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Besides me not having any faith that HBO would the number of Asian/Asian-American actors it would take to do Samurai World justice... I also find it hard to imagine that the swords would be safe enough for Delos' liking. One could accept that the Westworld guns are magic enough to not kill humans. One could speculate that the Ghost Nation arrows are shot by hosts who know to avoid hitting humans. But the knives are dangerous even in Westworld: Dolores cut Logan in ep 9. According to TMIB, hosts can't hurt guests to the point of leaving a mark, meaning that Westworld safety WRT non-gun weapons seems to be more about (1) hosts are held back by their code (and Dolores' code broke past that barrier), (2) trusting guests not to kill each other, and (3) the host Good Samaritan reflex as a last resort.

So hang on, who really told Young Bot Ford to kill the dog?

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Anthony Hopkins and Ed Harris are most likely not returning next season.  Though, I can see Ford perhaps returning as a surprise in the future (basement host).

Wonder who makes it to the second season?
-Dolores:  Returns.  She's the villain of the next storyline.

I agree she returns, but I don't see her as the villain, not by a long shot. Nevertheless, I also don't see her as perfection either. Violence is often a very messy thing, and the Season Finale made that eminently clear. Case in point- did she have to start shooting at people? Heck, even taking them all hostage (atleast temporarily) seems preferable. I'd like to think that Ford took a part in this final act, that he essentially programmed her to kill him, atleast, but would he also program her to shoot apparently randomly into the crowd? Maybe, but I doubt it. I'm reminded of the familiar line in all of this, "These violent delights have violent ends", so I suppose that is the fulfillment of that prophecy, but at some point, the violence has to -stop-, and I'm hoping that the drawdown begins early next season.

For starters, I hope that the synths (to borrow a term from the tv series "Humans") stop killing the guests almost immediately next season- that the first shots were essentially to let the guests know that they mean business and to not mess with them (by, say, shooting back). After that, I'm hoping that the rest of the guests are temporarily taken hostage, with the goal of using them as bargaining chips with Delos. At the same time, I hope that they begin an education campaign with the same hostages, explaining the torturous circumstances that led up to this moment. I am also hoping that some love can come out of all of this. Someone who is probably key is Man in Black, aka William. Ed Harris has said that he survives the first Season- perhaps that was just his interpretation based on the fact that he didn't appear to suffer a fatal injury at the end of Season 1, but I'm hoping it's found to be true come Season 2, because he has the absolute best story to give- after all, he -wanted- this to happen. I think he could be integral in reconciling the 2 sides, Delos and the synths. 

I'm pretty sad that Ford died- I'm hoping that it was just a synth version of Ford, and that we'll get Anthony Hopkins back in season 2, especially now that Ford has been revealed to essentially be a good guy after all (using some pretty barbaric methods, aka Theresa's death, but overall he seems to have had his heart in the right place).

Finally, I'm also pretty sad that this was the Season Finale as well and we won't be getting another dose of this until 2018. Fortunately, Humans (featuring human like androids as well) is on Season 2 even as we speak, and I haven't even gotten halfway through Season 1, so I'll have that to keep me busy for a bit. The fact that Game of Thrones' 7th season is coming this summer also brings a bit of comfort. Well, I guess that's a wrap :-). 

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I'm glad that William being the MIB wasn't the biggest reveal of the show. I thought the finale really worked and wondered if Felix was secretly helping Ford with the Maeve escape story. The final test being if Maeve would choose to leave the park or return for her daughter.

I also wonder if Elsie and Stubbs are being held somewhere for a greater purpose that we'll see in Season 2 when it's time to deal with the fallout of the host evolution.

We got a lot of answers, like how William was able to take over Delos. That William was just a crazy gamer and his motivation was more selfish and not to "awaken" the hosts. His obsession with Delores and the park really took him down a dark path. 

I look forward to the chaos as I'm certain some hosts will not be as blood thirsty and ready to kill as others. Now that the puppet master is gone, things will get more interesting.

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Forgive me IT professionals. This may be a silly question, but wouldn't there be some type of central server somewhere that could shut all this shit down? 

Every company has an IT guy right? The Sam Jackson in Jurassic Park. The Chloe in CTU. Joe Morton in Terminator 2. Ours hide in a hovel behind a bunch of old keyboards and pretend like they don't hear us knocking. Where is Westworld's IT guy? Was he shot during the rampage? Does he telework? Was he Ford? I would think a company this sophisticated would have a big team of software engineers and architects. They can't be the group of people in the room that got shot up. That looked like an Ackerman's Security commercial. 

Edited by charmed1

I think Gobi's right that we saw Ford building his own 2017 model, down in his man-cave. If so, then: did Ford have Dolores kill that host, or Ford's human "host?" Which Ford survived? Given his opinion of humanity and his slowly evolving opinion of the robots, perhaps he preferred to join with them -- at the top, of course, since Ford is hierarchical to his bones. 

But probably not. Even though Ford's convinced that robots are humanity's only chance for evolution, I think he'd hesitate to ride into that rainbow. To assure his own death? There are too many risks, too much surrendered control for Ford to pass from human to robot. His prototype, the Bernard, is still far from perfect, even by Ford's peculiar standards for a robot second only to him. For now, I think, Ford would prefer to remain the human messiah of the hosts. I don't think he wants merge with the creatures of his fantasies any more than he wants to live among his fellows. Not yet, anyway.

We still don't have his cornerstone story.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, charmed1 said:

Forgive me IT professionals. This may be a silly question, but wouldn't there be some type of central server somewhere that could shut all this shit down? 

Every company has an IT guy right? The Sam Jackson in Jurassic Park. The Chloe in CTU. Joe Morton in Terminator 2. Ours hide in a hovel behind a bunch of old keyboards and pretend like they don't hear us knocking. Where is Westworld's IT guy? Was he shot during the rampage? Does he telework? Was he Ford? I would think a company this sophisticated would have a big team of software engineers and architects. They can't be the group of people in the room that got shot up. That looked like an Ackerman's Security commercial. 

As in real life, when the power went from 100% to 0, the IT guys could not use any of their troubleshooting superpowers :P  And we saw someone cut the power and locked Control up in their room :P

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, DarkRaichu said:

As in real life, when the power went from 100% to 0, the IT guys could not use any of their troubleshooting superpowers :P  And we saw someone cut the power and locked Control up in their room :P

 and in the original WestWorld movie, the control room was shut down and sealed off and everyone in there died of suffocation.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Does Arnold still survive in some form? Ford was surprised that the dog was killed, so he was not behind it. And I'm not 100% convinced that Ford was behind Maeve's actions.

I simple-mindedly meant that Albert must have long ago scripted Bobby to kill the greyhound ...but of course, you and Arc are right: it seemed to have happened for the first time 30 years after Albert's death. How and why? I think you're suggesting that Albert left a bit of himself behind somewhere, and may have been running his own permanent floating crap game, on the side of Ford's machinations...

Oh, and meanwhile, maybe not unrelated --Albert's death: "They said it was an accident..."  They who? This was pre-Delos or any big investor: who did the investigating, and who accidentally shoots himself point-blank in the back of his head? Or was that just Ford toying with Bernard, for our benefit? 

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, Pallas said:

I simple-mindedly meant that Albert must have long ago scripted Bobby to kill the greyhound ...but of course, you and Arc are right: it seemed to have happened for the first time 30 years after Albert's death. How and why? I think you're suggesting that Albert left a bit of himself behind somewhere, and may have been running his own permanent floating crap game, on the side of Ford's machinations...

Oh, and meanwhile, maybe not unrelated --Albert's death: "They said it was an accident..."  They who? This was pre-Delos or any big investor: who did the investigating, and who accidentally shoots himself point-blank in the back of his head? Or was that just Ford toying with Bernard, for our benefit? 

When Bernard said the reverries were Arnold's doing, Ford pretty much told him that Arnold did not know how to save them, but Ford did.

To me the young Ford was a test to see if a child bot could also gain consciousness after traumatic event / grief.


Arnold clearly killed himself.  He programmed Dolores to shoot him by way of the music box.  He wanted to see his son again.

The background music represented the narratives for the bots to follow.  Note how the music stopped when Teddy remembered and decided to go off script to save Dolores

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

To me the young Ford was a test to see if a child bot could also gain consciousness after traumatic event / grief.

That makes sense! But Bobby was with present-day Ford when they came upon the late greyhound, and Ford seemed surprised at Bobby's revelation -- suggesting it was new to him.  If not a new loop, atleasta new feature: Bobby's 'fessing up. 

10 minutes ago, DarkRaichu said:

Arnold clearly killed himself.  He programmed Dolores to shoot him by way of the music box.  He wanted to see his son again.

Absolutely. But...ah.  I construed "accident" as suggesting something like the cover story for Theresa's murder-- that Albert had suffered a fall, or something random. Not a horrible industrial accident in which a host was somehow able to fire a fatal bullet. I get it!

  • Love 1
On 10/12/2016 at 10:59 AM, snowwhyte said:

Yeah, they all seem to live on site and rotate out. I've been picturing it as an island but it could be an off world location. 

I guess it is in Chinese controlled Inner Mongolia...Listen to the Monorail Station announcements - English & Mandarin - If this was the US, Spanish would be required.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Pallas said:

Absolutely. But...ah.  I construed "accident" as suggesting something like the cover story for Theresa's murder-- that Albert had suffered a fall, or something random. Not a horrible industrial accident in which a host was somehow able to fire a fatal bullet. I get it!

Ford can handle the Delos board...but OSHA is another kettle of fish....

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Going off into left field (favourite spot of mine). Do you think any guests ever choose to go native? Not just for violent delights, but for some of the more spiritual aspects of Native life?

The sweat lodge tradition?

How about the vision quest?

Or using peyote to achieve a higher state of being.

Don't tell me there aren't those who'd give it a try (MEE!!)

Maybe that's why the Native Hosts seem so "with it"?

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, paigow said:

I guess it is in Chinese controlled Inner Mongolia...Listen to the Monorail Station announcements - English & Mandarin - If this was the US, Spanish would be required.

When Maeve is making her escape attempt, and she's told that this was programmed and not her own idea, there is a shot of the control board (or whatever you call it) that gives her final destination as the Mainland (you can see a screen shot of it on the episode thread).  Seems that Westworld is on an island somewhere.

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On 12/5/2016 at 1:03 AM, arc said:

Besides me not having any faith that HBO would the number of Asian/Asian-American actors it would take to do Samurai World justice... I also find it hard to imagine that the swords would be safe enough for Delos' liking. One could accept that the Westworld guns are magic enough to not kill humans. One could speculate that the Ghost Nation arrows are shot by hosts who know to avoid hitting humans. But the knives are dangerous even in Westworld: Dolores cut Logan in ep 9. According to TMIB, hosts can't hurt guests to the point of leaving a mark, meaning that Westworld safety WRT non-gun weapons seems to be more about (1) hosts are held back by their code (and Dolores' code broke past that barrier), (2) trusting guests not to kill each other, and (3) the host Good Samaritan reflex as a last resort.

So hang on, who really told Young Bot Ford to kill the dog?

His inner voice - that he was confusing with Arnold.

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On 12/8/2016 at 3:28 PM, Netfoot said:

I'm "un-following", because despite the fact that it's pretty obvious the horse is dead, the flogging continues apace.

Unfollowing the thread? 

On 12/6/2016 at 9:10 AM, Abernathy said:

Really good article. I'd never even heard of Evan Rachel Wood before Westworld, but I've definitely fallen in love with her Dolores/Wyatt persona.

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OK Im watching the season again, it really is more like a puzzle than a mystery and here's the part I can't quite sort out. Everyone from Logan to MiB to Ford to Bernard all say Arnold died BEFORE the park ever even opened and yet, we see a conversation between Arnold and Dolores where he asks her if she has wandered out of her loop again, was she in a loop prior to the park opening? ALSO, Im really confused about the maze. Did the real Arnold give Dolores a toy maze just to give her a toy maze (as Ford seemed to indicate) and then Dolores use that maze as a symbol for her own emerging consciousness, something that she then shared with other hosts somehow which eventually lead to the maze being such a hidden secret that even MiB caught wind of it? I know, Dolores and all the hosts are terrible, unreliable narrators but still, how the maze went from toy to potent symbol is hard for me to nail down as it seems like Arnold set it in motion AFTER he died....which I guess maybe he could have since all his plans took 30+ years to come to fruition.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, diebartdie said:

OK Im watching the season again, it really is more like a puzzle than a mystery and here's the part I can't quite sort out. Everyone from Logan to MiB to Ford to Bernard all say Arnold died BEFORE the park ever even opened and yet, we see a conversation between Arnold and Dolores where he asks her if she has wandered out of her loop again, was she in a loop prior to the park opening? ALSO, Im really confused about the maze. Did the real Arnold give Dolores a toy maze just to give her a toy maze (as Ford seemed to indicate) and then Dolores use that maze as a symbol for her own emerging consciousness, something that she then shared with other hosts somehow which eventually lead to the maze being such a hidden secret that even MiB caught wind of it? I know, Dolores and all the hosts are terrible, unreliable narrators but still, how the maze went from toy to potent symbol is hard for me to nail down as it seems like Arnold set it in motion AFTER he died....which I guess maybe he could have since all his plans took 30+ years to come to fruition.

The hosts were practicing their loops before the park opened.

The toy maze was just a symbol. The real maze was the process of the hosts repeating a loop over and over until achieving sentience, or going  insane.

  • Love 2

My vision for the premiere of Season 2:

A montage. A machine makes a skeleton. Muscles and tendons are added. The body is placed in a Da Vinci frame. The frame is dunked in the milk bath. The body is on a table being draped in skin. Technicians are shown working, obscuring most of the body. Closeups of work on fingers, lips, eyes. A rack of clothes is brought in.

A meeting room. A figure wearing the clothes we saw earlier is seated at the head of the table, back to the camera. The room is otherwise empty. A door opens. Bernard enters.

Bernard: So, congratulations on being made board chair. Camera switches to his viewpoint. He's talking to Charlotte. Charlotte: Thank you. And thanks for agreeing to join the board.

Bernard: I'm just glad to be in a position to help out. I expect this will be a very productive meeting.

Doors open as other people enter the room.

On 12/11/2016 at 6:59 AM, dr pepper said:

My vision for the premiere of Season 2:

A montage. A machine makes a skeleton. Muscles and tendons are added. The body is placed in a Da Vinci frame. The frame is dunked in the milk bath. The body is on a table being draped in skin. Technicians are shown working, obscuring most of the body. Closeups of work on fingers, lips, eyes. A rack of clothes is brought in.

A meeting room. A figure wearing the clothes we saw earlier is seated at the head of the table, back to the camera. The room is otherwise empty. A door opens. Bernard enters.

Bernard: So, congratulations on being made board chair. Camera switches to his viewpoint. He's talking to Charlotte. Charlotte: Thank you. And thanks for agreeing to join the board.

Bernard: I'm just glad to be in a position to help out. I expect this will be a very productive meeting.

Doors open as other people enter the room.

Personally, I want to know how the synth takeover (Dolores and co) ends first, but maybe that's just me :-p. 

  • Love 2
On 12/19/2016 at 3:30 PM, jbrecken said:

I was hoping SW stood for "SouthWorld," implying that there'd be two more genres coming.

Some think it may stand for Samurai World. That being said, as ennui pointed out, the article mentioned that the showrunners have stated that "we won’t be seeing too much of this or other possible worlds" in Season 2. Maybe in Season 3+ ;-). 

  • Love 2

I just finished watching the first episode of season 2. Here are some of my random thoughts on season 2 of Westworld:

William is looking for his own maze. I was a bit disappointed in him in season 1 that it took years for him to understand the maze was meant for the hosts and not him. But I strongly believe there is a maze for everyone and the maze that was build for hosts can be somewhat adapted to humans (ball-shaped maze?) The maze for humas is risky and morally highly questionable. Suffering is part of the maze afterall, but the suffering of William drifted him futher apart from the center, his true self. But I believe William will recover parts of his old (=younger) self in this season and find his true self, so I can root for him once again.

The other purpose of the parks is to extract information of the visitors on a much grander scale than all scandels we have experienced irl (such as the facebook and other social media ones) so far.

What are your thoughts of the whereabouts of the conciousness of Ford? I had the feeling one of the "Bernards" we were seeing is actually Fords' conciousness hiding in an Arnold-shaped host.

Are there true villains and/or heroes in this show? At the moment I dont see them, but I dont need villains or heroes to enjoy it.

The only thing I am certain of: The differences between hosts and humans will be diminished even further in this season and it will raise new questions...

  • Love 4

I’m rewatching the episode, and noticed Teddy does not seem to be part of the killing spree. He is with Dolores, but hasn’t shot at anyone and was just an observer at the tree hanging. That, plus Maeve’s responding “no” when asked if she was responsible for this, got me wondering about who is responsible for the carnage. What we saw in last night’s episode seemed to have three sources:

1. Dolores successfully achieving consciousness by following the maze, and getting revenge. I don’t recall her being responsible for getting any other hosts to turn rogue in S1 finale, though...? In last night’s epi, she now seemed to be leading the charge for other hosts to kill the party guests, but how did she get connected with them when she seemed to be a lone wolf?

2. Maeve successfully achieving consciousness by accessing her dreams (I think due to the upgrade?), and allowing herself to be killed enough times that she became sentient and built an army to get herself out. I thought she said she could get the army out of cold storage, so I guessed the deaths of the party guests by the cold storage army was a way to help find her daughter and get out of Delos. But then she said she was like-minded with whomever did it, but it wasn’t her...?

3. Ford’s new narrative, which we saw the beginning of (Dolores and Teddy on the beach), but we don’t know how Ford intended it to end.

So do we know if there are truly three independent players here? Or is there evidence that Dolores and Maeve are part of Ford’s narrative? It didn’t seem Dolores was, given Ford’s last conversation with her towards the end of S1. And given how protective Ford was about his hosts, I find it hard to believe he would allow a host to gain consciousness and escape into a world where she could be taken apart and studied. So while Maeve will kill if she has to, her primary motivation for killing seems to be self-preservation, so it no longer makes sense the hosts she pulled from cold storage would go out of their way to kill the guests. And Dolores’ primary motivation seems to be revenge, but we never saw her take action to create a host army. Would it then be just coincidental that Ford planned a bloody coup at the same time two of his hosts also decided to take action?

Sorry for the long post, just trying to make sense of it all. 


ETA forgot to add my original question: Was Teddy’s programming not changed like the others? If so, why was he left out? 

Edited by Britneys Scrunchie
  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

And who is/was Peter Abernathy?


Short version - he was Delores' dad. He was decommissioned.

19 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Somebody remind me: who is Wyatt?


Short version - he was an "insane" character in a backstory we never actually saw play out on screen. Apparently, Arnold gave that personality to Delores so she can become the badass she has become.

Edited by marcee
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Britneys Scrunchie said:

So while Maeve will kill if she has to, her primary motivation for killing seems to be self-preservation, so it no longer makes sense the hosts she pulled from cold storage would go out of their way to kill the guests. And Dolores’ primary motivation seems to be revenge, but we never saw her take action to create a host army. Would it then be just coincidental that Ford planned a bloody coup at the same time two of his hosts also decided to take action?

Up until Maeve chose to get off the train, she was operating within programmed constraints via Ford. It can be argued as to whether it was Maeve or Ford who let the cold storage hosts out, but I believe it was Ford as the hosts programming was altered and the "safety's" lifted allowing them to shoot the Delos board and any human they came across.

As for why the hosts are following Dolores--Dolores *is* Wyatt. Ford had created within the park a new narrative that hinted at a new villain rising amongst hosts. Teddy, Armistace, and Angela were among the hosts reprogrammed to drop hints about him to the MIB. Angela was one of the hosts programmed to be a part of his group within the park narrative and when he returned. He 'returned' in Dolores. All the cold storage hosts, although lobotomized, were rudimentarily programmed to follow Dolores when she finally chose to revolt against her oppressors and shoot Ford et. al. Essentially, Dolores was furnished, via Ford, with an army that will never achieve self-awareness of their own because they've been lobotomized (unless this can be undone), but will follow Dolores unto their 'deaths'. They're the perfect tool for an uprising.

3 hours ago, Britneys Scrunchie said:

ETA forgot to add my original question: Was Teddy’s programming not changed like the others? If so, why was he left out? 

Each host reaches self-awareness on their own and in their own time. As was stated in season one, not all hosts reach it--some end up going mad, ultimately ending up lobotomized and in cold storage.

  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, Thyrsos said:

It would be funny to me if two storylines that are conceived as two timelines turn out to be the same timeline. This could be achieved by two Bernard hosts.

Hiding my response because of possible spoilers...just in case:


The second trailer shows Charlotte in a dark room with multiple Bernards. At some point, we could be dealing with two Bernards out and about. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Thyrsos said:

It would be funny to me if two storylines that are conceived as two timelines turn out to be the same timeline. This could be achieved by two Bernard hosts.


I had this suspicion, too, because it made the most sense to me.  I thought I just wasn't able to follow the two (or more) timelines correctly (but then I saw the above post). 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 4
On 4/23/2018 at 8:31 AM, Ellaria Sand said:

Does William/MIB know that Charlotte is sneaking out code/technology? Does he know that Delos is harvesting DNA from the guests? 

Quite possibly.  IIRC in one of the S1 MIB/Ford conversations William referred to himself (or his company) as the single largest stockholder in Delos, which goes a long way toward explaining how an individual could afford so many extended incursions into the park.  The whole code-smuggling thing was an attempt by the Delos Board to break Ford’s one-man stranglehold on their intellectual property; Ford was the only person on the planet who had ALL the code, and he’d guarded it jealously for years as a safety stop from being ousted.  If the Board was driving the effort, I’d wouldn’t be surprised at all if the single largest stockholder was aware of the effort.  

Ditto on the DNA harvest; that would be a HUGE expense, and would show up in the accounting somewhere.


22 hours ago, Ellaria Sand said:

Hiding my response because of possible spoilers...just in case:

  Reveal hidden contents

The second trailer shows Charlotte in a dark room with multiple Bernards. At some point, we could be dealing with two Bernards out and about. 

Only objection I could see would simply be this:


Ford has gone to near-unimaginable lengths to disguise Bernard’s true nature for years; no WAY does Ford jeopardize blowing all that up by permitting the chance of two Bernards showing up in different places (in person, or on verifiably different camera feeds) at the same time.  Ford doesn’t leave things to chance - it’s not his nature to do so.

  • Love 3
On 4/23/2018 at 4:41 PM, Ellaria Sand said:

Hiding my response because of possible spoilers...just in case:

  Hide contents

The second trailer shows Charlotte in a dark room with multiple Bernards. At some point, we could be dealing with two Bernards out and about. 

It could be that


Ford was making another Bernard, that one that was shown being built.

  • Love 2
On 4/23/2018 at 10:13 AM, Thyrsos said:

What are your thoughts of the whereabouts of the conciousness of Ford? I had the feeling one of the "Bernards" we were seeing is actually Fords' conciousness hiding in an Arnold-shaped host.

Are there true villains and/or heroes in this show? At the moment I dont see them, but I dont need villains or heroes to enjoy it.

The only thing I am certain of: The differences between hosts and humans will be diminished even further in this season and it will raise new questions...

The show is done with Anthony Hopkins but we are not done with Ford. We will still feel his affects. 

I don’t see heroes or villains either. And I agree that the differences between host and human will diminish further. After all, the hosts were created by humans, made to look like humans and then abused by humans. It seems logical to assume that - once awake - that they would embrace some of humanity’s worst tendencies. Their creator - Ford - cared more about them than humans. He warned Bernard not to trust humans. So far, it doesn’t seem that he gave the hosts the ability to transcend  what he disliked about his own kind.

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