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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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On 6/22/2016 at 2:00 PM, sometimesy said:


Just wonder if they are going to have a soulful looking Anna talking about the difficulties her sweet family is going through.

I have a feeling this will be the story line for a whole season.


On 6/22/2016 at 2:02 PM, Sew Sumi said:

I'm pretty sure they are in the Pool House.

"Pool House" makes me LOL. I picture Mom Kardashian sweeping out in a caftan, while the K girls sunbathe while boredly stirring Mojitos.

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The pool house is next door to the TTH. It has a pool, with a nice afternoon breeze off the town dump. Josh uses its yard as a car lot. Yeah, town dump, molestor, Jim Bob for a neighbor, and a pool! Paradise.

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Judging from the J'slaves wish for Anna's birthday, Anna is doing dishes, laundry and cleaning toilets at the TTH, so my guess is that they are still living there. Maybe Josh and Anna got grandma's bedroom near the laundry room.

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Poor Anna, being praised by the J Slaves for doing the work no one else wants to do.  Joyful, in that nasty house that could be mean a host of various and sundry unpleasant things. I guess this means Bin has found someone to push his toilet scrubbing duty off onto?

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18 hours ago, allonsyalice said:


DerJill got the McMansion, a huge starter home which i guess Jim Boob had to rent? (but they had to clean it a lot so no one was renting)

The pool house is a new place, which they probably got for filming J&JCO. (like talking heads and stuff.)

Actually, Jerick lived in the Pool House when they came back from Danger America for a couple of months last summer. They were living there when Famy got married, then pretty much went to DA after the wedding with Joy and Carlin Bates in tow. 

They film the talking head segments for JJCO there. Jeremy gave his masturbation sermon there before Smuggar got out of Jesus Jail, and Anna was still at the Big House. 

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I wonder if Smugger will be on extra super lock down now that the Duggar/JJCO train is finally back on track w/ a courtship & new season? 

Come on InTouch, if ya got anything, now is the time...

Edited by lulu69
brain fart
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With so much going on in politics these days, it must absolutely kill Smuggar that no one cares about his opinions on the presidential election, nor is he paid anymore to comment on it. You know he's got some definite opinions on things. And now thanks to him, no one cares about his or his family's political endorsements, which once held some (admittedly limited) weight. You know he got a bloated head from standing behind political candidates as they gave televised speeches.

He really made his own bed. He seemed to love bloviating about politics and society, and now no self-respecting political operative will touch him OR the innocent members of his family. It's really true that we can be our own worst enemies.

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5 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:


They film the talking head segments for JJCO there. Jeremy gave his masturbation sermon there before Smuggar got out of Jesus Jail, and Anna was still at the Big House. 

Jeremy has been around that long? Wow.

Is the pool house the one they used to visit to "swim at the neighbors"?

I really felt bad for Anna in the girls' dorm. At least she's out of there. Wonder if the the J-slaves worked for her. 

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33 minutes ago, NewDigs said:

Jeremy has been around that long? Wow.

Is the pool house the one they used to visit to "swim at the neighbors"?

I really felt bad for Anna in the girls' dorm. At least she's out of there. Wonder if the the J-slaves worked for her. 

The sermon dates back to February, IIRC. Maybe March. And yes, that's the house that they used to go swimming at. Venessa the former midwife lived there for a while; Boob moved her close towards the end of Jill's training. 

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“We certainly feel that the Ashley Madison brand can be repositioned” - The CEO of Ashley Madison (the website that helps people cheat) on the company’s post-hack makeover. Because new positions keep that unfaithful spark alive.

Potential new spokesperson job for our beloved Joshley?

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28 minutes ago, Marigny said:

Potential new spokesperson job for our beloved Joshley?

So you're thinking the repositioning would go like this?   Ashley Madison: "The place where the faithful go to be unfaithful" ?

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He just always looks like he's made out of douche colored playdough, like an overgrown balding infant. Anna was insane even before the Joshgates.

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3 hours ago, Aja said:

He just always looks like he's made out of douche colored playdough, like an overgrown balding infant. Anna was insane even before the Joshgates.

Douche colored PlayDoh! Aja, you win the Internet today...that was awesome. 

8 hours ago, Marigny said:

Potential new spokesperson job for our beloved Joshley?

Nope..not even Ashley Madison wants to be associated with Josh, given his past vile behavior.

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29 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

He's very tan. Must be that labor/punishment/therapy doing landscaping for JB. 

I think it's the lighting. Looks kind of dark on that side. 

And what's up with Sierra's mullet dress? Those are so 2005. 

24 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Actually, he looks better with the facial hair and sunglasses. 

I think he's still trying to go incognito. 

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It is dress like a cow and get a free meal day.  I was driving to a meeting with someone today and noticed a bunch of people dressed up like cows.... It was explained to me that if you come dressed that way, you get a free meal. 

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2 hours ago, louannems said:

The Duggars sure go to great extremes for free chicken nuggets!  I would never have had the time to dress up the kids in polkadots and get free junk food!

Priorities!  :)

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8 hours ago, louannems said:

The Duggars sure go to great extremes for free chicken nuggets!  I would never have had the time to dress up the kids in polkadots and get free junk food!

Well, I expect they have two reasons for doing this, don't you think? There's the free junk food aspect, but there's also the "support fellow anti-LGBQT activists" part,

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Douche colored playdough!

Oh my!  You win the internets. That's about the funniest (and true-est) thing I've ever heard.  Now he's sporting that facial hair that doughy guys always grow to make them look like they have a semblance of a chin.

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13 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Am I the only one uncomfortable by Josh being surrounded by so many children?

Nope. Even rawstory pointed out he's a molester that's surrounded by children.

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45 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

Am I the only one uncomfortable by Josh being surrounded by so many children?

No!  When I saw that picture yesterday I had a physical reaction. What is wrong with Anna?!  And the whole Duggar family and community!  Why aren't they protecting their children? (I know, I know)

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I had no idea about the free food deal but as soon  as I saw the Duggars dressed like cows I knew ChikFil had to be giving SOMETHING away.  The Duggars have no shame if it's free.

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They do this every year. My Wi-Fi is out right now, but I found Smuganna's gagworthy one milkshake, two straws pic from their Traditional Marriage Appreciation Day. That apparently didn't go over so well, since I don't recall them doing it again.


Edited by Sew Sumi
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8 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, I expect they have two reasons for doing this, don't you think? There's the free junk food aspect, but there's also the "support fellow anti-LGBQT activists" part,

True...Ugh. And it keeps them in the media.

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

They do this every year. My Wi-Fi is out right now, but I found Smuganna's gagworthy one milkshake, two straws pic from their Traditional Marriage Appreciation Day. That apparently didn't go over so well, since I don't recall them doing it again.


But doesn't their rhetoric usually say one man + one woman?

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Read again: 

Though the fallout of several scandals surrounding Josh Duggar last year have been covered on his family's TLC show, Counting On, the oldest Duggar will not be appearing on the show next season. 

A network source tells PEOPLE exclusively that this is "absolutely untrue."

This sounds like he is ABSOLUTELY going to be back. And if so, you reap what you sow, Nancy Daniels. 

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He had to know that with a wife as gullible and dare I say, stupid, as Anna, I'm not surprised he got away with this for so long. She wasn't trained up to actually OBSERVE her husband, except to notice when he needed more chickenetti, just obey him. 

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11 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

He had to know that with a wife as gullible and dare I say, stupid, as Anna, I'm not surprised he got away with this for so long. She wasn't trained up to actually OBSERVE her husband, except to notice when he needed more chickenetti, just obey him. 

And it's not like it was Anna who caught him. Josh would still be happily be involved in his extracurricular activities if Ashley Madison hadn't been hacked.

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