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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Indeed. Also, to have a "ministry mindset," you'd need a mind. Not convinced that Bin would qualify. 

A question that needs to be asked of Ben:



0 0 1 brain.jpg

Edited by Mollie
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Can we just put the Duggars on RuPaul's Drag Race to see if they have CUNT? They'd all be cut in a massive dump in the first week. Except maybe Jeremy. He's shown promise. 

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My dentist’s office has all the celebrity/gossip magazines.  They tend to “disappear”.  The only mag that no one seems to want is People’s February 27 issue with The Seewalds on the cover.  It’s been three months, and it’s still there.

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8 minutes ago, Lunera said:

I'm guessing this was after the wedding. They all look so grubby hunched back.

Hmm, is that a bridesmaid dress on Sierra? It would make sense since Joy & Sierra are "best friends".

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1 minute ago, GeeGolly said:

Hmm, is that a bridesmaid dress on Sierra? It would make sense since Joy & Sierra are "best friends".

I don't love to snark on looks all the time but omg Sierra looks awful. Poor thing needs a 2 week nap, a dress that isn't made for an 80 year old and some better shoes.

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The Tacos4Life bitch Kristen (remember the deleting/banning spree on FB?) managed to bring a change of clothes for the after party. Why couldn't Sierra?

Edited by Sew Sumi
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10 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

The Tacos4Life bitch (remember the deleting/banning spree on FB?) managed to bring a change of clothes for the after party. Why couldn't Sierra?

Too busy supervising the ice-cream melt? 

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1 hour ago, Lunera said:


Trying to imagine what it would be like to look at Sierra and think, "I've found my tribe!"

3 minutes ago, ariel said:

"Find your tribe, y'all"

What does that mean?

It's an Internet cliche popularized mainly by people who write self-help for "creatives," as far as I know. A faux-spiritual saying about friendship and "connection" whose point is really that everybody has a certain group they can successfully hawk their goods to. So go out there and find that group and start hawking.

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1 minute ago, Sew Sumi said:

I feel like that about Jessa. She certainly isn't very nice to her IG followers. 

Yeah, I'm sure I'd feel that way about all of them. If this is your tribe, run far away and change your ways.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Hmm, is that a bridesmaid dress on Sierra? It would make sense since Joy & Sierra are "best friends".

So who is this Kristen Nicole Young? I was fascinated by her questionable fashion choices in this post so I followed the link to her page.  And would you know she's wearing that damned head wrap in half her pics?  Same raunchy green wrap regardless of her outfit.   I'm also surprised that she seems to only have one child. She's got a full blown Michelle hunch going. 

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She's the wife of the GM for Tacos 4 Life. She apparently runs their social media, and after the episode when the Duggars first showed up there, people accused T4L of pimping out their business for free promotion on the show. Kristen deleted and blocked people who made these remarks. 

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Really you can't throw on shoes for a house full of guests? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She couldn't put on shoes for her courtship filming in the closet, and her sister couldn't bother to put on the simplest of shoes for her wedding.  Rubes.

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I'll excuse cake and punch receptions, but those same people I know who do that would also scrub the house thoroughly before and after having wedding guests over. 

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3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

She's the wife of the GM for Tacos 4 Life. She apparently runs their social media, and after the episode when the Duggars first showed up there, people accused T4L of pimping out their business for free promotion on the show. Kristen deleted and blocked people who made these remarks. 

According to their posts on LinkedIn, her husband runs the social media for Tacos 4 Life and she is a stay-at-home mom.



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Well, she was all over FB that one day. I watched it all go down. And this was before she had her daughter, right around the time they had her baby shower on the show. 

T4L was mentioned in that episode. I believe they misrepresented themselves not thinking people would look them up on LinkedIn.

eta: Check out the bottom of this page. Added after that fateful day, I am sure. And no one slandered them, just accused them of using the show for free advertising.



Edited by Sew Sumi
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1 hour ago, Lunera said:

They aren't the owners? She makes it seem as if she and her husband own the business.

They sure as hell gave the impression they were the owners on J&JCO, or at least Jessa made it seem that way when she described their relationship to the family. What a bunch of posers.

Edited by BitterApple
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Add me to the group. I thought they owned T4L.  I didn't follow the social media fall out but the show gave the impression that they were owners.  Wow. Slippery Duggars and Friends. 

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3 minutes ago, Love2dance said:

Well, at least it seems like they really DO give to charity and provide a service, unlike some others we won't name who only pretend.

Good point.  (P.S.  I really like Ashton's dress, hairstyle, makeup, jewelry − she's the real deal., not a phony wannabe.)

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I thought maybe they were related to the owners, for example maybe his or her parents own the business (like Austin and the camp).  It's not impossible (most of my relatives don't share last names with me or each other) that they are related to the owners, but it now seems less likely.

Edited by Temperance
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I knew that Kristen's husband didn't in the place, but they presented themselves as being higher up the T4L food chain, and apparently I was not the only one who got that impression. 

I knew that they donated to the less fortunate; I looked them up when I first heard if them, thinking they had ties to the pro-life movement.

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3 hours ago, Oldernowiser said:

The GROUT!!!???? MY EYES! MY EYES!!!!

Apparently it was once beige, looking at the tile at the far right.


Wow. I don't understand how it even got that dirty. Did somebody run a bulldozer full of mud through the house or something?

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Look at the floor behind them.


17 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Wow. I don't understand how it even got that dirty. Did somebody run a bulldozer full of mud through the house or something?

Dirty floors and bare feet are a recipe for problems.  You can pick up bacteria, fungal infections and viruses, including plantar warts (a viral infection that can often be found on dirty surfaces) and athlete's foot.  Stepping on something and cutting your foot can lead to a tetanus infection.

Also of concern is the possibility of contracting hookworm. Hookworm is a parasite that is found in animal feces. It enters the skin by burrowing under the surface when it comes into contact with the feet.  Anyone walking in the front door could have a microscopic piece of dog poop on the bottom of their shoe.  Hookworm is an intestinal parasite found in dog poop and can be spread to humans.  Hookworm infected about 428 million in 2015.

(Let's just hope that she washes her feet before she crawls in the sheets.  Jessa does use sheets now, doesn't she?)

Plus, going barefoot at a party like that just looks tacky.

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2 minutes ago, Baby Button Eyes said:

Yeah, but they don't know this stuff. The are so uneducated in all things. Their house is so blessed, the dirt in their home is harmless.

Didn't her mother ever teach her about basic cleanliness?  Oh.  Nevermind.

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This floor thing is so out of my range of thinking.  I do not even have one single pair of shoes in my house.  I have a shoe shelf in my garage right by the door, and shoes stay outside the door, and slippers are inside the door.  The thought of "shoe germs" in my house drives me nuts.  Why would anyone want all that stuff on their floors and rugs? Especially since "spitting" on the ground has become so "acceptable".  YUCK!

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Jessa's whole look is Duggar Sloppy in that pic. She's wearing what looks to be one of Ben's shirts. I guess she can only wear her own when she's knocked up and has to show off the bump. Her family is entertaining hundreds of people, and she practically lives there. She should have brought a nicer outfit. It's not as if she was all dolled up for the wedding for crissakes. Anyone could wear those blue dresses to work with a blazer and be perfectly acceptable office wear. 

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7 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I knew that Kristen's husband didn't in the place, but they presented themselves as being higher up the T4L food chain, and apparently I was not the only one who got that impression. 

I knew that they donated to the less fortunate; I looked them up when I first heard if them, thinking they had ties to the pro-life movement.

This photo on her account made me think they owned the place. I remember posting not too long ago that Jessa must be jealous of her because they are both fundies and the same age, yet she went to college and she and her husband are well off with a new restaurant. Turns out they were just employees there and a bunch of famewhores.


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14 hours ago, Lunera said:

I'm guessing this was after the wedding. They all look so grubby hunched back.

I don't like wearing shoes indoors, so I'm not going to snark on the bare feet. However, I do realize that the TTH is really filthy, and that the Duggars themselves, do not bathe often, so I'm not sure how I would feel going barefoot in that house. That having been said, though, the real problem here is one of composition. Why is this a full-length photo? Why not a close-up of three "friends?" There is absolutely nothing about this photo that requires it to be full length. There is certainly no reason that they would want to show off their outfits (that's not really what Jessa wore to Joy's wedding, right?), there is nothing special about the location -- why use this composition? This is a huge problem with all of the Duggar photos. They take waaaaaaay too many of them, there is almost never any actual reason for memorializing the occassion (see any picture of Josie, ever), and there is never any actual thought put into the who/what/why of the photo.

Edited by cmr2014
English is my first language and I do know grammar.
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3 hours ago, Lunera said:

This photo on her account made me think they owned the place. I remember posting not too long ago that Jessa must be jealous of her because they are both fundies and the same age, yet she went to college and she and her husband are well off with a new restaurant. Turns out they were just employees there and a bunch of famewhores.


Truly misleading.

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Could it be a franchise? Like many chain restaurants?

The company lists five locations, all in Arkansas.

According to Justin Young's LinkedIn entry, he was the manager (Store Leader) of the Tacos 4 Life restaurant in Fayetteville for one year, beginning in June, 2015.  Then he worked for the company as Director of New Store Openings for seven months.  He has worked as Operations Leader – whatever that is – for the past six months.

Therefore, I presume that he does not own a franchise.  According to the corporate website, "The total initial investment necessary to begin operation of a Tacos 4 Life franchise ranges from $585,000 – $825,000."  I sincerely doubt that Justin has that kind of money.  Before he started working in the food industry as an intern for Tyson Foods, he owned his own lawn care business (2006 – 2010).

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