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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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This article leads me to believe that Boob knew what was up before it was reported or the news got out about Josh.

It was revealed that the Police had been keeping the Duggars informed that the report was being FOIA'd to the public. The they had anywhere from a few days to a few weeks of notice before it came out. Take a look at the last episode of 19kac. They knew.



Looking forward to seeing Michelle's thoughts on how Anna was supposed to provide that.


Anyone can iron his shirt or make him a sandwich, but only you and your drunk college roommate can fill that special need.

  • Love 21

Here's something I don't understand. Josh watches porn and sees a "porn star" he wants to meet. How does he do this? How does he learn that she also dances, and where? Maybe it happened in reverse order; i have seen ads for strip clubs that say so-and-so, star of such-and-such will be appearing. I am just curious. Seems like he might have spent lots of time viewing and researching and contacting his dream girls.

Many porn stars are on Twitter and easy to find. The women post links to their Amazon wish lists and fans purchase gifts for them (gee, sounds just like Jill and Jessa's registries). Buy enough gifts, you'll start to direct message with the porn star. From there you can arrange for cam sessions or meetings.
  • Love 3

Here's something I don't understand. Josh watches porn and sees a "porn star" he wants to meet. How does he do this? How does he learn that she also dances, and where? Maybe it happened in reverse order; i have seen ads for strip clubs that say so-and-so, star of such-and-such will be appearing. I am just curious. Seems like he might have spent lots of time viewing and researching and contacting his dream girls.


She used to have a website, now offline, where she sold private viewing over Skype.  She probably announced her appearances there.  Josh spent a small fortune on porn over the years, I'm sure.


In the case of Danica Dillon, he did "buy used"  but I don't think he saved any difference.  LOL!

  • Love 4

They transferred it to a trust. The attorney is just the agent of the trust, not the owner of the trust. The trust was registered the exact same day the deed was transferred to it. Jim Bob and Michelle hold their home in a trust, too. The owners of a trust are not made public (it depends upon what kind of a trust it is), so there is no way of knowing who exactly the beneficiaries are. But, it's probably owned by Josh and Anna.

Ma and Pa Duggar ain't gonna like this: Josh Boy's favorite prostitute/porn star is a lesbian and most of her movies that Josh watched were lesbian or bisexual sex scenes!


As far I can tell, ALB Investments LLC is a Limited Liability Company, not a trust.

I took a look at at that deed, and this isn't a "real sale" of property. The consideration is $10. This is an ownership transfer...I bet someone still named Duggar owns this property. Unless Anna is part of this corporation, why in the world did she sign this document? Someone please get that girl a lawyer.

That's just legal terminology. Practically all of the warranty deeds in Arkansas have either $1, $10 or $100 "and other good and valuable". The stamp tax reflects the actual consideration paid. "The tax rate is $3.30 per $1,000 of actual consideration on transactions that exceed $100." The Smuggars sold their house for an estimated approx $65,000.

Many porn stars are on Twitter and easy to find. The women post links to their Amazon wish lists and fans purchase gifts for them (gee, sounds just like Jill and Jessa's registries). Buy enough gifts, you'll start to direct message with the porn star. From there you can arrange for cam sessions or meetings.

Wow. For some reason I find this kind of head-spinning. More power to them, I guess. If they can get $$$ this way, maybe they can segue out of sex work if they want to.

Thanks for the info!

She used to have a website, now offline, where she sold private viewing over Skype. She probably announced her appearances there. Josh spent a small fortune on porn over the years, I'm sure.

In the case of Danica Dillon, he did "buy used" but I don't think he saved any difference. LOL!

Not sure why I forgot all about social media and websites . . . Especially since I seem to be online constantly myself.

Love "buying used." Snorting!

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 2

It was revealed that the Police had been keeping the Duggars informed that the report was being FOIA'd to the public. The they had anywhere from a few days to a few weeks of notice before it came out. Take a look at the last episode of 19kac. They knew.



Anyone can iron his shirt or make him a sandwich, but only you and your drunk college roommate can fill that special need.


Absolutely right. That last episode of 19 Kids was positively bizarre, even for them. Odd reactions, odd comments, odd glances exchanged - the Bizarro Duggar Universe. They absolutely knew something was up.

  • Love 3

I don't believe there has been a public sighting of Anna since the wedding.  She has also been absent from all of the many, many photos posted online by the Duggars.  However, there have been multiple online posts by the family of pictures of Anna's kids in Arkansas over the past few weeks, including the baby.  Knowing what a hands-on parent Anna seems to be, it seems unlikely she'd bug out to Florida and leave all her kids, including a newborn, in Arkansas with her in-laws.  But, if Anna is in Florida, it seems that she went there without her kids.  But all of this is speculation, there's been no proof that Anna even went to Florida at all, and we know her kids didn't.  It's possible she and the kids went there for a day or two, but the kids, at least, couldn't possibly have been there for any prolonged period.  Anna needs to tell her in-laws to stop posting photos of her kids online, because it's really nobody's business and they don't deserve all the gossip.

Anna was gone for a few weeks with the baby.  The older kids stayed with Grandpa and Grandma Duggar, and they were in family photos several times - like when they all dressed up as pirates.


There's a lot of the time frame here: http://www.inquisitr.com/2486538/is-anna-duggar-back-with-duggar-family-to-visit-josh-in-illinois/


( I suspect the source in the article linked to there is cousin Amy.  There is some mysterious source that always has accurate info on the Duggars and I suspect it is Amy, because I don't think anyone else would talk to the media about them.)


The first picture confirming Anna was back in town was yesterday when Ben is posing holding baby Meredith.  No pictures of Anna yet, which just may mean that she is smarter than she appears to be sometimes.

Do they allow conjugal visits at RU? On second thought, gross, I don't even want to know...

Yes, but married couples must remain at the facility.  They can see each other one time, after 45 days, from Friday night until after Bible study Sunday night, and the inmate (that's how I look at it) has to show up at all of the normal functions he is required to.  If a close relative comes for visitation other than a spouse, he can actually leave the facility.  It's a whole lot of complicated rules.  You can read them all by using the scroll box on this page:



But, no visitation if he's been a bad boy and broken the rules.


Remember, this place has no counselors, no doctors, no one who can really treat an addiction problem.  They just work all day and have Bible study the rest of the time.  The cost of the 'treatment' is over $7,000.

Well we can watch the RU stream tonight and see if we see her. 

Take a screen shot if you see them.

  • Love 2

Mollie, thanks for the info! I was joking when I made that remark, I didn't realize they actually did that sort of thing outside prison, lol.

RU is one awfully expensive Bible camp.

I was thinking that about $2,400 a month for room and board with dubious entertainment $7,000 was pretty cheap for the three months.

ETA: I just read he's somewhere for 6 months. If the program is $7,000 for that long its a real deal. No one really knows where Joshie is anyway. But since I've not read the EU particulars I'll just shut up.

Edited by Almost 3000
  • Love 3

I was thinking that about $2,400 a month for room and board with dubious entertainment $7,000 was pretty cheap for the three months.

Well, remember that the people have to actually work 40 hours a week as slave laborers and they don't get paid for that!  That whole set up just makes money for the big church that owns it!


I think that even prisoners get paid if they work while in prison.

Edited by Mollie
  • Love 2

Mollie, thanks for the info! I was joking when I made that remark, I didn't realize they actually did that sort of thing outside prison, lol.

RU is one awfully expensive Bible camp.pretend that you are cured for redemption so your family can get their teevee show back.

Pretending that you are cured is priceless when your family is counting on your redemption from being a horrible, terrible sinner so they can get their teevee show back.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 5

Did anyone watch the RU feed last night?  I didn't.  Pretty much I've met my RU max.  Friday nights with RU trying to spot Josh or being present for the eventual testimony he shares is the most churching I've had in my entire adult life.  I'm tapped out.  These people are terrible and they do those desperate for addiction treatment a real disservice.


RU makes me feel compassion for Josh.

  • Love 6

CofCinci,  I started watching, then my contractors came over.  I ended up going out for dinner with them and having way too many drinks.  In a roundabout way, I think RU is turning me to alcohol.  


There was a prayer request from someone named Josh.  Josh is praying to keep him and to prove his character and that he'd walk with the Spirit.  Of course, we don't know if that is our Josh.  Although as prayers go, that sounds more sincere than someone praying for a new van.  

  • Love 1

Many porn stars are on Twitter and easy to find.  Buy enough gifts, you'll start to direct message with the porn star. From there you can arrange for cam sessions or meetings.

almost sounds like a religious process.

Did anyone watch the RU feed last night?  I didn't.  Pretty much I've met my RU max.  Friday nights with RU trying to spot Josh or being present for the eventual testimony he shares is the most churching I've had in my entire adult life.  I'm tapped out.

They need to spice it up and bring back the bondage role play.

You know, that picture of Jim Bob's grinning maw reminds me of the "Black Hole Sun" music video.

Or the impossibly wide grins on the netherworld family in the first Insidious. (couldn't find a good animated gif of it to post)

  • Love 3

CofCinci you know entirely too much about porn stars on twitter.  You do need to return to Friday prayers!

I missed last night.  What time do they start pacific time?  I got in midway or more the other nights.  That was enough.  I caught the bondage and couldn't believe my eyes.  I don't think I've done anything bad enough to have to endure that in person.

  • Love 5

I watched Friday night. The "best" part was that Cisco read our chat comments and talked to us! Hoping he does that again. Oh, and the special music was especially painful. Ryan came on chat to say hi, too. There's a lady on chat, Monique, who is there for real. She's a bit annoying. But fun to mess with.

  • Love 4

Your an evil enabler! We all know that once that poor man gets out of Bible prison he will be at the first all you can eat place stat. 

Hope he stays through the holidays.

I feel sorry for Cisco. How much does lap band/stomach staple surgery cost in America compared to the cost of this weird fat camp/prison?

Maybe he needs a Go Fund ,,, never mind,

  • Love 15

I was thinking if he could afford to pay for 6 months of RU BS he probably had the resources for bariatric surgery.

I tend to doubt that the costs are similar. Wasn't Jesus camp supposed to be around $7000? I am going to guess that surgery would be several times that, at least in the US. Also, I don't think surgeons here will perform the surgery unless the patient has undergone counseling. And I don't think they recognize Jesus's licensure.

Oh wow, that would have been so cool to have them responding.  I've got nothing against Cisco.  I wish him well, just think he and group are punishing themselves too much listening to that droning preaching, dreadful music and singing, and punishing work no pay, plus have to pay for this nonsense.  

  • Love 1

I only managed the first RU Friday (Bondage Night) due to my life exploding, but the overwhelming feeling I got (not just from myself, but from all the other posters) was fierce protectiveness. I wasn't exactly surprised because we're all nice humans with hearts, but it was nice to see just how clearly that came across, and how immediately, with no previous 'discussion'. I think it made our hearts heavy to see that congregation full of people, some of whom are suffering badly, sitting there for two hours getting screamed at about how they're not praying hard enough. It's doubly horrifying if you have any personal experience with any of the issues the people there are grappling with. Nobody deserves that, not Josh and certainly not Cisco. 

  • Love 17

Okay, I kind of think Josh deserves getting screamed at in the fundie rehab or at least by someone, but I would also like to see him get some real help for his issues.  Dude has some serious, deep-rooted problems with the way he views and treats women.  As to Cisco, he seems so sweet and sincere.  I want to break him out of RU, give him a big bear hug and tell him he's okay and he doesn't need to hate himself or to believe he is disappointing god.  

  • Love 12

Anna looks like she has lost a lot of weight.

Seriously. It's the first thing I noticed.

Anna looks lovely! Two months (and counting!) of Josh being gone has taken years off her appearance!

She had that wonk tooth fixed right around the time of the molestation reveal and it's done wonders for her countenance.

Hopefully the weight loss was her choice and not from stress or from the thinking error that if she was more attractive Josh wouldn't be eating sandwiches with porn stars.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 8

Anna does look beautiful, but the most shocking thing in those pictures is the FRESH FRUIT in the basket behind them!!!!

APPLES, and not Applejacks!!!

Wonder if the Jkids know what to do with them......they probably identify them as something that was once in the middle of a caramel thing on a stick.

Fake decorative fruit from Hobby Lobby.
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