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S01.E13: That Was Very Greek of Us

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24 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

yes, the same type of behavior you are condemning the guys for..being all tarzan.  so she gets a pass for the same behavior you are dondemning the guys for...makes sense.  and why it even got to that point?  because the three women got into bobby's business that they have no business being in......so yeah, his reaction is fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.  did you see tiff go apeshit or even get nasty enough?  if the issue was with bobby in the first place, how is it that bryan was the only one hijacked?  ooooops, lol.

and back to julia...why was she even involved again in tha tboat fight?  oh right, she shouldn;t be.  and anyone with half a brain knows that line of  "her fault for making him fall in love" was a half ass joke meant to be sweet comic relief for teh cameras.  the main issue of that blow up was the three women cock blocking bobby, which they had no business being in, especailly after bryan took the idiotic responsibility for.

1. It IS their business when Bobby wants to violate the ship's rules (set forth by the captain) that crew members not bring friends back to the boat.  They are all responsible for following this order. They're all, literally, in the boat together.

2.Yes, I get that Tiff is the only acceptable woman in your eyes because she didn't stand up for herself.  In my eyes that makes her less acceptable, but YMMV.

3. Bobby was NOT joking about her making him fall in love.  This is exactly how abusive men act and sound when they don't get what they want.  

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
  • Love 23
2 minutes ago, RemoteControlFreak said:

And this is because Tiff was the only woman who was willing to have casual, no-strings-attached sex with one of the men? And the only woman not to object to the disrespect from Bobby and Bryan?  Ok, then.

no, you're just twisting the meaning to your interpretation because you have no real retort.  she knew the situation of being in a boat with both men and women and alcohol.  you all are making it seem like bryan was ready to rape tiff......nope, he was reacting (though badly) but you guys already went to the worse case scenario even though it never happened.  tiif understood the situation and DIDN'T make a big deal with it because she knew what was involved...a horny man and alchohol jsut got shot down. 

disrespect?  please?  you talk of this like the women are not guilty of this....like i said before...refer to jenn. 

9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I kind of think Ben sees Hannah more as a friend and doesn't want to fuck things up with her by having sex with her, as Ben said, he's not there to look for a wife. 

Or at least not for "five and a half years" if Hannah's estimate is correct.  I laughed at her very specific timeline.  Why the half year?

  • Love 4

I think @RemoteControlFreak said that's how abusive men act, not men in general.

I didn't watch every epi of the season but I felt sorry for Julia.  Bobby was really pushy and given they lived where they worked, I imagine it wasn't an easy situation.  He can blame alcohol but I think alcohol only lowers your inhibitions and brings out what is already there; i.e., a raging d-bag.

ETA: I think Bryan's problem was that he was more concerned with being Bobby's friend than his supervisor.  If no one was allowed on the ship but employees and charters, that is the rule for everyone.  Not everyone but Bobby.  Seems they were quick to jump on Danny for it.

Edited by psychoticstate
  • Love 14
16 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

3) that is exactly how men act?  seems like you are the one with the problem with men and you are taking it out on bobby.  seems like you have deeper issues with men, so let's just leave it at that.

What I actually said is "this is how abusive men act," not all men.  Please don't misquote me.  Most men are not abusers and most men don't act like that. But Bobby Giancola fits the model of the small number of men who can't control their anger in relation to the women in their lives and we'e seen it played out on film for all the world to see.

  • Love 21
Just now, RemoteControlFreak said:

What I actually said is "this is how abusive men act," not all men.  Please don't misquote me.  Most men are not abusers and most men don't act like that. But Bobby Giancola fits the model of the small number of men who can't control their anger in relation to the women in their lives and we'e seen it played out on film for all the world to see.

actually, i didn't misquote you.  read your quote.  you generalized men (all men) with that quote.  how else can anyone interpret that quote?  had your quote included "some", it would be my misquote.....but you didn't have that.

5 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

so men act abusive? lol.  so i can make general statements too like "women are manipulative"?

in any case, both are of course wrong and naive generalizations.

No, you're misunderstanding.  All men do NOT act abusive.  The OP was saying Bobby acted liked abusive type men; in other words, like an abuser.

ETA: Also wanted to add that anyone can be abusive.  Abuse is not sex specific.

Edited by psychoticstate
  • Love 9
20 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

Or at least not for "five and a half years" if Hannah's estimate is correct.  I laughed at her very specific timeline.  Why the half year?

According to this profile of Ben, his birthday is December 30, 1980 and Below Deck Med filmed in August 2015. So five and half years from then would be Ben's 40th birthday.  Perhaps they joked about this or she knew his birthdate and was making her own joke.

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, RemoteControlFreak said:

And this is because Tiff was the only woman who was willing to have casual, no-strings-attached sex with one of the men? And the only woman not to object to the disrespect from Bobby and Bryan?  Ok, then.

I actually think Tiff made it quite clear that she objected to the disrespect from Bryan. She basically stopped having anything to do with Bryan. She was, rightly, so fucking done with him after that. And of course Bryan lives down to expectations by pretending that he was the one who stopped their flirtation because he wasn't into Tiff.

To me, it looked like the women stepped in to stop drunken Bobby from bringing his hook up on board because they were looking out for him. Up until that moment, the women were still friendly with Bobby in a way that cannot be said about Bryan. None of the women cared when he danced and made out with his hook up in the club. One of the women remarked that the ship was docked at a buoy, which would make it that much harder for him to sneak his hook up off the ship because Bobby would have had to get in the tender to take her back to shore. Hannah (and/or Jen) expressed disgust that Bryan wasn't stopping him and was approving of what Bobby was doing. I honestly think the women objected to keep Bobby from making a huge mistake. Unfortunately Bobby was super drunk and unreasonably fixated on Julia, so he misconstrued their appropriate objections as malicious undermining. I'm sure he heard everyone say what they did that night. I would bet you if you asked him for his recollection, he would incorrectly attribute most of the criticism as coming from Jules and that's just because he's so fixated on her.

Bryan on the other hand is just a petty woman hating turd that he couldn't even see that: 1.Bobby would have been violating ship rules; 2.by allowing Bobby to bring that woman on board he made it much more likely that his good buddy Bobby would get caught and punished in some fashion (fired or docked his tip); and 3. by allowing it, Bryan put his own job at risk. Of course Bryan is a frathole douche that his talk to Bobby is all about whether or not Bobby got to touch some boobs. Ok 15 year old. Bryan could have said, "In 2 or 3 days, you'll be off the ship and free to hook up with as many women as you want. Hold it together until then."

I think it's also bad that Hannah thinks that she can manhandle Ben into liking her. Ben too is a flirt, but Ben has told her that he would rather have a professional relationship. Hannah thinks that if she continues to press up on Ben that he'll acquiesce. Hannah and Bobby are very similar and it's not surprising that when they made out, they both were using it to punish the person they really liked (Ben and Julia respectively).

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

actually, i didn't misquote you.  read your quote.  you generalized men (all men) with that quote.  how else can anyone interpret that quote?  had your quote included "some", it would be my misquote.....but you didn't have that.

This is what @RemoteControlFreak said:    This is exactly how abusive men act and sound when they don't get what they want.  

He/she said abusive men.  NOT all men.  Perfectly clear to me how to interpret it.

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

This is what @RemoteControlFreak said:    This is exactly how abusive men act and sound when they don't get what they want.  

He/she said abusive men.  NOT all men.  Perfectly clear to me how to interpret it.

got it, thanks.  my mistake.  so basically, the inference was bobby is an abuser.  got it.

6 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

To me, it looked like the women stepped in to stop drunken Bobby from bringing his hook up on board because they were looking out for him.

You made a good point here.  Entirely possible,  I would assume that bringing someone back on board is a fireable offense.   So that makes Bobby's blow up to them even more egregious IMO.

Also proves how ill equipped Bryan is/was for the job of First Mate (would let Bobby not only break the rules but be in a position for both of them to potentially be fired.)

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I actually think Tiff made it quite clear that she objected to the disrespect from Bryan. She basically stopped having anything to do with Bryan. She was, rightly, so fucking done with him after that. And of course Bryan lives down to expectations by pretending that he was the one who stopped their flirtation because he wasn't into Tiff.


yup.. exactly my point.  she moved on and didn't create drama.

  • Love 1
38 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

got it, thanks.  my mistake.  so basically, the inference was bobby is an abuser.  got it.

Yes, it's the same construct as saying, "this is how all blue-eyed cats act."  That doesn't mean all cats have blue eyes. It means that the subset of cats who have blue eyes act this way.

3 minutes ago, lovebug1975 said:

got it, thanks.  my mistake.  so basically, the inference was bobby is an abuser.  got it.

Yup, that's it.

I don't know Bobby but based on the episodes I saw he certainly has impulse control issues and some anger management issues.  He gave off a stalker vibe to me, in addition to the abusive attitude.  I think Julia did right to be kind to him, to keep him slightly appeased, through the season.

I hope there is a reunion and we get Matty's take on this.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, psychoticstate said:

Yup, that's it.

I don't know Bobby but based on the episodes I saw he certainly has impulse control issues and some anger management issues.  He gave off a stalker vibe to me, in addition to the abusive attitude.  I think Julia did right to be kind to him, to keep him slightly appeased, through the season.

I hope there is a reunion and we get Matty's take on this.

but here's the issue with that, along with the poster who said one accusation of rape away from ruining their lives......

to condemn someone based on 1+1 "must" equal 3.  which it's not.  to say that bobby must be an abuser because  this is how abusers act.....ok then.  second issue with the arguments here.  seems like the women "are" getting a free pass from the same disgraceful behavior. 

yes, bryan is a douche.....but that gang up was not warranted and for bobby not to be there seems wrong.  the guy who used the word cunt is not there for the "treat women" properly speeches.

jenn.  she was quite possibly the most disrespectful and insubordinate.  by every definition, as much a bad boss bryan was to her is that much more of a bad employee she was to bryan....and she really was.  but, she gets a pass and goes below the radar.

and hannah and julia...well, i'm just tired or repeating it, but though the gender reaction is not as extreme as a male counterpart.  the different way a gender reacts to specific scenarios does not excuse one over another.......but it is a standard that was instilled....a double standard.  a woman can yell her heart out at a man, and that's acceptable, but a man yelling at a woman is not, regardless of any situation.



1 minute ago, psychoticstate said:



No reunion????  That blows.

I liked the friendship that developed between the stews, especially Hannah & Julia.  I see Julia as an outgoing, friendly person who doesn't look for conflict/drama.  I don't know how she could've handled the situation with Bobby any better other than outright ignoring him (hard to do on a boat).  It's likely she didn't know the extent of his feelings until the last night on the beach.  And wow, like others, how nice of Bobby to blame her for how he felt.  That said, I do think he was genuinely remorseful for how he acted on the tender.

On the other hand, Bryan's a straight up asshole with a huge ego.  I doubt he even cringed while watching the episodes.  Instead, he blamed everyone else for his behavior:  Tiffany teased him, Julia refused to respect him, Jenn's a man-hating lesbian, etc.  I wonder how shocked Captain Mark was after seeing the show?

I stand by my earlier opinion that Ben would've more into Hannah had she been the 3rd stew.  He was looking for a no strings roll in the hay.

Edited by snarts
  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, RemoteControlFreak said:

It does not appear that there will be reunion, maybe because the Med season is underway again so people who are still in the business aren't available.

Bravotv.com has a where are they now section about the BDM crew.   One person is notably missing.  Maybe he's in rehab. 

tiff and a captain's license.  wow.  great job.

not surprised that jen and danny keeps in touch......

Edited by lovebug1975
3 hours ago, lovebug1975 said:

he has no idea what went on in the boat.  but he will as soon as he sees the season eps.  and i doubt julia even brought up bobby's flirtings and drama with her so called one and only .

Really it was my dream of seeing Bobby get punched in the face logistics aside.  Its immaterial if she has a one and only.  She did not want Bobby and informed him of that on numerous occasions.  The argument that he took that her past actions toward him as flirting and then says no I have a boyfriend does not give him the right to scream in her face.  No means no regardless.  Julia owes him nothing and for Bobby to blame her for his infatuation is absurd and is the stuff seen in abusive relationships.  Bobby got rejected plain and simple and he could not handle it.  

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, RemoteControlFreak said:

It does not appear that there will be reunion, maybe because the Med season is underway again so people who are still in the business aren't available.

Bravotv.com has a where are they now section about the BDM crew.   One person is notably missing.  Maybe he's in rehab. 

Correct me if I'm wrong.  Two are missing: Bryan and Ben.  From the previews of Below Deck, Ben is back along with Kate.  I didn't see any other returnees. 

I found it interesting that Jenn is living in Maryland and works in pool and estate management?  Huh?  Didn't she have something like seven years deckhand experience.  Maybe Eddie can get her a job on a tugboat in Baltimore :).  I never cared for Jenn.  She just didn't seem to be as good as she proclaimed. And she never should have betrayed Tiff's confidence.  Don't get me wrong.  Bryan is an asshole, etc.  but she also sided with Danny who's an asshole.  (And Danny wants to get into the entertainment business because he was a model.  Really?) No surprise.  Eye roll.

I like Hannah and I didn't see her interactions with Ben anywhere quite as desperate as others have stated.  And I really liked her and Jules together.

As for Bobby, he can sail into the sunset with his 'brother' Bryan.  And get lost at sea.

Tiff was meh for me.  Ben and Tiff were a one night stand.  That's all either were looking for.  And that's ok.

I don't think Capt. Mark knew about 90% of what was going on during filming. 

I'd love to see another season with Hannah, Jules and Ben.  And even Capt. Mark (yeah, he's no Capt. Lee but he's ok).  The rest...not so much.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 4
9 hours ago, lovebug1975 said:

and there in lies the problem.  i'm guessing you're not a guy.  and i revert back to hannah's behavior with ben.   two different animals with 2 different reactions....both disgraceful, but both will rub the opposite sex the wrong way.  if a woman has his man stolen, or gets her louis vuitton bag destroyed, guess what the reaction would be.  ad reading one comment here that wishing julia's bf was there to clock bobby...and i suppose that is acceptable behavior also as opposed to "anything not happening" from bobby's and bryan's behavior other than foul language.  yup, it all comes down to that, that was their behavior.  did fould language and name calling comeout of the women's mouths regarding the two douches? yes.  did the women also yell at the men like the men?  yes.  s tell me, is there a double standard here?  yes.  they are not "acceptable" reaction as you say, but they are understandable reactions from both the men and women.  my deal is not admitting that despite them wanting "to be treated as equals", they are in essence wanting special treatment, which contradicts.  truth is, men and women are not equals.  men are generally superior to in some aspects just as women are superior to men in others.  to shoe in both sexes to one perspective is silly and to bo them in to what we think they should react is just not right.

fact is, bryan reacted badly (drunk) to a turn down from tiff......it wasn't "borderline rape" as you dubbed it.  tiff dealt with it and she "got it".  it was a drunken scenario and moved on.....not dragged it out like hannah and julia would have...those girls need to grow the fuck up and understand the situation they are in also.

bobby's mid fuck?  or julia's mind fuck?  trying to make her feel guilty?  she should.  she proclaims i'm not going to jeopardize her bf relationship...so should that equate not returning the flirts or touching anyone's ass or getting in their faces about bringing someone on board?  and what of hannah's mind fuck?  again, does she get a pass?  not having fit about it?  she was teary eyed and doing the whole "woe is me" and "notice me i'm ignoring you, ben".  you are giving her a pass.  that whole season was borderline glenn close attraction.

like i said before, tiff is the only sane one who acclimated and knows what's up in that scenario fobeing in a boat full of men and women.  hannah got on her face, she dealt with it and moved on.  bryan got on her face, she dealt with it and moved on.  yeah, the guys do need to grow up like tiff....so so do the three women, jenn, hannah, and julia.  they are not the angels you proclaim them to be.

Hmm, as to the bold, I'm going to go out on a HUGE limb here and guess that you are a guy?   Just a wild crazy guess on my part. 

  • Love 6

Bryan & Bobby were the worst kind of immature assholes ever."Did you get any titty?" Really? And you're sooooo in love with the stew but "I just wanted to get laid" apparently by anyone! even if wasn't the woman he was "in love" with.

Both those guys had NO respect for women-or anyone who wasn't a bro......

Sorry we have a troll.....please don't feed em.....makes em even worse!

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

I'm just now watching it taped and I want to say I LOVE Reeds Ginger Beer have been drinking it for 15 years at least. It was found in world market only then trader joes.  Have a 4 pack at hom at all times. Great for nausea. 

Back to watching these fools now. 

Off topic but does ginger beer taste like ginger ale soda?

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, candall said:


Okay, so I guess you can't really draw gender-specific conclusions with only two couples, but Bobby's declaration that Julia was to "blame" for his behavior sent a familiar chill down a lot of female spines.

I think that is the difference.  Bobby told Julia that it was HER fault he fell for her.  Hannah didn't tell Ben that it was HIS fault she fell for him.  

Also, one thing that folks don't like to admit but most men have more upper body strength than most women.  The average man can physically overpower the average woman, not so much the other way around.  That is also the reason why Bobby's words to Julia freaked me out.


He can blame alcohol but I think alcohol only lowers your inhibitions and brings out what is already there

As I said before, I've been in recovery for years and from what I've seen and heard in those nearly 30 years, this is a HUGE myth.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 5

Yeeeeeeeeah, I don't necessarily buy the "in vino veritas" thing once you get to total blackout drunkenness. At that point you're operating on sheer emotion and absolutely no filter whatsoever. If I were to speak everything I think about people, I'd probably be painted as an abusive monster too, because man, do I hate people.

I think Bobby mostly just needs to grow up. He bros all over the place with his dumb swagger, and I largely think most of his shtick is an act for more camera time and a very real need to portray a certain image.

I'm not getting into the gender wars going on here, except to say that I found Bryan's attitude towards Jen to be the most insidious and horrifying. You want to be a colleague and yell at me and call me a c*nt? Okay. But you're my supervisor, you clearly don't trust me, you mansplain all over the place and treat me with condescending dismissiveness? Oh, HELL no. That, to me, is far worse.

  • Love 9
15 hours ago, lovebug1975 said:

.....nope, he was reacting (though badly) but you guys already went to the worse case scenario even though it never happened.  tiif understood the situation and DIDN'T make a big deal with it because she knew what was involved...a horny man and alchohol jsut got shot down. 

disrespect?  please?  you talk of this like the women are not guilty of this....like i said before...refer to jenn. 

Until what I quoted, I 100% agreed with you... But Bryan hadn't conclude how he did and said, instead, something like : "Ok... Good night... Maybe better luck next time *winkWink*" I'd have agree, but he was far from that, and, in my books, is not acceptable (and I 100% relate to Tiff', as it seems we've got a lot in common  part of the yachting -sailing, for my part- masculine environment, even the drinking and the "freedom", if that makes sense, so I'm not an easily offended one, lol)


17 hours ago, lovebug1975 said:

and there in lies the problem.  i'm guessing you're not a guy.  and i revert back to hannah's behavior with ben.   two different animals with 2 different reactions....both disgraceful, but both will rub the opposite sex the wrong way.  if a woman has his man stolen, or gets her louis vuitton bag destroyed, guess what the reaction would be.  ad reading one comment here that wishing julia's bf was there to clock bobby...and i suppose that is acceptable behavior also as opposed to "anything not happening" from bobby's and bryan's behavior other than foul language.  yup, it all comes down to that, that was their behavior.  did fould language and name calling comeout of the women's mouths regarding the two douches? yes.  did the women also yell at the men like the men?  yes.  s tell me, is there a double standard here?  yes.  they are not "acceptable" reaction as you say, but they are understandable reactions from both the men and women.  my deal is not admitting that despite them wanting "to be treated as equals", they are in essence wanting special treatment, which contradicts.  truth is, men and women are not equals.  men are generally superior to in some aspects just as women are superior to men in others.  to shoe in both sexes to one perspective is silly and to bo them in to what we think they should react is just not right.

fact is, bryan reacted badly (drunk) to a turn down from tiff......it wasn't "borderline rape" as you dubbed it.  tiff dealt with it and she "got it".  it was a drunken scenario and moved on.....not dragged it out like hannah and julia would have...those girls need to grow the fuck up and understand the situation they are in also.

bobby's mid fuck?  or julia's mind fuck?  trying to make her feel guilty?  she should.  she proclaims i'm not going to jeopardize her bf relationship...so should that equate not returning the flirts or touching anyone's ass or getting in their faces about bringing someone on board?  and what of hannah's mind fuck?  again, does she get a pass?  not having fit about it?  she was teary eyed and doing the whole "woe is me" and "notice me i'm ignoring you, ben".  you are giving her a pass.  that whole season was borderline glenn close attraction.

like i said before, tiff is the only sane one who acclimated and knows what's up in that scenario fobeing in a boat full of men and women.  hannah got on her face, she dealt with it and moved on.  bryan got on her face, she dealt with it and moved on.  yeah, the guys do need to grow up like tiff....so so do the three women, jenn, hannah, and julia.  they are not the angels you proclaim them to be.

Maybe this will help. Bobby was aggressive and intimidating in a lot of his behaviors. Most situations involved him introducing an AGGRESSIVE element. I have no idea about all these "passes" you keep referring to. What it boils down to is that Bobby is an INTIMIDATOR when he doesn't get what he wants. That's his GO TO reaction. Nobody is saying that the others didn't engage in conflicts with each other but the point is that Bobby is the one who is showing some rather sketchy ABUSIVE tendencies. There were no situations on that boat that would come close to justifying the level of aggressiveness Bobby displayed on more than one occasion. Was there any situation that Bobby showed any kind of restraint AT ALL? Sure there were situations where they were all involved in contributing to the conflict but Bobby's behaviors stood out BY FAR. I'm not going to pick apart each little detail. It's actually unnecessary because Bobby's outrageous behavior dwarfs everyone else's in comparison. Not to mention the frequency of his outbursts. I don't need it to line up all perfect and tie it up with a pretty red bow to understand that Bobby has problems that will get him into serious trouble if he's not careful.

Bryan is another one that shows diminished capabilities in regards to responsible behavior when it comes to dealing with, working with, drinking around and pursuing women. It's something, in this day and age that men really and truly need to be mindful of because the times, they are a changing and this whole "caveman" schtick that men love to hold on to and use as deliberate obliviousness won't stand in the court of law anymore. Food for thought.

And pointing out  Bobby and Bryan's serious character flaws and unacceptable behaviors as a whole isn't calling everyone else Saints. Ben is a womanizer but for some reason I can get on board with his brand because he's not stomping around trying to take what he wants. He's also not demanding that stews straddle his dick by crying "you teased me" into his moussaka. I'd be wary of him also but at the same time he's neither underhanded or aggressive in attaining his conquests. Women are on equal footing with him and if they fall for it and him, well that's on them. The other two? Yeah, you can see their brutish ways a mile away and no matter how you slice it that shit just ain't cool OR excusable. Period.

Trying to muddy up the women by exaggerating their reactions and their natural missteps under the conditions they are under in order to try and soften the indefensible behavior of Bobby and Bryan doesn't change just how extreme these men are in their views of women and what their roles should be according to them. I think Bryan can clean up his act but Bobby, I'm not so sure. He's a blamer by nature and thinks too highly of himself to ever doubt just how much of a gosh darn good guy he really is. Whatever.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 11
16 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

You made a good point here.  Entirely possible,  I would assume that bringing someone back on board is a fireable offense.   So that makes Bobby's blow up to them even more egregious IMO.

Also proves how ill equipped Bryan is/was for the job of First Mate (would let Bobby not only break the rules but be in a position for both of them to potentially be fired.)

Not to mention this issue was addressed earlier in the season and the Captain actually made his displeasure clear over the deliberate disobeying of orders. Why on earth would that be disregarded so readily AGAIN? I was completely confused about that.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, RemoteControlFreak said:

Bobby was NOT joking about her making him fall in love.  This is exactly how abusive men act and sound when they don't get what they want.  

Bobby reeks of being an abuser.  He has a scary temper that he only " controlled" because he was being filmed.  The way he blamed Julie for his "falling in love" with her was skeevy.  Thank god she is putting an ocean between her and Bobby, if she weren't I would be worried for her safety.  

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Bryan & Bobby were the worst kind of immature assholes ever."Did you get any titty?" Really? And you're sooooo in love with the stew but "I just wanted to get laid" apparently by anyone! even if wasn't the woman he was "in love" with.

Both those guys had NO respect for women-or anyone who wasn't a bro......

Sorry we have a troll.....please don't feed em.....makes em even worse!

You're so right!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, biakbiak said:
4 hours ago, jkitty said:

Off topic but does ginger beer taste like ginger ale soda?

It has a much more ginger taste but delightful!

I use ginger beer to make glazed carrots every Thanksgiving.    I cook the carrots in the ginger beer and buttter (no water) slowly reducing the liquid.  Add a pinch of chili powder and you have side dish greatness. My friends and family can't get enough of them.  

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I found it interesting that Jenn is living in Maryland and works in pool and estate management?  Huh?  Didn't she have something like seven years deckhand experience.  Maybe Eddie can get her a job on a tugboat in Baltimore :).  I never cared for Jenn.  She just didn't seem to be as good as she proclaimed. And she never should have betrayed Tiff's confidence.  Don't get me wrong.  Bryan is an asshole, etc.  but she also sided with Danny who's an asshole.  (And Danny wants to get into the entertainment business because he was a model.  Really?) No surprise.  Eye roll.

She said somewhere that the experience on Below Deck Med turned her off from working on ships again. I'm not sure what "estate and pool management" is.  Maybe like being a caretaker at a big house which is like being a deckhand without the ocean.

I don't see Danny as an asshole at all. He was clueless and immature but in general not mean spirited.  Being a deck hand was obviously not a good fit.

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

Bobby reeks of being an abuser.  He has a scary temper that he only " controlled" because he was being filmed.  The way he blamed Julie for his "falling in love" with her was skeevy.  Thank god she is putting an ocean between her and Bobby, if she weren't I would be worried for her safety.  

I think this is a good point.  Sure Hannah was falling all over Ben, but I never got the sense that Ben had to be careful of his physical safety.  She never went to Ben and said, "it's your fault that I love you."  

Bobby was different, he told Julia, "YOU made me fall in love with you," which bugged me because Bobby is a grown man and no way should anybody MAKE him do anything.  There was just something menacing about the way he said it, like it was all Julia's fault, like if he did something to her it was her fault.  That's what creeped me out.  Bobby also has to realize that he's not some 98 pound weakling, he's a big guy and when you come on strong like that, it can be seen as intimidating.  

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I use ginger beer to make glazed carrots every Thanksgiving.    I cook the carrots in the ginger beer and buttter (no water) slowly reducing the liquid.  Add a pinch of chili powder and you have side dish greatness. My friends and family can't get enough of them.  

Oh, I got to make those carrots.  So, is ginger beer actual beer or hard soda or ???

  • Love 1

So, its far too late for this suggestion, but I would love it if the reunion show included a segment with Bobby, Bobby's mom, Bryan and Bryan's mom all talking about how Bobby and Brian behaved towards the women in the crew. I think that would be fascinating...

23 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Oh, I got to make those carrots.  So, is ginger beer actual beer or hard soda or ???

Ginger beer is soda. It's like ginger ale, but with more ginger and far less sugar.

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong.  Two are missing: Bryan and Ben.  From the previews of Below Deck, Ben is back along with Kate.  I didn't see any other returnees. 

I found it interesting that Jenn is living in Maryland and works in pool and estate management?  Huh?  Didn't she have something like seven years deckhand experience.  Maybe Eddie can get her a job on a tugboat in Baltimore :).  I never cared for Jenn.  She just didn't seem to be as good as she proclaimed. And she never should have betrayed Tiff's confidence.  Don't get me wrong.  Bryan is an asshole, etc.  but she also sided with Danny who's an asshole.  (And Danny wants to get into the entertainment business because he was a model.  Really?) No surprise.  Eye roll.

I like Hannah and I didn't see her interactions with Ben anywhere quite as desperate as others have stated.  And I really liked her and Jules together.

As for Bobby, he can sail into the sunset with his 'brother' Bryan.  And get lost at sea.

Tiff was meh for me.  Ben and Tiff were a one night stand.  That's all either were looking for.  And that's ok.

I don't think Capt. Mark knew about 90% of what was going on during filming. 

I'd love to see another season with Hannah, Jules and Ben.  And even Capt. Mark (yeah, he's no Capt. Lee but he's ok).  The rest...not so much.

Isn't that either a fancy way of Jenn saying she is house sitting, or maybe, sitting around her parents' house all day?    ;-)

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Isn't that either a fancy way of Jenn saying she is house sitting, or maybe, sitting around her parents' house all day?    ;-)

Haha.  I thought it sounded like she keeps the pool and the grounds clean.  Or works for the company that keeps the pool and the estate clean.

Actually her family lives on Long Island.  I thought it odd that she moved to Maryland.  Maybe she has a girlfriend there....

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