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S02.E02: All Stars Snatch Game

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I don't know that Adore expected Michelle to attack her for her outfit when it was a talent show, not a runway, and when Adore had made an effort (for Adore). I doubt anyone connected with the show wanted the fan favorite to walk at the beginning of the second episode, whether or not Adore was acting like a special snowflake or not. And I bet Michelle is not going to enjoy the backlash from Adore's fans when they tour in support of this series. 

Michelle was out of line, her attack was vicious and personal. Adore might have over reacted, but she can leave whenever she wants.

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Did anyone else notice that Tatiana's runway outfit was literally just a black version of Katya's entrance outfit? My first thought was 'Girl, this is All Stars. Don't wear a less distinctive copy of something another contestant has already worn'. Which also gels with Michelle's critique, that it is probably a fairly off the rack basic latex dress form(which she didn't even have modified to something more notable like Katya's soviet version).

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4 hours ago, JakeyJokes said:

Katya's "Total Ru-Call" is out again and it's rather refreshing.

She's kind of a comedy nerd and explains that Alyssa was hilarious because it was "unintentionally layered" -- Alyssa Edwards as Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford AS ALYSSA EDWARDS.

This is an outstanding description of Alyssa's performance. Sadly, for Alyssa, this show rewards spontaneity in performance and being able to seize opportunities to mine comedy from what's happening "in the moment."  The "look" queens who excel on the run-way also have a certain degree of spontaneity (or, least a very good simulation of such) in what they put together. Neither is Alyssa's strength, she's at her best when she's well rehearsed and put together flawlessly. Some standout situations that went over the poor girl's head and became, for me, missed opportunities are:

1) Since this was the latex challenge, she should have taken the off-hand remark about wearing her facial mask on the run-way and run with it. The exact look she presented with the addition of her latex facial mask would have slayed, in my opinion, because it would have been totally unexpected from her and it would have allowed her to jump right out of the pageant girl box that does not play well in this environment with these judges.

2) Although I loved her "Alyssa Edwards as Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford AS ALYSSA EDWARDS," I think it would have been ballsy of her to drop the Faye Dunaway and Joan Crawford and just come out as Alyssa Edwards as Alyssa Edwards! This season, from what I understand, was put in the can a short while after S7 season where Violet did Alyssa for Snatch Game; essentially legitimizing Alyssa as a credible celebrity to impersonate. This would have played to her strength in performance because she seems to do very well when she's able to plan out and rehearse what she's going to present. She could have mined the web for content about her image and presented it as an over-the-top caricature of herself, which I think is in her wheelhouse because she's terrific when she has tome to think about what's she's doing. It would have come with the added bonus of giving herself more wiggle room when having to react with what was happening in the moment because a few well place tongue clicks could allow her to add some spontaneity to her performance.

3) In the first episode Talent Show, instead of lip-syncing herself in her Variety Act, she should have sung (err...talk-sung) live to give her performance the boost of energy that it needed for anyone who has seen her lip-syncing herself in the past. I've caught her warm-up routine for finale's of previous seasons, so even if this, err...song?, was recorded specifically for her Talent Show performance and new to casual fans, everyone in the room has seen her do this kind of routine before and they're the ones doing the judging. Fresh is queen at Ru Paul Dragrace.

I think she'll stick around a bit more but when the numbers get lower, she'll become a casualty of there just being no more "safe."  Ironically, if she manages to keep the "House of Edwards" alive and thriving, she's one of the best positioned of a very select few drag alumni who could carry on after Ru with regards to finding an promoting the Drag Stars of Tomorrow. PS: If HoE is now defunct, then:  nevermind that last sentence.



I don't know that Adore expected Michelle to attack her for her outfit when it was a talent show, not a runway


Several people have made this point, and it did make sense to me at first. But I've also come around to thinking that when the challenge is a "talent show," and each queen is doing an act, then the look is part of the act.

It's also odd, because even though Adore's complaint has been that the judges and other drag queens don't understand her "90s riot girl aesthetic" (say "aesthetic" one more time, Adore!), her actual talent show was more...I dunno, Celine Dion in Vegas? She was singing a song about how baby you're a star, lighting up the sky, but she can't love you today, tomorrow, she can't love you anyway, while wearing a short sparkly dress. It was hardly Courtney Love. If Adore was doing or parodying Vegas chanteuse ("how's everybody doing'?"), then surely the dress is fair game; even if she was not, costume is part of "act" as far as I'm concerned.

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Well, regardless of what comments in particular hurt her the most, it was Michelle Ru got to (poorly) apologise to her. I have no idea who Raven Symone is, but I didn't like her at all. God save us all from the critiques of cranky women with fauxhawks. Sounds like Adore made the right decision - the death of a parent can be a really conflicting, confusing, distressing time, aside from any normal notions of grief.

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On 9/2/2016 at 3:06 PM, Glade said:

Tati actually landed a joke and got a laugh during snatch game, unlike detox, pp' and roxxy, so she was NOT the worst one, and did not deserve to go home.  I really wanted to see more of Tati, while I already know exactly what i'm going to see from roxxy's one-note drag to her shitty attitude.  Two non-S5 queens went home tonight, and that is a big disappointment.   Alaska was so full of shit trying to claim that she wasn't going to act based on her yotoxicrasha clique when of course she fucking did.  And that is what the producers wanted; clearly they're slanting this season is slanted toward S5/the yotoxicrasha bitches, which was evident from casting.  If they wanted Alaska to be likeable, maybe seperating her from the clique would have been better.  I was living for Katya tonight, from her Bjork to the lipsync, but then the camera follow Alaska because she ripped off some clothes and of course the results of every episode must be ultra-predictable.   

I have no shade meant whatsoever, but which joke did Tatiana make? I must've drifted off and missed it, and I would truly like to know! That may change my opinion of the results! I don't see the Rolaskatox thing being an issue this year for many reasons (that aren't worth getting into here), but time will tell. Obviously the point of this episode was to get people talking about this very issue, which I think was tricky, but it wasn't like a fantastic performance was "sent packing" so I'm not too worked up.  I think Alaska is determined to win, and determined not to let that be her downfall/image again. Of course I don't KNOW anything, I just don't judge this particular elimination to be based on favoritism. Though I think all the queens have the capability of falling into that trap. They are all flawed human beings, that may not be "fair". That's the downfall of these new elimination rules, though the "revenge" opportunity may help separate the deserving from the not-so-deserving.

You know, I think high expectations were placed on Tatiana, as she did so well in her first Snatch Game. However, I truly thought she bombed- particularly with the dog thing. Didn't she just giggle and say, "I don't know?" Quick wit, not so much. Picking a popstar with a meh personality is not usually the best way to compete. Tatiana's runway was shiiit as well. I like Tatiana, but she made a bad choice, didn't perform well, and looked off, lazy, and cheap on the runway IMO. Hello Adore! Would Katya have sent Tatiana home? For some reason we weren't privy to that info. Why? Once again, both queens revealed the first episode right? Or is my memory THAT terrible?

On another note, one reality show contestant (or a random sampling of 100 Millenials for that matter) doesn't/don't represent an entire generation of people IMO, meaning I don't think Adore Delano represents all Millennials. Entitlement and SSS are not exclusive to any birth range in my experience (unfortunately/ fortunately).

And to leave my table of one for once, I've always wondered why Adore's look doesn't match her music as well. In Adore's defense, she didn't look healthy at all during the season. That periscope was juicy! I'm dying to know what Raven Give-me-Attention Simone said that was "gross"! Too bad we will never know unless Raven herself Tweets it.

Edited by Granimal


 her actual talent show was more...I dunno, Celine Dion in Vegas? She was singing a song about how baby you're a star, lighting up the sky, but she can't love you today, tomorrow, she can't love you anyway, while wearing a short sparkly dress. It was hardly Courtney Love. If Adore was doing or parodying Vegas chanteuse ("how's everybody doing'?"), then surely the dress is fair game; even if she was not, costume is part of "act" as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, this exactly! If Adore wants to defend her aesthetic as valid, then she needed to actually do her aesthetic.

But it sounds like the real issue was that she wasn't in the right head space to be doing the show, so kudos to her for realizing that and leaving. I wish she had realized it earlier so we could have gotten someone else more into the show (like how is Trinity K. Bonet not in All-Stars? Or Joslyn Fox?).



I think Alaska is determined to win, and determined not to let that be her downfall/image again.

Rolaskatox was not her downfall before, and if she thinks it was, she's engaging in wishful thinking. She was top 3. The only reason she didn't win is that Jinkx Monsoon was better for that particular season.

ETA: Not that it ended up mattering, but one other thought that I haven't seen talked about is who should have been in the bottom 3 instead of Detox. Because I agreed with Alaska and Detox that it shouldn't have been Detox. Her Nancy Grace was fine and had some funny moments and her look was breathtaking. I love Ginger Minj and think she's underappreciated, but I would have put her in the bottom instead of Detox. Her Tammy Faye seemed on the same level of the Nancy Grace--fine, occasionally funny, but not a standout--and IMHO, her runway was the worst. I didn't even recognize that dress as latex. I wouldn't have sent her home, though... it would have been either Roxxy or Tatianna and probably Roxxy.

Edited by Zuleikha
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21 minutes ago, Glade said:

The donut thing, Ru/the others laughed at it.  There were no laughs at all at roxxy's alaska.  So if the point is to be funny, IMO, Tattiana objectively did better. 

We don't see everything, though. Snatch Game goes on for a while and there are a lot of answers left on the cutting room floor. The queens themselves, who were actually there, seem to agree that Tatianna did worse.

On September 2, 2016 at 8:23 PM, rozen said:


I buy Adore's chili-pepper tear exit about as much as Willam's "illegal videos/sleeping with husband/checking her email" scandal exit. 


I agree - I was ready to buy it 100% until, on rewatch, I realized they announced Snatch Game before Adore said she was leaving, and Snatch Game has always been at the 8-person mark. I do think Adore self-sabotaged a little bit, because I think she was afraid of failing, and I do think she genuinely was upset and wanted to go home. But I think the order was more "tell producers that she was leaving after the first runway, and we create a story with Ru and Michelle trying to convince Adore to stay" rather than what we saw play out. What the whole thing reinforced for me though was that everyone needs a Mama Ru in their life - when Ru was trying to convince Adore to stay, he was so kind and nurturing. Which is why I've always loved this reality show more than others; there's (usually) a comraderie and kindness that isn't there on other shows. 

I can't believe Roxxxy let Phi Phi psych her out, but what I will give Roxxxy credit for is not blaming Phi Phi on the runway.  Granted, it wouldn't have looked good for her to say "I let Phi Phi convince me", but she could've used it to show that Phi Phi hasn't changed. She didn't, and I give her some credit for that. I still would've booted her over Tatiana, just because you should be able to accurately imitate YOUR FRIEND. 

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 Would Katya have sent Tatiana home? For some reason we weren't privy to that info. Why? Once again, both queens revealed the first episode right? Or is my memory THAT terrible?



The format seems to be that at the beginning of the next episode, the queen who didn't win reveals who she would have voted out. At the beginning of this episode, Tati said she had Coco. Katya said in her Total RuCall that she would have picked Tati based on the challenge, so we'll probably see a similar thing.

This means that in two episodes, we've had the two queens both pick the same to eliminate, and there's no harm, no foul. It could get REALLY interesting if a non-winning queen looks to another contestant and says "Oh, well, I picked YOU ...." -- or if a non-winning queen declines to share who they picked.

19 hours ago, Glade said:

The donut thing, Ru/the others laughed at it.  There were no laughs at all at roxxy's alaska.  So if the point is to be funny, IMO, Tattiana objectively did better. 

I think that if you're going to do a queen that's actually right there with you, you especially have to be funny and entertain said queen.  Otherwise, that queen may sit there and roll her eyes or otherwise express disappointment which will not help you! 

The fact that Tatiana got booted does not bode well for Roxxy imo.  Both are body beautiful queens with tons of charisma but that has never been enough to win a DR competition.

I love Detox and her talent with the splattery drums was super fun but she seems strangely down on herself and not confident.  For a lot of Snatch Game she was staring down when she was delivering her jokes and they didn't land.  It's like she expects to fail.

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On 2 September 2016 at 0:43 PM, BloggerAloud said:

Acid Betty did it on Season 8 and Detox wouldn't have known that since the season hadn't aired when they filmed All Stars last year.

Wasn't this filmed before Season 8? Which would have made Betty's version look even more terrible [and give Carson time to perfect his impersonation for Betty's critique].

Edited by cousin oliver

Tatianna was the only HG's I wasn't familiar with.  I've never seen/heard of her before this season, and so I was hoping she'd stay a little longer so I could get to know her better.  Maybe she'll get to be the one who returns, so there's that.  

I liked PhiPhi her first season (snarkiness and all), but I'm not so sure about her this season.  The snarkiness doesn't bother me, but I'm just not impressed with her drag nor her singing.  That duck / swimsuit ensemble was -- meh.  I hope she stays long enough to up her game.

Right now my favorite is Katya.  

As an Adore fan I am very upset she left.  It almost made her seem ungrateful for the second chance which also stinks.  She will be sadly missed.  I know she is different as she is more of a singer than a drag queen but given how much she improved over her season AND the fact that she is the one with the most fans, this... is a let down.

I understand the comments re: not liking the new world order but I remember crying my heart out the episode that Ru made Raven and JuJu do their lip sync in the first all stars and screaming "EFF YOU RUPAUL YOU MONSTER!!" at the tv.  I guess kinda like Adore, she couldn't handle another moment like that.  She chickened out of it.  Every judge on stage was bawling from memory, it was harsh.

I was kinda meh about Tatianna but that spoken word thing she did really blew me away.  I was looking forward to more but that Ariana Grande stunk.  AND she was so awesome as Britney too, god, that hurt. 

Tati darling - I hope you come back!  Early prediction, Alaska for the win.  Not necessarily because she is the best queen, but man alive is she thirsty!  She is giving it her ALL for every challenge and her Mae West AND lip sync was super impressive.

The Adore situation is really interesting for me, whether it was staged a particular way or not. Sure, Adore knew going into the competition that she would be critiqued by Michelle and that that might be weird given their new relationship, but I think it was also abundantly clear that Adore was very emotionally overwhelmed. This was the straw that broke the camel's back. Being dumped and losing a loved one in addition to being critiqued on National Television is quite a bit to wrap your head around, and sadly I don't think Adore is mature enough yet to keep all that in perspective. In fact, I remember growing tired with Adore during her season because it seemed like she had potential but would take two steps and then start crying and give up. That might be a slight over-exaggeration but I can't help but wonder if people like Adore for who she could be rather than who she is right now.

The fact that she seems to be searching for her identity as we watch her is part of why people relate to her I suspect. The fact that she was on American Idol and now Drag Race creates a narrative for her that people enjoy following. Her comment about a fan sensing that she was uncomfortable says more about how little confidence Adore has in trying different things then it does about which things represent her. How many looks has Madonna rocked over the years while still being true to herself? Adore is growing up and still isn't in a place where she can put on any hat and feel confident as herself.

This competition show isn't therapy. It can't truly be about changing who any of these performers are as much is bringing their work to a broader audience and giving them the chance to try new things. I'm glad Adore did what felt right at the time, but I do think it sucks that she couldn't just put on a brave face for a little while and maybe win a few competitions. I definitely get the sense that she has felt a little bit built-up by her successes and exposure and with that comes great expectations of superstardom that leads to intense feelings of doubt. I'm still pretty new to this whole concept of the drag world so I can't say this with any certainty, but I don't feel Adore is some brilliant star. She really needs to work on her confidence and a big part of that is expecting a little bit less of yourself instead of building increasingly large complex dreams to chase.

It's a bit like looking back on your college years and realizing that instead of stressing out about getting all the awards or the high grades you should have just enjoyed the opportunity, relaxed and explored as much as you could.


....and what did she do to her upper lip?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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7 hours ago, Mayberry said:

Phi Phi is saying on Twitter that he is getting the villain edit on the show. Of course he is. He is also saying his bad singing was the editing too (the editing made the crowd clap out of time?). No, dear. (They should've edited out those notes you sang.)

Lol!  Really, it's the editors fault again??  You sang badly (like always) and tried to get other queens to second guess themselves.  If you hadn't done that, the editors couldn't put it in the episodes. 

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I must preface this by saying that I was not a fan of Adore's.  And while watching her season I felt frustrated because I felt that a lot of the performing challenges were right in her wheelhouse and that she was passed through without a lot of real criticism.  I mean, Michelle did but I feel that Ru protected Adore to some extent and even Bianca took her under her wing.  In comparion, Trinity K. Bonet struggled and received some harsh yet fair criticism.

So when Adore wilted immediately citing Michelle's criticism and this wasn't like she imagined it was going to be, all i could think of was "Well of course you can't hack it!  Here you are accepted into the AP class but only because you got good grades just for showing up in the remedial class."  I really, really rolled my eyes very hard at her.  Come on!  Like WTF was she expecting?  I love that Michelle was all 'Yeah, you have your aesthtic but at the end of the day this is a reality competition."  I will not miss her.

I was underwhelmed by The Snatch Game.  Alaska won solely on the basis of her quick wit.  Her Mae West impression was ... no great.  And honestly just by looking at her I would not have known she was Mae West since she just looked like a generic blonde.  But she was sharp as a tack.  So go her!

I am sad that Tati is gone.  i liked her during her season and found it interesting that this time around so many of the Queens had started to voice the same "thinking strategically" line when it came to eliminations that she was the only one to say out loud last week.

Although i do wonder about what else Ru has up her sleeve WRT to the eliminated queens.  She said something about revenge.  i wonder if they are going to have a Survivor like final voting panel where the ousted queens are the ones who will be the final decider on who wins or not?

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4 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

I was underwhelmed by The Snatch Game.  Alaska won solely on the basis of her quick wit.  Her Mae West impression was ... no great.  And honestly just by looking at her I would not have known she was Mae West since she just looked like a generic blonde.  But she was sharp as a tack.  So go her!

A few people have pointed out that her Mae West isn't accurate - I'm not a Mae scholar so I can't comment on that. But the cardinal rule of Snatch Game has always been "be funny," so accuracy doesn't matter much. Like Alexis Mateo's ultra-butch take on Alicia Keys. Being funny and having a quick wit are paramount in Snatch Game, but some folks seem to think that just looking like a celeb makes you great (ahem, Derrick Berry and Tati).

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Being funny and having a quick wit are paramount in Snatch Game, but some folks seem to think that just looking like a celeb makes you great (ahem, Derrick Berry and Tati).

I agree with your point--and yeah, pregnant butch Alicia Keys will always be the best example of an off-the-wall choice just working due to homor--but Derrick Berry and Tati both did well as Britney and Tati had no delusions about the quality of her Arianna, so they seem like strange choices to ahem. IMHO, better examples of that would be Rayven's Paris Hilton, Detox's Ke$ha, or Max's Sharon Needles.

I think Alaska's Mae West was pretty accurate, too. She obviously couldn't go become a professional Mae West impersonator, but she had the right clothes, styling, and--as best she could--vocal styling. She was more X-rated than Mae West, who was famous for her witty innuendos, but IMHO, that was like Tati's original winning take on Britney. Caricature plus humor has always been a winning formula on Snatch Game.

  You sang badly (like always) and tried to get other queens to second guess themselves.  If you hadn't done that, the editors couldn't put it in the episodes.

I'm not familiar with Phi Phi because I didn't watch her season, but is it possible she was sincere? Ru couldn't figure out that Roxxxy was Sofia Vergara (which I think is what really shook her up more than Phi Phi) and didn't Katya also describe Alyssa's Joan Crawford as being a lot Alyssa? The critique Phi Phi gave Roxxxy was a specific, actionable critique. She did sing badly, though.

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On September 2, 2016 at 11:41 PM, diva2themax said:

According to Adore's periscope the critiques that really got to her were Raven Symone's & they were cut. I wonder how bad it was.

Really? I can't stand Raven Symone and her taste is G.R.O.S.S.

I watched Katya's RuCall and she said that the judges ripped Adore to shreds, then they took those shreds, braided them together, and started whipping her bones. 

I wonder if Michelle is in deep doodoo for Adore leaving.

Right or wrong,  Adore is the fan favorite, which shouldn't mean she gets to do whatever she wants, but I bet it never occurred to Michelle that Adore would walk after the first challenge. If I were Michelle I'd be wondering if Adore's fans were going to set me on fire during one of the tours.  A lot of her fans are rabid and not well behaved.

10 hours ago, kieyra said:

Eh, they milked the whole Adore thing for everything it was worth. Michelle will be just fine. 

I can almost agree this season is for Alaska--if it weren't for them realizing after the fact that Katya should have been the S7 winner. I feel it could be either of those two but I agree Alaska is more likely.

I don't find Alaska funny or in any way endearing, so I could be biased! I think Alaska is one-note - and dreadfully pleased with herself, and just busting out with entitlement, and probably expecting to win, also. Katya is far more random and delightful, and may just pip her to the post because of that lack of expectation of it being handed to her.

You could say Chad was robbed in her season (it's all blurring), but it felt like a fitting win in All Stars 1. But I don't think Alaska was ever robbed, bar in her own mind - and she came onto this show initially, trailing Sharon, with an air of someone should have discovered me first! That entitlement has just grown and grown, and I don't think there's much substance behind it. But clearly she has her fans...

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I may be in the minority, but Katya playing the eccentric Bjork had me pissing myself laughing, since I'm familiar with Bjork's music. Katya isn't really a favorite of mine (just because I like other queens more and she never really stood out to me), but I've nothing against her, and I'll give credit where it's due. I might have to look at Katya differently after the Bjork impressions. 

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I am not a big fan of Alaska but it just feels like the edit is heading her way.  I don't feel she beat Katya in the lipsync and I liked Katya's runway more.  Alaska basically wore what Tataiana wore but with different makeup.  However, the praise Alaska is getting is much like the praise AS1 winner Chad got and S3 Raja got.  I feel Alaska is just favored to win and Detox will probably be 1st runner up with Katya being third., 

I feel Katya should win as she is the most talented on the show since the departure of Adore.

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I really felt Adore's departure was a waste, but I could well understand it, given that her world had been rocked by the loss of her dad. I lost my dad nearly two years ago, and it hurt like hell, and I've got nearly 30 years on Adore. Have no idea how rough that must have been for her being so young.

Yes, I felt Michelle was a bit hard on her, but she's not been the first queen  to crumble at her critiques. Many people never get the opportunity that Adore got.

I think Alaska is really creative and interesting, and don't understand the comments that she seems smug or entitled. She's smart and thoughtful about what she does, which is why I like her. That doesn't read as smug to me, just very professional and prepared. The Rolaskatoxxx whatever is el stupido, and she even distanced herself from it after a while during hear season. I think she had to address it, and I think the show created that bottom three for the drama created by the former clique. Phi-phi belonged in the bottom before Detoxx, but of the bottom queens, I think it was a toss-up between Roxxxy and Tati. I really like Tatiana, even though I haven't seen her season. She didn't shine this episode, but seems like she could have been a strong contender going forward. Part of me wishes Alaska had dumped Roxxy, but her choice also made sense. 

I actually like all the queens remaining a ton--well, maybe not Roxxxy. I just don't think she's that interesting. I want to see more bonkers, delightful Katya, but I also hope Ginger steps it up. She's so funny and super gorgeous. 

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Maybe you just weren't feeling your oats?  I had some serious laugh-out-loud moments from snatch game. From Alyssa and Alaska 

Alyssa was funny as Mommie Dearest  but I wasn't getting the deep belly laughs that Ru was and same with Alaska and Katya--both were fun but enh not doubling over.  Honestly IMO the best was Phi Phi.  Again not LOL'ing but she had some really clever moments with Teresa's so-called psych abilities.


19 minutes ago, Halo said:

I think Alaska is really creative and interesting, and don't understand the comments that she seems smug or entitled. She's smart and thoughtful about what she does, which is why I like her. That doesn't read as smug to me, just very professional and prepared. The Rolaskatoxxx whatever is el stupido, and she even distanced herself from it after a while during hear season.

ITA!  IMO Tati was the correct choice to be eliminated.  She had the worst snatch game and the worst runway so yeah.  I think her tone, the way she speaks maybe rubs people the runway but for T.V. entertainment I LURVE her!

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 Phi-phi belonged in the bottom before Detoxx, but of the bottom queens, I think it was a toss-up between Roxxxy and Tati.

Phi-Phi was top 3, so she was never going in the bottom. IMHO, she deserved her top 3, too. She was really funny with her various ways of faking her psych skills. She and Alaska's Mae West were the funniest to me. I apprecated Katya's Bjork a lot--especially when she started eating the card--but she never actually made me laugh. Same with Alyssa's Joan Crawford and Detox's Nancy Grace. Ginger's Tammy Faye was just there (although maybe she had moments that were lost on the cutting room floor). Alaska and Phi Phi were the only two that made me actually laugh, although Alaska was the clear winner for me. 

I thought Roxxxy was clearly the worst as Alaska, but I'm willing to believe that Tati was worse in the full version. Still, I thought Tati actually had some funny moments as Arianna Grande with the doughtnut licking and the high note, even if she wasn't witty all the time. Roxxxy just had NOTHING.

8 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

Wasn't Phi Phi explicitly called out as being top 3? Am I remembering that wrong?

I could not remember for the life of me so I just checked on my iTunes episode, and she was one of the six called out for being top and bottom, Michelle hated her outfit but Ross liked her Snatch Game. They didn't show much critique but she might have been considered top 3. They declared Alyssa and Ginger safe but I figured Alyssa would be considered third place. So I think you might be right about PhiPhi being in the top group, it's hard to tell with the new format though since they focus so much on top 2 and bottom 3!

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3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

it's hard to tell with the new format though since they focus so much on top 2 and bottom 3!

ITA!  Ginger and Alyssa were called safe from the beginning and Detox, Tati, and Roxxy were called up in the bottom 3 so by process of elimination that means Phi2 is a top 3 though I don't think she was ever officially called that. 

3 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

When is Ginger going to get the "safe is the worst place to be" speech?

Same with Alyssa, I think they've both been "just safe" twice. Strange, because usually Ru is quick to point out that safe is a four-letter word. I think if Untucked were still around we'd hear them complaining about it more.

7 hours ago, Egg said:

I thought Ru told PhiPhi, when dismissing her, that she got lucky or something to the effect of a get-out-of-jail-free card. I thought her dismissal made it pretty clear she narrowly avoided being up for elimination. 

That's what I thought, too, but I could be misremembering. All I know is I thought PhiPhi looked busted and think she should have been in the bottom, even though she was marginally okay in Snatch Game. As the numbers dwindle, we will have fewer grey zone safe queens and just top and bottom groups,so it will be easier to follow. I think. Who knows.

Edited by Halo
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