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S08.E20: Say It Ain't So

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3 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

I just watched part of this show and I'm quite certain Bethy said, "I bluffed the general manager." I let out a little gasp at that.

She also mentioned that "hundreds of people" walked in. How the eff big is the Regency bar? Hundreds? Or hyperbole?

And I also loved B saying that Tom only dates wealthy women when, hmm, who was it we heard say she only dated billionairess w/airplanes? I think that's hypocritical hyperbole with a side of truth re: dating only rich men.

And then she has the balls to tell LuLu that she can ask her "whatever you want to know" and when LuLu askes who gave her 

There are a few tidbits that lead me to believe that the phone call story was horseshit?

I think that a GM would be stuffed in an office or be patrolling the business and unless he was called in to tend bar or someone complained about Tom and Bunny carrying on - he probably wouldn't even have known Tom was in the building.

Who calls to apologize for their behavior these days?

Most bars/bartenders know the regulars and 'protect' their best customers.

How many times do you think a bartender/manager have picked up a phone call from someone trying to find someone, get information or track down a missing item?  I'd think that his BS detector would be well honed, after being on the job for a while?

Nope, it doesn't add up.

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, ButterQueen said:


I thought the same.exact.thing. But I know that Crazy Eyes would kiss Skinny Cow's ass in the middle of Times Square during the NYE ball drop, so I really don't think it'd be possible even if Skinny Cow tried. It's been nauseating watching Crazy Eyes clomp around like a Sasquatch and inarticulately latch on to Skinny Cow's every sentiment this season. And when Skinny Cow goes in on Crazy Eyes she just guffaws and flops her head around in agreement like Skinny Cow is the wisest person on earth. She's such a horrible leech. Like you, though, I would love to see it.

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Actually the 24th. Jules says this aloud looking at her phone at the beginning. 

Production knew. Bravo knew all of this. My conspiracy theory from the grassy knoll is that production had a hand here. That's what reality shows are now, production produced drama. We would have heard from the girl, or in Page Six but we haven't because Bravo drove it, produced it, and manned up on non disclosure agreements with everyone involved. It will come out somehow eventually. 

It could be that this was fed to Bethenny by production, the lack of a page six story/no other tabloid story is suspicious. LOL Which then begs the question if any of this is true, Tom cheating, Bethenny's "friend" story, her follow up phone call, ect.!  LOL

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

I would think that a bartender in a place like the Regency would even go so far as to ask patrons to refrain from taking pix of people not in their party.

And I'm astonished, astonished!, I tell ya', that the catch-someone-off and take-a-picture practice is considered good fun. Seems mean-spirited and kind of nasty.

Like Bethy!

Every bar has rules.

Some are common sense, some are generic to a drinking establishment and others are unique to that bar.

I wonder how many phone calls a bartender has taken from a disjointed female voice calling about the night before?

Upset GF/SO/Wife on the other end, looking for info.


Go into a bar and wait until a phone call comes in.

A good bartender puts the call on hold, waits a beat and then picks the call up and says, "nope, no one here by that name...." or "is there a mzzfflet here?"

He'll mangle the name enough so no one answers and he can say he asked?


The ONE THING that completely makes me throw some serious side eye (DON'T do that! Your eyes are GOING TO STAY THAT WAY) at the whole kerfluffle is kinda simple.

The little girl that cried wolf (and was raised by them, apparently?) can't be taken seriously because of her past history of exaggerating, padding the truth, histrionics and being an unstable platform on any level.

There is a price to be paid for being evil - One fuck or a thousand?

The bill still has to be paid.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, ivygirl said:

I'm on my third or fourth watch (I know, I know) and each time, Bethenny and Ramona's scenery-chewing display in B's room gets more and more ridiculous. I can understand being conflicted over telling Lu this news. I can definitely understand how finding out about your spouse's infidelity via Page Six would be horrendous. 




"I know!!!! Booooooohhoooooo Page SIXXXX!!!!"

"Booooohoooo hand me my terrible product-placed alcoholic beverage!!!!"

It's worse acting than those knockoff teenage soaps I watched as a kid.

YES, yes, and yes. This idiocy bordered on Theatre of the Absurd. Two middle-aged/elderly hags trying to out-CRY each other when neither really gives a crap, AND it has NOTHING to do with them. I can't decide if that scene was horse manure or pure gold. It was so stupid. Crazy Eyes will go to any length to attach herself to Skinny Cow's sphincter.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

YES, yes, and yes. This idiocy bordered on Theatre of the Absurd. Two middle-aged/elderly hags trying to out-CRY each other when neither really gives a crap, AND it has NOTHING to do with them. I can't decide if that scene was horse manure or pure gold. It was so stupid. Crazy Eyes will go to any length to attach herself to Skinny Cow's sphincter.

I could actually believe Ramona's tears because I think for her, she's reliving Mario's infidelities through LuAnn.  But Beth was so ridiculously forced.  I guess at some point as filming happened, she must have realized how awful she was coming off and decided to try to redeem herself through the faux tears.

I also can't figure out what is going on with her Beth's personality.  It's like she's morphed into an old lady with some of her strange quirks -- her mannerisms, her speaking patterns.  It's off.  I feel like I'm watching Jill Zarin's mom, only without the charm.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 9
2 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:


Just like the grassy knoll shooter, sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster or the UFOs at area 51 (That one I am kinda on the fence about......).

Should they come to light, there is going to be exams of the grainy shots and why don't we send them to NASA so they can enhance them and give us a definitive answer?

Ooh! Good call. I bet we could see the photographer in the reflection of Tom's bald head!

Wirewrap, you should change your name to Wiretap. ;-) Just joking with you; not trying to be insulting!! While I do agree Betheny went too far in calling the Regency and pretending to be the woman, I think it's a bit too conspiracy theorist to insist that she has a team of spies on the payroll to get dirt on all of the women. 

All of the women have made it very clear that there are only a few different UES hangouts and that the dating pool is so small that that's why they've all dated the same guys, not just Tom but going back to the Harry Dubin storyline. Lu has also said that the Regency is Tom's favorite hangout; sounds like he's there several times a week. The Regency may also be a regular hangout for the photographer. I mean, most people aren't out drinking at 10:00 or 11:00 on a Wednesday night, so this is likely another "party guy" like Tom is. If they both hang out there all of the time, of course they're going to "know of" each other even if they aren't friends. Also, Lu herself said that they were there TOGETHER earlier that same night. And we all know that the countess cannot go 5 minutes without screeching about them getting married. For sure, she'd be showing off her ring and shouting from the rafters about how Tom is marrying her.  it's 100% purely reasonable that, yes, a friend of Bethany's was there. Maybe he even was there long enough to have seen him with Lu that night (or another night to know they're engaged press or no press), and then if he sees him with another woman an hour later, holy bleep, text his friend who's castmates with her, girl, you won't believe what's going down!

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I could actually believ Ramona's tears because I think for her, she's reliving Mario's infidelities through LuAnn.  But Beth was so ridiculously forced.  I guess at some point as filming happened, she must have realized how awful she was coming off and decided to try to redeem herself through the faux tears.

I also can't figure out what is going on with her Beth's personality.  It's like she's morphed into an old lady with some of her strange quirks -- her mannerisms, her speaking patterns.  It's off.  I feel like I'm watching Jill Zarin's mom, only without the charm.

Don't you dare say anything bad about Jill Zarin.

If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be married right now.....it's a long story.



  • Love 6

I'm no fan of Bethenny's.  I never used to mind her, but at some point last season I started having a negative, visceral reaction whenever she was on screen.  But that said, I actually believe that she came by the information about Tom and the Bunny the way she said she did-- from a random friend who happened to see it go down.   

If that makes me the village idiot, then Dorinda and I can share the dunce cap. 

  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Ooh! Good call. I bet we could see the photographer in the reflection of Tom's bald head!

Wirewrap, you should change your name to Wiretap. ;-) Just joking with you; not trying to be insulting!! While I do agree Betheny went too far in calling the Regency and pretending to be the woman, I think it's a bit too conspiracy theorist to insist that she has a team of spies on the payroll to get dirt on all of the women. 

All of the women have made it very clear that there are only a few different UES hangouts and that the dating pool is so small that that's why they've all dated the same guys, not just Tom but going back to the Harry Dubin storyline. Lu has also said that the Regency is Tom's favorite hangout; sounds like he's there several times a week. The Regency may also be a regular hangout for the photographer. I mean, most people aren't out drinking at 10:00 or 11:00 on a Wednesday night, so this is likely another "party guy" like Tom is. If they both hang out there all of the time, of course they're going to "know of" each other even if they aren't friends. Also, Lu herself said that they were there TOGETHER earlier that same night. And we all know that the countess cannot go 5 minutes without screeching about them getting married. For sure, she'd be showing off her ring and shouting from the rafters about how Tom is marrying her.  it's 100% purely reasonable that, yes, a friend of Bethany's was there. Maybe he even was there long enough to have seen him with Lu that night (or another night to know they're engaged press or no press), and then if he sees him with another woman an hour later, holy bleep, text his friend who's castmates with her, girl, you won't believe what's going down!

You don't shit where you eat (or drink)?

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Don't you dare say anything bad about Jill Zarin.

If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be married right now.....it's a long story.



Oddly enough, I liked Jill!  And now looking through the lense of Bethenny, I truly believe that most of the breakdown of that relationship was probably on Beth's ungrateful attitude.

And I want to hear the story!

  • Love 8
13 minutes ago, sasha206 said:


41 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

Don't you dare say anything bad about Jill Zarin.

If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be married right now.....it's a long story.



Oddly enough, I liked Jill!  And now looking through the lense of Bethenny, I truly believe that most of the breakdown of that relationship was probably on Beth's ungrateful attitude.

And I want to hear the story!


Me too..on both counts!

  • Love 3

Me three!  I love your stories :)

Andy and Jill went through the Jill vs Bethenny story line on Jill's big 1 hour interview. Jill pitched the fight as her story for the season. Andy asked if she was going to let Bethenny know. Andy told her it was a bad idea. Jill's response?  Andy never told her it was a bad idea. The fight was Jill, all Jill. She just thought everyone loved her enough to ignore her ugly lies and take her side. Surprise!  We're all not as dumb as Bobby. 

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Andy and Jill went through the Jill vs Bethenny story line on Jill's big 1 hour interview. Jill pitched the fight as her story for the season. Andy asked if she was going to let Bethenny know. Andy told her it was a bad idea. Jill's response?  Andy never told her it was a bad idea. The fight was Jill, all Jill. She just thought everyone loved her enough to ignore her ugly lies and take her side. Surprise!  We're all not as dumb as Bobby. 

I was referring to Eldosequis above and his story re Jill Z and his marriage.  That's the story I want to hear lol

  • Love 2
31 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Andy and Jill went through the Jill vs Bethenny story line on Jill's big 1 hour interview. Jill pitched the fight as her story for the season. Andy asked if she was going to let Bethenny know. Andy told her it was a bad idea. Jill's response?  Andy never told her it was a bad idea. The fight was Jill, all Jill. She just thought everyone loved her enough to ignore her ugly lies and take her side. Surprise!  We're all not as dumb as Bobby. 

Bethy had this to say in eonline :

"Then cameras went up on the show and the infamous "we're done" phone call took place. "It was like, 'Whoa, this is one cunning bitch,'" Bethenny said. "She's waiting to be on camera to come at me with things and make America hate me. It was really clear that she wanted people to"

Wonder if Bethy ran her LuLu story by Andy. 

Pot meet kettle?

She really has zero self-awareness.

I guess she thought she was being kind when she couldn't decide just how bad to feel about her big reveal. Says she went back and forth between feeling awful (yeah, right) and thinking, "She's such a whore, who cares?" Nice.

And her first words to John, who we were just told she was now okay with, were, "You look thick."  While checking out his midsection.

  • Love 11
29 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Bethy had this to say in eonline :

"Then cameras went up on the show and the infamous "we're done" phone call took place. "It was like, 'Whoa, this is one cunning bitch,'" Bethenny said. "She's waiting to be on camera to come at me with things and make America hate me. It was really clear that she wanted people to"

Wonder if Bethy ran her LuLu story by Andy. 

Pot meet kettle?

She really has zero self-awareness.

I guess she thought she was being kind when she couldn't decide just how bad to feel about her big reveal. Says she went back and forth between feeling awful (yeah, right) and thinking, "She's such a whore, who cares?" Nice.

And her first words to John, who we were just told she was now okay with, were, "You look thick."  While checking out his midsection.

She knows she blew it this season by always being the ever gleeful, eager, aggressor and has to spin it in the media to make everyone thinks she was the victim instead. So, John/Dorinda came for her "business and that is the only reason she went at them, except they didn't. John only brought up the SKG/SC after Bethenny went off on Dorinda about him a number of times and then accused him of doing drugs/cocaine on camera. She went after Sonja, trying to freeze her out of filming because Sonja had the nerve, the gall, to earn a few coins by being the face of TG, not an owner mind you, just a paid face to help pay the bills and to talk about it on camera. Oh, and Sonja had the nerve to say that she thought of Bethenny as her "mentor" and that was insult added to injury according to Bethenny. Has anyone noticed that Ramona no longer talks about her own wine on the show, now we know why. No one is allowed to have ties to a liquor product on the NY show except for Bethenny and they all have to drink that swill or else. LOL Finally, we have Luann, who Bethenny went at like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth for no reason other than being at Dorinda's Berkshires event. How Dare She?!  LOL and Bethenny is claiming that Luann brought up the naming of SKG fight at that event/sleepover as her reason for attacking Luann. In reality, it was Bethenny that brought it up, not Luann but why let a little thing like the truth get in the way of Bethenny's excuse spin tour in the media and on her radio show. LOL

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, JenE4 said:


Wirewrap, you should change your name to Wiretap. ;-) Just joking with you; not trying to be insulting!! While I do agree Betheny went too far in calling the Regency and pretending to be the woman, I think it's a bit too conspiracy theorist to insist that she has a team of spies on the payroll to get dirt on all of the women. 

But it doesn't take a team of spies, just a willingness to splash cash.  The Regency (as you said) is one of Tom's known hangouts. All you have to do is approach the bartender who works on Tom's regular drinking nights, let them know serious money is coming their way for any juicy cheating info/bonus with pics, and leave a five hundred dollar tip as proof of life. The tabs and gossip columnists have been doing this for decades, it's old road.  And if Bethenny wanted info on the other wives, same deal, different establishments.  For an investment of a few thousand, Bethenny would have a goldmine of shame at her disposal. The only issue is who Bethenny would send (she wouldn't go herself) since she has no ride-or-die friends -- I'm sure her employees are bound by confidentiality agreements, so she'd likely choose that path (and get dirt on the employee along the way).  She's a vicious, ruthless woman, and doing something like this is neither out of character nor complicated for a woman with no boundaries and a few thousand in her paw.  

I'm starting to find it harder to believe the photos just  magically happened to find their way to her -- a complete coincidence timed so perfectly for Bethenny's use!  A happenstance of wondrous proportion! -- when this is reality tv. They live for the con. Happy accidents on reality shows don't pass Occam's Plastic Fuckdoll test.

Edited by film noire
forgot to tip my bartender for the dish on wirewrap! :)
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, film noire said:

But it doesn't take a team of spies, just a willingness to splash cash.  The Regency (as you said) is one of Tom's known hangouts. All you have to do is approach the bartender who works on Tom's regular drinking nights, let them know serious money is coming their way for any juicy cheating info/bonus with pics, and leave a five hundred dollar tip as proof of life. The tabs and gossip columnists have been doing this for decades, it's old road.  And if Bethenny wanted info on the other wives, same deal, different establishments.  For an investment of a few thousand, Bethenny would have a goldmine of shame at her disposal. The only issue is who Bethenny would send (she wouldn't go herself) since she has no ride-or-die friends -- I'm sure her employees are bound by confidentiality agreements, so she'd likely choose that path (and get dirt on the employee along the way).  She's a vicious, ruthless woman, and doing something like this is neither out of character nor complicated for a woman with no boundaries and a few thousand in her paw.  

I'm starting to find it harder to believe the photos just  magically happened to find their way to her -- a complete coincidence timed so perfectly for Bethenny's use!  A happenstance of wondrous proportion! -- when this is reality tv. They live for the con. Happy accidents on reality shows don't pass Occam's Plastic Fuckdoll test.

But what is harder to believe - that Lu just happens to get engaged to a guy who dated both Ramona and Sonja, and had an appearance on this show in the past - or that Beth has a friend who also goes to the Regency and snaps a pic of Tom and his cheating ways? The reality is, were in not for the Ramona/Sonja connection, there would have been little to this story. Lu gets engaged. Yawn. It would have been her story, but it would have been like Tamra's engagement a few years ago. Something interesting, but it hardly would have taken over the entire season. It is a big deal because it involves so many of the other HW's. That is generally the story that ends up being THE story of the season, which Lu knows only to well. 

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, motorcitymom65 said:

But what is harder to believe - that Lu just happens to get engaged to a guy who dated both Ramona and Sonja, and had an appearance on this show in the past - or that Beth has a friend who also goes to the Regency and snaps a pic of Tom and his cheating ways? The reality is, were in not for the Ramona/Sonja connection, there would have been little to this story. Lu gets engaged. Yawn. It would have been her story, but it would have been like Tamra's engagement a few years ago. Something interesting, but it hardly would have taken over the entire season. It is a big deal because it involves so many of the other HW's. That is generally the story that ends up being THE story of the season, which Lu knows only to well. 

I do believe Luann met Tom, had there been no Ramona or Sonja, someone would have dug up the First Season footage.  (Ramona's first date with Tom.)  Production has a lot of footage and in retrospect, perhaps Sonja and Ramona wish they had not made a big deal.  If Luann had not continued to see Tom after the Berkshires, another dead end. 

I don't think Luann is marrying this guy for a storyline, but if there was litmus test for suitors of this cast, Tom has become the cautionary tale.  By vetting Tom to this degree it pretty much ensures there will be no more guys filming with the group.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I do believe Luann met Tom, had there been no Ramona or Sonja, someone would have dug up the First Season footage.  (Ramona's first date with Tom.)  Production has a lot of footage and in retrospect, perhaps Sonja and Ramona wish they had not made a big deal.  If Luann had not continued to see Tom after the Berkshires, another dead end. 

I don't think Luann is marrying this guy for a storyline, but if there was litmus test for suitors of this cast, Tom has become the cautionary tale.  By vetting Tom to this degree it pretty much ensures there will be no more guys filming with the group.

True and that also includes her own bf, Shields, as well. This way no one can call her out about not sharing her real life on the show if none of the other HWs have their SO/husbands on either. LOL

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, NewDigs said:

Bethy had this to say in eonline :

"Then cameras went up on the show and the infamous "we're done" phone call took place. "It was like, 'Whoa, this is one cunning bitch,'" Bethenny said. "She's waiting to be on camera to come at me with things and make America hate me. It was really clear that she wanted people to"

Wonder if Bethy ran her LuLu story by Andy. 

Pot meet kettle?

She really has zero self-awareness.

I guess she thought she was being kind when she couldn't decide just how bad to feel about her big reveal. Says she went back and forth between feeling awful (yeah, right) and thinking, "She's such a whore, who cares?" Nice.

And her first words to John, who we were just told she was now okay with, were, "You look thick."  While checking out his midsection.

She seems to be everything she accuses others of being.


I wonder how much if she does coke.

  • Love 10
18 hours ago, NewDigs said:

Bethy had this to say in eonline :

"Then cameras went up on the show and the infamous "we're done" phone call took place. "It was like, 'Whoa, this is one cunning bitch,'" Bethenny said. "She's waiting to be on camera to come at me with things and make America hate me. It was really clear that she wanted people to"

Wonder if Bethy ran her LuLu story by Andy. 

Pot meet kettle?

She really has zero self-awareness.

I guess she thought she was being kind when she couldn't decide just how bad to feel about her big reveal. Says she went back and forth between feeling awful (yeah, right) and thinking, "She's such a whore, who cares?" Nice.

And her first words to John, who we were just told she was now okay with, were, "You look thick."  While checking out his midsection.

I'm getting dizzy for all of her spinning.  LuAnn was trying to make America hate Bethenny.  Not hardly.  Luann was wrapped up in Tom.  It was Bethenny who went after Luann starting in the berkshires.  

She is not doing herself any favors.


Edited by mwell345
Original post was not about LuAnn
  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

I'm getting dizzy for all of her spinning.  LuAnn was trying to make America hate Bethenny.  Not hardly.  Luann was wrapped up in Tom.  It was Bethenny who went after Luann starting in the berkshires.  

She is not doing herself any favors.

Although I do agree that Bethenny is doing the spin control tour right now, this particular quote was said years ago, when she left for her BGM show and it was about Jill Zarin, not Luann. LOL But, how the tide has turned, Bethenny has turned into JillZ! LOL

  • Love 4
22 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

I'm getting dizzy for all of her spinning.  LuAnn was trying to make America hate Bethenny.  Not hardly.  Luann was wrapped up in Tom.  It was Bethenny who went after Luann starting in the berkshires.  

She is not doing herself any favors.

It's more convoluted than that but my reply was less than clear.

That eonline quote was B complaining about Jill trying to make America hate Bethy.  Bethy hated that treatment so much that she decided to, in so many words, try to make America hate LuLu.

Wasn't America kind of on B's side in the Jill mess? 

That piñata thing was so tacky! "Only you and you and you can play and you're allowed only 1 (one) fine item each!!" (paraphrase)

And I think even Alex trembled better. She even got splotchy.

eta or what @WireWrap said! Lol I really took my time composing. Hey, the teevee's on!

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 7

I'm not even going to comment other than to say that I'm pretty certain that Luann has COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I am a medical person and don't need to lay a stethoscope on her chest and listen to her lungs to say that her oxygen levels are probably lower than normal and she's already having some difficulty breathing. It's audible when she takes a breath. This is no doubt a direct result of her many years of smoking. She's a trained nurse, she's supposedly a smart woman and if she hasn't given up the habit yet then I'm afraid that she's going to regret it sooner than later. She's 51 years old and if she doesn't give up the cigarettes, she'll probably be oxygen dependent by the time she turns 60 or God forbid get lung cancer. I know that sounds awful, but I'm seriously worried about her physical health. She looks great, she's slim and in shape, but those lungs have taken a beating for many years, eventually they're going to start giving her problems if they aren't already.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, smores said:

Plus, where is all this scrutiny and condemnation for Lu when she was shading Carol for having a ghostwriter?  Whether you think she did or not, she said she had sources (as did Aviva).  When Luanne was running her mouth about someone else, where she would have had to do some investigating, no one was up in arms saying she was paying people off all over town to get gossip.  Why the double standard when it's Bethenny?  


Because Beth isn't a Fuckdollwhoreslut that sleeps with married men,.


I think?

Edited by ElDosEquis
I spelled Fuckdollslutwhore wrong?
  • Love 1
31 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

It's more convoluted than that but my reply was less than clear.

That eonline quote was B complaining about Jill trying to make America hate Bethy.  Bethy hated that treatment so much that she decided to, in so many words, try to make America hate LuLu.

Wasn't America kind of on B's side in the Jill mess? 

That piñata thing was so tacky! "Only you and you and you can play and you're allowed only 1 (one) fine item each!!" (paraphrase)

And I think even Alex trembled better. She even got splotchy.

eta or what @WireWrap said! Lol I really took my time composing. Hey, the teevee's on!

America was most def on B's side.  I wonder how that perception may have changed after watching her now.  Even though I did love Bethenny then, at the time I did think there was likely more to the story than Jill just becoming unbearable.  And having watched her this season, I can't help but think Beth wasn't the self-deprecating underdog she portrayed herself to be.

Alex did tremble, broke out in hives!  I couldn't stand her at first and then I really grew to like her. She seems like a very sweet person.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

I'm not even going to comment other than to say that I'm pretty certain that Luann has COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I am a medical person and don't need to lay a stethoscope on her chest and listen to her lungs to say that her oxygen levels are probably lower than normal and she's already having some difficulty breathing. It's audible when she takes a breath. This is no doubt a direct result of her many years of smoking. She's a trained nurse, she's supposedly a smart woman and if she hasn't given up the habit yet then I'm afraid that she's going to regret it sooner than later. She's 51 years old and if she doesn't give up the cigarettes, she'll probably be oxygen dependent by the time she turns 60 or God forbid get lung cancer. I know that sounds awful, but I'm seriously worried about her physical health. She looks great, she's slim and in shape, but those lungs have taken a beating for many years, eventually they're going to start giving her problems if they aren't already.

She was a licensed practical/vocational nurse who has spent the last 30 years not being a nurse. I'd be impressed if she remembers anything from her nursing training.

  • Love 2

If Beth had pictures of Adam kissing someone, I seriously doubt that B would show the pictures to Carole on air.  Beth not only showed Lu the pictures of Tom with the bunny, she also added that Tom only dated people with money.   Wasn't it enough to show the pictures on camera?  Why bring up the rumors of him dating only rich women on camera?  Why the overkill?  Beth is a nasty, nasty human being.  Why can't she sit back and enjoy her money?  Beth is attractive, talented and smart, IMO, so what the hell is her problem?  I get that she lives by the rules of reality tv, but again, I doubt if she goes after her good friends for good television.

BTW, her products suck.  Honestly, I'm not that picky but I wouldn't spend a dime on her crap.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, HumblePi said:

I'm not even going to comment other than to say that I'm pretty certain that Luann has COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I am a medical person and don't need to lay a stethoscope on her chest and listen to her lungs to say that her oxygen levels are probably lower than normal and she's already having some difficulty breathing. It's audible when she takes a breath. This is no doubt a direct result of her many years of smoking. She's a trained nurse, she's supposedly a smart woman and if she hasn't given up the habit yet then I'm afraid that she's going to regret it sooner than later. She's 51 years old and if she doesn't give up the cigarettes, she'll probably be oxygen dependent by the time she turns 60 or God forbid get lung cancer. I know that sounds awful, but I'm seriously worried about her physical health. She looks great, she's slim and in shape, but those lungs have taken a beating for many years, eventually they're going to start giving her problems if they aren't already.

Good observation. Luann does a pretty good job skiing at high altitudes-I don't think she has an oxygen tank on stand by.  When there is a physical endeavor she seems to hold her own.  When Dorinda was on Wendy Williams she said Luann did not smoke that much.  Maybe the fight between Luann and Tom was over Luann's smoking.  I could see a significant other wanting the other to quit.  Dorinda, Jules and Luann should all quit if they haven't already.

If I were handing out cautions to any of these women-they need to go lighter on the drink. 

1 hour ago, watcherwoman said:

If Beth had pictures of Adam kissing someone, I seriously doubt that B would show the pictures to Carole on air.  Beth not only showed Lu the pictures of Tom with the bunny, she also added that Tom only dated people with money.   Wasn't it enough to show the pictures on camera?  Why bring up the rumors of him dating only rich women on camera?  Why the overkill?  Beth is a nasty, nasty human being.  Why can't she sit back and enjoy her money?  Beth is attractive, talented and smart, IMO, so what the hell is her problem?  I get that she lives by the rules of reality tv, but again, I doubt if she goes after her good friends for good television.

BTW, her products suck.  Honestly, I'm not that picky but I wouldn't spend a dime on her crap.

The better question-why should Tom have to date unwealthy women?  It seems like a throw away comment to me.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, HumblePi said:

I'm not even going to comment other than to say that I'm pretty certain that Luann has COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). I am a medical person and don't need to lay a stethoscope on her chest and listen to her lungs to say that her oxygen levels are probably lower than normal and she's already having some difficulty breathing. It's audible when she takes a breath. This is no doubt a direct result of her many years of smoking. She's a trained nurse, she's supposedly a smart woman and if she hasn't given up the habit yet then I'm afraid that she's going to regret it sooner than later. She's 51 years old and if she doesn't give up the cigarettes, she'll probably be oxygen dependent by the time she turns 60 or God forbid get lung cancer. I know that sounds awful, but I'm seriously worried about her physical health. She looks great, she's slim and in shape, but those lungs have taken a beating for many years, eventually they're going to start giving her problems if they aren't already.

Or maybe she has nasal polyps. 

I also don't think that any medical 'professional' would make a diagnose who doesn't have full knowledge of a person's situation.  To me, Lu appears to be quite healthy.  There's a saying about assumptions.....

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

She was a licensed practical/vocational nurse who has spent the last 30 years not being a nurse. I'd be impressed if she remembers anything from her nursing training.

I'm sure she's forgotten more than she ever knew, but one thing that even Luann can't forget, smoking causes cancer and pulmonary disease. Even a 10 year old kid knows that.

  • Love 4

Luann, you big dummy.


She needs to get her boobs redone too, there looked like a lump or something in the middle of them.

What was that nub, a remnant of her undeveloped heart? So icky. Just like her whole persona.


Side note:  I quite enjoyed B's summation of the parade of losers these ladies have managed to amass.

I thought it was tacky as hell, especially as Dorinda's and Jules's SOs were guests at her lame "fiesta".

What a sucky season.

  • Love 6
46 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

I'm sure she's forgotten more than she ever knew, but one thing that even Luann can't forget, smoking causes cancer and pulmonary disease. Even a 10 year old kid knows that.

Sorry but very knowledgeable people do things that can adversely affect their health.  Life isn't that simple.   If it were,  there would be no high blood pressure, a lot less cancer, high cholesterol,  obesity, etc., etc.  And that includes health professionals.

I don't think anyone is in a position to declare that a person has forgotten more than she/he ever knew unless they have full personal knowledge of that person's capabilities.  It's easy to condemn when you're not in that situation.  It's the 'you need to quit smoking'.  Well, if you're going to go there,  'you need to lose 50 pounds'.   Some smokers never get COPD or cancer and some overweight people never get diabetes, etc. 

  • Love 6

I'm so over the protestations of "how dare you" from one housewife directed to another wife. They're all assholes to each other. Last season, LuAnn giddly announced that Mario had an online dating profile and that she, LuAnn, liked Ramona more now that Mario was out of the picture. All of those things might have been true, but Ramona wasn't in the right frame of mind to hear it. These women and I'm including all of them like to hurt each other like a sport or a hobby.

I wish they would admit that the show is a modern retelling as performance art of The Women.

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, HumblePi said:

I'm sure she's forgotten more than she ever knew, but one thing that even Luann can't forget, smoking causes cancer and pulmonary disease. Even a 10 year old kid knows that.

What is interesting to me is that the gals are suddenly smoking on camera, or maybe the cameras have just decided to start showing it. Maybe in the past they just didn't. I remember during the pirate deal when a very drunk Sonja was seen smoking on camera, but she seemed to be trying to hide the cigarette mostly behind her back. Then you had LVP smoking on camera a couple of seasons ago. Now Lu, Dorinda and Jules are being very open about a habit that they didn't just take up. We didn't know Jules before, but have seen plenty of Lu and Dorinda before, but never seen them smoke. Surely they were but we didn't see it. I wonder why we are now. 

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

The better question-why should Tom have to date unwealthy women?  It seems like a throw away comment to me.

And a hypocritical comment to boot since Bethy has stated that she only dates wealthy men. 


8 hours ago, jaync said:

I thought it was tacky as hell especially as Dorinda's and Jules's SOs were guests at her lame "fiesta".

I couldn't believe she did that! Please come to my party so I can insult you. And make you crawl on the floor for my cast-off trinkets. God.

And her little closing line was something about how she was finally content and at peace???? What the hell is she like when she's not "content"? Maybe stirring up trouble is her Chi.

Edited by NewDigs
Fix JAYNC quote
  • Love 11
On 8/27/2016 at 9:49 PM, WireWrap said:

No, I have never met your friends and finding this out, I don't want to! LOL Seriously though, I do not know anyone that would do this, I just don't and I don't want that sort of person in my life but then, I don't get joy from others pain and IMO, Bethenny does and so must her "friend". Agree to disagree because I do believe that Bethenny has others gather dirt on the others for her. She would never leave anything to chance IMO. She has to "know it all" or else!

Lol. Classic!

  • Love 1
On 8/27/2016 at 11:57 PM, shoegal said:

What I don't believe is that Bethenny is going around Manhattan recruiting bartenders and waitstaff to be PI's and giving them detailed descriptions of Tom and offering to pay for info. LOL, I'm imagining B in a hat and trench, with glossy head shots of Tom going around meeting waiters in dark alleys offering cash rewards when they drop a dime. 

I believe it.. LOL

She's nasty like that. LOL

On 8/28/2016 at 0:12 AM, smores said:

Plus, where is all this scrutiny and condemnation for Lu when she was shading Carol for having a ghostwriter?  Whether you think she did or not, she said she had sources (as did Aviva).  When Luanne was running her mouth about someone else, where she would have had to do some investigating, no one was up in arms saying she was paying people off all over town to get gossip.  Why the double standard when it's Bethenny?  

Wait did that even happen this season?

10 hours ago, HumblePi said:

I'm sure she's forgotten more than she ever knew, but one thing that even Luann can't forget, smoking causes cancer and pulmonary disease. Even a 10 year old kid knows that.

And you don't trust a ten year old with a lighter?

A vape pen is safer for the little bastards...


What is the big scandal about tom kissing on a rich/playboy bunny in a high-tit hotel bar?

How much more of a scandal had it been had he been seen picking up a hooker/getting busted with one?

Would the hags been happier if that was the case?

Tom is a scumbag for dating rich women?

So what does that say about the women that dated him?

If I was Ramona or Sonja, I'd keep it on the past on a down low - no matter what the relationship was it's not what they made it out to be - but they are too fucked up to see that.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

What is interesting to me is that the gals are suddenly smoking on camera, or maybe the cameras have just decided to start showing it. Maybe in the past they just didn't. I remember during the pirate deal when a very drunk Sonja was seen smoking on camera, but she seemed to be trying to hide the cigarette mostly behind her back. Then you had LVP smoking on camera a couple of seasons ago. Now Lu, Dorinda and Jules are being very open about a habit that they didn't just take up. We didn't know Jules before, but have seen plenty of Lu and Dorinda before, but never seen them smoke. Surely they were but we didn't see it. I wonder why we are now. 

Heather and Carole outed Luann as a smoker last season so I think production decided no more cover up. Funny, they didn't out Dorinda's smoking though, just Luann's. LOL

14 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

I believe it.. LOL

She's nasty like that. LOL

Wait did that even happen this season?

No, it was last season, the reunion and again Luann used twitter as her weapon of choice.

On 8/28/2016 at 9:40 AM, NewDigs said:

I would think that a bartender in a place like the Regency would even go so far as to ask patrons to refrain from taking pix of people not in their party.

And I'm astonished, astonished!, I tell ya', that the catch-someone-off and take-a-picture practice is considered good fun. Seems mean-spirited and kind of nasty.

Like Bethy!

Tell me about it. Disturbing what passes as good ole' "harmless fun". I haven't engaged in anything that damaging since... Well since ever but I did witness it in High School... Wow.

  • Love 8


Wait ..... what?!!?  McDonald's is selling burgers with worms in them?  Maybe I should have put a worm in my SG margarita's....


Gif from Realitytvgifs.  

Comment by me.  Lol, I usually pick on LuLu.  Decided it was Bethenny's turn.  And, yes, supposedly two McDonald's locations in KY had wormy hamburgers.  Like anything these days, who knows if it is true.      

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

She was a licensed practical/vocational nurse who has spent the last 30 years not being a nurse. I'd be impressed if she remembers anything from her nursing training.

Desensitization and detachment training.

Luanne is still desensitized to certain smells like shit. In case you didn’t know, Luanne is marrying a Turd on New Year’s Eve.

She decisively diagnosed that Tom suffers from ICan'tRememberItus and is monitoring his health closely. He's walking down that aisle even if she has to staple him to her like Weekend at Bernie's Bernie to her wedding gown.

  • Love 10

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