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S28.E14: Split Decision/S28.E15: Reunion

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I hate this show. 

The only good thing was that none of the male contestants felt the need to berate their female contestants during the missions.  I'm more proud of Devin and Cheyanne.  They are my favorites. After Nany and Wes being my OTP, I guess I was rooting for them (and I mean this in like.. a thousand times after rooting for Nany and Wes, whose names I am now going to combine because I cannot keep writing them so Wesanny was my OTP for winning and then they got shot down, so here we are).

Oh Devin, I think I love you more because of your commercial break sitting through stories from John, frat boy story teller, if I ever see you around I'll totally buy a shot for you for taking one for the viewer team. Also, I want dirt as well. You might be a good egg, Devin. 

The twist was stupid and not original. As was discussed in last episode, it was an idea stolen from The Bachelor Pad- and it was AWESOME. This version? Not so much. I believe it was obvious that all the teams aside from J&S were going to share the money because the real drama was there. Watching John hem and haw about what he was doing with the money, one being that Sarah was a good partner but then that he is still CRYING about something that happened on their last challenge together is ridiculous.  As much as I dislike Sarah, it's clear she is good at this team. She has made it quite far in many of these challenges, I think most of her early exits on these shows has to deal with her partners leaving or getting into fights and this causes her to have to leave too. But she is just as good, if not better than John at this good. He's only angry at her because she did what he wanted to do to her in EXS. At some point, you gotta build a bridge. But nope.. he decides to KEEP the money. I hope he is done with these shows for good. Who will ever want to be his partner or work with him again?  Also, does he never not make a speech? TJ, I love you but how can you stand there almost every episode and listen to John speak for like a half hour about anything and everything. 

This was the worst season ever.  

  • Love 11

John continues to be a complete son of a bitch. Part of me wanted to laugh at Sarah for spending that whole challenge stuck up his ass begging for his friendship. But the other part feels kind of bad because that was a shit move and worst than what Sarah did him. I'm sure it will be painted as John getting his righteous revenge for Sarah putting him in the elimination during the last challenge.

I wonder if Vince slowed down deliberately to make sure John and Sarah kept the lead at the end so that John could win. It was nice to at least see him and Devin do the right thing and share with the partner that got them to the finale.

I've never see AYTO (and I never will) so I don't know what Devin did there but I really liked him here. Most guys would have been screaming at their girl partner to move their asses and get up the mountain. But he chilled and that was cool. The shit talk was hilarious.

  • Love 10

It's not even close to what Sarah did to him. What Sarah did to him on Exes II was done on opposite teams. Here they were working together and they helped each other to win the final.

Johnny is so hypocritical. Now he trots out his "all is fair in love, war, and challenges." I can't stand his smug face. I can't stand Vince defending him and saying it's just a game. Apparently, it wasn't a game when Sarah sent him into the final elimination on Exes II. Ugh. Worst challenge ever.

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 17

Johnny is completely full of shit. Sarah choosing to support her partner and take the best shot for the win over Johnny completely winning the challenge and then saying fuck you, take the money and run. Johnny still had a shot to win and he failed. Johnny won because and with her plain and simple and them said fuck you. Sarah is whatever but that's fucked up. And shut the fuck too Wes. You don't screw over your actual partner like that.

  • Love 3

that's the thing, when it is done to him, he cries like a little bitch, but he has done it to everyone else. But when someone sends him in to try to win, he cries for how long about it and then pulls shit like this and is all on his high horse. It isn't the same, plain and simple, that was his partner and she could have hindered them to where they weren't even in the final, so no there is no comparison. That was his partner the whole season and he decided that he was going to take it all instead of showing some respect and putting the past behind him. He whined like a bitch and proved just what a little bitch he is and always was.

  • Love 7

I fucking love Devin. I didn't watch him on AYTO but I understand he didn't treat women very well. Maybe he's redeemed himself somewhat now? He was such a good partner to Cheyenne, the Frank's and Zachs should take note.

John, if you doubt what you did was fucked up, rewatch everyone's reactions. Even TJ looked disgusted. Your asshole cousin didn't even keep the whole amount. I didn't enjoy that at all.

  • Love 16

I wouldn't be surprised if Production told John before the beginning of the challenge that they would have to choose between keeping the money or splitting the money. Because I'm sure he was playing Sarah the whole time. His defense of why would he do that if he knew everyone hates him doesn't fly with me. John enjoys being the bad guy and the most hated in the house. It just means more attention to him.

  • Love 3

Yeah... We all knew that was coming.  

I hate John with the fire of a thousand suns.  That squirmy douche canoe had better retire after this.  For all the shade Sarah (deservingly) got this season, this was not at all satisfying.  On the reunion, she pretty much solidified all the comments about her wanting to fit in with the "cool kids".  I pity her poor soul.  She was played harder than Cara Maria was last season.  Damn.  Time to walk away, girl.  It's sad this show has to tear a woman apart every year.  It's like the non-virgin sacrifice to the Challenge God, or, something. 

Devin for the WIN!  I don't care if he's Wes Lite. I don't care what he did on AYTO. That kid was the best partner Cheyenne, or really ANY female on this misogynistic POS show could have hoped for.  I think the true colors really come out in a final, and he showed his.  I about died with his "atta girl".  Watch out, Abe.  Devin might just be my new favorite. 

I'm disappointed that Corey and Cheyenne aren't living happily ever after.  Cutest challenge hookup, ever. 

I really feel like TPTB set this whole season up in John's favor.  Fuck off MTV.  I'm not watching any more John on my television.  I'm over it. 

This was such a terrible season.  Ugh.  I need to grow up and stop watching this shit. 

  • Love 12

Seriously, did that dumbass hostess on the reunion say Devin and Cheyenne lucky charmed their way to $25000? That's funny, because aside from doing missions and dealing with the shit in the house, I saw them climb a fucking mountain nearly half the height of Mt Everest to get that money. Ugh

I'm tired of looking at these people right now. I'm just gonna go look at Devin's Twitter picture.

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, dangwoodchucks said:

Seriously, did that dumbass hostess on the reunion say Devin and Cheyenne lucky charmed their way to $25000? That's funny, because aside from doing missions and dealing with the shit in the house, I saw them climb a fucking mountain nearly half the height of Mt Everest to get that money. Ugh

I'm tired of looking at these people right now. I'm just gonna go look at Devin's Twitter picture.

Well they did lucky charm it up by being eliminated and allowed back and never having to go in jungle after I don't know how many tries. Devin was right in that they got that far through competing but they were also lucky as fuck. Nothing wrong with that. It's not a bad thing.

  • Love 4

The reunion: 

John is still the worst and also, has to make a SPEECH... ABOUT EVERYTHING. 

Wes! John was right to take the money?... WHAT?  WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? No. I like you! Stop. Talking about how John is right. Seriously? Wes, go home, you're drunk.  Wes and I aren't friends tonight anymore. 

Devin is awesome. However, his hair is not. Do something..else with it or chop it off. Then we can be friends.

I kind of felt bad for Sarah when she explained pretty much what we all say about her wanting to be friends with the cool kids and then they invite her somewhere to make her a joke. She isn't wrong.  That is what happened. And Devin is the best, "they aren't cool!" 

Sarah made excellent points by the way. One, she and John weren't partners on exs and she sent him into an elimination, and like she said, 'with a chance to come back' she didn't send him home right away or take away his prize. He did build her up and rebuild their friendship and had her thinking they would share the money only to literally take away her winning prize. You did make her out to be a fool, John. 

By the way it should be noted that Cheyenne is maybe the nicest person I've seen on these challenges as far as I'm concerned. Devin seems cool although he does have moments where I side eye and I don't and won't watch AYTO but everyone says he was kind of an ass which I see, but Cheyanne seems like a nice person. 

Also, John, Vince sucks. He isn't good. Jenna is great, but she carried your cousin. Vince sucks.  He was carried by your cousin and by his alliance with you. You guys were terrible on Bloodlines because Vince is terrible. He was dead weight to you on that challenge. 

Nicole is the worst. Her voice grates. Her yelling about what happened with Nate was terrible. 

Also, so Camilla and Vince hooked up? Or the producers want to allude to that, I guess. Well, she already hooked up with John once (ah, the throwing a chair though a house window and walking into the pool like she was controlled by a demon). Also, yes, Camilla getting defensive doesn't comply people to think nothing happened. And no one found out if Nany and Wes hooked up? Lame.

The stuff they don't show specials are always kind of fun. It makes me  sad they don't do them  anymore. 

I hate John. He sucks.

What a terrible season. 

  • Love 8

So last week I said there was no way Bananas wouldn't share the prize money, and clearly I was wrong.  But at least I said if he did - this would be his legacy.  Pulling the dirtiest, most selfish move in Challenge history.  And no, John, what Sarah did wasn't even close to this, and nobody but you sees it this way.  On Exes II, Sarah played the game, and played to win, for herself and her teammate.  Which is what everybody there was supposed to do.  This time, the game was over.  You won, and you screwed your teammate - the one who helped you win.  What Bananas did was despicable.  I hope he returns just so that he gets his comeuppance.  And if these idiots cave to his intimidation again, then they all deserve to lose.

  • Love 11

The best part for me is that Sarah could've stood on that stump until hell is a skating rink, and production still would've said John won. How convenient the night round was two points, a round the contestants had no way to verify who won. 

John has "earned" victories in the past. This is not one of them. Really nobody else ever had a chance. 

I hope this is his swan song and productions parting gift. Sarah got exactly what she earned.

  • Love 6

Watched one minute of reunion. Hilarious and amazing how warped some of these people are straight from jump.

- Sarah: we are clapping because you left with exactly the prize we feel you earned: nothing.

Oof. That Instagram essay is blaring expression of doesn't get it. Someone above called it. She did the Cheyenne talk it off camera so the cool kids wouldn't turn on her.  To think she worries about what the camera sees so much, and this is the carefully Sarah-cultivated impression we are left with! A warts and all look must shock the conscience.

- What exactly is this investment in his future John's talking about? Oh, absolutely nothing and he'll broke in two years? Got it.

  • Love 1

This season really did suck. The only reason I won't call it the worst is because The Island exists.


Johnny gave an interview with EW where he implies this is probably his last challenge but who knows. He also says he doesn't want to be that guy in sports who overstays his welcome....well that ship sailed years ago bud.


I couldn't stand Sarsg this season but what she did to Johnny is completely different than what he did. And he tries to use the "it's s game" excuse. The game was over!! She won too! And he's all butt hurt about what she did bc they're friends but he's screwed over Leroy, Nany, Paula etc in the past. Ugh. I hope both of them are done.


This season had s terrible cast. Too many bloodlines and AYTO (I loved Cheyenne and Devin tho). And people I liked like Leroy, Averey, Thomas were sent home too early.

  • Love 6
23 minutes ago, Craphole Island said:



Johnny gave an interview with EW where he implies this is probably his last challenge but who knows. He also says he doesn't want to be that guy in sports who overstays his welcome....well that ship sailed years ago bud.


I am surprised he has stayed this long. I guess by doing this show he is $100K to $200K richer (depending on what truly happened to Sarah's half) but considering his last 'paycheck' was in 2013, that doesn't sound that impressive.


That said, John, for all his numerous faults is a pretty shrewd guy (think he has a degree from Penn State) , and it wouldn't surprise me if the guy has some involvement in investments that provide much of his living income. Didn't Wes buy a frozen yogurt store, or something like that? Wouldn't surprise me if John had something similar going on. Really, I would doubt he makes the bulk of his money from these shows. I think he just actually likes doing them- I mean, he likes the being on TV part. But the exposure is pretty minimal, even for a cable reality show, the living conditions are awful, so I can see why eating pig testicles and then being strapped to a rolling log has lost its appeal.


I will credit him for not using the word "retirement" as he has probably learned it's best not to make any promises.

  • Love 3

I've never commented here before, but this challenge twist was so messed up, I just have to vent. I'm not even mad at Johnny as much as I'm mad at him being given the opportunity to keep all the money in the first place. Sarah earned that money. Johnny hasn't made it to a final, that I can recall, in at least 3 years. He couldn't make it work with Nany or Vince. Yes, Sarah can be annoying, but she puts in the work and gives it her all. She was right when she pointed out Johnny still had the opportunity to stay in the game when she chose him for the last elimination round. If he was as good as he thinks he is, he would have been able to stay.

The reunions are my favorite part of these shows, but I couldn't even enjoy it because of how horrible that twist was. I did like that Johnny defended his actions, yet you could see it on his face throughout the whole reunion that he knows damn well what an awful person he is. That money will be gone in three years tops, but his shame will go on and on. I loved when Wes said Johnny will be working at a fast food joint soon enough. Dear God, please let this be his swan song. Let this be how he is remembered for the rest of his life.

Edited by SweetDee
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Craphole Island said:

Johnny gave an interview with EW where he implies this is probably his last challenge but who knows. He also says he doesn't want to be that guy in sports who overstays his welcome....well that ship sailed years ago bud.


I read the same interview, and had the same reaction towards his "overstaying his welcome" bit (as well as when he compared himself to Michael Jordan *eyeroll*).  I did get the feeling from that article that he realized he bit himself in the ass by taking all the money, because he was making excuses left and right about why it was actually tit-for-tat with Sarah.  I also got the feeling like he now realizes he really can't do another challenge, since no one will trust him - here's a link to the article for anyone interested in reading it.

  • Love 3

When even Vince, immediately said "I wouldn't be here without her, we split the money," you know you're a true asshole, John.  

As I mentioned in previous episode threads, I don't watch AYTO, so I had no pre-existing baggage with Devin.  But, at this point, unless he was straight up murdering kittens on every episode, I don't even care what he did there.  He has just been so freaking awesome this season, especially in the final and the reunion.  His distaste for John is my second favorite thing about this season (behind the Wes/Nany pairing).  As others have mentioned, he was the anti-Frank/Zach in the final with Cheyenne.  And, even though I don't like Sarah, his defense of her on stage, and running back (with Cheyenne) to help her when she ran off stage just endeared me to him more.  

Loved Nany's "oh, yes, 100 percent he would have" when the host asked her if she thought John would have taken all the money if she was his partner.  I hope Nany's newfound perspective on John's level of asshole remains in her life.  And while I hate that Wes was agreeing with John (although I wonder if he was doing it because they needed someone, other than Vince, to be on John's side on that stage, so Wes took the hit), I loved him pointing out how monumentally stupid the rest of the cast was for not voting in John or Vince every time they got the chance, Dario.  

And, no, John, taking away money she won right alongside you, as your partner, is NOT the same thing as sending an opposing team into an elimination round.  It's just not.  You can say it as often as you want, but it's not.  You were not Sarah's teammate on Exes.  And his insistence on how many people he's won with who weren't Sarah was ridiculous.  Nobody said "you wouldn't have won any other season without her."  They were saying that, this season, this one, right here, you wouldn't have won it with any other partner.  And they're right.  You wouldn't have dominated the weekly missions at the same level, and you would have absolutely come in second to Vince and Jenna with a lesser partner in the final, if you made it to the final without the benefit of being protected from elimination most times because you and Sarah won the missions.  And his excuse that he tried to make sure he did more time on the stump because he couldn't trust Sarah to make the decision about the money?  Bitch, what did you do with that decision?  You don't get to whine about what you thought Sarah was going to do when you went ahead and did it.  Ass.  

Oh, and I laughed at Sarah's "I'm going to take all of my clothes off so you can't film this!" rant backstage.  And while I still think it was shitty of her to not stand up for Cheyenne last week in the moment, vs. talking to her privately later, Cheyenne seems very grateful for what she did do, and was likely referencing it when she was telling her "remember what you told me..." Cheyenne is definitely too good for this crowd, but I do hope she and Devin are back again.  I need somebody on each season I don't want to punch.  

I'm torn between being thrilled at the idea of John never darkening our screens again and wanting him back just one more time so he can reap the rewards of stabbing his partner in the back with the entire cast gunning for his ass from jump.  No more John as everyone's favorite master of ceremonies.  No more of people bending over backwards to do his bidding.  I want him to be on the receiving end of exactly what he does to people like Wes season after season.  

  • Love 12

Really, I would doubt he makes the bulk of his money from these shows. I think he just actually likes doing them- I mean, he likes the being on TV part.

I'm sort of unclear here. If you're talking about Wes, I think that likely is true. If you're talking about Johnny, I don't think that is remotely true. 

Wes has slammed John for having his mom pay his rent in a past season. And on this reunion Wes said Johnny would be working fast food and be dead broke at 40. Even if a joke, there's some truth behind every yada yada. Besides bar appearances, I'm not sure I've ever heard of John having any ambition beyond a failed acting dream in all of his seemingly infinite seasons. 

I think Johnny's main "job" is being on The Challenge/gym training when he's not on the show. 

If I were a producer who had to wrangle/sympathize with these loons, I would be very depressed. 


And what was that Vince/Camila thing? Was the implication she was waiting to have sex with John? Or that Vince had sex with her and was then offering John the opportunity as well? 

Either option is...distressing.

  • Love 4

Sarah is pathetic.  I used to like her.  Especially when she threw Johnny into that elimination.  I didn't see it as her backstabbing him.  I saw it as her making a good decision to increase her chances of winning a final.  He would have done the same thing.  I actually expected Vince to keep the money as well

So he really suprised me.  I normally hate Johnny but love that he kept the money.  Yes it was mean and a dick move but y would anyone expect less from him.  Sarah was so far up his ass.  She even allowed the " cool kids"  to pick on Cheyenne without saying  anything which for all her girl power talk is disgusting. Sarah's behavior at the reunion was dramatic and immature.  She needs to retire and start her career that she was crying about. Was her hair gray?  Suprised that I realky liked Cheyenne and Devin.  I think MTV set thisthis, whole thing up exclusively for bananas

  • Love 6

Coming back to add I loved Sarah threatening to strip nude in a studio lobby. "You can't air it!"


Guess she forgot she already demeaned herself for nothing with that strip naked mission this season. They aired that. 

She'll be a great teacher and role model for youth, for sure! 

Edited by NoirDetective
  • Love 4

I did feel kind of bad for Sarah but she basically became...unhinged? at the reunion. It seemed kinda ridiculous. If she KNOWS about her problem (elementary level obsession with "cool people") hopefully she will work on that and adjust accordingly because it's so not a good look. Is she going to favor the "cool kids" as a teacher?!

Wes tweeted that he was really drunk during the reunion..he must've been to say what he did. He still hates John.

i don't know why I care but I kind of want to know what occurred between Nate and Nicole...I can't believe they lasted 6 months. Seems like such an odd pairing.

Why was Camilla even there? JUST to call out the potential hookup with Vince? It seemed like "Nessa" went after her a little hard...it was weird. It seems like Nate was only there to attempt to get info about what happened with him and Nicole.

I wish "Nessa" would've asked Dario about his winning decision to not throw John in and how well that worked out for him.

Does John still have the gf?

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 3

I feel bad for Sarah, period.  I have a lot of empathy for her and some of her struggles so I get why she wanted to be one of the cool kids.  Johnny used her guilt since making the decision to send him to the jungle against her because he knew it was her Achilles heel. He's a master manipulator which is why he is good at the head games overall on this show. The bottom line in battle of the exes was that he could not win the elimination challenge.  That was his and his partner's problem 100%.  Sarah didn't doom him or take his money, she sent him into an elimination challenge that his team lost.   That had nothing to do with Sarah and Jordan and I still think that she made the right decision to send him in.  I can't imagine anyone thinks it was the wrong decision. Other than Johnny, of course. She carried his ass through anything that required brain power and she was a strong partner in all the physical and endurance challenges. She earned that money and it's bullshit she didn't get it. She has to be done with this show. 

As a side note, I think that her relationship with Johnny and her desire to have him not be mad at her probably has a lot to do with unresolved issues around her sexual assault.  I know she mentioned being angry about doing that one challenge where they had to eat a cake or run naked because if issues around being a sexual assault survivor so i'm sure it has other implications as well.  Knowing that has always made me less judgmental of her behavior in groups and need to try to fit in.  Of course that takes things to a whole other level of thinking and I guess most of us enjoy this show for the exact reason that we don't tend to have to think too much about it. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, coxtradamus said:

Seriously.  Does anyone else besides me think that Johnny or MTV is totally writing Sarah a check for half the prize money, but they did the "I'm taking all the money" moment to generate drama/interest from an otherwise lackluster season?   

The thought crossed my mind for a second because of that time on BoS2 where Mark threw the game as part of a strategy and they still split the money with him. I don't know if he would split the money with her 50/50 though. Probably more like he'll offer to pay for one semester of online grad school. And even then, I feel like he would collude with Sarah, but bestow it as a gift, well after they get her reaction for the reunion.

1 hour ago, NoirDetective said:

I'm sort of unclear here. If you're talking about Wes, I think that likely is true. If you're talking about Johnny, I don't think that is remotely true. 

Wes has slammed John for having his mom pay his rent in a past season. And on this reunion Wes said Johnny would be working fast food and be dead broke at 40. Even if a joke, there's some truth behind every yada yada. Besides bar appearances, I'm not sure I've ever heard of John having any ambition beyond a failed acting dream in all of his seemingly infinite seasons. 

I think Johnny's main "job" is being on The Challenge/gym training when he's not on the show. 


Well, just because Wes said it doesn't make it true. The guy has a degree from Penn State in economics. He may be an asshole, but he's not dumb. He runs a website where he sells ad space and also sells his stupid logo merchandise. Even after taxes, the guy has amassed probably half a million dollars (specifically from Challenge winnings over the last 8 years), and I'm sure he didn't just leave it in a checking account somewhere.  John is, for all his faults, a pretty shrewd guy, who I bet has spent some time with a financial planner.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 3

I was always a Bananas fan, much to the chagrin of everyone I know, until now.  What a greedy, low-down SOB.  Ordinarily I would have thought that he deserved to do to her what he felt she did to him; she won last time, he won this time.  However, in this case he would not have won without her.  She busted her ass alongside him for the win and she deserved to get her share of the winnings.  The 2nd and 3rd place winners received more money than Sara who came in 1st place.  Bananas, you are forever a scumbag IMHO.  And know this, you reap what you sow.

  • Love 3

Johnny cares for Johnny and that's it.  Any woman considering a serious relationship with him should really reconsider.  He's wonderful and looking out for you while things are good, but I can only imagine what it would be like going through a divorce with him.  He would wreck you financially and emotionally, even if it wasn't necessary for him to do so, just to demonstrate that he's the Alpha and Omega, or just to get a little further ahead when he's already ahead.  And imagine raising sons with him!  Generally kids emulate their same gendered parent.  How old would they be before you noticed that you're raising little twats?  

Let's just imagine for a second that Sarah never voted him into an elimination, does anybody really think he splits that mutually-earned money?  Not a chance.  No chance he splits it with anybody who he perceives as inferior, no matter how much they earned it and how it will benefit them in their life. 

  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, Sonoma said:

If I'm not mistaken, Johnny has invested in a few businesses and I think at least one of his investments has been quite successful. He also generates a good income on appearances and promotions. So on top of his actual prize money, he has built up a small fortune with his "Johnny Bananas from The Challenge" gig. He also has enough connections that finding a "real job" when the time comes is not going to be a problem.  

I never understood the issue about getting a "real job" and living a "real life" anyway. I think it's great that Sarah and other castmembers have earned or are pursuing higher education and/or have settled down into normalcy. Hell, I have a higher education and great career and live a "real life", so I certainly don't knock it. But Johnny is also enjoying his life even if it's not cookie cutter. Why does he have to change it? He's made over $600,000 in about seven years on prize money alone.  Although he doesn't enjoy it as much anymore, so maybe he's ready to move on.

That being said, I hope he does retire. I'm one of his few "defenders" (of the person, not the shtick), but his presence completely eats the show because all anyone focuses on is Bananas this and Bananas that.  Even Sarah and Susie obsess over him on their podcasts. Enough! I never thought I'd say this but let's just focus on finding some "characters" from the new blood (yes even AYTO) and build from there. I don't even care about the "old school" stuff anymore. They need to develop the talent they are using now because most of them just blend into the background for me right now with everyone's Bananas fixation.

Interesting, he has more buzz and social media followers than ever now, so I think that also played into his decision. If he's already playing The Challenge villain, this move was only going to raise his profile. Shrewd indeed. No wonder Wes supported the decision, as he is also just as sharp in knowing how to play a role and be in control of your Challenge profile. Actually, I think the shrewd award should go to the showrunners. The castmembers did NOT know about the twist, and I think they were saving it just in case they needed to turn a snoozy season around. Even if a lot of viewers were pissed off, it created quite a buzz and tuned people in. And that's what they needed.


I agree. When Susie was bitching that he's a loser for doing these challenges in his 30s unlike her retired, PHd having self, I was thinking, bitch he could probably buy and sell you two or three times over, and he only has to work 6 weeks a year. And by "work", I don't even mean the actual physical activity demanded by the show- I mean using his TV exposure to pimp out his character and create more of his "brand", if you will. Like I said in my original post, I think the prize money is incidental to his real motivation for doing the show. But I am guessing he is at the point where the benefits no longer outweigh the downfalls.

  • Love 1

The only entertaining moment in the last challenge for me was when John said, "I think Vince was a dumpster in a past life." Laughed out loud. Although Devin was entertaining for the most part as well. What a wasted hour of viewing.

I wonder if we will ever see Cousin again. I noticed that he wasn't at the reunion.

Question: the last Aftershow we saw had Sara and Johnny getting along pretty well, all smiles and camaraderie. At that point they already knew Johnny kept the money, so why was Sara so over the top upset at the reunion?

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, eskimo said:

Let's just imagine for a second that Sarah never voted him into an elimination, does anybody really think he splits that mutually-earned money?  Not a chance.  No chance he splits it with anybody who he perceives as inferior, no matter how much they earned it and how it will benefit them in their life. 

That's a great point.  Nany said there's no question he'd do the same to her, and even Johnny himself said he'd throw his own mother under the bus.  So if you think about it, this admission negates his whole I-only-did-to-Sarah-what-she-did-to-me defense.  If he's going with this argument ("It's a game....I won....I'm a six-time champion....she did it to me first"), then Sarah has nothing to do with his decision.  I wish somebody had pointed this out.

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I sort of feel for Sarah but.. Then I think about that story  about the scorpion and the frog and how the scorpion asked the frog to help him across the water, assuring him he wouldn't sting him because then they would both die but halfway across the water the scorpion stings the frog and when they are drowning the frog asks why and the scorpion says "I'm sorry it's just my nature to do so " John is the scorpion. It doesn't really matter if it was Sarah who hurt him in the past. I agree he would have done it to anyone, that's just who he is. It's just easy to use the "she did it to me first" as a catalyst. 

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, Craphole Island said:

This season really did suck. The only reason I won't call it the worst is because The Island exists.


Johnny gave an interview with EW where he implies this is probably his last challenge but who knows. He also says he doesn't want to be that guy in sports who overstays his welcome....well that ship sailed years ago bud.

I doubt he's done. On the reunion he said he doesn't know how many more Challenges he has left in him. 

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7 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

That's a great point.  Nany said there's no question he'd do the same to her, and even Johnny himself said he'd throw his own mother under the bus.  So if you think about it, this admission negates his whole I-only-did-to-Sarah-what-she-did-to-me defense.  If he's going with this argument ("It's a game....I won....I'm a six-time champion....she did it to me first"), then Sarah has nothing to do with his decision.  I wish somebody had pointed this out.

The impression I got from his interview with EW is he would do it to anyone in real life with whom he doesn't care about having a continued relationship. So, would he do it to someone he considered a close friend, that he would miss if said friend told him to fuck off for not sharing? Probably not. But he said in his interview he really doesn't care about Sarah.


I think all his talk about "I'm just getting her back for what she did to me" isn't something he really believes, rather, he's just laying the groundwork for if he ever returns, when the other contestants say he's untrustworthy, he can say, oh, I wouldn't stab you in the back. I only did it to Sarah because of what she did to me.

14 minutes ago, kat165 said:

Question: the last Aftershow we saw had Sara and Johnny getting along pretty well, all smiles and camaraderie. At that point they already knew Johnny kept the money, so why was Sara so over the top upset at the reunion?

That's what I want to know! And Sarah told Susie in a recent podcast that he's a good guy.


I don't believe Sarah is a good enough actress to fake being upset (if she really got the money), and I also don't think she's good enough actress to fake that she likes Johnny for the sake of protecting the twist at the end that hadn't been aired yet. So I don't know what to make of her attitude towards him.

  • Love 4

I found Wes very likable at the reunion.   And the clips showing him messing around with Johnny made me wonder if their antipathy is an act.  I loved him asking Johnny if he knows about shadows.  

Camilla seemed totally wasted. 

I wonder if Cousin was absent because he was still humiliated by Ashley's comments. 

Cheyenne is adorable. 

Since the future of this show seems to be AYTO, I think they should do a season of half AYTO and newbie RW, and the other half veterans.   It could be called old school versus new school.  If there were some tie in incentive of sticking to your team, it could possibly neutralize the veterans manipulating everything.  Or maybe a third Fresh Meat.  Or maybe a season of "second chances" with the cast having never reached a final. 

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