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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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I got banned from the RU live feed for admitting that I was lusting for Ryan and Cisco (I do love the beefy boys).  I admitted I was drunk.  Shouldn't they have offered me help rather than blocking me?  Doesn't seem that Christian to me.  What will happen when Josh admits he is masturbating to prior memories of porn he has watched? Will they kick him out?

According to the program website they are not allowed to discuss their addiction. That's right, therapy that requires you NOT to talk about your problems.

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I missed the RU livestream again last night (gotta support my Cubs... I'm sure my people in Rockford understand!), but I did just go back and look and that definitely looks like him. Looks like he's still smug and hasn't learned much there if it was him. I noticed when people were giving their testimonies, everyone would turn to look at who was speaking and he just sat there facing forward with his head resting against his fist. When people were done and everyone clapped, he didn't even clap. Just sat there with his head resting on his fist still. Very interesting. 


So did they eventually move him? 

With no relapse prevention skills being taught to these men and women, they'll sell Josh out in a heartbeat in order to get high.


I wonder if they tell ghost stories and put each other's hands in warm water to make them pee.

What happens at Camp Scamafundie stays in Camp Scamafundie.

October 18th is Terry McMillian's birthday. Anna is getting her groove back.

It's also Bristol Palin's birthday. Maybe she will announce the "real daddy" is Josh on this delightful occasion.

  • Love 5

What happens at Camp Scamafundie stays in Camp Scamafundie.

It's also Bristol Palin's birthday. Maybe she will announce the "real daddy" is Josh on this delightful occasion.

Professional hussie ho Bristol so needs to tell the truth about the real baby daddy! Can you imagine Sarah Palin becoming a Duggar in law? Boob better hide his nuts now Sarah knows how to shoot not only with a gun but with her mouth. Now that would be a fun, family filled reality show I WOULD SO WATCH!!!! LMAO 


Who is Christine Brown on RU? Everytime I saw that name I wouldn't help from laughing. I know I need to grow up. *walks away in shame*

  • Love 5

I think they mean among themselves casually.

Unfortunately I don't think that's what they mean. That would make sense because that would just feed the addiction. Im trying to find the exact quote and of course I can't. Anyhoo the statement was they treat all kinds of addiction at the same facility because they don't discuss the specific addiction just that the bible is the cure . I can only stay on the RU website for 10 minutes without getting stabby. Given they don't have any qualified staff it's probably just as well.

  • Love 5

Unfortunately I don't think that's what they mean. That would make sense because that would just feed the addiction. Im trying to find the exact quote and of course I can't. Anyhoo the statement was they treat all kinds of addiction at the same facility because they don't discuss the specific addiction just that the bible is the cure . I can only stay on the RU website for 10 minutes without getting stabby. Given they don't have any qualified staff it's probably just as well.

From the RU big page o' porn addiction:

Just Say Know. God’s Answer To Addiction. Whether you battle with drugs, nicotine, alcohol, pornography, gambling, or any other habitual sin, God’s answer is to just say know. You may learn all the facts about addiction that society could ever teach, but this fact remains true: it’s not what you know, it’s Who you know. Jesus said, and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Jesus Christ can make you free. He can break through the doubts, despair, and depression of your life.This book will remind us who we are as children of God.

So talking about it would actually get in the way of "recovery," as self-reported by a community which also self-reports an epidemic of covering this shit up.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 4

That is so Sister Wives of you!!

Last week I stayed in character.

This week I could only stomach RU for an hour. RUing with you all is the most church I've done in 2 decades.

It's great to see that Josh dislikes it as much as typical people would. He's been there for 6 weeks now and how many times has he seen the one pervy director tie men up? He's lumped in with people with serious addictions that need real treatment.

  • Love 7

I forgot about it tonight until it was too late.  I am on the west coast so it's on early for me.  But you were seriously blasted Muffin.  At least according to the comments on slack.  Hope you feel ok in the morning!

Thanks, Micks Picks.  I woke up feeling thirsty but fine.  I did check anything I posted or texted last night.  At least I'm a fun drunk.  It looks like RU deleted my lustful comments but they left the rest of my drunk postings.  


I am re-watching some of RU on the search for Josh using the tips people have posted.  Their whole program seems like such a waste.  Every time they show one of their success stories, the person seems creepy.  Maybe that's why Josh is a good candidate for them.  He's always creepy. 

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 1

Will someone PM me the link to the RU broadcast/comments?  I had it and lost it. Thanks!


edited to add - I found the link to watch the broadcast, but it isn't showing the comments. 

Once the broadcast is over the comments are on the bottom. Just click where it says comments and they should come up. 

Bristol and Josh dating would be an amazing reality show, especially since it appears Miss Bristol likes her booze (I'm not hating, Bristol!) and drunkenly fighting people at parties.


How much better would Jill and Derrick's "Going Away Party" have been with Bristol and her siblings rolling up to it after downing several bottles of MadDog and Boone's Farm?

  • Love 3

Bristol and Josh dating would be an amazing reality show, especially since it appears Miss Bristol likes her booze (I'm not hating, Bristol!) and drunkenly fighting people at parties.


You know, I can hate on Bristol with the best of them, but she managed to be significantly less vulgar than Joan Rivers on Wife Swap. I realize that's not a very high bar, but she did inch over it.

Edited by Julia

What if Josh gets out and says "Sorry, Anna, but I didn't miss you. I did miss the kids though."

You bring up an interesting point. Where exactly do Josh and Anna go from here? He's obviously bored with the marriage and he's only 26. Is he really going to stay faithful for the rest of his life? At least this may derail Anna's baby train. I can't imagine having sex with a guy who's a child molester and cheats with porn stars. I get itchy just thinking about it.

  • Love 15

Jill and Derick have been pictured eating in the dining room of what we assumed was Josh's house. Perhaps they traded in the McMansion for the Pool House. Hopefully, that means Anna got the McMansion. 

"You've won a free McMansion! With a lifetime supply of tater tots, diapers, and a copy of Bill Gothard's book Rewards of Being Reviled!"

  • Love 2

What if Josh gets out and says "Sorry, Anna, but I didn't miss you. I did miss the kids though."

I feel like this could be the best possible outcome - Josh lives the life he wants while still maintaining relationships with and providing for his children (and Anna, at least for a time). I don't think Josh wants this life/lifestyle. If that is so, I hope he can find the strength to admit it to himself, his parents, and his family. Anna and her kids do not deserve to have to live with a guy who is on lockdown at the Duggar compound resenting everyone and plotting when/how he can he can get some strange.

My guess is Josh is too codependent with his parents (and likes their money too much) to admit he doesn't want to continue living this lifestyle.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 6

Michelle reposted her marriage advice blog. Passive aggressive dig at Anna?

tl;dr: have sex with your husband when he demands.



Ew. What the eff was in the bridal package that Michelle gave to Jill for her wedding night? The mind boggles. 

“And so be available, and not just available, but be joyfully available for him. Smile and be willing to say, ‘Yes, sweetie I am here for you,’ no matter what, even though you may be exhausted and big pregnant and you may not feel like he feels. ‘I’m still here for you and I’m going to meet that need because I know it’s a need for you.’ ”

In other words, a dutiful Duggar wife should never say, "Not tonight, honey, I'm 'big pregnant'."

  • Love 11

Re: disagreements, never talk about things in front of your kids that should be private between hub and wife. Unsaid: feel free to share your ovulation/boning schedule with all and sundry.

This all just fries me. Oh My husband is so wonderful because he lets me yammer on about my worries and travails and pretends to listen. Never mind that he won't let me just have a night's sleep when I'm Big Pregnant (Michelle's band name) and fucking exhausted. Because, penis.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 21

“And so be available, and not just available, but be joyfully available for him. Smile and be willing to say, ‘Yes, sweetie I am here for you,’ no matter what, even though you may be exhausted and big pregnant and you may not feel like he feels. ‘I’m still here for you and I’m going to meet that need because I know it’s a need for you.’ ”

In other words, a dutiful Duggar wife should never say, "Not tonight, honey, I'm 'big pregnant'."

What goes unsaid but strongly implied is the notion that cheating happens because wives don't make themselves "joyfully available." I've seen other creepy fundie men make this same case and it's crap. We all know that Anna has done everything by the book, and that would include making herself "joyfully available."  Nowhere in their rule book does it tell you what to do if your husband isn't making demands at all, probably because he doesn't want more kids and would rather get violent with a prostitute.


I do feel so very badly for Anna, though, that gulping all the Kool-Aid and doing everything by the book did not yield the results she was told it would. 

  • Love 14

I feel like this could be the best possible outcome - Josh lives the life he wants while still maintaining relationships with and providing for his children (and Anna, at least for a time). I don't think Josh wants this life/lifestyle. If that is so, I hope he can find the strength to admit it to himself, his parents, and his family. Anna and her kids do not deserve to have to live with a guy who is on lockdown at the Duggar compound resenting everyone and plotting when/how he can he can get some strange.

My guess is Josh is too codependent with his parents (and likes their money too much) to admit he doesn't want to continue living this lifestyle.


Yes yes and yes. Totally agree. And, once again, it's going to be falseness-to-self that derails the only possible halfway decent ending to this stuff. I wish I weren't just about totally certain that he lacks the backbone to say he now knows that he can't live this way and then go make a different life for himself that suits him better.

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Personally, I wouldn't even think twice about reconciling with someone like Josh, I would have drawn up divorce papers already, however ...


I don't know what is in Anna's head, however if she is that deep into their Fundyism, I would think she would want to remain married to Josh. Josh has been a creep beyond words and totally effed up. But if he can get his act together and grow up, maybe they could make it work. He can't hide behind daddy on this one, the whole world knows what a scumbag he has been. It is time for Josh to put on his big boy pants and act like the grown ass man he should be. Their world is so different, and at this point Anna should be able to have a solution that makes the happiest, whatever that may be.

Edited by GeeGolly
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Michelle reposted her marriage advice blog. Passive aggressive dig at Anna?

tl;dr: have sex with your husband when he demands.


WTF is wrong with this woman? I wonder if she would be singing a different toon if Boob was the one who cheated? It's too late to go back in time Chelly when you raised a son that had/has sexual issues and did NOTHING about it. It's really sickening how they have ruined Anna's life. 

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