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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Anna doesn't give any indication of wanting to leave. She has said she wants to fix her family. I absolutely think josh would walk away in a heartbeat if he could have a 'do-over'.

Anna is t the first and won't be the last woman who just can't accept that her husband is an ass, and that getting pregnant asap won't fix everything.

Josh isn't the first man who resents his life, lies through his teeth, treads on people who love and respect him, with no remorse from him. He's miserable, but too weak and too prideful to admit he is h happy and destroy his own image. He's too selfish to admit he would rather be doing anything but Family Man activities, but will live a double life until forced into the open.

I wish Anna realized that she has options. The options will be very emotionally and financially difficult, and not the life she planned, but she things will never go back to the fairy tale she wants and will only get worse is she stays. Change is hard. Realizing a person you loved betrayed you is harder. Accepting that it isn't your fault and you are not trapped in misery is amazing.

  • Love 6

I don't have good things to say about Anna if she is PG and pleased.  Sure it may be hard not being somebody else's whipping girl, not letting everybody walk all over you, having the people you love the most say and do things that hurt you….no wait, I've been in similar circumstances.  I got tired of being a doormat.  It was killing me inside.  I still have to deal with a few of these people and can expect zero support from them.  They have demonstrated that.  Often off the cuff when you are least expecting it.  They won't say anything nice no matter what, but only get downright vicious sporadically.  And they still want control.  How nice it must be to have people love and accept you.  Relatives I mean.  But you don't have what you don't have.  To continue to seek it, would further destroy me.  And it is destroying the Duggar women.

  • Love 4

Wow.  Just wow.  Conjugal visit ==> horny husband ==> not very bright wife ===> http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/anna-duggar-josh-duggar-pregnant-reportedly-expecting-fifth-child/

The tabloids have been saying so for weeks, but then they think everyone is pregnant. Anna, after four kids, probably looks a little pregnant all the time (not judging her, just saying). 

I thought Anna was younger than Josh. They were born the same year, but he's born in March and she's born in June so she IS younger and they are both 27 until March. That's what I thought and Wikipedia confirmed it. That the writers of said article aren't bright enough to do 15 secs worth of research (to figure out her real age) should say something about the authenticity of the article.  

Time will tell, but I doubt she's pregnant.

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 2

It's always wise to be cautious.

"According to Monday's report, the SURI-II is one of 73 celebrity-surveying satellites currently deployed by the U.S. and assigned a variety of tasks including analyzing the rising levels of hostility between new mother Britney Spears and husband Kevin Federline, calculating the long-term effects of Julia Roberts' decision to bottle-feed her twins, and tracking the ever-changing whereabouts of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

"In the 15 years since the first crude orbital crafts were launched to monitor Demi Moore's second pregnancy, fame-monitoring satellites have proven invaluable in our pursuit to better understand the star-studded world around us,"

"Outfitted with sensitive spectrometers that measure pregnant Academy Award–winners' mean glow-radiance (MGR) and equipped with advanced imaging and optoelectronic devices capable of detecting possible "baby bumps" from 13,000 miles above the earth's surface, satellites like the InTouch IV have allowed researchers to literally observe a distant star's baby being born."

"Yet not all satellite-based celebrity-fact-gathering technology has been foolproof. In early 2004, the launch of a satellite intended to provide precise measurements of Kate Hudson's expelled placenta proved disastrous when its equipment inexplicably began tracking Andy Dick's erratic workout routine instead. A more recent satellite malfunction in January likewise produced erroneous data that pop superstar Madonna was pregnant with 238.4 children."

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 7

Anna stated that she wants her marriage "to be restored"....restored to WHAT? It's sad that she doesn't realize that she never had the marriage she thought she had. She lived a fantasy-minded life; maybe she suspected something, maybe she didn't. The fact remains that her husband "Joshua" never really wanted to be tied down with a wife and babies asap at this time in his life. His parents really and truly screwed him with their stringent rules, etc. I'm not saying that what he did with his sisters and the other female was excusable, but it's telling to me that he never received the proper treatment that he needed. He also, IMO, must have felt completely uncomfortable to really EVER TALK to his parents about him not wanting such an extreme religious lifestyle for himself. There is no sin in that. There are plenty of good, more moderate religious people out there, but not to this family. They simply DO NOT accept any of their children for the individuals that they are. It's a cookie cutter family life for them...one size fits all.It's quite telling to me also, that Josh felt more comfortable sneaking around with this stuff than coming clean to his parents in the first place.

Anna, on the other hand, barely 20 years old, was more like an 11 year old that was asked to the 6th grade dance when Josh asked to court her. She was seemingly a really sheltered young girl, lived her life with blinders on and there was only ONE STREET in her world...and it led to the Gothard compound. She blindly and innocently trusted all the "grown ups" around her, her parents and the Duggars that this was the right thing for her to do; compound that with her raging hormones and that god-awful "hand sex" with Josh; she was panting 90% of the time they were filmed together preparing for their wedding. It's a terrible thing to do to a young woman in any belief system like that. In these years, I do believe that Anna has grown SOME, not not matured much in the process. She was almost a mother immediately, stayed home a lot, had more children and socialized mostly with the unmarried Duggar sisters at that time. Not much opportunity for grown and maturity there, either. Anna has grown older, but not "up". What she needs, is a really good friend and a good "mother role model" to advise her about how to proceed in the future; Whether she stays in her marriage or not with Joshy, is her decision, but wise advice from an experienced grown up WOMAN would be invaluable to her as to HOW TO PROCEED WITH HIM; finances, bedroom and all. She should be running the show and should know, manage and handle everything. Josh has earned his demotion. This, fellow posters, please understand is just my opinion. I welcome yours and always enjoy reading what you all have to say here. Many of your idea,, suggestions and observations are wise. Thanks for reading mine.

I hope this plants a seed in the mind of Duggar girls. That depending on your husband as a sole means of financial and emotional support with no education is nothing short of a disaster. I hope they look at Anna and it sparks something in their brainwashed minds to be independent and get an education.

I know, I know...I can dream.

  • Love 9

Anna stated that she wants her marriage "to be restored"....restored to WHAT? It's sad that she doesn't realize that she never had the marriage she thought she had. She lived a fantasy-minded life; maybe she suspected something, maybe she didn't. The fact remains that her husband "Joshua" never really wanted to be tied down with a wife and babies asap at this time in his life. His parents really and truly screwed him with their stringent rules, etc. I'm not saying that what he did with his sisters and the other female was excusable, but it's telling to me that he never received the proper treatment that he needed. He also, IMO, must have felt completely uncomfortable to really EVER TALK to his parents about him not wanting such an extreme religious lifestyle for himself. There is no sin in that. There are plenty of good, more moderate religious people out there, but not to this family. They simply DO NOT accept any of their children for the individuals that they are. It's a cookie cutter family life for them...one size fits all.It's quite telling to me also, that Josh felt more comfortable sneaking around with this stuff than coming clean to his parents in the first place.

Anna, on the other hand, barely 20 years old, was more like an 11 year old that was asked to the 6th grade dance when Josh asked to court her. She was seemingly a really sheltered young girl, lived her life with blinders on and there was only ONE STREET in her world...and it led to the Gothard compound. She blindly and innocently trusted all the "grown ups" around her, her parents and the Duggars that this was the right thing for her to do; compound that with her raging hormones and that god-awful "hand sex" with Josh; she was panting 90% of the time they were filmed together preparing for their wedding. It's a terrible thing to do to a young woman in any belief system like that. In these years, I do believe that Anna has grown SOME, not not matured much in the process. She was almost a mother immediately, stayed home a lot, had more children and socialized mostly with the unmarried Duggar sisters at that time. Not much opportunity for grown and maturity there, either. Anna has grown older, but not "up". What she needs, is a really good friend and a good "mother role model" to advise her about how to proceed in the future; Whether she stays in her marriage or not with Joshy, is her decision, but wise advice from an experienced grown up WOMAN would be invaluable to her as to HOW TO PROCEED WITH HIM; finances, bedroom and all. She should be running the show and should know, manage and handle everything. Josh has earned his demotion. This, fellow posters, please understand is just my opinion. I welcome yours and always enjoy reading what you all have to say here. Many of your idea,, suggestions and observations are wise. Thanks for reading mine.


I agree with 95% of what you said. The one thing I see differently, is that when Josh and Anna were courting and first married, I think he absolutely did want to be tied down with a wife and babies. Maybe tied down isn't the word, and maybe, like a whole lot of men who marry very young and who are from conservative backgrounds, he was thinking marriage is 24/7 sex and nothing else matters. Even despite wise counsel and whatever, he's thinking 'yeah, yeah, get me through this so we can do it". 


I think he even wanted the first baby, maybe even first two, but the reality and the responsibility hit really quickly, and he became overwhelmed and just over it. Now why he couldn't tell Anna to slow her roll with the perpetual pregnancies, I don't know. Other Gothardy people have spaced their kids out more, but Anna was scarily obsessed with being pregnant and having an infant, even when she'd just given birth.


As for the porn and hookers, getting busted was what he deserved. He spouts very hateful, judgmental words - and got paid very well to do so - about people who don't have proper, wholesome, family values, while he was living a complete lie. I won't even factor in the molestations, or anything sketchy before his marriage to Anna. But AFTER he said vows to promise to cherish, honor, protect, etc., her, he lied. He cheated. He committed adultery. He put her health at risk.


I think he DID want the perks of the religion - being the Duggar Prince and believing he's a Special Holy Snowflake, but he wanted to have his cake and eat it, too. As long as he doesn't get caught, no biggie, right?


Now as for Anna, I feel sorry for her. She followed all the rules, sincerely believed God was blessing her with this wonderful godly leader, etc., then learned, four kids deep, that it was all a complete lie. Anna was tricked. She was not given full disclosure as to Josh's character. Now she did run as fast as she could to the altar and opened the baby factory as fast and furious as she could. I think she deep down knows the hard truth that her life is not what she signed up for and won't get back on track (like millions of people realize all the time), but she still retains some sort of hope that it will. I just hope she doesn't bring another child into this world with Josh before she figures it all out, whether she decides she does want to stay with him or move on.

  • Love 9

The women in the Duggar gaggle, and we are primarily talking about Anna in this thread, don't need a ton of gal pals to plot an escape like the underground railroad.  They really don't.  They need to got over themselves and get on with life like the rest of do.  Have I left and moved a thousand miles away for a job without knowing anybody there at all?  Yes I did.  Happy to do it and happy to get to see new faces and places.  These women need to expand a little more and it would not be difficult.  Everybody has something to get over.  So time for them to get to getting over it and on with it.

I did, too--well, it was 800 miles, and my father plus a couple of childhood friends lived there. I had no job, no car, and no cash. I had a couple of credit cards to survive on until I could find work. I had been out of the job market for many years and my most marketable skill was reasonable intelligence and a simmering desperation.

BUT. It took me many, many years in a very bad marriage to finally take that leap, because I was a fundie. There are not words adequate to truly explain how deeply hampering that psychology is. In my experience, those teachings are so limiting, so psychologically impairing, that they create a barrier to change and personal agency that is as close to being physically restrained as one can be without an actual physical cage.

I didn't manage to get free until I was 38, and I wasn't even raised in that mess. The beliefs were strong though. I mean, you actually thinkthat breaking away is displeasing to Almighty God! Yeah...that can be just a tad intimidating.

Anna was freaking raised in that toxic mindset from INFANCY. We can look in from our personal vantage points and decide there are no victims, only volunteers, but I don't have it in to say that Anna just needs to buck up and change. She DOES... but the fact that she's not doing it now doesn't mean she's just lazy or content to suck off the Duggar tit.

  • Love 18

There are no words to express my disgust at the continuing anti-abortion activism.  Supreme Court of U.S. says it's ok, it's ok.  And they have their own exceptions, as except when Michelle could die.  Sure the baby lived in that case but a couple of weeks earlier and it wouldn't.  So stick it you people.  

  • Love 19

Anna stated that she wants her marriage "to be restored"....restored to WHAT? It's sad that she doesn't realize that she never had the marriage she thought she had. She lived a fantasy-minded life; maybe she suspected something, maybe she didn't. The fact remains that her husband "Joshua" never really wanted to be tied down with a wife and babies asap at this time in his life. His parents really and truly screwed him with their stringent rules, etc. I'm not saying that what he did with his sisters and the other female was excusable, but it's telling to me that he never received the proper treatment that he needed. He also, IMO, must have felt completely uncomfortable to really EVER TALK to his parents about him not wanting such an extreme religious lifestyle for himself. There is no sin in that. There are plenty of good, more moderate religious people out there, but not to this family. They simply DO NOT accept any of their children for the individuals that they are. It's a cookie cutter family life for them...one size fits all.It's quite telling to me also, that Josh felt more comfortable sneaking around with this stuff than coming clean to his parents in the first place.

Anna, on the other hand, barely 20 years old, was more like an 11 year old that was asked to the 6th grade dance when Josh asked to court her. She was seemingly a really sheltered young girl, lived her life with blinders on and there was only ONE STREET in her world...and it led to the Gothard compound. She blindly and innocently trusted all the "grown ups" around her, her parents and the Duggars that this was the right thing for her to do; compound that with her raging hormones and that god-awful "hand sex" with Josh; she was panting 90% of the time they were filmed together preparing for their wedding. It's a terrible thing to do to a young woman in any belief system like that. In these years, I do believe that Anna has grown SOME, not not matured much in the process. She was almost a mother immediately, stayed home a lot, had more children and socialized mostly with the unmarried Duggar sisters at that time. Not much opportunity for grown and maturity there, either. Anna has grown older, but not "up". What she needs, is a really good friend and a good "mother role model" to advise her about how to proceed in the future; Whether she stays in her marriage or not with Joshy, is her decision, but wise advice from an experienced grown up WOMAN would be invaluable to her as to HOW TO PROCEED WITH HIM; finances, bedroom and all. She should be running the show and should know, manage and handle everything. Josh has earned his demotion. This, fellow posters, please understand is just my opinion. I welcome yours and always enjoy reading what you all have to say here. Many of your idea,, suggestions and observations are wise. Thanks for reading mine.

Josh and Bin will keep getting older and more resentful towards their parents for forcing them to get married way to young. They will both end up in  a bar in some hick town drinking away their sorrows complaining about how they got screwed over someday.

  • Love 2

Is that Anna next to Sierra? God she looks thin


All that photo does is make the case FOR abortion.  Look at all those disgusting, sexist, child-abusing, self-righteous, uneducated, jobless leeches.  More abortions for fundies!  

  • Love 12

That is a horrifying thought, but very possible.


I don't think that Anna is pregnant. She isn't as hyper-fertile as J'chelle, she is nursing a new baby, and she is under enormous stress which tends to reduce fertility.


It wouldn't surprise me at all if she wanted to be pregnant. It's probably the only way she can envision "restoring" her marriage. I doubt she has any other tools in her toolbox or ideas in her head.


Her life -- such as it is -- really isn't that different from millions of other women all over the world, including many in the US. Until a generation or two ago, divorce was rare and shameful in the US, and people stayed in terrible relationships for life. And, from her perspective, I doubt she thinks her relationship is all bad. One sister is married to that truly unpleasant piece of work, David Waller, and another is living in squalor in Africa with her husband who does not appear to be entirely sane, and who certainly cares very little for her safety or comfort.

  • Love 7

I know this article does NOT belong here but I'm going to leave it here because it outlines how women are treated, threatened and abused when a man is in "charge of them." I can see Anna being abused by Boob into staying. Sadly she has no one to look up to to help her out. Even Beall Phillips decided to stay with the scum that is her husband.



  • Love 2

I know this article does NOT belong here but I'm going to leave it here because it outlines how women are treated, threatened and abused when a man is in "charge of them." I can see Anna being abused by Boob into staying. Sadly she has no one to look up to to help her out. Even Beall Phillips decided to stay with the scum that is her husband.



Woah, woah, woah, woooooaaaaah.  Hold on a minute here.  Am I getting this right?  Is this entire "religious movement" really just all about access to women's vaginas?  

  • Love 1

Didn't see this one posted - but interesting to say the least.  Danica's sister has a different story to tell.



Interesting, but I doubt she twitter stalked him, or knew his location.

  • Love 2

I wonder if Anna's relative fame/infamy is what also keeps her from leaving. If you think about it, she can't easily blend into the woodwork; if she leaves and applies for WIC, or tries to get a job, or does anything, the tabloids will be all over her. She could probably quietly leave once the family is out of the limelight, but that's sadly not anytime soon. And she doesn't have the resources to disappear for six months and start over somewhere new. 

  • Love 2

Micks Picks I hope you can find relief from your back pain as quickly as possible. My problem with debilitating back pain came from disc degeneration and my back would "go out" and I would end up on the couch with a heating pad /tylenol/icy hot for weeks. Then I found a therapy called prolotherapy and I haven't been in pain since I tried it 5-6 years ago. I dont know if this can help you or not, but it worked miracles for me. Good luck! I know trying to live with back pain is miserable.

  • Love 1

Are Ma and Pa Duggar keeping track of Anna's cycles? It does look like they had JD fly her to Josh the second she was thought fertile.




Just sayin.

Woah, woah, woah, woooooaaaaah.  Hold on a minute here.  Am I getting this right?  Is this entire "religious movement" really just all about access to women's vaginas?  


Well, not entirely. It's also about putting a whopping proportion of humanity -- all women and all of your offspring -- under the complete power of a bunch of insecure but nevertheless arrogant, power-mad men, for both sexual and other purposes.


Truly. That's all it's about.

  • Love 10



Just sayin.


Well, not entirely. It's also about putting a whopping proportion of humanity -- all women and all of your offspring -- under the complete power of a bunch of insecure but nevertheless arrogant, power-mad men, for both sexual and other purposes.


Truly. That's all it's about.

Yup.  At least when it come to Josh, Jim Bob, and Gil Bates, I see this movement as a way for men who would otherwise be working class men with just a high school diploma having a way to feel empowerment and like they are in charge.  Notice how no educated white collar types with good salaries and relatively high-powered jobs are attracted to this lifestyle?  No, it is the men who are about one step above white trash who go for it.  It makes them feel smart and in control when in reality they are of only average intelligence and are only qualified to do work that pays less than 50k a year.  

  • Love 6

Yup.  At least when it come to Josh, Jim Bob, and Gil Bates, I see this movement as a way for men who would otherwise be working class men with just a high school diploma having a way to feel empowerment and like they are in charge.  Notice how no educated white collar types with good salaries and relatively high-powered jobs are attracted to this lifestyle?  No, it is the men who are about one step above white trash who go for it.  It makes them feel smart and in control when in reality they are of only average intelligence and are only qualified to do work that pays less than 50k a year.  

Gil Bates had a well paying job, and there are a few in the movement who are doctors, etc. Anyone can feel insecure and power mad.

  • Love 7

Woah, woah, woah, woooooaaaaah.  Hold on a minute here.  Am I getting this right?  Is this entire "religious movement" really just all about access to women's vaginas?  


Well, not entirely. It's also about putting a whopping proportion of humanity -- all women and all of your offspring -- under the complete power of a bunch of insecure but nevertheless arrogant, power-mad men, for both sexual and other purposes.


Truly. That's all it's about.

How typical that a couple of liberal heathens would COMPLETELY overlook and ignore the most sacred tenet of religious fundamentalism--to make money.

  • Love 6

Are Ma and Pa Duggar keeping track of Anna's cycles? It does look like they had JD fly her to Josh the second she was thought fertile.


Fortunately for Anna, this seems to be a situation where Reformers Unanimous, rather than Jim Boob and Mechelle, is in charge of the visitation dates, and they seem to be pretty firm in their restrictions.  I think the schedule is first visit at 45 days and then subsequent visits in 45 day intervals, but only if the client/patient/inmate is in good standing and playing by the rules.  Now if her cycles coincide...oh well.

  • Love 1

Anna just deal with it and move on, you didn't lose anything but an illusion. The illusion isn't going to change.  It will remain an illusion today, tomorrow, next month and next year.  You deal with losing it now or you deal with losing it later, either way Josh never was the person you thought he was and never will be. You'll have to deal with that fact someday if not today.  

  • Love 15

Danica Dillon has an interview in Hustler magazine about sex with Josh:     



Well, she's certainly got herself quite the little career builder here. Can't say I begrudge her that at all, but at the same time it increases my skepticism about her full credibility.

  • Love 6

Danica Dillon has an interview in Hustler magazine about sex with Josh:


Has she given up the lawsuit? That interview was probably not a good idea, Ms Dillon saying she knew she was traumatized by Josh because she felt the same way all the other times she was traumatized doesn't help her pin her injuries on Josh.
  • Love 8

Interesting, but I doubt she twitter stalked him, or knew his location.

He used to Instagram his FRC Action business travel to some extent. FRC Action promoted his appearances, it may not have been hard to figure out if Josh was out of town on rabble rousing business, and where he was. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

I think the lawsuit will be dismissed if Dillion keeps on talking. Her sister's comments aren't helping her cause either. Leave it to Josh to find a hooker that is a hungry famewhoerewannabe. Better to shut up and let the lawyers do all the talking if she is looking for a payday.


It always seemed to me that she was a lot less likely to be looking for a payday than to be looking for increased fame in her niche -- which in turn would lead to a much longer-running series of paychecks.


From the very beginning, she's readily supplied media outlets with sexy pics of herself -- and the photos are marketing... the Josh story is just the hook that opened the media door so they would publish those marketing pictures of her. I thought it was remarkable immediately how many erotic-entertainer-portfolio pics she was handing over to numerous outlets and seeing run. And now she's gone straight to Hustler with the tale -- and, again, Hustler is a perfect marketing vehicle for somebody in erotic entertainment.


I don't know whether her sister's onto something about DD actually targeting Josh for all this enterprise, but I'm sure that, once it began, she had her eyes fixed on its potential for advertising her services. Wouldn't surprise me at all if she brought the lawsuit mainly as a way to prolong public interest so that she could get more of her photos out there in the right media. She'll get jobs from this. I think that's what she wants, especially since she's getting a bit long in the tooth for her career. This exposure plus the interest generated by her controversy will definitely get her some gigs that she might otherwise have lost to somebody newer and fresher, I expect.

  • Love 6

Ms Dillon travelled to South Africa in September 2015 to promote porn at Sexpo.

I feel sorry for Ms Dillon, her interview with Hustler made it clear she's had a hard life. I hope the Duggars leave her alone if her lawsuit fails, she's a rode hard 28 year old anal porn veteran, she's got nothing, but she couldn't damage Josh's reputation, that was also worth nothing.

  • Love 3


He used to Instagram his FRC Action business travel to some extent. FRC Action promoted his appearances, it may not have been hard to figure out if Josh was out of town on rabble rousing business, and where he was.

I think you're still reaching. She twitter stalked him to The Gold Club, and worked a shift there so they'd meet?


This part of her interview struck me as real:




I have no problem with Josh being exploited by a gold digging whore. It's so symmetrical.

  • Love 10
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