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Marriage Boot Camp - General Discussion

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I can admit it, I believed Natalie during the car crash exercise. Or she's a better actress than the rest of these chucklefucks (™ Vanderpump Rules forum).

And I'm sure Spencer will be the "I didn't take it seriously at first but now I do" person they always seem to have on this show.

I like the judge. Prolonged exposure might change my mind, though.

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Natalie is such a freaking twatface.  Seriously who taught her that being honest is being fake.  So if you don't agree with Natalie you are fake?  I actually found Rachel to be the only SANE face in the asylum of morons.  Also, why do they care if she is out all night.  It's not their relationship!  It's not their business.  You don't see Rachel getting up in Heidi's face asking her WHY, WHY did you get so much plastic surgery?  BUT WHY?  OMG this season is hard to watch.  

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"I felt like Rachel needed to be attacked a little more. . . [chomp chomp]"  Who is this Natalie person again?  And why does anyone want anything to do with her, including that guy she's with on the show?  Hold on while I google.


Hmm.  I thought the point of Bad Girls Club was seeing your rude behavior reflected in others and coming out with some self-awareness--was it more like a seminar on perfecting your bitch skills? 


So far I only like Rachel, who's just standing there like Bambi in the meadow.  She needs to cut her losses with her loser boyfriend and get out of there before the others mow her down in the crossfire. 

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Natalie and Heidi made me so livid. I don't even know if I can continue watching this show. Everyone is right in saying that, to Natalie, being "fake" is just disagreeing with her. She and Heidi are spoiled, entitled, immature women who will call you a bitch either for disagreeing with them or for standing up for yourself and not allowing them to walk all over you and torment you. Like if they do something horrible to someone and then the person says "You know, that really upset me" their response is to say "You called me mean and that's name-calling, so really you're the mean one! You're a bitch! You're fake", completely disregarding that they created the whole situation by doing something awful. They play the victim when really they are the perpetrators. I think it makes my blood boil because (unfortunately) I have known many people like this!


The way they wore Rachel's wedding dresses and made her listen to them lecture her about how they were better than her because they're actually wives was disgusting. While I understand Rachel's comment that not every couple is Spencer/Heidi, I could also see why Heidi would get upset about that if what she said is true and off-camera Rachel is condescending about Heidi's relationship with Spencer. I could see how it would be frustrating because it would feel like Rachel thinks she's above Heidi/Spencer and that they're trashy (and even though they are trashy, I'm sure they don't like it when other people point it out to them). The problem is that a) that's not how Rachel's comments came across on camera and they didn't show the other ones that Heidi referred to as condescending and b) even if Rachel was extremely condescending, bullying her is not the right way for Natalie and Heidi to handle it!!


These two women don't seem to understand that the purpose of the show is to improve their relationships with their partners. It's not about making alliances and people having each others' backs, etc. Just because you become friends with someone and think they're in the right when it comes to their problems in their relationship with their partner, doesn't mean they have to support you unconditionally. Especially in Natalie's case when she is abusive to her husband. Jacob is way too good for her. It frightened me that I actually agreed with something Jim said tonight, when he was telling Natalie that a real friend tells the truth.


I was happy that Rachel stood up to both of them in the beginning. I worried that she was going to fold right away and not even try to express herself or counter what they were saying. She sort of folded at the end of it, but I think she just wanted them out of her room at that point. I don't think her opinion about all of it had really changed and that she still knew how insane they were being.


I thought it was interesting the way Tyson totally manipulated Rachel/everyone else there when he flipped the narrative on her and made the issue about her staying out late. It's not that I don't think that isn't a real problem in their relationship, I'm sure it is, but the way he framed it was "everyone's mad at me, so this is the only issue I can bring up that will get them to turn on Rachel". He didn't even say anything like "this is why we have trust issues" or "this is why I'm hesitant to get married". In this episode he really exemplified what their main issue is, which is that he manipulates her. 

Edited by wudpixie
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I love how all these "bad asses" think jumping up and leaving the room while ranting in a loud voice & stomping around means they are "keepin' it real" and the winner of the argument. No, you are just proving how unintelligent you are. You can't debate, or keep a dialogue going in a sensical order that most 2nd graders are capable of doing. You lack the brain cells and vocabulary to state your opinion and defend your position. You are so deficient mentally that you don't understand the difference between disagreement and disrespect.

Speaking of brain dead "celebrities"...Spencer's poetry and artwork are solid confirmation that he is missing a significant part of his cerebral cortex. Was he dropped on his head too many times as a baby? Did he play sports and suffer multiple concussions? Heidi is no Mensa member but she should run before she reproduces with that guy. I hope these 2 understand that a dad with an IQ of 32 and a mom with an IQ of 78 will not produce a child with a 110 IQ.

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I love how all these "bad asses" think jumping up and leaving the room while ranting in a loud voice & stomping around means they are "keepin' it real" and the winner of the argument. No, you are just proving how unintelligent you are. You can't debate, or keep a dialogue going in a sensical order that most 2nd graders are capable of doing. You lack the brain cells and vocabulary to state your opinion and defend your position. You are so deficient mentally that you don't understand the difference between disagreement and disrespect.

Speaking of brain dead "celebrities"...Spencer's poetry and artwork are solid confirmation that he is missing a significant part of his cerebral cortex. Was he dropped on his head too many times as a baby? Did he play sports and suffer multiple concussions? Heidi is no Mensa member but she should run before she reproduces with that guy. I hope these 2 understand that a dad with an IQ of 32 and a mom with an IQ of 78 will not produce a child with a 110 IQ.

Word to all of this! These people who are "keeping it real" don't have the intellectual or linguistic capacity to have a real conversation, so they resort calling everyone bitches and then complaining that the people they are bullying are the "mean" ones. No, YOU are the mean ones. 


I feel so badly for Rachel because she's not like a typical reality TV contestant at all. I don't think she was prepared for this level of insanity and horrid-ness. I saw her on Survivor and she was such a normal person. It seemed like the only reason she went on that show was because Tyson really wanted her to. I feel like she either went on Marriage Boot Camp because, like Survivor, Tyson really wanted her to or maybe because she was totally at the end of her rope with him and was hoping this would help. I think she's one of the few people who didn't go on this solely for the money and was really hoping to work out some issues.


The recap mentions that maybe Spencer is mentally delayed and I wonder about that too. There is something really off with his voice. He always talks sooooo slowly. It takes him forever to get the words out, even though his brain is probably working as fast it can to put them together. I feel like maybe he didn't get enough oxygen when he was born.


During the ball exercise Spencer mentioned to Heidi that a kid wouldn't care how old his/her mother was, just that she was a good mother. Heidi probably talks a lot about wanting to have kids before she's 30. I feel like she's probably obsessed with being a young mother so she can be a cool mom. I could totally picture her as the mom from Mean Girls being all "Do you want snacks? A condom? Let me know!"

Edited by wudpixie
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Why are the fucking therapists allowing one of their group therapy patients to be bullied by two other participants? And why are they standing aside when a therapy participant's personal belongings are raided and damaged?How does that serve the ever- popular "needs of the group"?

Seriously, fuck both of them.

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I think perhaps an In the Media thread should be started.






Heidi and Holly Montag's father is facing some serious charges.
Bill Montag, who became familiar with Hills fans when he walked Heidi down the aisle at her wedding, has been arrested in Aspen, Colo., on charges of child sex abuse and incest after the alleged victim came forward, according to Denver's Channel 9 News.
Per the station, a 29-page affidavit alleges that Montag inflicted years of abuse on a girl starting when she was 13 and continuing till she was 17. Due to a statute of limitations, he can only be charged for crimes committed since July 1, 1996, when the girl in question would have been 16.
There's said to be no indication in the court documents that either of his daughters was a victims.
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Natalie is something, isn't she? Posts all kinds of risqué pictures of herself, but comes unglued at picture of Jacob shirtless?  Can't even see the turn about is fair play part of it?  Heidi knew what she was doing when she took that picture - even though I don't think she knew what Natalie said when she and Jacob arrived at the house.


Regarding the 'date' concept... there are always a couple that pair the 'right' people together, but then the leftover spouses have to go somewhere.  Aviva and Tyson, for example.  Neither of them saw the point of that date - if there was one.  I only know of Aviva from this show, so I can't picture her taking off her leg and throwing it at someone - but I am sure she did, since it was taped, right?


Heidi, Natalie, and Reed deliberately invaded other people's privacy that had nothing to do with their own marriage.  I understand Reed wanting to see Aviva's game-changer, but why were Heidi and Natalie concerned with anyone's envelopes other than their own spouses'?  I understand this is a silly reality show, but I do think there might be a glimmer of info for the couples to gain during the show about their OWN marriages.  Several of these people aren't even pretending to try - nor are they interested in doing so. 

Natalie/Jacob - doomed within 3 years

Tyson/Rachel - still unsure 

Aviva/Reed - not seeing the problem here in the first place

Serena/?Kwaon - these two will be just fine 

Heidi/Spencer - doomed when the fame runs out

Edited by mythoughtis
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Natalie is a piece work for sure. And though I'm sure most of this is real Natalie, I wonder how much is her personality "turned up" for the camera. If this is her all the time, why the fuck did Jacob marry her?

My breakdown:

Natalie/Jacob--@ least 5 years and one kid

Tyson/Rachel--won't make past boot camp

Aviva/Reed--famewhores united in a joint cause, only here for the camera time and will be fine

Serena/Kwaeon--will be fine

Heidi/Spencer--will last 3 years without kids, 7 with them. Although they'll probably make also, they've been together for quite a while.

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Heidi, Natalie, and Reed deliberately invaded other people's privacy that had nothing to do with their own marriage.  I understand Reed wanting to see Aviva's game-changer, but why were Heidi and Natalie concerned with anyone's envelopes other than their own spouses'?  I understand this is a silly reality show, but I do think there might be a glimmer of info for the couples to gain during the show about their OWN marriages. 

Yeah, I realize how dumb it us to get offended at this show, but the fact that nobody is getting called out on the invasion of privacy issues actually offends me.

Dr. Drew wouldn't stand for that shit!

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What exactly was the point of making the women spend the rest of the day, including on their dates, with their cut up t-shirts and their bras all exposed? I found it very exploitative and disrespectful. Not that this show isn't above exploiting people but for some reason I found it to be incredibly rude. I'm surprised some of them went along with it. Let them put on a shirt for Pete's sake!

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I wasn't as upset by Natalie and Heidi reading the stupid "dealbreaker" results (Jim was probably ecstatic that he could throw his weight around and punish people for breaking his rules) as I was that they were reading other people's results. And then Natalie bitching about how she was doing it to help Rachel? I realize that they're in a group therapy setting and on national television as well, so it's not like anything is sacred, but where do Heidi and Natalie get off acting like they're entitled to know everyone's business and are qualified to help them? If you're on marriage boot camp, odds are you're not doing so well yourself.

The "dates" were solely set up for drama factor, it had nothing to do with who they were or were not suited for. Rachel and Kiwone were easy to ignore on their boat, Reid and Syleena muttered to each other while drinking, and Tyson made some sexual sushi jokes, and Aviva laughed awkwardly. Meanwhile, flirtatious Heidi was practically begging Jacob to take of his shirt for her and jealous Natalie and Spencer had their legs wrapped around each other.

My predictions:

Syleena+Kiwone=will be fine. I think they have enough genuine love for each other (and Syleena seemed heartbroken by the idea of less time with her kids) that they will make it.

Natalie+Jacob=over in 2 years or less. She's an awful shrew, and while he hasn't wowed me, he certainly seems like a decent guy. I have no idea how they made it this far, I 've never seen BGC.

Aviva+Reid=over when RHONY is over.

Tyson+Rachel=I think I'm in the minority, because I think they'll be alright. Either Tyson is as shallow and vapid as Heidi (albeit smarter) and Rachel is more wooden and hollow than Pinocchio or they're the worst pair of actors ever, looking for one last pay day. They're different from the others, it's not as easy for them to just sign on for another season. I think they're spitting out manufactured drama, and they will be engaged by the reunion.

Spencer+Heidi=if she doesn't have a baby by 30, she's out. She'll marry the next guy she dates, and have one by the time she's 32. I doubt they have kids together, but if they do, they'll have two back to back, and get divorced by the time the second is 3.

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I don't think anyone really goes on this show to resolve issues with their marriage or relationship.  They go on this show to merely extend their 15 minutes and to collect a check.  Any couple who really wanted to work on their relationship would be with a real counselor or therapist and wouldn't air their dirty laundry out on tv.


Instead of this pretense, why doesn't WE come up with a survivor type show for these reality tv folks who want to extend their "fame".  They couldn't have any challenges because I don't see any of the former HW's doing that, but just put all of the crazies on an island or whatever, and see who lasts until the end.  Just dangle the promise of some sort of prize (it wouldn't have to be huge, maybe even some sort of trophy plus a per week paycheck) at the end.  Add in that none of the contestants can throw out beds or physically force someone out (like the idiots on the BGC).  

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I admit to watching a lot of reality TV (Housewives, Survivor, Amazing Race...) so I'm guilty for giving some of these asshats a platform to mug for cameras.  However, when these D-listers become so desperate to stay on TV, that's when we as viewers need to pull the plug.  Why continue to reward them for shitty behavior? People like Spencer and Natalie and basically this whole cast get to make money for showing how unintelligent, crass and belligerent they are? 


Speaking of making money - how does posting pictures of your big fat ass on Instagram make money?  Do Natalie's "fan" pay her to see those stupid pictures?  I don't use Instagram so I'm completely in the dark on how posting a picture on social media generates income.


The Carolls should be ashamed of themselves as well.  But again if ANY of the participants of these kinds of shows had any depth of character or self-awareness, there'd be no more of these shows. 

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Speaking of making money - how does posting pictures of your big fat ass on Instagram make money?  Do Natalie's "fan" pay her to see those stupid pictures?  I don't use Instagram so I'm completely in the dark on how posting a picture on social media generates income.


I believe butt-shots translate to more followers, and more followers translate to appearances at clubs, strip joints, and roller rinks.  Or maybe she's holding out for that any-year-now lucrative Playboy offer. 

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Couples are stunned when they undergo surprise shock therapy to learn how to communicate. A limb-throwing argument mortifies Aviva; Spencer insults Natalie and simmering tensions explode.

Edited by OnceSane
added episode description
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The winners of the golf cart challenge was bull. Natalie and Jacob won and Heidi and Spencer lost because they are the two most "exciting" couples. Obviously Speidi deserved to lose, that was a given. But Tyson and Rachel communicated well. Rachel gave good directions and Tyson trusted her. Maybe I'm naive, but I think they're okay, just not an very touchy feely couple, which is fine if it works for them. But it wouldn't be nearly as fun watching Spencer and Heidi a giggle and pull "practical jokes" on them.

Also, why is it that when Heidi was imitating Spencer and she said "I'm bored with you, I don't love you anymore" that it didn't get any attention from Jim and Elizabeth? That seems like an even more pressing issue than the baby.

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"But they should NEVER JOKE. Because nobody mature has ever laughed at/during sex."<br /><br />- death knell to my sex life. hee<br />I always say if you can't laugh with your partner then perhaps you shouldn't be having sex with them.

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Aviva and Reid can just go any time now. So tired of Aviva's pearl clutching and Reid being creepy. Her calling him "monster" in the bedroom made me gag.

As crazy as it is, I have more faith in Natalie and Jacob now than ever before. I get that they're still in a honeymoon stage, but I saw more genuine love between them on this episode than ever before. I think they truly enjoy each other's company.

Syleena and Kiwone will be fine. They've been married for awhile, have kids, work, etc. Their problems are pretty typical and I think they have enough genuine love for each other that they will be fine.

Spencer and Heidi are gross. That boy will do anything to avoid knocking her up, and I'm starting to understand why. She's so crazy, I could totally see her going off birth control without telling him, poking holes in condoms, etc.

I still feel like Tyson and Rachel are terrible actors, looking for one last payday before they fade into obscurity. They're not like the others, they can't just sign on for another season of their show. Tyson was on survivor 3 times, and won once. He was a good player, but I doubt he'll be back. Rachel was about as lifeless there as she is here so I don't think she'll ever get asked back. I wouldn't be surprised if this was all faked on their part.

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I have to agree Vanderboom. It's not like I don't talk about sex with girlsfriends - but I don't get into specifics and certainly not in front of people I don't know.  My DH had a mild stroke in his early 40's - because of the medication he's on, he no longer is capable of having sex - could he take more meds to fix that - probably - but sex is not the be all and end all of a relationship. Sure I regret having some headaches in the early days, when the kids were young and there was never enough time in the day but I'm hppy to have a relationship built on trust, respect and caring. As a matter of fact - the relationship is better because neither of us feels rejected, there's no holding sex back to prove a point or because you're mad..

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Have they ever said what Kiwane actually does for a living? Because to me, their problems seem more money based than anything. They are the most touchy feely and that puppet porn shows that they can get it in when they want to. It seems like Syleena is constantly gone while she's grinding for her career to be able to support the family and then Kiwane feels that she isn't home enough for quality time with him and with the boys. I don't know what the fiscal breakdown is, but maybe Syleena is working so hard and gone so long to support the fam on her income and Kiwane is a fantastic hubby, but isn't the primary breadwinner. 


They seem like two cool people who like each other alot and that this will help them reconnect. 


Spencer and Heidi - Jim and Elizabeth are trying really hard to make me feel bad for them, but I don't. I used to watch the Hills (don't judge me. LOL) and they were awful to people when they were rich and famous, they were the biggest brats you'd ever seen and often for no damn reason at all other than to ensure screen time. So now that its over and they didn't save any money and they've ruined most of their relationships with people, I'm supposed to feel bad that they haven't grown up like real adults? That they have to live in his mommy's vacation house in Malibu? Really? They're both young and immature and if they weren't living off someone, they would likely have broken up awhile ago since they would have to get real jobs and earn a living and neither of them seems to understand that success usually takes hard work.  Neither of them seem to want to do anything or work at anything.  Except Heidi wants a baby, but doesn't seem to have any concept of how they will support that baby and yet Spencer is the crazy one?


Rachel should just pack her bag cuz he is not going to marry you any time soon or ever. Girl, pick your dignity up off the floor and go home. 

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I don't understand why I watch this show. I'd never heard of most of these people until the show started (I'm not very trendy in my TV watching) so I didn't know what to expect but man, such drama over nothing. Natalie is so LOUD all the time and the ringleader of trouble. Aviva and Ried should go home now already. They are like plastic people. How can you lose your leg at age 10 and not have things you'd like to say to that 10 year old self? She acted as though la-la-la everyone goes through this. NOT.  


I couldn't figure out Spencer in this one. He never takes any of this seriously, so I couldn't tell if his dramatic forgiveness bit was for real or not. Maybe we can tell by how he acts going forward. And did Rachel actually face whatever it was that she has to forgive?  She is such a non-entity that I can't remember what she did.


How many more weeks of this are there?  No one seems very different than they did when they arrived.

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