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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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How many ts's were there??   I got Antiques Roadshow, mount, Andersonville, North & South and John Wilkes Booth but there seemed to be a lot more that I didn't get either.

Congrats again to Tim but I think he's had a pretty easy time of it this week.

Did not get FJ. I guessed Black Sea because those three cultures seemed to overlap that area but I didn't know what Baku was the capital of so I wasn't surprised I was wrong.

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OMG!  I'm sooo glad Tim had a runaway and actually won a decent amount of money for a change.  Jim was just "meh" but Grinning Goofy Lara was insufferable.  Jesus rode in on a camel?  WTF?!

There were a zillion TS again but I only got a few - Amish, North and South, and John Wilkes Booth.

I guessed the Black Sea for FJ.  Boo hiss.

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I think Alex and I both had a crush on the contestant Lara today.  Not only did she have the same name as a sexy video game avatar from the 90s, but she was an "aquatic veterinarian" (how cool is that?) and she seemed good humored about trailing Tim by a wide margin.  Gotta love a woman who can smile after getting ruled incorrect.

FJ was easy to guess, I thought.

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it came down to deciding if it was on the Caspian or Black Sea, and I guessed wrong.

I immediately thought Caspian then thought maybe it's Black Sea but then switched back to Caspian in time. Phew! I watched the show late tonight and didn't keep track of the few TS I got.

I agree he was quite smitten by Lara. And there was a bit too much editorializing tonight from Alex for my taste, like more than once telling the guy in the middle "It's [correct answer] NOT [whatever the guy guessed]". Shut up, Alex.

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12 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I get that players are nervous and all, and who knows?  I might act just as inane as Lara did, but damn, it drove me just a little nuts.  Also with the starting in the middles of the categories.

I got Amish, Andersonville, Manassas, and North & South.  I am horrible at geography in that part of the world, so I was clueless on FJ.  I blame the USSR.

Seriously how could they miss North and South?  Even if you didn't read the book, it was one of the biggest miniseries of the 1980s. 

And yes the FJ answer it was Caspian or Black sea, I guessed wrong

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I usually guess Caspian and it usually turns out to be the Black Sea. This time, I guessed Black.  As Alex would say, "boo, hiss."

Y'know, being an aquatic vet IS pretty cool, but she's in Orlando. I'm betting she works for SeaWorld. That's one woman I'd like to see out of a job when they shut that miserable torture, dignity-stealing place down. Not that I wish her economic damage, but I just think it's horrible what they do to those majestic sea mammals.

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1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Y'know, being an aquatic vet IS pretty cool, but she's in Orlando. I'm betting she works for SeaWorld. That's one woman I'd like to see out of a job when they shut that miserable torture, dignity-stealing place down. Not that I wish her economic damage, but I just think it's horrible what they do to those majestic sea mammals.

I want to like this 10,000 times.  Those horrible people basically killed my beloved polar bears, Klondike and Snow, who were hand raised by vets at our zoo after their mother rejected them.

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4 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I want to like this 10,000 times.  Those horrible people basically killed my beloved polar bears, Klondike and Snow, who were hand raised by vets at our zoo after their mother rejected them.

@CarpeDiem54, what happened to Klondike and Snow? I remember the documentary on them being raised by hand at the zoo and then leaving, but don't know the rest of the story. Did they go to Seaworld when they left the zoo?

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54 minutes ago, CarpeDiem54 said:
1 hour ago, Spunkygal said:

@CarpeDiem54, what happened to Klondike and Snow? I remember the documentary on them being raised by hand at the zoo and then leaving, but don't know the rest of the story. Did they go to Seaworld when they left the zoo?

This goofy quote box isn't working properly.


Well this totally breaks my heart. I remember the vet tech who took them home with her so they could be bottle fed all during the night. That was such a cool documentary. How unhappy and unhealthy they became. Sniff.

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Aw, I like Tim.

Finally got caught up on last week's episodes.

If I ever go on Jeopardy, I'm really going to need to learn bodies of water. I have the world capitals more or less down, but I'm pretty useless when it comes to bodies of water that aren't oceans.

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14 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

Please, someone beat Tim!  He's driving me nuts, and I can't even explain why.

I don't dislike him but he has no personality, not even a bad one.  I think if he ends up in Tournament of Champions he's going to get his clock cleaned...he's not all that.  Ten minutes go by without his buzzing in, and his daily winnings are respectable but not mind-blowing.

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18 minutes ago, Albino said:

I don't dislike him but he has no personality, not even a bad one.  I think if he ends up in Tournament of Champions he's going to get his clock cleaned...he's not all that.  Ten minutes go by without his buzzing in, and his daily winnings are respectable but not mind-blowing.

I think maybe that's the problem for me.  I mean, I don't want someone with too much personality (looking at you, Buzzy) but a little would be good.  And he's not really been that good for most of his games; he's mostly been lucky that his opponents have been really bad.

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That was a pretty good game.  I thought for sure Tim was done, but he lives to play another game.

My ts's were Will the Circle be Unbroken, Pinocchio (DD and Orchid.

Almost instaget FJ.

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On the double pope names I'm surprised the judges took just John Paul for an answer, Alex should've asked for a BSM. Only John Paul I served for 34 days. 

DDs/TS I got were Pinocchio, Mock Turtle and Orchid. 

Amy was a yo-yo with the ups and downs, she bounced back a number of times. I agree Tim is very laid back and today even he seemed surprised that he won. He just lucked out in that his two opponents were worse.

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I can't believe Tim squeaked out another win.  His winnings aren't very impressive for 7 days.  He'll be eaten alive if he makes it to the TOC.

Amy could have made a pile of money if she hadn't rung in on every.single.clue whether she knew the answer or not.  She had some impressive knowledge, but her Goofy Guesses were epic.  The Philippines are in the Mediterranean?  Really?

I only got a few TS's - Will The Circle Be Unbroken, Cyprus and orchid.

I figured Newton was too obvious for FJ, so I had nothing.  Boo hiss.

Edited by CarpeDiem54
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Also clueless on FJ here.  I couldn't even come up with Newton!

Tim has a lucky streak a mile wide.  Only his crafty wagering has saved him on more than one occasion, including tonight.

I got Antarctic Circle, Will the Circle Be Unbroken, Cape Verde, Pinocchio and Mock Turtle.  Can't believe I missed orchid -- they had a bloody picture of the thing!  But at least I didn't guess rhododendron!  And while I couldn't come up with Cyprus, I certainly know that the Philippines are not in the Mediterranean. 

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On the double pope names I'm surprised the judges took just John Paul for an answer, Alex should've asked for a BSM. Only John Paul I served for 34 days. 

I originally felt the same but maybe since they said something like he was the first doubly named the "I" would be redundant?

The only TS I got was power forward and I got the Cyprus DD.

My FJ guess was Copernicus, although I had no idea whether it was appropriate for the time.

Amy got all 3 DD though which was pretty cool, but my nerves are too fragile for another day of her.

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I too said Newton. My other thought was Copernicus, though he wasn't British. Haley would never have occurred to me.

Yes, "Royal Society" indicated British.  That usually means Newton, Halley, or Herschel (either William or Caroline, although I'm pretty sure the clue said "he" which would leave out Caroline!)

1694 is too early for either of the Herschel siblings - William discovered the planet Uranus during the reign of George III, almost a century later.  He wanted to name it George's Star after the British monarch, but the name didn't stick (French astronomers objected!)  So, Newton....or Halley?  I did a mental coin-flip and said Newton.  And was wrong.

1 hour ago, YoureSoUrban said:

My FJ guess was Copernicus, although I had no idea whether it was appropriate for the time.

Dead about 150 years by the time of the clue.  Galileo was also dead for about 50 years.

ETA: We just celebrated the 400th anniversary of Galileo's "Two Small Pieces of Glass" (refracting telescope) in 2009.  So if he was inventing telescopes in 1609, he would have been pretty freakin' old by 1694!

Edited by The Wild Sow
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10 minutes ago, YoureSoUrban said:

I originally felt the same but maybe since they said something like he was the first doubly named [pope] the "I" would be redundant?

Yep, this was my thought process as well. "Benedict" was probably deserving of a BMS, but I can't remember the clue's wording well enough. "Queen Elizabeth" definitely should have had a regnal number. Amy was fast on the buzzer but too willing to guess.

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I actually got a kick out of Amy's roller coaster ride.  It seemed like she was the only one playing.  I can't believe how lucky Tim has been.

I got Pinocchio and orchid and that's all I remember.  Really had no clue for FJ but guessed Galileo.

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The university campus where Amy attends is filled with rhododendron bushes so I groaned at her miss on that one. 

Tim fascinates me. I'm looking forward to seeing how he does in the ToC. He hasn't come across as dominant, but the mellow seems to be working for him. 

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Well, shoot! I was clueless for FJ and I even wrote a time-travel romance called "Hallie's Comet." On the other hand, I was screaming ORCHID and PINOCCHIO at the TV (they never listen to me!) Anyone else think the children's books category was grade-school easy? I mean, Rapunzel??? Sheesh! 

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10 hours ago, The Wild Sow said:

Yes, "Royal Society" indicated British.  

I figured that but thought maybe it was a guest speaker. :)


10 hours ago, Pallida said:

The university campus where Amy attends is filled with rhododendron bushes so I groaned at her miss on that one. 

Maybe she has rhododendrons on the brain. But, yes, I couldn't believe she said that. At least rhododendrons has a silent H.


8 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

Anyone else think the children's books category was grade-school easy? I mean, Rapunzel??? Sheesh! 

Yup. These were pretty basic. Unless I have a brain fart, I'm usually really good at children's books because I go to the library regularly to get bedtime reading picture books for my son.

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10 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

Well, shoot! I was clueless for FJ and I even wrote a time-travel romance called "Hallie's Comet." On the other hand, I was screaming ORCHID and PINOCCHIO at the TV (they never listen to me!) Anyone else think the children's books category was grade-school easy? I mean, Rapunzel??? Sheesh! 

I got FJ immediately but missed two of the children's books answers. I wasn't into that stuff when I was a kid, and I don't have kids, so kiddie lit is always tough for me.

Tim continues to be more lucky than good. I don't dislike him as a player, but I can't believe he's won this many games. Is he automatically in TOC? 

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Wow. I don't even know what else to say. That was so impressive and sad and inspiring. You could tell Cindy was feeling weak, but it must have been exciting to fulfill her dream… and then win! 

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13 minutes ago, rubaco said:

Wow. I don't even know what else to say. That was so impressive and sad and inspiring. You could tell Cindy was feeling weak, but it must have been exciting to fulfill her dream… and then win! 

I was rooting so hard for her!

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1 minute ago, teebax said:

I was rooting so hard for her!

Me too.  I'm glad she had such an impressive win.

2 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Asunción?  That doesn't make any sense.

I know! Where do you find St. James in that?  I did get FJ but only because of all the news about Castro's funeral.

I had some ts's but didn't write them down - the only one I remember is upsilon/epsilon.

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2 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

I couldn't watch today.  I would have cried.  

I almost cried when she won (I cry easily).

They kept saying that Cindy's show would air Tuesday - to me that meant she didn't win, so I was pretty surprised.

Not only did she win by quite a bit, but she did it while septic (according to one of the articles I read).

I guessed San Jose for FJ - I didn't think the Jose part matched, but it's a better guess than Asuncion!

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Our satellite receiver picked yesterday to go on the fritz, right as I was about to watch the J! episode it had just recorded.  Today I managed to watch by other means.  I'm so glad I saw Cindy not only compete but triumph.  Feeling very throat-lumpish yet happy.  These days I think we all need examples of goodness and bravery and intelligence to inspire us.

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*wiping a tear from my eye*  Way to go Cindy!

6 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

  I'm so glad I saw Cindy not only compete but triumph.  Feeling very throat-lumpish yet happy.  These days I think we all need examples of goodness and bravery and intelligence to inspire us.

This times 1,000.

I got Little Drummer Boy, Jimmy Carter and Blue Ridge Mountains.

I was clueless, again, for FJ.

Dang it's hard to type whilst trying not to cry...

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I'm so glad Cindy won -- and it didn't hurt that she dethroned Tim in the process.

I was surprised by the upsilon/epsilon TS.

The end'the' category was pretty easy -- I know there's a limited set of words that match the category, but scythe as a $1000 clue, really ?  I would have guessed that as the first clue in the category followed by absinthe.

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