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S12.E06: Week 5

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16 hours ago, comosedice said:

Luke has yet to mention he can play an instrument or even carry a tune. If promoting his band was the plan behind coming on the show, he is doing a terrible job. He also seems pretty into JoJo and does not waste his time with her talking about anything but them. Had I not gone and done my own research, I would think he just left the military and is now a farmer.

 I think the promotion of his band may come after the show, if it rides on the coattails of the Bachelorette name (I like Luke the most and have no problem with anyone riding Show's coattails--it's the least they can get out of it).

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While I realize this has probably been discussed at length, for some reason this particular episode really and truly (and I can't help but think intentionally on the part of the editors) brought home that this entire season is not about "JoJo! Finding! Love!"

It's about JoJo being hellbent on making every single guy LOVE HER. They HAVE to tell her they love her ... they HAVE to express their LOVE for her, and if they can't do it well enough to suit her, she will basically feed them the script or else tell them they're not really sharing enough and she's not feeling it.  This is not about her falling in love with someone, it's about her ego being stoked ...

And it is not an attractive look for her ... and I can't imagine it won't be obvious to all the guys once they watch the episode and see how she's blatantly manipulating each one of them with the same lines.

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6 minutes ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

While I realize this has probably been discussed at length, for some reason this particular episode really and truly (and I can't help but think intentionally on the part of the editors) brought home that this entire season is not about "JoJo! Finding! Love!"

It's about JoJo being hellbent on making every single guy LOVE HER. They HAVE to tell her they love her ... they HAVE to express their LOVE for her, and if they can't do it well enough to suit her, she will basically feed them the script or else tell them they're not really sharing enough and she's not feeling it.  This is not about her falling in love with someone, it's about her ego being stoked ...

And it is not an attractive look for her ... and I can't imagine it won't be obvious to all the guys once they watch the episode and see how she's blatantly manipulating each one of them with the same lines.

I agree. She seems to feel being the lead = leading everyone on. I've seen others do this, too, but its more noticeable with her because she seems to feel so little genuine interest in most of them.  That scene with Wells where she couldn't think of a thing she wanted to know about him that didn't relate back to her, said it all. I think that's how she sees all of them, the old joke, "But enough about me. What do YOU think about me?"

I don't know why, but I just noticed Wells last week and really thought he had something. Maybe it was brains and a sense of humor (and the way he had a slight smirk while she was over-dramatically talking about the tabloid story). Neither of those seem to matter to her--she doesn't seem to relax and laugh much at things (that tango would have done it for me because--yikes, so bad)--and I'm sure she felt zero chemistry with a guy who wasn't a strong "cool kid" athletic type. I have a feeling she thinks most of these guys aren't good enough for her.

In any case, glad to see so many here also liked Wells. I won't be surprised if he turns out to be one of the "also-rans" who meets a women in Bachelor Nation and settles down himself in a year or so. He seems like a good guy.

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1 hour ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

While I realize this has probably been discussed at length, for some reason this particular episode really and truly (and I can't help but think intentionally on the part of the editors) brought home that this entire season is not about "JoJo! Finding! Love!"

It's about JoJo being hellbent on making every single guy LOVE HER. They HAVE to tell her they love her ... they HAVE to express their LOVE for her, and if they can't do it well enough to suit her, she will basically feed them the script or else tell them they're not really sharing enough and she's not feeling it.  This is not about her falling in love with someone, it's about her ego being stoked ...

And it is not an attractive look for her ... and I can't imagine it won't be obvious to all the guys once they watch the episode and see how she's blatantly manipulating each one of them with the same lines.

Yeah, this season is about her getting over her ex-boyfriend and Ben. 

And speaking of the ex, I think the only reason she was upset about the tabloid rumor was because he gave away their little secret. 

its so weird how all these guys think it's completely normal to kiss a girl that 25 other guys have probably kissed that exact same day. And it's so normal to them that they make fun of the guy who didn't want to swap spit with everyone else in the house. Wells probably didn't kiss her because it's gross. 

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Oh dear lord, Wells has no game! I can't imagine that would work very well for The Bachelor.

Just got to James' part, and that was the saddest throwing under the bus I've ever seen.

JAMES (whining): Jordan said he knew the rules of poker better than I do and he is very vain because he has a nicer smile than I do.

JOJO: I don't care, but it is my job to follow up on all complaints because this is a boring episode.

Edited by huahaha
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Jojo can't find happiness with these men because the traits she is looking for exist in different men; She wants the passion she feels with Luke, the manly man that is Jordan and the sensitive guy - friend who understands her and takes care of her that is either Robby or Chase.

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I actually think Jo likes when the other guys talk to her about Jordan, because then she doesn't have to pretend to be interested in them. As long as they talk about her or Jordan, she's happy, as those are her two favorite subjects.

12 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Not trying to be critical of people's looks but if you're trying to portray yourself as THE most eligible bachelorette and there are 25 men obsessed with you, I'd hope I'd be just as impressed. I'm not.

  Some of the bros on Chad's bodybuilding forum pointed out that he dodged a bullet, as JoJo has the type of body that's going to get fat right after her first baby, or once she gets married and lets herself go a little.  Mean, but a lot of hose guys do know a lot about body physiology, despite their douchieness!

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7 minutes ago, leighdear said:

  Some of the bros on Chad's bodybuilding forum pointed out that he dodged a bullet, as JoJo has the type of body that's going to get fat right after her first baby, or once she gets married and lets herself go a little.  Mean, but a lot of hose guys do know a lot about body physiology, despite their douchieness!

Dallas girls don't let themselves go like the rest of us. :)

ETA: I just saw the end credits scene where Robby corrects James' spelling.

ROBBY: You spell it margherita... like the cheese.

Hee hee! Everybody loves margherita cheese! Oh, wait...

Edited by huahaha
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1 hour ago, leighdear said:

  Some of the bros on Chad's bodybuilding forum pointed out that he dodged a bullet, as JoJo has the type of body that's going to get fat right after her first baby, or once she gets married and lets herself go a little.  Mean, but a lot of hose guys do know a lot about body physiology, despite their douchieness!

I think she's way too vain to get fat.  Her parents have lots of money and medical connections, so she can pay to have it all tucked and sucked by the best.  Or go to a fat farm.  She's already had a nose job and (reportedly) a breast job, so what's a little more surgery?

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3 minutes ago, WhoAmIReally said:

I think she's way too vain to get fat.  Her parents have lots of money and medical connections, so she can pay to have it all tucked and sucked by the best.  Or go to a fat farm.  She's already had a nose job and (reportedly) a breast job, so what's a little more surgery?

And access to the best spa services, natch!


Edited by WhoAmIReally
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She doesn't actually like any of the guys, right?  I just binged watched and the closest she seems to be into someone is when she kisses Luke.  Other than that, even the guys seem like they are just there to audition to be the Bachelor.

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1 hour ago, scenicbyway said:

She doesn't actually like any of the guys, right?  I just binged watched and the closest she seems to be into someone is when she kisses Luke.  Other than that, even the guys seem like they are just there to audition to be the Bachelor.

I love this. That is exactly what this show is. It's an audition to be the lead on the next season's Bachelor or Bachelorette. Everyone has seen enough of this show to know that it's nothing more than a way to get famous. 

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This is why I wish they'd stop taking the next lead from the previous season.  it really does just breed a bunch of people who are there to audition for the next season.

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I still like JoJo and think she is quite lovely to look at. Who cares if she gets fat when she's older or after kids? Hopefully the man she has those kids with will continue to love her. Why is putting on a few extra pounds something to try to ridicule someone for? She has a gorgeous body now and could still be gorgeous bigger. I don't expect anything good from douchey men, but when other women join in with them and use their words to try to tear down one of their own, another woman, that's plain disappointing and just sad. Anyway, I hate that the Bachelorette producers haven't put much thought into JoJo's dates. The dates should be designed for her to get to know the men, interact with them. What was the point of that soccer date? Are there any female producers?

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7 hours ago, Padma said:

I think that's how she sees all of them, the old joke, "But enough about me. What do YOU think about me?"


8 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

It's about JoJo being hellbent on making every single guy LOVE HER. They HAVE to tell her they love her ... they HAVE to express their LOVE for her, and if they can't do it well enough to suit her, she will basically feed them the script or else tell them they're not really sharing enough and she's not feeling it.  This is not about her falling in love with someone, it's about her ego being stoked ...

This makes so much sense. It not only explains the conversations that are all about past relationships and how they  might reflect on her, but it explains all the kissing going on with guys she is clearly not into.  It's part of making them fall in love with her.

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8 hours ago, Padma said:

I think that's how she sees all of them, the old joke, "But enough about me. What do YOU think about me?"

ABSOLUTELY. I totally thought of the same old joke when I was watching this last night.  In fact, I'm thinking she may have actually said those words LOL!

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51 minutes ago, comosedice said:

 I don't expect anything good from douchey men, but when other women join in with them and use their words to try to tear down one of their own, another woman, that's plain disappointing and just sad.

With all due respect (and a pair of generously-poured happy hour glasses of wine in me), isn't this sort of a reverse-sexist comment? So, because I am a woman I have to support another woman if I think she is there for "all the wrong reasons" and find her pretty much noxious JUST because she is another woman?  

I don't think of it as "tearing down one of my own" ... she signed up for the Bachelorette and frankly she's NOT "one of my own" ... she's the Bachelorette and has put herself out there as a famewhore.

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This franchise is for the thin, fit and attractive.  Period.  The amount of conversation about, and screen time devoted to: flat stomachs, cut abs, large breasts, round buttocks, bulging pecs, shapely legs and bountiful cleavage is ridiculous.

And while they may occasionally throw in a Wells or an Erica Rose, there is never going to be a lead or a chosen winner that doesn't have more physical advantages than normal, be they real or augmented.  It's not tearing anybody down, it simply is what the show is about.  It will never feature a group of "normal" people. 

Edited by leighdear
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10 hours ago, PamelaMaeSnap said:

While I realize this has probably been discussed at length, for some reason this particular episode really and truly (and I can't help but think intentionally on the part of the editors) brought home that this entire season is not about "JoJo! Finding! Love!"

It's about JoJo being hellbent on making every single guy LOVE HER. They HAVE to tell her they love her ... they HAVE to express their LOVE for her, and if they can't do it well enough to suit her, she will basically feed them the script or else tell them they're not really sharing enough and she's not feeling it.  This is not about her falling in love with someone, it's about her ego being stoked ...

And it is not an attractive look for her ... and I can't imagine it won't be obvious to all the guys once they watch the episode and see how she's blatantly manipulating each one of them with the same lines.

I agree.  But that's the show.  It seems that her job, as the lead, is to make every contestant on the show fall in love and be ready to marry her by the end.   She gets to toy with their affections, lead them on, and dump them, one by one, until she picks the one who has the honor of proposing to her.   Every man MUST love her, so that not getting a rose will be heart-breaking, the woman of their dreams rejects them. 

Wells not kissing her yet, and being mocked for it, was kind of the way the show implies there is something wrong with HIM, that he is not head over heels in love with the woman who is the only choice in this game!   It has to be he's too shy, insecure, he lacks confidence - that's why he hasn't kissed her YET, and has to do it ASAP (so she can dump him).  It can't be because quite simply, he's not feeling the romantic attachment  he wants before starting  a makeout session with someone who is dating other guys.

When guys sign up to be on the show, it's like they are obligated to "fall in love"  (or fake it)  with whomever the bachelorette turns out to be.    Most of these guys who claim to be in love with Jojo, would have been just as much in love with Andi, or Kaitlyn, Caila, Britt, and ready to propose.  Because that's what they agreed to.  And the element of competition is there, egging them on, making them be more romantic, more sensitive, athletic, charming, than the other guys. So they can WIN.  Because they all want to win.   Until they do.

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JoJo really threw James under the bus with Jordan. I'm pretty sure when Jordan sees what was REALLY said, he won't be offended at all. Basically, it was "Jordan looks so great and is a celebrity in all these magazines and when he says something's so, he thinks people should take it seriously, that he's right."

So... Jordan's a little full of himself because he's so handsome and athletic and a "celebrity" (he is?) . James was obviously starstruck and in awe of him, and trying to find something about himself that is better than Jordan (his sincerity). JoJo calls it an "altercation" and makes such a big, serious deal about it "entitled and snobby". (That James is one of his best friends in the house says something good about Jordan actually. As for the argument itself (poker rules...when James didn't even KNOW what he thought it -should- supposedly be, if I were Jordan that would be pretty annoying.)   JoJo really stirred that "conflict" up in a mean, nasty way, I thought, esp. as James doesn't seem smart enough to fix it on his own. 

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59 minutes ago, Padma said:

JoJo really threw James under the bus with Jordan. I'm pretty sure when Jordan sees what was REALLY said, he won't be offended at all. Basically, it was "Jordan looks so great and is a celebrity in all these magazines and when he says something's so, he thinks people should take it seriously, that he's right."

So... Jordan's a little full of himself because he's so handsome and athletic and a "celebrity" (he is?) . James was obviously starstruck and in awe of him, and trying to find something about himself that is better than Jordan (his sincerity). JoJo calls it an "altercation" and makes such a big, serious deal about it "entitled and snobby". (That James is one of his best friends in the house says something good about Jordan actually. As for the argument itself (poker rules...when James didn't even KNOW what he thought it -should- supposedly be, if I were Jordan that would be pretty annoying.)   JoJo really stirred that "conflict" up in a mean, nasty way, I thought, esp. as James doesn't seem smart enough to fix it on his own. 

That's a good point. JoJo didn't need to address the issue immediately or at all. It's not like it changed her feelings for Jordan. I hate that James is so obsessed with her that he doesn't realize how shitty it was of her to go to Jordan and tell him what was said within minutes of the conversation. It's sort of a red flag because she can't keep her mouth shut and she's so dumb that she doesn't know the appropriate time to discuss whatever James' problem was. If I were her I would have waited a couple days, not mentioned poker so as not to give away who told her, and just said something like, "it's been brought to my attention that you're a pompous ass." Something like that. 

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1 hour ago, Padma said:

Basically, it was "Jordan looks so great and is a celebrity in all these magazines and when he says something's so, he thinks people should take it seriously, that he's right."

This whole exchange really made me wonder whether in fact James thinks Jordan is Aaron ... I mean, not that he IS Aaron, but that maybe James isn't really a football fan (nothing wrong with that) and doesn't realize that Jordan is not even remotely a celebrity (other than getting way too much pre-show ink in the tabloids). Or else Jordan is really exaggerating his own greatness (off-camera) and this would not surprise me at all either.

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2 hours ago, Padma said:

JoJo really stirred that "conflict" up in a mean, nasty way, I thought, esp. as James doesn't seem smart enough to fix it on his own. 

To be fair, I'm 100% certain she was egged on by producers to stir up that "conflict". The way she was saying the words "altercation", "entitled", etc., sounded like they were being fed to her by someone. Remember how last episode, just after she said she couldn't be any happier, a producer handed her the tabloid containing the "scandal"? Those fuckers are manipulative. Watch UnREAL if you don't believe me.

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Oh, they definitely are manipulative and very possibly -did- give her the word "altercation". But I don't let her off the hook in any case because she'd actually talked with James himself. Regardless of what a producer said, she had James' version (hardly what I'd call an "altercation") and it was a big, fat bunch of nothing. A little insecurity from James and, maybe, a little of "more of the same" daily confidence from Jordan.

None of that would change, for me, a growing dislike for JoJo and a feeling she didn't mind creating bad feelings for others as long as she could milk some drama for herself (and possibly get more commitment from Jordan -- which eventually she did). I don't think she's particularly smart, so it might not have been intentional, but it still seemed pretty mean to both guys, actually, the way she addressed it. (And ITA she could easily have waited a few days--if not laughed it off completely as I would have done. "So...you argued with Jordan about poker rules that you didn't even know anything about?  And then were offended because he thought he was right?  Hoo-kay!")

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I take everything on this show with a giant GIANT grain of salt. James didn't look like he believed for a minute that he had something to call JorJor out on; Jo didn't look like she thought the "crime" was worth discusing (vs Alex's tattling on Chad about threats of physical harm to JorJor et al.); if JorJor was upset with James, he sure didn't carry the hard feeling very long as he gave James a friendly half-hug when James got his pity rose. It's all fakety-fake and fed to the cast.

I'm just waiting for the Fletcher family hijinks when they meet the final two.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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I knew this season would be bad since JoJo has the personality of wet cardboard, but it's gotten ridiculous.  Left with four identical-looking meatheads (plus the soon-to-be-dumped James and Alex) who don't give a rat's ass about her.  I was trying to imagine what would cause anyone to "fall in love" with her, and I can't.  She's attractive in a Kardashian way, can act cutesy sometimes, but otherwise, I got nothing.  Average intelligence, no conversation, no interests other than clothes and makeup and sports (or guys who play sports).  Usually the dates showcase some of the interests of the B or B'ette, but nothing so far here. 

On the positive side, Wells is free! 

Too bad they didn't go ahead with cute little Caila. She had issues, sure, but I imagine the guys would have been more diverse and intelligent, since she didn't seem the type to go for jocks.

I feel cheated.

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32 minutes ago, WhoAmIReally said:

knew this season would be bad since JoJo has the personality of wet cardboard, but it's gotten ridiculous.  Left with four identical-looking meatheads (plus the soon-to-be-dumped James and Alex) who don't give a rat's ass about her.  I was trying to imagine what would cause anyone to "fall in love" with her, and I can't.  She's attractive in a Kardashian way, can act cutesy sometimes, but otherwise, I got nothing.  Average intelligence, no conversation, no interests other than clothes and makeup and sports (or guys who play sports).  Usually the dates showcase some of the interests of the B or B'ette, but nothing so far here. 

I agree.  I didn't realize it until I read your post, but I have some idea of who the guys are, in terms of personality, but Jojo seems so - blank.  I have no idea who she is, her interests, what makes her laugh, nothing.  All these guys want to marry her - why?  She's like a Barbie doll.  people on the show dress her up in outfits.  Gorgeous gowns, tacky dresses, too-tight pants - she goes through at least 4 outfits each episode.  But like a Barbie doll, there's nothing else there. 

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1 hour ago, WhoAmIReally said:

I knew this season would be bad since JoJo has the personality of wet cardboard, but it's gotten ridiculous.  Left with four identical-looking meatheads (plus the soon-to-be-dumped James and Alex) who don't give a rat's ass about her.  I was trying to imagine what would cause anyone to "fall in love" with her, and I can't.  She's attractive in a Kardashian way, can act cutesy sometimes, but otherwise, I got nothing.  Average intelligence, no conversation, no interests other than clothes and makeup and sports (or guys who play sports).  Usually the dates showcase some of the interests of the B or B'ette, but nothing so far here. 

On the positive side, Wells is free! 

Too bad they didn't go ahead with cute little Caila. She had issues, sure, but I imagine the guys would have been more diverse and intelligent, since she didn't seem the type to go for jocks.

I feel cheated.

I think these are Caila's guys.

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This forum provides such an important service! I had forgotten how fake this show is, and this season, imo, more fake than ever. I think Derek was crying because it reminded him of some RL rejection--not because he was so crazy about JoJo.

I have to agree. I know nothing about her interests (not playing sports. Can't dance). They haven't even put her with kids. Oh, wait! Dogs! She loves dogs! Well, that's the one good thing I know about her  then  But...wow, is she boring otherwise!)

I agree, it's hard to see any of them actually "falling in love with her". She's pretty, but I'm sure all but James and maybe Alex don't have problems attracting women just as pretty. Do we think Ben actually "was in love" with her? I didn't think he really was feeling anything much beyond "FS!" with either JoJo or Lauren, but his "relationship" has lasted so far, so...maybe.

JoJo's (ex?) bf still seems involved with her and vice versa. After the show, I'll bet they get back together and announce an engagement. I definitely don't see anything lasting with any of these guys..

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She looks fine, but that's not the point.  Besides, I see better-looking women shopping at my local Harris Teeter store.  Or at Panera.  Or anywhere else. 

The point is, looks aside, there's no "there" there when it comes to Jo Jo.  At least it doesn't come across on tv.

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I had to catch-up because I was too scared of spoilers finding me and I watched two episodes back-to-back -- I must be a sadist.

I can't say there's much going on that is interesting anymore now that the Chad Bear can't be poked. The producers know it too, which is why they did that dumb manipulation with the In Touch magazine. Oh, an issue of In Touch, an American gossip magazine, just happened to appear in the house the Bachelorette contestants were staying at, in Argentina? Got it.

Anyway, James Taylor is getting on my nerves a little bit, but I think he is exactly right: Jordan Rodgers thinks he's a celebrity -- and on what is probably a related note: I don't think Jordan is into JoJo at all. I don't think he has said a single thing that doesn't sound like he's interviewing for a job. I feel like there hasn't been one bit of emotional honestly from him, and zero body language that he is doing anything other than trying to win over JoJo. Meanwhile, she is clearly head over heels for him. I wonder if Jordan will be disappointed when she picks him because it means he can't be the next Bachelor? I heard he uses a "celebrity" dating app that requires you to be approved. I guess being the brother of someone famous counts, but Jordan is clearly working on making his own credentials!

I do think JoJo is extremely attracted to Luke. They were fully clothed making out on a bench, but for some reason, it felt incredibly explicit to be watching. It felt as if they might as well have been banging, honestly. But in the end, she's picking Jordan.

Alex is the douchiest douche to ever douche. As if I wasn't Team Chad before, now I can see why Chad was irritable. Heh.

Remember last season when a bunch of the dates were based around Ben, where is from, what he did growing up, things he liked? JoJo is a blank slate. It's weird because in the very first episode with the parade of guys meeting her, I thought she had some great quips. But she has been a letdown as Bachelorette. We know nothing about her, and it leads me to believe that maybe she just isn't interesting.

Edited by Falafel
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5 hours ago, Padma said:

This forum provides such an important service! I had forgotten how fake this show is, and this season, imo, more fake than ever. I think Derek was crying because it reminded him of some RL rejection--not because he was so crazy about JoJo.

I have to agree. I know nothing about her interests (not playing sports. Can't dance). They haven't even put her with kids. Oh, wait! Dogs! She loves dogs! Well, that's the one good thing I know about her  then  But...wow, is she boring otherwise!)

I agree, it's hard to see any of them actually "falling in love with her". She's pretty, but I'm sure all but James and maybe Alex don't have problems attracting women just as pretty. Do we think Ben actually "was in love" with her? I didn't think he really was feeling anything much beyond "FS!" with either JoJo or Lauren, but his "relationship" has lasted so far, so...maybe.

JoJo's (ex?) bf still seems involved with her and vice versa. After the show, I'll bet they get back together and announce an engagement. I definitely don't see anything lasting with any of these guys..

Dogs. That's was the stupidest and fakest setup when she was peek-a-booing with that dog in Uraguay. I guess it was supposed to be cute but it just showed that she can't even look real and interesting when something she says she loves is delivered to her. It looked ridiculous.

Havent they done like two football dates with Jordan? And the first group date was a firefighter date so obviously she thought she was going to like that guy way more than she did. Not douchie enough perhaps?

As far as how "pretty" she is, anybody can be just as pretty if they had a personal make-up artist and hair stylist every morning. Not to mention a custom made wardrobe, probably daily facials or some shit, spray tans, personal chefs, spanks and whatever else they provide. Take all that away and she's an average looking dim-witted girl with a heavy jawline. I didn't think she was so pretty on Ben's season but I liked her better than the girl he picked. 

Taking all that into consideration, James being a lead singer in a band is probably way cooler than what he's being portrayed as and I'm guessing he has no problem scoring with the girls who think musicians are sexy. JoJo's caliber of pretty is not hard to find.

Well beauty is relative I guess, so who cares. Just saying James probably doesn't have a problem and there are always a number of whatever the female version of a douche is who want a douche like Alex just cause he works out and he's a marine. Arm candy for the 4'11 female.

Anyway, she ain't all that. 

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19 hours ago, Falafel said:

Alex is the douchiest douche to ever douche. As if I wasn't Team Chad before, now I can see why Chad was irritable. Heh.

So much this. Dude's a cornball. I'm a Navy vet and worked with a lot of Marines and there's a lot of Alex's in the ranks lol.  It's hard to put my finger on, but he just seems like every military, frat, athlete bro stereotype all wrapped up in a tight little package.

Sorry if anyone's pointed this out before but Derek = swarthy Jim from The Office.

Edited by Negritude
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Jo Jo NO! What is wrong with you? Wells is the cutest, most gorgeous man any bachelorette has ever gotten, and his smile was incredible. I wanted him to be the final one. The romance is officially dead (that´s okay, I´m a wrong reasons watcher, but still, my eye candy is gone)

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I have to take a moment here to note the music, which included a rhythmic bell tolling under the piano as the producer came to collect Wells's bag. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, suitors. It tolls for thee. That sequence was hilariously overwrought! JoJo wandering the empty streets, then standing among the Fuerza Bruta audience, looking like a stock photo for the keywords "alone in a crowd." Dial it back to a ten, please, producers, because you're at seventeen right now.

Also, I wasn't paying full attention, so did JoJo seriously dump him over dinner and then go to the show by herself?? Why not let the guy see the show, finish the date and then end it. Very weird. 


 I don't think he really cared for JoJo in particular, so when she didn't give him the rose, I saw that his feelings were hurt but I don't think it was because he liked her soooooo much. Just a kick to the ego maybe.

And I'm sure he loved watching this on TV and seeing JoJo doing the crocodile tear routine over how "that kiss changed everything for him..." when, really? Nothing about their conversation showed that Wells really had any kind of investment at all, beyond not getting bounced that day because the guys were giving him shit that morning. She, and the guys, completely goaded him into kissing her and her acting like it was a life-changing moment for him and also the moment that she knew it wasn't right, was obnoxious. 


Wow Jordan was really squirming tonight. "I want to be in love and engaged at the end and I think we can get there." and then the classic, "I see the person I want to do life with." He was so afraid of going home and seeing his career options dwindle that he just started babbling. Now he has backed himself into the corner. If he wins, it'll be over very quickly.

  Ugh, that awkward line brought Olivia's "smart things are my jam" back to my mind. A desperate grasp for anything that might fly at that moment, though Jordan really doesn't need to work at all at this point, she's the one who's so frantic to hear anything that sounds remotely like interest in her.


I disagree with others who don't see the chemistry between her and Luke. He looks like a very good kisser and  I thought she was very into him during the kissing scene. But I think it's all just physically attraction on her part. She doesn't act with any of them like she does with Jordan.

Agreed. She takes a very clear "shut up and kiss me" attitude toward him, mainly because he has a tendency to drone on in a monotone voice for far too long. He's very striking looking and the kind of guy you'd like to have by your side when you walk into a room, but the personality thing is not clicking. I think she's keeping him around for FS night and he's a goner after that.


For a second I was hoping that both James and Alex were going home, but then I remembered that that would only leave four brochachos and the show would have to do hometowns a week early. At least James redeemed himself a tiny bit by knowing how to spell Pizza Margherita.

James can't spell it, he spelled it wrong somewhere in writing, that was Robby who pointed it out. James just correctly guessed that Robby himself couldn't spell it either and turned the tables back on him, which made me laugh. Robby got almost to the end correctly and then couldn't figure out whether it was an "e" or an "a". Also Robby, here in America we say "spelled" not "spelt." ;) 



Don't remember which one it was, but after kissing JoJo one of them said something  like, "If we can make it through the hard times..."

Hard times?  You call this HARD TIMES??  Ok interchangeable guy, I'd think financial stress, sick children, moves, job insecurity, in-laws... those are "hard times."  *shaking head*


OMG yes. Between JoJo's constant "this is the hardest thing I've ever had to do/worst day of my life" and stuff like that, it makes me wonder what kind of charmed lives these people lead (though I also realize much of their speech is producer-driven hyperbole.) 


Jordan really pissed me off when Jojo was expressing her concerns to him (all but saying, "I want to be engaged to YOU at the end of this") and he gave her this little smile and hair brush like, aw aren't you cute, while completely ignoring her questions. And I wish he'd stop biting his lip. He's off-putting and I don't like him.

Yeah, I get the sense that any concerns anyone brings to him are dealt with in this way. Kind of a gaslight-y, victim-blaming approach of "it's all in your head/why are you ruining my good time with your problem" sort of thing.

I did laugh when Jordan got his one-on-one in whichever episode that was and flounced off to get ready, you hear one of the guys go "hair flip number one..." Ha! 


James had nothing to go on but to trash Jordon over rules and poker playing? That makes him question character? LOL James is very self conscious with himself compared to the others and I think trying to bring the others down with stupid comments like that he probably saw work with Chad/Derek but it was too dumb to work this time.

His initial tattling segment was really awkward to watch and got WAY more awkward once Jordan filled in the details of the poker game gone wrong. I can totally see Jordan tossing his hair and stating with complete confidence that James was wrong, but that's hardly a relationship red flag, that's just someone who's not fun to play games with or have arguments with. I'm sure James thought he was completely right but doesn't quite have the confidence to stand 100% behind it plus Jordan's got the clique of guys behind him while James is more on the fringes. It's not fun to be in that position in a group dynamic, but it's really more of an issue for James to deal with than JoJo. 


I feel like Jojo is reminding me uncomfortably of Andi--knowing that she tends to pick guys who act a certain way or look a certain way and knowing equally well that it works out badly for her and brings her pain--and yet not being able to help going after that exact type of guy even in a field of 20+ men. If she ends up picking Jordan, this season will basically be Andi redux to me. We all know that wouldn't have a prayer of lasting. I'm holding out some small measure of hope that she'll see the light and pick anyone else, since the editing doesn't seem to be fully set on Jordan. I wish more bachelorettes would learn from Des' season and realize the guy they're spellbound by who seems sort of ambivalent and whom they have to chase around for affirmation is quite likely obscuring the guy who would actually be the best match.

I'm a little bit curious about JoJo's more recent relationship past, because I think ex-Chad is not the only one that caused whatever damage she seems to have. She's so completely hung up on everyone's last relationship, plus she was the one in Ben's season with the mystery relationship that included "another person" that she awkwardly avoided specifically talking about. 

People speculated at the time that it was a lesbian relationship, but I always thought it sounded more like a married man. I can understand why she wouldn't go on national tv and spill the details on such a relationship, so ex-Chad is getting all the attention but there may be more to that story. 

All of that to say, that I agree that her taste in men is suspect and she's likely falling down the same rabbit hole with Jordan. 

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Man, I can't believe that TPTB gave us a frickin' (tm Derek) rerun.  And not only that, but a rerun of the single most boring episode of the season thus far!  They couldn't have cobbled together some deleted scenes?  Of just run color bars?  Or something?

I had to rewatch because my daughter fell asleep last week and wanted to see what she missed. (yeah.  I'm keeping that little nugget out of my father-of-the-year application packet).

And this time I actually paid attention.  What a shit-show!  JoJo really just seems to have dead eyes when she's around most of these guys.  And the "you better tell me how much you love me" routine at the 2-on-1 date was very unattractive.  

On rewatch, other-James-Taylor's complaints about Jordan seemed ever more contrived and petty.  

I couldn't frickin' believe how many times Derek said frickin' in his confessionals, and even when talking to JoJo.

All in all, it really just seems like this whole season is running on fumes.

I was reduced to running inner-alternate-dialogue to, like wondering if Robby wanted to offer to let Wells practice kissing on him, just to make this episode bearable. 

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18 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

Wow Jordan was really squirming tonight. "I want to be in love and engaged at the end and I think we can get there." and then the classic, "I see the person I want to do life with." He was so afraid of going home and seeing his career options dwindle that he just started babbling. Now he has backed himself into the corner. If he wins, it'll be over very quickly

When I read that phrase "the person I want to do life with," I think "in which prison?"

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How could anyone take this show seriously anymore.  Even *I* have had to give up the ghost  believing they are just innocent singles hoping to find love, and I don't give up fantasy easily.

However I  will take JoJo's heavy come-on's to one who made no secret to the cast who she was cavorting with and going to stick with, despite the edit that tried to hide it and despite the possibility that a known "charmer' may arrive and complicate things.  

At least JoJo might be creating some competition and suspense among the boys. I don't think it's obvious to them that they are out of the running.    And as far as men falling in "love"---  good looks and large breasts and what else is there to know.?  You think they're concerned that she might not have enough personality???   Wells might have been evolved enough to care--  Jason just wants to win--JoJo doesn't have enough celebrity status for long term.  There was no sincerity in his play or words.  But the rest could Very likely be in their junior high version of "love".

I still hold on to the possiblity each season that someone could actually fall in love there despite the odds against them with production antics and opportunist agendas.  It has happened.  Probably why I still watch

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