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I won't be watching that, but I did enjoy the interview. I'm one of those people Trevor said only knew Jesse from his acceptance speech at an awards show, so I shouldn't have been surprised that he came across as intelligent and involved.

Loved Trevor doing that bit with the bus rolling over people. Even his voice as young Paul Ryan vowing vengeance against old people was good.

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I really enjoy the range of minority guests Trevor has been inviting to the show -- they're generally people I would not normally see on late night shows and have interesting viewpoints and experiences.

I still think Trevor needs to continue to improve his interview skills, but I wouldn't mind if the talk segments were given a couple more minutes at the expense of the comedy. And I'm usually bored by talk show interviews.

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Ok...I don't know if I am being shallow or am I just getting grumpy in my old age, but I really could not pay attention to anything the new British correspondent because I was too distracted by that stupid ring through her nose!  it was not even the little stud kind that goes on the outer side of the nose, but instead the loop kind thru the nose like a bull has and she kept flaring her nostrils. I'm going to watch the encode presentation and not watch the segment with her, but instead only listen.

1 hour ago, Poohbear617 said:

I really could not pay attention to anything the new British correspondent because I was too distracted by that stupid ring through her nose!

Sometimes I think about getting a bigger TV because my vision isn't that good, so thanks for reminding me why my 24" screen is fine. Gives me the gist without snot rings and clogged pores.

I thought Gina did a good job even with a couple of timing problems, like she was waiting for an audience laugh that never came. Looking forward to seeing what she'll bring to the show.

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15 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I won't be watching that, but I did enjoy the interview. I'm one of those people Trevor said only knew Jesse from his acceptance speech at an awards show, so I shouldn't have been surprised that he came across as intelligent and involved.

Loved Trevor doing that bit with the bus rolling over people. Even his voice as young Paul Ryan vowing vengeance against old people was good.

You really should watch it it's a great interview

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I didn't notice the nose ring either, but admittedly I wasn't paying a ton of attention.

It's funny that I generally liked her and was interested in what she had to say, but I didn't think she was particularly funny.  She also seemed like she was having some issues with timing or kept expecting the audience to laugh or react in ways that just weren't happening.

I highly doubt millenials were checking out wikileaks and deciding not to vote for Clinton. I found Donna's act to be off putting. Trevor's whole point was that the GOP was controlling the narrative. You explaining now what and what wasn't true misses the point. Yes, it's not about just resisting, but if they don't get that they need to get ahead of the garbage being put out every minute, it's going to be the same thing. 

  • Love 3

They ran a poor campaign, and she said on the show, we shouldn't have taken votes from Michigan, etc., for granted. Ok, fair enough. She was the chair at the time though, and I just think a stronger leader would accept their fair share of the blame. She did kind of avoid the more probing questions Trevor was trying to ask. 

I tend to disagree with her overall assessment of their strategy. They had to have known there were going to be a lot of just angry people coming out to vote against Clinton to stick it to her and Obama. They should have focused on getting way more voter turnout to lessen that impact. Calling out the audience doesn't really help. And why on earth would you even let there be suspicion of giving questions to Clinton? Clinton's been in public life and through 2 rough presidential campaigns for my entire adult life. I'm doubtful she needed the help. 

  • Love 4

I was too distracted by that stupid ring through her nose! 

I kept wondering how you blow your nose when you have a nose ring like that. Ick.

I'm so glad Trevor brought up Gerry Williams' crazy hair! What's with these alt-right weirdo candidates and their crazy hair?? He's right, it's like watching a movie and wondering why people can't see how crazy someone obviously is. 

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They say, in the entertainment industry, never work with children (or animals) as they will steal the act from you. This week, we saw two hilarious examples of that with the child and infant breaking in and interrupting their father in the middle of his BBC interview, and the child asking its electronic device for a kids game, only to respond to the child with a menu of porn sites to choose from. The parents response was equally hilarious. Both gave me the biggest laughs of the week.

Ronnie is great at passive aggressive snark.

  • Love 3
On 3/17/2017 at 9:01 AM, ganesh said:

I highly doubt millenials were checking out wikileaks and deciding not to vote for Clinton. I found Donna's act to be off putting. Trevor's whole point was that the GOP was controlling the narrative. You explaining now what and what wasn't true misses the point. Yes, it's not about just resisting, but if they don't get that they need to get ahead of the garbage being put out every minute, it's going to be the same thing. 


Sorry having problem editing my post.   The interview with Donna was strangely and badly edited.  JMHO found this one of Trevor's weakest interviews. 

11 hours ago, Gulftastic said:

Gina Yashere? Why? She's never been funny. Never.

I have to agree. She was awful...and obnoxious.  I'm not even old(er), but I thought her nose ring was distracting and she looked totally unprofessional... Like she just came from the club. I don't think the show needs another contributor. They should just stick with Hasan, Roy Wood Jr, sometimes Michelle, sometimes Ronny, sometimes Adam. The rest of the correspondents really aren't funny. 

13 minutes ago, juliet73 said:

I have to agree. She was awful...and obnoxious.  I'm not even old(er), but I thought her nose ring was distracting and she looked totally unprofessional... Like she just came from the club. I don't think the show needs another contributor. They should just stick with Hasan, Roy Wood Jr, sometimes Michelle, sometimes Ronny, sometimes Adam. The rest of the correspondents really aren't funny. 

It got off to a rough start for me because who's surprised at the concept of a black person from the UK? That was so irksome. Like we've never heard of Sade, Seal, Billy Ocean, Roland Gift...oh, countless musicians. And actors. And athletes. And those are just the famous ones.

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That joke was flat because when she said, "there's me and Idris Elba", I said, well, "David Oyelowo played Henry VI." In the age of multiple tv platforms, I think we know there's plenty of non-white successful actors in the UK. I did think she was funny overall. I thought the joke about supersizing everything was funny too. I appreciate the show is seeking out alternative voices. 

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On 3/18/2017 at 0:26 AM, One Imaginary Girl said:

It got off to a rough start for me because who's surprised at the concept of a black person from the UK? That was so irksome. Like we've never heard of Sade, Seal, Billy Ocean, Roland Gift...oh, countless musicians. And actors. And athletes. And those are just the famous ones.

The sad thing is.....    plenty of people would be surprised to see a black person from the UK.  I guess it's weird in our post-racial society that people would be surprised that there are black British people, but trust me those people are out there.  I'm not sure I know who some of the people you mentioned are. My first thought when someone says black British is fellow Gryffindor Dean Thomas. 

Edited by Temperance
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*shrugs* I liked her and thought she did well for her first segment. Michelle took a while to get the rhythm of the show too. So did Ronnie. I remember the complaints when both started, and now they get kudos more often than not. I don't expect Gina to be any different, and I think she'll be funnier and more enjoyable as she gets more comfortable with the show. 

I appreciate that she's an older correspondant as well. I don't think too many older black women get a shot at insightful commentary on television and I'm happy to see The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is as committed to diversity as ever.

  • Love 7

The Internet says Trevor moved to the U.S. in 2011. He's probably been briefed on Omarosa's history but it's a ridiculous story to believe second hard. I think she's a foul person but it would have been interesting to see how Trevor approached the interview, so I'm torn on her being a guest.

Omarosa also walked out of her booking on Kimmel in 2004. Here's what Reality TV World presciently had to say at the time: "We look for an announcement shortly that Omarosa is heading to the only venue friendly to arrogant, unpopular, unemployable liars: politics."

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Isn't it great that Roger Ailes isn't running Fox News anymore? GAAAA, no one should be surprised that they still have such enormous clout with Republicans and the country.

Interesting that the FBI is investigating Drumph's Russian ties. But given the way James Comey made that entire Hillary email nothingburger from last year, I have no reason to believe they'll have any success.

Loved the interview with Bassem (and no Omarosa, so even better). TDS needs to make him their Middle East contributor the way Jon did.

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Puttin' with Putin sure made me giggle.

There is no way to convincingly argue that Trump's golfing is ok while Obama's golfing was bad. No. Way. How in the hell do his people ignore the hypocrisy? And oh my God, those Trumpites at the rally were like bad stereotypes, not real people. Unf'ingbelievable.

At times Dahlia Lithwick reminded me of Martha from Baskets.

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I want to say that they edited the field piece to find the most outrageous answers, and I'm sure there was some editing, but I don't think they had to search too many people for outrageous comments. 

I'm not petty. I don't want the health care bill to pass because I would bet a lot of those people at the rally would lose coverage. However, I think that they'd be more angry if the bill actually *doesn't pass*, and if it did, and they lost insurance, they'd blame Obama. 

I mean, what is the event that's going to be the revelation that they voted for someone who doesn't represent their interests? I suppose it would something so egregious that even Fox news would have to admit it, but they recently called out the whole wiretapping issue. 

Even the "Trumpcare has to be better because it has his name on it." Except Trump *doesn't* want his name on it. No one in the administration calls it Trumpcare. 

Ooooh, I also *loooooved* the shade Trevor threw on Tomi about black people protesting "the right way." 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 4

I want to say that they edited the field piece to find the most outrageous answers, and I'm sure there was some editing, but I don't think they had to search too many people for outrageous comments. 

By now it's simply too easy to feature Trump supporters at these rallies and shed light on what a bunch of openly racist hillbillies they are. These aren't just politically apathetic voters who swung the election in Trump's favor, these are aggressively rabid Trump fans who have nothing better to do than show up at these rallies. We already know who they are and what they are and I'm kind of tired of seeing them. It's not even funny anymore to make fun of them. These are the people who are never going to understand logic, reason or truth and it just pisses me off and makes me sad at the same time. We truly have reached the historical point of Idiocracy.

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I think they could make the pieces more insightful than Jordan saying, no that's not true. Then again, I suppose not everyone they approached actually wanted to talk to them either, so you can't look like you're harassing anyone. 

He didn't really get enough into why their having a 2020 campaign event now, or who these people actually were. Like what situation was the guy in who said "Trumpcare has to be better." I go back and forth. 

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Trevor's take down of Tomi what's-her-name was delicious and nutritious.  He was expressing just enough concern about her right to express her opinion that I had my hands over my face and was watching apprehensively between my fingers thinking, "Noooooo Trevor.  Don't you dare defend that hate-filled troll.  Noooooo!"  And then SLAM.   I don't do the Twitter, but I hope that many people who do Twit send Tomi a copy of that clip.  

Oh, and happy dance that Omarosa bailed on Monday, but I wish they would have given the extra time to an extended interview of Bassem Youssef instead of filling the time with nothing more than a recap of Comey's "Trump lied" testimony.

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Do people actually believe Mrs. Obama is transgendered or is it supposed to be an insult, which why would it be?

The whole thing goes: She's transgendered, Obama's actually gay and they kidnapped Sasha and Malianto use as a cover.

Also It's a common insult directed at black women, who are considered by many to be less attractive and more manly than their white or Asian counterparts.  It's meant to dehumanize and defeminize her.

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Isn't Neil Gorsuch a great guy with his down home mannerisms, his gosh aww shucks demeanor, and his open love for his wife of so many years. Why its more than enough to make the public forget that he's a WASPish version of Antonin Scalia who wants to roll back all the advancements made in society over the past 50 years and who's about to become a Supreme Court justice because treacherous Republicans, led by the vile evil scum drippings known as Mitch McConnell, severely cock blocked Obama's pick for the bench Merrick Garland in manners unheard of and never before seen.


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The show used to find people to mock by poking around in obscure places. Now they're following the president and his supporters-- and they're all just totally unhinged. The "correspondents" used to provoke their interviewees with stunts and by acting like obnoxious or deranged people themselves. But Jordan just goes in there and asks them perfectly calmly the kind of boring questions any "person on the street" interviewer might ask. It's hard to even know how to react to any of this shit anymore.

I thought Wednesday night's show lacked energy, but it was still OK. And Mon and Tues were on fire. I was glad Omarosa didn't show. I don't know why they booked her in the first place.

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I wish they would drop this dumb Tweet Bracket bit. It's not funny and it comes off like something you'd see at the tail end of a weak SNL episode. And I know I'm like a broken record about this but this show would improve by 25% if they'd dump Roy Wood Jr.

They seem to want to stick to the formula  that defined the show during Jon Stewart's tenure, but they need to drop these bits because they really don't work anymore. I suppose they are trying to distinguish themselves from Sam Bee or John Oliver, but what worked five years ago under the Obama administration isn't remotely amusing under Trump's. The writing and the correspondents are both sub-par compared to the show five years ago as well.

Trevor has gotten much better, and I've really warmed up to him. I wish they would just stick to him doing the news, interviewing and having desk visits from better correspondents. They need to do some house cleaning and format tinkering still. 

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I wish they would drop this dumb Tweet Bracket bit. It's not funny and it comes off like something you'd see at the tail end of a weak SNL episode. 

Trevor has gotten much better, and I've really warmed up to him. I wish they would just stick to him doing the news, interviewing and having desk visits from better correspondents. They need to do some house cleaning and format tinkering still. 

My problem is I forgot to vote in one of the rounds for the tweet bracket. I'm also unsure what criteria we're voting on with the tweets anyway. (Are the tweets the silliest, most memorable, most outrageous, or most offensive, etc.?)

The bracket is something new they're trying.  Just doing "the news, interviewing and having desk visits" would be like what Jon did.(I also think Jon's best years were under Bush. )

Edited by Temperance
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2 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I'm also unsure what criteria we're voting on with the tweets anyway. (Are the tweets the silliest, most memorable, most outrageous, or most offensive, etc.?)

Yeah, it seems to be up for interpretation. I switched between most offensive and most ridiculous. My prediction: the one about a president being impeached for incompetence will win.

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