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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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34 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Maybe Ayesha Curry? She's Christian, claims to be modest, and says that she hides the goodies for her husband. 





Is she a friend of Joshley?


Jessa Blessa's outfit is hideous, but when you see her audience (posing behind her), you realize how much help they really need and why she would be their role model.

Bin is sooooooo doofy.

  • Love 3

So Bin has to tag along for a modesty speech to females because neither he, nor Jessa, can be trusted alone because they are so horny? Leave the kids home with Bin, Bin can have a brother come visit to make sure he doesn't steal someone's profile and try to lure sluts, then take a sister with you if you must have someone keep you from jumping strangers. It would make you seem more normal, while covering all the bases for the hostage rules. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Lunera said:

Do they even know cursive?? Bin wrote his name with a lower case B and Jessa just wrote her name with regular letters connected.

What a horrible outfit she didn't even try. A t-shirt, jean skirt, and 3 year old dirty sandals. If you want fashionably modest look at Allysa Bates.


^^^ she should be doing the modem modest speaking NOT Jessa. These outfits are so cute

  • Love 9

Huh? I take it Jessa jut wants to dress 'hot' but still be thought if as modest and not judged.nshes the one that gets to do it the  judging! I doubt Jessa knows what legalism actually is.


They got this tube and dead person on the inside. They got a really nice coat of paint, you know if you have been watching Fixer Upper, everything that goes on rear piers, the in thing, they take this for rear pier and they paint the outside. It looks really great on the outside but Jesus said inwardly you are full of dead men’s bones.”

They paid Jessa to say this. Really.

  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Huh? I take it Jessa jut wants to dress 'hot' but still be thought if as modest and not judged.nshes the one that gets to do it the  judging! I doubt Jessa knows what legalism actually is.

They paid Jessa to say this. Really.

I'll raise my hand.  I don't understand what legalism is.  Also, I couldn't make heads or tails out of the fixer upper gobbledygook.  WTH?

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

Huh? I take it Jessa jut wants to dress 'hot' but still be thought if as modest and not judged.nshes the one that gets to do it the  judging! I doubt Jessa knows what legalism actually is.

They paid Jessa to say this. Really.

Jessa certainly knows about ugly on the inside. And legalism. She grew up steeped in it, and as far as I've seen, nothing in her attitude has changed, other than...EXTERNAL changes to pretty up the outside. 

22 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Probably quite true. 

I do enjoy seeing a Gothard spouter bashing legalism, though. 

Ironic, non? Especially when I have seen no changes. 

  • Love 4
56 minutes ago, toodles said:

I'll raise my hand.  I don't understand what legalism is.  Also, I couldn't make heads or tails out of the fixer upper gobbledygook.  WTH?

I have no idea what the fixed upper stuff was, either.

Legalism is pleasing a God/being saved/getting to heaven by following strict rules instead of receiving God's mercy and grace. Legalism is more concerned about the rules than what the rules mean. Mercy and Grace means we're going to mess up, but God is merciful and forgives us if we're sincerely repentant. Jesus stressed mercy and grace, and said he came to abolish the legalistic rules.

Considering how into very detailed, strict rules the Duggars are, and who seem to have zero mercy and grace for anyone not just like them, I wonder if Jessa knows what legalism means. 

Good example is that legalism would tell Jessa she has to be modest and wear a long skirt and sleeves, and she follows that, but bends the rules by wearing skin tight clothing a that outline every curve. She's following the rules technically, but her intent is still to show off her shape. Her heart is in the wrong place, and she's fooling no one. Mercy and grace would say give the pregnant woman a break and let her wear some modest sleeveless tops and loose shorts in the middle of summer. Let her be comfy and cool, and safer for the baby, than to die sweating but following a rule. 

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

I have to respectfully disagree with this...an online degree from an accredited institution is as good (and accepted) as one from a brick and mortar classroom.  But that's the key...an ACCREDITED institution.  Some schools (usually for-profits like Capella University and the University of Phoenix) are not as well looked upon as the more established university and college online programs.  But they are still accepted as viable degrees by employers.  

I earned my master's degree online from an established university after earning my bachelor's degree from a similar school but in a classroom setting.  Having done both, I can say that online programs can be more challenging than an on-campus program because there is an additional element of self-discipline that is not as present in the traditional classroom.  In traditional classes you do not always have to come to class and, when you do, you don't always have to participate.  But in online programs, you do.  It's required that you log in for so many hours each week and be an active part of the conversation.  And your prof will keep a eye on it.

The education I received online was exactly what the on-campus students received.  The classes were taught by professors (Ph.D.)  and my textbooks were the same as what the campus students used.  We wrote papers and took tests.  I wrote a master's thesis at the end.  I missed out on nothing being a virtual student.  And in the end my diploma said exactly the same as what the campus-based students in my program received.  

I do have to say (and I can't believe that I'm saying this) that if any of the Duggar-in-laws are taking (and passing) online classes from an accredited school, they are more dedicated than I originally thought.  And I have to give them props for it.  

Same here.  A "for-profit" university is, ironically, the exact opposite of what one would think it means, as it actually means, "Kaplan and/or University of Phoenix" type institutions (read:  every school makes a "profit", God knows the Ivies do).  I too had an online equivalent program and the same degree as everyone else (Lord knows, I hated the "weekly participation via message board" more than anything known to man.  The pressure to be first to respond, to make sure that someone else wasn't going to steal your response... the stress and strain inherent in finding something someone else said interesting enough to get into a dialogue about it for the other half of the "class participation"... I doubt I ever spent less than 45 minutes per post per week, and often spent more, because I care about how I come across in writing.)  Then staying awake through weekly online lectures, sometimes synchronous... one of my history classes Week 2 had such a nightmare of work with reading everything on the "extra handout", that I was almost literally weeping by the time I got to the end of it.  ("Professor L, have you *read* this handout since the first year you generated it, or do you just keep throwing things on the end in subsequent years? This is the fourth article about the Domesday Book.")  We got the "e-portfolio" instead of a thesis, but we still had to take the historical methods dry-run, "pretend you're going to write a thesis and go through the whole process with a topic from start to finish" over the course of a semester; and the e-portfolio was so heinous I might as well have written a thesis; I think I end-to-ended all the eport prose in Word and it ran to like 75 (single-spaced) pages.  "Realio, trulio, brick and mortar schools" such as Drexel and Syracuse University are making money hand over fist catering to "distance students" with the exact same degree, but skipping the necessity to spend money on things like room and board, student fees, etc.

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 5

I can also chime in about distance learning. I took a few online classes in undergrad, which were similar in structure to those that were described. As @Lady Edith outlined, my grad school experience was exactly the same as the brick and mortar (top-tier private, secular) university's curriculum. Not to mention, we had LIVE classes, which thankfully took away the online discussion component, which was a huge time saver. My problem, and what made me finally drop out, was conflicts with class times and required field work. The site I was sent to in my second semester was two cities away, and I do not drive. I found out the hard way that there was no way to complete this program without a car (unless one luckily got a placement close to home). It was a shame, because I adored the program (all classes taught by PhDs). 

Ben's school has a bit of cache (sorry, don't have the accent mark on the laptop). He might be learning real theology and not a strictly fundie POV. After all, he has to take some critical thinking courses; that gives me some hope that he's getting a decent education. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 4

Yeah, the way it was always described to me is, because the online classes lack face-to-face components and the professors aren't lucky enough to see the comprehension on your shining faces, the professors try to make up for the lack of such a F2F component by assigning you hours and hours of reading per unit, in addition to all the aforementioned.

  • Love 1

I definitely responded better to the live F2F interaction with the Professor AND my classmates, rather than reading/watching lectures online and responding to the questions based on lecture/reading. I assume that Ben is taking these sort of classes, since he seems to have a lot of time to run around to Waco, as well as Stink Bus excursions through Ohio and TN during weekdays not during Spring Break, plus have time to film (although he hasn't been seen much in recent episodes, aside from THs). 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, drafan said:

Is it TOO stylish for the average Fundy frump to aspire to?

And probably too expensive. Everything Jessa wears can easily be found at Goodwill or Salvation Army. It's obvious that Alyssa's clothes are new, contemporary, and cost more than the average Gothard girl is allowed to spend on clothes from birth to marriage.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Huh? I take it Jessa jut wants to dress 'hot' but still be thought if as modest and not judged.nshes the one that gets to do it the  judging! I doubt Jessa knows what legalism actually is.

"They got this tube and dead person on the inside. They got a really nice coat of paint, you know if you have been watching Fixer Upper, everything that goes on rear piers, the in thing, they take this for rear pier and they paint the outside. It looks really great on the outside but Jesus said inwardly you are full of dead men’s bones.”

They paid Jessa to say this. Really.

Wow, who fed her this? Does she think she made sense?

If she wanted a Fixer Upper analogy why not just say a lot a what makes a house a great house is behind the painted walls and under the glossy floors.

Jessa thinks she's a trendy sink with an expensive faucet. Unfortunately her pipes are rotting with arrogance, fear and shallow beliefs.

  • Love 21
2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Wow, who fed her this? Does she think she made sense?


It's the Duggar and Duggar Adjacent parrot syndrome. They're virtually never the actual authors of anything that comes out of their mouths, I think. I don't know about Der, Bin and Jer, but the Duggarlings themselves were actually "taught" never to think about anything, just memorize and repeat, it seems. And I gather they must not have been encouraged to think anything through before they memorized it either. So they repeat (and garble) without any understanding. Their "schooling' was not just deficient but dehumanizing, in my opinion. But since "human" is another bad thing to be, I guess that's okay with everybody involved in shaping their brand of "education." ... And now Jessa et al plan to pass this on to eleventy seven more kids. Lovely. 

  • Love 4

Jessa looks like the blood has been drained out of her in those photos....and YES, she should be taking modest dressing lessons from Alyssa Webster....they all should. Alyssa looks great almost always.

Did she actually babble that dribble about Fixer Upper? What the heck does that statement mean? I know one can be 'painted Godly on the outside, but sinful on the inside'..so just say so, Jessa.

Her outfit sucked as did those tired old sandals. Please wear some REAL grown up ladies' shoes, girl.

Does she actually know the meaning of legalism? Who would pay to hear that idiot speak about anything?

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

I have no idea what the fixed upper stuff was, either.

Legalism is pleasing a God/being saved/getting to heaven by following strict rules instead of receiving God's mercy and grace. Legalism is more concerned about the rules than what the rules mean. Mercy and Grace means we're going to mess up, but God is merciful and forgives us if we're sincerely repentant. Jesus stressed mercy and grace, and said he came to abolish the legalistic rules.

Considering how into very detailed, strict rules the Duggars are, and who seem to have zero mercy and grace for anyone not just like them, I wonder if Jessa knows what legalism means. 

Good example is that legalism would tell Jessa she has to be modest and wear a long skirt and sleeves, and she follows that, but bends the rules by wearing skin tight clothing a that outline every curve. She's following the rules technically, but her intent is still to show off her shape. Her heart is in the wrong place, and she's fooling no one. Mercy and grace would say give the pregnant woman a break and let her wear some modest sleeveless tops and loose shorts in the middle of summer. Let her be comfy and cool, and safer for the baby, than to die sweating but following a rule. 

Thank you.  I'd never heard the expression before.  It seems like a secular term for a biblical thought.  It sounds like Binhead's latest Bible lesson to me.  I know this is the duggars, but why God cares what people wear is beyond me.  I thought God cared about people on the inside, not the outside.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

"They got this tube and dead person on the inside. They got a really nice coat of paint, you know if you have been watching Fixer Upper, everything that goes on rear piers, the in thing, they take this for rear pier and they paint the outside. It looks really great on the outside but Jesus said inwardly you are full of dead men’s bones.”

Do you think "rear piers" is supposed to be "repairs"? It still doesn't make any sense, but at least it relates to Fixer Upper.

Also, Jessa has broken away from JB & Michelle enough to admit to watching TV. 

As for Jessa's $30 t-shirts, they're still generic style t-shirts. My small town Goodwill-type stores sell women's t-shirts for $1-$5. 

Legalism is about control, not God or following His law. It replaces common sense with strict rules. Females must wear dresses at all times controls their activities, since it is hard to wear a dress and do anything physically active. The Duggars get around this for the little girls by putting leggings on them, but seriously, why not just dress them appropriately? Does anyone with an ounce of common sense really think God cares what Mackenzie and Josie wear to ride bikes? 

Edited by Nysha
  • Love 13

Are "rear piers" a thing? Or did someone badly transcribe "repair"?

I think that's it. I googled rear piers before I posted and found nothing.


Also, Jessa has broken away from JB & Michelle enough to admit to watching TV. 

At this point she's trying to cultivate a relationship with Chip and Joanna, so I think she's justify it as doing research on them, and not being jealous of much more successful reality tv stars. Not at all! For fun, Imagine her and Ben trying to pull off a similar show.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

At this point she's trying to cultivate a relationship with Chip and Joanna, so I think she's justify it as doing research on them, and not being jealous of much more successful reality tv stars. Not at all! For fun, Imagine her and Ben trying to pull off a similar show.

Probably not her and Ben, but maybe Joy and Austin? Or, if she wants to be a decorator like Joanna, she and Joy could pretend they know what they're doing and stage Austin's flips. 

  • Love 2

I am so confused about the reference to Fixer Upper. I thought she admires Joanna and Chip, but her quote seems to criticize them. Even after repairs and cosmetics the home is stilll dead on the inside? Or is she just talking about an immodest person suddenly wearing modest dress but not working on the inside to become a modest. Is Jessa like Cartman?

South Park, Casa Bonita 7:11

Kyle: That isn't being nice. That's just wearing a nice sweater.

Cartman: I don't understand the difference.

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, Nysha said:

Probably not her and Ben, but maybe Joy and Austin? Or, if she wants to be a decorator like Joanna, she and Joy could pretend they know what they're doing and stage Austin's flips. 

That'd be too much like work! Though I'd love to see her try and decorate Joy's new house.


Or is she just talking about an immodest person suddenly wearing modest dress but not working on the inside to become a modest.

That's right.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Ben's school has a bit of cache (sorry, don't have the accent mark on the laptop). He might be learning real theology and not a strictly fundie POV. After all, he has to take some critical thinking courses; that gives me some hope that he's getting a decent education. 

I think the word you want here is "cachet." It is pronounced like cash-ay. 


  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Lunera said:

Do they even know cursive?? Bin wrote his name with a lower case B and Jessa just wrote her name with regular letters connected.

I think most young people today don't know cursive. At least where I live, the public schools don't even teach it anymore. They teach typing instead. My first, knee-jerk reaction to this was, oh it's terrible. But I thought about it, and I can see the reasoning. Cursive was meant to be a tool to enable faster writing. That's all. Now the tool they really need is keyboard skills. So I don't mind. If they find someday a desire to read handwritten historical documents, they'll learn how. So if they're not teaching cursive, I don't think the Duggars are out of step with American norms.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Genevrier said:

I think most young people today don't know cursive. At least where I live, the public schools don't even teach it anymore. They teach typing instead. My first, knee-jerk reaction to this was, oh it's terrible. But I thought about it, and I can see the reasoning. Cursive was meant to be a tool to enable faster writing. That's all. Now the tool they really need is keyboard skills. So I don't mind. If they find someday a desire to read handwritten historical documents, they'll learn how. So if they're not teaching cursive, I don't think the Duggars are out of step with American norms.

Agreed. My daughter, a college grad, cannot sign her name properly because she can't write cursive. She does some weird thing where she prints but tries to join the letters, and she's really embarrassed about it. I guess that's what Jessa does too. I remember having cursive classes in fifth grade (this was early 70s) where we had to write each letter over and over until the teacher deemed it perfect, and we weren't allowed to use ink until our cursive was darn near perfect. I'm pretty sure they don't do that any more. 

  • Love 1

Our daughter just finished fourth grade, and she lucked out because her teacher opted to teach cursive. It was rather funny because the teacher is a total tech guy. Kids did very little writing, most work on iPads, and kids could type homework essays, and other language arts assignments. He recognized they needed to hone their typing and tech skills. But he felt strongly the kids do need to learn to sign their names, and wanted them to read cursive. I will be taking over now only because my husband and I believe in archaic skills. Writing in cursive, and learning to drive a stick. The grandparents send her cards throughout the year, and even letters from one grandma. All in cursive. 

IIRC there were reports from long ago book signings about JD printing his name also.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, twinkietwin94 said:

^^^ she should be doing the modem modest speaking NOT Jessa. These outfits are so cute

Right? Damn, If I still had my 21 year-old figure I'd rock the heck out of that flowered dress/shirt thing. I don't know how frumpy, dumpy Jessa is pulling these speaking gigs.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, floridamom said:

Jessa looks like the blood has been drained out of her in those photos....and YES, she should be taking modest dressing lessons from Alyssa Webster....they all should. Alyssa looks great almost always.

Did she actually babble that dribble about Fixer Upper? What the heck does that statement mean? I know one can be 'painted Godly on the outside, but sinful on the inside'..so just say so, Jessa.

Her outfit sucked as did those tired old sandals. Please wear some REAL grown up ladies' shoes, girl.

Does she actually know the meaning of legalism? Who would pay to hear that idiot speak about anything?

Translation: Jessa doesn't have more than two minutes ' worth of babbling on modest dressing in her arsenal, so Bin wrote her that stuff which is basically slut shaming well put together secular girls in what they consider to be tarty clothes.  'You think they look great; their fancy worldly attire hides rotten characters and souls.  Don't emulate them.'

  • Love 17
2 minutes ago, queenanne said:

Translation: Jessa doesn't have more than two minutes ' worth of babbling on modest dressing in her arsenal, so Bin wrote her that stuff which is basically slut shaming well put together secular girls in what they consider to be tarty clothes.  'You think they look great; their fancy worldly attire hides rotten characters and souls.  Don't emulate them.'

I'll bet you're exactly right about how this went down. .... 

  • Love 3

as far as the legalism comments mentioned earlier, i always understood it to mean that there are some faiths with VERY strict rules about certain subjects in that faith that must be adhered to at all times and then there are faiths (like what i believe) that follow the guidelines of scripture but, as was mentioned, believe and support mercy and grace. for example, there are some Baptist churches that separate the boys and the girls classes in sunday school and require dresses worn by all females. then, in a less legalistic way, there are some Baptist churches that allow a more relaxed wardrobe (ie pants, sleeveless dresses etc) and may have mixed sunday school classes. 

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, zoomama said:

as far as the legalism comments mentioned earlier, i always understood it to mean that there are some faiths with VERY strict rules about certain subjects in that faith that must be adhered to at all times and then there are faiths (like what i believe) that follow the guidelines of scripture but, as was mentioned, believe and support mercy and grace. for example, there are some Baptist churches that separate the boys and the girls classes in sunday school and require dresses worn by all females. then, in a less legalistic way, there are some Baptist churches that allow a more relaxed wardrobe (ie pants, sleeveless dresses etc) and may have mixed sunday school classes. 

This. It's not just Baptists, and not just about clothing. Jesus was challenging the Pharisees who were more concerned about following rules than loving or helping anyone. Good example from the New Testament was them condemning Jesus for healing a man (doing work) on the Sabbath. Is it more loving and merciful to heal someone, or to let them die or be in pain because it's the Sabbath. Jesus healed them. Judaism and Christianity aren't the only faiths that have some people more concerned about rules than love. 

Back to Jessa - does she realize Joanna Gaines is college educated and had a pretty good career for a few years before she met Chip, decided to flip houses, and do all that. They did all that before having four kids and lucking into a TV show, too. Plus Joanna and Chip are talented and skilled at what they do. Dream on, Jessa.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, RazzleberryPie said:

This. It's not just Baptists, and not just about clothing. Jesus was challenging the Pharisees who were more concerned about following rules than loving or helping anyone. Good example from the New Testament was them condemning Jesus for healing a man (doing work) on the Sabbath. Is it more loving and merciful to heal someone, or to let them die or be in pain because it's the Sabbath. Jesus healed them. Judaism and Christianity aren't the only faiths that have some people more concerned about rules than love. 


no, no, you misunderstood. that was meant to be just an example. i was raised catholic (but am not any more) and i personally know this much about legalism: my grandma was divorced and was not allowed to take communion for the rest of her life because of that divorce. to me, THAT is a perfectly good example of legalism.  i just simply was using it as an example, thats all, not limiting it to just that.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, drafan said:

If they have such "servant's hearts", why aren't they growing it for Locks of Love? That I could understand. Every JGirl would look better with shoulder-length hair.

Who on earth would copy Jessa's "style"? Oh right.....Jill.

Yes, absolutely!  I would love to see this suggested to them!  I know many "heathen" children who've donated their hair to locks of love out of a desire to help others.   

  • Love 2

After divorce, the Catholic Church does allow the receiving of Communion if the parishioner is not dating another person and is still 'living as though married' . If zoomama's grandmother was dating another man, married that man, then, yes, she wouldn't have been allowed to receive communion. My own mother was church-married by her own priest-brother, divorced decades later, and was still completely welcomed in the Church as a whole member. She never dated anyone and lived by herself .

I also thought it selfish of the Duggar females, Michelle included, to keep growing longer and longer hair and NOT donate it. Shows me how self centered they are.

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Do I see knees? 

How defrauding. Does that mean she's pregnant already? 

I would love to hear an honest explanation from them in why knees are now allowed to be publicly and frequently displayed. I'm sure it's too much to hope she addressed it at the talk. 

18 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Do you think any of the girls have reread their book and laugh at how young and naive they were when they wrote it? Have they gained insight and maturity since then? Do they still believe the content, hook, line and sinker?

Oh wait, they've probably never even read the book once. 

Exactly. I wonder how they feel reading those words now, or maybe they never do, or have. Was even a single one of them in a relationship when that was ghost written?  

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, whydoiwatch said:


Maybe I have gone about my whole adult life in the wrong way - working hard to graduate from college and then working at a career for many years. Every time I think about the farce of the arrogant Duggar clan and all the money they have made, I am sickened.

Seriously. It makes me angry that even the little they do, is poorly done. the rest of us poor hardworking saps could do a better job dressing ourselves and speaking despite also having jobs, paying bills, and raising our own kids. 

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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