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Has it been long enough for a remake? Jeez, Hollywood doesn't give people time to forget about the original movies anymore.


It's a teen movie from sixteen years ago. In 1999, the target audience for the remake was in diapers/not born yet. I don't mind remakes: they are as old as Hollywood, and if the movie wasn't amazing in the first place, why not try it again? Any remake brings more attention to the original movie and if it doesn't measure up, it's not like the first version gets deleted from existence. The people who won't watch a movie because it's too "old" were probably going to have that attitude whether Hollywood was doing a remake or not.

Edited by Dejana

The only time I mind remakes is when they take thought-provoking, gritty films and then strip it down of all meaning. See: Fame being turned into a PG-rated High School Musical rip-off, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner being turned into an Ashton Kutcher comedy, and the Stepford Wives being turned into a campy comedy.


Given that Hollywood rebooted a film franchise that was only done for five years, I don't put anything past them.


This sounds like Love Don't Cost A Thing from a decade ago. It seems about right for a black version of She's All That. (Although they'd have to change the title.)


I do hope that the long-rumored Heathers remake remains dead. I really just don't see how you can possibly do that movie in today's PC-climate.

Edited by methodwriter85

Looks like Disney is going to attempt a live action version of Jack and the Beanstalk as well, and apparently it's going to be produced (and possibly directed) by Breaking Bad's Vince Gilligan, and written by Thomas Schnauz, who also did BB.  So, of course, this means I'm now picturing a very twisted film, where the magic bean looks like blue meth, Jack is Aaron Paul, and The Giant will be Bryan Cranston, in full-blown Heisenberg mode.

Edited by thuganomics85

Because the recent Jack and the Giant Beanstalk movie did so well.


Actually, I guess it's because the recent one was such a flop that they're attempting this. Shades of the Hulk being made with Ed Norton just a few years after the failure with Eric Bana.

Edited by methodwriter85

I'm not in the industry, and get the vast majority of my movie news from here.  I've read how hard it is to get a film made these days, yet it also seems common that the same films are being remade.  And this is despite the lack of substantial financial success of previous versions. So it can't just be about money, right? Sometimes, I really don't understand Hollywood. 

Edited by ribboninthesky1

Not dying to get made. But it's a "brand." It's been around for 40 years- not on air, barely in repeats - but it's easier to sell. So they say.


What did the Jump Street movie have to do with the tv show? Mostly just a title, and a Depp cameo. $600 million later (I'm guessing) now it's getting a female version, and a tie in to MIB.


Here is an interesting article, not that I agree with it 100%, that explains the kind of movies we get now.

This was three years after the Telecommunications Act of 1996 allowed for the streamlined, everything-is-owned-by-six-companies world we live in today (which led to movie studios being gobbled up by conglomerates and, not to oversimplify, fertilize a current environment that has entities like Disney aiming for multimedia brand extension on a staggering scale).




What did the Jump Street movie have to do with the tv show? Mostly just a title, and a Depp cameo. $600 million later (I'm guessing) now it's getting a female version, and a tie in to MIB.


Jump Street was a t.v. show that lasted about 5 years, and hadn't been on rotation in syndication since the late 90's...I think it helped that people "knew" the name, kind of, but it wasn't really something that was enduring in popular culture, like the Brady Bunch or I guess Full House.


I would be shocked if Tyler Perry doesn't get his hands on Good Times.


Damn it, now I want them to do the Facts of Life.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Kathleen Kennedy has announced that there is going to be a new Indiana Jones movie.  No indication yet as to whether it would be a sequel or a reboot (I vote for reboot, I want to see it back in the 20s/30s, not in modern times).  Speculation as to who will play Indy has run from Chris Pratt (yay) to Robert Pattinson (no, please).

Kathleen Kennedy has announced that there is going to be a new Indiana Jones movie.  No indication yet as to whether it would be a sequel or a reboot (I vote for reboot, I want to see it back in the 20s/30s, not in modern times).  Speculation as to who will play Indy has run from Chris Pratt (yay) to Robert Pattinson (no, please).

Ugh!  This is something that needed neither a reboot nor another sequel.  Why can't they just come up with some semi-original ideas instead?  (And also, you kids get off my lawn!)

  • Love 7

They will absolutely not have the balls to have Racist Laura say, "I just don't like negroids. Sorry." Count on it.


If they need to do it, I'd prefer them to just take the concept and leave the actual characters/story alone.

You're SO right about that. I forgot about that line, but there's no way that would end up in a movie now, even if it's a villainous character who says it.


You're SO right about that. I forgot about that line, but there's no way that would end up in a movie now, even if it's a villainous character who says it.


See: Hydra and the curiously non-racist slant of the organization in Captain America: Winter Soldier.


I wish they would do it, because racism is a very hot topic now, but they wouldn't dare. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't have this take place in a Catholic school. And since this is going to be very obviously PG-13 movie,

Chris trying to rape Sarah will be either dropped or downplayed.



However, I'm willing to be pleasantly surprised if they're willing to make a gritty movie true to the spirit of the original and not just Mean Girls 3: Witchcraft.

Edited by methodwriter85

I'm curious as to why they aren't choosing to do an actual sequel and bring in a new generation of witches as well as bring back the original actresses.  All four actresses are all still working and still relevant, why not try and bring in the original fans.


Because 40-year old women are just "ew" to teenaged girls, apparently.


I'm calling it- they'll make it PG-13 and it'll have little to no resemblance to the actual movie, and it'll just be Mean Girls 3: Witchcraft.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I'm curious as to why they aren't choosing to do an actual sequel and bring in a new generation of witches as well as bring back the original actresses.  All four actresses are all still working and still relevant, why not try and bring in the original fans.


Because 40-year old women are just "ew" to teenaged girls, apparently.

JBC344, what an inspired, awesome idea. Too bad Hollywood would never make that movie.


JBC344, what an inspired, awesome idea. Too bad Hollywood would never make that movie.

It really is unfortunate.  Why not have the movie center around Robin Tunney's daughter(s) and her friends, with her either making up with or having made up with Rachel True and Neve Campbell's characters, while they now deal with Lisa getting out of the psych ward, or them needing Lisa to battle another entity that the younger generation of witches have unleashed.

Edited by JBC344
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You should make this movie! I'll fund your KickStarter campaign.

Thanks, :)  Hopefully TPTB take note.  You can expand the universe even if you focus on the younger generation, while totally bringing in the original fans.  Let's face it, The Craft was a cult hit because of the chemistry of the four women.


Ironically I was reviewing the "Movie feud" thread and Methodwriter85 brought up that there was tension on set with the actresses.  That Robin and Fairuza were pretty mean to Neve and Rachel.  If so, I would hope that is something that could be resolved now that the women are older.

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