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I watch this show with my 9 year old daughter so she can see why I don't buy her everything she wants at the mall. 

     Her:  "I want this Totally Impractical Thingamajig!"

     Me:  "This seems like something Piper would do at the mall..."

     Her:  (puts Thingamajig back on the shelf, hugs me, eats all her vegetables that night)

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, operalover said:

I guess the mamma with the short hair was the bio mom as Cadence looks EXACTLY like her. It was cute the way she was crying when Cadence was up there, but she didn't smile ones - had a stank face on-- so only a mini pizza for her.

I see what you mean, but I'm pretty sure the long-haired mom talked about being pregnant with Cadence when they discovered the baby had cancer. Maybe they could have implanted one of short-haired mom's eggs to make both of them parents? Is that a thing?

  • Love 1

The only palate cleanser in this festival of adults behaving badly was crying lesbomom.  She didn't seem to care about the outcome of the stupid pageant, she was just so happy for her little girl - like a normal healthy parent should. 

Even the parent who was in the right about the shouting at SN kids acted in a shameful manner.

  • Love 5
42 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

The only palate cleanser in this festival of adults behaving badly was crying lesbomom.  She didn't seem to care about the outcome of the stupid pageant, she was just so happy for her little girl - like a normal healthy parent should. 

Even the parent who was in the right about the shouting at SN kids acted in a shameful manner.

I guess the one with the short hair was happy for her but the other one was bawling because her daughter "worked so hard and didn't win'. They even point out that there was only one title higher she could have one and that her daughter didn't even know she could have won a bigger crown. So I thought the crying was stupid. Not to mention that I am sick of hearing about how hard these girls work. Sorry. What these kids do isn't hard work. I shudder to think what will happen when something that is actual effort is expected of them. 

  • Love 5

My take on the special needs situation. Shouty mom was primed to blow because she believed that SN Mom was behind the stupid "We need to see her birth certificate" drama. My personal perception of Harli, based on prior episodes, was that she was shy. There was no visible indicator that the kid had any sort of disability just by looking. Shouty mom was wrong to shout while the kid was on stage. However... Shouty mom was NOT wrong to point out the rule breaking and I very much think the the judges/pageant runner should have - if they knew Harli was special needs and was just participating to have fun - let the audience know that concerns about the judging rules should be addressed discreetly and that some contestants were choosing to take the penalty for coaching. SN Mom is hardly the innocent victim here - whether or not she orchestrated the birth certificate thing, she has pretty openly been merrily shitting on the competitor kids with how they're all scared shitless of her prize pig Piper. I also totally believe that she's been creating drama and inciting the competitor moms. With that said, if she is then going to bring a child with special needs into the ultra competitive environment.... then she needs to remember that the ugly scum only fit to lick Piper's boots and hear what hot messes they are probably have parents equally rabid to defend them. I can't put it all on Shouty Mom when SN Mom was merrily talking trash, winding up the drama, only to freak out that her own, not in any way obviously disabled kid got caught in the crossfire.

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, momofsquid said:

Agree that they need to stop wailing about the "hard work" these kids put in. My kids used to do gymnastics. They trained 20-25 hours a week, sacrificed a few bones and the occasional ligament, and most of the time they didn't win either. Nobody cried about it.

Right there with you - my daughter was a competitive gymnast from 6 years old until she went to college. If they want to know what it looks like to work hard for an activity, they should walk into a gym.

  • Love 3

I still like Cambrie; she just seems to really love the kids. I don't think the bus thing was that bad because it was clearly set up by TLC and both parties were aware it was going to happen. Otherwise how could Cambrie's team's party bus just magically appear at the exact time that crazy glasses lady and the other lady decided to come stand in the entry of the hotel for no apparent reason. If crazy glasses lady was checking into the hotel and looking for her team, why would she stand in the entry way saying "where are you?" rather than going into the hotel and walking towards them. Clear set-up there.

I also just do not like the idea of a coach that brags how much her team wins but really their own kid is winning the top prize all of the time. Personally I would never join a pageant team (I wouldn't anyway!) if the parent had a kid currently competing. It smacks of conflict of interest. Is she truly going to give her all to the other girls so that they have a chance to beat her kid? Of course not. She wants them to be just good enough to beat others but not good enough to beat her child. 

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, momofsquid said:

I see what you mean, but I'm pretty sure the long-haired mom talked about being pregnant with Cadence when they discovered the baby had cancer. Maybe they could have implanted one of short-haired mom's eggs to make both of them parents? Is that a thing?

It is a thing. It's also possible that the sperm donor was a male relative of the other mom and that's why Cadence resembles her. I'm an OB/GYN and have had a couple patients who were inseminated with sperm from a partner's brother so the baby would be genetically related to both.  Another possibility is that they used sperm from a donor bank and specifically looked for a donor who resembled the other.  Weirdly enough, I've seen that, too. I know a couple who purchased multiple vials of the same guy's sperm from a bank so they could have several kids all with the same genetic father.  They chose him based on race and his level of education and personal interests. Never saw a photo or asked about eye or hair color.  They ultimately had 3 kids.  Every single kid was a dead ringer for the one mom: same hair and eye color, facial shape. They even had curly hair like hers.  Yet, she only gave birth to one of them, the other two were not genetically related to her.  They used to joke about it, anyone who met them automatically assumed one had given birth to all 3.

I also agree about the 'hard work'. Not so much. There are many, many kids putting far more effort into gymnastics,  team sports, piano lessons, dance class, spelling bees, chess clubs and dozens of other worthwhile activities that are far more likely to benefit them in later life. for that matter, most kids put far more work into their play than these poor kids. Forcing a preschooler to sit through hours and hours of tanning, makeup application and hairstyling is torture, not work, IMO.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 7

I finally caught up on the last 2 episodes. I'm so bummed. What happened to my guilty pleasure show? I don't watch "housewives" or "dance moms" nor do I want to watch anything that resembles that. I watch this show to see kids make kissy faces with makeup caked on like Tammy Faye and say funny stuff. I will still finish the season. If the show comes back, I really hope they go back to the original format. I think the only reason Cadence won anything is the judges were afraid of the bitch face she threw at them during beauty. Also, the blonde "doctor" with the glasses, how did that fit into the superheros vs. villians format? Same with the magician with the pyrotechnics. Also Becky, was quick to point out someone breaking the coaching rule, but didn't they say last show that pyrotechnics was against the rules? (but who cares its gems stars) You can't pick which ones you want to follow. I do like her daughter though. I hope they are helping her with her speech.

  • Love 2

Also Becky, was quick to point out someone breaking the coaching rule, but didn't they say last show that pyrotechnics was against the rules? (but who cares its gems stars) You can't pick which ones you want to follow.

I totally get your point but it's not like this is some sort of regulated thing. I mean.... The pageant show runner is the mom of one of the coaches entering a ton of kids. (And I bet Mom of Jaime was delighted to find a reason to give the Sassy Piper a lower title when she realized the show was playing up the total nepotism angle of the pageant) I mean, these are people who, on the basis of an *anonymous email* pointedly demanded a six year old's birth certificate even though at one point they openly admitted they had NO IDEA who sent the email that was somehow requiring them to vet the kid's age.

I mean here's the thing. Becky was totally wrong to yell about someone breaking the coaching rule because it was mean to the kid, regardless of whether the kid is special needs or not. BUT was little Kaylee (or whatever Becky's kid is named) deserving to be publically accused of lying simply because she's NOT special needs. "Congrats kid, you won the genetic lottery so some jealous moms who are pissed at your mom are going to accuse your little six year old ass of cheating with no mercy since you're not special needs".

No one running these pageants gives a shit about anything but the money they can milk from the delusional parents. If anyone actually gave a shit about the kids, the issue of the birth certificate wouldn't have appeared on camera. Becky would have been told to leave the pageant, take her kid with her, and not come back for the shouting while the kid was on stage, and Special Needs Mom would have ALSO been told to leave and not come back for the screaming fits and near fist fight with Becky.

The pageants aren't about competition. Everyone who pays their extravagant fees gets an award. And this particular pageant was so poorly run, didn't one of the higher title winners get the crown for something she wasn't eligible for?

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, momofsquid said:

Agree that they need to stop wailing about the "hard work" these kids put in. My kids used to do gymnastics. They trained 20-25 hours a week, sacrificed a few bones and the occasional ligament, and most of the time they didn't win either. Nobody cried about it.

Ha ha ha so so true!! My son was (and still is) on a cycling team...the Tour de France kind of thing. He works his ass off and you know how hard it is to win a bike race? or even place top ten? He is out there in 20 degree weather, climbing mountains in the rain.getting hit by cars, leaving his skin on the street, breaking bones...maybe I should have put him in pageants instead my medical bills would be lower. It's very expensive with all the bikes, parts and equipment you need and clothing and entries. Although some of these dames spend probably the same on pageant entries and dresses. YEEKS!!

  • Love 2
On 9/20/2016 at 5:52 AM, Drogo said:
5 hours ago, operalover said:

Ha ha ha so so true!! My son was (and still is) on a cycling team...the Tour de France kind of thing. He works his ass off and you know how hard it is to win a bike race? or even place top ten? He is out there in 20 degree weather, climbing mountains in the rain.getting hit by cars, leaving his skin on the street, breaking bones...maybe I should have put him in pageants instead my medical bills would be lower. It's very expensive with all the bikes, parts and equipment you need and clothing and entries. Although some of these dames spend probably the same on pageant entries and dresses. YEEKS!!


If it's the kids choice to do pageants, I really don't see the difference in spending all that money on biking supplies or pageant supplies.  What's the difference?   I don't see how gymnastics, biking, football, cheerleading etc are all that different than pageants as far as money spent.    One spends the money on biking clothes, the other on a pageant dress.  I just don't see how one is better than the other. 

3 hours ago, Maharincess said:

If it's the kids choice to do pageants, I really don't see the difference in spending all that money on biking supplies or pageant supplies.  What's the difference?   I don't see how gymnastics, biking, football, cheerleading etc are all that different than pageants as far as money spent.    One spends the money on biking clothes, the other on a pageant dress.  I just don't see how one is better than the other. 

Well I think it would be pretty easy to make a case that activities like gymnastics, biking, football etc have a lot of  benefits that pageants can't begin to claim. But I do agree, that is the kids want to do pageants and the parents are ok spending the money, then it's their call. I wouldn't be ok with it but it's not my kids or my money. 

  • Love 1

I just caught this episode.  I think I found it very entertaining in an absurdist, eccentric sort of way.

The broad with the sunglasses?  A dime-store Andy Warhol knock-off.  But surreally funny.

I'm sure the make-up guy drama is entirely scripted.  But I do recall seeing him seated with Cambrie in prior episodes, so I do think he is somehow associated with her team rather than entirely independent.

Also, it might just be her knockers, but I sort of want to hire Cambrie as my life coach. /JK.

17 hours ago, RealityCowgirl said:

Speaking of Cambrie... 

Guess who popped up in my suggested friends list in FB the other day. We share a common Vegas acquaintance.

I need to so some serious reassessment of my life and who I've let into it. 


No, you need to friend the woman and get some good info. Or pump your mutual friend. We need you to do this.

  • Love 13

I don't mind the team stuff this season and I can get on board seeing the same kids and parents but I wish the episodes with the actual pageant showed the full pageant. Do do one episode pre pageant two groups, bunch of parents and kid stuff, then the following week the full pageant.  If there isn't much pageant drama show a bit of a pageant debrief with each team.  The current run on episodes I just don't like.  

Last weeks pageant was okay, the sassies didn't win it all which seemed fair.

Edited by fountain

Can't watch anymore. The whole pageant world seems to be purposefully created to make mean girls out of the contestants. They will grow up to put far too much value on their looks, and to tear down other women because "they know how women are" (and to let men justify negative attitudes towards women).  

I used to love the hate watching, but now I think it's a crime to make girls think this is the way to success. 

  • Love 4

What kinds of pills do you suppose some of these moms are passing around?  Two of them, Addison's mom and Goldie's mom look like they're  high as hell with their droopy eyes and slurred speech.  

@SunshineSquid,  you are so right!  She does look like Goldie. Now I want to go to Hulu and watch Flavor of Love again. 

  • Love 1
On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 9:31 PM, Alapaki said:

The broad with the sunglasses?  A dime-store Andy Warhol knock-off.  But surreally funny.

This broad is trying way too hard to be cool.  She just comes off as an attention whore who is trying to come off eccentric but instead comes off as a dried up old pageant girl with really bad hair doing everything she can to try to upstage the real coach.  I'm not all that crazy about Cambrie but at least she gave credit and good critiques to the girls on the other team and didn't trash their performances.  Dime-store Andy Warhol and Landrie's (sp?) mother made themselves look really unprofessional and trashy by saying negative things about the girls on the other teams.  They're children.  Don't trash them just because they're not on your team.  That's what I can't stand about these pageants.  The coaches and the parents behave very disgracefully.

  • Love 8
On Sunday, September 11, 2016 at 10:02 AM, VedaPierce said:

Hoping someone can help me out on this ... Cadence reminds me SO much of someone and I can't think of who.  A kid actor, I think, and the tiny edges of my sad remnant of a memory hints that it's a boy and not an attractive one either ... it's not young Billy Mumy but it's someone like that.  Anyone?

When I see Cadence, her hair piled on top of her head, I immediately think of Margaret O'Brien as little Adele in the Orson Wells version of Jane Eyre.


  • Love 1

The blond was just nasty in every way. She sure thought she was cool, bless her heart. The Mom sobbing when her daughter won. Wow. I don't know how I'd feel about that if I were a paying client. It's clear she's giving her own child all the advantages. No way I'd pay my closest competition to train my child. 


I still don't hate Cambrie. She said nice things about the other children and she seems to really care about her own clients, and not the parents. 


So I never saw anyone slap anyone. Did I miss it? I just saw yelling behind a door. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, swankie said:

This broad is trying way too hard to be cool.  She just comes off as an attention whore who is trying to come off eccentric but instead comes off as a dried up old pageant girl with really bad hair doing everything she can to try to upstage the real coach.  I'm not all that crazy about Cambrie but at least she gave credit and good critiques to the girls on the other team and didn't trash their performances.  Dime-store Andy Warhol and Landrie's (sp?) mother made themselves look really unprofessional and trashy by saying negative things about the girls on the other teams.  They're children.  Don't trash them just because they're not on your team.  That's what I can't stand about these pageants.  The coaches and the parents behave very disgracefully.

Largely agree.  

While much of this is obviously scripted/set-up/whatever-you-want-to-call-it, the adults involved still have a choice of how they present themselves as they play their designated roles.

In that sense, I really think the only adult who is conducting themselves with the realization that there's life after this show and who doesn't want that life filled with shame, regret and whatever-they-call-child-services-in-their-state is Cambrie.  

Everyone else is just caricaturing themselves into a lot of really shitty "remember when you were on  . . . . " conversations down he road.

  • Love 5

I'm convinced the Top Models duo were auditioning for their own reality show. The blonde was trying wayyy too hard to be edgy, cool & over it with her indoor sunglasses, snide comments & tiny dog carried everywhere.  She was trying to convince us that she's quirky - FAIL.  She just looked like a jerk.  I thought it was so strange to hear Addison's mom, who is a PAYING customer, say that she hoped her own daughter got the 2nd highest title & Landree - God help us the "ee"s are overtaking the "eigh"s & gratuitous "i"s as annoying name endings - got the highest.  Who would pay someone to make their kid second best?

And it gave me so much hope for the future to hear Addison, a 5 year old, call Cambrie, an adult, a loser.

Edited by Daisy head
  • Love 3

I have to admit, I like Cambrie more every week. Mostly because she obviously loves the kids - it was sweet when she was cuddling Jayliana - but I think partly it's because the other coaches we've seen have been so over-the-top horrible. Cambrie sometimes seems to care more about the kids than their parents do, with the way she tries to make sure they feel calm and confidant. 

I wonder how ticked off Cadence's long haired mom was this time that she only got division princess?

  • Love 9

I missed a couple episodes but saw the latest one. So glad I did because: red-haired mom doing her own "tearfully murmur silent prayers while lifting praise hands up to heaven." You know, the thing that adult beauty queens do when they win.

I'm not sure I agree that Cambrie is much better than the other idiots. She's very camera-conscious and knows how to control and shape her own behavior when the cameras are pointed at her. Even then we see some eye-rolling and snide asides.

  • Love 1

It could very well be that Cambrie is playing to the cameras. But, if that is the case, at least she is smart enough to know that she should conduct herself in a certain way in order to appear likable. The other coaches & idiot mothers should take a cue from her, because they look horrendous by comparison. 

  • Love 11

They're all pretty reprehensible.  

I did like it when I thought I heard the blonde with the sunglasses tell Landree to work on her talent, that the talent would get her further along in life than just good looks.  I thought I heard that?  Because I was doing something else and jolted to attention to hear that something might be more important than looks, that it was actually said on this show.

The top models duo - trying too hard.  Not sure why the one mom would pay so her daughter could be 2nd highest, unless she honestly felt her daughter wasn't up to that stage yet and was being honest.  Maybe she didn't want her to win everything all at once, to peak too early (she's still pretty young).  Nah, she's just being deferential to the duo and is delusional.

Cambrie, every freaking week, it's oh we have to win this one.  I'll just die if we don't win.  No you won't.  It's some half assed pageant at the Ramada Inn or equivalent; it's not that big of a deal and not the end of the world.  Her kids are annoying with the chanting crap.  She also made fun, although not as much as Jayliana's mom, of Landree's mom when she won.  Landree's mom needs to take a valium or two.  

For all of these women who were former pageant queens, I'm assuming none had titles that any regular person would know (not even like I was Miss Hoboken in the Miss America pageant or Miss Smith County in the Miss USA pageant or Mrs. America, etc.).  More like "I was the Mega Gigante Supreme Burrito Winner at the Winter Wonderland  Pageant Winter 1996 at the Quality Inn".

  • Love 3

The red head - Piper, I think, and the little girl with 2 moms - was she Cadence?- were seriously unattractive.  I know earlier on in this thread I stated that Eden Wood was the most unattractive child I'd seen, but her title of Ugly Supreme has been usurped in a 2 way tie.  

Save me a seat on the bus to Hell, because I'm right there with you. Cadence's face and manner worked well for her Harley Quinn routine. Beauty was a joke, though. Throw Mama From the Train is right.

Who on God's earth thought that a bare-midriff costume was the right call for Piper? A coach should be able to find a flattering outfit for any child. Even Mama June noted that belly rolls flopping everywhere are not beautimous.

You're SO RIGHT about Christopher Guest and company trolling this freak show! The lesbian moms are already there. Please please please can we "Spinal Tap" this?

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Daisy head said:

I have to admit, I like Cambrie more every week. Mostly because she obviously loves the kids - it was sweet when she was cuddling Jayliana - but I think partly it's because the other coaches we've seen have been so over-the-top horrible. Cambrie sometimes seems to care more about the kids than their parents do, with the way she tries to make sure they feel calm and confidant. 

I wonder how ticked off Cadence's long haired mom was this time that she only got division princess?

This.  On point!

  • Love 2

What Happened to Kailia? I remember her from the old T&T and she was on point! I think her Mom was the one that was fighting with Jaliana's Mom. They showed her a little in this episode. I assumed she was competing, but I didn't see her Mom up there when they were rummaging through those spaghetti or whatever bowls (that was so ridiculous btw) She used to win big. I haven't watched much of this season, but she's one of Cambrie's kids.


That blonde sunglasses coach gets on my last nerve. Just like the others have said, she is clearly affecting a false persona and her partner coach (Landrie's mom) seems to be really embarrassed by how she is acting. When they are in talking heads together I often see the redhead look over at "Shades" like she can't believe what just came out of her mouth.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Venee said:

What Happened to Kailia? I remember her from the old T&T and she was on point! I think her Mom was the one that was fighting with Jaliana's Mom. They showed her a little in this episode. I assumed she was competing, but I didn't see her Mom up there when they were rummaging through those spaghetti or whatever bowls (that was so ridiculous btw) She used to win big. I haven't watched much of this season, but she's one of Cambrie's kids.


What titles did the other girls get?  It looked like the other bowls must have been empty except for the spaghetti.  Did they not get titles? I saw the mom of one of the cute little girls from last week up there & can't imagine she didn't win anything. Did they crown them after they announced the ultimate? That seems anticlimactic.

  • Love 1

Kailia (and Marcy) are pretty active on Instagram and Facebook and both are public for viewing.  An Instagram photo posted 20 weeks ago is captioned that she won the Talent Supreme at this Supreme Me pageant and Talent was the only event that she entered.  

She's also got a YouTube video posted of a dance called "I want to be evil" that is quite impressive and she looks to be an amazing contortionist.  This talented kid will succeed far beyond the pageant world.


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