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S06.E04: Animal Instincts

Tara Ariano
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13 hours ago, Katt said:

Animal In-stinks. 

You win!

This is the episode that shows Catelynn getting a pig, right? Great. Now she has two pigs to deal with at home. The woman is lethargic, stressed, and a shitload of other things. She can barely tend to Nova or herself.  What does she do? Buys a pig!

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Farrah with Uncle Badtouch levels of talking to a kid. And she was actually being decent this season. Figured it wouldn't last. She took out 8 years of frustration on that piñata. Socialism skills? What is he Bernie Sanders?


And I get Cate is depressed and the idea of a pig and a new distraction made her happy for a moment but Catelynn needs to chill. They are only one generation removed from Meth Mountain they have so many other things to sort out before buying designer pigs...And smoking weed with mama while driving? Classy.


And Maci's friends and especially her mother looked like they gave zero fucks wedding dress shopping.

Amber taking Leah to a pet store to play with animals? Just take her to your zoo of a house.

And butch in the Easter bunny costume. Night made.

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
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Soo...Maci isn't REALLY spending that much on the venue, right? They're probably comping it for exposure. 

Surely they could find a place in Chattanooga for less than $20,000. For "the middle of nowhere Florida" I was expecting it to have accommodations, too. 

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I really don't want to seem sexist...but is Farrah getting any dick? She needs something to take the edge off cause she is just way too intense.  If she hates Simon so much, why does she keep sending for him?

ETA: Maci, drop the veil. After three babies there's no blushing bride under there.

Edited by Brooklynista
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2 minutes ago, snarts said:

I hate these people and the way they treat animals.  Pets are not disposable.  

I had to turn it off. I'm done.

This!! But I can't turn it off. The pet thing is disgusting though. 

I kind of hate when reality shows do the whole dress shopping thing. We obviously aren't going to see the dress, why make us sit though you talking about what dress you want! This isn't say yes to the dress so yeah. Maci's mom is so over everything. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Maci's tattoos are horrifying with that dress!  MTV is not giving her a good edit this season!  Cate... really...3 grand on a pig which I doubt she even owns anymore!  

Edited by Caracoa1
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This episode is awful. It really highlights how emotionally stunted these people are. Catelynn's getting high while driving, she and Amber are dropping thousands of dollars on pets and pet supplies on a whim, Farrah is having these crying jags and calling her own daughter stupid, and Maci's still trying to pretend she had no idea she was pregnant while looking like she's ready to go into labor at any second. 

Now Catelynn's sister has the pig. Chances are we'll never see it again. 

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This episode really did highlight the problem these girls now have. They feel like they can just drop money on anything and everything with no consequences. Because they can. They have been for seven years. Most of them are so still stuck in who they were at 16.

Maci is running around trying to plan a fairytale dream wedding, Farrah is still trying to chase guys and get a dad for Sophia Amber may not be dong drugs anymore but she's now buying things she can't afford and  Cate is still sad and depressed and still dealing with negative people in her life.

This show may have helped lower rates of pregnancy (or at least that's what I'm told I don't really know) but it hasn't helped these girls or improved their lives much. Not from what I see on tv.

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I was actually uncomfortable watching this episode at several points. I always say that this show is on its last legs, but if MTV really gave a rat's ass about these people and their kids, they would end it once and for all. Maybe revisit them once every year or so, but cut the cord on consistent filming. I don't know how irreparably damaged everyone is, but it's fairly obvious they're all emotionally immature and stunted. 

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What would have happened to the pig if the staff wasn't there? Catelynn could barely move. It was actually alarming. Is she that out of shape? There was no way she could chase after the pig. It would have been 3000 dollar bacon faster than Tyler could say SOOOOOOOOO-EEEEEEEEEEYYY! That really disturbed me.

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16 minutes ago, geekamonggeeks said:

I was actually uncomfortable watching this episode at several points. I always say that this show is on its last legs, but if MTV really gave a rat's ass about these people and their kids, they would end it once and for all. Maybe revisit them once every year or so, but cut the cord on consistent filming. I don't know how irreparably damaged everyone is, but it's fairly obvious they're all emotionally immature and stunted. 

Yeah. It was a really awkward episode from the start. Farrah's comments about Sophia and then the nonsense with a clearly high Simon. 


Cate and her pigs after getting high in the car with her mother.


Maci pregnant as hell trying on dresses and her mom over the whole thing. 


Amber thinking going to a to a pet store to play with animals is some sort of normal thing. Stop buying cars and animals and find something normal and fun to do with your daughter. And stop adding to your damn animal collection.


They need to end this show. 

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
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31 minutes ago, citychic said:

Matt needs to spend some of Amber's money on prescription sunglasses so he can hide his look of disgust at having to tolerate Leah for any length of time.

Did you see that??? He can't stand that kid or any kid I'm guessing. He clearly hates this part of his hustle for Amber's money. Matt's just trying to figure out the right angle to use to get Amber to quit dealing with Leah. Having her skip her scheduled days with Leah is a fine start.

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2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Did you see that??? He can't stand that kid or any kid I'm guessing. He clearly hates this part of his hustle for Amber's money. Matt's just trying to figure out the right angle to use to get Amber to quit dealing with Leah. Having her skip her scheduled days with Leah is a fine start.

I wouldn't put it past him to put some sort of stuff in her food to make her sick.

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Something tells me when Cate brought that pig home in the middle of the night that all that squealing caused Tyler to have a temper tantrum.  He probably ripped into Cate big time and caused her to have a meltdown.  

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50 minutes ago, Caracoa1 said:

Something tells me when Cate brought that pig home in the middle of the night that all that squealing caused Tyler to have a temper tantrum.  He probably ripped into Cate big time and caused her to have a meltdown.  

It was telling that Catelynns concern with the pig was not how the other dogs would receive it or if it would disturb Nova. No the fear was about how Tyler would react. Cate was laughing with April in that car on the way home about it but she was scared.

Tyler spazzed out on her ass and that producer she was talking to the next day knew it. Tyler stayed on that couch monitoring that conversation to be sure Catelynn didn't tell on him. 

Edited by Brooklynista
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Something tells me when Cate brought that pig home in the middle of the night that all that squealing caused Tyler to have a temper tantrum.  He probably ripped into Cate big time and caused her to have a meltdown.  

yep, yep, and yep. She was suffering from buyers remorse and Tyler's temper tantrum and his verbal abusive attacks on her mental health.

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Talk about "out of the mouths of babes" when Leah complained that Amber always bails on her, and always with the excuses...  Amber got all defensive, as usual, and tried to talk her way out of it, but you know Leah was referring to it happening all the time, not just that one time that week.  And then Gary said that he "always" tells Leah when Amber cancels, so it obviously happens a lot.  For someone who pretends to want joint custody, she sure finds a lot of reasons to pass on her visitations.  

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1 hour ago, citychic said:

Matt needs to spend some of Amber's money on prescription sunglasses so he can hide his look of disgust at having to tolerate Leah for any length of time.

His disgust was obvious when they showed him in the car waiting for Amber to get Leah from Gary's. It makes me feel really concerned about how he treats Leah when the cameras aren't around and Amber is in bed.

1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

I would bet a shiny quarter Tyler spends a great deal of time saying very not nice things to Catelynn. I think he's a very mean little boy and has an excellent victim in Catelynn. What just happened here was her breaking point.


1 hour ago, TexasGal said:

Farrah had her bitch level stuck at 11.  Wow.  

Simon looks like he's gained some weight, no

Obviously Simon loves Deb's sauce SO MUCH that he can't stop eating it.


Maci's mom's face during the dress try-on scenes made my month. We hear you, Sharon. Those of us watching at home feel the same way. 

Doesn't MTV only film these chicks like one week a month? Seriously, if Catelynn (& April) can't lay off the pot for a week or at least wait until the camera crew has gone home for the night or they're at home and can sneak a smoke in their bathrooms, they need to rethink their lives. 

Also, I don't have a problem with pot use....but please don't smoke while driving. Ugh.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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These people on TMOG are just bored AF. They all sit around making ass dents in their couch, eating at fast food restaurants or driving around in their cars. Hey how about filming what RL is like with a kid? The producers should show them cooking, cleaning, going to the playground, grocery shopping, doing laundry, going to and from work.  All of these can be done without sacrificing the current  making an ass dent on couch and stuffing your face SLs #TeenMomOG

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6 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Also, I don't have a problem with pot use....but please don't smoke while driving. Ugh.

Cate told Dr. Drew she smokes maybe twice a day, and that's just what she admitted to.  Then they showed her smoking in the car - twice - and once with her mother, and then the bong/roach question from Tyler, etc...  So to me she has a serious problem.  While I have no doubt she also battles depression, I'm sure the pot-smoking is an addiction, and I'm glad she at least admitted she needs to do something about it.

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46 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Did you see that??? He can't stand that kid or any kid I'm guessing. He clearly hates this part of his hustle for Amber's money. Matt's just trying to figure out the right angle to use to get Amber to quit dealing with Leah. Having her skip her scheduled days with Leah is a fine start.

He's not even trying to hide it anymore. He's also not very good at trying to hide the fact that he's a horrible grifter. I've never heard him tell Amber no in any situation. He just makes sure to keep Amber pacified and himself in the drivers seat for the next trip to McDonalds. What kind of life is that if you can't ever express yourself or do what makes you happy? You just follow someone else around and do?

Cate was looking for a fight when she was swigging that coffee after telling Tyler about the cost of the pig. Body language says she was terrified but holding her balls because the cameras were there. I agree with everyone else though, I imagine he went off on her during the night and that was what broke her. Plus if he was looking for roaches the night before that means they were already low on weed so if they had ran out and Tyler didn't have his wake and bake that probably set him off.

Maci..."Bently is spending the weekend with Ryan so we decided to fly down to Florida to look at my dream wedding venue."  Bitch Please

Farrah...Bitch Please

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Is Maci's grandfather a pastor? I really hope so. Maybe I'm a bad person but I'm laughing at the idea of some older, conservative Southern preacher (yeah, I know we've seen nothing to suggest he is, but let me dream) hiding his embarrassment at presiding over the marriage of his three-times-pregnant-out-of-wedlock granddaughter's wedding (while at the same time masking his relief that it's finally happening) on national TV.

Pete the Pig should thank his lucky stars every night that his owners are Chelsea and Cole and not the Baltierras/Lowells. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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9 minutes ago, citychic said:

He's not even trying to hide it anymore. He's also not very good at trying to hide the fact that he's a horrible grifter. I've never heard him tell Amber no in any situation. He just makes sure to keep Amber pacified and himself in the drivers seat for the next trip to McDonalds.

Not only that, but did you catch the line where a producer asks if the house they were looking at was the 5th or 6th house he and Amber flipped, and he said "second."  So there was the small house from last season, and now this one.  Two!  And Amber hadn't even seen it, so she clearly does nothing.  All they ALL do is sit on their asses, all day, every day.  

Edited by LotusFlower
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If Tyler went off about that piglet,  I didn't see it.  I know if my husband TOLD me he paid $3000 for a pig and was going to pick it up and he never discussed it with me beforehand and he barely handles stuff around the house, I would have went off.  Don't be bringing anything more in this house that I have to care for that I don't want to care for.  It should have been a joint decision.

Dear Farrah, you might as well try to sell that ring on Craig's List, because Simon is never going to pay you for it, because he is never going to marry your ass!

Edited by lasandi
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The tanning, smoking, and drinking have aged Maci terribly. I know her mom was a young mom herself (and looks young for her age) but Maci and her mom looked to be about the same age in this episode. 

It's crazy to me to see how much these girls have become like their moms. I mean, Cate and Maci have always favored their moms, but now it's so obvious and they almost look like sisters or twins. And some of the girls sound exactly like their moms now! I watch the show whole doing housework and often am listening to it rather than watching...and April and Cate's voices are pretty much exactly the same, as are Farrah and Deb's! It's nuts! I had to look up a couple of times to see who was speaking. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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