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S08.E17: And Away We Finally Go

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2 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

Bwah! How this brings back memories of Twoppers commenting on Moaner's 'gunt.' Ahhh...good times. One of the problems with Moaner is that she has an unfortunate looking face--from her crazy eyes to her f'd up teeth to her nutty twitching and inarticulate barking. Now, there are some women who can pull off what God gave them, but, as many have mentioned, Crazy Eyes is one of the most insecure and opportunistic pigs out there. She goes to the place of least resistance-hence her studio apartment in SkinnyCow's ass this season. Her opportunism and failure to commit to ANYTHING is also very unattractive. That girl, I'm sorry, I mean, that ancient, geriatric hag has a lot working against her.

You would think after this she would hang up her modeling career.

You left out Ramona's nose-she does not have a good nose.  The mounds of fillers around her eyes and nose have minimized "Crazy Eyes" but she has given up fillers (allegedly) because she does need anything. HAHAHAHA 

I am not trying to be unnecessarily mean but Ramona posts these "model shots" and I think she needs some introspection.  It is like when she flirts.  She could hold a learning annex course in "Remedial Flirting".  She is just obnoxious the way she bats her big fake eyelashes and now sticks out her fake chest, which should have its own area code.  It is like she took Luann's advice about having people come in closer and turned it inside out. Ramona was in good shape for Season 3, treasure the memories and cover up woman. 

Is there a reason Ramona is even on the show any longer?  I am sure she is paid at close to the same level as Bethenny but there is never anything about her.  Leaving early to go on imaginary "dates", line, bad dancing by herself is not.  Giving whacked advice is not a storyline, telling others how they should  behaved is not a storyline, carrying gossip and changing the facts is her only quasi storyline.   Her failed businesses are second only to Sonja's.  Her wine link is now dead.  So there is no jewelry line, no wine, no RMS Fashions, No Tru-Renewal.  Most of all she lost her bragging rights to "perfect marriage".

Time to toss Ramona out.  She must behaving some very nervous moments with Bethenny's ambivalence to return next year and Sonja writing her off.  I can't imagine a Bethenny-free Carole wanting to take ramona under her wing.  Of course Dorinda will be nice but as long as John is in the picture there will be no Dorinda/Ramona.

Now that Ramona is hanging out with Jill Zarin-will the door open for Jill to return to give Ramona relevance?

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On July 28, 2016 at 6:57 PM, Umbelina said:

I'm kind of team Sonja with all of this.

Tom owed her a phone call.  A ten year friend with benefits relationship deserves that courtesy, especially when he knew damn well that 1) this would air and blindside Sonja on camera, and 2) he knew his long time friend knew his fiance to be.

I've been in a happy and fairly long friends with benefits situation, though certainly not a ten year situation.  It's the "friends" part first, and while I wouldn't be jealous or upset if he found the right woman to marry?  I'd be totally shocked if it was someone I knew and he didn't tell me before it hit the newspapers and I was sure to run into the woman because I worked with her. 

Uncool.  Frankly, he sounds like an asshole.

I wouldn't expect much, just because it's not a relationship on that level.  They weren't dating, so she shouldn't be confused or freaked out by him dating someone else.

On July 29, 2016 at 0:25 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

I don't get all the pearl-clutching judgment, my god.  I had a college friend who ended up being a friend with benefits for about a decade.  Yes, he was my friend.  We had known each other since were 12.  We were real friends and hung out - mostly to have sex. So what?  He never disrespected me, not once.  It was a good time and it was nice when neither of us were in relationships.  Nobody really knows what happened between Sonja and Tom.  Sonja is entitled to any damn single feeling over Tom that she has.  God, the judgement against this woman like any woman who has had casual sex should walk home with their head down and tail between their legs and never expect anything out of life.  

In several of my 'friends with benefits' situations, the guy wanted to turn into a relationship.  I didn't.  (I've been on the other side of that too - where I pushed for more, but was rebuffed.)  There aren't black and white rules for these relationships like No man ever wants more.  I've found that NOT to be the case.  I really have to wonder if all of the people implying that Sonja is some kind of idiot have ever had casual sex before.  It's fine if you haven't, but then, don't act like this is The Scarlett Letter.

I have to say I don't see any pearl-clutching here.  No slut shaming either.  I don't think anyone is shocked by a FWB arrangement, or a one-night stand.  We've all been there, done that.

I see people wondering why Sonja is acting like a woman scorned, if the relationship was only sex.  I agree I don't think there was much "friendship" to this FWB situation.  

I also do think that because we are only human, it can get difficult when one person wants more.  Of course there are exceptions, but I would bet that happens more often than not.

My guess is that Sonja wanted an actual relationship.  I think that is what some viewers are also seeing.  She wanted the "flawed" ring.  

On July 29, 2016 at 0:11 PM, ElDosEquis said:

So........What is the information that beffany has, the scarlet letter that will derail the impending nuptials of Lu and Tom?

Here is the dirt (spoilers)

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Bethenny might as well save her breath.  Nothing's going to stop Luanne from nailing down that wallet.  But, If Luanne broke up with Tom, Sonja and Ramona would be on that in a New York minute.

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19 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Bethenny might as well save her breath.  Nothing's going to stop Luanne from nailing down that wallet.  But, If Luanne broke up with Tom, Sonja and Ramona would be on that in a New York minute.

Why do so many think Luann is marrying Tom for his "wallet"/money? She has her own money from the divorce, Hamptons house sale, her clothing line on EVINE in addition to her HW paycheck and doesn't need his money to live her current life style. I don't think the same could be said for Sonja, she has no income outside the show and Ramona is now having to rent out her Hamptons house during the height if the summer rental season, so it appears she is house rich but cash poor/strapped relying on her HW paycheck to make ends meet as well. LOL

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3 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Bethenny might as well save her breath.  Nothing's going to stop Luanne from nailing down that wallet.  But, If Luanne broke up with Tom, Sonja and Ramona would be on that in a New York minute.

It is interesting you see that way, what Luann took away from Bethenny's comments about Tom is he was guilty of focusing in on wealthy UES women.  Luann was fighting for him saying he had his own money and didn't need a woman's.

I took it as Bethenny once again trying to diminish this man to the viewers.  He is a RH dater, he is a cheater, he dates and is hoping to snag a rich woman.  maybe Bethenny feels insecure because she feels like men like her first for her money and second for her.

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3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Why do so many think Luann is marrying Tom for his "wallet"/money? She has her own money from the divorce, Hamptons house sale, her clothing line on EVINE in addition to her HW paycheck and doesn't need his money to live her current life style. I don't think the same could be said for Sonja, she has no income outside the show and Ramona is now having to rent out her Hamptons house during the height if the summer rental season, so it appears she is house rich but cash poor/strapped relying on her HW paycheck to make ends meet as well. LOL

These are just guesses on my part, so I could definitely be wrong, but I really doubt her clothing line does very well.  I always thought she lived with Sonja because of her financial issues, and not so that she could mentor her, of course.   

I don't think she wants Tom ONLY for his money, but if he didn't have any, I don't believe she would've given him the time of day.  

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13 minutes ago, straightshooter said:

These are just guesses on my part, so I could definitely be wrong, but I really doubt her clothing line does very well.  I always thought she lived with Sonja because of her financial issues, and not so that she could mentor her, of course.   

I don't think she wants Tom ONLY for his money, but if he didn't have any, I don't believe she would've given him the time of day.  

I agree that it is unlikely she would marry someone that didn't have money but I don't think she "needs" his money. Her Countess Collection line seems to be doing very well at EVINE, she has new items up all the time and she had money left over from the sale of her large Hamptons house and the purchase/renovations of the newer/smaller one, several millions left over. LOL

As for her living with Sonja, IMO, it was for the show only because she/Sonja settled their contract negotiations after filming had already been underway for the rest of the cast. Filming just the 2 of them at Sonja's house made it easier to catch them up on/with camera time with a plausible reason/excuse of why it was just the 2 of them and no other cast members.   

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4 minutes ago, straightshooter said:

These are just guesses on my part, so I could definitely be wrong, but I really doubt her clothing line does very well.  I always thought she lived with Sonja because of her financial issues, and not so that she could mentor her, of course.   

I don't think she wants Tom ONLY for his money, but if he didn't have any, I don't believe she would've given him the time of day.  

Luann didn't live with Sonja because she could not afford a place, she is pragmatic.  They need a way to get Sonja back in the mix since Bethenny wasn't inviting her to her events, Ramona was coming down on her.   The producers were dying for a Grey Garden scenario.  Sonja's house had been referred to Grey Gardens in seasons past. You can hear Bethenny break the fourth wall http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-8/episode-9/videos/bethenny-frankel-calls-out-the over the Grey Gardens comment.  Bethenny was mad at Sonja and Luann and she was really upset they were getting some prime filming time.  And yes, they know where production is and where they are filming.  The only one making allegations about coming Sonja and Luann coming in with men at 4 am was Ramona.  Sonja said, "last time she stayed here she came in at 5:30 in the morning." She didn't say we or men.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-8/episode-5/videos/ramona-singer-is-concerned-for-sonja  Ramona ran to Bethenny with her made up idea of what was transpiring between Sonja and Luann.  Sonja even said Luann never brought a guy home while she was staying with her.  Ramona is the snake in the grass.

Bethenny keeps buying into Ramona's BS like it is true.  I consider Bethenny an opportunist, she listens to the dirt, spreads it and never apologizes.  Ramona lies and makes up gossip and expects others to buy into her BS.  It is hateful and ugly and she deserves to have floor wiped with her ratty extensions for intentionally lying about people.

Luann as part of her salary demands could demand they pay for hotel while she is required to be in the city to film.  It is not as if they film for any significant period of time.  They had Ramona's lunch, stupid psychic event (which neither Sonja or Luann were invited), Sonja's Tipsy Girl and John's party, Ramona's holiday party.

I do think when one is dating and looking to marry it is important to have a lot in common.  It  make work for Carole to have a layabout but I don't see any of these women, in spite of Bethenny's claims, Ramona should be dating twenty year younger bartenders.  It sounded to me as if Luann was seeking an equal and she found that in Tom.

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I have to say that I really didn't appreciate just how thin Jules was until I saw her in summer clothes on the boat. I mean this was filmed in winter and she was always in sweaters and coats and stuff. She is scary skinny.

She is obviously very shrewd. The Facetime with her son will be played on an endless loop in her divorce trial. She might not be the sharpest tool in  the shed. Well her hip bones are but she is still very shrewd. She played this great for divorce purposes. I am just sorry she pulled her folks into it.

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I feel like the episode is on the cutting room floor, and we were shown snippets....it felt so disjointed.

I actually thought Lu loved lovely in her white halter dress, and the turquoise necklace looked great with it.  Sonja, please return that black dress to Forever 21, thank you.  You can dress sexy without showing all the goods.

Sonja, so sorry you lost a dinner date and fuck buddy, but this isn't about you...which I know you hate, but it's not.  So put on an appropriate dress and stop with the damn whining already.  Be a lady and maybe Tom will introduce you to a nice, unmarried friend.

Ramona, please just shut the fuck up.  Oh my god, you spastic Barbie doll.  I do not know how Mario put up with you for so long, but I imagine it was only for Avery's sanity.  I cannot get over how your new titties make you appear overweight....not all frames were made for the big rack.  Unless you can keep your body completely toned, like Bethenny, and have a defined waist, your titties make your middle look like a barrel....at least in Ramona's case.  I think Ramona would look very attractive without the hair extensions and big rack, but she has ruined her face with whatever the hell it is she is doing.  Her behavior is tiresome and she has had absolutely zero storyline this season.  

Dorinda, I like you ok, but you must own a chef's amount of knives.....what with all the backstabbing you do.  It's gonna bite you in the ass at the reunion, I hope.

Jules & Carole......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Bethenny, you are frothing at the mouth to ruin this for Lu, and it's an ugly look on you.  Please rewatch seasons 1-3 and find that girl...I liked her.

This is my favorite franchise and I am so sad by how bored I am by it all.  I'll be glad when it's over and hopefully have some good cast changes to look forward to.

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I don't think Luanne is going to get a job at a laundromat handing out quarters and cleaning lint out of dryer filters for money, but, I think she'll never have enough money.  She may have received a divorce settlement, have a house in the Hamptons and have a clothing line, but, I doubt she still has the life she had with the Count and I think she wants that kind of money back.  Tom can only elevate her lifestyle.  I don't mean she doesn't care about him, it's just her reaction to her engagement is so over the top for a 51 year old, that it looks to me to be immense relief.  Like she's so happy that she'll finally be back to close to where she was.  Cynical, yes, but, I've never seen Luanne as much more than a user of people.  My opinion is probably jaded by the fact that I just don't like her.

I don't think Sonja ever thought Tom would marry, so, if he and Lu broke up, she'd be all over it.  Ramona is so socially awkward and competitive she'd be all over Tom because Sonja was.  JMO, of course.

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27 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

I don't think Luanne is going to get a job at a laundromat handing out quarters and cleaning lint out of dryer filters for money, but, I think she'll never have enough money.  She may have received a divorce settlement, have a house in the Hamptons and have a clothing line, but, I doubt she still has the life she had with the Count and I think she wants that kind of money back.  Tom can only elevate her lifestyle.  I don't mean she doesn't care about him, it's just her reaction to her engagement is so over the top for a 51 year old, that it looks to me to be immense relief.  Like she's so happy that she'll finally be back to close to where she was.  Cynical, yes, but, I've never seen Luanne as much more than a user of people.  My opinion is probably jaded by the fact that I just don't like her.

I don't think Sonja ever thought Tom would marry, so, if he and Lu broke up, she'd be all over it.  Ramona is so socially awkward and competitive she'd be all over Tom because Sonja was.  JMO, of course.

I agree that Luann loves money but I think the status, social status, she had with the Count was far more important to her than the coins he brought.

I agree, if Luann and Tom broke up both Ramona/Sonja would be all over him. Sonja would bed him toot sweet and Ramona would try and get him to propose to her without having sex with him so that she could turn him down because he had sex with Sonja and Luann, After all, in her mind she really believes she is above/better than either of them. LOL

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

I don't think Luanne is going to get a job at a laundromat handing out quarters and cleaning lint out of dryer filters for money, but, I think she'll never have enough money.  She may have received a divorce settlement, have a house in the Hamptons and have a clothing line, but, I doubt she still has the life she had with the Count and I think she wants that kind of money back.  Tom can only elevate her lifestyle.  I don't mean she doesn't care about him, it's just her reaction to her engagement is so over the top for a 51 year old, that it looks to me to be immense relief.  Like she's so happy that she'll finally be back to close to where she was.  Cynical, yes, but, I've never seen Luanne as much more than a user of people.  My opinion is probably jaded by the fact that I just don't like her.

I don't think Sonja ever thought Tom would marry, so, if he and Lu broke up, she'd be all over it.  Ramona is so socially awkward and competitive she'd be all over Tom because Sonja was.  JMO, of course.

Luann has something far more valuable now than she ever did with the Count-she has a companion that doesn't spend half his life travelling the world focusing on his economy building and shagging the occasional Ethiopian Princess.  When Luann was married to the Count she received $7,500.00 her first year on the show.  A little more the next year and then he was gone.  Three years ago Tamra Barney's contract was published as it was part of the public record in her divorce and she was making $600.000.00.  So I am thinking by now Luann is probably making about $750,000.00, plus her special, appearance fees and her variety of products.    I would say what she has with Tom between her salary and divorce settlement is probably far more valuable because she is earning it and controlling her destiny.  Even her young adult children manage to earn money from their talents.

I do think she is pragmatic with money and it probably comes from being raised in a loving but crowded home-one bathroom for nine people? Yikes.  Marrying Tom give her two more homes at her disposal.  Do I think she is over the top about getting married again?  Yep.  Luann was working against the tide.  No matter what they try and celebrate, you either have Ramona saying something awful, Bethenny reading someone, Carole in her perpetual cool girl funk or Sonja wanting some honorary achievement award for having banged the groom.  If one put Luann's reaction at the top rung of a ladder the rest of these women (bitches) haven't even put their foot on the first rung.  They bitched about where they had to go to for their celebratory trip this year which had far more to do with Bethenny's fibroids.

Luann is pretty self aware-she talks about shopping the sales rack so she can fit in as a young contestant in a beauty pageant.  I hope her wedding is everything she has ever wanted and she and Tom are very happy together.  Don't know why but it just seems somebody on the show should be happy.

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2 hours ago, ButterQueen said:

I feel like the episode is on the cutting room floor, and we were shown snippets....it felt so disjointed.

I actually thought Lu loved lovely in her white halter dress, and the turquoise necklace looked great with it.  Sonja, please return that black dress to Forever 21, thank you.  You can dress sexy without showing all the goods.

Sonja, so sorry you lost a dinner date and fuck buddy, but this isn't about you...which I know you hate, but it's not.  So put on an appropriate dress and stop with the damn whining already.  Be a lady and maybe Tom will introduce you to a nice, unmarried friend.

Ramona, please just shut the fuck up.  Oh my god, you spastic Barbie doll.  I do not know how Mario put up with you for so long, but I imagine it was only for Avery's sanity.  I cannot get over how your new titties make you appear overweight....not all frames were made for the big rack.  Unless you can keep your body completely toned, like Bethenny, and have a defined waist, your titties make your middle look like a barrel....at least in Ramona's case.  I think Ramona would look very attractive without the hair extensions and big rack, but she has ruined her face with whatever the hell it is she is doing.  Her behavior is tiresome and she has had absolutely zero storyline this season.  

Dorinda, I like you ok, but you must own a chef's amount of knives.....what with all the backstabbing you do.  It's gonna bite you in the ass at the reunion, I hope.

Jules & Carole......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Bethenny, you are frothing at the mouth to ruin this for Lu, and it's an ugly look on you.  Please rewatch seasons 1-3 and find that girl...I liked her.

This is my favorite franchise and I am so sad by how bored I am by it all.  I'll be glad when it's over and hopefully have some good cast changes to look forward to.

I loved how the back of the dress looked on Luann. Luann has a great looking back for a woman of any age. Granted it has it roots in the famous Marilyn Monroe dress but I thought she did a pretty good job of updating it with the lace above the waist.  According to Ramona lace is in.  

Apparently so is the W.C. Fields bulbous booze nose and bad macramé top. Always a good idea to pose with a box of crap in the background.

What the hell is Dorinda doing this season? 

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I don't know what it is but I always enjoy the new Housewives more than the old timers. I just thinks these raddled old whores are just very unpleasant. Maybe they can start fresh with a younger more diverse cast. 

They can start with Jules and Kristen and go from there. Enough with 60 year old grandma sexpots. It is so old in more ways than one.

Edited by Trooper York
Because I can't spell for beans. Senior moment.
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Lu sold her old house in the Hamptons, which she received as part of her divorce settlement, for $8mil.  She paid $3.1 for her new house in Sag Harbor.  IMO, she's not hurting for money.  Add to that her salary from Bravo, and a clothing and jewelry line on Evine.  And in April she signed an agreement to launch a home brand that will be introduced next spring.  Lu is doing just fine and doesn't need to marry someone for a meal ticket.

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On 7/28/2016 at 4:38 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Jules has claimed she’s the stay at home Super hands on mom. The flight to Florida is only 3 hours. So she was gone from the kids a max of 5 hours at that point. When something is wrong a child usually wants their primary care taker. I find it telling that Jagger couldn’t give a crap about Jules, he wanted his DADDY not his mommy.

Or, it could be a situation where Jagger, a little boy who was promised lots of time with daddy during the week (finally!), got his hopes dashed because daddy is a selfish piece of shit.

On 7/29/2016 at 1:40 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

People who toss judgment Sonja's way, but not Tom's?  It's clear that your view of what women should do in the bedroom might be outdated and biased based on gender.  It's 2016, Sonja's incredibly single, and like 50.  She needs to be doing and feeling anything she wants.  It's not a simple case of being happy for a friend who is marrying a stranger.  It's a lot more complicated than that.  I don't think Luann deserves more respect than Sonja just because she landed the ring.  Really outdated thinking.

Agree 100% with your statement, but I don't think it applies to Sonja. IDK, I just don't see Sonja as a confident, sexually liberated woman with both hands firmly on life's steering wheel. To me, she seems insatiably needy and has a serious case of clinging to the past. (Relatable; been there.) I don't think she sleeps around because she enjoys it; I think she uses it as a way to feel loved and closer to people -- not that she is necessarily aware of it. (Though, like others have said, I think she is starting to recognize her issues and is making positive changes, like drinking less.) Rooting for her.

On 7/29/2016 at 1:08 PM, lilshilo said:

Now Sonja- I feel sorry for- I cant help it- she is like Little Edie to me- she is SO delusional and lost - but I don't think she is as vicious as the others and I do feel it hurt her that Tom looked at her as a side chick , booty call and that recently is ALL she has been for men- so I think her sadness is more about the big picture sad sack of a life she has than it is about losing Tom.

Exactly. There's something just so endearing about Sonja. Her whole internship program is almost offensively insane; but I see her incredible loneliness; she's the kind of person who needs people around, on a near constant basis (probably because it helps her get out of her own head). Which, for me, is sad, not worthy of contempt.

On 7/29/2016 at 1:20 PM, RHJunkie said:

She's a sex kitten that doesn't give up the sex, lol. I felt embarrassed for her when she kept talking about wanting to rip off her clothes in front of the crew guy. I honestly think that's how Ramona flirts which is scary. Her attempt is like a blend of Sonja and Luann and the result is incredibly awkward. Sonja is very forward in her flirting and not shy to lift her top, expose a little cleavage, etc. She's very overt. Luann is well timed with her comments which are suggestive but she also laughs which gives the other person the option of playing along with the joke or really taking the bait. Ramona is trying to be subtle in her conversation but she talks about such stupid things. And her behaviour is overt but in an erratic way. How else do you respond to Ramona but awkwardly while she's lifting up her shirt and acting like she's in the middle of a hot flash? She's definitely pushing that sexy on the prowl vibe. Like when she threw in the line about 'the guys I'm dating are reading that in the paper and wondering what the hell is going on with me'. Very subtle Ramona, lol.

Ramona is the personification of Elaine Benes' dancing.

Ramona. Ya know, I can forgive a lot. Self-centeredness, hyper-sexuality, over-sharing, bragging -- because 9 times out of 10 there's a more sympathetic root reason for the behavior. But my compassion line is drawn just short of folks like Ramona, because she is FULL of contempt for people she deems "below" her -- and is astoundingly rude about it. No thank you, ma'am! If she owned it, acknowledged it, and tamped down the status bullshit, I'd be all about Ramona -- but no, I  just can't with her the way she is now.

Edited by Lady Grump
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On 7/28/2016 at 0:03 PM, StevieRocks said:

Right! This classless, WHITE TRASH crone has an awfully high opinion of herself. I keep thinking, "What moneyed, sophisticated man would go anywhere near this crazy-eyed, cackling ape who lumbers around like a barnyard animal?" When she squawked at LuAnn that she HAD TO know the guest list (klass-ay), I thought, "Why? so you can run up on people and embarrass them and yourself like when you were barking in the <mayor's>? face at the Hamptons party about who was more BLIND--him or you?" Crazy Eyes has totally changed my view of people on the UES. I wouldn't expect to encounter a pig like Moaner in a hillbilly biker bar in Butcher Holler, KY, and here she is clomping around in NYC. Smh. 

I've been in many, many hillbilly biker bars and everyone had more class and manners then Moaner! If she walked in she's be laughed out of the joint!

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On 7/28/2016 at 0:03 PM, StevieRocks said:

Right! This classless, WHITE TRASH crone has an awfully high opinion of herself. I keep thinking, "What moneyed, sophisticated man would go anywhere near this crazy-eyed, cackling ape who lumbers around like a barnyard animal?" When she squawked at LuAnn that she HAD TO know the guest list (klass-ay), I thought, "Why? so you can run up on people and embarrass them and yourself like when you were barking in the <mayor's>? face at the Hamptons party about who was more BLIND--him or you?" Crazy Eyes has totally changed my view of people on the UES. I wouldn't expect to encounter a pig like Moaner in a hillbilly biker bar in Butcher Holler, KY, and here she is clomping around in NYC. Smh. 

I've been in many, many hillbilly biker bars and everyone had more class and manners then Moaner! If she walked in she's be laughed out of the joint! No on second thought, we have more manners then to laugh at her. We'd offer her a Bud Lite and a game of pool and she'd run screaming into the night at the thought of mixing with the "lower classes".

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4 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

Or, it could be a situation where Jagger, a little boy who was promised lots of time with daddy during the week (finally!), got his hopes dashed because daddy is a selfish piece of shit.

That was my takeaway from that scene, too.  Mom's away visiting gram and gramps, the nanny is there, POS dad promised him some daddy time and the azzhole never showed up.

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10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Lu sold her old house in the Hamptons, which she received as part of her divorce settlement, for $8mil.  She paid $3.1 for her new house in Sag Harbor.  IMO, she's not hurting for money.  Add to that her salary from Bravo, and a clothing and jewelry line on Evine.  And in April she signed an agreement to launch a home brand that will be introduced next spring.  Lu is doing just fine and doesn't need to marry someone for a meal ticket.

She probably doesn't need the money (now, anyway).  At best, she might really love him for all we know.  At worst, she doesn't feel complete without a may-un.

I just think she could have done much, MUCH better than a charter member of the Schtuppers of the Upper East Side Club.  And that some of the ladies he's schtupped are friends of hers.  

They glommed on to each other with a quickness.  Lu got serious REAL fast with Jacques after meeting him and even faster with TomCat. 

Been saying it all along, don't think there's gonna be a wedding.  I think she's going to come to her senses.

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29 minutes ago, ryebread said:

She probably doesn't need the money (now, anyway).  At best, she might really love him for all we know.  At worst, she doesn't feel complete without a may-un.

I think that's exactly it, Luann doesn't feel complete unless she is attached to a man. I think her self-esteem is entirely based upon her attractiveness to men. I don't think Luann needs Tom's money, but the fact that she has snagged a wealthy man just adds to her self-esteem. Because he has money, Luann and her circle of friends consider him "high status" and since her identity is wrapped up in the status of her man, she's giddy. 

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9 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

I think that's exactly it, Luann doesn't feel complete unless she is attached to a man. I think her self-esteem is entirely based upon her attractiveness to men. I don't think Luann needs Tom's money, but the fact that she has snagged a wealthy man just adds to her self-esteem. Because he has money, Luann and her circle of friends consider him "high status" and since her identity is wrapped up in the status of her man, she's giddy. 

I agree with your whole post except the bolded.  Her circle of friends probably view him as someone who THINKS he's a player and that IF the wedding happens, it won't last.  Moaner can't be the only one giving this guy the side eye. Knowing what little I know about the guy, I don't think he's that much of a catch.  Well, maybe for someone who doesn't have many choices.  But I believe if Lu would have looked around - outside that incestuous UES circle - she could have eventually met someone more...reputable. 

Especially if she didn't need the cash.

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14 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I loved how the back of the dress looked on Luann. Luann has a great looking back for a woman of any age. Granted it has it roots in the famous Marilyn Monroe dress but I thought she did a pretty good job of updating it with the lace above the waist.  According to Ramona lace is in.  

Apparently so is the W.C. Fields bulbous booze nose and bad macramé top. Always a good idea to pose with a box of crap in the background.

What the hell is Dorinda doing this season? 

I bought a cute crochet shirt (the Loft on sale) and I foolishly wore a cami under it...mind you I don't have a stylist and I managed to no embarrass myself at work.

I can only imagine what is in that big box in the background, maybe it is her bra order. lol.

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17 hours ago, OhGromit said:

Bluedog!  I'm sorry to hear you're going through such tough stuff.  For what it's worth, I care.  Sending good thoughts your way.  :-) 

I was in those very shoes about 12 years ago, I made it thru and so can Bluedog!  You can live happily ever after even without a man!

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On 7/28/2016 at 0:03 PM, StevieRocks said:


Sorry Stevie--I can't get the box to go away!

You go Luann! She has every right in the world to be happy, giggly, spinning, tap dancing, throwing flowers in the air or any other thing she wants. If I got a ring that beautiful and a man at my age I'd be shoving it everybodys face. Seriously, I would walk up to total strangers and be all SEE!!!!! Congrats Lu!

These other hags are so so so bitter. They don't even try to hide it! 

Carol is just disgusting. Go away. Go play with your boy toy. We don't care.

I used to like Bethanny but she's just another bitter hag. Keep your info to yourself. Doesn't concern you. Isn't your business. Mind your own store . 

Did ya'll see Dorinda smug grin when she was told she was pot stirring? She knows she is. She's no innocent by a loooooong shot.

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14 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Did ya'll see Dorinda smug grin when she was told she was pot stirring? She knows she is. She's no innocent by a loooooong shot.

I just saw an interview w/ Dorinda where she cops to pot stirring but still remaining friends w/ everyone. We'll see how that works out for her...

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1 hour ago, ryebread said:

She probably doesn't need the money (now, anyway).  At best, she might really love him for all we know.  At worst, she doesn't feel complete without a may-un.

I just think she could have done much, MUCH better than a charter member of the Schtuppers of the Upper East Side Club.  And that some of the ladies he's schtupped are friends of hers.  

They glommed on to each other with a quickness.  Lu got serious REAL fast with Jacques after meeting him and even faster with TomCat. 

Been saying it all along, don't think there's gonna be a wedding.  I think she's going to come to her senses.

Luann likes being in a relationship. She said at the onset of the season she wanted to get married again.  If a widower were to say he wanted to be married because it completes him-would one be so harsh?  I know many men who really like being married or in a relationship.  It is the same as saying so and so doesn't like to be alone (Ramona) and all they do is go, go, go.  It is who they are and not a character flaw or mental disorder.

I see Luann as a 51 year old woman who is a reality star.  She has had Ramona and Bethenny call her a slut, whore, snake, made accusations about her faithfulness in her marriage on TV.   I don't think being a reality star carries a lot of clout.  Whoever this magic group of available, wanting to marry, similarly financially situated men on the UES are hanging out, someone needs to put Ramona in touch immediately.  I think the pool is quite small, which doesn't mean one cannot go outside those boundaries but they obviously have similar interests and friends.

What has been confirmed at some point in time Sonja, a television friend of Luann's had sex with Tom.  Sonja decided to make it public and Bethenny ran with it.  Ramona of 50 UES ladies at her birthday,  might be surprised to learn just where one of her dates has had his penis.    IF you are over 40 and think it is necessary to divulge your entire sexual history prior to dating someone, you have pretty big issues.  The thing about divulging to Ramona she then runs with the information and gossips about it.

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Luann has the right "I don't care" attitude. I love how she is slamming Ramona. Telling her she won't invite her anymore. Calling her out to her face. She can't do that to Bethenny because she doesn't want to get fired. But she may do something like that at the Reunion. She can call out Bethenny's hypocrisy. I don't know if she has the balls to reveal that Bethenny is dating a married man at the same time she was calling Luann a slut and hose bag. It will be very interesting to see what she has to say.

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1 minute ago, ButterQueen said:

I never thought I would miss episodes like Aviva expecting a parade/banner upon her arrival, or Sonja and Ramona googling "white trash", Aviva's description of them.  Those were the days!

I always liked Aviva and was 100% on her side, but changed how I view her after Marriage Boot Camp.

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5 hours ago, ryebread said:

I agree with your whole post except the bolded.  Her circle of friends probably view him as someone who THINKS he's a player and that IF the wedding happens, it won't last.  Moaner can't be the only one giving this guy the side eye. Knowing what little I know about the guy, I don't think he's that much of a catch.  Well, maybe for someone who doesn't have many choices.  But I believe if Lu would have looked around - outside that incestuous UES circle - she could have eventually met someone more...reputable. 

Especially if she didn't need the cash.

I don't know about that because both ladies--Ramona and Sonja--found him desirable enough to date. Sonja was happy to just fuck him to be in his company. And both ladies care enough to get extra dolled up for him. Even with Ramona, the ladies were wondering what extra beauty treatments or applications she did right before going to the party.

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14 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

Or, it could be a situation where Jagger, a little boy who was promised lots of time with daddy during the week (finally!), got his hopes dashed because daddy is a selfish piece of shit.


Ramona is the personification of Elaine Benes' dancing.

Ramona. Ya know, I can forgive a lot. Self-centeredness, hyper-sexuality, over-sharing, bragging -- because 9 times out of 10 there's a more sympathetic root reason for the behavior. But my compassion line is drawn just short of folks like Ramona, because she is FULL of contempt for people she deems "below" her -- and is astoundingly rude about it. No thank you, ma'am! If she owned it, acknowledged it, and tamped down the status bullshit, I'd be all about Ramona -- but no, I  just can't with her the way she is now.

You can't tell people who don't want to know that it's incredibly common that a child WANTS the non stay-at-home parent more often than not.  After all, some things are just so incredibly telling...and I sure do agree with that.

Ramona...yes.  She's up here, and service workers, her daughter's friends, potential romantic partners...all down there.  Should really solve her all aloneness as she rockets, eyes a-buggin', into her golden years.  Enjoy being consoled and eventually consumed by a teacup dog, ho!

I remain amused by Ramona's boob job but honestly, you know what men of means in NYC in their 50s and 60s (and often pursuing women ages 20-'looks like she could be 39?') like?  Porn-ready foobs on a woman who acts like she got lost on her way to a macrame-wimple-required convent.  Come ON.  I know that bug-eyed fidiot is a Madame Tussaud's figure in bed, and I'm guessing all of the men she's desperately trying to impress think that too.  Hard to play coquette with a rack so fake it's fucking shiny.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Luann likes being in a relationship. She said at the onset of the season she wanted to get married again.  If a widower were to say he wanted to be married because it completes him-would one be so harsh?  I know many men who really like being married or in a relationship.  It is the same as saying so and so doesn't like to be alone (Ramona) and all they do is go, go, go.  It is who they are and not a character flaw or mental disorder.

I see Luann as a 51 year old woman who is a reality star.  She has had Ramona and Bethenny call her a slut, whore, snake, made accusations about her faithfulness in her marriage on TV.   I don't think being a reality star carries a lot of clout.  Whoever this magic group of available, wanting to marry, similarly financially situated men on the UES are hanging out, someone needs to put Ramona in touch immediately.  I think the pool is quite small, which doesn't mean one cannot go outside those boundaries but they obviously have similar interests and friends.

What has been confirmed at some point in time Sonja, a television friend of Luann's had sex with Tom.  Sonja decided to make it public and Bethenny ran with it.  Ramona of 50 UES ladies at her birthday,  might be surprised to learn just where one of her dates has had his penis.    IF you are over 40 and think it is necessary to divulge your entire sexual history prior to dating someone, you have pretty big issues.  The thing about divulging to Ramona she then runs with the information and gossips about it.

OMG to the bolded! And EXACTLY!! 

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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

It is who they are and not a character flaw or mental disorder. - OMG to the bolded! And EXACTLY!! 

I have to disagree. If you're in your 50s / 60s, and surround yourself with 18-year-old slaves interns all day long, there is something bigger behind that. It's not like she's a music manager who's required to be intimate with youth culture. (Talking about Sonja here.)

Edited by Lady Grump
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On 7/30/2016 at 7:41 AM, Beden said:

Not that it matters (and I know I'm nit picking) but "I'm in Love With A Wonderful Guy" is From South Pacific, Rogers and Hammerstein, sung by Nellie Forbush and her fellow nurses on a beach on a Pacific island during WW2. Just saying. Sorry; I spent 30+ years making my living in musical theater.

Lol, ok so 2 things.   I'm not the op.  I quoted Seasick's post for giggleishness.   On the same page, about 10 posts later, Former Nun corrected the reference.  But thanks for the info...again  ;)

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While writing a long-winded post about my observations vis-a-vis Ramona dating Tom, Dorinda introducing Tom to Luann,  Dorinda and Ramona's friendship, and Sonja's past with Tom, and then pondering, doing a brief Google search for a few items of press, and pondering some more, I think that the mechanics of this show are either getting sloppy or I have too much time on my hands, but either way this repeat of the Harry Dubin Love Triangle is just plain weird to me.  I'm going to attempt to sift through everything, because apparently this season's drama is not quite as interesting for me so much as the possible motivations behind it all.  I apologize if I'm repeating anything mentioned, and reading the posts from you guys has been a major help. 

When I say the mechanics of the show, I mean the result of these women trying as hard as possible to insert themselves into drama for camera time.  Of course they will, they always have, but this Tom thing is just ridiculous. Every one of the ladies who is involved in the current drama over Tom fought for more money, including Dorinda who lost out.  That's more than half of the cast so it doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I have to start somewhere.  It also seemed to piss Bethenny off, but what doesn't these days.  

Bethenny and the blow up with Luann :

This was what first confused me and took me out of what I was watching and pondering about what I wasn't seeing.  Like I've said, I've always been able to follow Bethenny's logic on the show, even if I don't necessarily agree with her.  Most of the time I find her very observant.  At the time, there just weren't any good reasons for her to blow up at Luann that they showed, but one thing was for sure — with all of the cursings and derogatory sexual remarks about Luann sleeping around, it probably had something to do with men, or specifically a man.  So why was Luann's personal life anything that Bethenny should lose her shit over?  It didn't make sense and there was plenty of dancing around in their scenes together, and excuses were thrown around in a rather passive aggressive manner, probably because it all came down to the show again.  Ugh.  

Ramona and Dorinda's friendship and the wonderful matchmaking skills of Dorinda: 

Dorinda is coy.  I like her more now than I did the first half of this season.  She doesn't try to repeat herself 18 times about something because she knows about editing and needs her bleeding vagina problems to make it on air (I guess the producers now find it funny to air every mention.  Music to your ears, no?).  Instead, she goes around planting seeds and being so wonderfully sincere in her efforts because she just cares, she can't help it, and then she just sits back and waits to see what will bloom.  If her and Ramona were close, and Ramona and Tom dated, and that fact was in the press (interestingly enough, when other relationships of Ramona's were not) would Dorinda not stop to consider that Ramona might react ... well, like Ramona?  Are we to believe that she didn't mention it to Ramona at all?  That it wouldn't seem like a bit of a set up for television?  Not if it is, and not if it helps everyone involved, essentially.  But I guess we can't get to that until the reunion, if ever, because it's a lot of fourth wall stuff and that's annoying.  

Ramona hasn't proven herself to be the most astutely self - aware person, and I guess that's fortunate for her because I really cannot tell when she's amping things up for television and when she's just overreacting, but she's trying a bit too hard to be hurt over a guy she dated a few times over half a year ago.  Her clumsy attempts can be amusing but ultimately I'm left wishing that there were other things she would busy herself with.  

Sonja is pretty much doing the same, but she tends toward wistful, which just makes me sad for her.   I've been sad for Sonja for... gosh, maybe every season since she initially appeared, and it can be exhausting.  I like fun Sonja a lot, though.   I wonder if Sonja realizes the sad clown archetype that she's portrayed as, poor thing. 

So I guess what I'm asking myself now is how much I believe in the authenticity of Luann's relationship, or how authentic Tom is knowing what I've read about the contracts and knowing the circumstances of Luann and Tom meeting (being introduced by Dorinda being suspect in and of itself) , and his alleged relationships with her costars.  She really seems quite happy.  I totally bought it all and I probably will still continue to just so I don't give myself a headache, but something doesn't really feel right and hasn't for awhile on the show and I've been trying to figure it out.  Has Luann and Tom been spotted together in the press after filming at all?  

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Luanne and Tom are well and doing fine. She posts on Instagram and other SM. They have been travelling and having a great time! 

This is whats so stupid about Bethannys "big new that will cancel the wedding" Uh No. That was last year and we can SEE there still together and fine. 

I guess now men are supposed to be virgins and never ever ever had sex before? Whether you know the person they had sex with or not they still had there dick in someone else so calm the hell down ladies of NY. By that logic I should never get along with the ex wife because she had sex with my now boyfriend/husband? And at 50 + I'm assuming most people have had sex! And a lot of times you DO hook up with people who travel in the same circles. That's life.  

Sonja is so much more enjoyable this year! I like sober Sonja!

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19 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

And a lot of times you DO hook up with people who travel in the same circles. That's life.  

If these women have such a hard time dating someone who has dated someone they know, they need to expand their pool and get out of the UES for a change.   Someone said it upthread....Ramona, with her 50 party girlfriends, shouldn't be surprised if she has dated a guy that one or more of those UES women have or will date.

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1 hour ago, izabella said:

If these women have such a hard time dating someone who has dated someone they know, they need to expand their pool and get out of the UES for a change.   Someone said it upthread....Ramona, with her 50 party girlfriends, shouldn't be surprised if she has dated a guy that one or more of those UES women have or will date.

I am thinking if I am with a man and he is thinking or fantasizing about one of his exes whether I know her or not, I need to re-think the relationship.  The last thing I ever want to hear about is sex with an ex from a man.  I am just betting men don't want to hear about a girlfriend's sex with her exes.

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2 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Luanne and Tom are well and doing fine. She posts on Instagram and other SM. They have been travelling and having a great time! 

Also according to the ROL story linked above, they have sent out a save the date cared for the wedding, on New Year's I believe.  I think that's a pretty good indication the wedding's a go if only because choosing to have the wedding on the biggest party night of the year and getting everybody to start making reservations is asking a lot of people and it would be super embarrassing to cancel.  If they're having the reception at a public space they're also going to have to put down a huge probably non refundable deposit.  Ditto with the food, flowers etc. Here's a story on the prep from People. 

Apparently Dorinda is the only housewife invited.  I really hope Bravo films it.

Edited by zulualpha
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16 minutes ago, zulualpha said:

Apparently Dorinda is the only housewife invited.  I really hope Bravo films it.

LOL, I guess lulu is weighing her options?

She can have a nice wedding with Dorinda there or her wedding costs can be picked up by bravo if she invites the rest of the cast - and possibly have the day ruined by Sonja wearing a white dress, Beffy standing up and yelling her disapprova at the 'does anyone have a problem with this couple getting married?' inquiry. Then there is the danger of Jules washing her hands in the ice buckets, Carole seconding Beffy's intrusion and the Ramonster telling everyone she dated Tom, 2, 4 6, 8 times?

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8 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

LOL, I guess lulu is weighing her options?

She can have a nice wedding with Dorinda there or her wedding costs can be picked up by bravo if she invites the rest of the cast - and possibly have the day ruined by Sonja wearing a short, low cut, transparent white dress and no panties, Beffy standing up and yelling her disapprova at the 'does anyone have a problem with this couple getting married?' inquiry. Then there is the danger of Jules washing her hands in the ice buckets, Carole seconding Beffy's intrusion and the Ramonster telling everyone she dated Tom, 2, 4 6, 8 times?

Fixed it for you...

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On ‎7‎/‎31‎/‎2016 at 4:42 AM, Lady Grump said:

Or, it could be a situation where Jagger, a little boy who was promised lots of time with daddy during the week (finally!), got his hopes dashed because daddy is a selfish piece of shit.

Agree 100% with your statement, but I don't think it applies to Sonja. IDK, I just don't see Sonja as a confident, sexually liberated woman with both hands firmly on life's steering wheel. To me, she seems insatiably needy and has a serious case of clinging to the past. (Relatable; been there.) I don't think she sleeps around because she enjoys it; I think she uses it as a way to feel loved and closer to people -- not that she is necessarily aware of it. (Though, like others have said, I think she is starting to recognize her issues and is making positive changes, like drinking less.) Rooting for her.

Exactly. There's something just so endearing about Sonja. Her whole internship program is almost offensively insane; but I see her incredible loneliness; she's the kind of person who needs people around, on a near constant basis (probably because it helps her get out of her own head). Which, for me, is sad, not worthy of contempt.


Ramona is the personification of Elaine Benes' dancing


Ramona. Ya know, I can forgive a lot. Self-centeredness, hyper-sexuality, over-sharing, bragging -- because 9 times out of 10 there's a more sympathetic root reason for the behavior. But my compassion line is drawn just short of folks like Ramona, because she is FULL of contempt for people she deems "below" her -- and is astoundingly rude about it. No thank you, ma'am! If she owned it, acknowledged it, and tamped down the status bullshit, I'd be all about Ramona -- but no, I  just can't with her the way she is now.

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47 minutes ago, izabella said:

Fixed it for you...

LOL, Now that you mentioned it?

Lulu would be too busy getting married to be on the lookout for naked, drunken cooter on the dance floor?


You COULD have added the missing "L" on the word "disapproval" for me............ ; )

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1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

Lulu would be too busy getting married to be on the lookout for naked, drunken cooter on the dance floor?

I wouldn't put it past Sonja to sneak down the aisle, trout-pouting at her subjects, as soon as the wedding march starts, and before Luann gets out there.

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10 minutes ago, izabella said:

I wouldn't put it past Sonja to sneak down the aisle, trout-pouting at her subjects, as soon as the wedding march starts, and before Luann gets out there.

I can hardly wait for the wedding photos....

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