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S02.E01: All Star Talent Show Extravaganza

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I fucking love Alyssa Edwards.  

This premiere was on point!  The talent show was all sorts of awesome. I binge-watched the first season of All Stars last week, and it was underwhelming, to put it nicely. The team format was no bueno, everything felt sloppy and rushed. It was clear that it was meant to be Chad's coronation. This first episode of AS2 was better than the entirety of AS1.

I can't see anyone but Alaska or Katya winning this. I do think Roxxy looks great and is so polished. I like Adore, but poor thing always looks so low-rent and basic. She already looks checked out; it almost seemed like she was pleading to get voted out, bless her heart.

Boy Detox looks a mess  but bitch can turn it out. I hope she redeems herself after under-performing in Season 5. Ginger is one of the funniest Queens there and I think Season 7 is under-appreciated anyway. Tatianna has already exceeded my expectations of her.

I will miss Coco because her shade is first-rate ("gurlll find the note" ) but she definitely did the worst. That dance routine was mad whack. Phi Phi was also pretty bad though, and her drag is not impressive to me. Wouldn't have been sorry to see her go.

So excited to watch this season play out!  

Edited by delicatecutter
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On August 25, 2016 at 9:56 PM, Cosmic Muffin said:

Whoops, I misspoke, Adore was top three. I think she did well to parlay her time on the show into success in the world, but of course BDR won. I really hate Michelle's narrow ideas about drag. She can also get over her hatred of the color green; she doesn't have to wear it.

Right? If what she says as a judge is predictable is she really an objective judge? I thought Adore's look was adorable and I would love if my hair was styled that way. Hey Michelle, how about you taking out your 1990's porn star titties? Bc those don't look all star at all. Man, she really pisses me off. (Not to mention on the podcast she knows everything about everything. But I digress)

i felt bad when Adore mentioned that was one of her best looks and Bianca helped her put that look together. I thought the whole look rocked. 

When Adore said she wanted to be the one to go I was like nooooooooOooo!! Fuck you Michelle if Adore self eliminates after your tired ass comments.

  • Love 7

I agree with who went home, but not with the winner. I also couldn't stand Roxy's arrogant tone as if she already knew she would win... I'd like to know which lipstick Tati chose! Tatiana was really amazing this episode, despite being the 'earliest' queen (season-wise.)  I was still holding out and disappointed that there was no box with better queens in it (Bendelacreme, Shangela....) But I'm hoping Tati and Katya will be the top 2 from this group, fuck season 5. 

Michelle was really nasty.  But I thought Adore gave such a flat performance--and unlike the rest of them, she's actually a singer, so that's not good. She should have sang one of her punk songs and been high energy.   Coco was...hard to watch, it was so painfully bad! Like some psycho mime routine.

Ginger, Alyssa, and Roxxy came into the work-room in really boring outfits that didn't show any growth. But Alyssa's variety act was funny and entertaining, unlike some of them. I guess one episode Ru will let the winner bring back an eliminated queen for 'revenge,' but I don't think it will be Coco. Interesting that 'untucked' was integrated into the main episode, I wonder if that is how it will be every week? Despite a few contestants that I hate and refuse to watch  on my screen, this was a pretty good start to the season.

Edited by Glade
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21 hours ago, Glade said:

 Coco was...hard to watch, it was so painfully bad! Like some psycho mime 

It looked like she was making it up as she went along. She looked like a very fragile old lady in that outfit. The pale pink lipstick should have been a different choice <Tatiana>. She also needed to put that Dorito compact away.


i was reflecting on what a c-word I find Michele to be when I remembered how she started stacking Adore's responses to her "critique" *coughverbelabusecough* it was really, really bitchy for her to say Adore was blahsay about what she said. I could see Adore fighting back the tears. She has a daughter who she states suffers from depression yet she will verbally put down someone until he cries. They really need to rethink her as a judge bc she is tired.

Edited by jellywager
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Adore's appearance (and that of many others) definitely earned a head tilt. She looked like Fred Armisen playing a new Portlandia character - odd yet compelling and sort of cute.

Best library read: "Roxxxy Andrews, I think of you every day... while waiting for the bus at the bus stop." YAASSS! I was laughing so hard I can't even remember who said it. (dgmw, Roxxxy's story is very sad, and I feel for her, but the timing of that breakdown will always remain suspect to me.)

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i felt bad when Adore mentioned that was one of her best looks and Bianca helped her put that look together. I thought the whole look rocked.

That's what I mean about Adore trying to pass off her messiness as intentional when it seems so much more to be lack of ability. I do get why Adore is so well liked, and she is a charming personality. But that look was very basic and without a lot of concept. It's not a look that should have required help. (and the less said about her entrance look, the better) 

Adore's clearly been fighting a fight about her approach for a while, and she doesn't exactly need to care given her fanbase. But I wish she'd take a moment to actually listen. When she tried to polish things up for Michelle on her original seasons, her looks really did get better. Cinching helped (and yes, you can crowdsurf in one... whatever, Adore!). Messy doesn't have to read as thrown together or lazy, and the fact that Adore is told time and time again that she does suggests that she's not pulling off what she's trying (because she's not; IMHO, it's actually harder to put together a polished messy look and when you fail you just get a lazy, messy look) There's also... Michelle does cross the line, and I've never been a big fan of her judging. BUT Adore knew going into this that she was going to have to deal with Michelle's judging preferences. So bring a corset, buy or borrow some quality pieces, and practice with a friend or friends known for putting together a good, variety of look (i.e. NOT Bianca, who is super polished but does a variety on the same look all the time). Anything less risks coming across as disrespectful, which I think is part of why Michelle was so aggressive. 

I know Tatianna was a baby queen her season and some of her current stepping it up simply reflects her greater experience as a queen, but she nailed it when she said that one of the things she learned was not to shop at Westfield to come to RuPaul's Drag Race. 

Edited by Zuleikha
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I'm completely mystified by why Coco thought it was a good idea to dress up like an old lady, and do an old lady dance. Though it would have been funny had she explained that this was the future of drag.

Coco's dance did give us what was my fave talking head and line of the episode, namely Tatiana's "We all make choices. *Pauses* But that was a choice."

2 hours ago, jellywager said:

it was really, really bitchy for her to say Adore was blahsay about what she said.

Right? She was more like fla-say-dah.

(Sorry, Jellywager, I kid because I love.)

Edited by Corgi-ears
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Is this going to be an hour and a half every week?

Tatianna has the same rehearsed line or two ("Thank you!" "Choices") but it hasn't grown old yet. She has definitely exceeded my expectations the most so far. I also thought she was a wonderfully fishy queen back in Season 2 and I remember being amazed how an average-looking guy was able to transform into a stunning woman!

Edited by delicatecutter
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When Ru initially said that he wouldn't be eliminating anyone this season, I immediately assumed that this would result in some sort of Survivor-esque thing where the girls would gang up on each other and vote someone out every week, so when Ru said the winner would receive $10K every week I thought wow, that's a surprising twist! So OF COURSE it turns out that he came up with the winner choosing who goes home. I was kind of surprised that so many of them hated the idea. I thought these bitches would be cackling gleefully about who they could send home.

One thing that I like about the change is that because the lip sync is to determine who wins as opposed to who loses, hopefully we will see less of those desperate wig ripping performances. I want to see passionate performance, not naked desperation.

I loved the talent show because it gave all the girls a chance to showcase something they're good at (as opposed to people whining every week that the challenge sucks because "I'm not a dancer" or "I'm not a comedy queen"). Given the bottom three that Ru chose, I thought that Adore should have been safe because her performance was fine (if not spectacular) and I didn't find her look as egregious as Michelle did. That leaves Coco and Phi Phi, so who deserves to go home more: someone who tried something new but didn't quite succeed (and although I totally get the old Hollywood thing that she was going for, I was with Todrick when he said it was repetitive after 30 seconds) or the girl who is supposed to have this great talent for singing but was off pitch? I would have sent Phi Phi home."

I think Tatianna is correct in assuming that this whole "let's kick off the person who did the worst" strategy is not going to last all season. It's just a matter of time before someone gets bitchy and eliminates someone out of spite.

Interesting that Phi Phi and Roxxxy have such opposite attitudes about their portrayal on their previous seasons. On the one hand, I respect that Roxxxy isn't trying to make any excuses for what she said during her earlier season. She admits that she was playing a game but she isn't using the old editing excuse (I will forever love Heather B from the first season of The Real World for basically saying that they can't show something if you didn't say it). Time will tell if she follows through with not playing games anymore but so far she seems like she means it if she was willing to eliminate her longtime friend Coco over one of the other girls. I appreciate PhiPhi being aware that she came off like a total bitch and wanting to rehab her image, but part of me feels like she's just using this season as an opportunity to convince people that she's not a complete bitch. Haha, and then there's Katya: "I want to show everyone that I've become a monster!"

I am usually not a fan of spoken word performances, but Tatianna's was awesome. I also liked Alaska's song. Both of their pieces were personal, funny, and entertaining. Adore's makeup/hair was giving me Demi Lovato realness. I loved Katya's gymnastics routine - that was some major skill!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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6 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:

Best library read: "Roxxxy Andrews, I think of you every day... while waiting for the bus at the bus stop." YAASSS! I was laughing so hard I can't even remember who said it.

Katya! And I LOVED the "too soon?" at the end. OMG, that really sold it. And I bought it. At full price. Love me some Katya.

PhiPhi's singing is really terrible. I remember back in season 4 she thought she could sing but she was really "pitchy," as Randy Jackson would say. She did not improve. I'm shocked nobody has pulled her aside and said "girrrrrrrrrrrrl."

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Forgot to set my DVR so I had to watch it on Logo, but still....

Adore is my favorite and I know I stand alone here, but I've always had a soft spot for PhiPhi.  I know she can be rough around the edges, but I love her.  Roxxy, is another one I like.  Never heard of Tatianna...she was a little before my time (I think).  I've heard of all the rest, but none of them stand out to me.  

Can't stand Coco and Alyssa.  Wouldn't care if I never saw either of them again.

Alaska... meh.  I don't get it.  "Hi-yeeeeeee."  Who cares.

Not sure if I'm gonna like this new arrangement.  Time will tell, I suppose.

I would like to vote to eliminate Michelle.  I will never like her bitchy critiques.  Bring back Ross.  Get rid of Michelle.  Me - happy.

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In Kayta's RuVealed she wonders if she went too far reading Roxy re: the bus stop remark. She didn't know her before AS2, so after she said it she asked Roxy if she went too far. Roxy seemed ok with it. Katya is still a bundle of nerves. I'm glad she does her YouTube series about the show(s). She said that they could hear the on stage critiques back stage, and she used the term "abuse" to describe what they/Michelle said to Adore. She films her RuVealed before she's seen the episode, so she doesn't know how things are going to be edited or what they included.

  • Love 5

 Cool Season Premiere. There were some unexpected twists on several levels. The Top 2 queens competing for an extra $10 K by "Lip-Synching For Their Legacy" and the right to eliminate one of the Bottom 3 is gag-worthy. The talent show was good, for the most part. I wasn't a big Roxxxy Andrews fan and I couldn't stand Phi Phi but both seemed to have matured since their seasons. Roxxy's admission that she let the competition get the best of her hence her targeting eventual winner Jinkx Monsoon was honest, as was Phi Phi's confession that her attitude on the show lead to people having negative perceptions of her off of it. Roxxy's burlesque act was fun, especially the double-wig part, which was a shout-out to her epic LSFYL against Alyssa Edwards. As for Phi Phi, her performance and her look were both B3-worthy. Phi Phi's choice to sing acapella and her outfit were both big mistakes. 

  Ditto for Ginger Minj, whom I heart but her song choice was bad and her outfit-camel toe and all-was worse and deserved to be B3. 

 Katya and Alaska were hilarious! Their talent show performances, their costumes and their reads in the Mini-Challenge were classic. 

Detox's workroom look and her talent show performance were fierce, but that lemon-yellow dye job? No. Not just no, Hell no. 

   I'm of two minds about Adore. While I strongly disagreed with Adore winning the "Fan Favorite" poll, I like her and appreciate her aesthetic, even if Michelle doesn't. Re Adore vs. Michelle, I'm Team Adore, all the way. I know that this is a competition and Michelle's a judge, but the other judges weren't even remotely as hard on Adore as Michelle was, at least not enough to make Adore cry. Thank Heaven for Todrick Hall, who gave Adore moral support when she needed it.  Michelle's "A-game" speech to Adore could have just as easily applied to Ginger. Great drag comes in many forms and Michelle's blatant prejudice against some of them says much worse about her than it does about Adore.

Re Tatianna, WOW! Her spoken-word jam was everything and her face was beat to the Gods. B-E-A-T. 

Re the Eliminated Queen, given her make-up job, she should change her first name from "CoCo" to "Orange." Her dance routine was the "3B's": bland, boring and just plain bad. 

Edited by DollEyes
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I flinched at the bus stop read.  Did not like that at all.  

I love all the queens and they really come across as very polished and ready to hit the ground running unlike a typical season of Drag Race.  The judges are good this year and got it right as far as the winners and losers although it would have been tragic imo if Phi Phi had been eliminated.  Besides being unpredictable, sometimes outrageous and someone who doesn't (can't) hide their emotions, Phi Phi is still struggling to find a path in life and it's fascinating to watch.  I like Roxxy too and think she's really talented and has worked hard to sharpen her look and use her natural attributes.  Tatiana was a favorite of mine in Season 2 mostly because she's so gorgeous.  Now that she has developed her performing skills she is truly a force to be reckoned with.  I think she's a dark horse that may go all the way.

Adore's "I don't belong here" to Roxxy was so sad and yet I wanted to punch her in the face.  Although it looks like someone beat me to it, her lip is plumped to the point of being ridiculous and not cute.  Adore should take Michelle's criticism and take a look around at her competition.  She might realize that she needs to up her game and either she's going to do that and evolve or she's going to get kicked off the show.  She stated that Bianca chose her outfit.  Mistake!  She should by now have her own esthetic and be working to make it the best it can possibly be.  When she said that I thought, yeah, I can totally see Bianca wearing that dress.

I totally understand why people would HATE the bus stop read. I had a moment of sheer terror, then when I saw Roxxxy laughing I cracked the hell up. If Roxxxy had looked horrified I would have probably stayed horrified. The "too soon?" saved it as well, since it was a long time ago and Roxxxy clearly has done amazing for herself since then. 

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I like the top two / $10,000 twist but I don't care for the winner being able to name who gets eliminated.  I wish Ru kept that aspect to herself.  I trust Ru's judgement to eliminate based on mediocre performance, same 'ole tired outfits, lack of growth, ....etc.  I think the contestants will (eventually) eliminate contestants based upon who they like the least, who they think is their biggest competition and who they just plain 'ole can't get along with.  

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Corgi-ears said:

I'm completely mystified by why Coco thought it was a good idea to dress up like an old lady, and do an old lady dance. Though it would have been funny had she explained that this was the future of drag.

OMG now THAT would have been hilarious!  But only if someone like Bianca or Jinxx had done it - and they would have known to lead with the "future of drag" line.  Maybe that's even something of what she intended - but not knowing how to put it over, that's always been Coco's problem.

Edited by ratgirlagogo

I like the top two / $10,000 twist but I don't care for the winner being able to name who gets eliminated.  I wish Ru kept that aspect to herself.

When I first read about it, I thought it would be horrible. But I don't mind since they can only select out of the bottom, which Ru picks. I think it's a nice twist for an All-Stars season. Shakes things up enough, but not too much. I have not always agreed with Ru's elimination choice anyway.

The only thing I'm concerned about is the fandom factor. Someone made the joke about not wanting to send Katya home, but I think that's going to be a real fear, especially for Roxxy and Phi Phi. It may be a non-issue because Katya is spectacular, but IMHO, Katya went home exactly when she should have in her season because she was better in talking heads than the actual challenges. If Katya's nerves get to her, she may be mediocre and deserve to go home at some point but not because people are too afraid of getting heat from her fans.

It's a very talented group, though. It's also, for the most part, a likable group. The cuts are going to hurt.

Adore's "I don't belong here" to Roxxy was so sad

It was sad because Adore's so likeable and Adore was sad. At the same time, I feel like well, if Adore's not willing to learn how to go beyond her jean shorts and T-shirt approach, maybe she doesn't, and that fact is neutral and not necessarily sad. RPDR is a very specific setting for drag, and it's okay to not fit it when you have another approach that you do successfully and like better. 

  • Love 5

I just finished watching the episode for the second time. This is going to be a good season.

First, do some people not realize that IS the way Alaska/Justin talks? It's not changing. But I've been following her since Season 5, have seen her live, and she is a superstar. The crown is hers.

Second, I love Adore, I really do. But I didn't think she deserved the crown in Season 6, and I don't think she deserves it here--not, unless she pulls something amazing out of her hat (or wig). She's done very nicely for herself, and she'll probably have a long career, but she's not Hall of Fame material.

I'm also here for Katya, as long as she's here. She's just so lovable. I actually forgave Roxxxy and PhiPhi a long time ago, and think they're doing okay, and I loved Tatiana in Season 2 and glad she's bringing it to the new girls. I think Detox is going to underwhelm like last time (and I love her too). Damn, I liked Coco at the start of Season 5, but her act is so tired. Alyssa is Alyssa and I love her for that. Ginger is Ginger and I love her for that too.

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1 hour ago, ABitOFluff said:

I just finished watching the episode for the second time. This is going to be a good season.

First, do some people not realize that IS the way Alaska/Justin talks? It's not changing. But I've been following her since Season 5, have seen her live, and she is a superstar. The crown is hers.

Second, I love Adore, I really do. But I didn't think she deserved the crown in Season 6, and I don't think she deserves it here--not, unless she pulls something amazing out of her hat (or wig). She's done very nicely for herself, and she'll probably have a long career, but she's not Hall of Fame material.

I'm also here for Katya, as long as she's here. She's just so lovable. I actually forgave Roxxxy and PhiPhi a long time ago, and think they're doing okay, and I loved Tatiana in Season 2 and glad she's bringing it to the new girls. I think Detox is going to underwhelm like last time (and I love her too). Damn, I liked Coco at the start of Season 5, but her act is so tired. Alyssa is Alyssa and I love her for that. Ginger is Ginger and I love her for that too.

Yeah, not an act. Sometimes Justin lays it on thick for humor, particularly when goaded- but definitely a real voice according to his mother and brother- who would probably know. I've never heard him speak differently in "candid" vids. Can't believe Alaska was called out for her nails and didn't mention her single. IF WoW gets a piece of the queen's action, I cannot see them going without an Alaska win. Alaska's been doing well for herself since season 5 and has the most earning potential minus Adore's following.(?) Alaska's a hustler, and needs a redemption without that albatross Sharon hanging around her neck. 

Pleasantly surprised by Tatiana! Get it girl. Never got the Katya love, but I'm liking her better this year. Ginger does nothing for me., besides the occasionally funny line.

Adore is probably right  that her drag is not right for this competition. There are plenty of grunge looks that would slay, but her aesthetic reads as lazy 90 percent of the time (though I love her and think she has talent for days.) Should not have been bottom 3 based on talent. Loved the purple hair and lipstick. The clothes will always be meh. With all of Adore's TH tears, I was sure she was going home.

Coco? Bye girl. 

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I'm still not onboard with the Michelle hate, or the way it's being framed by younger fans as "abuse" or bullying. This isn't Adore's first rodeo--this is a reality competition show, and she started out on American Idol, for God's sake. She knows how the game is played. YOU GET CRITIQUED. 

Adore cried through a lot of season 6 too. She's obviously very sensitive. It's possible she's too sensitive to be in show business, I don't know. (I know I would be.) But again, she KNEW what she was signing on for, and AFAIK she's been doing Drag Race type tours since S6, including spending lots of time on tour buses with ... Michelle. She knows Michelle. She knew Michelle would be judging her. She's done an entire season of DR already. She really didn't know this would be coming?

Look, Michelle gets on my nerves sometimes too, especially when she gets pseudo-sciencey on the podcast (thank god we seem to have moved past juicing), but I believe she cares very deeply about the queens, and she KNOWS Adore is being lazy and it frustrates her. As far as her being harsher on Adore than other queens--how can anyone possibly know that? Editing. 

If anything, I think they knew this would get massive buzz going because everyone loves Adore, so they played up the whole thing, had the other queens tweet their "support" of Adore, and willingly set up Michelle as a villain. Since they know this fan base (and that they're playing with fire), I'm assuming Michelle went along with it because better her than one of the queens being seen as a true villain (and losing bookings). They needed the ratings boost.

(They tried S7 and S8 with no villains. I can barely remember either season now.)

Sorry for the rant. Not trying to shout anyone down, but Michelle absolutely has a place on the show, she works her ass off on those tours all over the world, and when I saw her in NC over the summer she was clearly passionate about what's going on here with HB2. Calling her a bully or saying she needs to be off the show is, in my opinion, absurd. She's an integral part of Drag Race. 

Juat my opinion.

  • Love 7
15 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

I guess we're never going to see Willam ever again.  Sob.  If the show has a bone to pick with Willam they should bring him on again just to fuck with him.  Willam would have been great to have on the same show as Phi Phi. 

I follow Willam on social media sometimes, and I think (not 100% positive) that his general attitude is "they haven't asked me back, but if they did I wouldn't go anyway." 

(Someone tell me if I've got this wrong--I love his sarcasm but sometimes I'm not sure which parts are true.)

Ru talks a lot about how life is really just one big charade, but at the same time I don't think he can deal with Willam's specific brand of making *fun* of the charade.

  • Love 2

I know this is totally unrealistic due to production choices and talent availability.... But I SO wish an All Stars show only had the top queens from each season! Only the number 1 and 2s. From every season. Maybe 3s if they needed a bigger cast. Now THAT would be epic!

Willam! ! 

Oh, such an interesting contestant. The potential winner who was booted for flaunting the rules! Why oh why no Willam in an all stars series?!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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I think Michelle is harsh but I don't have a problem with that. My main issue was that she didn't say one word (that was shown) about Adore's performance. Which is what the challenge was about, ostensibly. If she had gone on and on about the outfit and then said "but the singing was great/the song was just okay/whatever," it would have been a more well-rounded critique.

  • Love 4
39 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

I know this is totally unrealistic due to production choices and talent availability.... But I SO wish an All Stars show only had the top queens from each season! Only the number 1 and 2s. From every season. Maybe 3s if they needed a bigger cast. Now THAT would be epic!


When promoting this season, RuPaul said there are so many contestants that All Stars could go on for years and as it does I'd love to see themed seasons. My biggest wish would be a "Second Chance" season with people all eliminated in the first three rounds. The most epic idea would be doing a season with only winners, but I don't see them convincing all of the winners to do it. Another interesting option would be a big girl season.

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30 minutes ago, KnotsLanding said:

When promoting this season, RuPaul said there are so many contestants that All Stars could go on for years and as it does I'd love to see themed seasons. My biggest wish would be a "Second Chance" season with people all eliminated in the first three rounds. The most epic idea would be doing a season with only winners, but I don't see them convincing all of the winners to do it. Another interesting option would be a big girl season.

So many options that the producers are missing!!!

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On 8/27/2016 at 4:10 AM, ClareWalks said:

PhiPhi's singing is really terrible. I remember back in season 4 she thought she could sing but she was really "pitchy," as Randy Jackson would say. She did not improve. I'm shocked nobody has pulled her aside and said "girrrrrrrrrrrrl."

It's amazing that she didn't watch/listen to Season 4 and realize "hey, my singing isn't working. I need to get coaching or change my style." Her voice is fine, I think, it's just that she seems to have a massive ton of confidence despite the fact that she isn't good at finding or keeping the notes. How has she not realized this?

Among the two in search of redemption here, I find Roxxy's to be genuine so far, even if she did come off a little annoying this episode. Her insistence on being "fair" was sort of cloying, especially in light of the fact that Tatianna was being real about the fact that the worst is subjective, and if they're being asked to eliminate someone, they shouldn't just guess what they think the judges want. Roxxy was being a little over the top there, but I genuinely believe she's trying to redeem herself and understands what she did wrong in Season 5.

As for PhiPhi, I'll believe that she's reflected and grown since Season 4, but it doesn't mean I have to like her. I've seen her supposedly amazing cosplay drag, and a lot of it just looks like costumes you can buy on Amazon. I don't mean any disrespect to cosplay, but unless PhiPhi brings the performance chops, just dressing up like a character is boring and won't cut it.

Team Alaskatya forever! Alaska's reads knocked me out, as expected.

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On 8/27/2016 at 6:35 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

On the one hand, I respect that Roxxxy isn't trying to make any excuses for what she said during her earlier season. She admits that she was playing a game but she isn't using the old editing excuse (I will forever love Heather B from the first season of The Real World for basically saying that they can't show something if you didn't say it). Time will tell if she follows through with not playing games anymore but so far she seems like she means it if she was willing to eliminate her longtime friend Coco over one of the other girls.

I'm kind of side-eyed Roxxxy when she said she had been "playing a game."  During her season, her remarks came off as general bitchiness.  Trying to paint it as strategy seems just like another excuse.  

I think in season 5 Roxxxy treated it like a pageant, which might include "mind games" that just read as bitchiness on TV. Because it's not a pageant, it's a TV show, and all that shit is being broadcast to your fans and potential fans. She realized her mistake too late. If it had been a typical pageant, she would have gotten away with it, because there wouldn't have been cameras in her face backstage documenting every bitch move.

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I love all of the returning Queens, with the clear exception to Phi Phi. I muted the tv, once she started to perform, because I knew it would be bad.

Coco Montrese. Sigh...I don't know or understand why she did that "Homage to Old Hollywood". It made no sense at all and she's an incredible dancer.

Adore...She's so young to have felt the need to have plastic surgery. I think she shouldn't have come back. Especially since Michele's still after her about "her style esthetic". After being on the tour with Adore and Michele still has a hard on about her NOT being more glamorous?! 

I love Ginger Minj!!

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On 8/27/2016 at 10:45 PM, kieyra said:

I follow Willam on social media sometimes, and I think (not 100% positive) that his general attitude is "they haven't asked me back, but if they did I wouldn't go anyway." 

(Someone tell me if I've got this wrong--I love his sarcasm but sometimes I'm not sure which parts are true.)

Ru talks a lot about how life is really just one big charade, but at the same time I don't think he can deal with Willam's specific brand of making *fun* of the charade.

Reply taken to Small Talk thread.

On August 29, 2016 at 4:47 AM, Mayberry said:

* Though Michelle did look set to be harsher this season, to make dramatic TV. And it sucked for Adore that they didn't mention his singing much and focused on his look. I think they knew it would push his buttons.

My friend suggested that Michelle and Adore planned out this little scene, escandloso! No really, I'm not sure about this unless Adore is such a great actor and can cry on cue. Eh, who knows? I watched the Final Lap with MV (see? I'm really trying to like her) on the Logo app. She interviewed Coco who I never cared for until after watching, to bad Coco made that CHOICE with the old lady routine, I know want to see more of her.

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I wish every queen did a Ruvealed like Katya does (this season she's called it Total RuCall). It's very meandering because it's ... Katya ...

But she spills that she was terrified about being first in the work room, that she used idiomatically incorrect Russian, and that she was floored by how smart Tatianna's piece was. She also describes how physically challenging her own talent was. Because she's such a goofball I often forget that she's a yogini who knows her stuff.

She also believed Adore was "bullied" on the runway.

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The person who performs the worst on challenge should go, period. Not based on friendship, strategy, or judges opinions. Rupaul did give the power to eliminate to the top two, not the judges, so I don't think anybody should feel obligated to take their opinion into consideration. 
Adore should not have been in the bottom. Her singing is brilliant and on point. She wrote her own song. She has talent and it was a talent show, not a "outfit Michelle likes best" show. I never did like Michelle Visage.
Adore did get lip injections. It's very obvious in her profile especially. she did gain some weight, but she also got fillers in her lips. Nothing wrong with that but I did like her looks before without it.

Edited by Nowhere

I finally got around to watching this and enjoyed the format and twist quite a bit.

I did love their reactions when RuPaul announced they'd be eliminating each other.  Alaska and her "Welcome to All Stars!" and Alyssa with her "I'm in a complete state of shock, I forgot what I was going to say..."

I actually agreed with who was safe, who was top and who was bottom.

I thought Roxxxy, Tati, Alaska and even Alyssa actually performed.  But Tati and Roxxxy were clearly the best, even the other queens thought so.

I don't think Michelle was overly harsh on Adore.  Honestly I was kinda surprised at Adore's response, first she sounded kinda snitty "It's human!" and then calling everyone "girl" and then that one point when she shrugged,  everyone on the panel kinda reared at little because she did sound like she was like "oh well, whatever." I know she was upset and looked like she was bout to cry, but really, damn, that is no excuse.  Suck it up.  You are a Drag Queen on a nationally televised reality competition.

I do agree Michelle did not critique her performance, but in fairness Michelle didn't critique the performance of any of the Queens that only sang.  She only critiqued their looks, she talked about Ginger's jumpsuit and Phi Phi' boxy little dress.

Tati and Katya looked perfect.  I mean their make up was perfect. Gorgeous.

Coco... welp, she had a nice dress.  Seriously, though she did deserve to go.  What even was that?

Also, i loved how they contrast with the Queens agonizing over their decision while Ru and Panel were laughing it up drinking their foofy drinks.

It is interesting, I kinda agree with both Roxxxy and Tati's approach.  Roxxxy is using the judges as her yardstick, but Tati is using her own discretion also thinking more strategically.  This twist is really interesting

Edited by DearEvette
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On 8/26/2016 at 9:01 PM, KnotsLanding said:

I think the problem with Adore is that while Michelle could be harsh at times, she was given too much of a pass her original season. She was so bad styling wise they kept avoiding putting her in the bottom so she didn't have a lipsync and she pretty much skated to the end.

Adore had to lip sync twice, and both times she was put up against a fierce lip syncer - she knocked off Trinity K. Bonet and Joslyn Fox.

On 8/27/2016 at 7:45 PM, ABitOFluff said:

I just finished watching the episode for the second time. This is going to be a good season.

First, do some people not realize that IS the way Alaska/Justin talks? It's not changing.

I think it's one thing to hear him talk in his usual voice, and another thing to hear the "Hi-eeee" voice.

Glad to see that most of my favorites made it to the All Stars.

Alaska looks really strange out of drag.  Too much Botox and lip filler, maybe? I find Alaska amusing in drag.

What is up with Detox and that Limoncello colored hair and brows and that God awful haircut?  Kind of reminds me of Javier Bardem's haircut in No Country for Old Men.  Detox is amazing in drag and quite a talent. I don't want to snark too much n his out of drag look. IIRC, he was in a bad car accident and needed extensive reconstructive surgery...but that hair just does him no favors, OMG.

Was also happy to see my Glamour Toad, but I was disappointed to not see my most favorite queen, Latrice Royale.

Adore looked so sad.  Adorable in and out of drag, so I hope he hasn't been messing with plastic surgery already.  I think something is going on in Danny's personal life that's messing with his head.

18 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Adore had to lip sync twice, and both times she was put up against a fierce lip syncer - she knocked off Trinity K. Bonet and Joslyn Fox.

Adore knocking off Trinity is one of the most baffling decisions in Drag Race herstory. I understand she had been in the bottom more, but she slayed that runway and that lipsync as she always did. That is the perfect example of Adore getting a pass because she was good tv. And not to mention all the time they avoided putting her in the bottom to keep her around.

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On 8/28/2016 at 2:22 PM, Egg said:

It's amazing that she didn't watch/listen to Season 4 and realize "hey, my singing isn't working. I need to get coaching or change my style." Her voice is fine, I think, it's just that she seems to have a massive ton of confidence despite the fact that she isn't good at finding or keeping the notes. How has she not realized this?

THIS.  But yet, yes, virginia, she's releasing an album soon.  

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