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Tori & Company In The Media

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5 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Sweet fancy Moses, Dean's got some mighty strong genes. Those poor children. (Except for the youngest; doesn't look like either of them).

I didn't look at the picture until I saw your comment, is the girl on the left pregnant too? Now I'm wondering if Tori is pretending to be pregnant to cover up that fact that her daughter is.

Not one of those kids is a natural blonde, they are having all their kid's hair bleached.

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My issue isn't whether it's generally ok for people over 40 to have a baby. What's problematic to me is that, by Tori and Dean's own accounts, they are ill-equipped to have another kid. Tori claimed that she almost died when she was pregnant with Finn and had to be on bed rest for months, which, obviously, negatively affected her other kids. She made a big deal about how scary the thought of dying and leaving 3 young kids without a mom was (a completely valid concern). After coming through that ordeal with both her and Finn healthy, I don't see why she would risk another pregnancy, especially since she already has 4 kids.

On top of that, there are the well-documented issues with their marriage. Even if things are better than ever now (after YEARS of admitted strife, Dean's affair and substance abuse, etc., etc.), why tempt fate/put additional stress on the family now? Then there are the financial problems. A new baby will limit Tori's ability to work (except that she's hoping to use it for a reality show) and cost more money. Again, these people already have 4/5 kids, so I can't give them a pass for just being desperate to have a baby no matter what. This seems like a continuation of a pattern of irresponsible, short-sighted decisions that are not in the best interests of their kids or even of T & D themselves.

Edited by TheRealT
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Even if Dean couldn't "afford" a vasectomy (which I think is BS), Tori should have gotten a tubal ligation, especially since it was previously reported that she loves the attention and drugs associated with surgery and/or a hospital stay.

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6 hours ago, TheRealT said:

My issue isn't whether it's generally ok for people over 40 to have a baby. What's problematic to me is that, by Tori and Dean's own accounts, they are ill-equipped to have another kid. Tori claimed that she almost died when she was pregnant with Finn and had to be on bed rest for months, which, obviously, negatively affected her other kids. She made a big deal about how scary the thought of dying and leaving 3 young kids without a mom was (a completely valid concern). After coming through that ordeal with both her and Finn healthy, I don't see why she would risk another pregnancy, especially since she already has 4 kids.

On top of that, there are the well-documented issues with their marriage. Even if things are better than ever now (after YEARS of admitted strife, Dean's affair and substance abuse, etc., etc.), why tempt fate/put additional stress on the family now? Then there are the financial problems. A new baby will limit Tori's ability to work (except that she's hoping to use it for a reality show) and cost more money. Again, these people already have 4/5 kids, so I can't give them a pass for just being desperate to have a baby no matter what. This seems like a continuation of a pattern of irresponsible, short-sighted decisions that are not in the best interests of their kids or even of T & D themselves.

I agree with all of this, and it is also pretty well documented by her own accounts which children she loves the most...honestly.  She likes Stella and Finn.... she has stated that Liam is a daddy's boy, and that she has never been very close to Hattie because she had Finn so close after that all of her attention went to pregnancy and then to him.  It is clear from her birthday letters to her children which ones get her focus, which is sad.  This makes me feel like another baby is certainly not going to help the other children feel like they are getting her attention.  

I guess it also bothers me that all of us here with far less money coming in (but also lower expenses) take the time to consider our health and finances first.  That is what bothers me about all of the online comments shaming people for being honest with Tori.  She has made it clear she doesn't care if she is broke before she takes on another child, whereas most people have the number of children that is reasonable for them.  And most people know when to have concerns for their health before risking another pregnancy.  So when she suddenly expects people to simply be happy for her after all of her drama, it is very annoying.

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Well, she wanted attention, and she's got it.  What sucks is that she does have a little talent that isn't super "show-biz like".  If she were willing to work (ha ha ha!!), they'd probs be awesome owning a business like Jessica Biel's restaurant, Au Fudge, which is super upscale yet kid-friendly.  Dean could utilize his cooking talents. 


I could see her also having a party-planning business, or even a reality show on Lifetime or something where she helped couples plan fancy budget weddings.

But again, she'd have to *work*, so...

Edited by teapot
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3 hours ago, alexa said:

I agree with all of this, and it is also pretty well documented by her own accounts which children she loves the most...honestly.  She likes Stella and Finn.... she has stated that Liam is a daddy's boy, and that she has never been very close to Hattie because she had Finn so close after that all of her attention went to pregnancy and then to him.  It is clear from her birthday letters to her children which ones get her focus, which is sad.  This makes me feel like another baby is certainly not going to help the other children feel like they are getting her attention. 

Ugh. I've heard her talk about how closely bonded she and Finn are because of their medical ordeal when she was pregnant with him and that she's not as close to Hattie for the same reason. I haven't seen her birthday letters to her kids (Which, why would you release that publicly? (Dumb question, I know.)), but I'm not surprised that she's so self-involved that she doesn't bother to fake loving them all equally.

I think Tori likes the attention and control that she gets through being pregnant (especially with a high-risk pregnancy) and she probably likes having babies whose needs are relatively simple (and can be met by a baby nurse paid for by Candy when Tori doesn't want to deal). Older kids whine and argue and actively compete with her for attention. I also think she and Dean are motivated to have kids because Candy provides a $10M trust fund for each one. The future Spelling-McDermott family fortune will jump from $40M to $50M, so I guess they figure that's worth the potential risks to Tori's health and the well-being of their family. Has Tori even addressed her alleged health problems? She's usually so "open" about everything, so I'm a bit surprised that she didn't make a statement along the lines of, "I have [this terrible medical condition], but my doctors are monitoring me closely and so far so good." It's making me suspect that she was lying/exaggerating about whatever problem she supposedly had with Finn and those months of bed rest were just another ploy to check out by being hospitalized (as she's wont to do).

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Here it says that she doesn't have placenta previa this time.... according to her at link below.  But I don't know enough about that condition to know if all is clear this early or if it comes up later.  Either way, being older, past difficult pregnancies, and having had 4 c sections all lead to potential risks.  There is no way she can know she is completely okay or free of issues this early on.... 



Edited by alexa
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Says Spelling, “As far as cars and SUVs, we’re maxed out! And we’ll definitely be house hunting. We need another room. They’re already doubled up.”

Adds McDermott with a laugh, “We’re going to buy an apartment complex. Each child can have their own apartment!”

I guess these are thinly-veiled messages to Candy about what they want for the baby shower.

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I saw all of that too!  Ugh...shows their stupidity considering all of the headlines before the pregnancy were that they can't pay their Amex bills!  They drive me nuts.

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11 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I hate saying this but those are some unfortunate looking kids. Yikes. 

Exacerbated by the fact that they are completely miserable and in a clearly unhappy home. They look so unhappy to me.

Either Tori lied about the severity of her pregnancy complications (which I doubt) or, more likely, she's on a suicide mission to save her fairy tale and get money from the celeb rags. Sick woman.

Edited by Picture It. Sicily
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11 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I hate saying this but those are some unfortunate looking kids. Yikes. 

YOU ARE NUTS! ?????????

Edited by Yolo
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11 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I hate saying this but those are some unfortunate looking kids. Yikes. 

I hate to say it too, but whoo boy they really are unfortunate looking.  I think it is the too-close-together-eyes inherited from Dean.  That throws off the whole face.  Also, Finn looks nothing like any of them.  


55 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

...she was lying/exaggerating about whatever problem she supposedly had with Finn and those months of bed rest were just another ploy to check out by being hospitalized (as she's wont to do).

She REALLY likes to be in the hospital.  She must have some medical condition where she likes the drugs and/or attention.  

Edited by heatherchandler
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I'll bet Dr. J bows out on this pregnancy... too much risk. I had four c-sections (age 40 and 41 with the last two). My OB said another pregnancy was out of the question. I can't believe she's doing another c-section, and even pregnant again after placenta previa.

Just putting this out there... post c-section, you have access to painkillers for quite some time (if needed or not!). I've long suspected Tori has a problem with prescription drugs.

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Well, you all will love then that people that comment on her instagram photos rave to her about how she has the cutest kids ever.  No matter what the photo looks like.... lol.

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I'm going to respond to several posts at once. I had my kids at 37 & 39, & both times, I was labeled "advanced maternal age", & I had to see a specialist in addition to my OB. Both pregnancies were pretty routine, but the one thing my OB told me right before I had my first was "your pregnancy has been uncomplicated, so after this baby is born, you wait the 6 weeks, & I'll give you the green light for #2. But, if we wind up doing a c-section, you'll have to wait a year." Every time I think of Hattie & Finn, - what, 11 months apart? - my doctor's words echo in my head. That also makes Dean a total douche, because he knew she wasn't supposed to be sexing for 6 weeks (maybe more, I didn't have c-sections, so I'm not sure what the time-line there is). He seems like a complete emotional abuser.

I also know of people who've had total surprise pregnancies in their early-40s, so it does happen, but not when they almost died in childbirth a few years prior. Full disclosure, my 2nd (whom is just the joy of our life & could not be more loved or doted on) was conceived while we were a condom-using couple, so accidents do happen, even at an advanced maternal age, but this doesn't sound like an accident at all.

Finally, Dean not being able to afford a vasectomy is bullshit. We are far from wealthy, but after our second, my husband got the big snip, and it was less than $600. He was in the office an hour, pain meds for a few days, light duty for 10 days & no sexy times for a week. Even easier, I may be wrong, but I think with Obamacare, female birth control is now covered at 100%. We had a layover between his vasectomy being confirmed as effective & my 6-week grace-period, so my OB put me on the shot & it was covered at 100%. If you're actively sexing-it-up with your cheating-gross-husband, & you're not using any birth control, & you haven't been diagnosed with any infertility issues, & most importantly, you're an attention-whore, I find a surprise baby at 43 highly-suspect.

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14 hours ago, teapot said:

I could see her also having a party-planning business, or even a reality show on Lifetime or something where she helped couples plan fancy budget weddings.


She already tried the party planning show thing

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1 minute ago, GaT said:

She already tried the party planning show thing

I was surprised that didn't work out; although I remember reading that she was kind of a diva; she didn't like that Tutera was in charge & she didn't like running around for people.

again, when most people need money, they WORK!!!

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Yikes. I haven't been caught up on this crew in awhile. Then I poke around and find THIS? 

I don't care that Tori is 43. That's not THAT old, and the age itself would be more of a concern if it were her first. The real issue here is that her last pregnancy (last two?) was very complicated and could have ended horribly. True, she may not suffer the same condition again, but I wouldn't risk it. Beyond that, how do you conceive another child when you can't even pay room and board for the other 4??? I'm not one of those people that think you have to have zero debts and be in 100% perfect financial condition to have a kid - otherwise most of us wouldn't have! But the level of debt they're in, they're living wayyyyy beyond their means and it's beyond irresponsible to have another child at this point. 

I'm sure Candy would have GLADLY paid for a vasectomy, so she can can it with that crap. I used to kind of like this family. I thought they were quirky, a bit dysfunctional, but fun to watch. In the last few years, they have become a living nightmare. I really feel for all those kids. 

And I loathe commenting on kids' appearances, but I will say - the older two look quite heavy for their ages. Tori has always been pretty slim and Dean is bloated, but still has a smaller frame. It just doesn't look normal, to me, for them to have kids that chubby. I'm worried that they just indulge them in whatever they want to eat, maybe to compensate for the fuckery that goes on in that house? Ugh, so sad. 

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17 hours ago, teapot said:

I was surprised that didn't work out; although I remember reading that she was kind of a diva; she didn't like that Tutera was in charge & she didn't like running around for people.

again, when most people need money, they WORK!!!

You mean David Tutera had the nerve to run *his* show/business as he saw fit? I thought I saw something about this certain disaster but thought it was in one of my nightmares.

Tori Spelling and David Tutera. Who could have envisioned THAT combination going awry...


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I call bullshit on Dean's not being able to afford a vasectomy. Anyway, Tori could have had her tubes tied during one of her C-sections. I did. No fuss, no bother. Tori probably didn't want to "cut off" one of her main sources of public attention and potential income--the baby factory. 

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I was watching the Syfy channel this evening, and saw Tori's new commercial endorsing some psychic hotline. I am not joking! I've also seen a small ad for it in the back of my women's magazines on that one junky ad page they always have.

I guess she can "work" when she really has to, but I'm betting that commercial didn't pay the $38K for the credit card bill. More like $3,800.

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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I was watching the Syfy channel this evening, and saw Tori's new commercial endorsing some psychic hotline. I am not joking! I've also seen a small ad for it in the back of my women's magazines on that one junky ad page they always have.

I guess she can "work" when she really has to, but I'm betting that commercial didn't pay the $38K for the credit card bill. More like $3,800.

Isn't that the one where her face looks really distorted, due to her numerous surgeries/Botox? 

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On 10/7/2016 at 3:41 PM, ghoulina said:

Yikes. I haven't been caught up on this crew in awhile. Then I poke around and find THIS? 

I don't care that Tori is 43. That's not THAT old, and the age itself would be more of a concern if it were her first. The real issue here is that her last pregnancy (last two?) was very complicated and could have ended horribly. True, she may not suffer the same condition again, but I wouldn't risk it. Beyond that, how do you conceive another child when you can't even pay room and board for the other 4??? I'm not one of those people that think you have to have zero debts and be in 100% perfect financial condition to have a kid - otherwise most of us wouldn't have! But the level of debt they're in, they're living wayyyyy beyond their means and it's beyond irresponsible to have another child at this point. 

(Editing mine)

And I loathe commenting on kids' appearances, but I will say - the older two look quite heavy for their ages. Tori has always been pretty slim and Dean is bloated, but still has a smaller frame. It just doesn't look normal, to me, for them to have kids that chubby. I'm worried that they just indulge them in whatever they want to eat, maybe to compensate for the fuckery that goes on in that house? Ugh, so sad. 

Yes it's not her age specifically but general life situation. Tori has FOUR kids, Dean has five. "McDermont Baby Farm" is correct I guess.


Some kids chub up right before puberty. Liam and Stella may be that way.  I was an obese child and Liam and Stella are no where near that level. Looks like they are just about to hit a growth spurt. Of all that families issues their weight is the least of them. 

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1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Some kids chub up right before puberty. Liam and Stella may be that way.  I was an obese child and Liam and Stella are no where near that level. Looks like they are just about to hit a growth spurt. Of all that families issues their weight is the least of them. 

Yes, this is true. My sister was that way. That's why I'm hesitant to say anything. I seem to recall Liam looking that way for awhile, though. And I remember several episodes where they seemed to give the kids a bunch of crap. Liam and Stella always look really sad, to me. I just worry about food being used emotionally, that's all.

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I'm actually somewhat okay with seeing the kids a little chubby......yes, I worry they might be using food emotionally...BUT I'm honestly shocked that Tori's obvious issues with calorie restriction hasn't been passed in to her kids, especially Stella (yet).  It could totally see her trying to keep her kids thin to make them "cute" or whatever. I'm glad that isn't the case.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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9 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I'm actually somewhat okay with seeing the kids a little chubby......yes, I worry they might be using food emotionally...BUT I'm honestly shocked that Tori's obvious issues with calorie restriction hasn't been passed in to her kids, especially Stella (yet).  It could totally see her trying to keep her kids thin to make them "cute" or whatever. I'm glad that isn't the case.

That's actually a really good point. In the long run, I do hope that those kids grow up to find a healthy balance. Stella developing food issues because of her mother is a very real possibility. 

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I have to admit that I was floored hearing this news.  I am one of the sad people who has watched all of her reality shows and read all her books.  She suffers from chronic migraines and (most importantly) she nearly died with Finn.  And that was after she almost lost Finn.

So I think to risk another pregnancy, most especially when you already have 4 healthy children, is seriously irresponsible.  Now it's possible the pregnancy was not planned but with as fertile as these two are, Dean should have been snipped or Tori should have been tied after that last, dangerous pregnancy. 

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On 10/6/2016 at 6:45 AM, teapot said:

Well, she wanted attention, and she's got it.  What sucks is that she does have a little talent that isn't super "show-biz like".  If she were willing to work (ha ha ha!!), they'd probs be awesome owning a business like Jessica Biel's restaurant, Au Fudge, which is super upscale yet kid-friendly.  Dean could utilize his cooking talents. 


I could see her also having a party-planning business, or even a reality show on Lifetime or something where she helped couples plan fancy budget weddings.

But again, she'd have to *work*, so...

I had no idea that Jessica Biel had a restaurant.  I pulled up the website and I want to go here, even though I don't have a little one.  I love the look.

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On 10/7/2016 at 10:54 PM, bilgistic said:

I was watching the Syfy channel this evening, and saw Tori's new commercial endorsing some psychic hotline. I am not joking! I've also seen a small ad for it in the back of my women's magazines on that one junky ad page they always have.

I guess she can "work" when she really has to, but I'm betting that commercial didn't pay the $38K for the credit card bill. More like $3,800.

Maybe she's using the psychic hotline to contact Daddy to see how she can get more money out of the estate. Apparently, he's not answering. 

I'll crawl back under my rock now. 

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On October 11, 2016 at 10:23 AM, Cosmic Muffin said:

Maybe they'll sell this baby to pay their credit card bill.

Figuratively, they most definitely will.

I mean I'm sure they would consider literally selling the baby, but why trade an 18 year revenue stream for a one time payday?

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I had no idea that Jessica Biel had a restaurant.  I pulled up the website and I want to go here, even though I don't have a little one.  I love the look.

Amazing what Timberlake money can do. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Add me to the chorus: I cannot believe Tori is pregnant again. 

I do think Tori has some kind of disorder(s). And a person can have several disorders.

1) The hoarding is not only limited to acquiring "things" but to acquiring multiple children. It's a kind of false security and prevents an individual from facing their biggest demon - themself.

2) She has some kind of reverse Munchausen syndrome, for lack of a proper term or better description here. With each baby, she is able to garner a steady supply of attention for herself. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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I read two of her books and watched a bit of her shows. She for sure has a disorder where she imagines undiagnosable illnesses. I recall one yr where she was hospitalized like 7x without any treatable illness. Just chronic pain and exhaustion which she says is more severe than anyone can imagine. She sounds batshit crazy when she talks about her health. She always talks about how great she is too and how mistreated she is socially. 

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Even though I knew it was probably coming, I can't believe they're going to turn the birth of this child into a reality show. What's even more unbelievable is that Tori STILL thinks that bringing cameras into her home will endear her to America and make her the next Martha Stewart. Does she really think her parenting and lifestyle are aspirational? She probably envisions herself bouncing the adorable, happy baby on one hip while she leads the other 4 in making amazing craft projects, but I think postpartum Tori is  more likely to be shrieking hysterically at Dean and the kids while the Candy-paid baby nurse deals with the new spawn.

I feel really sorry for the kids. It's hard enough for young kids to adjust to a new baby even when they have competent parents who prioritize their needs. The McDermott kids have to deal with all of that while having camera crews invading their home and their mom going through yet another crisis. (You know she will. What are the odds of Tori having an undramatic delivery and being home the next day with a big smile making pancakes for everyone? Nil.) Even though she wants to present as "the next Martha Stewart," I doubt that Tori will be able to pass up the opportunity to have HUGE, VAGUE medical problems in front of a TV audience so that everyone can FINALLY see how tough she has it. So the show will devolve into "Boo Hoo, Poor Tori" AGAIN. After she humiliates herself and her family AGAIN, she will do a media tour explaining that she had postpartum depression and that's why she called Finn a motherfucker or whatever, but now she hopes to be an inspiration for other women dealing with this sensitive issue.

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Oh, that would totally be the first Go Fund Me I ever participated in. But some outside source would have to monitor it. Because I could totally see them raising the money, then renting out a new storage container with it.

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She says she wants to be the next Martha Stewart?

Where to start on this....

You know she had a window, a period in her various TV show incarnations, maybe it was when she just had Liam and Stella (not blaming the other kids!) where she really was coming in to her own and was able to use the show to showcase her real talents and skills in party making, entertaining, crafting, home decorating, with some cooking. She and Dean were sort of charming and made for a good creative team in those endeavors. 

But that window has long passed. She squandered any good will and respect for those talents from viewers and fans when she entered the "crazy" in these TV shows, and in other media, with showing the hoarding, the sicknesses (real and imagined), the move from house to house to house, and using the TV to hang she and Dean's dirty laundry out for the world to see (the affair, therapy, etc).

Contrast her with her former 90210 cast mate, Tiffany Thiessan, who has a limited run show on the Cooking Network called "Dinner At Tiffany's". She also has real cooking talent. She also has another thing that is showcased on her show: .....sanity.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Hey gang. Need to share:

I watch Ladies of London over on the Bravo network. They just opened with season 3 of this series. One of the regular cast, Caroline Fleming, is really a Danish royal but has been educated and now lives in London. Kind of a interesting gal. Apparently, back in Denmark, besides being a royal, she is pretty much a major celeb (former model, also divorced from a Ian Fleming's son - the guy who wrote all the original James Bond novels).

That said, on last week's episode, they filmed her going to an Elle Magazine event (she also did alot of modeling back in the day),.....she is filmed on a step and repeat red carpet with a paparazzi blitz......and WHO IS SHE FILMED SHAKING HANDS WITH ????

......Tori and Dean. I mean what the eff. Now no explanation provided as to why THEY were at this even in Denmark. They just shook hands for for photo op at this event and that was it. Tory and Dean all dressed up . Apparently it was back in May this year.

No idea what they were doing in Copenhagen. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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They were in Europe for quite a while at some point this year. She had some event she was hosting and then they must have travelled all over because she posted a lot of pics on her instagram. I remember wondering how on earth they could afford such a long time there since the whole family went. 

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21 minutes ago, Bossa Nova said:

No idea what they were doing in Copenhagen. 

She (for reasons I have no idea of) was presenting an award at the Zulu Awards. While they were in Europe, she apparently pushed her kids as models , which none of them look like (especially in these photos) IMO. Also, Tori then managed to come down with another illness while in Paris & the whole family had to wait until Tori was well enough to fly home. 

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