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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Jimmy John's is known for using large quantities of mayonnaise on their sandwiches.  We used to order form them on a project I worked on.  I ended up having to leave a meeting because I had so much may on my face, I looked like the money shot from a porno.  Let's just say, I'm not a fan of Jimmy John's and their crappy, mayo-laden sandwiches. 

Well, there goes lunch and possibly dinner.

/Can't stand mayo. *shudder*

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The problem with oats is that they are often contaminated with gluten. Celiacs need to be very careful about oats.

My husband has celiac disease and avoids oats because you can't be sure. Oats were definitely on the list of foods to avoid when he was first diagnosed 13 years ago. Gluten hides in a lot of stuff like soy sauce, salad dressing and shredded cheeses. Gluten is also in rye and barley. Contamination is a huge thing--we have two butters in our house. If we accidentally double dip the peanut butter, we label it as contaminated. As much as GF has become a fad/joke, for those with celiac disease it is a huge deal and affects them every time they sit down to eat. So while dealing with the general scorn, we are soooo grateful for the pastas and the breads and the more readily available foods and menus now. And in this case, advertising  from the likes of Chex mean that we will go out and purchase. (It's also made us compulsive label readers). 

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My husband has celiac disease and avoids oats because you can't be sure. Oats were definitely on the list of foods to avoid when he was first diagnosed 13 years ago. Gluten hides in a lot of stuff like soy sauce, salad dressing and shredded cheeses. Gluten is also in rye and barley. 


I know that gluten is often added to products that wouldn't otherwise contain it, such as sauces, dressings, etc.  But how does it get into/onto things like oats, rye, & barley?  Do you mean accidentally, such as contamination from equipment that was used for wheat?   

I just...well, I guess I'll go find an offgrid shack somewhere and live with the wolves and spiders and use the woods for a toilet and hope the bears in the wild don't approach me to ask if I have pieces.

The bears may want to know if you have Cottonelle, you know, because they're trying to save the world, one skid mark at a time.

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I know that gluten is often added to products that wouldn't otherwise contain it, such as sauces, dressings, etc.  But how does it get into/onto things like oats, rye, & barley?  Do you mean accidentally, such as contamination from equipment that was used for wheat?   


Yes. I'm on a diet that not only avoids gluten but many other things like starches and sugars. I have Crohn's and this diet controls my symptoms wonderfully. Cross contamination is a huge issue on diets like these. I went to buy walnuts the other day and noticed the label said they could possible contain wheat since they were packaged in a facility containing wheat products. I had to put them back. Also, American labeling laws are such that if a product contains 2% or less of any ingredient they're not required by law to disclose it. It's very frustrating.

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Mojoween....Thats how I feel about Rush Limbaugh hawking them too!   :(   They certainly must have endless money to be giving out. My theory is they are pushing hard and fast to get what they can before the Feds shut them down for illegal activity in the loophole they apparently found.

Edited by Flnurse
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Anyone else OVER the red-headed Wendy's b*tch??? ENOUGH ALREADY!!!Snide and pompous ads! Like your nasty cheap nuggets are the bomb and your spicy chicken is to die for. NO THANKS.

Bring back the real Wendy's lady!!! (guess she was too fat???)



PS...As I type this, a Fan Duel commercial is playing...

Then, of course, "Lets do this" Home Depot, followed by "Go do Truck Stuff"

My man tells me I am watching too much TV. I told him stop being so "stabby"  LOL

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Yes. I'm on a diet that not only avoids gluten but many other things like starches and sugars. I have Crohn's and this diet controls my symptoms wonderfully. Cross contamination is a huge issue on diets like these. I went to buy walnuts the other day and noticed the label said they could possible contain wheat since they were packaged in a facility containing wheat products. I had to put them back. Also, American labeling laws are such that if a product contains 2% or less of any ingredient they're not required by law to disclose it. It's very frustrating.


I see those labels about facilities all the time now, though I never used to.  I don't know whether it's legally required or just producers being careful to warn consumers about possible hazards, but obviously it can be helpful.  The more info the better, for anyone trying to avoid certain ingredients (which seems to be a lot of people for a lot of different reasons).

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Anyone else OVER the red-headed Wendy's b*tch??? ENOUGH ALREADY!!!Snide and pompous ads! Like your nasty cheap nuggets are the bomb and your spicy chicken is to die for. NO THANKS.

Bring back the real Wendy's lady!!! (guess she was too fat???)

IIRC she was the real Wendy Thomas, Dave Thomas' daughter and the namesake for "Wendy".

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Ah, light at the end of the tunnel. I haven't seen these ladies for the past week, thank goodness. Also the Weezer family Honda commercial is not on lately. Life is good.

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I know that gluten is often added to products that wouldn't otherwise contain it, such as sauces, dressings, etc.  But how does it get into/onto things like oats, rye, & barley?  Do you mean accidentally, such as contamination from equipment that was used for wheat?   

Going to answer in Small Talk.

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Anyone else OVER the red-headed Wendy's b*tch??? ENOUGH ALREADY!!!Snide and pompous ads! Like your nasty cheap nuggets are the bomb and your spicy chicken is to die for. NO THANKS.

Bring back the real Wendy's lady!!! (guess she was too fat???)


I enjoyed the Wendy Thomas commercials because she seemed to be an unpretentious and pleasant person.  This young thing can go back to acting school and learn how to act less bitch-like.


The two dummies in the Benjamin Moore ads are the wooden counterparts of the fools on Sonic ads.  They probably have as many brain cells.

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How does this make sense? He doesn't have time to leave the office...yet we see him leaving the office.



Advertising is leading the way on one of my biggest peeves, the infantilization of language. Between "melty" cheese and "bouncy" balls and the complete disappearance of the actual word "vegetables" in favor of "veggies", we might as well all be in pre-K.


Oh, agree -- though I can accept "bouncy" because it doesn't mean exactly the same thing as bouncing." But "melty" gets on my damn nerves. And blech to "veggies" too (the word, not the food), except when joined with "burger"; "veggie burger" doesn't horrify me too much. 


Could never stand the word "panties" -- I hate even typing it. UGH! And I'm sorry, the word "yummy" makes me ill.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I got annoyed by a Samsung commercial today/  They use the song "My favorite things".  Only it's a modernized version, I guess, same lyrics but weird.  My annoyance was that the person singing, sings "Whiskers on Ki- ens"  and "warm woolen Mi- ens" .  what the hell?


This is my pet peeve of ALL TIME.. It is the most pretentious, wanna-be hipster, wanna-be Cockney, it is SO FAKE and it grates on me!  I have called my local TV newscasters to complain of the on-air usage of this VILE ABERRATION "Ki-ens"  They even used it on someone's proper name!  There is nothing cool, or hip, or attractive about this!!

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This is my pet peeve of ALL TIME.. It is the most pretentious, wanna-be hipster, wanna-be Cockney, it is SO FAKE and it grates on me!  I have called my local TV newscasters to complain of the on-air usage of this VILE ABERRATION "Ki-ens"  They even used it on someone's proper name!  There is nothing cool, or hip, or attractive about this!!

I couldn't find the video to link it, but it was aired during the Emmy's last night.   It was probably sung by some famous singer I don't recognize, it's clearly a newer recording of the song.   It wasn't subtle at all, it was a very distinct mis-pronunciation.

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Peyton Manning, as a Broncos fan from way back, I have learned to tolerate you and even find you delightful in many commercials. The ads with Papa John, creepy pizza pimp, vex me. From the repeated donning of mom jeans for these commercials to the charmless, unfunny banter with an oily douche, you give me secondhand embarrassment not unlike what I felt watching you get shellacked by the Seattle Seahawks that time. Also, I hate your new Nationwide commercial, but that's on the annoying lady singing annoyingly about chicken parm at the end. I get that it's a callback to the last Nationwide ad, but it sucks here.

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In practice, I totally agree, but legally, they aren't. The NFL slipped a paragraph into Federal online gambling legislation that exempted fantasy sports.



NOW we know why these ads have recently proliferated!


 Mitch Albom weighed in on this yesterday, made some good points:



And re: VW cheating on emission tests--let me tell you, I'm an auto industry analyst and they are in some very deep doo doo. They're gonna need some hellaciously good ads to overcome this, if they can. Little old ladies ain't gonna cut it. 

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It IS KIT-TEN or KIT-TIN or KIT-IN but NEVER NEVER KI-EN.  You must have a T sound in there somewhere.  And this goes for all similar words, with a T sound in the middle.


The pronunciation "ki-ens" (with a vocal break where the "t" sound would normally be) is called a "glottal stop," and it's not uncommon in certain Germanic languages (Danish and German, for example) as well as in certain English dialects (Cockney being one of them).  Perhaps the singer is from one of those areas?  In any event, It makes no difference to me, as I can barely hear the lyrics above the music anyway.

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The pronunciation "ki-ens" (with a vocal break where the "t" sound would normally be) is called a "glottal stop," and it's not uncommon in certain Germanic languages (Danish and German, for example) as well as in certain English dialects (Cockney being one of them).  Perhaps the singer is from one of those areas?  In any event, It makes no difference to me, as I can barely hear the lyrics above the music anyway.

Should be called "glottal slop".

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Mitch Albom weighed in on this yesterday, made some good points:



Reading that column, I can totally hear it in Mitch Albom's voice as though he's delivering his "Parting Shot" on Sports Reporters. That may be a sign that I want ESPN too much on Sunday mornings.

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I bought some frozen dinners the other day that say they include Veggies.

That's it!  I am bringing a flamethrower to the grocery store.  All of those "veggies" containing meals are going up in flames.  


As for ki-en, a colleague of mine who was raised in New Jersey and also lived in Florida for a long time, had picked up this manner of speaking.  When discussing payroll processing, he would say "third party remi-ance".  I finally told him there are two Ts in remittance, I wanted him to pronounce at least one of them.  He countered with I needed to pronounce the S on the end of Stanislaus (a county in California).  I pointed out I had two great grandfathers named Stanislaus and neither pronounced the final S, so I would not be doing so now.  Point and match to Muffyn!  

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I am only saying that one should not PRETEND to be something else by use of a vocal trick e.g. ki-ens.  It makes the user look stupid and pretentious and it is not attractive.

People aren't pretending to have another sound there.  There is a rule in most varieties of English that turns the /t/ sound into a glottal stop before schwa + /n/. What the lady in the Les Schwab commercial is doing that is different from the majority of American English speakers is not doing this. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-glottalization)


I suspect the other thing that people are writing as "ki-in" is when there's not a schwa in that final syllable but instead the vowel that's in "tin."  What makes that a stigmatized pronunciation isn't the consonant in the middle, but the vowel in the last syllable.

Edited by janie jones
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The latest Viagra commercial I've seen with the babe in the football jersey lounging around in the rather luxurious and spacious bedroom.  Clearly a woman has nothing to do but wait in steamy anticipation for her man to come home from watching the game.


My impression from watching the Viagra ads is that only the upper middle class need it since they are never showing anyone in a modest residence.

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Naturebox commercial. I don't even know what they were saying or what their angle was. All I remember is they showed someone scooping a glob of peanut butter out of the jar with a finger and eating it and from there I was in a daze, annoyed with disgust of this image. I assume from their name this company is angling for some kind of "aren't we healthy and great" kinda mojo, yet here I am standing firmly on the "you're gross if you're trying to sell me with that" side of the fence.

Edited by theatremouse
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Not in this modern world. First you have to dial, then listen to the, "this call is monitored." Then you order, which brings on the corporate mantra of up sale, up sale, up sale. "Would you like two pizzas for x dollars, would you like cheesey bread, would you like wings." Oh and don't think you can escape it. Corporate policy, two up sale attempts per call or else.  

Not my local Domino's.  I get a person on the first or second ring every time.  Same with Pizza Hut.  They must be falling down on the up-sale job, because all they ask is "is that everything?".  Mind you, I usually order from a non-chain Italian place, but they don't do pan pizza, and sometimes that's what I want.  Those stupid pizza emoji ads bug the crap outta me, 'cause it's so much faster to just call the pizza place.

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