Primetimer August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 At least he won't be a 'runner-up' anymore, or else he'll find a way to screw this one up too. View the full article Link to comment
huahaha August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Somehow I feel personally vindicated for the (many) seasons I've picked the runner-up as the winner and then cried with them during their limo ride into the sunset. For the love of pete, Nick, do NOT be the runner up on your own season! 9 Link to comment
pinkelephant3 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 With his luck his final two will be bisexual and end up falling for eachother and will run off into the sunset and leave him behind crying 15 Link to comment
roamyn August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I don't mind Nick. But I never saw Andi's season, only Kaitlyn's. 1 Link to comment
MakeMeLaugh August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I'm out. 2 Link to comment
woodscommaelle August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 3 minutes ago, MakeMeLaugh said: I'm out. I don't like him so it'd be so easy to sit this one out. But this show controls me :) 4 Link to comment
MakeMeLaugh August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 1 minute ago, woodscommaelle said: I don't like him so it'd be so easy to sit this one out. But this show controls me :) I have a lot of catching up to do with Netflix and Acorn TV series--thanks Show for freeing up some time for these! PS: I love your username! 2 Link to comment
gator12 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I'm glad its Nick and not Luke, Robbie or Chase. I was hoping they would ask Brad to come back if the only choice were the guys from Jojo season 10 Link to comment
huahaha August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 5 minutes ago, gator12 said: I'm glad its Nick and not Luke, Robbie or Chase. I was hoping they would ask Brad to come back if the only choice were the guys from Jojo season Exactly. The producers painted themselves into a corner with such a disingenuous final 6. I never would've gotten on the Nick train if there'd been an obvious person to root for like Ben or JoJo. I'm happy things turned out this way though. 2 Link to comment
ghertigirl August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I am bursting at the seams with excitement but the only other Bachelor fanatic I know is my mom, who I can't get a hold of. Thank goodness for my Previously TV family! 9 Link to comment
Pollock August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Well, I really like the guy. The wrong reasons part of me is wishing really hard that he get dumped by his Chosen One during the finale but the right reasons side is excited he could finally find someone good for him this time around. Is Sharleen the opera singer still single? I don't know why, but I've always thought they would make a cute couple. Not that I'm invested or anything. Of course not. *cough* 4 Link to comment
chocolatine August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 1 minute ago, Pollock said: Is Sharleen the opera singer still single? I don't know why, but I've always thought they would make a cute couple. Not that I'm invested or anything. Of course not. *cough* No, Sharleen is engaged. 1 Link to comment
Pollock August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Damn! Too bad for that but good for her! Thanks for the answer Chocolatine! (I'm hungry now...) Well... here's hoping we could get some other not so fucking dumb bachelorette. Just tone down the stupid a little and we could be golden. Please note I'm not even hoping for a more diverse pool of women this season, no way I'm wasting a perfectly good wish on that lost cause. 2 Link to comment
StatMom August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Ew. Link to comment
Falafel August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I've never seen him on the Bachelorette, only on Bachelor In Paradise, and I do like him on this show. He has like no body fat, which I feel must be kind of difficult to maintain, but he actually seems kind of normal to me. I agree that the final contestants on JoJo's seemed to be Wrong Reasons guys and the show had to find someone who could give us something semi-real. JoJo's season felt so fake, at least from the guys (JoJo, sadly, was really into Jordan even though he clearly wasn't into her). I also think that the producers can't reward the Fakey McFakersons. Maybe they don't care, but it could set a bad precedent. 4 Link to comment
neural-plasticity August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I didn't watch Jojo's season after the first two or three episodes because I felt like almost all the guys were fake or... blah. So it's not surprising none of them were chosen. Still, I'm surprised that Nick is the next bachelor and honestly, I'm not sure if it's good or bad. I didn't watch Andi's season, but I did watch him on Kaitlyn's and he was really made out to be the victim. I've really liked him on BiP, though, so I'm tempted to watch. 1 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Nick's dream has come true. Now he can say to Josh: "Ha ha ha ha ha! You may have gotten Andi, you may have gotten Amanda, but I have the TV show!!" Actually I liked him pretty well on Andi's season, not so much on Kaitlyn's and haven't watched BiP, just read your comments. I think he will be more interesting than Luke would have been. 5 Link to comment
gator12 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 So this might be as diverse as Sean Lowe season, we shall see. 3 Link to comment
thehepburn August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Whatever, Bad Juju. Rolls eyes. I'm gonna hafta check RS's spoilers before I decide if I wanna watch Old Nick as TB. He has terrible taste in women which is a reason why he is still single despite his oft proclamations that he is looking for love. Chances are he will pick another Courtney Robertson or Vienna. 2 Link to comment
Mu Shu August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Fuck Jubilee. This trying to force diversity in personal relationships is fucked up. Guess what special snowflake? I like white guys with dark hair and blue eyes specifically. Unfortunately, the ones I like tend to like blondes, and don't have an Asian preference. Doesn't mean they are "racist" or ignorant. It just means they have a type. I am not it . Move on to someone who is attracted to me. 14 Link to comment
Pixel August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Ok, I hated Nick for a while, but I've really turned around my opinion on him. I love him now. So, kudos to the team at Bachelor- your efforts to give him a good image worked. I don't even really care that I'm being manipulated. I know it. I'm in. 9 Link to comment
portergirl99 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 (edited) I am a Nick fan so I am so stoked to hear this news! I actually thought he was a big ole dork on Andi's season (remember that hair????) and was shocked that she even gave him the time of day. He looked better on Kaitlyn's season. On BIP he’s VERY attractive – perhaps the best looking guy on the show. However, and more importantly, he's smart. He’s funny. He’s educated. He has opinions. He's real and occasionally they show him engaging in interesting conversations. Nick appears somewhat jaded at this point (who wouldn't be) and he knows that it can go wrong -- and he knows that sometimes it can go horribly horribly wrong. He should understand the pressure and the scrutiny he will be under before, during and after the show. He seems to have self-awareness of how he’s seen by viewers – fans and non-fans alike. He's 35, so a reasonable age to actually be looking for love *cough cough* I'm a wrong reasons viewer through and through so I don't believe in the fairy tale bullshit, but I will enjoy a grown man (who already has a very complete understanding of the machinations of this show) navigate through this season. Plus *shallow alert* his abs are amazing. So, there's that. Edited August 31, 2016 by portergirl99 edited because Nick is getting up there in age! 15 Link to comment
CindyBee August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Nick's not 32, he is 35 and will be 36 during filming... Be interesting to see who Fleiss gets to be on his season and if any are repeats. Can't think of anyone off the top of my head. I'll be for sure spoiling the season in real time so I'll see everyone in that thread! 1 Link to comment
Mabinogia August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Please no more freaking repeats!!!! I want a fresh batch of fame whores please. And yay for Nick! I was already preparing to have my Monday nights free and then they pull me back in with a guy with personality. Damn you show! I was almost free!!!! 6 Link to comment
Mu Shu August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Well, Nick is actually a three-peat....But I agree with not repeating the women, unless they bring back Kelsey Poe. I am sort of obsessed with her delusions of grandeur. Please, no women under 26 for 35 year old Nick! Get some women with more to offer than hair extensions and drag queen makeup. Yeah a couple of crazies of course, but maybe a slim helping of Amanda and twin types? Nick was into offbeat looking Kailyn, so there's a shot of not getting a bunch of barbies. 12 Link to comment
thehepburn August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 The season has already been cast. Probably most of them 23 yr olds expecting Luke. There will be the token 30 yr old there so he could latch onto her. Shrug. 3 Link to comment
gator12 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 When does this season start filming? End of September? Yeah it might be too late, although the article that was posted here about Bachelor casting for a software sales person sounds like it was for Nick's all along, unless Chase is also in software sales. Link to comment
slowpoked August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Wow, I seriously did not see this one coming. I've always said Jojo's leftovers were boring and if there was a time to dip back from earlier seasons, this is it. But I didn't think they would actually do it. And Nick, of all people! They picked a guy who had the stigma of two B'ettes sleeping with him but didn't pick him at the end. 2 Link to comment
wowsansham August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Well that was a surprise, but I think a good choice. I wonder what process the producers went through to choose Nick as the next Bachelor. His edit on Bachelor in Paradise was a lot more positive compared to his stints on the Bachelorette where he was generally portrayed as being disliked and combative towards his counterparts. Personally I liked him in both Andi's and Kaitlyn's seasons, he's well spoken, mature and has a sense of humour. He also has a great narrative and I feel more invested to watch his season. Also their options seemed so limited, Jojo's final five was so lacklustre. Luke seems like a nice guy but he was quite dry, it wouldn't be the most captivating of seasons. And no way did Chase have the charisma to carry the show. I think this is the most excited I've been to watch the new season! 5 Link to comment
thehepburn August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 If they follow the same filming schedule as Ben, they are starting around Sept 24th. So yeah, the cast is set. That tweet is bullshit, as are most tweets by the producers. 3 Link to comment
CindyBee August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 (edited) From both Chase and Luke's social media, it looks like both guys were kept in the running to the bitter end. At least they weren't like Arie and Caila and had a intro filmed but still, must have been ego busting for both of them not to be chosen. And they probably also were keep in the running in case Nick's redemption edit on BiP3.0 didn't go over well. Edited to add that Kristen Baldwin of Yahoo is saying that Luke dragged his feet in signing his contract so they started to second guess his intentions and once Nick started to be well received on BiP, they went with him: Edited August 31, 2016 by CindyBee 3 Link to comment
sidekickgirl August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I have to say, I'm pretty happy that Nick is going to be the Bachelor. What I look for in a season is a lead that I find attractive (check.), has an interesting back story that I care about (two silver medal finishes on Bachelorette? check.) and someone that I don't want to smother while they sleep (check.) I'm a wrong reasons watcher that is always pleasantly surprised with right reasons outcomes, so this is best case scenario for me. The only guy from JoJo's season I was remotely interested in watching was Wells, and I'm happy for now that he is left out of the circus! :) I do have to giggle at the responses from people saying that they'll be sitting this one out, due to Nick hate. Sure you will, like I sat out during Juan-uary? This show owns us, and that proof is in the fact that we not only watch it, but discuss/dissect it online. 14 Link to comment
huahaha August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 1 hour ago, slowpoked said: They picked a guy who had the stigma of two B'ettes sleeping with him but didn't pick him at the end. Well, Kaitlyn slept with him early and still kept him until the end, so it couldn't have been that bad. Andi did give him some pointers in her book, and I'm guessing he'll take them. 2 Link to comment
Quinn13 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Totally on board for Nick as the Bachelor. I liked him on Andi's season and during this season of BIP. I have skipped the past two seasons of The Bachelor because I thought Farmer Chris was dull and Ben, while cute, was even worse. Luke would have been cut from the exact same cloth-guitar playing, country boy with that oh so important all-American charm. Over it. Nick is somehow different although he's been a part of this Bachelor world for awhile now. I will absolutely be tuning in this winter. I just hope they have cast some girls that can go toe to toe with him. I worry they cast girls for Luke and I can't imagine those women would be compatible with Nick. Maybe some last minute cast additions? 7 Link to comment
PamelaMaeSnap August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 Nick checks the one box that none of the other rumored Bs did ... he is NOT boring! So bring it on. 8 Link to comment
thehepburn August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I dislike Nick and dont have a problem hate-watching. Or I could sit a season out like I did with that Brit. No skin off my teeth either way. 2 Link to comment
huahaha August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 7 minutes ago, Quinn13 said: I just hope they have cast some girls that can go toe to toe with him. I worry they cast girls for Luke and I can't imagine those women would be compatible with Nick. Maybe some last minute cast additions? I think they were always casting for Nick, despite what they say now. (No, I don't think Nick or the other guys knew, hence the surprise reveal.) This article is from June 30, and the producers told the girls the new Bachelor was a software salesman. Quote The call was for the improbable 21st season of the reality show, though the eligible software salesman who will play the title role has not yet been announced. The 400-plus women who showed up were waiting in line to date a question mark. 2 Link to comment
OnceSane August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I watch BiP, but I've never watched The Bachelor/ette…I may have to tune in this season. 1 Link to comment
poopchute August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I'm just glad I won't have to look at a man with that floppy hair and women's capri pants like every guy had last season. 8 Link to comment
thehepburn August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 18 minutes ago, huahaha said: I think they were always casting for Nick, despite what they say now. (No, I don't think Nick or the other guys knew, hence the surprise reveal.) This article is from June 30, and the producers told the girls the new Bachelor was a software salesman. WAS being the operative word. Old Nick hasnt been in software sales in a year. He quit it to be an aspiring model and professional famewhore. 3 Link to comment
MakeMeLaugh August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 53 minutes ago, sidekickgirl said: ... I do have to giggle at the responses from people saying that they'll be sitting this one out, due to Nick hate. Sure you will, like I sat out during Juan-uary? This show owns us, and that proof is in the fact that we not only watch it, but discuss/dissect it online. Um, yes I will most definitely sit this out. But good for you. 1 Link to comment
gator12 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 (edited) 41 minutes ago, thehepburn said: WAS being the operative word. Old Nick hasnt been in software sales in a year. He quit it to be an aspiring model and professional famewhore. Sounded like SaleForce will welcome him back with open arms when he's ready to go back full time base on that Juliet Litman podcast. Hey they are all professional famewhore imo Edited August 31, 2016 by gator12 3 Link to comment
thehepburn August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 2 minutes ago, gator12 said: Sounded like SaleForce will welcome him back with open arms when he's ready to go back full time base on that Juliet Litman podcast. Hey they are all professional famewhore imo That's what he said. Whether the offer stands a few years down the line is another matter. I am sure he will do DWTS and Marriage Boot Camp or whatever. 1 Link to comment
chocolatine August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 18 minutes ago, thehepburn said: That's what he said. Whether the offer stands a few years down the line is another matter. I am sure he will do DWTS and Marriage Boot Camp or whatever. Oh, SalesForce will absolutely have him back; I've met a couple of SalesForce guys at my last job, and every one of them was a Nick-in-training - early to mid-30s, smarmy, conventionally good-looking, social media savvy. They ooze insincerity to me - which is why I've never warmed to Nick - but clients love them. 4 Link to comment
ribboninthesky1 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 4 hours ago, CindyBee said: From both Chase and Luke's social media, it looks like both guys were kept in the running to the bitter end. At least they weren't like Arie and Caila and had a intro filmed but still, must have been ego busting for both of them not to be chosen. And they probably also were keep in the running in case Nick's redemption edit on BiP3.0 didn't go over well. Edited to add that Kristen Baldwin of Yahoo is saying that Luke dragged his feet in signing his contract so they started to second guess his intentions and once Nick started to be well received on BiP, they went with him: I think Luke dodged a bullet - he got the exposure for his music career (perhaps related to why he was reluctant to sign the Bachelor contract), and likely a whole lotta womenfolk ready to be his sweetie. He's not a company man - I don't know that he could have sold "a connection" with several women. His voice was nails on a chalkboard for me, and I didn't find him handsome (his body was banging, though). Still, I can understand his appeal, and think he'll be just fine. I'm neutral on Nick, and will watch to see 1) how he handles himself, 2) if Bachelor Nation will turn on him by the end of his season, and 3) if he'll be accused of "leading" anyone on. Hopefully, he'll keep his haircut and scruff for the show. 1 Link to comment
Ohwell August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I don't think Nick is that attractive; he's ok but he doesn't set my soul on fire. I'll watch just to see who the women are, especially the batshit crazy one(s). 2 Link to comment
gator12 August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 I'm shock 4 Link to comment
thehepburn August 31, 2016 Share August 31, 2016 6 minutes ago, gator12 said: I'm shock I'm not. Andi is another living off her TB fame and you dont bite the hand that feeds you. Besides, she was never really in love with him and got her digs in already in her book. (Yes, I was bored and I read a few chapters today.) 4 Link to comment
ribboninthesky1 September 1, 2016 Share September 1, 2016 1 hour ago, thehepburn said: Besides, she was never really in love with him and got her digs in already in her book. (Yes, I was bored and I read a few chapters today.) So what was said about Nick? Link to comment
Wings September 1, 2016 Share September 1, 2016 I am thrilled Nick is the bachelor! I have always liked him. I believe they chose him before casting began. And I think they would be open to a last minute fan or two. We don't know when this begins yet. 2 Link to comment
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