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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

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39 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

As for the toothlessness - really, I'd be way too self-conscious to go to the corner store with no teeth. How on earth do all these people stand in front of millions of people with not one iota of embarassment, happily smiling with a gap-toothed grins like demented Halloween punkins? 

I don't know, but Compo was on TV for years and he was universally adored!

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, CoolWhipLite said:

I just heard the plaintiff start her case by saying, "I had fox dreadlocks put in. Fake dreadlocks." So, I said to the TV, "Fox dreadlocks? What, fake fur?....Oh god, she means FAUX."

She saw the word written down but never heard it spoken. I haven't watched this and not sure I can take it. Just when you think you've heard it all - fox dreadlocks.

8 hours ago, Brattinella said:

I don't know, but Compo was on TV for years and he was universally adored!

Had to look him up. He made money with the Snaggle and maybe he was a nice person - neither scenarios apply to our Mortimer!

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Just watched. What got me, other than her fawkes dreads, is that people can twist anything around in their minds to their favour, even something written in black and white. "It says right on the package to rinse the hair before applying it." It said no such thing - not even close.

The case that opened my eyes was the odd Good Samaritan, who invites homeless strangers to move into his home, gets them vehicles and even pays for acupuncture. The whole thing was weird and creepy and the defendant looked dangerously unbalanced. I didn't get any of it, not the plaintiff, nor the def who wanted a lawyer because his sister "stole" his father and he wanted to get him back. The whole thing was Twilight Zone time.

  • Love 10

I was confused on the pug puppy case. So the plaintiff was planning to breed her male to a female, then breed the father with the daughter for extra cash? Ugh.

I also don't have much patience for backyard breeders, but she was willing to refund in full and take the dog (who wasn't able to breed) back. So she isn't the most horrible of them.

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26 minutes ago, SandyToes said:

I totally missed the Fawwx Dreadlocks connection! 

You didn't miss much. It was really boring. Her dreads were so tight they made her head hurt, caused hair loss and all the usual stuff in these cases.


42 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

The Defendant looked slightly deranged... the Plaintiff looked normal but surely was deranged as well.

The plaintiff is lucky he's still breathing, if you ask me, even though he was in the Marines and is ready and able to defend himself against the people he invites to live with him. In the hall, defendant hinted that plaintiff just pretends to be a Good Samaritan and actually takes in the homeless to press them into indentured servitude and that he's a scammer. They're both whackjobs.

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The Marine plantiff said he was working with a pastor(?). I would like to know if all the people he helps are veterans.  When my husband first retired from the military, he volunteered for a non profit helping vets get their benefits. Then we started getting mail at our house from veterans in prison wanting help. It was time to give that up and take up golf full time. 

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I'm not going to get too down on the Fox dreadlocks woman. She clearly learned the word "faux" by reading it and based on the fact that she immediately indicated that they were fake also understands the word. She probably just has never heard anyone else say it aloud or didn't know to associate faux with the pronunciation. I'd rather someone who learns by reading and actually demonstrates understanding than some of the people on here who pronounce words correctly but clearly have no idea what they really mean.

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 In the hall, defendant hinted that plaintiff just pretends to be a Good Samaritan and actually takes in the homeless to press them into indentured servitude and that he's a scammer. 

As a scammer he sucked...sounded like he spent waaay more money on defendant than he recovered from his pants pocket (or wherever he supposedly got that money)

He was a bit odd, though. 

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

Fox dreadlocks are the kind that sexually hair-ass you.  ;o)

Sorry, I'm overwhelmed with work and getting punchy.  Can't wait to see that case!

This is one pun I can get on board with!!! You win!!


I was confused on the pug puppy case. So the plaintiff was planning to breed her male to a female, then breed the father with the daughter for extra cash? Ugh.

Many years ago my daughter bought a pug from a small grooming/puppy store (USDA breeder, all licensed, all that crapola).  Cutest little thing. She brought her home and about a week later, the dog lost every speck of her hair - looked like a bald possum. It was caused by demodex mange which affects the immune system (genetic). We both spent thousands on that puppy over three years. She had skin problems and bladder and kidney problems. She finally caught pneumonia and was hospitalized. Two days later they called me and the dog developed PDE (pug dog encephalitis) which is a horrible disease (hereditary)- we had to come and put this poor dog down as she had gone blind and was howling in pain. Broke out hearts. Found out the store owner bought the dog and her littermate from a backyard breeder who bred siblings. Lovely backyard breeders. I wrote letters to the store owner, to the breeders (whose names I found on the AKC papers which weren't worth a hill of beans), and to the vets that initially examined the dogs. The Backyard Breeders were urged to spay and neuter the dogs as they were carrying on a genetic issue that was compounded by the fact that they were siblings. 

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3 hours ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

(USDA breeder, all licensed, all that crapola).

"USDA breeder" = large scale puppymill. "Private breeder" = small scale puppymill/disreputable backyard breeder.

9 hours ago, vibeology said:

some of the people on here who pronounce words correctly but clearly have no idea what they really mean.

I love that. I had an example, but it flew right out of my head.

Did anyone note today how much Byrd hated the nasty purple-headed hag who had a young boy for a roommate and says she put his belongings outside?  She was sleeping and lying on her good ear when he came for his stuff with a U-Haul and her deaf ear didn't hear the knocking and ringing? We know she sold his stuff, but anyway, she sassed Byrd and got all sarcastic and the look of disgusted contempt on his face was priceless.

  • Love 9
22 minutes ago, stephinmn said:

I missed why the old woman and the young man were roommates? Anyway...yeah, she did not just toss a California King bed outside. She sold it.

His first roommate bailed, so the old biker chick was someone his landlord found to fill the room so he could afford to stay. Turns out the landlord and biker chick are friends - at least according to biker chick.

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On 4/10/2017 at 9:22 PM, AngelaHunter said:

The case that opened my eyes was the odd Good Samaritan, who invites homeless strangers to move into his home, gets them vehicles and even pays for acupuncture. The whole thing was weird and creepy and the defendant looked dangerously unbalanced. I didn't get any of it, not the plaintiff, nor the def who wanted a lawyer because his sister "stole" his father and he wanted to get him back. The whole thing was Twilight Zone time.

I was side-eying the Plaintiff so hard I thought I was gonna have a seizure. Anytime someone's primary go-to defense is to parade around their piety as if that makes them automatically un-impugnable, leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth. There was some serious shadiness about that dude and his enterprise. 

I didn't love the Plaintiff in the fox locks case either. She did go back to the salon to remedy one issue with the extensions -- but didn't mention they were already too tight? Then the next day, they were? I don't think she deserved all her money back. It's conceivable she just didn't like them and took them out, conveniently, when the salon was closed, then asked for her money back. And isn't it standard practice to tip 20% at a salon? I think her tip was 10% off. (Or maybe I've been overtipping my hair stylists all these years!)

Dog bite case from yesterday: I was waiting for JJ to kick out the defendant's 'witness' who just had to have the last word. She was the snippiest 'witness' I have ever heard on this show that escaped a classic JJ shutdown. I was hoping for a 'turn off her mic' and 'Byrd, get her out of here'. And, of course, the race card had to be pulled in the halterview - LAME.

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

The plaintiff in that case made the gallery crack up when he said, "I object, Your Honor." Is that a first for the show?

No. We've heard objections raised before and it's never not funny.


7 hours ago, stephinmn said:

I missed why the old woman and the young man were roommates?

She was homeless, she said. When I was plaintiff's age, I can imagine how unhappy I'd be if my landlord sent some old lady to live with me and not even a nice old lady -  the kind who would bake you cookies, knit you scarves and call you "dear" -  but a nasty, vicious, lying old lady who would lock you out and sell your stuff. OTOH, she was still better than Patricia Bean.

  • Love 6

Today's case learning disabled ( per her)  woman repo'd a car from plaintiff when plaintiff tried to pay her the last $60 she owed.  Defendent claimed she then gave the car away. Here only income was $750+ disabillity, but she could afford to give the car away.  Best part was in the hallterview, she suddenly yells out "Don't laugh at me!"  Plaintiff wins minus $100 per month she had the car.  JJ didn't believe the defendant gave the car away and refused to entertain her counterclaim.

Also saw the lying smart ass witness yesterday.  Of course the defendent played the race card.  Also a question.  Defendent said she couldn't find proof the dog was vaccinated.  I think the dog didn't have a collar on.  In my state the proof is a tag you put on the collar. 

I did like that JJ asked plaintiff about the rabies shots, plaintiff received,  thus putting to rest the myth that the shots are given in the abdomen.  

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Rerun: Plaintiff's argument is that she's on unemployment and she couldn't put it in her bank because she could be penalized. JJ is so not buying it. Unemployment is not means-based. It doesn't matter if you have $12K in your bank; it's entirely based on what you used to make. I'm not sure if JJ gets that because she seems to think it's the usual sort of welfare scam she's used to, but I think she's right that there is some scam involved.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Yeah, then she said, "Watch the movie."

Yeah, guess I'm out of touch. When I googled it, I find there's a whole "franchise" of movies based on the "Purge". Basically, for those like me who have no clue, the premise is that, sometime in the future, it has been made legal to go out and commit all kinds of violent crime, but only during a twelve hour period once a year. So, our litigant would have a little list of folks she wants to kill, torture, etc, then come the big day she can go after the ex landlord with no repercussions.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

I did like that JJ asked plaintiff about the rabies shots, plaintiff received,  thus putting to rest the myth that the shots are given in the abdomen.  

They used to be.  Had something to do with abdominal fat cells and absorption.  And you used to have to get a lot more shots (like 20).  Nowadays, it's just a few (5 or 6) in the arm over the course of a few days (co-worker had to have it done when she evicted a bat from her house and found a scratch on her hand, and couldn't be sure where it came from, so she had to get Rabies shots.  Her dad is a doctor, and she said he said that the vaccines are now made from more stable sources, and the body can absorb them easier.

17 hours ago, Jamoche said:

Rerun: Plaintiff's argument is that she's on unemployment and she couldn't put it in her bank because she could be penalized. JJ is so not buying it. Unemployment is not means-based. It doesn't matter if you have $12K in your bank; it's entirely based on what you used to make. I'm not sure if JJ gets that because she seems to think it's the usual sort of welfare scam she's used to, but I think she's right that there is some scam involved.

Or it could have something to do with taxes.  Where we live, you don't have to have taxes taken off of your unemployment, and the state will allow you so much of it to be tax exempt before they start charging you.  When we'd do partial layoff at work during a few years of economic downturn, I'd usually manage to squeak in under the threshold, so I'd not have the taxes held (it would eat up a chunk of what I was getting).  Not sure what the laws are like elsewhere.  Here, the unemployment office issues tax forms, so not putting it in the bank wouldn't hide anything, but laws could be different in other states.

ETA:  Here, we got our unemployment on a debit card.  There was a fee if they had to issue a paper check and they didn't do direct deposit.  And if you used an out of network ATM, there was additional fees, and if you went to the bank and had them swipe your card for cash, there was another fee.  But again, not sure about where the person on TV lives.  I would end up just using it to buy groceries, etc, and not take cash off of it unless I had to.

Edited by funky-rat
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50 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

Here, the unemployment office issues tax forms, so not putting it in the bank wouldn't hide anything, but laws could be different in other states.

After the bit John Oliver did where he showed the tax rules about declaring income from bribes, theft, and other illegal activities, I'm pretty sure no tax law anywhere cares what form the money is in. And since there's some sort of trackable transfer, they know you've got it.

I think this was just another case of poorly-justified grifting.

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On 4/12/2017 at 7:48 PM, Jamoche said:

Rerun: Plaintiff's argument is that she's on unemployment and she couldn't put it in her bank because she could be penalized. JJ is so not buying it. Unemployment is not means-based. It doesn't matter if you have $12K in your bank; it's entirely based on what you used to make. I'm not sure if JJ gets that because she seems to think it's the usual sort of welfare scam she's used to, but I think she's right that there is some scam involved.

Missed this case.  But if you earn money on employment (at least in some states), they may take back some of the money or give you less.   Usually it's a scale.  An amount is taken out based on how much you made that week. If you make only a little bit, then your unemployment does not get docked at all. It's a good thing when used correctly. Because even if they take out some money, you almost always have more money if you work a little bit and get unemployment then just employment alone. It encourages people to get jobs. Otherwise, they would sit on their ass and do nothing if they can make more money collecting unemployment than actually getting a job. Then eventually, they should be able to get a job where unemployment is no longer needed.

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I sincerely apologize for the Minnesota morons on the show today. (Woman with a broken down car who had another woman try to fix it; it ended up being towed by the city of Brooklyn Park.)

I did facebook stalk the defendant. To put it mildly, I don't think we would be friends in real life. Of course, I probably wouldn't be friends with anyone who said, "Tooken", either, so there's that.

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Watched the new (well, new to me) case of the guy suing the sofa-sized albino hell creature for the return of the money he gave her because he was smitten with her for business loans and stuff. SSABC brought along with her her big-mouthed, bleeding lipstick aficionado friend who kept barking out, "HE THREATENED TO KILL HER!!!! ARGLE BARGLE BIPPITY BOO!!!" The dude didn't threaten to kill that hag -- the statement was taken out of context. Frankly, I'm waiting for my co-worker to say the same thing as I told her I was gonna kill her the other day because she made me cover her shift when I didn't have to. 

And I damn near died myself when she claimed at some point she was on vacation in Hawaii and, in another breath, went on to claim she was applying for benefits to pay for her grandkid's pre school. If you can pay for an Hawaiian vacation, pay for your damned kid's pre school yourself. I guess she had some other poor fool on the hook for the vacation money. I swear, sometimes I wish I wasn't born with a conscience. 

WOMEN OF THE WORLD: Do NOT take money from men you know want to bang you and you have no intention of banging them. That's straight up bullshit -- and it's wrong. 

On 4/10/2017 at 4:05 PM, iwasish said:

I wonder if it's another scam of the Pig.

If not, I hope someone scams the money from them.

People made comments on a different forum that were similar to the ones being made here. Filkins' mother came out of the woodwork and essentially hexed them to hell and worse. She expected everyone, out of respect for the deceased,  to forget that her daughter was one of the lower forms of life ever to have graced the planet.

Edited by jilliannatalia
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On 4/10/2017 at 1:44 PM, CoolWhipLite said:

I just heard the plaintiff start her case by saying, "I had fox dreadlocks put in. Fake dreadlocks." So, I said to the TV, "Fox dreadlocks? What, fake fur?....Oh god, she means FAUX."

Wow. I haven't see that one yet. Damn we (America) have some dumb, uneducated morons in society today. 

On ‎4‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 8:52 PM, Giant Misfit said:

Watched the new (well, new to me) case of the guy suing the sofa-sized albino hell creature for the return of the money he gave her because he was smitten with her for business loans and stuff. SSABC brought along with her her big-mouthed, bleeding lipstick aficionado friend who kept barking out, "HE THREATENED TO KILL HER!!!! ARGLE BARGLE BIPPITY BOO!!!"

OH! It was actually worse than I thought it would be. A truly terrifying, giant hell beast and her vicious familiar, screeching from the sidelines, made me think we needed an exorcist and not a judge. The fact that even the albino sofa (who seems to have the disposition of an angry water buffalo) can find some man - any man - to declare love for her and give her money rocks my universe.

He threatened to kill her? He'd have to come packing some serious heat in order to face off against those two viragos. Holy hell... !


On ‎4‎/‎14‎/‎2017 at 8:52 PM, Giant Misfit said:

I swear, sometimes I wish I wasn't born with a conscience. 

... or pride, or integrity or decency. Me too. I could have had everything for free when I was on my own, but stupid, dumb me wouldn't take a cent from any man. I could have been luxuriating on Hawaiian beaches while some sucker paid my rent.

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