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Whoopi Goldberg: EGOT Winner, So Why Is She Here?


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LOL, that is sooooo funny, especially b/c others thought that Whoopi's story was actually based on an Oreo commercial.  So did Whoopi pull a Brian Williams here and steal the commercial and co-opt it as her own story w/her mother?


Rosie's look is like she knows Whoopi is full of crap, especially b/c Rosie has that mind the recalls every tv show, movie, commercial, and whatnot she ever saw in her life to reflect upon.

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LOL, that is sooooo funny, especially b/c others thought that Whoopi's story was actually based on an Oreo commercial.  So did Whoopi pull a Brian Williams here and steal the commercial and co-opt it as her own story w/her mother?


Rosie's look is like she knows Whoopi is full of crap, especially b/c Rosie has that mind the recalls every tv show, movie, commercial, and whatnot she ever saw in her life to reflect upon.

Yep, unlike myself it looks like the co-hosts caught it right away, lol.   Someone here thought Whoopi's touching Oreo story sounded familiar  and remembered the commercial too (sorry, I can't remember who) and sure enough it was on youtube.  I wonder if Whoopi was thinking about that when she was arguing that Brian Williams didn't exactly lie, lol?  

  • Love 4

Is that why that plate of Oreo cookies was on the desk last week?  All I saw when I briefly tuned in was Whoopi trying to talk but shoving cookie after cookie in her mouth almost like she had the munchies!  Were the oreo cookies significant of a topic?

The Oreos were the topic - the new red velvet oreos.  It was the day Whoopi was totally loaded and said that licking contests with her mom were one of the "great memories" she had of her childhood.   Here's the clip:  http://abc.go.com/shows/the-view/video/VDKA0_ew9853qu


RedHeadZombie said she doubted Whoopi's story since it sounded like a commercial she remembered.  Sure enough, the commercial was on youtube.  Ready. Set. Lick.


I thought it was hilarious. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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The Oreos were the topic - the new red velvet oreos.  It was the day Whoopi was totally loaded and said that licking contests with her mom were one of the "great memories" she had of her childhood.   Here's the clip:  http://abc.go.com/shows/the-view/video/VDKA0_ew9853qu


RedHeadZombie said she doubted Whoopi's story since it sounded like a commercial she remembered.  Sure enough, the commercial was on youtube.  Ready. Set. Lick.


I thought it was hilarious. 

Thanks for filling me in, I missed it!  


Too funny!!!  LOL

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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I have -- like nearly everyone else in the world --- enjoyed Whoopi's acting. I find her almost unbearable on The View largely because of her body function humor. Just not my taste. But I hadn't had strong feelings about the bickering with Rosie until now. The last couple of days Whoopi, who must have known Rosie was about to be gone and why, really gave Rosie some cutting digs. I see it as a kick-her-while-she's-down attack. Didn't like it. Didn't like her. 

  • Love 16

The news of Rosie O leaving the show is unsettling and the last nail was just put into WG's coffin for me having watched her demented behavior towards RO especially knowing what she was going through.  How unkind.  


Do us all a favor and please leave the show.  I doubt the show will last much longer anyway but without you it might have a fighting chance.  I prefer The View to The Talk!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 11

I can't figure Whoopi out. When it was announced that Rosie would be returning, there was part of me that thought, Whoopi would get along famously with Ro. Two comedians, actresses, who have had their fair share of trouble over the years for voicing their opinions. Least we not forget, that Whoopi had been asleep behind the wheel for a few years. I couldn't possibly imagine that she'd snap back to life, and snap back at Rosie as viciously and nastily as she does. 


I guess Rosie just rubs her the wrong way? Whoopi just doesn't like her? I can only imagine how she acts toward Rosie behind the scenes if she can be so mean spirited and disrespectful in front of the cameras.

  • Love 18

It's the ego thing. Whoopi thinks she's all that. But to borrow a phrase from Joy - she's delusional. RO was offended and appalled by Whoopi's lack of professionalism and it showed. And I don't want someone who's a great grandmother at 50 something and financially supporting all her family and hangers on giving me parenting advice.

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 18

I can't figure Whoopi out. When it was announced that Rosie would be returning, there was part of me that thought, Whoopi would get along famously with Ro. Two comedians, actresses, who have had their fair share of trouble over the years for voicing their opinions. Least we not forget, that Whoopi had been asleep behind the wheel for a few years. I couldn't possibly imagine that she'd snap back to life, and snap back at Rosie as viciously and nastily as she does. 


I guess Rosie just rubs her the wrong way? Whoopi just doesn't like her? I can only imagine how she acts toward Rosie behind the scenes if she can be so mean spirited and disrespectful in front of the cameras.

MAYBE -  just speculating here  - maybe it's simple finances.  Maybe Rosie was offered a salary that was the same or higher than Whoopi's, or some other consideration to persuade her to join The View, and Whoopi resented that Rosie was being treated like a returning star.   I assume that Whoopi was the highest paid before Rosie returned, and she enjoyed that status.  Thinking about how Whoopi is always ranting about taxes, I think it would explain her behavior.  


Edited by backformore
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MAYBE -  just speculating here  - maybe it's simple finances.  Maybe Rosie was offered a salary that was the same or higher than Whoopi's, or some other consideration to persuade her to join The View, and Whoopi resented that Rosie was being treated like a returning star.   I assume that Whoopi was the highest paid before Rosie returned, and she enjoyed that status.  Thinking about how Whoopi is always ranting about taxes, I think it would explain her behavior.  



Isn't that a pity. Instead of minding her own business, she's possibly worried about what Ro's making. This coming from a woman, who doesn't like talking about her financial status, unless it's to show outrage for the rich having to pay higher taxes. 


It's a head scratcher for me. Of course, it probably makes perfect sense to Whoopi why she dislikes Rosie. But, for this former viewer to me all I see is her being a bully. 


I wanted Rosie to really give it back to old gassy, but she's held her tongue. I guess this is one fight Rosie won't be bullied into, no matter how much Whoopi wags that finger, as her dreads whip in and out of her face. Well, played, Ro. It's better to look like the more levelheaded one. No split screens for her this time around. I do hope she manages to keep her cool for her final week on air. 


I just don't know where this show goes from here. Especially with Whoopi in the moderator position. No one willing to call her out or even challenge her. I wonder if she'll fall asleep behind the wheel again. If she doesn't perceive anyone as a threat on that panel, she might get real comfortable again. Sort of hoping for that for the sake of Nicolle and Rosie P.

  • Love 7

I also thought Whoopi and Rosie O would get along well when Rosie O's return was first announced. I even remember her subtly responding to Elisabeth's stupid remarks about how they wouldn't get along. (Another reason to hate Whoopi--she made Elisabeth "right.")


Thinking about it now, it's probably a combination of things. Whoopi probably was angry about Rosie O's salary, since obviously she does not compare in star power (in Whoopi's mind). Whoopi may have also blamed Rosie O for all the changes at The View--for possibly having lost a few friends behind the scenes and at the table, for having to actually be awake at work, etc. There's also the difference between them in that Whoopi wants to excuse any and all celebrities, especially those she knows or who she sees as being similar to herself (like Bill Cosby), whereas Rosie O gives no excuses to friends, celebrities, or unknowns. Throw in a little bit of Rosie O being somewhat odd and "difficult to work with," a little bit of Whoopi just wanting to get paid and go home, and it probably escalated pretty fast. And, honestly, I think Nicolle also had something to do with it. Whoopi from the very beginning seemed as if she was trying to "protect" Nicolle from Rosie O during discussions, and Nicolle probably egged on the divide as time went on (because, really, how could she not benefit by getting liberal Rosie O to explode/quit/receive negative publicity/get fired, all without seemingly no blood on her hands).

  • Love 10

I also picked up on the WG/NW bond. NW cackled at everything that fell out of WG mouth. I know some thought NW wasn't as bad as Elisabeth and maybe she wasn't, but I know from things I've read she is not as easy/moderate as she put on at The View.

She had WG on her side. So, Whoopi could scold, laugh and mock Rosie and Nicole just sat back and enjoyed it.

  • Love 12

I also picked up on the WG/NW bond. NW cackled at everything that fell out of WG mouth. I know some thought NW wasn't as bad as Elisabeth and maybe she wasn't, but I know from things I've read she is not as easy/moderate as she put on at The View.

She had WG on her side. So, Whoopi could scold, laugh and mock Rosie and Nicole just sat back and enjoyed it.

I don't know when it happened but I noticed it too - especially in the last couple of weeks when  I felt like Whoopi was openly mocking RO, like during the "discussion' about Brian Williams.  The ruder Whoopi was to RO the louder Nicolle laughed - it felt like a middle school cafeteria table of mean girls.  Weird.  

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My biggest problem with whole scene is Whoopie's assumption of the throne. As a 62 year old woman, I've seen a lot of life and I know one thing for sure: I'm no expert. Whoopie's telling me how to parent (like I would to follow her sorry example)' her take on taxes (seriously, can she be serious?), her predictable defense of celebrity misbehavior (or worse, criminal offenses), and her general contempt for the people who have made her a star?

My life is no better, no worse, than any other life. The arrogance of this woman to browbeat others is obnoxious. And yet no one takes her down and calls her on it.

In my opinion, she's an example of a narassictic, very fortunate, one trick pony.

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The other resentment that Whoopie holds against Rosie occurred on the very first show of this season when the four of the hosts came out and the entire audience chanted (in unison), "Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie..."  RO tried to quiet them all down and finally did but I saw Whoopie's face and she wasn't happy about that show of audience excitement that Rosie was back!  I used to adore Whoopie.  I loved her "Sister Act" movies, followed every "Comic Relief" show she did and contributed every time having a sweatshirt from all of the shows.  I saw almost every one of her movies and saw her one-woman shows that were broadcast on HBO.  But her appearance on "The View" has changed my opinion of her.  She is a bully and an ignorant one at that!  Only a perpetually stupid person can take the positions that she does and I detest her now.  I wouldn't waste a minute watching anything that she is on nor would I waste a minute watching Nicole Wallace.  I'm grateful that I've gained another hour during the day that I can devote to reading or watching a Netflix movie of my choice!

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Whoopi seemed to be in such an upbeat mood during hot topics. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the news that came out over the weekend could it? No, of course not. She must be incredibly upset that the only person willing to truly challenge her on the panel in her views and star power is leaving before her contract is up.

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Today i counted at least three Hot Topics that she read/commented on without even one other co-host saying a word before she went onto the next topic.  Seriously.  So basically she was just reading us the Yahoo homepage - no discussion or input from her sidekicks necessary.  

right - Whoopi introduces a topic, declares her opinion of it, and moves on.  Interesting ONLY to people who don't have access to the internet, where they would have read most of these stories 3 days before Whoopi tells us about them.  

  • Love 7


The other resentment that Whoopie holds against Rosie occurred on the very first show of this season when the four of the hosts came out and the entire audience chanted (in unison), "Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie..."  RO tried to quiet them all down and finally did but I saw Whoopie's face and she wasn't happy about that show of audience excitement that Rosie was back!

Maybe this is why they gave Whoopi the overdone welcome back reception when she returned after back issues! lol  

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Apparently Whoopi is filming, or about to film, a pilot.  I hope this means she's done after this season.

Interesting.  I think it's in the media thread, but I read something here about her doing a pilot and how it would be easy for her to do both a show and this shiftiest and then another article that ABC wasn't going to let her do the pilot but it was all reported by online tabloids.  


There was some speculation here (by me and others) that Whoopi would be okay with not doing it because a series would of course mean actually working instead of whatever she's doing on this show: Wake, Bake, and Bloviate.    Well see I guess. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 1

I wish I understood Whoopi.


She is intolerable on The View - not ever someone I would "love to share a beer with".  So how does she keep the job......and then.....


She has been appointed to be a judge of The Tribeca Film Festival.  Yet another indicator that she is not only well liked, perhaps loved, within the arts community, but she is well respected also.


What a disconnect between the personal, private person and the daily showcase public person - with the daily person being a remarkably unlikeable character!


I struggle to figure it out and will most likely, never succeed.

  • Love 10

I wish I understood Whoopi.


She is intolerable on The View - not ever someone I would "love to share a beer with".  So how does she keep the job......and then.....


She has been appointed to be a judge of The Tribeca Film Festival.  Yet another indicator that she is not only well liked, perhaps loved, within the arts community, but she is well respected also.


What a disconnect between the personal, private person and the daily showcase public person - with the daily person being a remarkably unlikeable character!


I struggle to figure it out and will most likely, never succeed.

You & me both, kaygeeret!!!  I totally don't get it!!

  • Love 4

I so agree....I've never understood the love and respect for WG since she started on this show.


I can only think of 2 reasons for this.......most people do not watch the show.....and have no clue about the real WG. This includes other artists and the media. 


Out of all the, very few, EGOT none were as controversial as WG. Or disgusting.


My second reason is that that the industry is very tight at the top (or for wannabes) and they dare not cross anyone. They may be working with them one day.


I've always loved when someone well known, including the audience, gush over someone other than WG....even BW or RO. W's expression is priceless. 

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I think it's fair to say that Whoopi is portraying a character on The View.  The producers want her to shriek and spew and go manic, because they believe, in their warped view, that is what "sells" in 2015.  Just watch the audience most days.  They are almost hysterically similar to the SNL spoof of Oprah fans.



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I think it's fair to say that Whoopi is portraying a character on The View.


She's a character all right, a nasty one.




Just watch the audience most days.  They are almost hysterically similar to the SNL spoof of Oprah fans.


I don't find that to be true at all, sure they are enthusiastic most days, but the 50-100? live audience members aren't what matters, it's the 3 million folks at home.

  • Love 3

I wish I understood Whoopi.


She is intolerable on The View - not ever someone I would "love to share a beer with".  So how does she keep the job......and then.....


She has been appointed to be a judge of The Tribeca Film Festival.  Yet another indicator that she is not only well liked, perhaps loved, within the arts community, but she is well respected also.


What a disconnect between the personal, private person and the daily showcase public person - with the daily person being a remarkably unlikeable character!


I struggle to figure it out and will most likely, never succeed.

I have a close family member who used to mystify in the same way but in her case it was/is all about the way she treated people at the top, her bosses and her professional peers thought she was amazing.  Her staff and people that really know her aren't as impressed, lol    My theory is Whoopi was very very good at networking on her way up although when her career took a dive about eight years ago she practically begged to be on this show. 


After joining The Spew she got back in the spotlight and opportunities started coming her way again.  Also, I 100% agree that those A Lister movers and shakers do not watch this show at all.  


Whoopi may be an actress or as she likes to remind us a Movie Stah, but I don't think she's acting on this show at all.  I've never seen any sign that she cares enough about it to  put on any kind of act. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7

Whoopi is a terrible fit for the show. So why would anyone in their right mind think that Babs' next tap is any more suitable? Just like Whoopi, Monica L is a terrible fit. This has politics written all over it. 

I don't think Babs has any say over the next co-host, not that I trust TPTB at ABC to select anyone I like.  Babs sold her share of the show and is technically retired as is her buddy Sweaty Geddie.   Correct me if I'm wrong but  I think Nicolle, Perez, and RO were all chosen by ABC execs.  I don't have any idea why it is taking so long though except the my wishful thinking after years of circling the drain someone at ABC will finally flush this mess. 


I just find it odd that I was watching my DVR'ed episodes this weekend she encouraged folks to let them know how "The View" was doing. No disclaimer she didn't care. Think she got a talking too?

Ooooh, interesting FairyDusted!  Did Whoopi say that?   LOL, I don't think she's going to like what I'm going to say.  I'm off to email my view; maybe I'll include a link to this thread. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 6

I don't think Babs has any say over the next co-host, not that I trust TPTB at ABC to select anyone I like.  Babs sold her share of the show and is technically retired as is her buddy Sweaty Geddie.   Correct me if I'm wrong but  I think Nicolle, Perez, and RO were all chosen by ABC execs.  I don't have any idea why it is taking so long though except the my wishful thinking after years of circling the drain someone at ABC will finally flush this mess. 


Ooooh, interesting FairyDusted!  Did Whoopi say that?   LOL, I don't think she's going to like what I'm going to say.  I'm off to email my view; maybe I'll include a link to this thread. 

Oh yes she did! I so wish I would have saved it!

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Has Whoopi mentioned a sitcom of hers? https://instagram.com/p/1MHCDzoLhy/

Interesting. Whoopi must have agreed to move forward on the sitcom even though ABC refused to let her out of the last year of her View contract. I guess this means either she will definitely be back for at least another full season of The View, or there isn't going to be another season. I know which of those options gets my vote....

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I saw a clip somewhere of the new show, or appearance of WG. Wise sage kind of role.


Funny that I always found WG distainful of SS but otoh not surprised to see SS stalking WG. Sherri never listened to any of Whoopi's advice which was actually good advice. 

Can somebody explain to me how Sherry is stalking Whoopie? lol..Thanks!


SS always seems to show up out of the blue; and try and contact new "friends" that she considers her new bff and ever. Hence SS showing up on WG's new show out of the blue to get and post a selfie. Or promote a movie she has a bit part in and try to make herself an important part of it. Or a bit part in a comedy tv show. Long ago. Who does that? JMO.

Edited by maggiemae
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