policy hold true? Anyone know?

I'll go sit in the corner. I now feel like the people who look for aliens.

I'm, like, 99.999% positive, even if Trump got cold feet & bailed before January 20th, or anytime before taking the Oath, the job would pass to Pence. Pence was on the same ticket that Trump already won on, for 1 thing--Trump won, so Pence won. Also, at the inauguration, the VPOTUS always takes the Oath before the POTUS does, just to make sure that the line of succession is fulfilled if something happens before POTUS can take or complete reciting the Oath.

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That is a very well-thought-out and extremely terrifying conspiracy theory, @HumblePi. I'm not sure I want to see the next one!

Trump has been denying climate change for years. I'm not sure anyone is going to get through to him, and the changes he wants to make will likely have catastrophic consequences that we can't come back from. I don't know when people decided that scientific facts were just opinions, but it's disturbing, this post-fact or post-truth (or whatever we're calling it) world we're now living in.

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I worked for a congressman 16 years in the 70's and 80's.  Way before today's technology but what we paid attention to was individually written letters. Just like you ... how much does a former letter/email mean to you? 

Signing petitions, sending emails are easy in this busy world. But what if individually written letters flooded DC reps. By old fashioned snail mail with people expressing what this whole thing means to them. 

It takes time and effort and, yes, a stamp but would make a statement. Maybe too retro but these on line petitions are so pervasive. You are just a daily stat. Write your representative and then dare him/her not to respond when you have taken the time.

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