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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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17 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

Yeah, about that. You misunderstood my post. It was not to prove the ridiculous notion that one is not racist because they were polite to a minority.  I have learned, people are going to see what they want to see. Tunnel vision really sucks.

I thought the point was just that people who support Trump's values (or some of them enough to accept the others) can have a lot in common with people who don't support them in other areas.

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21 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

I find it hard to look at pictures of Orange, but I saw one at Daily Kos where he is sitting next to President Obama and looks utterly deflated, complete with the thousand yard stare. I'd laugh and wait out the eventual surrender if I wasn't aware that Elmer Gantry was second in line for the job. 

That's what happens when someone bullshits and blusters his way into a job for which he is clearly unqualified.  Shit just got real and those within his inner circle also know it.

Now, he has to figure out how to do the job.  But, when your mouth wrote a check that your orange ass can't cash, it's what you do.

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1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

He names white supremacist Steve Bannon as chief strategist and advisor. Totally unacceptable. Reporters need to go after this guy immediately. We can't have a neo-Nazi in the White House, guys. This is BAD.

It's actions like this that have the whole world watching in dismay.

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Trump's trying to hide Bannon behind the very visible Priebus as "advisor" in the WH the same way he hid him behind Conway in the campaign as his CEO. She said this morning that Bannon was actually "the general" who built the messages that won, yet he never spoke to the press or appeared at the rallies.

Alt-right stealth in the racist campaign. I'm sure that's what Bannon and Trump are planning now, too, in the racist alt-right White House.

At least Conway doesn't want a WH job. With any luck, after Jan 20th I will never have to hear all her glib lies ever again.

I really like Barbara Res's open letter to Trump (she was the woman he --controversially-- put in charge of the construction of Trump Tower in 1979).

You're Deplorable Now, but Could Be a Good President If You Change

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1 hour ago, candall said:

Well no, of course they won't.  And "infrastructure overhaul" has about as much chance of happening as a gigantic wall stretching across the bottom of the country, over mountains, deserts, water.

But improved roads and safer bridges is an appealing thought to all of us regular Joes, regardless of political affiliation, so once again, DT's just tossing out holograms of candy and hoping people will cheer for him as they stretch out their hands reaching for it.

Maybe tonight on 60 Minutes, he'll talk about his plan to build a staircase to the moon, because, cool!

I think his thoughts on infrastructure overhaul are more along the lines of, "Hey, I bet I can privatize or get some contracts or add on some incentives, or something, and I will make yooge money! Bigly" 


34 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

One other thing I just learned about Steve Bannon, he was a managing partner with Goldman Sachs.

And oddly, looking at his cv, that's the least offensive thing he's lately been involved in. Wow.

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I think this will be interesting to watch anyway: Trump courted all these white supremacists, how much does he just see them as useful tools (as he seems to perceive everyone as useful tools to get what he wants)? Then you'll have various Republican figures who, well, they're all Republicans, but they seem to have different priorites that they're super fixated on. Ryan with his Ayn Rand fandom, Pence with his fundamentalist Christian nuttiness and so on, at a certain point these various agendas will start clashing. What happens then?

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I wonder if the "least racist person" that "no one respects women more than" will have a cabinet full of white men.

2 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

What about this - Trump looked as uncomfortable as hell because during their 90 minute meeting PBO revealed that he has big league dirt on Trump (Dworkin Report) and will release if/when necessary? Thus the backtracking. 

Perhaps Obama said, "Hey Donnie boy, people would be happy with the ACA is if the Republicans would have let me make this list of changes.  Now that you are in charge, you can get them to make the changes, fix what's wrong and get all the credit for giving everyone health insurance they are pleased with.  Maybe they will even start calling it 'Trumpcare'  (Obama would be smart enough to play into Trumps ego) and you won't have to go through all the trouble of coming up with something else."  

As far as looking uncomfortable, perhaps that was because he was trying not to show his excitement that he was sitting next to Obama and he realized his life-long dream of hanging out with one of the popular, cool guys.  

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I'd like to know now from any Trump supporter who (supposedly) isnt a racist or xenophobic or misogynistic or anti-semitic why any minority shouldnt be terrified right now?  As if it wasnt bad enough having Mike Pence on the ticket (I wished the Clinton-Kaine ticket had attacked Pence for his own questionable statements and policies at least a couple of times..rather than making the entire election about Trump. IMO, Pence is just as dangerous if not more so.  But now we have a KNOWN white supremacist sympathizer as Chief Strategist.  Why even bother with Priebus as Chief of Staff...Trump should have just went ahead and named David Duke.

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I'd like to know now from any Trump supporter who (supposedly) isnt a racist or xenophobic or misogynistic or anti-semitic why any minority shouldnt be terrified right now?  

But some of them aren't terrified because they too voted for him. Note: I'm not a Trump supporter so maybe I shouldn't have answered, but, POC did vote for him.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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38 minutes ago, needschocolate said:

I wonder if the "least racist person" that "no one respects women more than" will have a cabinet full of white men.

Every time I hear cabinet positions discussed, they fan that deck of white guy playing cards across the screen--with sometimes the delightful Sarah "Guns Down Wolves From Helicopter" Palin as Interior.



David Axelrod made this astute observation:

"I think what we've seen in the last 48 hours since the election is basically a 'capture' of Donald Trump by the institutional Republicans in Washington. ... Because he doesn't have ideas and he doesn't have philosophical bearings, they see an empty vessel and they're seizing the opportunity." 

I get a migraine imagining which of those men is going to end up filling the void.  PLEASE!!!  NOT Pence!  NOT Alt-Right!  Whose influence should I be hoping for??????


(Fuck.  I'm writing this while I'm listening to him on 60 Minutes and now my heart's pounding hard again.)

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Sometimes I really wish liberals could plot a masterful scheme that involved getting inside Trump's circle between now and January, using celebrities and Obama and people he would SO much rather be in with than these Republican freaks he has no respect for, and basically get him to embrace all his old Democratic positions again. Ivanka would go for it.

Because he totally would do that. If a liberal crowd would cheer him for it, he'd suddenly be all for the liberal issues. And being on the side of the "cool kids" is always a way bigger thing to him than anything else. Republicans aren't cool.

I wish someone was scheming that right now. Tell him to keep Obamacare by putting his name on it- it's Trumpcare now, fine.

Edited by ruby24
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It's a brilliant idea but I really don't get Ivanka at all.  I just don't see how she bought into any of daddy's BS and has continued to go along with it.   And I don't believe anything that he represents is what she believes.

Edited by stormy
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10 minutes ago, stormy said:

It's a brilliant idea but I really don't get Ivanka at all.  I just don't see how she bought into any of daddy's BS and has continued to go along with it.   And I don't believe anything that he represents is what she believes.

She's protecting her interests.  Her job, her brand, her inheritance.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, blatantly cynical.  Cynical but no doubt true!

Edited by onthebrink03
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11 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Sometimes I really wish liberals could plot a masterful scheme that involved getting inside Trump's circle between now and January, using celebrities and Obama and people he would SO much rather be in with than these Republican freaks he has no respect for, and basically get him to embrace all his old Democratic positions again. Ivanka would go for it.

Because he totally would do that. If a liberal crowd would cheer him for it, he'd suddenly be all for the liberal issues. And being on the side of the "cool kids" is always a way bigger thing to him than anything else. Republicans aren't cool.

I wish someone was scheming that right now. Tell him to keep Obamacare by putting his name on it- it's Trumpcare now, fine.

You know, this is genius (and I'm not joking.)

"Bey and Jay and I had cocktails. [preen preen]  They didn't even invite the kids, just me.  They're smart, trust me.  Lot of good ideas.  Nice people.  Very smart."

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3 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

What about this - Trump looked as uncomfortable as hell because during their 90 minute meeting PBO revealed that he has big league dirt on Trump (Dworkin Report) and will release if/when necessary? Thus the backtracking.

I don't believe that. I'd like to -- but without evidence, I can't. 


1 hour ago, Keepitmoving said:

But some of them aren't terrified because they too voted for him. Note: I'm not a Trump supporter so maybe I shouldn't have answered, but, POC did vote for him.

The New York Times did a terrific story about the workers at the Carrier plant in Indiana which will shut its doors there and move their jobs to a new plant Mexico in the coming months. Many of the workers were POC who voted Trump because they believed his promise to keep their jobs in America. Carrier has already reiterated to its workers that the plant is closing and moving. Period. They are doing this to increase profits for shareholders, plain and simple. The workers were duped but I don't blame them for acting in their own best interests in this case. I am truly sorry for them -- I want the doors of that factory to remain open, but it's over. They're closing. And those high-paying jobs are all gone. Forever. And Trump ain't bringing them back. 

9 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

I guess my point is, there doesn't have to be such a closing of our minds. Yes there is real fear, but we can't let that fear be taken by others and transmorgified (sorry reading Version Control by Dexter Palmer) into something bigger than it really is. 

I have had to take a breath, and continue to like, interact, not ignore, posters now that I have had another view of them in the political forum. I had no idea that the ones I had thought so kind, had such, to me, ridiculously mean things to say. The blinders came off, and I decided to still reach out and interact with them in other areas of the site, just as before. Because that is what you do, in my opinion, you reach out to people in the world, whether they are just like you or not.

The "let's all get along" theory would have worked great if that could have been enacted, oh, say, eight years ago or so when Obama took office and yet we have had to deal with eight long years of having to listen to people espouse their very real beliefs that he wasn't born here, should go back to Kenya, is a secret Muslim out to convert us and grab all of our guns, and that providing healthcare to real people in need was one of the worst crimes committed in this country. I'm not saying that you thought those things, and I don't disagree with you in theory, but it's an easy position to take now that your party's in the driver's seat. We never had that luxury for eight years. 

I love your JJ posts and enjoy interacting with you on that forum. I don't care what your political beliefs are there -- and will continue to like and respond to your posts. But please know, that here, in this political forum, I and my friends are hurting. My gay friends, my Latino friends, my poor friends, and my friends whose healthcare will be shortly taken away. I have no words of comfort for them because I have none for myself. I am struggling, and I mean that truly, in real life trying to learn how to deal with my friends who voted for Trump who helped make my other friends feel so unsafe and afraid. This week, I am going to once again help an elderly woman I look out for with her many electronic equipment problems and we will go out to lunch. When I go to her home, she constantly has Fox News turned up to the highest decibel level and, the last time we had lunch, she repeatedly dropped the N word in casual conversation even when I asked her to stop. I am not religious and I don't operate under any particular dogma but one: Do the right thing. Always. She's alone and has no real friends. She needs help and I can provide it. I could have very well told her to go fuck herself when she called me yesterday. But I didn't. Because that's wrong. I also had an elderly friend who hated Obama. Called him the N word. Proudly claimed she was a racist -- and reminded me all the time of how she was afraid of "those people." As she lay dying in her hospital bed, she only wanted to find a nurse to pray with. She found two. They were both black women. They never knew what hate lay in her heart, but I did. 

So, yes, I have an "open mind" in that I don't turn my back on people whose beliefs I find otherwise abhorrent. It's not like either of my elderly friends were in any position to openly advocate for the oppression of entire groups of people. But Trump is. And my back remains turned to him.

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3 minutes ago, candall said:

You know, this is genius (and I'm not joking.)

"Bey and Jay and I had cocktails. [preen preen]  They didn't even invite the kids, just me.  They're smart, trust me.  Lot of good ideas.  Nice people.  Very smart."

No, I'm serious too. I KNOW that this would work. Trump doesn't care about anything except being accepted and in with the "cool" people, and that's why he was never a Republican until like five years ago.

I do think he's a racist and misogynist. That is all completely obvious, but whatever actions he takes depend on being liked and being popular and he'd be so easy to manipulate to the liberal position on whatever issue if he was surrounded by those people all the time.

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3 hours ago, ruby24 said:

He names white supremacist Steve Bannon as chief strategist and advisor. Totally unacceptable. Reporters need to go after this guy immediately. We can't have a neo-Nazi in the White House, guys. This is BAD.

Given that white nationalists have made it clear that they expect Drumpf to meet their demands in exchange for their support, I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  Evidently, he's fulfilling a promise.

You know, I watched Dave Chappelle's on-point monologue on SNL last night.  He had me up until he said that Drumpf should be given a chance.  A chance at what, exactly?  I'm tired of being told that I should have an open mind also.  I'm sorry but I'm not willing to sit by and watch evil flourish and not say anything just to make certain people feel good or feel comfortable about the choice they made.  Please don't ask me to be "tolerant" and "understanding" either.  I understood where Drumpf was coming from years ago, nor will I forget the ugly tone he set during the campaign.  Now, I'm supposed to "give him a chance" as he appoints an anti-Semite, wife beater, and racist in a position of power.

I'm still waiting for Drumpf to publicly and forcefully denounce the hateful acts that have occurred on his behalf since his selection by the Electoral College.

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I watched him on 60 minutes.  I can see why people were taken in by him.  He can sound so reasonable when he wants to (like a snake oil salesman).  But when he said he didn't know about any violence happening by his supporters against people of color, he doesn't know why people might be afraid, then I know he's lying about everything.  He's so totally full of crap.

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@MulletorHater You might have to keep waiting...during his 60 minutes interview he said its a media creation. How the racist acts going on across the country cant or shouldnt be put on him because those things could have happened whether or not he was elected.

He is taking absolutely zero responsibility for unearthing the most despicable parts of society.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I think people who are saying give him a chance that are very obviously those that aren't personally threatened by anything that's going to happen in this administration. They see the danger but they don't feel it themselves.

1 minute ago, SierraMist said:

I watched him on 60 minutes.  I can see why people were taken in by him.  He can sound so reasonable when he wants to (like a snake oil salesman).  But when he said he didn't know about any violence happening by his supporters against people of color, he doesn't know why people might be afraid, then I know he's lying about everything.  He's so totally full of crap.

I could see this up until his authoritarian personality came out in really startling ways on the campaign trail. That scared me and does still, at every moment, because it just can't possibly work out well to give that kind of megalomania real power (it never has), and that's what we're doing. Plus his ignorance and unfitness for the job, I think that's a national security threat.

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9 minutes ago, SierraMist said:

I watched him on 60 minutes.  I can see why people were taken in by him.  He can sound so reasonable when he wants to (like a snake oil salesman).  But when he said he didn't know about any violence happening by his supporters against people of color, he doesn't know why people might be afraid, then I know he's lying about everything.  He's so totally full of crap.

Honestly, I can't. His voice is so grating. The tiny circles and pointing he does when he talks are so annoying. Physically, with the hair and the bright red face and the teeny tiny mouth. :/ His charisma completely flies over my head.

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29 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

You know, I watched Dave Chappelle's on-point monologue on SNL last night.  He had me up until he said that Drumpf should be given a chance.  A chance at what, exactly?

That's the thing that makes it seem so dim-witted. He's not ASKING for a chance. He's not speaking about the fears or apologizing for things he's said that upset people. He's proudly saying he has no regrets, denying the protest is real, blithely denying anything being done by his supporters. The only people asking for a chance for him seem to be a) people who don’t seem to get he’s not asking for one and b) people who voted for him and would like reassurance for their own feelings that they didn’t do what they just did.

Edited by sistermagpie
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3 minutes ago, SierraMist said:

I watched him on 60 minutes.  I can see why people were taken in by him.  He can sound so reasonable when he wants to (like a snake oil salesman).  But when he said he didn't know about any violence happening by his supporters against people of color, he doesn't know why people might be afraid, then I know he's lying about everything.  He's so totally full of crap.


When Stahl asked him overturning Roe v. Wade, he said, "I believe in right to life so I'm going to appoint someone who believes in right to life, but even if it got overturned, then it would just go back to the states to decide."  When she points out that this means many women would be denied abortions, he said, well, maybe they'd just have to go to another state.  *Shrug*

But when Stahl asked about marriage equality rights, he said it didn't matter how he felt personally because The Supreme Court has already ruled on that.

It's still the DT Crazy Hall of Mirrors Funhouse.

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21 hours ago, windsprints said:

Interesting, his comments about social media.  Especially since there were reports and evidence that some of his twitter followers were "bots" and trolls - people each having a hundred or more accounts, who just "liked"  and responded favorably to anything he posted. 

As to not taking a salary - he will find a way to make money off his presidency.  he made a profit from being a candidate, renting out hotel space to his campaign, charging his campaign for the use of his plane.  He wants to keep his apartment in NYC?   I bet taxes will be paying Trump Hotel for the use of the hotel rooms for secret service. 

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Why in shit should I watch Trump on TV or give 60 Minutes another viewer stat? To begin with, I can't believe a single promise or policy that comes out of his mouth. He spouts opposing opinions every week and sometimes in the same hour.

I have come out of this election with a burning hatred for network news, so screw them sideways as well.

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FFS, he and his aides didn't know they'd need to hire a staff and he couldn't focus? Gee, what a brain trust.  From the Wall Street Journal:



Another contributing factor: Mr. Trump’s victory surprised even his own top advisers, who, before Tuesday, were unable to focus the superstitious New York businessman on the 73 days between the election and inauguration, a senior aide said.

During their private White House meeting on Thursday, Mr. Obama walked his successor through the duties of running the country, and Mr. Trump seemed surprised by the scope, said people familiar with the meeting. Trump aides were described by those people as unaware that the entire presidential staff working in the West Wing had to be replaced at the end of Mr. Obama’s term.

After meeting with Mr. Trump, the only person to be elected president without having held a government or military position, Mr. Obama realized the Republican needs more guidance. He plans to spend more time with his successor than presidents typically do, people familiar with the matter said.


I guess there's a tiny bit of hope that he will listen to Obama since he's so over his head.  Poor Obama having to spend more time with Rump who has spoken of him with nothing but disrespect.

Edited by windsprints
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6 hours ago, fishcakes said:

I'm not going to watch either because what's the point? He's already backpedaling on his backpedaling. He told his base that he'd repeal and replace the ACA immediately, he told Lesley Stahl in the 60 Minutes interview that there would be no repeal until there was a new plan in place ready to go and that many provisions of the ACA would be retained, and now he's saying he's going to repeal it on Inauguration Day (moronically calling for a special session of Congress while Congress is in regular session). It's never going to matter what he says because if you wait five minutes, he'll say the exact opposite.

I think someone finally told him that he CAN'T repeal Affordable Health Care, because it would mean people who paid premiums for insurance would be left without coverage.  Throughout his campaign, "ObamaCare" was called a "complete disaster:  and he vowed to get rid of it immediately.   Now, he realizes that it has some good points, and he's going to tweak it.  I think he never understood it, still doesn't, and is too proud to ask anyone to explain how it works.

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God...it boils me so much that Obama is doing this. He is too good of a man. I am not surprised and I wouldn't expect anything less from Pres. Obama. He has been a class act pretty much his entire life (because you know if he wasnt the Republicans would have dug up whatever misstep 8 or 4 years ago). He is who I feel the worse for.  His legacy on the brink of destruction with that maniac and his klan of characters invading the WH.  Dont these people know anything?  Surprised that the entire staff has to be replaced?  Ugg..

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Welp, looks to me like there's a real possibility that my fantasy of Obama becoming a huge influence on him could come true, if Obama can stomach it. I totally think Trump will listen to him far more than any of the people he's got surrounding him, because Obama's popular, powerful, a celebrity of sorts, the actual president that's loved by all the people he wishes liked him. That's all it takes to influence Trump, being in with popular, powerful people.

Maybe he can talk him into keeping the ACA. Maybe Trump will beg him to stay on as like a shadow president and call him for advice all the time (since Obama's not leaving Washington).

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6 hours ago, SmithW6079 said:

Someone else agrees with me that Don the Con will have one of the most corrupt administrations in the history of the United States:

The Corruption Will Be Endless

Yes -  great article. 

Here's a part that speaks to what I posted before: 


Trump himself is instinctively corrupt. I don't think requires much argument. He took a substantial amount of the campaign money he raised and ran it through his own companies. He practiced textbook self-dealing with his family foundation. Many of his private businesses were no better than glitzy cons and he developed a reputation for cheating partners, even if in many cases doing so in ways that didn't explicitly violate the law....


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5 hours ago, FuriousStyles said:

I have absolutely no hope for this Admininstration and they havent done anything to earn the benefit of the doubt.  Quite the opposite actually.  

Nothing will please me more to see the looks on all DT's idiot supporters when they realize he's not bringing back their jobs. He's already walked back one campaign promise and said he wont repeal Obamacare afterall.  

And nothing will please ME more than when his idiot supporters realize that his plan to "bring jobs back to America"  will most likely include stuff like lowering the minimum wage, raising the retirement age, cutting Medicaid and social security. 

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3 minutes ago, FuriousStyles said:

Steve Bannon, Priebus, Pence and any Republican within shouting distance would NEVER allow Obama to be any kind of influence on Trump.  It will never ever ever happen. 

Trump has no respect for any of those people though. None. He will be immediately drawn to the power and celebrity of Obama over them in an instant, because he's a beloved president by all the people he wishes liked him. This is how he is. We've seen it.

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5 minutes ago, FuriousStyles said:

Steve Bannon, Priebus, Pence and any Republican within shouting distance would NEVER allow Obama to be any kind of influence on Trump.  It will never ever ever happen. 

Trump strikes me as someone who, the more you tell him not to do something, he will end up doing the opposite just to spite you.

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1 hour ago, ClareWalks said:

Anyone watching him on 60 Minutes? I am taping it but if it is just the same gibberish he usually farts out his mouth I will delete unseen.

I can't.  I can go to this forum, and twitter, and read and post.  But seeing him, hearing him talk -   Makes me want to cry again.

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How about them crime rates, folks? The ones Trump complained about so much? I for one am going to keep an eye on them once Agent Orange takes office. You can imagine which direction I believe they will head.

Edited by lordonia
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35 minutes ago, backformore said:

Throughout his campaign, "ObamaCare" was called a "complete disaster:  and he vowed to get rid of it immediately.   Now, he realizes that it has some good points, and he's going to tweak it.  I think he never understood it, still doesn't, and is too proud to ask anyone to explain how it works.

Didn’t he reveal this in an interview. He said something like “I never use it” as if that made any sense.

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1 hour ago, lordonia said:

Why in shit should I watch Trump on TV or give 60 Minutes another viewer stat? To begin with, I can't believe a single promise or policy that comes out of his mouth. He spouts opposing opinions every week and sometimes in the same hour.

I have come out of this election with a burning hatred for network news, so screw them sideways as well.

This is music to my ears, I want the media to go down in flames, except for a few patriots the field.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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The man lacks convictions and he lacks courage.  He'll go along with whomever is standing closest to him and when that person leaves, he'll look around for someone else to lean on.  It might be Obama for a few weeks -- while he's in Obama's presence -- but as soon as he's back in Trump Tower, he'll be assuring Bannon and the rest that they have nothing to worry about.

"Too proud to ask for explanations" -- exactly.  He won't even ask Pence or Bannon, because he thinks it will make him look weak.  Which he is. 

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