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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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2 hours ago, Marigold said:


Oh, and they show him throwing up after a jog.  Like all of it. On the side of the road. 

Doctor is shown feeling his neck area.  Thyroid? Would explain the weight loss and the general unhealthy look. 

I have to say that this pleases me (a little). It is always the women whose dignity is sacrificed  for the cameras, at least tis time it's one of the guys . . .

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I wonder if featuring sick Derrick is a way to deflect criticism from Jill. It's not that she's a weak dumbass  who couldn't deal with the fact that the reality of "missionary" "work" didn't live up to her fantasy; it's that Derrick's health is too precarious to go back to Danger America--probably picked up some parasite there that still hasn't left his system, because Danger America is super dangerous. 

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I don't care about giving them clicks, I know some of you do. I watched the promo a few times. 

The doctor was feeling his neck...like lymp nodes or thyroid? We have suspected thyroid...would account for the weight loss, right? 

I agree with the above poster.  The first time we have seen a MALE being filmed at the most undignified times.  They showed the puke coming out of this mouth.  Really?  Was that necessary?  That one is on the editors at TLC. They could've cut that out.  We all have seen throwing up. No thanks. 

The rest of the promo was pretty boring.  Typical stuff. 

Edited by Marigold
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57 minutes ago, lascuba said:

I wonder if featuring sick Derrick is a way to deflect criticism from Jill. It's not that she's a weak dumbass  who couldn't deal with the fact that the reality of "missionary" "work" didn't live up to her fantasy; it's that Derrick's health is too precarious to go back to Danger America--probably picked up some parasite there that still hasn't left his system, because Danger America is super dangerous. 

I have long suspected Derick may have contracted a parasite, but the thyroid angle also seems very credible.  My cat who was very docile and sweet started acting aggressive towards our other cats and our vet. Vet noticed this was unusual as well as noted a marked weight loss and tested her right away for hyperthyroidism.

This would explain the "mystery bits of raffia work" and other nonsense Derick has been tweeting. Even though parasites can also infect the brain, hyperthyroidism can make a person feel like they are going off the rails.

Derick went from a passive, mild mannered guy to a batshit crazy and angry douche with a stoner look about him.  At first, we thought it was Duggarizatiion, all roiled up with Fundy fervor, so we wrote it off as that.

Since so many of them have 'the crazy", no telling how many health problems that mired in their own willful ignorance demographic has.

That boy's NOT at all a well cat.  He's NOT well at all! I'm glad to see he's going to a doctor to get himself sorted out.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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12 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Just coming here to say that!!!!  Fundy Product Placement!

Izzy looks adorbs.

 Out of curiosity, how much would a paid product placement post earn them?  So they could tweet that outback steakhouse thing and say they earned their keep for the day? 

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On 1/8/2017 at 2:58 PM, Sew Sumi said:

DDD tweeted about the apocalypse this morning. :D

Isn't it irresponsible to be having another kid then?  I mean if the end is right around the corner...Arwen, can you save me a seat in the closet?  

I am not nor have ever been religious but they way they present it seems so dour.  If I were on the hunt for a religion I would want one with a bit lighter message and maybe some more interesting members.

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Isn't it irresponsible to be having another kid then?  I mean if the end is right around the corner...Arwen, can you save me a seat in the closet?  

I am not nor have ever been religious but they way they present it seems so dour.  If I were on the hunt for a religion I would want one with a bit lighter message and maybe some more interesting members.

Yeah, reconciling  this mindless breeding with end times prophecies gives me pause as well. I guess it goes under the category of "Just Duggar Things". I'm sure if you asked the Dillydumbkins to explain this, they wouldn't have a clue...just lots of umming and aahhhing and random bible quotes...

For sure, Natalie, I'll save you a seat, particularly if you're brining tapas or empanadas!

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14 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Yeah, reconciling  this mindless breeding with end times prophecies gives me pause as well. I guess it goes under the category of "Just Duggar Things". I'm sure if you asked the Dillydumbkins to explain this, they wouldn't have a clue...just lots of umming and aahhhing and random bible quotes...

For sure, Natalie, I'll save you a seat, particularly if you're brining tapas or empanadas!

For a saved seat I will bring anything!!!  

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33 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

If they are trying to "convert" people, they really should be able to explain this stuff. JMHO!

Exactly! Even as a committed Christian, I would still expect you to tell me "why" I should espouse this idea or belief that you think I should or why I should consider attending your church. "Ummmmm, like..." is not an acceptable answer. If you have the converted rolling their eyes, you're likely not to be successful converting anyone.

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Is Jill really so clingy that Derick can't run on his own? I like to walk, and for me that is nice, solid alone time to recharge. Maybe he wants her biking along with him, or mayyyyybe it's ridiculously annoying! I know I would hate it!

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4 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Is Jill really so clingy that Derick can't run on his own? I like to walk, and for me that is nice, solid alone time to recharge. Maybe he wants her biking along with him, or mayyyyybe it's ridiculously annoying! I know I would hate it!

Yup. I'm wondering if Barnacle Jill lets him go to the toilet by himself.  She probably sits outside the shitter door whimpering like a lost puppy.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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3 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Yup. I'm wondering if Barnacle Jill lets him go to the toilet by himself.  She probably sits outside the shitter door whimpering like a lost puppy.

So she is like every cat I have ever owned?!  Have not been in a bathroom by myself in years.  At least they are cute and don't insist on coming to work with me everyday.  Or my husband for that matter.

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10 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

So she is like every cat I have ever owned?!  Have not been in a bathroom by myself in years.  At least they are cute and don't insist on coming to work with me everyday.  Or my husband for that matter.

My cats used to not let me potty in peace but they have allowed it for years now.  My husband has always left me alone while I'm in the can and he's not about to follow me to work. Just to get him to the office Christmas party or any other work function is like pulling teeth. This is perfectly normal behavior in the non Duggarverse.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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6 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

My cats used to not let me potty in peace but they have allowed it for years now.  My husband has always left me alone while I'm in the can and he's not about to follow me to work. Just to get him to the office Christmas party or any other work function is like pulling teeth.

My husband is the exact same way.  The horrified look on his face when I asked if he wanted to go on the **Xmas Trolley holiday party was worth the invitation.  One dept I worked in for 11 years started to suspect he was made up :).

**I am still waiting for vids of that party to show up online.  The 'security' staff was recording us during a sing along to a YG song that is not politically sensitive the the party opposite of mine.  I asked if this means we won't be asked back and he said no, it means we may get a freebie next time.  HA!

Edited by Natalie68
exact words are important
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28 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

Is Jill really so clingy that Derick can't run on his own? I like to walk, and for me that is nice, solid alone time to recharge. Maybe he wants her biking along with him, or mayyyyybe it's ridiculously annoying! I know I would hate it!

Well sheesh...SOMEONE has to be there to scream "NIKE," ya know! Joshie went out in the big bad world like a grownup, and look how that turned out.

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3 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Exactly! Even as a committed Christian, I would still expect you to tell me "why" I should espouse this idea or belief that you think I should or why I should consider attending your church. "Ummmmm, like..." is not an acceptable answer. If you have the converted rolling their eyes, you're likely not to be successful converting anyone.

Wait.  You mean "My church is like totally ummm.....awesome" is not a good enough reason?

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15 minutes ago, toodles said:

Wait.  You mean "My church is like totally ummm.....awesome" is not a good enough reason?

It could be, on the proviso that you...like...um...would sooooooo totally tell me why you...think..it's like, ummmmm super awesome...

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5 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

It could be, on the proviso that you...like...um...would sooooooo totally tell me why you...think..it's like, ummmmm super awesome...

Well now you're just being picky :)

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Ever been to the website Duggars Without Pity? I found some lovely snark...enjoy thus from a poster:

"I agree with the bloggers who think that Derick is a mess. Even if he let just let his hair grow long, it wouldn't be so bad but he still look like he needs a good long shower. He's just plain dirty looking & if he was my husband & underwent this change, I wouldn't want him near me. There's something seriously wrong going on in that marriage & I think they have Jim Bob to thank for a great deal of it, after all he's the genius who chose these men for his daughters. I'll bet the rest of the girls are still saying, we let daddy pick the man for us to marry. I've got news for them, daddy doesn't know what he's doing when it comes to picking husbands that will make his daughters happy because he doesn't really care if his daughters are happy. He chooses to pick men that he can control, not men who are great husband material, because that's what's most important to him. Guess Jim Bob doesn't realize that most women can & do pick their own husbands. Didn't Michelle pick her own husband? I don't believe for one minute that he cares about his daughters happiness."

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"I agree with the bloggers who think that Derick is a mess. Even if he let just let his hair grow long, it wouldn't be so bad but he still look like he needs a good long shower. He's just plain dirty looking & if he was my husband & underwent this change,.........

I wouldn't want him near me?  NAHHH--- I'd have yet another kid with him!  Right away!! No job needed on either of our parts! And Zika be damned!!!!  DONATE!

Edited by WhineandCheez
punctuation is our pal
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4 hours ago, lascuba said:

Oh, I don't know...I think Jim Bob did an excellent job in choosing Derrick for Jill in terms of compatibility. Don't get me wrong, dude's a mess and always has been, but he's perfect for Jill.

I think in terms of neither one of them caring about how they look, they're matched in that respect. Lazy, dirty, untidy, and slovenly does not often a successful marriage make. Helps if your partner is like you in that regard since they aren't always nagging you to clean up, but I wouldn't give Mr Evenstar room in my bed if he hadn't had a proper wash.

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7 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I agree with this tweet however kindness and cruelty reach outward as well. And I think Derick might want to realize that openly judging and condemning others through his tweets and in person does not appear as kind. Their schtick comes off as condescending and manipulative. Does he think playing soccer with someone one minute and then telling them their way of thinking is wrong the next minute is kind? Does he think that tweeting about abortion is kind? Does he think that telling parents who incorporate Santa into the Christmas season that they're wrong is kind?

And of course does he think aiming his sled at a cat is kind?

I hope that tweet was a reminder to himself and not a judgmental message to others.

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i think Derick is just trying to post some verses that are helpful.  I doubt DumDum means anything harmful with this one.  Just trying to encourage kindness, which is one of his better tweets. 

Unfortunately, once again, Duggars lack self awareness, and don't realize that some verses don't come off the way you intend. 

Posting verses is very challenging.  It seems easy...just select something you like.  But in reality, it's hard.  You don't want to be preachy.  You don't want to be superior. You certainly don't want to be a hypocrite.  Picking a Bible verse for a a few thousand (?) followers on Twitter really needs some thought.  This is where Derick stumbles. 

Derick is an odd man.  He really wants to be a missionary.  I believe he is sincere.  But if that is his sincere desire, to share the gospel of Jesus...he seems to put the least amount of thought into something that he claims is his life's work.

I don't get it.  if you are a missionary or preacher, this is you ENTIRE LIFE.  Be passionate. Be sensitive. Be caring.  Work hard.  Be on fire for the message!

This clown tweets a random verse every other day, some bizarre post about Planned Parenthood and then about some sports team I have never heard of. Then calls himself a missionary?  

Derick, Derick...pull yourself together.  This is sloppy, disorganized and uninspired preaching. 

Edited by Marigold
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25 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Derick is an odd man.  He really wants to be a missionary.  I believe he is sincere.  But if that is his sincere desire, to share the gospel of Jesus...he seems to put the least amount of thought into something that he claims is his life's work.

ITA, Marigold. That's what flummoxes me. If he wants to do the missionary thing/share the Gospel of Jesus, then please do it in a thoughtful, engaging, and scholarly way.

Posting Bible verses? I don't have a problem with it in principle, but without telling us maybe why you chose it, why you think it's meaningful, rather than just tweeting a verse and letting people make of the post what they will doesn't seem effective.

Duggars (and their married-ins) think that just being Duggars already makes them speshul.  So special, that they don't need to put in the level of effort required for the task at hand, be it the required academic effort or the apprenticeship. No, I'm not a brain surgeon, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once....

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Being a minister, rabbi, bishop, imam or any other religious leader that I left out...takes a lot of work.  Assuming you are doing it right!  Truthfully, you should be working your behind off caring for your flock! 

These Duggar clowns think a Bible verse, some candy and a quick FB post is all there is to it.  Throw in a rant once in a while and all is well.  

I'm saying this a a practicing Christian: Derick is lazy.  he is a lazy missionary who accomplished nothing.  He was down there for almost a year?  He has done zero. He has no passion, no guts and no drive to actually spread the gospel and do christ-like things.  He is useless. A disgrace. Just the fact that he chose to go to Central America and didn't speak three words of Spanish is idiotic.  How is that serving?  It's called wasting money of the churches and people who sponsored you. That money could've been used to do actually missionary work with people who needed it.   God will not look kindly on that, Derick. That's called stealing God's resources. I cannot stand Derick for so many reasons. And THEN, he drags Jill down there and keeps her there when she is clearly a mess...for what reason, Derick?  For some missionary fantasy in your head you sacrifice your wife's mental health? 

Not a fan of Ben, but he is doing better.  He is attempting to go to school and is smart enough to stick to English speaking people.  That shows a HUGE jump in intelligence compared to DumDerick who is a missionary to people he cannot communicate with.  

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6 minutes ago, Marigold said:

I'm saying this a a practicing Christian: Derick is lazy.  he is a lazy missionary who accomplished nothing.  He was down there for almost a year?  He has done zero. He has no passion, no guts and no drive to actually spread the gospel and do christ-like things.  He is useless. A disgrace. Just the fact that he chose to go to Central America and didn't speak three words of Spanish is idiotic.  How is that serving?  It's called wasting money of the churches and people who sponsored you. That money could've been used to do actually missionary work with people who needed it.   God will not look kindly on that, Derick. That's called stealing God's resources. I cannot stand Derick for so many reasons. And THEN, he drags Jill down there and keeps her there when she is clearly a mess...for what reason, Derick?  For some missionary fantasy in your head you sacrifice your wife's mental health? 

THIS!!! So much THIS!!! As a practicing Christian also, STEWARDSHIP (how well you use what you've got) is a major tenet of Christianity.  Ethical use of "resources" (aka: money, property, or supplies given by others in good faith to you to manage wisely to further the purpose of said mission or project) is an extension of that tenet. Accountability for its proper use is also supposed to extend from that.

Ironically, Derick the accountant, does little in the way of actual accounting or being accountable.  Dragging his mentally unstable, fearful, socially and emotionally maladjusted fragile wife to a place that only made all of that worse so he can live out his fantasy was a cruel thing to do to his wife.

I get that they are immature and socially awkward and behave more like college freshmen than adult people in charge of something like a ministry. SOS may have thought having "a celebrity missionary " was good advertising for them. Had they gone home after a few months, the Dillydumdums would have saved the mission a lot of money.

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I don't even think this is a case of us not seeing what they do out side the show - like when people think ministers, etc., only 'work' from 10-12 on Sunday mornings, while most are counseling, teaching, doing hospital visits, studying, writing sermons, leading groups, plus administrative functions in the other hours. 

I don't know what Derrick does all day. Or Jill or that matter. Wait - Derrick might run and fetch pregnancy craving items for Jill.

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What do they do, you ask? Jill makes birthday videos. 

And posts bible quotes. You can see the timestamps. It looks like she plays around on her phone a lot. Off to check Derick's twitter. His activity on that medium has spiked of late. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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18 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

II don't know what Derrick does all day. Or Jill or that matter. Wait - Derrick might run and fetch pregnancy craving items for Jill.

According to the promo, he pukes & jogs too!  

(that was mean, sorry!) (Ok, not sorry)

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37 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I don't even think this is a case of us not seeing what they do out side the show - like when people think ministers, etc., only 'work' from 10-12 on Sunday mornings, while most are counseling, teaching, doing hospital visits, studying, writing sermons, leading groups, plus administrative functions in the other hours. 

I don't know what Derrick does all day. Or Jill or that matter. Wait - Derrick might run and fetch pregnancy craving items for Jill.

I don't think we would really CARE what they do all day, were it not for the fact that they are openly living off donations from working people so they can take a break from pretending to be missionaries.

17 minutes ago, Marigold said:

According to the promo, he pukes & jogs too!  

(that was mean, sorry!) (Ok, not sorry)

I thought the same thing, but you beat me to it. I can't brain bleach the memories of his gangly limbs doing interpretive dance, so is he even coordinated enough to run?

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

What do they do, you ask? Jill makes birthday videos. 

And posts bible quotes. You can see the timestamps. It looks like she plays around on her phone a lot. Off to check Derick's twitter. His activity on that medium has spiked of late. 

No surprise that she is one of those people who overuses "awesome" and "bro." blechhhhh! And WTF with all of these cryptic bible quotes. Just say what you mean! Or post the quote, then elaborate a little. You have the time.

1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I don't think we would really CARE what they do all day, were it not for the fact that they are openly living off donations from working people so they can take a break from pretending to be missionaries.

I thought the same thing, but you beat me to it. I can't brain bleach the memories of his gangly limbs doing interpretive dance, so is he even coordinated enough to run?

I really hope they are no longer accepting donations for their nonexistent "ministry."

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9 minutes ago, SMama said:

This may be the dumbest question ever. Why is frail, sick looking Derick doing running/jogging? Sorry if it comes across as mean.

My guess would be that he's trying to prove to the interwebz that despite appearances he does not, in fact, have the bone density of a 90-year old, but I'm not really sure.

Edited by laurakaye
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39 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

No surprise that she is one of those people who overuses "awesome" and "bro." blechhhhh! And WTF with all of these cryptic bible quotes. Just say what you mean! Or post the quote, then elaborate a little. You have the time.

I really hope they are no longer accepting donations for their nonexistent "ministry."

You meant love offerings, right?  Because if people want to send love offerings for the extra special, just plain swell Dillards they just can't say no to that.   Gotta keep the cash flowing.  Grifters need to grift.

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