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S03.E10: The Skinny, Pt. 1

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the whole "If I lost 100 pounds I'd still be fat and still be morbidly obese" But boy 100 pounds less you would be able to do SO much more and feel a million times better. Even 50 pounds. The "I dont eat all day and start eating at night"- I do believe this, it's very easy to eat 6000 calories in 2-3 hours. Very easy. A pizza, a bag of pastries and a bag of chips with dip and you are good to go.  A pound or 2 of pasta with sausage and meatballs or alfredo or cheese sauce, a loaf of bread and butter and desserts is plenty to put on weight. If you eat so much right before bed, you are not hungry all day. It's almost like she is saying "I don't eat all day!' It makes no difference at what time of the day you overeat. A lot of overweight people don't breakfast but it's because they ate a shitload the night before and it's still rotting in the stomach in the morning.  God!!


Yes you collapsed at the dance marathon BECAUSE of your weight and no other reason. I still think what happened on the skis was HITTING BOTTOM. It was embarrassing, horrifying, painful and humiliating. How did that not set her to hating being fat? They don't manufacture ski boots big enough for her fat calves! They don't exist on this earth so...wake up call!! Denial Denial Denial

  • Love 11
On 8/10/2016 at 9:32 PM, SuzyLee said:

What her friends and family aren't saying (and will probably never say) is like an elephant in the room with them (obvious pun alert).  Just about every time the camera pans to the group, they look wide-eyed and scared to death.

Oh, and Whitney?  That whole bullshit about alternating between three different pizza delivery places is precisely what some alcoholics do with liquor stores.  I should know; I was one until I woke up to my own reality.  You're fooling no one, least of all your viewers/"haters."  

I KNOW, RIGHT!?!???! When she said that I thought, okay - that's the REAL issue. Her body shame is coming mainly from WITHIN and she wants to told (by a REALLY BIG GLOBAL audience) that she is worthy. At this point, that need to be validated and told she's worthy has ballooned into a need to be hyper-validated and told that she's not just worthy but MORE worthy BECAUSE she is fat. 

  • Love 12
On 8/10/2016 at 10:40 PM, PityFree said:

OMG I just realized that Whitney can't wear shoes because of..... exhaustion!!!!!

If that's the  case, I'd like to add... just in Whitney's defense... there HAVE been times when I was too tired to put on shoes. Literally and physically TOO TIRED to put on shoes.

AND, if thats' the case, just to call BS on her, I was also too tired to MOVE and so was not out running errands or dancing or on national telly. 

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On 8/11/2016 at 1:25 PM, Natalie68 said:

Surely didn't have to do with the 280 EXTRA pounds you are carrying (assuming a 5'1 woman without much muscle weighs 120).  

I continue to be shocked by this every time I realize Whit is only 5'1". My DIL is 5' and 98 lbs. She was a gymnast and is still pretty active, so with the muscles, I guess she could put on a few more pounds and still be OK, but I can't imagine her with another 20 lbs, much less another 280. It's not Body Shaming to say Whit is delusional to think that she can be healthy at that weight and height.

  • Love 11
15 minutes ago, aliya said:

I continue to be shocked by this every time I realize Whit is only 5'1". My DIL is 5' and 98 lbs. She was a gymnast and is still pretty active, so with the muscles, I guess she could put on a few more pounds and still be OK, but I can't imagine her with another 20 lbs, much less another 280. It's not Body Shaming to say Whit is delusional to think that she can be healthy at that weight and height.

I'm 5'1 and weigh about 125. I don't work out much so I don't have much muscle. I consider myself an average weight for my height. I would love to lose 5-10 lbs, for vain, not health. I think Whitney could still be "healthy" around 150. Not much more than that. I realize she would still be overweight according to BMI, but if she was exercising and eating healthy I think she'd be ok. There is NO way 380 lbs on a 5'1 woman is healthy. Sadly she's a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen.

  • Love 6

I have zero sympathy for Quitney.  She is a rude, crude, loud, abrasive jerk!  It makes me so angry that she thinks she's a spokesperson for so many different things - body shaming, PCOS, feminism, and whatever else she feels she can just add to her repertoire.  I used to box bc my dad trained pros and amateurs my whole life and I grew up in our gym.  I used to teach women and girls self-defense and how to box.  I was injured whilst doing an exhibition boxing match with a big man (I'd give his name if he weren't famous) for NOW at my alma mater, the University of Oklahoma.  I was only 5'5", 115 pounds at the time, and he is well over 6'.  He started showing off during our last round of sparring and hit me really hard in the jaw (I was wearing headgear, but it didn't help much).  That night, I began getting headaches, then vertigo.  That was in 1994, and I've since had six reconstruction surgeries; and now I need a medically necessary total jaw replacement bc my jaw is being destroyed by osteoarthritis.  My insurance will not cover it.  Long story.  I have managed to work full-time and still exercise as much as possible even though my doctors have limited me to only walking on a treadmill.  I did get up to 200 pounds by December 2014, but realized right away that I needed to do something about it.  I started walking and changed my eating habits, and am now down to 140.  

What makes me so angry with Quitney is that she doesn't even have anything like degenerative arthritis (yet) and she takes her body for granted.  I'd love to be able to run up and down those stairs, but I cannot bc of my medical issues.  Also, I'm an ER/Trauma X-Ray Tech, and I see people like Quit come in every single day who walk in, but then claim they can't stand up for a chest x-ray.  Then I have to do a portable x-ray with the big portable machine, and try to get the cassette behind their backs.  It's physically demanding on me, especially because they usually grab me by the arm or shoulder and it makes my jaw pain worse.  Most healthcare workers are sick and tired of catering to people who are just plain lazy.  And I can't even tell you how many times I've gone to an obese patient's room to do a portable x-ray only to find them eating fast food, brought to them by their family/friends/enablers.  It's difficult to not say, "That food just MIGHT be the reason you're in here for chest pains every week."  I can totally see Quitney being THAT patient - laid up in her hospital bed, downing a pizza and XL soda that Babs or one of her enablers brought to her. 

I know that there are a litany of medical reasons that cause people to gain weight bc I've been going through it for two decades.  But it's not an excuse to just give up and state, "Well, I like being fat!"  That's a load of bullshit and I'm not buying what Quit's selling, and it's sad that many women are.  She is not a role model for young women by any means.  She's not successful at anything she does, and she has zero accomplishments that anyone should admire.  Some raunchy YouTube videos with mediocre club dance moves?!  She's about as respectable as a Kardashian. 

Edited by Pherber
  • Love 18

Just a few reminders: 

Everyone has a right to express their opinions, even when they differ (radically) from yours.

Do not tell your fellow posters what they think, they already know what's in their heads.

Fat-shaming is still not okay. 

NO personal anecdotes anywhere but the Small Talk thread.

Do not mod the forum (ex: telling people what they can or cannot post): report, and do NOT engage.

I think Whit could like being fat and still lose weight.  She said being fat is her identity and if that is something she wants to keep, focus on getting down to something more manageable like 250 or at the very least stop gaining.  She could still then have some "junk in the trunk" and if she does it sooner than later she might not have as much excess skin issues.

I do appreciate the no body shame message as I think putting life off until you lose the weight means life will just pass you by. 

Edited by fountain
  • Love 4
22 hours ago, M.F. Luder said:

Buddy said there was a 20 pound weight difference between them. That may be true, but Buddy is taller and carries his weight significantly different than her. I wouldn't be surprised if Whitney's waist measurement is almost twice Buddy's. Midsection weight is the most dangerous for your health.


Two things: in season 2 a thinner Whitney was measured by Tal and her waist was at 50 and hips at 70 (that's what he read out from the measuring tape).

The other: men aren't seen as being as unattractive at a heavier weight than women. Buddy at 20#s lighter than Whitney would have significantly less trouble finding women who were attracted to him and who didn't just see him as "fat" versus Whitney (or most any woman) who would be seen as either "pretty face but SO fat" or just "wow she's fat" and there would be no interest to look past that to whether or not she's "datable". 

  • Love 3
54 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

The other: men aren't seen as being as unattractive at a heavier weight than women. Buddy at 20#s lighter than Whitney would have significantly less trouble finding women who were attracted to him and who didn't just see him as "fat" versus Whitney (or most any woman) who would be seen as either "pretty face but SO fat" or just "wow she's fat" and there would be no interest to look past that to whether or not she's "datable". 

I dunno, Buddy looks extremely fat and unattractive to me. 

Whit's friends are hanging in and watching what they say because they are loving the paycheck. If they piss her off too much, no more TLC money for them. 


2 hours ago, Pherber said:

I have zero sympathy for Quitney.

That name is perfection! 

  • Love 8

Whitney's parents bother me, for different reasons.  I feel like Babs is appalled to have a large daughter for image reasons - maybe more than out of concern for Whitney's health. She makes snotty little cracks under her breath. Speak up to her face, Mom, and try not to be a bitch about it. One example I recall is something about throwing Whitney under the bus but she wouldn't fit. What a shitty thing to say. Glen, on the other hand, seems genuinely sad about the Whitney's state of denial, but he caves when she snarls at him. Either of my parents would have reamed me good if I had ever spoken to them as Whitney does to her parents. 

And Whitney, if you still wonder why Buddy prefers Heather to you, I bet it has to do with her being low maintenance, thoughtful, amusing without it being at someone's expense... You, on the other hand, don't like being single because you miss having someone fawn all over you. Put his arms around YOU. Commiserate about YOUR trials and tribulations. How about someone who is a companion, an equal (as you claim to want), someone you can give to and not just take from. Even your stupid newlyweds game ending in your endless braying about how Lennie didn't know things about YOU. How much did you listen to things he told you about himself? Did you dismiss him and talk over him and belittle him in private as you do everybody else on camera? Get over yourself. Turn outward for a change  

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 23

I loved how the newlywed game questions were all about food. What's your favorite food? What's your favorite pizza topping? God forbid my SO doesn't know these things! Whitney acted like it was the worst thing ever that Lenny didn't answer correctly. My husband of 6+ years probably wouldn't know these things about me & I could care less! 

Edited by MrsBestes
  • Love 7
10 hours ago, CarolMK said:

I finally watched this last night and something Whitney has said about her previous weight loss and her eating plan now isn't adding up. She says she lost 100 lbs back in 2011 under Will's supervision in an 8 month period. Even starting at 329 lbs, that is an extremely rapid loss in such a short period of time, even though she must have been 27 at the time. She was probably starving herself then ( I underweight an 83 lb weight loss in 2009 and 2010 but it took me a full 2 years, from 228 to 145 and it was 56 lbs the first year, on Weight Watchers). She also mentioned and has previously stated that she eats nothing all day until about 5 to 9 pm, except for having coffee with sugar. Even a Starbucks Frappuccino tops out at around 500 calories, and to maintain a 380 lb body, wouldn't that be approximately 4000 calories a day? Does she really mean she's  having a 3500 calorie meal every evening or is she snacking on junk food during the day and just refusing to acknowledge it? 3500 calories is about an entire pizza, Does this really sound like this is what she is doing? I just don't see how it's possible to starve yourself all day and then pack in that many calories in a short period of time without getting sick. I really think she must be in serious denial and doesn't even acknowledge what/how much she is eating on a daily basis.

She's lying about not eating all day. I just went back and watched the scene where Will fires her as a client (It's on the TLC site) and she says she bought the junk food because, "I'm in the middle of the day and I'm starving so I go and I make a choice and it's not a great choice but I try and make it better".  I think she probably only sits down at a table to eat a meal in the evening so counts that as her only meal, and tries to ignore all the food she ate in her car during the day.

I'd be willing to bet that she also buys a pastry or huge cookie most of the time when she stops at Starbucks. So, a Frappuccino at 500 calories and a pastry at 400 calories and she is at 900 calories. Of course, the Frappuccino and pastry likely don't really fill her up so she probably also makes another fast food stop for lunch. Then its late afternoon and she's got a craving for something sweet so she gets another Frappuccino. Finally, a large pizza for a late dinner and she's easily at 3,500 - 4,000 calories a day.

Edited by absolutelyido
  • Love 16
3 hours ago, MrsBestes said:

I loved how the newlywed game questions were all about food. What's your favorite food? What's your favorite pizza topping? God forbid my SO doesn't know these things! Whitney acted like it was the worst thing ever that Lenny didn't answer correctly. My husband of 6+ years probably wouldn't know these things about me & I could care less! 

I am going on 27 years and I have no idea what my hub's very favorite is, and vice versa. I could name some contenders but that is it. We have other things to do and talk about, I guess. 

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i love how Whitney is on one couch and everyone is on the other couch. It's likes she's the queen and those are her minions.

I didn't see it like this at all.  I saw Whitney taking up as much room on her couch, and Glenn, Babs, and Will took on the other one.  Sorry, but that's really how it struck me.
The comment on how they were lucky she didn't hold a grudge, re: the funeral, was in the same outragaeous vein as her comment to Will, at the end of the last episode, about isn't he sorry he fired her.  She really does not get it.
I don't think Babs and Glenn need the money, but are desparate for something, somehow, to help Whitney.
The host sometimes looked as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing, and Tal look pretty fed up too.
When they were talking about taking pictures of her meals, I really wanted to jump in tell Will that she didn't eat any of that salmon herself.
I'll have to quit now, because it's late, and I still have 3 pages to read here.

Edited by auntjess
  • Love 4
On 8/11/2016 at 0:51 PM, okerry said:

You are 100% correct. What you are seeing is the dynamic of a narcissist surrounded by her enablers/minions/"flying monkeys." You'll see it with every narcissist. The Flying Monkeys are so called because, like the (hugely narcissistic) Wicked Witch of the West, Whitney has servants who will bring her whatever she wants even when it's going to kill her They're always there. Elvis had them, Michael Jackson has them, the narc you know in the office has them, and Whitney has them, too.

The Flying Monkeys put up with this because narcissistic rage is unlike any other. The narc WILL punish you and discard you if you cross him/her or dare to disobey.

Back in the day before the cartoon movie we used to call the flying monkeys "minions".  Well even the flying monkeys eventually turned on the wicked witch and judging from the expressions on their faces when engaging in genuine, unedited responses, they've already turned a bit inside on Whitney but still keep up appearances for the sake of their contracts and paychecks.

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On 8/11/2016 at 1:32 PM, operalover said:

I didn't even know there was such a thing as a Pizza App....I learned something on The Learning Channel!

I know, me too.  And what does it say about a person who has 3 pizza apps and rotates between them, not even aware of the fact that this totally gives away how much pizza they must be ordering in order to have to divvy it up between 3 apps, LOL???!!!!  She must think it's totally normal to be ordering that much pizza and that thin people must do that all the time, so there should be nothing to hide about it and it's all about the shop owners assuming that she's fat because she eats pizza, how unfair and nasty of them, LOL.  What a load of projection THAT is!!!  The pizza shop doesn't give a flying rat's ass how much pizza she orders.  Anyway, I thought she didn't CARE what people thought so why worry about what the employees in a pizza shop think?  I guess if it makes her look like a victim she suddenly becomes all sensitive to what others might think.  Otherwise she regularly flaunts her fat around instead of hiding it and puts it all out there in people's faces like she doesn't care what anyone thinks.  I find it interesting how she takes what she's really thinking of herself deep down and makes it like it's coming from all these fat haters outside of her.  She is the biggest fat hater of them all if you ask me and she does nothing but project that hatred onto everyone else instead of realizing it comes from within.  She needs to wake up to herself and deal with her own feelings and stop making it about how others feel about her.   The lack of self awareness in this woman is completely mind boggling.....

  • Love 20
10 hours ago, Maggienolia said:

I KNOW, RIGHT!?!???! When she said that I thought, okay - that's the REAL issue. Her body shame is coming mainly from WITHIN and she wants to told (by a REALLY BIG GLOBAL audience) that she is worthy. At this point, that need to be validated and told she's worthy has ballooned into a need to be hyper-validated and told that she's not just worthy but MORE worthy BECAUSE she is fat. 

OMG, I couldn't agree with you more - I think she is caught in a feedback loop with the self-hatred.  The more she hates herself and her fat, the more she projects that hatred for her fat onto other people but the more she perceives it coming from other people, the more she hates herself and needs even MORE validation for her worthiness.  Plus it's not even enough anymore to think she is fabulous, but fabulous BECAUSE she is fat.  People have to love her because she's fat or else she doesn't feel worthy deep down because of all the self-hatred she has for being fat that she's not owning up to.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, MrsBestes said:

I'm 5'1 and weigh about 125. I don't work out much so I don't have much muscle. I consider myself an average weight for my height. I would love to lose 5-10 lbs, for vain, not health. I think Whitney could still be "healthy" around 150. Not much more than that. I realize she would still be overweight according to BMI, but if she was exercising and eating healthy I think she'd be ok. There is NO way 380 lbs on a 5'1 woman is healthy. Sadly she's a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen.

I think Whitney could be healthy up to and over 170 - 200 lbs. especially if she keeps up the working out and builds muscle.  Everyone carries their weight differently and has a different frame weight starting out, so people differ on this all over the map.  I was very healthy at 160 lbs. and I'm 5'2" tall.  I wasn't my college weight, but I didn't look overweight and wore a size 8.  But I am naturally very muscular which I'm sure has something to do with it.  I would say I was healthy up until I went over the 200 mark after menopause.  Anything would be an improvement where Whitney is concerned, though.  She is young enough to get away with 200 lbs. for at least another decade, IMO.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Whitney's parents bother me, for different reasons.  I feel like Babs is appalled to have a large daughter for image reasons - maybe more than out of concern for Whitney's health. She makes snotty little cracks under her breath. Speak up to her face, Mom, and try not to be a bitch about it. One example I recall is something about throwing Whitney under the bus but she wouldn't fit. What a shitty thing to say. Glen, on the other hand, seems genuinely sad about the Whitney's state of denial, but he caves when she snarls at him. Either of my parents would have reamed me good if I had ever spoken to them as Whitney does to her parents.

Back when the show first started, someone here posted a link to Whitney's blog and I read it all. One thing that stood out to me was how much of an emphasis Glenn put on her weight and how much the idea of him being ashamed of her affected her. She said that one of her biggest memories was when her dad was dropping her off at college for the first time and he said that he had 2 regrets: not exposing her more to religion and not making her lose more weight. At that point she was 150 pounds. She also mentioned how he paid for her to go to a weight loss hypnotist and during the session the hypnotist said "don't you think that your dad is ashamed of how big you've become considering he was your soccer coach" (paraphrased) and this caused Whitney to have an emotional downward spiral. 

All this to say, I think Glen is of the old, southern generation who thinks that the most/only important thing a woman can do in her life is get married and raise a family. He married a model who seems to have fulfilled that role (don't know if Babs ever had a job, so I'm just guessing), and I think he expected Whitney to pretty much follow the same path. He doesn't seem to have placed many expectations on her (and I think this is the reason why Whitney said her brother hated her when they were growing up), but he wants her to be attractive so that she can snag a good man and start giving him some grandkids. He's definitely disappointed in Whitney and she knows it, and is obviously hurt and defensive about it.

To me, Babs just likes to make deprecating jokes. She's done it to Glen and she did it to Heather when she joked about Heather's instinct that told her Lennie wasn't right for Whitney was the same instinct that led to her dating Todd in high school. Basically saying it wasn't worth shit (which made me laugh).

  • Love 11
48 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

Back when the show first started, someone here posted a link to Whitney's blog and I read it all. One thing that stood out to me was how much of an emphasis Glenn put on her weight and how much the idea of him being ashamed of her affected her. She said that one of her biggest memories was when her dad was dropping her off at college for the first time and he said that he had 2 regrets: not exposing her more to religion and not making her lose more weight. At that point she was 150 pounds. She also mentioned how he paid for her to go to a weight loss hypnotist and during the session the hypnotist said "don't you think that your dad is ashamed of how big you've become considering he was your soccer coach" (paraphrased) and this caused Whitney to have an emotional downward spiral.

Amen to this. I thought the same when reading whinteys book. There is a problem in their relationship and his bringing her little boxes for food will not fix  that. Thats why Whitney appears to be ungrateful etc. Its hard to take well criticisms coming from a person who basically did not take you as you were, unconditionally. I mean this part of the book pretty much broke my heart. He does mean well, but he is not the person Whitney will listen to. (That doesnt change Whitneys denial and all of her flaws.)

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They really do seem afraid to stand up to her. Well maybe afraid is too strong a word, but none of them seem big on confrontation and Whitney is one to push back. They seem like they've just decided it's not worth it. Whitney hears what she wants to hear. While there are a lot of issues surrounding doctors and fat patients, I think Whitney would have just came up with some other excuse for fainting at the dance marathon if she had to. She's fine with her abilities for the moment (and overestimates them) even though I wouldn't be.

I really appreciated when she talked about the mental health stuff. It seemed very genuine. I can't remember if she restated it here but in something (maybe her TED talk?) she talked about how not having body shame in life is a process and that it doesn't mean that you'll never feel shamed again. But unlike before she can bounce back and not continue thinking that's she's worthless.

I don't think she talks about it enough, so I liked when she mentioned about the pizza apps and said how fat shame still affected parts of her life. For instance, I know that logically no one should care what I get at the grocery store, but I still can get self conscious about certain things. If I was her size I wouldn't even want to buy a carton of ice cream. It's hard sometimes as human beings to not think that everyone is judging you about things you're already insecure with. I couldn't imagine if someone actually judged me aloud exactly how I was thinking they might. I wouldn't want to leave my apartment. 

@M.F. Luder I love hearing things from her original blog, I wish that I would have been able to read it before it was deleted. It sounds like a much more real, uncensored Whitney that explains things more. Also I'm just nosy. 

Side note: I'm amazed at how many people here who have never heard of a pizza app! It's probably my social anxiety/introvertness, but ordering food without having to actually talk to anyone is the best thing ever! I love it. Sometimes my food choices solely depend on whether I can handle any more human interaction that day. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

She's lying about not eating all day. I just went back and watched the scene where Will fires her as a client (It's on the TLC site) and she says she bought the junk food because, "I'm in the middle of the day and I'm starving so I go and I make a choice and it's not a great choice but I try and make it better".  I think she probably only sits down at a table to eat a meal in the evening so counts that as her only meal, and tries to ignore all the food she ate in her car during the day.

I'd be willing to bet that she also buys a pastry or huge cookie most of the time when she stops at Starbucks. So, a Frappuccino at 500 calories and a pastry at 400 calories and she is at 900 calories. Of course, the Frappuccino and pastry likely don't really fill her up so she probably also makes another fast food stop for lunch. Then its late afternoon and she's got a craving for something sweet so she gets another Frappuccino. Finally, a large pizza for a late dinner and she's easily at 3,500 - 4,000 calories a day.

Good points, abdolutelyido! 

Whit is using that old rationale that calories don't count IF: 

You eat at the sink.  You eat only crumbs that "fall off" the cake as you're slicing a piece for others.  You are driving and you can't eat salad with a fork while in traffic, duh. The skinny people with you are eating the same thing, and they probably have heart, breathing, back, and feet issues too!  Etc....... ad nauseum. 

Consider if Whit gets an injury that doesn't allow her to drive--she would lose weight for sure--especially if her enablers grew a pair and refused to bring her fast food. But then there's Buddy who has latched onto the TLC teat, and he lives with her so she could threaten him with eviction if he doesn't obey, since Whit owns the house.  

There is a psychological truth to what you say also about people not registering that they ate a meal, or the satisfaction of a meal, if they don't eat at a table, or in the generally accepted, albeit within a broad time frame for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. A newer trend is to eat mindfully without distractions to appreciate taste, be aware of satiety,  and thankful for the food. Mindful eating is a great tool for the above points, although research doesn't support it as a weight loss practice--yet. 

Interesting that Whit says she doesn't  eat all day, even if it is for several hours, before the evidence of the "floor mat picnic"   ---another poster coined the term-- refutes her claim, as also was mentioned above--my point being that Whit herself is being purposely obtuse to herself--which is another form of an EATING DISORDER--that Whit purports to be so stubbornly determined NOT to go back to due to the unhealthy behavior. Contradictions are Whit's forte'.  

Whit definitely needs to fire her therapist cuz she is throwing away TLC's $. Although let's face it,  the therapist is probably  "validating" her self esteem, i.e., kissing her butt for the $, too.  Whatever the therapist is doing ain't working. 

Another thought about Whit's history since high school with Todd, Heather, and Katie--do y'all think this may be why Whit is sooooooo immature?  

Or cd it be arrested development which happens sometimes with abuse, sexual or other,  to some people?  

I apologize if I seem glib abt the following. I believe that Whit has no scruples given her words and delusional behavior the show.

I have a feeling that Whit's  eventually going to come out with a traumatic story of abuse and hasn't so far cuz it's a(n) extended family member or family friend that's still around their community, and the Thores don't want the embarrassment or lawsuits  now that they have big TLC $. But when Whit's fame is waning,  I bet she pulls out the abuse card to gain a new set of followers and speaking gigs. I certainly don't paint any other abuse survivors in this way.  Been there. 

Whit has learned the art of twisting the truth, like politicos and pundits, so her word salads (or more accurately, word pizzas), about " her truth", or  "her reality" , including not eating all day,  not smoking,  loving being fat, being an athlete, her dance career, the ballroom competition,   and her perceived crushes are B.S., which mean nothing. She is going to continue eating junk food,  not exercising,  and further disabling herself.  

But as long as Whit loves herself, keeps on jiggling, I mean dancing, and no one else fucking dare to call her names or challenge her false assumptions,  life will be good.  

Until a new TLC train wreck or a trend towards Respecting Your Body with an engaging, smart, likable proponent appears, and Whit's show goes off the air.  C'est la vie.

Such is life.

Edited by Tosia
Let's be real.
  • Love 9

I think Whitney thinks it's horribly unfair that skinny people seem to eat whatever they want and don't get as fat as her (hence not criticized as much by others) so she uses that as her defense of why she shouldn't have to change her eating habits, as if it's not her fault so it's not fair to criticize her or ask her to change.  But it doesn't matter whose "fault" it is or why she's so fat - Everyone's body is different.  Some people can eat more and stay thin, others less.  Some people are satisfied with less, others need more, but if the effect of all that is morbid obesity and health problems, then SHE has to get over how unfair it is and do whatever it takes to help herself.  Getting mired in what everyone else thinks and the unfairness of it all is only going to make her get defensive and eat even more to spite them or soothe her pain.    I understand how she feels but she really needs to get over everyone else in the world and stop ignoring what it's doing to her body.  She can't continue to blame the world or her body and ignore her health.  And when a lot of people caution her, she seems to take it as criticism, not help when in fact they are trying to help her.  Even the comedian I think is trying to get through to her by shocking her.  Whatever works.

In my own life I look at the alternative and know that eating right and exercising more is actually a small price to pay for a longer and healthier life.  I am a lot older than she is so I can see that more clearly, but even when I was her age it mattered to me and it wasn't easy but I made great sacrifices and worked hard in order to stay at a healthy weight.  I'm just now dealing with the added blow of even more metabolic changes and weight gain thwarting my efforts since menopause but despite a lapse and an uphill battle for a few years I haven't given up the fight and it's making me even more determined to succeed.  It isn't about what anyone else thinks or how unfair it is that I have all these issues while other people don't.  It's about me and me alone and what I have to do to be healthy.  I just hope that one day she gets her head out of her ass and comes to that realization.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 7

I really think Whitney feels like she's a role model for overweight young girls (she alluded somewhat to this in the special), and it's her "mission" in life to show them that they can be happy, healthy, and have a fabulous life, no matter how high their weight gets. Maybe now, for her, it's not about losing weight, it's about standing up for all those girls, and being their spokesperson. BTW, I'm not saying she's doing a great job of it --far from it!, but I don't want my post to disappear again!

I wonder if there is any weight that Whitney would find dangerous, and say, "it's time to lose weight"? If what I said above is accurate, probably not.

Edited by LocalGovt
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, M.F. Luder said:

Back when the show first started, someone here posted a link to Whitney's blog and I read it all. One thing that stood out to me was how much of an emphasis Glenn put on her weight and how much the idea of him being ashamed of her affected her. She said that one of her biggest memories was when her dad was dropping her off at college for the first time and he said that he had 2 regrets: not exposing her more to religion and not making her lose more weight. At that point she was 150 pounds. She also mentioned how he paid for her to go to a weight loss hypnotist and during the session the hypnotist said "don't you think that your dad is ashamed of how big you've become considering he was your soccer coach" (paraphrased) and this caused Whitney to have an emotional downward spiral. 

All this to say, I think Glen is of the old, southern generation who thinks that the most/only important thing a woman can do in her life is get married and raise a family. He married a model who seems to have fulfilled that role (don't know if Babs ever had a job, so I'm just guessing), and I think he expected Whitney to pretty much follow the same path. He doesn't seem to have placed many expectations on her (and I think this is the reason why Whitney said her brother hated her when they were growing up), but he wants her to be attractive so that she can snag a good man and start giving him some grandkids. He's definitely disappointed in Whitney and she knows it, and is obviously hurt and defensive about it.

To me, Babs just likes to make deprecating jokes. She's done it to Glen and she did it to Heather when she joked about Heather's instinct that told her Lennie wasn't right for Whitney was the same instinct that led to her dating Todd in high school. Basically saying it wasn't worth shit (which made me laugh).

I  think your comments are right on the mark.  What her dad does not get is that most addicts are shame-based.  Whitney preaches a message with very valid points.  But, she is saturated in shame and most of it is an inside job.  Why else would you have the three pizza aps?  Why would you eat in your car and cry when Will finds the evidence?  The fatter she gets, the more shame she feels.  The more shame she feels, the more she eats.  And the vicious cycle of self medication continues until there is enough self awareness that it can be broken through the right help.

So, she tries to minimize the shame with ridiculous comments like its a good thing she is a dancer and could do splits as someone not like her would have broken a bone over the ski  incident.  That incident would be humiliating to anyone. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Tosia said:

Good points, abdolutelyido! 

Whit is using that old rationale that calories don't count IF: 

You eat at the sink.  You eat only crumbs that "fall off" the cake as you're slicing a piece for others.  You are driving and you can't eat salad with a fork while in traffic, duh. The skinny people with you are eating the same thing, and they probably have heart, breathing, back, and feet issues too!  Etc....... ad nauseum. 

Consider if Whit gets an injury that doesn't allow her to drive--she would lose weight for sure--especially if her enablers grew a pair and refused to bring her fast food. But then there's Buddy who has latched onto the TLC teat, and he lives with her so she could threaten him with eviction if he doesn't obey, since Whit owns the house.  

There is a psychological truth to what you say also about people not registering that they ate a meal, or the satisfaction of a meal, if they don't eat at a table, or in the generally accepted, albeit within a broad time frame for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. A newer trend is to eat mindfully without distractions to appreciate taste, be aware of satiety,  and thankful for the food. Mindful eating is a great tool for the above points, although research doesn't support it as a weight loss practice--yet. 

Interesting that Whit says she doesn't  eat all day, even if it is for several hours, before the evidence of the "floor mat picnic"   ---another poster coined the term-- refutes her claim, as also was mentioned above--my point being that Whit herself is being purposely obtuse to herself--which is another form of an EATING DISORDER--that Whit purports to be so stubbornly determined NOT to go back to due to the unhealthy behavior. Contradictions are Whit's forte'.  

Whit definitely needs to fire her therapist cuz she is throwing away TLC's $. Although let's face it,  the therapist is probably  "validating" her self esteem, i.e., kissing her butt for the $, too.  Whatever the therapist is doing ain't working. 

Another thought about Whit's history since high school with Todd, Heather, and Katie--do y'all think this may be why Whit is sooooooo immature?  

Or cd it be arrested development which happens sometimes with abuse, sexual or other,  to some people?  

I apologize if I seem glib abt the following. I believe that Whit has no scruples given her words and delusional behavior the show.

I have a feeling that Whit's  eventually going to come out with a traumatic story of abuse and hasn't so far cuz it's a(n) extended family member or family friend that's still around their community, and the Thores don't want the embarrassment or lawsuits  now that they have big TLC $. But when Whit's fame is waning,  I bet she pulls out the abuse card to gain a new set of followers and speaking gigs. I certainly don't paint any other abuse survivors in this way.  Been there. 

Whit has learned the art of twisting the truth, like politicos and pundits, so her word salads about " her truth", or  "her reality" , including not eating all day,  not smoking,  loving being fat, being an athlete, her dance career, the ballroom competition,   and her perceived crushes are B.S., which mean nothing. She is going to continue eating junk food,  not exercising,  and further disabling herself.  

But as long as Whit loves herself, keeps on jiggling, I mean dancing, and no one else fucking dare to call her names or challenge her false assumptions,  life will be good.  

Until a new TLC train wreck or a trend towards Respecting Your Body with an engaging, smart, likable proponent appears, and Whit's show goes off the air.  C'est la vie.

Such is life.

I posted something similar on this board a long time ago. Well, I hypothesized that a lot of Dr. Now's patients got that way because they were abused, and eating was the only form of control they felt they had in their life, so they ate to excess, and ended up in their current situation, and perhaps this was true of Whitney as well.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Cinnamini11 said:

Side note: I'm amazed at how many people here who have never heard of a pizza app! It's probably my social anxiety/introvertness, but ordering food without having to actually talk to anyone is the best thing ever! I love it. Sometimes my food choices solely depend on whether I can handle any more human interaction that day. 

I know, right??  The 3 pizza apps Whitney is talking about are most likely for Papa John's, Dominos, and Pizza Hut.

  • Love 2

It's one thing to be overweight & show young girls that despite it you can live an active life -but WHILE TRYING TO LOSE THE WEIGHT. I think Whitney has the first part down but not the second. It's not ok to pooh-pooh the health ramifications of being obese & give the death glare or stomp out of the room to anyone who tells you otherwise.

There used to se a show called Ruby that was an older version of Whitney. Had her supporting cast of minions & was also in denial.

  • Love 7

Have we already forgotten about her eating a pint of ice cream in her car and crying that she is "just so hungry?" or that she bought a giant cookie because she ate all the "healthy" bars that her trainer suggested she keep in her car instead of getting fast food? 3 pizza apps, Starbucks, banana and peanut butter snacks, Whit is an addict and like all addicts she tries to hide her addiction. She honestly thinks she has us all fooled, that she eats just like a thin person and the weight just magically appears because of her PCOS and her body type.  She wanted booze and a buffet at the intervention on her health!

I can't decide how much of this is Whit lying to herself and how much is Whit being an out of control addict and thinking she has us all fooled, she injured herself crossing the street with great difficulty, she couldn't support herself on skis, she passed out at the "dancathon" and as we have seen she is not an intense or even good dancer.

The saddest thing to me is Whit is now disabled by her obesity, she is physically incapable of handling her basic care needs like showering or wearing shoes or walking a short distance, she is physically disabled because of her obesity, that should scare the hell out of anyone in her situation but she is justifying it and saying it is not only OK but that she is exceptional because she can pretend to dance or that she wasn't seriously injured trying to use skis after half a dozen people needed to intervene because she couldn't support her own weight on them nor get them off.

Whit is probably going to end up on a scooter permanently and then maybe bedbound, if she can justify her current weight disability it's a very short leap to needing a scooter because of a "dancing injury" that somehow never heals.

I'm afraid Whit is a lost cause, she doesn't want to change, she is perfectly fine with being being physically disabled by her obesity, worst of all she has turned her entire feelings of self-worth into justifying how fine it is to be physically disabled by her obesity. In a few short years she will be wearing a sheet in bed, and having Buddy bringing her the pizza she ordered from her 3 pizza apps and wondering out loud why her "dancing injury" won't heal but it's fine because she can still move her arms and there are paraplegics so her situation is really not that bad when you think about it. 

  • Love 20

Huge appreciation to Kid for your insights:



I  think your comments are right on the mark.  What her dad does not get is that most addicts are shame-based.  Whitney preaches a message with very valid points.  But, she is saturated in shame and most of it is an inside job.  Why else would you have the three pizza aps?  Why would you eat in your car and cry when Will finds the evidence?  The fatter she gets, the more shame she feels.  The more shame she feels, the more she eats.  And the vicious cycle of self medication continues until there is enough self awareness that it can be broken through the right help.

So, she tries to minimize the shame with ridiculous comments like its a good thing she is a dancer and could do splits as someone not like her would have broken a bone over the ski  incident.  That incident would be humiliating to anyone. 


Also, thank you, LocalGovt:



really think Whitney feels like she's a role model for overweight young girls (she alluded somewhat to this in the special), and it's her "mission" in life to show them that they can be happy, healthy, and have a fabulous life, no matter how high their weight gets. Maybe now, for her, it's not about losing weight, it's about standing up for all those girls, and being their spokesperson.

I wonder if there is any weight that Whitney would find dangerous, and say, "it's time to lose weight"? If what I said above is accurate, probably not.


  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Kid said:

Whitney preaches a message with very valid points.

Whitney preaches a message with very valid points for people that are not her, she has convinced herself that she has a normal weight problem, that she is in the same category as people that are merely aesthetically unpleasing  by societal standards when in reality she is the equivalent of a homeless person passed out from alcohol at 2PM on the sidewalk thinking that they are someone that has a few too many beers a few too many times on the weekend but everything is fine because things are going great at work, they just got a promotion and it's not every weekend. 

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, LocalGovt said:

I really think Whitney feels like she's a role model for overweight young girls (she alluded somewhat to this in the special), and it's her "mission" in life to show them that they can be happy, healthy, and have a fabulous life, no matter how high their weight gets. Maybe now, for her, it's not about losing weight, it's about standing up for all those girls, and being their spokesperson.

I wonder if there is any weight that Whitney would find dangerous, and say, "it's time to lose weight"? If what I said above is accurate, probably not.

I think Whitney is using the no BS thing to try to make people forget about the elephant in the room (pun intended) and just accept fat people as they are, not focus on their weight or encourage them to lose weight.  What she doesn't understand is that most people out there aren't shaming anyone by doing that, they're trying to get them to help themselves.  Of course they're going to focus on the person's weight if they think it's unhealthy, just like they would focus on a cigarette smoker if they were smoking all over the place and coughing, etc.  Whitney digs her heels in like she thinks she's making a point by claiming to love being fat and not wanting to change her eating habits.  She thinks everyone who tells her she should lose weight is doing it to shame her and put her down, so screw them, she'll throw it back in their faces by continuing to be fat - That is so far off the mark it isn't funny.  She needs to stop twisting around everyone's concern for her into fat shaming when it isn't.  This is not about what everyone else is doing TO HER.  It's about what she isn't doing for HERSELF, and she just doesn't get that.  And she can't help anyone if she doesn't help herself.  This woman needs therapy in a big way.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 18

I don't understand the pizza thing. I get trying to hide the amount of pizza (or other junk food) she eats from her family and friends that she knows worry about her weight and health. But does she really think the pizza guy cares? Pizza places sell pizza. So they aren't surprised when people order pizza. Especially since it sounds like she's ordering from chain places (The Hut, Dominos etc) rather than a local place. Does she really think the kids who work at these places are keeping a tally and will tell her 'yes - we sell pizza but please don't order again'? Does she honestly think they are paying attention? I can't decide if it's a function her insecurity that she thinks everyone is judging her or if it's her narcissism that is assuming everyone is paying attention to her. 

  • Love 8

I so agree with several posters above! 

Localgovt--I didn't mean to take credit for your thoughts abt Whit's possible sexual abuse.  I remember it now and totally appreciated your post about the issue no one wants to mention. It happens so much everywhere.  No words.

Cinnamini11 and others posted abt alot of shame going on,  and I agree, and would add an immense amount of fear that Whit may feel for many reasons like keeping this fame high that she's going through  now, and more directly that she may not be able to stick to a healthy food plan even with a nutritionist. We've seen how she skips out on workout sessions with Will--who I really, really hope gets to talk more frankly to Whit next week. Otherwise,  I wonder if TLC cut out some of his more honest remarks from last week. Anyway, you are so right abt Whit stuffing herself and smoking to soothe  her pain.  Although  nicotine is physically addictive, so she's fucked. 

Snarklepus posted about Whit's perceived unfairness of the world that others don't have her physical problems. Crying " not fair" is incredibly juvenile.  Life isn't fair.  Get the fuck over it and move on. 

Blaming others, especially her dad, is a significant issue for her, but again,  who had perfect parents? Kid mentioned  her dad.  Although  Whit bitchily (is that as word?) takes Glen's generosity of stuff,  her car, college tuition, money as in co -signing for her house, helping her fix up her house,  not working and living at their home freely,  and God knows what else.  She is definitely holding him hostage, and I imagine Glen's statement abt her weight before college has been thrown at him many times.  I find blame to be immature, and show Whit to be stuck in the past. Therapy should have taught her something. ...anything......coping skills, constructive conversations, or journaling?  Whit's mentioned her therapist appointments, so I pray she realizes the truth eventually. 

Finally,  the spectre of the  scooter in Whit's  near  future. Thanks,  John M for the reality check.  Whit will be one of those strange Walmart  characters as on the sideshow website. Her pants or bra might tear open, her hair pieces might be falling off, she will be barefooted and get in a kerfuffle with Security over her right to enter the store sans/without shirt or shoes.  Then on to Judge Judy to settle the fist fight that ensued. Remember, she's an athlete and can punch the air like nobody's business for at least a few seconds before exhaustion takes over. Then Whit faints and an ambulance takes her to the hospital where qualified medical personnel fat shame her with the truth about her 380 lb. health, or er, um, state of being. AGAIN. Don't they know that Whit lives in her own truth--whatever the fuck that means. 

Back to the court room where Whit starts blubbering about body shaming,  unfairness,  daddy hurting her feelings, haters online, and in a landmark precedent (sp?), Judge Judy sides with WMart, cuz there was a sign for No shirt, No shoes, and that's a virtual contract. Whit continues to cry/argue as JJ walks back to the judge's chambers.  She whines in the post hallway interview,  and holds up her book and dvds for sale.

Whit will be a reality show transient, scootering throughout Hollywood sound-stages for decades, as tour buses take pics. Whit will become the elusive scooter Big BareFoot, rarely seen too far from a fast food joint. Fucking legendary.

Hope I credited everyone appropriately. 

Edited by Tosia
Whit's gotten ridiculous.
  • Love 7
39 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Does she really think the kids who work at these places are keeping a tally and will tell her 'yes - we sell pizza but please don't order again'? Does she honestly think they are paying attention? I can't decide if it's a function her insecurity that she thinks everyone is judging her or if it's her narcissism that is assuming everyone is paying attention to her. 

I think it is just the sheer volume of pizza she is ordering, regulars get noticed, every Friday I go meet friends at a bar and every Monday I meet friends at another bar for happy hour after work, the bartenders know my name, they know my drink, establishments know regular customers. This does not bother me because I know that the bartender doesn't think I am a raging alcoholic because I have two vodka sodas on Monday after work, I'm not trying to hide anything.

The problem is Whitney is an addict and she knows it, she knows she shouldn't have ordered that cookie, she knows she is eating too much pizza but like most addicts she thinks she has as all fooled, that she really doesn't eat that much, that it's a mystery why she is 400 pounds, that is her entire thing, that she just happens to be fat and that's OK, that it has nothing to do with her shoveling crap into her face constantly, but that's the thing, she has to keep the charade up, she can't admit this is all her own fault and her intense narcissism makes the problem even worse. But the pizza guy will know she is ordering a large pizza every night, it doesn't matter if he cares or not, someone knows that she is super morbidly obese because she is eating too much god damn pizza. It's the same reason she wouldn't photograph her food, in her mind she wants us to believe that we don't know what is going on, not because we care but because she would know she wasn't fooling us any longer.

Edited by John M
  • Love 15
1 hour ago, 3girlsforus said:

I don't understand the pizza thing. I get trying to hide the amount of pizza (or other junk food) she eats from her family and friends that she knows worry about her weight and health. But does she really think the pizza guy cares? Pizza places sell pizza. So they aren't surprised when people order pizza. Especially since it sounds like she's ordering from chain places (The Hut, Dominos etc) rather than a local place. Does she really think the kids who work at these places are keeping a tally and will tell her 'yes - we sell pizza but please don't order again'? Does she honestly think they are paying attention? I can't decide if it's a function her insecurity that she thinks everyone is judging her or if it's her narcissism that is assuming everyone is paying attention to her. 

I think it might be along the same lines as when fat people order food at a restaurant. It may feel like everyone is paying attention and even though they’re probably not, there always might be that one asshole with something to say.

Fat people are not “supposed to” eat pizza. And at Whitney’s size, she’s especially visible/memorable. So 380+ lb Whitney walks up into Dominos and its like – oh look, it’s this fat fuck again. It’s the dumbass smirking behind the counter, saying “here you go. enjoy.” in that insufferable tone as he hands her the pizza while a couple of the other employees making pizza try (or not) to hide their smiles/sniggers in the background. It’s the eyeroll or a head ever so slightly shaking in disapproval, like oh my god she’s here again? what is she trying to do, eat enough pizza until she explodes?

Maybe most people don’t care, but there’s always that chance that those other people are who you’re going to run into this time.

Oh it looks like John M already answered this. So yes definitely to what he is saying, but here’s also the fat shaming angle.

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Well even the flying monkeys eventually turned on the wicked witch

(actually, they didn't - they just waited until she was dead at Dorothy's hands - and remember, the witch demanded that the monkeys bring Dorothy to her and they did - and once the witch was dead, the monkeys simply flew away, presumably to find another narcissist to serve and leech off of.)

and judging from the expressions on their faces when engaging in genuine, unedited responses, they've already turned a bit inside on Whitney but still keep up appearances for the sake of their contracts and paychecks.


  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I was thinking about what a poor representation of the 'no shame - accept your body - healthy but not model body' messages Whitney is last night when I was watching the Olympics. Michelle Carter is 5'9" and 256lbs. By BMI standards she's obese. But she just won a gold medal in shot put. She is a beast - in a GOOD way. She is strong, confident, successful, healthy. She doesn't have the typical girly, skinny body. So what. THAT is the kind of person people should be looking up to. Not a whiner who can't even put on her shoes and faints when she does any physical activity but gets mad when someone suggests she shouldn't eat giant cookies or pizza 3 times a week. 

That's the thing, I totally get that as a society we are probably to hard on women for their weight issues, I know there are many women that get dumped on and lectured about their weight because they are unattractively fat, not unhealthily fat and a lot of time that lecturing gets wrapped in false concerns about their health, that's a legitimate issue but...

GURL YOU CAN'T WEAR SHOES OR PANTS! And not because they don't make them in your size, it's because you are disabled by your obesity. Listen, I get it, you have an addiction, it's slowly killing you, that's awful and I'm very sympathetic, we really don't have a good understanding about addiction, Whitney, unfortunately may very well eat herself to death and it won't be her fault, it sucks but shut the hell up about loving your obesity or how fabulous you are, or that you don't have a weight problem, or what a great dancer you are or that you don't eat that much, I'm really tired of seeing an addict kill herself while saying everything is just great. Admit you have a problem and try and deal with it and I will be sympathetic regardless of your success at dealing with it but in the words of Judge Judy, "Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining". 

  • Love 17
6 hours ago, PhereNicae1 said:

Amen to this. I thought the same when reading whinteys book. There is a problem in their relationship and his bringing her little boxes for food will not fix  that. Thats why Whitney appears to be ungrateful etc. Its hard to take well criticisms coming from a person who basically did not take you as you were, unconditionally. I mean this part of the book pretty much broke my heart. He does mean well, but he is not the person Whitney will listen to. (That doesnt change Whitneys denial and all of her flaws.)

This definitely sheds some new light for me. I bet she was stunning at 150; now I think Glen is a jackass. Whether she was/is stunning or not. "Make" her lose more weight? Wow. No wonder she is so resistant now, and a control freak. I still wish she had better manners, though, and would take care of her health for her own sake without caring if her parents would be saying, "I told you so" or whatever. 

ETA: She is an adult so I don't condone her holding a grudge or being passive-aggressive by refusing to lose weight or whatever. But this is all enlightening, and she could choose to learn how to function despite these early painful experiences with her parents. I don't fault her therapist; you can't make someone change until they want to. For some reason, she isn't ready yet. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 5

My dad told me I was stunning at every weight I ever was, but I truly don't blame Glenn or Babs, Whitney is very loved. I was rooting for her, I really was, but she has to be the one to change, friends and family can't. I'll be back for the snark, but will not tune in the next season,  I am over her. 

Edited by jacksgirl
  • Love 2

First of all good luck to zoemom, I hope you can find a way to stay healthy! I'm thinking about you!

Second, I'm just gonna say a couple of things about ""Twit" (love that!) She seems like she has NO desire whatsoever to DO anything about her bigness. I guess because TLC is paying her a buttload to be fat and fabulous.  I don't think she's all that fabulous.   The other thing is, does anyone else find it ironic that after her show on TLC they proceed to show "My 600 lb Life"?  I think old Twit's gonna be Dr. Now's patient before long.

Finally, I think it would be really good if the girl could find some frickin' SHOES, for cryin' out loud.  She looks hilarious sitting there all made up with NO SHOES ON.  JMHO.

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Tosia said:

I apologize if I seem glib abt the following. I believe that Whit has no scruples given her words and delusional behavior the show.

There is a coldness about her.  Like there is a dead place in her heart.  She laughed at the doggy funeral, while Babs was crying.  The cancer, suffering and death of her pet ferret brought her to tears, she was guffawing so hard.  We have seen lots of tears, but always for herself.  A fawner on her fb page said how much she'd love for her special needs son to meet Whitney.  "I know she'd love him!"  Why?  What show have you been watching?  Whitney cares for no one except Whitney.  Not friends, not family, no one.  Glenn looked on the verge of tears during much of Pt. 1, and in previews of Pt. 2.  I'd be distraught at seeing my father in such pain.  Whit is one cold customer.

  • Love 17
3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

I don't understand the pizza thing. I get trying to hide the amount of pizza (or other junk food) she eats from her family and friends that she knows worry about her weight and health. But does she really think the pizza guy cares? Pizza places sell pizza. So they aren't surprised when people order pizza. Especially since it sounds like she's ordering from chain places (The Hut, Dominos etc) rather than a local place. Does she really think the kids who work at these places are keeping a tally and will tell her 'yes - we sell pizza but please don't order again'? Does she honestly think they are paying attention? I can't decide if it's a function her insecurity that she thinks everyone is judging her or if it's her narcissism that is assuming everyone is paying attention to her. 

Maybe she thinks they'd sell her ordering history and frequency to the tabloids?

Just guessing.

  • Love 1

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