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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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13 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

Oh, come on. She's mom and grandma to many kids. That bag is bursting with the things she uses to care for and entertain them all.

I was just going to say that if this was a Bates family photo, you know Kelly would be holding the grandbaby. Or at least be standing next to him & Ben, not partially blocking them. 

Why didn't Jer wear these black shoes for the engagement?  These are much better than the shocking white Wal-Mart looking ones he did wear.

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11 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I don't watch this show; I just occasionally peek in the threads in the hope that I'll find out one of the kids has been able to leave the compound so to speak. This later set of pictures gives me hope for Jinger. I know the Vuolos still believe in a lot of things I consider retrograde including, apparently, wives being subordinate to the husbands. But Jeremy appears to be close to them; he's implicitly approved by Jinger's family; and the Vuolos also clearly believe in a lot of things that the Duggars don't approve of. I'm seeing pants and shorts and the women having out-of-the-house employment. That's the type of thing that can lead to Jinger questioning what she's been brainwashed to believe and having to really evaluate her beliefs on her own, especially because she's going to be (probably) living far away from JB and Michelle and have the space to do that on her own. 

Regarding the hope for Jinger:  

Well they fooled us once with Jill.  Remember we all had great visions of Cathy (& even Dan) bringing Jill over from the dark side with spa days, makeovers & possibly introducing the older Duggar gals to Derick & Dan's friends.  We know how that worked out. But we can still pray for Jinger for what it's worth. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Marigold said:

i think Jinger has acrylic nails.  She always has short nails.  Nooo....this engagement was a total surprise!  Not at all. 

These pictures make Jeremy look a bit more normal.  At least his family looks reasonably normal. Michelle sticks out and not in a good way. 

He may appear normal on the pictures, and even sound reasonably normal in the short clips, but after listening to that entire hour + of fire & brimstone  lecturing on the evils of lust and its temptations as the deepest and darkest of Satan's snares, and his practically turning himself inside out in his frenzy on avoiding it at all costs, I feel that there is something very broken about him.

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Aaaaa, she was sitting in the massive east coast heat wave. She can wear any pants she wants. After all, I didn't see any actual Duggar men on the site. They seem to be the ones who are absolutely incapable of controlling themselves. Jeremy's sermonizing to the contrary, of course.

*snerk* Sorry, I live in Temperate America where I expect a high of around 68 today (below average, even for this area). I forget older women dressed like that are commonplace elsewhere. Poor Duggars and Bates males, living amongst such cougars and having to avert their eyes 6-8 months out of the year.

Edited by Sew Sumi
Because my phone corrected "snerk" to "snark" Yes, it's smart
  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, riverblue22 said:

Michelle looks more and more ridiculous everyday with that ratty hair and those dumpy clothes and shoes. Maybe more people could relate to her (and be attracted to her wonderful godliness!) if she wasn't so freaky looking.

IMO, the freakier she looks, the better. Would rather she not masquerade as some sort of regular person, instead of the radical fundie Christian raging bigot she is.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'm pretty sure it's the Philly airport. They were spotted there last Sunday. I just can't believe there's a Geno's there. But the Duggars would have no clue about cheesesteak, so to them it's just another heathen restaurant.

Geno's just opened at the Philly airport.  (I connect through there a lot.) That's probably why they were steered to take the photo where they did, since it's a new concession for the airport that I'm sure they want to publicize. .... They probably got money for that picture ... or at least some cheesesteaks. lol.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 1

@Malvina Where did you find the airport pictures? It would shed a lot of light on Churchhoney's theory, especially since the guy with the Duggar contingent is an employee of *something* connected around or with Geno's. They managed to get the sign in one shot, so it may well not be accidental, and Jinger may well have been forced to choke down at least half a cheesesteak (split with Blessed Mama...I guess Jessa is branching out into Jesus Wear now, too). 

eta: Never mind. I see that Pickles posted them last night. Is Jeremy chewing GUM in that one pic? I guess he's gotta do what he's gotta do not to sin....

Edited by Sew Sumi
On 7/23/2016 at 8:25 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Not to mention they all have $600 to $800 iPhones. Yeah, they are so frugal, indeed!

Well, to be fair, I doubt they paid retail for their phones. I myself just for a brand new Iphone SE 64G for myself and a 6S for my daughter and paid $100 bucks each, when I re-upped my contract for 2 years.

  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

But you had to pay retail for your FIRST one to get a deal down the line. That's the way it works. I don't have Iphones, but theirs seem to have all the latest and greatest apps; do they sell refurbs like you can find with Androids (which usually suck? Mine died inside of a year)?

No, I got my first iPhone 2 years ago, got it for $50 w a 2 year contract.

  • Love 2
20 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Good to know. We know that the Duggars are all Appled-up, and that they've covered the logo of the laptops on the show, so they're paying for them all out of pocket. Does Boob pick up MacBooks off Craigslist or something?

They didn't until I emailed Tim Cook about it, before the Counting On premier. I'm claiming that victory! Notice the laptop the 3 boys are using in the other threads isn't an Apple.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'm pretty sure it's the Philly airport. They were spotted there last Sunday. I just can't believe there's a Geno's there. But the Duggars would have no clue about cheesesteak, so to them it's just another heathen restaurant.

Oh that makes sense. They're stars, of course they'd fly and not drive up 95 with the masses!!

4 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

Michelle looks more and more ridiculous everyday with that ratty hair and those dumpy clothes and shoes. Maybe more people could relate to her (and be attracted to her wonderful godliness!) if she wasn't so freaky looking.

I responded to this above, but I just saw a description* of Michelle's look in these photos that I must share: "Amish witch." The horrible black shoes and long black skirt and frizzled mane really stand out in contrast to the summer-time 21st Century clothing of just about everyone else in all those photos.

*It was on the Pickles & Hairspray FB page. I think the actual words used were "some kind of Amish witch." Heh.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

I responded to this above, but I just saw a description* of Michelle's look in these photos that I must share: "Amish witch." The horrible black shoes and long black skirt and frizzled mane really stand out in contrast to the summer-time 21st Century clothing of just about everyone else in all those photos.

*It was on the Pickles & Hairspray FB page. I think the actual words used were "some kind of Amish witch." Heh.

If she were Amish, at least she'd have that dead squirrel hiding in her bonnet!!

  • Love 4

BTW, I listened to Jeremy's entire sermon on Sexual Sin that was posted above.   

Ok, Jeremy is not a talented preacher.  His sermon was boring and not well organized.  He spoke without notes/outline and it showed.  He was here, there and everywhere. 

I noticed that Ben, Derick and now Jeremy think that they are smart enough to get up and preach an entire (long) sermon off of the top of their head. Uh, NO! A good minister will actually work hard on their sermon and speak/teach using careful notes so they cover their material in an orderly and concise way.  

I was raised IFB (lite) and have listened to many, many sermons.  You might not agree with them but you can see that the preacher put tremendous work and effort into his sermon and tried to deliver it in an interesting way.

To amuse myself, I tried to take some notes.  Well, that was impossible.  He had no organized presentation of his subject. If I can't take notes, that tells me the speaker is mixed up.  

I give Jeremy a D- for his sermon.  

Sorry, Jeremy, you're gonna have to sit with Derick.  I think Ben is the better preacher out of the three clowns...his thoughts seem a bit more coherant.  

  • Love 12

Dreck has posted what appears to be outlines as "sermons" on their blog. All three of them need to buy a clue and take several seats. 

I was active in my youth group (VERY liberal Presbyterian) as a young teen (we left that church when I was 15). I often had to go to the church office during the week, and our pastor was there working on his sermon for the following week. Now, I never really had to LISTEN to them, as youth were dispatched early in the service to their respective age-related group activities, but I know that he didn't go up there on Sundays and speak extemporaneously. The only ones who can get away with that are guys like Swaggart or Osteen who pretty much preach the same thing, with minor tweaks depending on chosen bible verse, week after week for years. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
because Falwell's been dead for decades
  • Love 2

The ministers you all are talking about went to seminary.  They studied the ministry and didn't try to wing it.

I came across another example of this amateurism in ministry.  I saw an old acquaintance whose son struggled to graduate from a small, Christian college with a degree in athletic training.  I asked what he was doing now and she told me he decided to go into the ministry.  When I asked what seminary he was attending, she said he wasn't going to go to seminary, he was working as a minister at a small Baptist church.  So here is another case of a 22 year old heading off to his ministry work with no experience to speak of.

  • Love 5

Well, Ben is SUPPOSEDLY going to that Bible College in IL online. Remember what looked to be his "final" project, the one where he wore the bowtie he got married in? Talk about a HOT MESS! It was the longest ten minutes of my life. Full disclosure: I drifted off...as often as he did. 

I couldn't make it through Jeremy's masturbation sermon, either. Enough with the slut-shaming already. It was awful. Misogyny at its ugliest. 

  • Love 5

Like some (a lot, most) TV evangelists the entire Duggar clan are just  becoming fund me fakers.  Derick's on a 'mission', Ben is trying to become a preacher and posts sermons, Jeremy preaches and suddenly by sheer happenstance (not) he connects to the Duggars.   It's  a business.   I really wonder if they sit around saying wow what idiots there are out there who send us money for all this BS.  

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Full disclosure - after watching Ben interview some guy with religious questions and watching Derick's interpretive dance, I have not watched another 'sermon' by any of the boys, including Jeremy. But wouldn't a preacher have to be on point if boring, or at least entertaining if not on point? Why would folks continue to come back if they lacked knowledge and/or talent?

  • Love 4

I guess the question is - are they sincere?  Someone may preach a good act - but do they really believe it?  Like Josh - 'The Biggest Hypocrite Ever'.  While they may not be frequenting strip clubs and having affairs, do they believe what they preach?  Are they being sincere or are they just trying to make as much money as possible?

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Defrauder said:

I guess the question is - are they sincere?  Someone may preach a good act - but do they really believe it?  Like Josh - 'The Biggest Hypocrite Ever'.  While they may not be frequenting strip clubs and having affairs, do they believe what they preach?  Are they being sincere or are they just trying to make as much money as possible?

I think Jeremy is sincere...fighteningly so. I also think he holds himself (and likely others, including Jinger) to impossible standards. I don't know how he will react when one of them will inevitably fall short in some way. Or just snap. I think he has the potential to snap in some direction or other.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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