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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)


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Welcome to the Jeopardy! season 33 thread. This season will start September 12, 2016.

Please avoid posting details about the episode of the day before 7PM ET. If necessary, you may use spoiler tags. This allows time for other posters to catch up in their own time slots.

For a fun reference guide on terms used in this thread and the Jeopardy! fandom, see the glossary thread.

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At first I thought these contestants were all going to be sharp and good players.  And the cute and charming champ got off to a good start.

But....lot of triple stumpers.  Auburn, Dept of Labor, kinescope. Chaucer. Dylan Thomas, Finnegans Wake Forest, flood  I didn't know kinescope, but the others didn't seem that difficult.  Defending champ missed DD on photography.  And only one contestant got FJ, which I thought was easy to guess.

Also, in my TV market anyway, during the commercial break before FJ, Alex came on and explicitly invited Canadians to take the online test to be a contestant.  I know this was a source of some concern - about whether Canadians could take the test.

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The contestants weren't all that sharp but not awful either.  I thought the returning champion seemed a little ditzy.

I also forgot to write down my ts answers but do remember Dylan Thomas, Matthew Arnold, Flood and Chaucer plus the missed DD of photography.

Also got FJ but wasn't 100% sure of it.

I was just glad to see a new show I didn't really care how the contestants did:)

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This bunch weren't the sharpest tools in the shed but so much better than the total tools on last week.  I'm sooo glad real shows are back.  I like Annie.

I got Budweiser, Panama, Chaucer, Dylan Thomas, toilet and flood.  I think there were a couple of others but I was out of practice writing them down.

I answered FJ well before Alex finished reading the clue.  I can't believe only one person got it.  250,000 people died!  Don't they read or listen to the news?

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I too was gobsmacked that two of them missed FJ. Phuket? REALLY?! I know almost nothing about Asian geography and I instantly got that. I hate to use words like "stupid," but...let's say "inattentive." As in those two apparently do not pay any attention to anything ever.

Underwhelming season premiere. Lots of dunce answers.

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Soooooooo excited to be back and on a fresh new thread to boot!

I had forgotten who the champ was and I still didn't remember when I saw her. Nice come back for David but it wasn't enough.

I only got one TS: Kanji. I didn't know the process they were describing but figured out the photography DD from the clue. Gave myself a pat on the back since that's my newest chosen career :-)

FJ was an instaget but had me worried when I saw the champ and David's answers. Vietnam and the Phillipines?? Maybe they thought it was a trick question because Phuket is so well known?

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I didn't get to watch yesterday's ep. It was preempted for football here but was supposed to air at 2:07 am. My DVR was set to record, but I ended up getting The $100,000 Pyramid. Fortunately, I also had my DVR set to record that show, so I thought I'd get Jeopardy recorded there. Nope. It was Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. Stupid football season.

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Yay, Jeopardy's back! Those six weeks really flew by, thank goodness. 

In small world news, I went to college with the new champ. It was kind of surreal to have her pop up on the show. She didn't have a super impressive debut, but I remember her being sharp and fun, so I hope she lasts awhile.

Count me in thinking the Daily Doubles and of course that FJ were on the easy side. Basically,  if I can answer a geography question, then it's an easy question, and I knew Thailand right away.

The TSs I remember getting were Johnstown Flood, Dylan Thomas, toilet, and the Dept. of Labor. Frances Perkins deserves more respect.

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Heck, my acting class in college used the Johnstown Flood as an acting exercise, that's how well known it was at least in the mid-'80s.

And, yes, Lois Sandborne, Frances Perkins does deserve all the respect!!  As soon as I saw her name, I was yelling "Labor! Laaaabooorrrrr!" at the tv. She actually witnessed the women at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory leaping from the building, so she was all about labor-related issues.

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17 hours ago, Trey said:

The contestants weren't all that sharp but not awful either.  I thought the returning champion seemed a little ditzy.

I also forgot to write down my ts answers but do remember Dylan Thomas, Matthew Arnold, Flood and Chaucer plus the missed DD of photography.

Also got FJ but wasn't 100% sure of it.

I was just glad to see a new show I didn't really care how the contestants did:)

The only stumpers I didn't get were Labor, kinescope and Finnegans Wake Forest - I got hung up on Duke for some reason.

3 hours ago, M. Darcy said:

Or watch Survivor.  That's how I immediately got FJ.  Hopefully, I would have also gotten it from the news.

And, no one got Dylan Thomas?  If its a question about Wales, Dylan Thomas is the answer.

Didn't the returning champ mention being an Amazing Race fan?  They went there in more than one season.

I know the names of 3 Dutch queens: Wilhemina, Julianna, and Beatrix.  I knew that Beatrix had abdicated to allow her son to take the throne sometime in the last few years, so it was a toss up between the other two.  I guessed correctly.  Yeah, me!

Edited by proserpina65
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Would Kit Pepper have been acceptable ?

That was a really unimpressive Jeopardy round -- so many wrong answers/bad guesses.

That Hippocratic oath DD in the DJ round was pretty easy -- it included 'physician' in the clue and fact it was from 2400 years agao-- I was surprised Elizabeth missed it.

Had no idea about FJ -- guessed Teddy Roosevelt as well.

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11 minutes ago, Sharpie66 said:

Today's FJ: OK, they give you "tragic affair" and the year of 1895, and no one comes up with Dreyfus? Seriously???

I wondered what 'tragic affair' they thought Teddy Roosevelt was involved in.

FJ was an instaget for me. I agree with Alex that it was a fairly tough one though..

The only TS I remember getting was all cats are grey In The Dark and the missed DD of Hippocratic oath.

Edited by Trey
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I take it that none of the contestants have ever read Benjamin Franklin's Advice to a Young Man on the Choice of a Mistress.

I said "Dreyfus" then kept saying it was probably wrong because I thought 1895 was too late for the Dreyfus affair.  I didn't change my answer, though.  Wish that had been the FJ on my game, 'cause I'd have bet everything on 19th Military Men.



I wondered what 'tragic affair' they thought Teddy Roosevelt was involved in.

Maybe they were thinking of the sinking of the Maine in Havana Bay?  Although the year was too early for that, but that's all I can think of, TR-wise.

Edited by proserpina65
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FJ was an instaget for me because of the word "affair." I did wonder why two out of three thought of Teddy Roosevelt. The sinking of the Maine is a possible thought, or perhaps the death of his mother and his wife on the same day?

I'm curious why people don't like Elizabeth. She wasn't the most impressive of players, but she seems very pleasant.

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So many TS in the first round! I got leopard, like it, Dover, Frankfort (missed DD), Malcolm X (which really sorprised me as a TS), in the dark*, and musk ox. In DJ, I was able to come up with thousand, liberty (and yes, with "bell" in the clue, that miss was inexcusable), Hippocratic Oath (another remarkable miss, with physician in the clue), and Gestapo.

However, I was clueless on FJ, but when Alex read the answer, I slapped my forehead. 

I can't say I'm a fan of the new sounds they use when they load the board.

*I always heard that phrase as something Isaac Asimov said about a different kind of cat, when asked whether he preferred blondes or brunettes or redheads.....

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12 hours ago, YoureSoUrban said:

I'm with you. I can't recall but did she get all of the DDs? I rolled my eyes at at least 2.

For TS I got Like it, 1000, Liberty and the Gestapo which I'm seriously stunned they didn't get, especially after Andre guessed SS.

I didn't get 1000, but I did get the rest.



*I always heard that phrase as something Isaac Asimov said about a different kind of cat, when asked whether he preferred blondes or brunettes or redheads.....

Same kind of cat as Ben Franklin - great minds think alike.  (Although in Franklin's case, the cat was potentially grey.)

Edited by proserpina65
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Hi everyone! I haven't had a chance to post since the new season started but just wanted to pop in and say I've missed the snark tremendously.

I haven't been impressed yet, either. However, one good thing about the contestants we've seen is that I feel like a freaking genius. There's something to be said for getting a lot of TS's correct when you're playing at home! Bring on the J test while I'm still feeling cocky.

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Poor Matt LeBlanc LOL.

I didn't hear the S on the end of Afrikaans, and reminding players of phrasing in the Double Jeopardy round is not supposed to happen.

Don't be like Trump; don't buy signed Tebow memorabilia.

I liked the military woman except for her Dian Fossey miss.

The new champ reminds me a bit of--I had to look up the name--Brian Posehn.

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So much better!  And Alex even got to say "genre"!

I was surprised Elizabeth missed FJ -- smog was the first and only thing that came to my mind, and it was pretty much instant.  Also, she really shouldn't have bet anything if she hoped to be a spoiler.

TS that I remember I got were 1945, Roman alphabet and Archimedes (hard to believe that was a TS).  And I wondered if credit would be given if a contestant answered "Adele Dazeem" instead of Idina Menzel.  LOL

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