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S18.E41: Final Head Of Household

Tara Ariano
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The opening recap, with James' TH from earlier:  hilarious.  "Paul knows, if he wants to split this couple up, he's gonna need a little backup!"  Uh, no, he didn't--which was lucky, because YOU certainly didn't seem capable of contributing any "backup."

Edited by candall
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I'd have taken 0 minutes of clip show and an entire hour of them running around like cats. A combination crazy costume/race/endurance comp? That's like...the most Big Brother thing ever. Survivor should take a cue from them (maybe not the crazy costumes) -- forcing them to break focus during endurance not only makes for a shorter endurance comp, it's also much more interesting.

Also appreciated Paul's "It's time to turn on each other!" Scripted or not, it was nice to at least acknowledge that all alliances are out the window at final 3, rather than pretending you're still BFFs.

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I'm thankful I taped this.  I cant imagine listening to that much Nasilly Nicole.  Gah!  Hate these 'remember when' clip shows!  I FF through to the very end and ended up watching the last 5 minutes with my whole treat still in my lap :D

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The montage of my boy Victor's glorious glorious laugh was like a shot of friendship directly for me and it made me feel some sort of way.  I could say I never cared but I would be LYING.

He needs to win AFP or I will be PISSED.

Paulie's sad flag-waving is still funny.

Ok.  So Nicole is having the vapors watching Corey work out.  And then suddenly Paulie is looming over Corey wearing his teeny underpants and then he LAYS ON COREY'S SWEATY BACK?  That was all sorts of odd.

Also Nicole saying how much she misses "that guy" tells me everything I need to know about that particular relationship.

Edited by mojoween
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Holy crap... does this even count as an episode?? I didn't even know this was on until I saw in on my tivo... thankfully I could zip through everything related to Paulie except for the crying montage which was beautiful and even sweeter the second time around.

One thing though about the HoH, and they did this with the fox ears as well, what's up with them discarding their headpieces you have to wear the damned costume!! I wanted to hear Big Brother tell them all to put their kitty ears back on like they do about the microphones! You want $500,000 you wear what we tell you to wear until we tell you you can remove it.

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Bridgette's friendship with the plant struck me as a fake show for the cameras, just like every gilggly line and flouncy movement from her all summer long.

Loved the montage of Paulie being a huge, smug, arrogant jerk.  That was a sweet, sweet reminder from the editors of why all America hates him.  Read, recite, review, all you Jersey girls.

May all the butterflies of paradise fly up your nose, Paulie.

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53 minutes ago, Lamima said:

I wanted to see a Victor workout montage!

All the crying, gah...who didn't cry this season? Paul, Frank and maybe James? Are these adults or no??

Paul cried in the DR, and I think James did, too.  Frank is the only one who didn't cry, unless we count Glenn.  

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14 hours ago, mojoween said:

Ok.  So Nicole is having the vapors watching Corey work out.  And then suddenly Paulie is looming over Corey wearing his teeny underpants and then he LAYS ON COREY'S SWEATY BACK?  That was all sorts of odd.

That was super odd.  It looked like the entire thing was wordless as well although that was probably editing.  

I'm glad they showed Paulie being the dick he is and I'm glad they included "his boy" Corey laughing (the only one btw) when Paulie was nasty to Natalie. 

I too would have loved to see more of that HOH and less of the scripted stuff, especially the whole Missing Crocs crap.  I guess that was a reward to some first year film school production assistant but this HOH looked good. 

Since we only have the finale left I'm guessing these five minutes are all we are going to get of it. 

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2 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:


I too would have loved to see more of that HOH

Since we only have the finale left I'm guessing these five minutes are all we are going to get of it. 

Any chance there would be footage on Youtube or some other site?

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I enjoyed the clip show, except the missing crocs bit.  Just not funny.  I forgot that Paul just tossed out the c word at Michelle.  It left me feeling that Paul is annoying.  I'm not sure if that was the intent.  I've gone back and forth in him all season.

The comp did look pretty funny.

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23 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Bridgette's friendship with the plant struck me as a fake show for the cameras, just like every gilggly line and flouncy movement from her all summer long.

Bridgette with her basil plant and Michelle with her kitty cat persona probably spent the whole summer imagining that "America" was charmed by their quirky, fun little affectations.  I get an evil smile picturing the editors saying, every week:  More of this crap?  Nope.  Edit.  Edit.  Edit.

Paul wearing a pool float was the same kind of stupid deliberate affectation, but he had it on so much of the time, it was impossible to cut around it--much like the footage of Natalie carrying a plant out of the house.  (I didn't know what that was all about, but apparently she was taking Mr. Jenkins to Bridgette.)

Which . . . hmm . . . makes me realize that Bridgette didn't ever bring her plant friend to elimination meetings; I never saw Michelle lick the back of her hand and start washing her face with it during the live shows.   Paul was more committed and worked the "silly quirky thing" harder, which netted him the broadcast footage.  Smart.

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On ‎9‎/‎17‎/‎2016 at 10:13 AM, Sammich said:

Paul cried in the DR, and I think James did, too.  Frank is the only one who didn't cry, unless we count Glenn.  

Ah, Frank. I should go vote for him for AFP. Don't these twits know there's no crying in baseball!!!

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Seeing the whole cast again, it struck me how infantile almost every single woman was this season. Nicole, Michelle, Natalie, Bridget, Bronte, even Zakiyah - all talked and acted like little girls. It's disturbing, actually.

So Nicole laments the loss of Corey when she's at the end of the game and needs to make so many "important decisions," huh? Like what? All that's left to do is win the final HoH comps. No decision-making required. 

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I didn't really mind the crying.  Most of them came across as milking their tears, or else just really bad acting, which was laughable.  Once or twice someone appeared to be trying to exercise some self-control and not treat the camera to an emotional breakdown.  Respect.

Michelle ruined herself for me, however.  I find it hard to believe any adult, weeping naturally in private, would make those big HUH-HUH-HUH sounds.  More than just "show crying," it struck me as a life-long habit that dependably rendered the desired results and became a learned behavior.  In other words, I think her parents caved every time their toddler made a scene in the grocery store and it went on from there.

Sounds like I'm being mean, but if someone who loves Michelle would help her de-program that, it would be a gift.

Edited by candall
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If we're going to get these ridiculously boring types of clip shows to drag out the season, then I hope they start wrapping this show up much, much earlier.

Missing shoes?  Talking to plants?  Watching Big Meech meowing and...eating food out of a cat bowl, or whatever that was?!

A new low indeed.  Snap out of it, Grodner, and go back to basics.

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I know. We didn't see each HoH going to their HoH room. We didn't see them come in after each eviction and talk about the table getting smaller. Didn't get much strategy talk on the sofa in the backyard like we got in past seasons. Could see more of the jury house. So much they could do. Didn't see much from HG's friends and families. I suppose we'll get that with the F3 on Wednesday. Or the F2. They have a lot to show on the finale. They have to show Corey going to jury. They have to show the jury's thoughts on the F2 or F3 (can't remember when they do that...I think F3). They have to talk to their family/friends. Then the vote and winner and questions for all the HGs. Oh, and the final comps to get to F2.

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23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

...So Nicole laments the loss of Corey when she's at the end of the game and needs to make so many "important decisions," huh? Like what? All that's left to do is win the final HoH comps. No decision-making required. 

Not saying she will win, but whoever wins the final HOH comp will need to decide which other HG to bring to the final two (and, by definition, which HG to evict).  That's a pretty big decision.  

Also, not really a "decision," but the strategy of how to approach questions from the jury (apologetic vs. not apologetic "it's just a game", for example), planning what to say in the final speech, etc. must be something that's weighing on their minds.  

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I hope they start wrapping this show up much, much earlier.

I keep daily asking myself if this thing is over yet... I guess they didn't want to clash with the Emmy's for a finale, but after how long this damned show has been on to push the finale back basically a week (as I don't count this five minutes of a HoH an actual episode) is rediculous. To have it on sooo long as to have the finale coincide with Survivor's premier?? Ugh.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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On 9/16/2016 at 10:17 PM, Gemma Violet said:

What?!  A montage devoted to Bridget's plant friend and nothing for Paul's pelican Pablo?!

Pablo was included in the review of when everyone left the house.

On 9/17/2016 at 3:01 AM, Wandering Snark said:

I wanted to hear Big Brother tell them all to put their kitty ears back on like they do about the microphones! You want $500,000 you wear what we tell you to wear until we tell you you can remove it.

I presume they were instructed as to when they could remove them when they were put in costume. The producers only needed the ears to be worn long enough for next time's recap footage.

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On 9/16/2016 at 11:27 PM, mojoween said:

Ok.  So Nicole is having the vapors watching Corey work out.  And then suddenly Paulie is looming over Corey wearing his teeny underpants and then he LAYS ON COREY'S SWEATY BACK?  That was all sorts of odd.

I know - just a big old, "EEEEWWWEEEEE!!!"

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