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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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36 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

As of June 27th, Benessa now own the Mold House! Now, how the purchase went down is a bit of a mystery; it says the estate sale was for $100k, but the code is "unvalid." I've never seen that before.  Can anyone shed light on what this may mean? Maybe Mary just deeded them the house? They can't be planning on living there forever or even after one more kid. 

I wonder what's going on with the other Duggar properties? Certainly, the Mold House will be just about everyone's "starter house," and Benessa will likely slide into another one of Boob's properties? 

I know nothing about real estate, but it wouldn't surprise me if Mary deeded them the house or Boob ponied up the money. I know Bin and Jessa have no bills, but do they really have cash flow like that to where they could drop 100k without batting an eyelash? My spidey senses tell me, no. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 1
20 hours ago, Marigold said:

I think Jessa had a list of thing she wanted in a guy.  Ben scored pretty well and she decided to go for it. They do seem like they have grown together and made a marriage out of a "deal". 

I do notice that Ben seems very uncomfortable and intimidated when in a big Duggar group.  He gets awkward and starts to look very immature. Something or someone throws him off, not sure what it is exactly. 

Yes, they really do seem to have a solid marriage now. Things looked super tense between them during her first pregnancy and Spurgeon's infancy, but from the bit I've seen now, they look pretty happy with each other.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

So, we just found out how much Jessa can be bought for? I figured she'd hold out for a McMansion. Boob certainly has enough of them, albeit in varying states of disrepair. 

Maybe Jessa's more familiar with their states of disrepair than we are. As in -- Hmmm. Next week that one could be falling down on your head. At least I know this moldy one can stand up.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 2

Tricky, tricky...

Either they wanted it to show up in public records that Jessa and Ben own the mold house    or

The Duggs have legal issues, once again, and are dumping/shuffling real estate. 

There is no logical reason for jessa to buy a small house when they are already living there. 

  • Love 14
8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

They've had their "adult" show for two years now, and they are the lead stars. I bet they DO have that kind of cash. But the wording is so odd, one has to wonder what kind of transaction really went down. 

Jessa like went nuclear when she found out Jinger bought a house.


$100k? That house is NOT worth that much, especially in low-cost-of-livingasas.

  • Love 7
54 minutes ago, Marigold said:

Tricky, tricky...

Either they wanted it to show up in public records that Jessa and Ben own the mold house    or

The Duggs have legal issues, once again, and are dumping/shuffling real estate. 

There is no logical reason for jessa to buy a small house when they are already living there. 

Maybe this is Ben and Jessa being semi-practical and trying to eventually get income from someplace other than TLC and speaking gigs. They haven't had much in the way of bills since getting married, so I can see them having the cash to buy the house with the plan to either someday flip it or rent it out while they live in a bigger JB property. Ben is dead weight, financially speaking, so I can imagine this being an attempt to have Ben emulate JB's beginning's with real estate.

My first thought, though, was legal issues. Financial practicality was never part of Ben and Jessa's plans.

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, lascuba said:

Maybe this is Ben and Jessa being semi-practical and trying to eventually get income from someplace other than TLC and speaking gigs. They haven't had much in the way of bills since getting married, so I can see them having the cash to buy the house with the plan to either someday flip it or rent it out while they live in a bigger JB property. Ben is dead weight, financially speaking, so I can imagine this being an attempt to have Ben emulate JB's beginning's with real estate.

My first thought, though, was legal issues. Financial practicality was never part of Ben and Jessa's plans.

Mary just moved, right?  We saw the Duggs doing reno for her. Maybe MARY and Jim Bob are cooking up a scheme with real estate. I think Mary is trickier than what we all realized. 

There is a reason Jessa bought that house when we all can see it's very small. It's a cute house but it's small if she is planning for a baseball team. 

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Marigold said:

i think Jessa likes the babysitters that are a short drive away!  

It looks like they could add on a bedroom.  Maybe a second floor?  I didn't think of construction work but maybe that is a good plan for them. 

Surely, all those fast learners could throw up a second story in no time. Jessa, herself, will have watched Chip and Joanna do it often enough. How hard can it be?


  • Love 19
13 minutes ago, mimionthebeach said:

Surely, all those fast learners could throw up a second story in no time. Jessa, herself, will have watched Chip and Joanna do it often enough. How hard can it be?


Hahahaha! If Chip and Joanna Gaines can do it...the Duggars can certainly watch a few episodes and get into the groove! 

AND! A plot for another season of Counting On.  Will jessa have the upstairs done in time for a family dinner consisting of 31 people and cook 6 turkeys with 42 sticks of butter????  Dramatic tension mounts!    

  • Love 17
36 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Didn't Alice accuse Mary of being a scammer? 

The whole thing is just odd to me because a) Jessa has been bitching about wanting more space for a while, b) she's insanely competitive, so there's no way she'd settle for the dinky Mold House while Jinger is living the 4-bedroom suburban dream, c) she's been getting everything for free for so long, I can't see her writing out a check for 100k to buy a house she really doesn't even want.

I'm getting the same whiffs of "something's up" that I did when Jana bought that commercial property. Is another skeleton about to come tumbling out of the closet?

My thoughts exactly.

Alice said Mary was a scammer!  We have Mary moving and Jessa buying a house that Mary owns, that Jessa doesn't even want? 

Something is totally up with the Duggs.  Jim Bob is the king of switching properties to suit his legal needs. This time Mary is involved. 

  • Love 7

I thought of an addition too for the Mold House. Does anyone know how big the lot is?  1/4 acre? Have we ever been shown the backyard?  I remember seeing part of the outside, possibly the side yard, when Jessa was walking around in labor with Spurge.  I thought there was an episode when they showed a walking trail near (behind?) the house when Jessa & some of the girls took a walk trying to bring on her labor.  I think it's weird we've never been shown the backyard even when the Smugs were there.  We never saw Mack & Michael playing in the backyard yet when they moved to DC/Maryland, they did an episode with Anna assembling the outside play house.

54 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

A lot of property got transferred that same day, mostly into the Duggar Trust. Famy's house was also transferred into the Kings' names (Boobchelle owned that property, not Mary).

Grandma Mary is stealth and definitely a hustler. She's not being chained to the washing machine and taken advantage of.

She's been a driving force behind a whole lot of JimBob being front and center for political office, TLC, etc. How is her health? Are they transferring properties a few at a time to avoid an inheritance tax?

Also, if Jessa doesn't like her house or the location, she can do what the rest of us do - go to school/training, get a job, save some money, live in a rental for a while, then buy your own house.

  • Love 16
45 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

The Mold House is in a shit location, though. It's right off the highway and when they're outside you can hear the roar of traffic whizzing past. It's the last place I'd want to be chasing active toddlers in. I guess they could always fence the yard, but still.

 But keep in mind, these are people that have absolutely no taste. 

  • Love 6
On ‎2017‎-‎07‎-‎18 at 9:45 AM, Churchhoney said:

I doubt Jessa has the imagination to realize that a TeeVee audience, at least, might have seen her as more interesting and watchable if she'd done the unthinkable and lost those heart pieces. Unfortunately, even the so-called rebels of the Dugg clan -- Jessa, Josh, and, uh... anyone? anyone? -- are too dumb and timid to consider really moving outside the umbrella.

Brilliant observation. Which one will realize that the template needs to be shattered to keep their show alive. I don't mean Jinger wearing pants shattered, I mean Sinner going full out mainstream and being so smitten by a wonderful girl that he flat out rejects their courtship and sidehugs and limited education. I guarantee more viewers and more outrage from JB than if the kid had an AM account and molested his sisters. To reject the status quo is to reject JB. And what if it worked out for Sinner and he had multiple relationships, a degree and finally a happy and independent life? (Just putting Sinner in my imaginary universe until JB stomps him out). 

Bin almost dipped his toe in this when he was filmed at a concert. Almost. We don't know if Jessa or JB or Bin himself put the brakes on. The only way I see Jessa being the one to really keep the show on the air by adding some 'variety' is if she can finally separate herself and her finances from JB and realize the $. One of them will break free from the trap expressions of the cult. The separators: "We do things differently" "We do sidehugs" "We don't believe in kissing" Who the hell is speaking on behalf of 'We', and why do the sheep follow so blindly? Why is it all or nothing? Maybe you believe in masturbating, and not abortion, but the way they talk in group think, makes it impossible to have opposing views about anything without 'insult' to the entire belief system. Now we have a youngish guy like Bin, who might just be trying to navigate through his early 20's and he's stuck in the one view for all or complete betrayal. 

Jebus, Bin, get out of that area. Take your wife and plant a church somewhere. Find out who you are. 

  • Love 9
34 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Are they transferring properties a few at a time to avoid an inheritance tax?

That would make sense, but is she that well off? Estate taxes don't even apply to your first five million and some dollars, and Arkansas itself has no estate or inheritance taxes (I just know this because M. Genevrier was checking into it a couple of weeks ago, for some friends of ours.) 

  • Love 1

The mold house was  an 'estate sale'? Isn't that when either the owner is deceased or the property was in the name of "the estate of..". I think Grandma Mary owned the mold house. JB never did. I think Benessa purchased that house so they could rent it out and live somewhere else. Otherwise, it doesn't make any sense to me.

and YES, Mary Duggar is a shyster. "Alice" posted that quite clearly. She's no 'little old lady from Pasadena" from what I remember reading.

  • Love 3

It looks like the lot next to Ben and Jessa's is for sale. Perhaps the house is on a double lot and they decided to buy the house and then sell the adjoining lot? Or, the lot is what they bought, not the house?

I didn't realize they have a highway and the exit ramp from it behind their house.

10 minutes ago, floridamom said:

The mold house was  an 'estate sale'? Isn't that when either the owner is deceased or the property was in the name of "the estate of..". I think Grandma Mary owned the mold house. JB never did. I think Benessa purchased that house so they could rent it out and live somewhere else. Otherwise, it doesn't make any sense to me.

and YES, Mary Duggar is a shyster. "Alice" posted that quite clearly. She's no 'little old lady from Pasadena" from what I remember reading.

I'd say that Mary was selling off, but IIRC, a property was transferred into her name in this flurry of transactions. 

And yes, her hands aren't clean. Don't forget, she also has a RE license. 

I'm still baffled at the Mold House going for $100k, but that transaction looks shady as fuck. 

I doubt Benessa would make much in terms of renting that place out. Cramped, shitty location, cheap market. Maybe $800? That's not worth the purchase price, unless Mary straight out gave it to them. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, sometimesy said:

Brilliant observation. Which one will realize that the template needs to be shattered to keep their show alive. I don't mean Jinger wearing pants shattered, I mean Sinner going full out mainstream and being so smitten by a wonderful girl that he flat out rejects their courtship and sidehugs and limited education. I guarantee more viewers and more outrage from JB than if the kid had an AM account and molested his sisters. To reject the status quo is to reject JB. And what if it worked out for Sinner and he had multiple relationships, a degree and finally a happy and independent life? (Just putting Sinner in my imaginary universe until JB stomps him out). 

Bin almost dipped his toe in this when he was filmed at a concert. Almost. We don't know if Jessa or JB or Bin himself put the brakes on. The only way I see Jessa being the one to really keep the show on the air by adding some 'variety' is if she can finally separate herself and her finances from JB and realize the $. One of them will break free from the trap expressions of the cult. The separators: "We do things differently" "We do sidehugs" "We don't believe in kissing" Who the hell is speaking on behalf of 'We', and why do the sheep follow so blindly? Why is it all or nothing? Maybe you believe in masturbating, and not abortion, but the way they talk in group think, makes it impossible to have opposing views about anything without 'insult' to the entire belief system. Now we have a youngish guy like Bin, who might just be trying to navigate through his early 20's and he's stuck in the one view for all or complete betrayal. 

Jebus, Bin, get out of that area. Take your wife and plant a church somewhere. Find out who you are. 

Just wanted to say I do believe one or more of the children will break away from the cult.  The problem I see is we are all expecting a drama-filled exit and I don't think that's going to happen.  I think that at least the first one is going to break away quietly and try their best to keep family relationships intact.  Maybe Jinger but I think one of the younger kids is more likely.

  • Love 11
10 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

Just wanted to say I do believe one or more of the children will break away from the cult.  The problem I see is we are all expecting a drama-filled exit and I don't think that's going to happen.  I think that at least the first one is going to break away quietly and try their best to keep family relationships intact.  Maybe Jinger but I think one of the younger kids is more likely.

Statiscally 1-2 will break away completely and live 100% against how their parents would've wished, 3-5 will be die hard kool-aid drinkers, and the rest will probably end up various degrees of fundy-lite/conservative Christian like Jeremy's family. I agree the younger children will have the least ties to the lifestyle. 

  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, flyingdi said:

Just wanted to say I do believe one or more of the children will break away from the cult.  The problem I see is we are all expecting a drama-filled exit and I don't think that's going to happen.  I think that at least the first one is going to break away quietly and try their best to keep family relationships intact.  Maybe Jinger but I think one of the younger kids is more likely.

I think several of them will break away, but not until the money well runs dry.  No matter what kind of investments Papa makes, no matter how long they stay on television, there won't be enough to support 19 families who are each determined to have 19 kids.  

  • Love 14

It seems to me that already the rules of courtship are relaxing (wasn't Jinger allowed private conversations with Jeremy?) and all the raising of children has gone from harsh, overbearing, blanket training parenting to non-existent. If that's the case, there's a lot less holding the younger children to all the extreme beliefs and rituals. I can see them hardly realising that they're a lot more lite than JB and M.

  • Love 9
54 minutes ago, Obsidian said:

It seems to me that already the rules of courtship are relaxing (wasn't Jinger allowed private conversations with Jeremy?) and all the raising of children has gone from harsh, overbearing, blanket training parenting to non-existent. If that's the case, there's a lot less holding the younger children to all the extreme beliefs and rituals. I can see them hardly realising that they're a lot more lite than JB and M.

Yeah I just don't see it being the dramatic, tell-all break everyone is hoping for.  Just a gradual ebbing away from Fundieville.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Absolom said:

I think Medicare and Medicaid are getting conflated again.  Medicare does not inquire about a person's resources but Medicaid definitely does.

I'm not talking about qualifying for it. What I'm referring to is that, in a nursing home for example, a patient will be required to pick up part of the expenses if they have assets. If they have no assets, then Medicare will pay all the expenses. So if they're planning ahead and Mary wants her money to go to her kids and grandchildren, rather than pay for long term care, she would have to start gifting it now. I believe anything gifted within a certain time frame of receiving care is still considered an asset to deter folks from becoming ill and giving all their money away in order to avoid paying for care.

That's Medicaid, not Medicare. Everyone over 65  qualifies for Medicare, regardless of assets, or lack thereof. All you do is sign up and pick a plan. Medicaid only pays out if you are under a certain asset threshhold that is very, very low, ie. you've outlived your retirement income, don't own a home, etc. 

  • Love 5

Medicaid (not Medicare) pays for nursing home care but only after you spend down most assets (i.e., pay nursing home costs yourself until your money runs out).  Medicaid rules also let a state look back over a set period (say, 5 years) and recoup any gifts you've given in that period, to defray the state's costs in paying for your care.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, flyingdi said:

Just wanted to say I do believe one or more of the children will break away from the cult.  The problem I see is we are all expecting a drama-filled exit and I don't think that's going to happen.  I think that at least the first one is going to break away quietly and try their best to keep family relationships intact.  Maybe Jinger but I think one of the younger kids is more likely.

I agree, the kids are slowly testing some of their freedoms (they should have done a lot of this in their teens). One of the Duggs dating someone mainstream, maybe going to college and dating more than one person in their lifetime isn't what I would call drama, but it might be to JB. I don't think when this does happen we will get a front row seat since the cameras leaving could be the trigger for some kids to reconsider Duggardom. 

I just wonder about Bin stepping out that one time for the concert. It didn't even appear on an episode with an explanation which was sort of odd. We haven't seen anything since that makes me think Bin is pushing any boundaries. 

As for the tell-all, the only realistic person to do that is someone who has hit rock bottom and has nothing to lose and everything to gain. So..Josh. I don't see Jessa doing anything like that or anything to even save her own possible brand from JB world. I think each new baby will ensure the Seewalds tow the line. 

  • Love 4

Yup, as I mentioned above, I understand that anyone over 65 qualifies for Medicare. What I got wrong was thinking that Medicare will cover long term care, which they don't cover ever.  I didn't realize that Medicaid was the one that kicked in to cover the cost if needed. Long term care is private insurance, out of pocket or Medicaid. And to qualify for Medicaid, as was mentioned above, is a very low threshold of assets. 

Anyway, my point was, maybe Mary is unloading her assets now, as many folks do, in order to avoid using her money if she were ever to need long term care. I'm thinking maybe she'd prefer a wheel chair rather than a broken office chair, and someone that knows what to do with their medical thingies.

  • Love 13
40 minutes ago, graybrown bird said:

Medicaid (not Medicare) pays for nursing home care but only after you spend down most assets (i.e., pay nursing home costs yourself until your money runs out).  Medicaid rules also let a state look back over a set period (say, 5 years) and recoup any gifts you've given in that period, to defray the state's costs in paying for your care.

Or if you put your assets in an irrevocable trust that you do not control. I know this because we just did it for my dad in the event that his long-term care insurance benefits run out while he still needs care. Mary would be better off to consider something like this if that is her rationale. MMV.

  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, jcbrown said:

Or if you put your assets in an irrevocable trust that you do not control. I know this because we just did it for my dad in the event that his long-term care insurance benefits run out while he still needs care. Mary would be better off to consider something like this if that is her rationale. MMV.

That is true. We just did this for ourselves. But we have someone we trust. Do they?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Is Mary against Social Security and Medicare? If she were ever to need services like home health care or a nursing home she would have to pay out of pocket if she had a sizable net worth. If she has no property or savings Medicare picks up the tab.


Medicare doesn't pay for nursing home care unless you're in temporary rehab from a hospital stay or something.

It could be a Medicaid thing -- If you give your assets away five or more years before you need it, then you can bilk the government for your nursing-home care while your heirs enjoy the money that ought to have paid for it. That's definitely what the Duggars would do. (Not only the Duggars, of course. Very common move.) And this is probably about time for it. She'd need to feel pretty sure that she's got five years out of the nursing home left. .... or at least five years partly nursing-home free and partly with the cash to pay for it.

I don't know, though. For some reason I see her wanting to retain full control of more of her assets for the long term. Does she really want to be that generous to those kids? For some reason, I just don't see that, but I have absolutely no reason to feel that way.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, flyingdi said:

Yeah I just don't see it being the dramatic, tell-all break everyone is hoping for.  Just a gradual ebbing away from Fundieville.

I agree. Also, whichever way it happens, it won't happen if the family is still in the public eye. Even if money weren't a factor, these people do not like answering complex questions, and to all them, having to explain that they love and respect their parents while not agreeing with their core values is advanced calculus. It's why they made a joke about not being familiar with hip hop and completely ignored the fact that their parents brought them up to hate most music. That whole thing would have been a really interesting story, but Jessa couldn't bring herself to talk about how jarring it must have been for her, to go from growing up in an anti-music household to being married to a man who likes rap. They have to know that such a conflict would make for more better TV, and the fact that they refuse to show it has to be out of loyalty to their parents. 

  • Love 6

Agreed that one or even many will break away. While we don't know what is happening behind closed doors, no one is shunning Jinger for breaking the Duggar dress code. The others will see strict adherence to the rules isn't necessary and find their own little, or big, rules to break. 

So JimBob presumably funded Jana's and Jessa's properties, did he fund Jinger's? Is Jill getting her own property? What about Joe? Or any of the adult males?

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Yup, as I mentioned above, I understand that anyone over 65 qualifies for Medicare. What I got wrong was thinking that Medicare will cover long term care, which they don't cover ever.  I didn't realize that Medicaid was the one that kicked in to cover the cost if needed. Long term care is private insurance, out of pocket or Medicaid. And to qualify for Medicaid, as was mentioned above, is a very low threshold of assets. 

Anyway, my point was, maybe Mary is unloading her assets now, as many folks do, in order to avoid using her money if she were ever to need long term care. I'm thinking maybe she'd prefer a wheel chair rather than a broken office chair, and someone that knows what to do with their medical thingies.

Medicare will kick in for a medically necessary wheelchair. My MIL recently got one after her last fall. Thank heavens she was in the Skilled Nursing unit of her retirement community, and they took care of all of the paperwork. I can't believe that Boob was too lazy to fill out some peperwork to get JL a wheelchair for his last few months. What a shit bag son. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Statiscally 1-2 will break away completely and live 100% against how their parents would've wished, 3-5 will be die hard kool-aid drinkers, and the rest will probably end up various degrees of fundy-lite/conservative Christian like Jeremy's family. I agree the younger children will have the least ties to the lifestyle. 

This sounds about right. I don't think any of them are going have an angry exit and go on to write an angsty Mommie Dearest type book. 

6 hours ago, Obsidian said:

It seems to me that already the rules of courtship are relaxing (wasn't Jinger allowed private conversations with Jeremy?) and all the raising of children has gone from harsh, overbearing, blanket training parenting to non-existent. If that's the case, there's a lot less holding the younger children to all the extreme beliefs and rituals. I can see them hardly realising that they're a lot more lite than JB and M.

They absolutely are far more relaxed with the younger kids. What happens with this, more than the younger kids running away and never looking back, is the older kids *JANA cough cough JESSA* being super resentful, while the younger kids who don't have as tight of a bond, but looser reigns, don't have that resentment and stay closer to the fold than expected.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Agreed that one or even many will break away. While we don't know what is happening behind closed doors, no one is shunning Jinger for breaking the Duggar dress code. The others will see strict adherence to the rules isn't necessary and find their own little, or big, rules to break. 

So JimBob presumably funded Jana's and Jessa's properties, did he fund Jinger's? Is Jill getting her own property? What about Joe? Or any of the adult males?

This still baffles me. The "kids" have been on tv most of their lives. No one was tuning in to see JimBob, were they? They've earned that money and those houses.

  • Love 5

The first thing I thought of when I saw Ben wearing those sneakers on the recap show with no socks was.....stinky feet.

If I remember correctly, back in 2014 I looked up all the properties that the Duggars owned in 2 counties in Arkansas. I believe the mold house was in Mary Duggar's personal name. It's easy to look up; just view Jessa's deed and see who the grantor of the deed is....that usually matches the ownership records in the tax appraiser's office.

  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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