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S13.E03: I Ain't No Miracle Worker

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I hope so much that blows up the matter with Nathan and Meredith so Maggie White had the both sex and know that Nathan Meredith loves and NOT YOU! Because they should abandon him and leave him alone. Should she throw at DeLuca or to another doctor but not Nathan !!! Because I like Jo has more than Maggie despite the mystery that Jo.

5 hours ago, Maukie99 said:

I hope so much that blows up the matter with Nathan and Meredith so Maggie White had the both sex and know that Nathan Meredith loves and NOT YOU! Because they should abandon him and leave him alone. Should she throw at DeLuca or to another doctor but not Nathan !!! Because I like Jo has more than Maggie despite the mystery that Jo.


  • Love 2

Huh, I liked this one.  It was nice to see the mother survive, after all.  I was sure she had taken pills to kill herself while she sat with her husband's body.

While Meredith and Riggs have zero chemistry, I do think she was flirting with him this time.  Nice little callback to Derek.  But Meredith just needs to tell Maggie already, before she walks in on Mer and Riggs in the sack.

This was the most Stephanie has done in a while.

Wow, Tuck is big.  

I liked that scene between Arizona and DeLuca.  Sucks that DeLuca feels so isolated, considering that he was the one who got beaten.  But after Arizona left the elevator, did DeLuca look smitten to anyone else?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Amethyst said:

I liked that scene between Arizona and DeLuca.  Sucks that DeLuca feels so isolated, considering that he was the one who got beaten.  But after Arizona left the elevator, did DeLuca look smitten to anyone else?

Not smitten, just happy to have someone in his corner I think.

1 hour ago, Court said:

I didn't realize how much I missed Arizona.

Me either.

Actually enjoyed this episode. No one died and it wasn't an overwrought mess either.

Edited by kdm07
  • Love 2

I think I wouldn't mind the build up of Mer/Riggs if there whole Maggie drama was removed from it. I thought the scene in the scrub room was nice and made sense for both of them - being able to share about losing a spouse and actually understanding what the other person was experiencing.

I'm also happy Arizona was back even though I was a little thrown off by the throwaway line of "Sophia loves it, everything is perfect, etc" because it was such an emotional battle last year. Just was a little jarring to see it turn around so completely. I loved Arizona with Alex and hope they continue building their mentorship and relationship. It was nice to have her be mad at him but still want to rely on him.

I would be a lot more invested in Arizona/DeLuca if we got to see ANYTHING of their friendship and roommate situation. I want to be invested in the storyline, but it just seems so out of nowhere. But I think it's a nice dilemma for Arizona and a way to pull DeLuca into the central cast more. I miss when Callie/Arizona lived across from Mark and I think Christina was in the same building - it was so fun to see everyone hanging out on their downtime together and how the relationships changed and developed outside of work. I want to see more of that!

  • Love 9

Wow, Tuck is big.

I actually did a spit take when we saw him.




But after Arizona left the elevator, did DeLuca look smitten to anyone else?

Not smitten, just happy to have someone in his corner I think.


Yeah, he was just happy and relieved that she was on his side and supported him. Everyone's sympathetic and all, but they're also all Alex's friends. Arizona too. So it pleased DeLuca to know that she considered him her friend too.  I'd hope he's not smitten. Wrong tree, barking, etc.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, Court said:

Shut up, Maggie. Shut up, Amelia. 

And shut up, Stephanie, too, but not for the same reasons. 

28 minutes ago, Amethyst said:

I liked that scene between Arizona and DeLuca.  Sucks that DeLuca feels so isolated, considering that he was the one who got beaten. 


Nice to see Jen Lilly in a meaty role outside soap operas. She's really come a long way as an actress. 

  • Love 4

I thought this was a good episode. I appreciated the lightheartedness. I like Meredith with Riggs and I'm hoping Maggie figures it out sooner than later. I was surprised that Amelia didn't figure it out. 

I didn't realize that Tuck was a tween. I was expecting a younger kid. I loved that Warren stepped up with the discipline (and I loved Bailey's reaction at the end). 

  • Love 4

The first 3 minutes and Maggie is already pissing me off with her WHINING and selfishness. FFS how she's forgotten how Alex's life is in flames right now, unbelievable. 

Didn't like or dislike the episode, felt so bad for the sister, great actress! I also enjoyed the Arizona/deluca scene. I liked her working with Jo too but I hope that they work together again and have a bit more of a deeper conversation aswell, it would be nice for them to have some sort of bond. Alex/Arizona is always a favourite of mine too. 


I like Meredith and Riggs but the Maggie thing is also souring it for me too, I just want her to go away. She has too Much screen time as it is but I wouldn't care if they gave her any other storyline, she's just so damn irritating. And even though I have zero sympathy for Maggie lol, it is making Meredith seem callous.

  • Love 2
55 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Yeah, he was just happy and relieved that she was on his side and supported him. Everyone's sympathetic and all, but they're also all Alex's friends. Arizona too. So it pleased DeLuca to know that she considered him her friend too.  I'd hope he's not smitten. Wrong tree, barking, etc.

Works for me.  He just looked so happy, and all the better if he's just thrilled that someone is treating him nice.

25 minutes ago, maraleia said:

Where in the hell are Meredith's kids??? That is all!

I wondered the same thing.  Those babysitters must be getting some serious money.

  • Love 3
37 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

I thought this was a good episode. I appreciated the lightheartedness. I like Meredith with Riggs and I'm hoping Maggie figures it out sooner than later. I was surprised that Amelia didn't figure it out. 


I almost thought that Amelia was going to figure it out as well when her and Maggie kept talking about what Mere said.

  • Love 7

I thought Amelia was going to figure it out too, by Maggie being all, "Mer's being evasive!" and Amelia would have a light bulb  moment or something.  Or I thought Riggs and Mer were going to kiss at the end of the episode and Amelia will see. 

I'm glad they sorta explained that Arizona was in NY helping Callie and Sophia get settled that makes sense, actually. I'm also glad her friendship with Richard is still going, bar bingo friends for the win! Also.. DeLuca is probably more than aware that Arizona is into girls so I doubt he has a crush on her. I think right now DeLuca probably feels like he has no real friends at the hospital. Sure, Bailey somewhat suspended Alex but DeLuca is aware most of these people are loyal to Alex, so I think he's just happy Arizona considers him a friend. But.. DeLuca for the win, still? I think I like him better than anyone as of late. I don't know why but his character is coming off this season so far quite good. 

  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, Court said:

I almost thought that Amelia was going to figure it out as well when her and Maggie kept talking about what Mere said.

I wish Amelia had. Could you imagine how it would go down? Amelia could point out that Meredith might have feeings for Riggs but is being the big sister and taking one for the team. Then Maggie could decide if she A) get into it with Meredith again or B) tells Meredith to go for it. And then the secret is in the open.

I really didn't like April and Alex spectating cases in the ER. It just felt a bit forced. I wish they hadn't been practically shouting what the doctor's should have done next. 

I like that Alex is taking his lumps. I was kinda hoping for more DeLuca and Jo bonding. All of the anvils about forgiveness tonight with Jo and the funeral family, I wish it had been DeLuca. Sorry to the Jo/Alex shippers but I don't want them back together, I don't know how she gets over that when she escaped from an abuse situation.

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They need to put this Meredith, Riggs, Maggie story out of its misery.  I know Maggie comes off as young acting, but really Meredith?  Suggesting Riggs go out with Maggie and act like a jerk to turn her off?  Real mature. 

I was so happy to see somebody show some compassion for poor DeLuca I think I gave Arizona the same heart-eyes that he did.

I enjoyed the craziness around the The funeral family case. It was the most fun I had watching a medical case on this show in awhile.

Stephanie's one-liners were fun too.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Court said:

Mere: Just tell Maggie. It's not that difficult. 


2 hours ago, Amethyst said:

While Meredith and Riggs have zero chemistry, I do think she was flirting with him this time.  Nice little callback to Derek.  But Meredith just needs to tell Maggie already, before she walks in on Mer and Riggs in the sack.

Meredith's refusal to tell Maggie, despite the many opportunities the writers are highighting in bold for us (Maggie to Meredith:  Is there anything you'd like to get off your chest?"  Meredith:  Shruggy smile, "No."), is bizarre. 

I'm almost getting the sense that she's enjoying the sneaking around and hiding.  Like, she needs that to make Riggs interesting.  Otherwise, I have no idea why Meredith is acting like she's the other woman sneaking around behind Maggie's back to flirt with Riggs while demanding that he keep it secret from Maggie.

  • Love 8

I had to mute a lot of this. I lost my mother to an aneurysm, a few weeks after a heart operation, and that whole bit when they tried to resuscitate her, was too much for me. I muted part of the first part, too - it was too soon for me, and I saw no humour in it. I miss being able to watch this show, without thinking of everything that happened. 

I also think they should just to tell Maggie, and get it over with. They were already together in a sense, before she declared her crush. They seem to be bonding over their losses, as well as mutual attraction, and the whole love triangle thing is overdone (I have always hated love triangles). 

Edited by Anela
  • Love 1

The problem with the Maggie/Meredith storyline, is now when if anything else happens with Meredith and Riggs (which it clearly will), it will look like she is either betraying Maggie or like she sabotaged Maggie's chance or something. Neither of which is true, but it will certainly seem that way to Maggie.

If she had just told Maggie at the wedding it would have been awkward, but not hurtful.

  • Love 6

The tonal fluctuations and contrivances in the primary medical case reminded a lot of the show's middle era. This was classic average Grey's, but with a template that we haven't seen in a while. I can't say that I missed it (or Arizona, for that matter), but there's been a lot worse over the past ten years and too many offerings with far fewer moments of genuine character-oriented storytelling. 

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3 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

If she had just told Maggie at the wedding it would have been awkward, but not hurtful.

Agreed.  This storyline is my only complaint for the new season.  It's a stupid triangle story for a stupid reason.  I understand we need drama, I just need to find the reason behind the drama believable.  I do not here.

Otherwise, I'd have to say that the new episodes are 3 for 3 for me this season.  I've really been enjoying the show, I think they are doing a really good job of having everyone involved so far.

Edited by pennben
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Yup, I said in the last episode that all this would be done and over with if Mer had just come clean. The thing is, the show is trying so hard to hold onto the glory days of when this show was all "adults who act so immature, isn't it funny?" and that's..not funny at all anymore. The characters aren't the same people they were and neither is the show. They can't try to reclaim that and this story makes me like Meredith less and less each week. 

  • Love 7

This was such a filler episode. No plot developments anywhere. I hate it, it was so slow. The preview made it look like the Mer love triangle would get interesting but nothing of note happening. Just more of the usual. I wish  they would let Maggie out of this horrible love triangle. The pining does not suit her character, and it's making her annoying and unbelievable. There should not be that much angst involved in her getting rejected when she asked it out. It's making me start to hate her, and I've always liked her character. 

Loved Kepner coming to the hospital after being home with the baby all day. That is very genuine and it was cute and funny how she kept lurking around trying to get snippets of ER excitement. Jackson was very understanding, it was sweet. They are obviously going to end up back together again. 

Still hate Jo. Her smirking face annoys me. Still love Stephanie....her one-liners made me crack up. Hope the writers craft a story arc for her besides just being a supporting character. There is so much to work with there, she is smart, ambitious, and a good friend. We know very little about her. 

The Tuck/Hammer storyline was funny. Didn't care for it at first but Stepdad (forgot his name), worked it out when he showed Tuck those pictures. I kept thinking Tuck was going to run into DeLuca on his way out and it would blow the lesson, but it was a creative way to discipline. I also like when he calls Bailey Miranda. He humanizes her so much. Glad their relationship is back on track. 

It was sweet how Arizona gave DeLuca support, hug, and care in the elevator. He's been through so much, yet he's the pariah in the workplace. Glad he has someone in his corner. Karev has Mere, so it balances out. Arizona handled that whole thing responsibly, and true to her character, although, she did have a soapbox judge mental moment with Karev. Is the actress preggers? She looked a bit bigger to me. 

Hopefully they wrap up the court case soon, I don't want it to drag on all season like the custody battle last season. Overall this was a C episode, a few good moments but it felt like a filler episode. Hopefully next week will be better. 

  • Love 3

I found the episodes great. Only I did not like it, Maggie still does not know Meredith and Nathan had sex and there is something running between them. Because Nathan wants to be with Meredith and Meredith is not exactly averse, as she and he have always flirted together. There were many Merthan moments. Especially with the dream, where Nathan has told about Megan and Meredith about himself and Derek. They also see that they trust each other very much.

And I thought it was beautiful that Arizona came back, I missed her in the two episodes, but she fights at Alex and smokes him, who is already enough guilty, but the last scene with Alex and Arizona was great. It stands between two chairs. Alex is a friend but also DeLuca is her friend and he lives with her. Difficult the whole.

What I loved the April came with Harriet to the hospital. Harriet is and remains sweet and crunchy. April, however, was seen how much she missed her work and wanted to return to the surgery as soon as possible. It's a question of time until it works again, that will soon be. I also miss her in the hospital. I hope that she and Jackson get so slow because of Harriet again.

On the whole, it was a great episode, but Maggie must really really get to know that with Meredith and Nathan, that can and can not draw a few episodes!

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Jessica Capshaw (Arizona) gave birth in May, so she was probably three months removed from that when filming started and likely was/is still nursing.

Arizona's scene in the elevator with DeLuca was really nice.  It's been bothering me so much that no one seems to have been giving DeLuca much, if any, support, since he was the actual victim.  Even if everyone is friends with Alex, he senselessly beat a guy almost to death, and there is no excuse or defense for what he did.  I appreciate that Arizona did reproach Alex some (I think it would've been wholly within her right to go after him a LOT more) and did not appreciate Alex's combative, martyred response.  If I had been Arizona, I would have ripped him seventeen new assholes after he called DeLuca some guy I barely knew, as if that fucking mattered at all.  Like, cupcake, you deserve everything Arizona is giving you and so much more, so shut the fuck up and take it.  Also, you should be in jail.

  • Love 6

I liked how alex kept taking supplies from the hospital.  Pretty much any time we saw him,  more supplies were in his hands.  

Regarding the triangle,  it is ridiculous. Maggie was sleeping with DeLuca prior to all this, so why shouldn't Mer sleep with Riggs?  If Mer had told her right away "oh,  you like Riggs, um I do to (or I slept with him)" maggie might have backed off.  But it's been going on too long.  

Really liked Ben being a dad to Tuck. And really liked Stephanie this episode, being all excited about the mom.  But wasn't find of April acting the same way about stuff going on in the ER. Not sure if it's a case of an attending should act more mature or what. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

If she had just told Maggie at the wedding it would have been awkward, but not hurtful.

Seriously. At that point, Maggie's crush would have been new information, and there would have been nothing unreasonable about being all "Yeah, about that..." Now, though, if she says anything, it will be coming on top of weeks (months? no idea how long it has been or will have been when this comes out) of knowing the whole situation and saying nothing. And will definitely feel to Maggie like betrayal. Some betrayals are hard to avoid. This one could have been prevented quickly and easily. So irritating that it's persisting this way.

5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

I appreciate that Arizona did reproach Alex some (I think it would've been wholly within her right to go after him a LOT more) and did not appreciate Alex's combative, martyred response.  If I had been Arizona, I would have ripped him seventeen new assholes after he called DeLuca some guy I barely knew, as if that fucking mattered at all.  Like, cupcake, you deserve everything Arizona is giving you and so much more, so shut the fuck up and take it.  Also, you should be in jail.

Also this. If we're dealing with just one punch, maybe my feelings on it are different depending on how well I know the other guy. But when you basically beat a guy within inches of his life, I could literally not know the guy at all, and I'd still be just as mad. This is so not about who Alex beat up, but that Alex beat up someone. He's going to need to figure that out ASAP.

  • Love 4

The retcon about Alex thinking he was attacking Jo is also bothering me. Nothing about the scene in the finale looked that way to me. In order to get over this I need Alex to just man up and go to DeLuca and genuinely apologise. Not because Jo, Arizona and whoever else is mad at him but because he actually is sorry for what he did to DeLuca and not just what he did to his career and personal life.

  • Love 7

This whole triangle is ridiculous. I feel like I'm watching "Saved By The Bell." Maggie, needs to grow the hell up.

When Ben was playing bad cop with Tuck, I kept waiting for either DeLuca or Alex to walk in there. I have to believe using DeLuca's photos was a HIPAA violation but that legislation only seems to exist on this show when they want to create a plot point for someone to withhold information.

  • Love 4

So, Arizona went over to Callie's place with those plane tickets, they packed up their stuff (Arizona's was presumably already in the car), woke Sofia up and drove to the airport that same night? OK, show. I'm glad she's back, though, and I'm really glad she's there for DeLuca. It's infuriating how much of an afterthought he's been for everyone, even though his life and his career were in danger at some point. He's your co-worker, dammit!

There's literally no reason why this love triangle should exist. None. Zero. End it, please. 

I found the Bailey/Ben/Tuck storyline boring at first, but in the end it was nice to see Ben getting involved in parenting. Bailey is not and should not be a single parent.

Callie is gone, but she didn't take the obligatory random "I'm having such great sex!!!!" line with her, sadly. 

  • Love 2

I found it moderately interesting when Arizona pointed out to Owen that he (Owen) basically faced no repercussion from punching out Riggs, whereas Alex is in a bit of hot water.

Agree with everyone that the longer it takes Maggie to find out that Meredith and Riggs got a thing sort of going on, the worse it will be. Meredith and Riggs need to shit or get off the pot - either get into the relationship or don't, stop dancing around each other like two mindless ninnies. I did like that brief scene when they both divulged that they "see" or dream about their deceased loved ones; that was a moment of clarity that I appreciated. It seemed real and true, and intimate. More of that, for heaven's sake, and DO NOT have Riggs go on a date with Maggie for the sole purpose of making himself seem undesirable - please, that's something out of a very bad sitcom. And if he DID do that...you know Maggie would be charmed and be even more attracted to him than ever, bad breath and fake rudeness aside!

  • Love 5

I liked the light tone of this episode and I appreciate the focus on smaller storylines like Ben & Bailey having an issue with Tuck, April wanting to be back at work, etc. I liked the Alex / April interactions. It's always nice when we see different sets of characters interacting, and these two actually have a lot of history over the past few years. I enjoyed a lot of the small moments throughout this episode, and I also thought the medical storyline was one of their best in a while.  

I agree that the 'triangle' storyline is trite - we're all ready for it to end. I actually quite like Meredith and Riggs and I feel like they have really nice chemistry. I thought the moment of her going back into the room and talking about her Derek dreams was nice. Maggie and Amelia just don't really do anything for me, though I do find Amelia a lot less grating than her first season or so on the show. It feels like they've toned her down a bit, thank God. But like someone else said above, I'd probably enjoy the Meredith and Riggs developments more without the added layer of Maggie whining about it 24/7 and Meredith having to lie. 

  • Love 5

I really disliked the medical case in this episode, but I do appreciate the fact that the show managed to go 12 full seasons before literally resurrecting someone from the dead. It's quite a feat.

The interaction between Arizona and Jo with all that talk about family forgiveness was a bit confusing for me. Was there some bigger purpose behind it? I wasn't quite sure where they were going with it. 

  • Love 3

I found it moderately interesting when Arizona pointed out to Owen that he (Owen) basically faced no repercussion from punching out Riggs, whereas Alex is in a bit of hot water.

It's always amusing, almost infuriatingly so, the way this show cherry picks which characters' transgressions are worthy of condemnation and which ones are swept under the rug. Still, though, in this case it's not really the same thing. Owen punching Riggs once in the face, or Derek punching Mark once in the face that time years ago, etc. -- it was one punch. Still something that someone could have pressed charges over -- simple battery or something -- but nowhere near the level of assault that Alex leveled on DeLuca. And I think charging it as a felony is correct. It was brutally vicious. It caused debilitating, possibly long-lasting injuries (are we sure he's out of the woods about his eyesight?) that required surgery. That's no simple battery. Injuries that serious and that grievous elevate the attack from simple assault to aggravated assault, and that is typically classified as a felony. Love me some Karev, but he deserved the charges.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Joana said:

The interaction between Arizona and Jo with all that talk about family forgiveness was a bit confusing for me. Was there some bigger purpose behind it? I wasn't quite sure where they were going with it. 

Same here - what was that all about? Is there something coming down the pike with Jo's parents? I can't recall - was she a foster child?

Jo never had parents she was abandoned as a child. I thought the forgiveness angle was more aimed towards her and Alex but I have to say retconning a husband is one thing but if they were to retcon her parents back into it then that's just plain character assassination. 

The biggest character trait she's always had was that she was abandoned and lived in the system until moving into her car. Taking that away would be really really disappointing.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Hopefully they wrap up the court case soon, I don't want it to drag on all season like the custody battle last season. 

The custody battle lasted 3 episodes, from it's inception through the final ruling. 

Also, Meredith is looking worse in this stupid love triangle with each passing episode. And it's a bummer that making Maggie the annoying piece of this puzzle is actually making viewers dislike her instead of Meredith, who is actually 100% in the wrong. She wouldn't be in said position had she been honest from the get go, but now she's let the hiding go on for too long with Maggie having given her many opportunities to speak up. How or why Meredith and Meredith/Nathan should come out the winners in this dumb story arc, I'll never know. But that is where it's building to. 

  • Love 4

I suspect they're trying for this:  Meredith is using Maggie's infatuation as an excuse to distance herself from Riggs even though she's falling for him because she's still broken up about Derek and is reluctant to get into a relationship. 

I can't think of any other reason why Meredith wants to make a fool out of Maggie this way. 

If I were Riggs, Meredith's behavior would be such a turn-off and I'd run far away from the crazy.  Being Grey's, I'm sure her middle school behavior is part of his attraction for her.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, izabella said:

I suspect they're trying for this:  Meredith is using Maggie's infatuation as an excuse to distance herself from Riggs even though she's falling for him because she's still broken up about Derek and is reluctant to get into a relationship. 

I can't think of any other reason why Meredith wants to make a fool out of Maggie this way. 

That's the thing I don't get. If Meredith wanted an excuse to stay away from Riggs, if she wanted to make him off-limits so she can stop obsessing about something she's not ready for, she should encourage him to go for Maggie. Force him into a relationship with someone else so he can stop sniffing around her and making her lady bits all confused. This thing where she shamelessly flirts with him but insists she doesn't like him then tells him not to date Maggie but later insists he take Maggie out and be a purposely awful date to disappoint her? I have no idea what game this is.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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