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Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion

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That woman yelling during the child's routine - trashy, trashy, trashy.  I am far from a fan of the other mother, but this was one case where she was right - you take it to the director or talk to the mother/coach after.  Can you imagine how she would've reacted if someone had interrupted her precious daughter like that?  And wtf was up with her assertion that a special needs kid shouldn't be in a pageant with the "regular" kids?

Also, geez, that hair on her kid was like a helmet.

Edited by pigs-in-space
  • Love 7

From the interview with Becky, the mom who yelled out during Harlie's performance: "First of, I didn't know that she was special needs. Second, if she's truly special needs she probably shouldn't be at a regular kids' pageant."

They made it pretty clear last episode that off-stage coaching resulted in a six point deduction, not disqualification, so I don't understand why she could be so upset about it. Also, the idea of trying to keep children with special needs away from "regular kids" pisses me off. Harlie has as much a right to compete in these pageants as any other child, and her mom and coach understood that she would get deductions.

I'm going to be completely honest, as a person who knows many family members, friends, and neighbors with physical and developmental disabilities- the instant Harlie walked onstage, I could tell that she was "special needs," as her family prefers to describe her.  Becky can't go claiming that she had no idea when it was apparent from the beginning. She only cared about causing a scene for the cameras and panicked when it backfired.

My only hope is that Harlie wasn't hurt by what transpired and has enough of a support system around her to help her realize her own self worth.

  • Love 15

The only parents I can even stand to look at are Cadence's.  They are going to be so sorry for spoiling her like they have, but at least they seem nice.

Man, Caitlyn is so beautiful.  I loved her outfit with the glasses.  Piper is horrid, ugly and all I could think of during her beauty routine was Best Little Whorehouse In Texas.  I'm glad she tripped, I'm just sorry she didn't fall right on her face.  She looks like a rodent.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, pigs-in-space said:

That woman yelling during the child's routine - trashy, trashy, trashy.  I am far from a fan of the other mother, but this was one case where she was right - you take it to the director or talk to the mother/coach after.  Can you imagine how she would've reacted if someone had interrupted her precious daughter like that?  And wtf was up with her assertion that a special needs kid shouldn't be in a pageant with the "regular" kids?

Also, geez, that hair on her kid was like a helmet.

That was the birth certificate mother.  I bet that was a fake birth certificate.  Everything about that child looks about 8 years old, not 6 years old.  Her teeth are at the 8 - 9 year stage.  Her adult front teeth are in with her molars already missing.  Her face has is more mature looking than a six year olds as is her voice.   I know some kids develop early but there's a reason they chose her to question her age.

I do know activities that require birth certificates including Pop Warner Football and other activities where age would make a difference. 

8 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

I loved that Cambrie took the little girl away from her mom when the mom was whining about the girl screwing up. She clearly was concerned about the kid. It's good to know that someone remembers the kids. 

It warmed me to her just a tad.  Because as much as she kind of annoys me she clearly cares about that child. 


7 hours ago, Lemons said:

That was the birth certificate mother.  I bet that was a fake birth certificate.  Everything about that child looks about 8 years old, not 6 years old.  Her teeth are at the 8 - 9 year stage.  Her adult front teeth are in with her molars already missing.  Her face has is more mature looking than a six year olds as is her voice.   I know some kids develop early but there's a reason they chose her to question her age.

I do know activities that require birth certificates including Pop Warner Football and other activities where age would make a difference. 

My oldest child lost her baby teeth and got her "adult" teeth very early.  I think they choose to question her age because they had a beef with the sister "always" winning that pageant.  They couldn't attack the sister so they went after her because yes she is big for her age and they could justify it.

I think Cadence's moms are going to regret spoiling that child when she hits her preteen/teen years.

I think the pageant coordinator enjoyed the drama stemming from the birth certificate and the coaching.

  • Love 1

It wasn't a good choice for Kaylee's mom to yell out during the other girl's routine, but I have not one doubt in my mind that the mother of the child in question would have done the exact same thing if she witnessed that going on with another child.  And I am also fairly certain that she was the one behind birth certificate-gate

Edited by Daisy head
  • Love 2
29 minutes ago, CoolMom said:

It warmed me to her just a tad.  Because as much as she kind of annoys me she clearly cares about that child. 

Yea - in a show like this "liking" someone is a relative term. It could be that she's getting a beneficial edit too. But compared to the other coach and most of the moms, Cambrie ends up looking like a dream. She does seem to care about the children. I also liked how she talked to Senyse (is that how you spell that nightmare name) when she told the mom they could join her team. She got down on her level and told her all the exciting things they would do together. Somehow I get the feeling that the other coach would have only talked to the mom about how awful the other kids are. 

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, CDC said:

They made it pretty clear last episode that off-stage coaching resulted in a six point deduction, not disqualification, so I don't understand why she could be so upset about it. Also, the idea of trying to keep children with special needs away from "regular kids" pisses me off. Harlie has as much a right to compete in these pageants as any other child, and her mom and coach understood that she would get deductions.

None of these parents have struck me as gifted in the "logical reasoning" arena. 

The idea of someone willingly accepting a six-point deduction in order to have their child compete (and feel good about competing, regardless of title placement) is just too much for their little brains to handle. 


  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Daisy head said:

It wasn't a good choice for Kaylee's mom to yell out during the other girl's routine, but I have not one doubt in my mind that the mother of the child in question would have done the exact same thing if she witnessed that going on with another child.  And I am also fairly certain that she was the one behind birth certificate-gate

Yeah, common sense - and decency - don't seem to be overflowing in this crowd. Rumble all you want with the other raging-bitch mother. But leave the little girl alone. That was appalling. 

I agree that yelling during the kid's performance was inexcusable. It doesn't matter what was going on, you don't do that. 

That said, I am pretty suspicious of this sudden 'she is so special needs that the rules can't apply to her' stuff.  Social anxiety is a problem and potentially doing pageants could be good for her (or they could be horrible) but it isn't something that requires a disregard of the rule book. We know from watching on the show and from the comments of the moms before this pageant that it is uncommon or even a first to have a pageant that prohibits coaching from the sidelines. And these teams have been competing against each other a lot. I think it's quite likely that the girl, whose name I can't remember, has always just looked like a 'eh' pageant contestant with her mom directing her from the sidelines without her mother running up and down the halls yelling that she's 'special needs'. Now with this pageant being run by Jaimie's mom, they created this rule about no coaching knowing that they would do it anyway for this child as a setup so they could both rile up the other mom and cry 'but she's the SN kid' at the same time. I think it was a big crock and a setup. It could even have been set up by TLC. 

In the other episodes the girl's mom has spoken derogatorily about the daughter but not referred to her as having true SN problems. What I took from her comments was that she viewed her daughter as inferior to her other daughter because she wasn't good at pageants. I can see that woman defining special needs as 'unable to do pageants the way I like it'. 

I do want to reiterate, none of this excuses the horrific behavior of yelling during the girl's performance. That poor little girl, whether she has special needs or not, should not have to endure that nor should she have to endure the obvious distain from her own mother or watch a bunch of harpies scream at each other about a little girl's problems. 

1 hour ago, RealityCowgirl said:

Yeah, common sense - and decency - don't seem to be overflowing in this crowd. Rumble all you want with the other raging-bitch mother. But leave the little girl alone. That was appalling. 

Yup, there are truly no winners among the moms in these groups.

Also, just pointing out that the girl could have been special needs and have social anxiety in addition to that.  Just because the social anxiety was mentioned specifically doesn't mean that's the reason her parents consider her special needs.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Daisy head said:

I am going to be stunned if Jaimie's group doesn't clean up at this pageant.  Not that they should, but with it being her mother's event, it is highly likely.  To have to wait 2 weeks for an outcome that seems to be fairly predictable is pretty anti-climactic.

Definitely. I think it's one of the reasons they showed the one judge say something nice about Candace (or whatever the name is of that super bratty kid). She was awful and we all know it but since only Jaimie's groups is going to win they have to have at least one good comment or it will look extra-fixed.

Edited by 3girlsforus

Been catching the new season of this classic train wreck of a show.   I actually like the new format w/ the exception of how ridiculous it is that they are dragging the pageants out for multiple weeks!  I want to know who won already and it stinks having to wait!

My daughter and I paused that email they showed and read the whole thing.   It had to be the most hilarious reading I've read all year - all kinds of typos and run-on sentences - they are a group of "conerned" parents who believe the kid is really 8 and has been competing as 5-6 so she can win.  Hilarious stuff!   I may take a photo of it and print it out for our refrigerator so we can have a good laugh regularly.

That was hilarious when that little girl was puking in the second episode - made us laugh so hard we were crying.   Needs to be a meme.    The snot stuff was gross though.  That little Selesye walking right off the stage was quite funny too.

If I were that Seleyes mom I would probably have assault charges against me for clocking that Pipers mom at that meeting/fight at Jamie's house - the way she was screaming at her and being obnoxious, I just wouldn't have been able to control myself (but I don't think I'm as petite as that Seleye's mom so I may have a different perspective if I were really tiny and some big crazy women was screaming at me - haha!).  I can't stand that Piper family and will root for anyone who goes against them cause they are my villain on this show - so I hope Kaylee's dad holds his own against the Piper dad next week if they fight.   Piper is overweight and I don't see how she wins all these pageants even though her hair and makeup looks good.  She also seems like bully and I was go glad she tripped!

That little blonde who had her crown taken away is adorable, and Cadence is a train-wreck (and quite unattractive for a 4 year old).

I really just hope Kaylee beats Piper when they finally do the results next week.

  • Love 7

I loved the older version of T&T because it was so snarkable. This new version makes me sad because it is based on such mean spiritness.  Clueless was fun, mean is not.  The parents deserve every amount of scorn they get for taking part in the show but the children are victims who I suspect are being told to either act a certain way or say certain things.  After all these are pageant kids who are used to doing certain behaviors to get approval.

Cadence's moms make me feel better about my self.  I am totally weepy when it comes to things like award ceremonies and my kids though I keep it tightly contained everyone knows not to speak to me when I get 'that look' or I'm going to lose it--HS graduations were an ordeal not to totally embarrass them.  It's nice to be able to point those parents out to my daughters and say--see I'm not the only one. 

  • Love 3

Becky yelling offstage at the child was unacceptable but I don't think that child is SN for one minute. I think that she likely is socially awkward but that she doesn't want to do pageants. Last week when the mother was getting out the dresses she yelled "I'm not doing this pageant" and the mother says "Oh yes you are". Cambrie said that they had competed against the little girl in the past and not once had anyone mentioned that she was SN. Social anxiety is not a special need. Unless they are saying the child is autistic (I worked with children who have autism for years and I didn't see it in the brief moments she was on screen). I think some parents these days like to assert that kids have special needs for every single little thing. I'm not a social person and I do not do well in groups. I get really anxious and find myself a corner or wall to hold up. However that does not make me SN. 

  • Love 2
On 7/30/2016 at 4:03 PM, mayvenne said:

I do watch reality tv and consider it a guilty pleasure. I am always amazed at the parents  who are fully aware of being filmed, and still behave in ways that should cause shame


Mayvenne, bet you didn't anticipate such shameful and trashy mothers (and a couple of fathers) when you wrote this back in July.

  • Love 2

I have a family member who looks "normal." His oxygen was compromised during his birth, and he has mild physical weaknesses (such as balance) and severe learning disabilities. He also has anxiety. All his life it's been a dance of whether to reveal his special needs, such as to teachers and employers, or not, which is his choice in social situations. These things are not always obvious.

The little girl in the pageant appeared to have some slight physical limitations, such as balance when she was doing her pageant walk. I don't think her parents owe an explanation to anyone other than what they arranged with the pageant director. I do think they couldn't resist blaring out the special needs stuff because their emotions got the better of them, and they were determined to go toe-to-toe with the other parents. Unfortunately this little girl's privacy was invaded by everyone in the end.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 9

I don't think it matters whether or not she's SN (beyond social anxiety). The mom shouldn't have screamed during her performance and the other mom shouldn't have run around the facility screaming 'but she's a SN kid'. 

I do think the whole thing was rigged to cause the drama. We've never seen a pageant where they expressly didn't allow coaching. Now suddenly, there is a pageant that doesn't allow coaching, that just happens to be run by Jaimie's mom, and Jaimie is a coach who just happens to have a kid who is just SN enough to need the coaching..... sorry the whole thing seems contrived. I don't know if TLC created it or if Jaimie/Jaimie's mom did. Either way, it's a sick abuse of that poor little girl. 

  • Love 7

I think that Jaime and her mom are behind it; because like Cambrie was saying, when has that ever been a pageant rule. I don't know if the child has SN or not, but Becky was wrong for screaming at the kid. I do think it's because she was wound up and aggravated over the entire birth certificate thing. It's not an excuse but Katie is not an innocent in the entire situation. I'm glad that after the end of this pageant we are going to get a break from Jamie's group. I find them to be truly repugnant. 

  • Love 1

All of the parents are total whackjobs!  So that hasn't changed.  I guess they just seem much more hateful, and I think that's so sad bc the kids hear and see them behaving like total jackasses.  Also, these new kids aren't very cute, aside from that little Kaitlyn.  Piper looks pretty in the face, but she is a little too cocky, and a wee bit chubby too.  I don't mean that in a mean way, but that Poison Ivy costume wasn't very flattering.  Harlie is definitely SN, but the parents are all about Piper, which is really sad, and I hope they're not like that at home.  

Cambrie hasn't bad-mouthed any of the children, unlike Jaimie.  And I like the way she handled Kaitlyn's mother, Charis, who flipped out over every little thing.  Cambrie is sweet to the kids, and she does get down on their levels whenever she talks with them.  I also like how she doesn't baby-talk to them, which is something very important to me bc I think baby-talking to toddlers is very bad for them.  

Still, I cannot believe we have to watch THREE episodes until we find out who wins what!  I can barely keep track of the parents-kids with this new format.  I wish I could say that I'm not going to tune in this Wednesday, but of course I am.  I wonder how long we'll have to wait for the results of this next pageant. 

  • Love 3
On 2016-09-15 at 4:56 AM, CoolMom said:

I think they choose to question her age because they had a beef with the sister "always" winning that pageant.  They couldn't attack the sister so they went after her because yes she is big for her age and they could justify it.


The one who always wins isn't the sister to the girl whose mom had to produce the birth certificate. Her sister is the one with Special Needs.

I'm just getting to watch this.

Screamy Mom was out of line to holler out.  She should've just taped the off-stage coaching with her phone and brought it to the Judges' attention afterwards.

The only "special needs" I heard mentioned were "social anxiety" and "social awkwardness".  Personally, I think those are bullshit diagnoses created by the pharmaceutical industry to expand the indication for their meds.  And they're just fancy ways for saying the kid's shy.  

All of this being said, given the "rule" that off-stage coaching was, essentially, a disqualifying offense, Jaime (or whatever the fat coach's name is) should've pulled Cambrie aside and explained what was going on.  Then this would've been avoided.  But I guess that would also defeat the purpose of the show.

And, once again, kudos to the Cambreasts.

28 minutes ago, Alapaki said:

The only "special needs" I heard mentioned were "social anxiety" and "social awkwardness".  Personally, I think those are bullshit diagnoses created by the pharmaceutical industry to expand the indication for their meds.  And they're just fancy ways for saying the kid's shy.  

I already mentioned this above, but I think it's worth repeating: just because we heard social anxiety and social awkwardness mentioned does not mean those are why she is "special needs."  She can have that in addition to being special needs.

It's also pretty easy to say anxiety disorders are bullshit when you don't have one.

  • Love 17

I think they should have just complained if Hardie (I think was her name) won something higher. Or at the very least quietly report the issue.  I like Cambrie but I disliked that she didn't tell the mom on her team to drop it especially once it got to all the yelling.   Even if there was cheating it is rude and sets a poor example for the kids to behave so poorly.

If it was put on by the producers do the kids know that?  Kids shouldn't have to witness such poor behaviour by their parents.

I like that now we will see at least a couple slightly older kids each week with this format as I prefer more rehearsed routines rather than the 1 year old stuff.

  • Love 4

I don't think anyone wins in this format. The parents are all horrid and modelling (heh) the worst possible coping skills for their children. It's amazing to me that most of the girls (except for Piper and Cadence) are moderately pleasant. Jamie is very unprofessional and her charges seem ill-prepared. Cambrie does interact well with the girls but I don't think she's any better when she interacts with the moms in terms of encouraging drama and back-biting. I was particularly unimpressed by her sneaking a peak at the scores and ranting to Kay's mom who was already embroiled in an unpleasant situation with the other (equally nasty) mother. 


I won't pretend that the old format was high quality television or in any way admirable. I have a lot of issues with children's pageants in general, but I did find it interesting to watch the variety of parental attitudes and personality types from the fairly easygoing and laid-back (the rocker mom whose daughter did the "chooky moves") to the long-suffering (Mackenzie's Mom), to the "my child is a convenient reflection of my own faaaabulousness" (Sami-Jo's Mom, 'roids Dad, Ava's Dad), to the delusional (Eden's Mom, Super religious step-mom), to the weird playing favourites parents (Alaska's Mom, Jamie Stirling, the "tom the turkey" incident) and even the scary aggressive moms (the one who got thrown out of the pageant). This format is really just a lot of unpleasant, aggressive people who need a better outlet for their animosity than these ridiculous excuses for a competition. 

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, satrunrose said:

I won't pretend that the old format was high quality television or in any way admirable. I have a lot of issues with children's pageants in general, but I did find it interesting to watch the variety of parental attitudes and personality types from the fairly easygoing and laid-back (the rocker mom whose daughter did the "chooky moves") to the long-suffering (Mackenzie's Mom), to the "my child is a convenient reflection of my own faaaabulousness" (Sami-Jo's Mom, 'roids Dad, Ava's Dad), to the delusional (Eden's Mom, Super religious step-mom), to the weird playing favourites parents (Alaska's Mom, Jamie Stirling, the "tom the turkey" incident) and even the scary aggressive moms (the one who got thrown out of the pageant). This format is really just a lot of unpleasant, aggressive people who need a better outlet for their animosity than these ridiculous excuses for a competition. 

This. While we saw some families pop up in multiple episodes, the old format meant one-shot exposure to individual parent craziness, then we moved on. Not only is the THREE-episode arc tiresome (and boring as heck), most of these these parents are unlikeable and some downright mean. Maybe it's because we're seeing them in THREE DARN EPISODES back to back vs. one-shot before moving on to a new group, but they really are hard to watch.

For the record, I no longer care who wins (if I ever did. These aren't exactly great "talents - my other issue so far.). I'm pretty sure I was over it at the start of episode two (of THREE!).

  • Love 5

I'm rooting for Caitlyn to win Ultimate Grand Whatever since this has been hyped as Kay vs. Piper. She's cute as a button and her mom, though still ridiculous, hasn't been involved in any group drama that I can remember. 

I wonder how Jamie got this gig. I feel like there has to be some pageant coach in Nevada/Arizona that is closer to Cambrie's level. 

  • Love 1

Watched a rerun of the episode last night with Brock (and had totally forgotten that she also had a little toddler girl who was a contestant, though she wasn't half as pretty as Brock).  There's a mom who should probably rank among the Top 5 in terms of "you go, mom." I hope that she has maintained that same great "this is Brock, this is who he is, anyone who doesn't like it can put it where the sun don't shine" attitude that she showed in that episode.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

Watched a rerun of the episode last night with Brock (and had totally forgotten that she also had a little toddler girl who was a contestant, though she wasn't half as pretty as Brock).  There's a mom who should probably rank among the Top 5 in terms of "you go, mom." I hope that she has maintained that same great "this is Brock, this is who he is, anyone who doesn't like it can put it where the sun don't shine" attitude that she showed in that episode.

I loved Brock and his mom.  Hope they're doing well.

  • Love 6

The short-haired one of Cadence's moms cracks me up. Her kid is up on stage, looking like she has no idea what she is supposed to be doing up there, and the mom is in the audience bawling as if witnessing her child receive the Nobel Prize. The mom is so delusional I almost wonder if she is seeing what everyone else is seeing.

She seems like a character straight out of a Christopher Guest satire, such as "Best in Show".

  • Love 24

I thought the judging was really really fair. Piper was awful. She was so uncoordinated in her outfit of choice, just terrible! so she got a low mini supreme so she deserved it ..also Cadence didnt smile at all in beauty so she got a lower mini supreme. 

The Grand Nacho- who the hell is Riley? I kept hearing sheena Sheena a few times, but did we even see Riley's routines? The second haaah- est taaahttle went to that Caitlyn who was very good and cute- her mother kept saying she messed up but no one else could tell..she was cute in the glasses and a good personality (not a brat). The Other one with the very nasty mom-- Kaylee- got Novice supreme but she isnt a novice- but she had horrible parents... her outfit of choice with the stupid fireworks was not that great..so i think it was fair except where did Riley come from? Piper needs to Pack it in....she sucks. Chubby and uncoordinated and its just not cute anymore

Edited by operalover
  • Love 8

Every last one of these mothers and coaches are awful, petty, reprehensible human beings.  Every. Last. One.

Cambrie is no more above the fray than anyone else.  She's rolling around in the mud just as much as the rest of them.  Sure, she may dress it up a little better, but she's just as dirty.  She stirs the pot and talks shit just as much as anyone else.  That bus stunt?  So very mature and classy Cambrie.  She also keeps bragging about how she has all these girls from these other teams.  Well, what does that say about you dear Cambrie?  Why aren't you anyone's first choice?  And she claims that she cares about the kids.  Yeah, right.  It's all about winning and appearances.  She tells these delusional moms what they want to hear so they'll give her more money.  

And they're raising and teaching these girls to be superficial little brats.  

And for what?  None of them look good in their pageant get-ups.  They look like clowns.  

The behavior of all of these adults is appalling.  Each and every one of them was a willing participant in bashing both each other and the children on the other team.  They are ALL nasty and there's nothing to like or root for about any of them.

Edited by KBrownie
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44 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Looks like Mama's judges bribe check bounced. I am an evil, horrible person to admit that I actually laughed seeing Piper crying after her 'low' title. She is such a stuck-up little brat. 

My husband and I laughed til we damn near cried! Especially at her sniveling pouting TH after the fact!

  • Love 3

Glad Piper lost to Cambrie's girls - that wth look she gave to her mom when they called her for that title was so telling - what an entitled brat!

The new coaches seem pretty nuts, but are also entertaining to watch at the same time.  I'm interested to see how their girls do next week.

Edited by MyFavShows

I have to admit to rewinding a few times to watch Piper get called for the lower title - the look exchanged between her & her mom & the talking head with no talking, just sniveling, then running out, her mom declaring that everyone was scared of her with the disgusted look on her face - priceless!  Go rub your ass on another window... I laughed out loud.

  • Love 1

Cadence"s parents should take that crown & run. I can't believe she even placed as high as she did.

These Top Model coaches look like they are trying for their own reality show.  I agree with the Best in Show reference above.  Please Christopher Guest - make that movie happen!  I need Jennifer Coolidge as a crazy pageant mom in my life!

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, operalover said:

I thought the judging was really really fair. Piper was awful. She was so uncoordinated in her outfit of choice, just terrible! so she got a low mini supreme so she deserved it ..also Cadence didnt smile at all in beauty so she got a lower mini supreme. 

The Grand Nacho- who the hell is Riley? I kept hearing sheena Sheena a few times, but did we even see Riley's routines? The second haaah- est taaahttle went to that Caitlyn who was very good and cute- her mother kept saying she messed up but no one else could tell..she was cute in the glasses and a good personality (not a brat). The Other one with the very nasty mom-- Kaylee- got Novice supreme but she isnt a novice- but she had horrible parents... her outfit of choice with the stupid fireworks was not that great..so i think it was fair except where did Riley come from? Piper needs to Pack it in....she sucks. Chubby and uncoordinated and its just not cute anymore

Riley was featured on the last season of the previous format.  Her father was a "pageant dad".  I remember a scene of him having a barbecue with his army buddies while he asked Riley to shake it for their guests.  I do think she is really cute, though.  Head & shoulders above Piper looks-wise.

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