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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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Jill looks like she dumped handfuls of mousse or gel into wet hair and tried to let it air dry. The end result is greasy clumps.

Derick's teeth look like they're sticking straight out. I don't know why he had such extensive oral surgery when he wasn't going to be able to maintain monthly orthodontic visits. He could possibly be seeing someone in Danger America, but I kind of doubt it because there has been zero improvement in over a year. I understand a case like his is going to be a work in progress, but if anything he looks worse than ever. Poor guy. He should sue the doctor that mangled his face.

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I wonder how well Derick is taking care of his teeth and braces. I had braces before I can remember being told what type of foods and candy to stay away from,how to brush and clean my teeth and braces and take care of my braces so no damage like loose braces. Lets face it, the Duggars are not known for good personal hygiene habits (and yes, I put Derick in the Duggar group.) I was lucky. I was told 24 months of wearing braces, but my teeth and my upper and lower jaw did well to the point I got my braces off at 18 months.

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20 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

I was looking at their fingernails but I see your point.  We lived in south Louisiana for many years and in the summer the water out of the tap was warm enough to shower in.  Not in winter, but in the hot summer.  I guess I thought the same about Danger America, but maybe not.

Dirty fingernails would suggest actual work being done.  I can't imagine ones nails would pick up much grime flailing about during their dance for Jesus.

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No hope for Joy. Maybe Hannie or Jennifer. 

maybe if Marj and Josiah marry, and he doesn't get too drunk on the koolaid, Marj can be the one who has the balls to be an outlet for these girls.

Joe also seems to have some sense and may help some. No doubt they'll all remain very conservative, but I'd like at least one to attend a real college or wear some pants. Have a real job. Be productive. 

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So they still are trying to sell the whole 'we're on a mission from god to lift the poor locals up whether they want to or not'.  They attend what looks like some kind of children's outreach program where the age of of the kids and the posture of many seen seems to be simply one of those situations where keeping the kids attention can be a little bit of a struggle.  And what do our two intrepid Danger America warriors against Catholics do?  Mug just a few feet away for some selfie that is aimed solely at showing what hilarious cut ups the two are.

Forget the threats of Zika.  We should be concerned at the spread of Duggar idiocy. 

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On July 25, 2016 at 5:37 PM, JoanArc said:

That pose highlight's Derick facial punishment.

I am usually against lawsuits, but Derick seriously needs to sue whoever ruined his face/mouth/jaws/teeth.  I've never seen such mess.  I know a great attorney, Derick!

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On 7/25/2016 at 4:37 PM, awaken said:

STOP with the eyebrows, Jill!!  Is it a reflex with her, or what?!  I sure hope their handlers are reading here and pass on the message. It's making me mad now. 

It IS so annoying!  Well she'll have deep forehead wrinkles by the time she's 30 if not before. Is she really surprised she's getting her picture taken? They're such fund me fakers.

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1 hour ago, Defrauder said:

It IS so annoying!  Well she'll have deep forehead wrinkles by the time she's 30 if not before. Is she really surprised she's getting her picture taken? They're such fund me fakers.

She was genuinely surprised whilst eating her Dum Dum to look up and see a phone camera at the end of her arm, pointing at her.

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2 hours ago, Aja said:

She was genuinely surprised whilst eating her Dum Dum to look up and see a phone camera at the end of her arm, pointing at her.

Maybe they are branching out to a more avant garde style of photography.  

Works from their next exhibit:

  • Dum Dums with Dum Dums
  • Greasy Grimy Grifters
  • The English Sermon
  • Dirty Giant White Baby
  •  Eyebrows Frozen in Culture Shock
  • "Everything", An Interpretive Dance
  • Dental Confusion
  • Stoner Salad Bowl
  • The Man Bun
  • Captive Audience

That should do it...

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31 minutes ago, Aja said:
  • Eyeliner - Raw Umber = Rockin Countenance 

What the hell would they look like without dark pencil eyeliner I wonder?  Can't they use liquid liner?  In green or silver, purple, blue?  God made those colors too!  I even use mascara in blue sometimes.  Where the fuck do they shop for cosmetics, Gothard's beauty store?

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I'm confused.  Are they coming back for an extended visit or home for good?  At first blush it sounds like they are only visiting, but they are also talking about taking classes and other long-term things. 

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24 minutes ago, Lady Edith said:

I'm confused.  Are they coming back for an extended visit or home for good?  At first blush it sounds like they are only visiting, but they are also talking about taking classes and other long-term things. 

I think they're framing it as a visit, but it wouldn't surprise me if they're home permanently. If Jill gets knocked up or Derick needs further surgery to correct his mangled mouth, it gives them the perfect out. I think Jill was miserable in Danger America and would've come home sooner, except their fake mission needed some credibility.

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They claim "extended visit," to return "in the fall." If they're still employed by SOS, they would have to return before the December missioncationers show up on Dec. 1 for Honduras (I don't think they roll through El Salvador for that one, but I could be wrong). So, if they have to be back for that, they could still go back as late as Thanksgiving weekend. 

She will obviously be on hand for the shitshow that will be the Duggalo nuptials. 

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So does the SOS  Dullards house in CA go to another missionary family in their absence? Are the Dullard's personal items packed away in a closet like what is done for beach rental properties?  Hope SOS has a good cleaning service.

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On ‎7‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 11:00 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

I had braces, but my adult treatment was fairly straightforward.  Since I didn't have a complicated case at all, I'm not qualified to speak to what happened to Derick wrt to how he should be progressing based on what was done to him.  Orthodontic treatment ideally should show progressive improvement. His clearly does NOT. I often wonder if he's in pain or wonder if what he's dealt with so far has been worth it.

He has kept his brackets clean. We all know personal hygiene is not his personal forté. 

His treatment is progressing as seen in the spaces between his teeth and even the lopsided upper smile. They went in and broke his maxilla right at the suture line. They put in cadaver bone or titanium screws or both to hold the bone in place. The ortho can't do any adjustments to the upper till the bone fuses. In most cases the ortho doesn't even switch out the ligature ties, you know, the elastics around each bracket. Mine were actually replaced before surgery with steel ties because it is more hygienic. I would expect things start to look better pretty soon. As someone who has gone through this surgery it pains me to see the mean comments and people not having a clue as to what they are speaking about. This is a horrendous surgery and recovery.

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14 minutes ago, teevee4me said:

His treatment is progressing as seen in the spaces between his teeth and even the lopsided upper smile. They went in and broke his maxilla right at the suture line. They put in cadaver bone or titanium screws or both to hold the bone in place. The ortho can't do any adjustments to the upper till the bone fuses. In most cases the ortho doesn't even switch out the ligature ties, you know, the elastics around each bracket. Mine were actually replaced before surgery with steel ties because it is more hygienic. I would expect things start to look better pretty soon. As someone who has gone through this surgery it pains me to see the mean comments and people not having a clue as to what they are speaking about. This is a horrendous surgery and recovery.

I always figured it was a multi step thing, a "it'll get worse before it gets better" situation. They broke the maxilla from the zygomatic bone? Ouch. What would be the reason for Derick having this done? 

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48 minutes ago, Kokapetl said:

I always figured it was a multi step thing, a "it'll get worse before it gets better" situation. They broke the maxilla from the zygomatic bone? Ouch. What would be the reason for Derick having this done? 

No. The suture is mid palatte line. They basically force it open. Same idea as the palatte expanders kiddos wear in their mouths where the parent's turn the key as prescribed to allow for more space while their bones are still easy to mold.


My guess is both cosmetic and function. His mouth looked quite small and likely he could have been having bite issues making eating difficult. Biting your cheek or tongue gets very old. My dad has a mouth that looks similar to Derrik's pre surgery. He is forever biting chunks out of his cheeks or tongue.

The sad thing is, he should have had ortho work as a kid. There isn't an ortho out there that won't work the parent on payment. And not so much for cosmetic reasons, it is function and ultimately oral hygiene challenges down the road.

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Missioncationers are crawling all over the place, but Jilly is off facetiming (with that "spotty" wifi) and blowing bubbles? They can't leave until the 4th, but shouldn't they at least be WORKING???

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9 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Missioncationers are crawling all over the place, but Jilly is off facetiming (with that "spotty" wifi) and blowing bubbles? They can't leave until the 4th, but shouldn't they at least be WORKING???

Aww...I actually think that's a really sweet picture. Blowing bubbles for toddlers really never gets old :) Izzy also looks more engaged with it than he sometimes does with his surroundings, so I can't hate on this one.

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Iz is cute.  I think he looks more like Jill than Derick.  Funny that Jill would have the dominant gene over Derick.  After all Derick is supposed to be the dominant head of the household.  Mother Nature says otherwise Derick.

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Missioncationers are crawling all over the place, but Jilly is off facetiming (with that "spotty" wifi) and blowing bubbles? They can't leave until the 4th, but shouldn't they at least be WORKING???

I can just picture Jill on the phone:

"mmhmm, yeah she's totally like that, oh hold on a moment Jana" - blows bubbles, babbles at baby, a man is heard to say "cheese" - "back! where was I? Oh yeah, her". 

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I bet Muffy stole those bubbles from the presents meant for the orphans. There's precedence here; remember the DumDums?

100% Agree.


I can't rag on Iz's size. He's gonna be one of the few to escape the Duggar Size Curse with associated Small Man Syndrome.

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8 hours ago, teevee4me said:

No. The suture is mid palatte line. They basically force it open. Same idea as the palatte expanders kiddos wear in their mouths where the parent's turn the key as prescribed to allow for more space while their bones are still easy to mold.


My guess is both cosmetic and function. His mouth looked quite small and likely he could have been having bite issues making eating difficult. Biting your cheek or tongue gets very old. My dad has a mouth that looks similar to Derrik's pre surgery. He is forever biting chunks out of his cheeks or tongue.

The sad thing is, he should have had ortho work as a kid. There isn't an ortho out there that won't work the parent on payment. And not so much for cosmetic reasons, it is function and ultimately oral hygiene challenges down the road.

Thanks for the information. Since I didn't have to go thru all of that, I didn't want to be unfair to Derick with respect to what we were supposed to expect from his treatment. Many of us had expressed concern that he'd been disfigured for life. Nobody deserves that.

Your description of the procedure made me wince in pain. I did notice his smile was wider than before so  it likely seemed a matter of it being "gets worse before it gets better"... I was hoping so for his sake because it sounds like an awful, awful thing to go through. Most of all, I was hoping that the poor lad didn't have  to be stuck disfigured as well as stuck still without proper jaw function and bite.

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10 hours ago, teevee4me said:

As someone who has gone through this surgery it pains me to see the mean comments and people not having a clue as to what they are speaking about. This is a horrendous surgery and recovery.

As someone who has gone through this surgery, do you think it was a wise idea for Derrick to re-locate to So. America so soon after having this procedure done?

Edited by ariel
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12 hours ago, ariel said:

As someone who has gone through this surgery, do you think it was a wise idea for Derrick to re-locate to So. America so soon after having this procedure done?

Personally, no. I had lots of follow ups, a lot of pain and I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Eating was a full time job. You are starving all the time. I ate baby food and blended everything. My oral surgeon checked on me every 2 weeks but as I said, the othro did not touch me till the xrays showed fusion.


Worst experience of my life-worse than child birth.

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teevee4me, was it worth it in the end, after it was all over? I keep wondering what kind of issues Derrick was having that would make this surgery necessary right before he left on a missioncation.

Edited by emma675d
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4 hours ago, teevee4me said:

Personally, no. I had lots of follow ups, a lot of pain and I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. Eating was a full time job. You are starving all the time. I ate baby food and blended everything. My oral surgeon checked on me every 2 weeks but as I said, the othro did not touch me till the xrays showed fusion.


Worst experience of my life-worse than child birth.

I have a very small mouth, and way back 30+ years ago they just pulled a bunch of permanent teeth, then I had braces for 3 years. Not too terrible. 

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On Sunday, July 31, 2016 at 4:43 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Big White Baby meets small, native child. 

I know it's just the angle of the photo & the fact that the girl is kneeling, but Iz looks like a friggin giant.

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On 7/31/2016 at 9:47 AM, teevee4me said:

His treatment is progressing as seen in the spaces between his teeth and even the lopsided upper smile. They went in and broke his maxilla right at the suture line. They put in cadaver bone or titanium screws or both to hold the bone in place. The ortho can't do any adjustments to the upper till the bone fuses. In most cases the ortho doesn't even switch out the ligature ties, you know, the elastics around each bracket. Mine were actually replaced before surgery with steel ties because it is more hygienic. I would expect things start to look better pretty soon. As someone who has gone through this surgery it pains me to see the mean comments and people not having a clue as to what they are speaking about. This is a horrendous surgery and recovery.

I really appreciate your taking the time to share your experience and perspective with us here. I'd thought that this could be a multi-stage process, and that Derick isn't "done" and won't look this bad forever, but have no relevant knowledge. Thus, it's helpful to have your contributions to this discussion. 

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I'm glad you told us it is long process. I see how his face is just not right and feel bad for the guy.   I really hope it heals properly. Derick is a kook but I don't want anyone to be in pain or have complications from surgery. 

I do wish that Jill or Derick explained the surgery.  It would've been helpful to understand what the surgery was trying to do and what the whole process is like. I've never heard of this and am always interested in new information. 

The Duggars certainly like to share...especially dental issues.  We have been treated to how many wisdom teeth removals???!!!! Why not explain Derick's surgery?  

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